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Income Tax


Short & Long Practice Questions

1. What is Income Tax?

2. In how many heads is the income of a person is divided?
3. Differentiate between Gross Total Income & Total Income?
4. Write short notes on:- a) Assessee, b) Assessment year, c) Previous year, d) Agricultural
5. How is the residence of an individual determined?
6. State the conditions which an individual must fulfill in order to be called a) Resident,
b) Not ordinary Resident, c) Non-Resident.
7. Enumerate any fifteen items of Income which are totally exempt.
8. How much income of a minor child is exempt from clubbing with the income of his
9. Which Allowances & Perquisites are totally exempt?
10. Write a note on ‘House Rent Allowance’.
11. How the value of Rent Free House is calculated under the head of Salary.
12. What are Perquisites? State the various perquisites which can be provided to an
employee. Give the rules of their valuation.
13. Discuss the Allowances which are included in the computation of Taxable Salaries. What
are Tax-free allowances?
14. How will you treat the Gratuity received under the Payment of Gratuity Act?
15. Explain the provisions of income tax regarding encashment of earned leave.
16. How is the annual value of let-out house property determined?
17. Discuss the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding deduction for interest on loan
taken to construct the house property?
18. What deductions are allowed to a businessman in computing profits? Also specify the
expenses disallowed.
19. Write a short notes on:- a) Written down value, b) Unabsorbed Depreciation, c) Block of
Assets, d) Additional Depreciation.
20. Explain ‘Book Profit’ in a firm?
21. What is ‘Block of Assets’? What is the method of computing the W.D.V. of a block of
22. What do you understand by the term ‘Capital Gains’ used in the Income Tax Act? How
are these computed? And what are the rules regarding exemption of Capital Gains?
23. Discuss the short term capital gains & long term capital gains?
24. What is indexed cost of improvement?
25. What is indexing of cost of acquisition?
26. What is meant by grossing up of interest?
27. What are less-tax securities?
28. Which Business incomes are not taxable under the head ‘Profits & Gains of Business or
29. Write short notes on :- a) Cost of improvement, b) Fair Market Value, c) Capital Assets,
d) Personal Assets, e) Cost Inflation Index.
30. Describe the method of computing income under the head ‘Income from Other Sources’?
31. What do you understand by Clubbing of Income? In what circumstances is the income of
one person treated as an income of another?
32. What is revocable transfer of asset?
33. Write short on following :- a) Deemed income, b) Clubbing of Incomes, c) Aggregation
of Incomes.
34. In how many years can the loss from house property be set off?
35. Can general business losses be set off out of speculation profits?
36. For how many years general business loss can be carried forward?
37. From which income can the loss from activity of owning and manufacturing race horses
be set off?
38. Can capital losses be set off out of general business profits?
39. Explain the provisions regarding set off & carry forward of losses under the head
‘Income from other sources’?
40. Discuss briefly the provisions of Income Tax Act regarding deduction to be made in
computing the total income of an assessee in respect of certain payments.
41. Discuss the following Deductions in detail:-
• Deduction u/s 80-QQB.
• Deduction u/s 80-CCG.
• Deduction u/s 80-TTA.
42. What is tax holiday?
43. Write four such donations for which 50% deductions are allowed.
44. State the amount of deduction under section 80D.
45. Under which head of income the following incomes are assessable:-
• Commission paid to manager 20% of net income.
• Rent received from sub tenant.
• Gain on sale of agricultural land situated in Delhi.
• Scholarship received for educational expenses.
• Pension received by a Govt. servant.
• Daily Allowance received by M.P.
46. State the rates of income tax for individuals.
47. The following statements for the Financial year 2014-15 of Mrs. Meena:-
• Salary Rs. 260000
• Profit from Capital Gains (Long term) Rs. 50000
• Dividend from U.T.I. Rs. 1200
• Income from Royalty Rs. 20000
• Income from Dena Bank (Saving A/c) Rs. 4000
• Rent paid for House in Indore Rs. 33000
Compute her Total Income and Tax Liability for the Assessment year 2015-16.
48. Explain rebate & Relief of tax?
49. What is Permanent Account Number?
50. Write a note on “Advance Payment of Income Tax”?





Q‐1) Define system and sub‐system with an example.What are the characteristics, elements and types of 

Q‐2) What do you mean by SDLC? Explain with diagram. 

Q‐3) What is structured analysis? List out the various tools used for structured analysis. 

Q‐4) What do you mean by case tools? Specify the reasons for using CASE tools. 

Q‐5) Discuss the need for feasibility study. How is technical feasibility carried out? 

Q‐6) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for requirements gathering. Discuss the various methods 
for information gathering. 

Q‐7) Why the training of the system personnel necessary during system implementation? What training 
methods are available? How will you evaluate the effectiveness of a training programme?> 

Q‐8) Discuss the types of system testing. Explain Black‐Box Testing and White‐Box  Testing. 

Q‐9) Explain the economic,hardware and software factors for vendor’s selection. 

Q‐10) What is meant by system performance? Discuss various criterion of measuring system 

Q‐11)  Explain the structured design methodology. Write its advantage and disadvantages. 

Q‐12) What do you mean by File Organization,What are its types. 

Q‐13)  Write short note on:  

a) ER Model 
b) Prototype 
c) Structured programming 

Q‐14) What do you  mean by feasibility study. Explain its types. 

Q‐15) Explain the concept of recovery. Describe the recovery plans. 

Q‐16) Expalin the various types of questionnaire? 
Q‐17) Write short note on:   

a) Transaction Processing System 

b) MIS 

c) Decision Support System 

d) Office Automation System 

Q‐18) Who is system analyst? Expalin the need, role and qualities of analyst. 

Q‐19)  What are system administration and system backup palns? 

Q‐20) What do mean by DFD? Exaplin the types of DFD’s 


1. What is system? 

2. What is abstract system? 

3. Define physical system? 

4. what is MIS? 

5. what is DSS 

6. what is TPS 

7. what is SDLC 

8. what is preliminary investigation 

9. what is technical feasibility 

10. define economic feasibility 

11. what is SDLC Moldels? 

12. Define Concept of one – way‐ street in waterfall model 

13. Define  System Analyst 

14. What is Project Selection 
15. Define Sources of Project Request   

16. What is Streeting Committee. 

17. Define On – Site  observation 

18. Define Interview Process 

19. What is Questionaries 

20. What is Structured Analysis 

21. What is dfd 

22. What is DD 

23. What is Decision Tree 

24. What is Decision Table 

25. What is System Design 

26. What is Coupling 

27. What is coshesion 

28. What is Content Coupling 

29. What i9s Stamp Coupling 

30. What is Coincidential Cohesion 

31. What is Structured Design 

32. Define Tools for Structured Analysis 

33. What is Modular Design 

34. Define Bottom – Up Design 

35. Define Structured Chat 

36. What do you mean by file organization 

37. what are the diff access methods of a file   

38. Give the example of a Muter File 

39. What is Form Design 
40. Objectives of input Design 

41. What is CTR‐ Screen Design 

42. Define Objectives of a Output Design 

43. what IS System Testing 

44. Define levels of Quality Assurance 

45. What is Test Plan 

46. What is System Implementation 

47. What is System Maintainance 

48. What is System Conversation 

49. What is Direct Cutover 

50. What is System Documentation. 





Q1 Define the term “consumer” according to consumer protection act 

 1986. Explain its types & problems? 

Q2 Explain the basic consumer rights in India? 

Q3 Explain in detail 3 tier Quasi Judicial system? 

Q4 Explain the provision related to consumer protection under: 

a) The essential commodities act 

b) The right to information act 2005 

Q5 Explain the objective of MRTP Act in consumer protection? 

Q6 What do you mean Voluntary Consumer Organization? State their role inconsumer protection? 

Q7 Detail note on ASCI ? 

Q8 Consumer knowledge & information as a means of consumer protection explain this statement. 

Q9Explain the doctrine of caveat emptor. What exceptions  are  available the doctrine of caveat emptor. 

Q10 comsumer sppermecy 

Q11 Doctrine of caveat emptor. 

Q12 Doctorine of caveat venditor. 

Q13 What is buying motives of consumers. Explain the factors affecting. 

Q14 Explaine Prpduct Motive 

Q15 Patronage Motive 

Q16 Emotional  buying Motives. 

Q17 Rational Buying Motives. 
Q18 What is consumer sovereignty?is consumer of the economy of any country. 

Q19Discuss he consumer rights given by the consumer protection. 

Q20.Has the consumer used their basic rights in case of diossfection?Explain 

Q21Describe the  right to information Act, 2005 and its basic provisions. 

Q22Explain the essential commodities act, 1981. 

Q23 The Right to information Act, 2005. 

Q24Describe any five consumer protection laws. 

Q25 Explain the basic provisions of consumer protection Act, 1986. 

Q26Explain the scope and sailent features of consumer protection. 

Q27How the interst of consumers is protected und3er consumer protection act, 1986. 

Q28 What kind of legal framework is provided for the protection of consumer’s interst Explain?  

1.Explain consumer. 

2. kinds of consumer 

3.problems of consumer in india. 

4.what is consumerism? 

5 self regulations of consumersd. 

6.explain consumer education. 

7.challenges if consumer. 

8, Approaches  of consumer protection in india. 

9. wahat is consumetr protection. 

10. Explain product motives 

11.Patronage motives. 

12.Emotional buying motives. 
13.Rational buying motives. 

14. define buying motives of consumers. 

15.what isconsumer supremacy 

16.Dioctorine of caveat emptor. 

17. Doctorine  of caveat venditor. 

18. essential commodities act, 1981. 

19.Right to information act, 2005. 

20.Describe  any five consumer protection laws. 

21. Give a appraisal of consumer protection law. 

22.what is trhe functioning of consumer protection council. 

23.What is complaint. 

24.What is three tier mechanism. 

25. Discuss MRTP Act. 

26Explain monopolies and restrictive trade practices act. 

27.Sailent features of the competition act, 2002. 

28.Remedies available for consumer under competition act,2002. 

29.What is voluntary consumer organization. 

30.Discuss the role of consumer organization. 

31.what are the problems of consumer organizations. 

32.Write a note on self‐regulations. 

33What is the meaning of publicity in case of print‐media. 

34. Define consumetr awareness. 

35. Role of media. 

36 The essential commodities act 

37 The right to information act 2005 




Q.1) What is E-Commerce?

Q.2) State the history of E-Commerce.
Q.3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-Commerce?
Q.4) Explain 5 categories of E-Commerce with example
Q.5) What are the internet protocols used for E-Commerce?
Q.6) What is Internet and WWW?
Q.7) What is ISP?
Q.8) What are issues you have to take care when doing business online?
Q.9) Explain EDI.
Q.10) Explain various payment cards and give advantages and disadvantages of each.
Q.11) What is the meaning of Middleware in case of e-commerce?
Q.12) Explain e-commerce software for small size businesses.
Q.13) Explain Traditional Commerce.
Q.14) Define HTTP Request & HTTP Response.
Q.15) What are the various types of E-Business transaction model.
Q.16) What are the benefits of Intranet.
Q.17) What is IP Adressing.
Q.18) Define Extranet.
Q.19) Discuss about Wi-Fi.
Q.20) What is a Web Server.
Q.21) What do you mean by search engine.
Q.22) Mention some web protocols
Q.23) Differenciate between web server and web client.
Q.24) Define cryptography.
Q.25) What do you mean by digital Signature.
Q.26) What do you mean by security in e-commerce.
Q.28) What risks does E-commerce involve.
Q.29) Is E-Commerce profitable.
Q.30) Write note on Public Key and private key.
Q.31) How E-Commerce works.
Q.32) List the major benefits of E-Commerc e.
Q.33) Explain the term Web Hosting.
Q.34) Explain electronic payment procedure.
Q.35) What are the 4 types of firewalls.
Q.36) How many types of outside attacks that are the security threat over internet?
Q.37) Write a short note on Circuit Level Firewall?

Q.38) Describe the importance of Cryptography in internet data transfer security in E-



Q 1 Define Ecommerce and explain its advantages and disadvantages .

Q 2 What are the requirements for online business.
Q 3 Explain the different types of electronic money.
Q 4 What are the different modes of electronic payment for ecommerce.




1) Explain international business model in detail. 

2) Explain global trading and financial system in detail. 

3) What are the different strategies to enter into foreign market? 

4) Explain control methods in International Business. 

5) What are basic foreign manufacturing and sourcing decision? 

6) Explain the approaches of International pricing. 

7) What are the cross cultural challenges in international business? 

8) Explain basic technique of risk management in international business. 

9) Why companies go international. 

10 )What is business environment ?Explain the Factors. 

11.Explain the following 




Management Contract. 

12) Why does accounting standards vary from country to country. 

13)Explain  the factorsd affecting international pricing. 

14.What isFDI?What Are different forms and ways in which FDI flows in foreign country. 

15) What is cultural Diversity?Exolapn the challenges of cultural diversity in IB. 

16)Explain the needs fpr problems involves in controlling international priocing. 

17)What is country selection?how countries are evaluated for selection. 
18)Methods for entering in foreign market. 

19) Explain international business approaches. 


Unit 1 

1. Define International Business Environment 
2. Discuss various phases of business cycle. 
3. Discuss recent trends of International Trade 
4. Discuss the need for going international for a business 
5. Discuss Mercantilism 
6. Define Business Risk. 
7. Explain International Financial Environment 
8. Discuss the theory of Absolute cost advantage 
9. Discuss the theory of comparative cost advantage 
10. Discuss the Product Life cycle theory of International trade. 

Unit II 

1. Discuss the types of International Investment 
2. Mergers and Acquisitions 
3. Licensing 
4. Franchising 
5. Discuss the various types of International Investment 
6. Discuss Privatization 
7. Discuss Liberalization 
8. Define Globalization of Business 
9. Write notes on MNCs 
10. Globalization of World economy 

Unit III 

1. Discuss the current Foreign Trade Poliocy 
2. Write about EXIM ploixcy 
3. Evaluate different Foreign policies adopted by Governemnts. 
4. EOUs 
5. EPZ 
6. Export House 
7. Trading House 
8. Discuss Different institution involved in International Business promotions 
9. Discuss 
10. EXIM Banks. 
11. Define ECGC. 

Unit iv 

1. Explain NAFTA. 
2. Explain ASEAN. 
3. Explain TRIPs and TRIMs. 
4. Discuss Tariff barrier 
5. Discuss Non‐Tariff Barrier 
6. Explain the role of WTO. 
7. Discuss Commodity Agreements 
8. Discuss Trading Blocks 
9. Explain the exchange Rate Regimes. 
10. Discuss the role of IMF in International business. 

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