Brennan, Desmepleo y Salud Mental

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Employment Outcomes of Persons With a Mental Disorder and Comorbid Chronic
Jennifer Brennan Braden, Lily Zhang, Frederick J Zimmerman, Mark D Sullivan.
Psychiatric Services. Arlington:Aug 2008. Vol. 59, Iss. 8, p. 878-85
Abstract (Summary)

Objective: This study examined the independent and interactive effects of

common mental disorders and chronic pain conditions on employment and work
outcomes among individuals under 65 years old. Methods: Cross-sectional data
were analyzed from the second wave of Healthcare for Communities (HCC2), a
household telephone survey of U.S. civilian adults conducted in 2000-2001
(N=5,328). Common mental disorders were assessed by using the short-form
version of the World Health Organization's Composite International Diagnostic
Interview. Chronic pain conditions and employment outcomes were identified by
self-report. Logistic and linear regression analyses were used to provide estimates
for work impairment on the basis of the presence of a mental disorder or a chronic
pain condition or both. Results: The interaction between presence of a mental
disorder and presence of a chronic pain condition was significantly associated with
no work for pay in the past 12 months (odds ratio=2.3, 95% confidence
interval=1.2-4.2) and number of days of work missed in the past month because of
health (regression coefficient=1.47, SE=.59). In stratified analyses this effect
persisted for women but not for men. The presence of a mental disorder and the
presence of a chronic pain condition were each independently associated with
limitations in work and any work missed in the past 30 days because of health,
although the interaction was not significant. Conclusions: Mental disorders and
chronic pain are each associated with work disability. Mental disorders are more
strongly associated with some work disability outcomes when they are
accompanied by chronic pain, especially among women.

(Psychiatric Services 59:878-885, 2008)

Full Text (4584 words)
Copyright American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. Aug 2008

Comorbidity of mental disorders, substance use disorders, and chronic pain

unrelated to cancer is common and contributes to overall disability and poor
treatment outcomes. Studies of persons with depression in outpatient clinical
settings have found prevalence rates for pain symptoms ranging from 40% to 85%
(1,2). In an analysis of data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication,
rates of chronic spinal (back or neck) pain were 29.3% among individuals who met
criteria for any mental disorder in the past 12 months, 34.5% among those with a

mood disorder, 31.4% among those with an anxiety disorder, and 23.4% among
those with a substance use disorder; the rate of chronic spinal pain among those
who did not meet criteria for a mental disorder was 15.9% (3).

Sixty-three percent of persons with depression surveyed in the first wave of the
Healthcare for Communities Survey (HCC) reported having a chronic pain
condition (4). Studies have also found high rates of pain-related diagnoses among
persons with substance use disorders (5, 6, 7). Pain severity is associated with poor
depression outcomes (2), and persons with both chronic pain and depression have
been found to have greater emotional distress, poorer health- related quality of life,
and poorer physical functioning than those with only one of these conditions (1, 2

Previous studies have assessed the individual effects of mental disorders and
chronic pain on work and employment outcomes. Depression or depressive
symptoms have been associated with increased work disability (8,9,10,11,12),
reduced productivity, reduced aggressiveness in job seeking, reduced ambitions in
job choice (13), and higher rates of unemployment (8,14,15). Similarly, chronic pain
has been associated with negative employment outcomes, including increased sick
leave, among individuals with frequent headaches (16); reduced productivity and
absenteeism among those with migraine (14,17); unemployment and lost work
days among those with chronic low back pain (18,19,20); and work disability
among those with rheumatoid arthritis (21).

A few studies have examined the relationship between work-related outcomes and
comorbid mental disorders and chronic pain. Several studies have identified
psychological factors as predictive of return-to-work status among persons with
low back pain (22, 23, 24). In a survey of Dutch adults, those with chronic back
troubles, rheumatism, migraine, or mood disorders lost significantly more days of
work because of health in the previous year than those without these conditions
(25). When a mood disorder was present with a physical condition, the number of
lost work days increased. When both chronic back troubles and a mental disorder
were present, the number of work days lost was greater than the sum of days lost
associated with each condition alone (that is, the effects were synergistic). In a
survey of adults from several European countries, the presence of painful physical
symptoms and major depression had an additive effect on the number of lost work
days (26). In an analysis of data from the Health and Retirement Study, persons
with comorbid pain and depression were more likely to be unemployed and to
report health-related work limitations than those with either pain or depression
alone, and the percentage who reported either outcome increased with pain
severity (27). A separate analysis found that participants with depression plus
severe pain were also more likely to lose their jobs than those with depression
alone (28). The study focused on individuals who were near retirement, however,

and thus did not assess all persons of working age. In addition, the presence and
severity of pain but not its location were assessed, and assessment of mental health
was limited to depressive symptoms.

In the study reported here, we sought to examine the independent and interactive
effects of common mental disorders and chronic pain conditions on several
employment and work outcomes. The data were obtained from a population-
based survey of U.S. adults between the ages of 18 and 65 and included
information on varying levels of impairment. We hypothesized that individuals
with both chronic pain and a mental disorder would report higher rates of health-
related unemployment and work limitations than those with either a mental
disorder or a chronic pain condition alone.


Data source

Data are from the second wave of HCC (HCC2), a part of the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation's Health Tracking Initiative conducted in 2000-2001. HCC was
a nationwide telephone survey designed to track the effects of the changing health
care system on individuals at risk of alcohol, drug, and mental disorders (29). The
HCC respondents were a stratified probability sample of participants in the
Community Tracking Study (CTS), a nationally representative study of the U.S.
civilian population (30). Details of the sampling design have been presented
elsewhere (29).

The initial HCC survey was conducted in 1997-1998 (HCC1). HCC2 was conducted
in 2000-2001 and was designed to follow up on all individuals who responded to
HCC1. Of the 14,985 respondents selected for HCC1, 9,585 complete interviews
were obtained, for a response rate of 64%. A total of 6,659 of the 9,585 HCC1
respondents (70.9%, weighted) completed the HCC2 survey. Informed consent was
obtained verbally before the interview, and the study was approved by the
institutional review boards at the University of California, Los Angeles, and
RAND. Respondents with missing data for mental disorders and chronic pain
conditions were excluded; thus the number of respondents in the sample for this
study was 5,328.


The presence of four common mental disorders in the past 12 months--major

depression, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder--were
assessed by using the short-form version (31) of the World Health Organization's
Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-SF) (32), which is based on the

DSM-III-R (33). The presence of lifetime mania and psychosis were assessed by
single screening questions. Chronic pain conditions and other chronic conditions
were identified by self-report. The HCC survey asked about 17 different chronic
conditions, four of which were defined for this analysis as chronic pain conditions:
arthritis, chronic back problems, migraine or chronic headaches, and "other"
chronic pain conditions. The four chronic pain categories and four common mental
disorders were used to create four categories indicating the presence of chronic
pain or a mental disorder or both: a mental disorder without chronic pain, a mental
disorder with chronic pain, chronic pain without a mental disorder, and neither a
mental disorder nor chronic pain.

Problem alcohol use was defined as a core total score of 8 or higher on the Alcohol
Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) (34). Problem drug use was defined as a
positive answer to either of two questions, adapted from the CIDI, assessing
tolerance of a drug's effects or emotional or psychological problems as a result of
drug use. The physical component summary score and mental component
summary score from the Short-Form 12-Item Health Survey (SF-12) (35) were used
as aggregate measures of physical functioning and mental functioning,
respectively. Both summary scores have a mean±SD score of 50±10 in the U.S.
adult population; a higher score indicates better functioning. Level of pain
interference with the respondents' daily activities was derived from the SF-12 pain
interference item (responses are extremely or a lot, moderately or a little bit, and
not at all)

Employment outcomes were assessed by self-report. These included the number of

weeks worked in the past 12 months, the number of days of work missed in the
past 30 days, and the number of work days on which the respondent arrived late
or left early in the past 30 days. Respondents were also asked how many of the
work days missed or shortened were because of health problems. Whether a
respondent's ability to work was limited by health problems was assessed with the
following question: Are you unable to work or unable to work as much as you'd
like to because of your health?

Data analysis

Sample weights designed by the HCC study's statisticians were used to weight the
data to make them representative of the U.S. population and to adjust for the
probability of selection, nonresponse, and the number of households in the CTS
survey that did not have a phone. Statistical differences were assessed with chi
square tests for categorical variables and F tests for continuous variables. Logistic
regression analysis was used to estimate odds ratios for work impairment on the
basis of risk factors, while controlling for sociodemographic covariates, mean
number of other chronic health conditions (the other 13 health conditions asked

about that were not defined as chronic pain), and presence of an alcohol or drug
use disorder. Linear regression analysis was used to estimate coefficients for days
of work missed; coefficients were assumed to be distributed normally on the basis
of the sample size (36). For nondichotomous categorical covariates (race, marital
status, and education level), dummy variables were created for use in the models.

No work in the past 12 months was defined as a negative response to questions

concerning current employment and whether any work for pay was done in the
past 12 months. A composite variable to estimate work missed was created by
summing days of work missed and 40% of the days where the respondent arrived
late or left early because of health problems in the past 30 days; the variable was
modeled after the approach taken by Kessler and colleagues (10). In sensitivity
analysis, logistic regression analyses were rerun in which no work in the past 12
months included only respondents not currently working; no significant
differences in results were noted. Dichotomous variables that indicated the
presence of a mental disorder and the presence of a chronic pain condition were
included in all the models, and an interaction term concerning the presence of a
chronic pain condition and the presence of a mental disorder was added to
estimate the effect sizes for individuals with both a mental disorder and comorbid
chronic pain. All analyses were conducted with software for the statistical analysis
of correlated data (SUDAAN, version 9.01).

Sociodemographic characteristics
Table 1 presents data on the sociodemographic characteristics of the HCC2
respondents ages 18 to 64, by chronic pain and mental health status. The four
groups differed significantly in all characteristics except race-ethnicity. The
proportion of women was significantly higher in the group with a comorbid
mental disorder and a chronic pain condition than in the other three groups.
Individuals in this group were also least likely to have graduated from college or
to be married.

Clinical characteristics

Table 2 shows the clinical characteristics of the respondents, by chronic pain and
mental health status.

Pain types, interference, and other chronic conditions Compared with respondents
with chronic pain but no mental disorder those with comorbid chronic pain and a
mental disorder had higher current prevalence rates of chronic back troubles,
chronic headaches, and other chronic pain disorders; were more likely to report a
high level of pain interference; and had a higher mean number of chronic pain
conditions. The mean number of other chronic health conditions was highest and

the mean physcial component summary score (PCS-12) was lowest in the group
with a comorbid mental disorder and chronic pain compared with the other three

Employment outcomes

Table 3 presents data on employment outcomes, by respondents' chronic pain and

mental health status. Individuals with a mental disorder and chronic pain were
least likely of the four groups to be currently working and most likely to report
that their ability to work was limited because of health. This group also had a
higher mean number of days of work missed or on which respondents arrived late
or left early in the past 30 days because of health compared with the other three
groups. The mean number of weeks worked in the past 12 months was also lowest
for this group, although in post hoc pairwise comparisons, this group did not
differ significantly from the group with a mental disorder with no chronic pain.

The presence of both a mental disorder and a chronic pain condition was
significantly more likely than the presence of either condition alone to be
associated with no work or with limitations in work in the past 12 months. In
pairwise comparisons, individuals with a chronic pain condition without a mental
disorder were not significantly different from those with neither condition with
respect to mean weeks worked, mean days of work missed because of health, or
mean days arrived late or left early because of health. Those with a mental disorder
without chronic pain were not significantly different from those with neither
condition in respect to mean days of work missed or arrived late or left early
because of health.

Logistic and linear regression analyses

Tables 4 and 5 present the results of multivariate regression analyses examining

risk factors for four outcomes. Logistic regression was used for three outcomes--no
work in the past 12 months, ability to work limited by health, and any work
missed--and linear regression was used for the fourth outcome--days of work
missed in the past 30 days because of health.

The presence of a mental disorder and the presence of a chronic pain condition
were each independently associated with limitations in the ability to work because
of health. Likewise, among respondents who were currently working, the presence
of either a mental disorder or a chronic pain condition was independently
associated with work missed in the past 30 days because of health (Table 4). For
these outcomes, however, the interaction between presence of a mental disorder
and presence of a chronic pain condition was not significant. In contrast, a
significant interaction effect was found between presence of a mental disorder and

presence of a chronic pain condition on the outcome of no work in the past 12
months (Table 4) and of number of days of work missed in the past month because
of health (Table 5). These findings suggest effect modification and specifically
suggest that mental disorders have a greater effect on how much a person is able to
work when a chronic pain condition is also present. In stratified analyses (data not
shown), this effect persisted for women but not for men.

In sensitivity analyses, we added pain interference as an additional covariate, but

this did not change the results substantially, which suggests that the effects were
not limited to persons with more severe pain.


Our study of the association of chronic pain and mental disorders with
employment in the general population has shown that each was independently
associated with a doubling of the likelihood of reported work limitations because
of health. Furthermore, when both conditions were present among women, there
was a synergistic effect on the odds of having no paid employment in the previous
year and on the number of work days missed in the previous month because of
health. Results are consistent with findings from a recent analysis of respondents
ages 55 to 65 years in the Health and Retirement Study (27) and expand on the
findings in that study to confirm the association between comorbid pain and any
mental disorder and poor employment outcomes among persons ages 18 to 64.

In our study absence from the workforce was seen primarily among respondents
with a mental disorder and comorbid chronic pain. An interaction effect between
having a mental disorder and having chronic pain was significantly associated
with no work for pay in the previous year and number of work days missed in the
previous month because of health but not with limitations on work because of
health. In our data approximately half of those who reported that their ability to
work was limited by health problems also reported one or more of the other forms
of work disability assessed, suggesting that a positive answer to the question about
work limitations captured a broad range of severity in terms of work functioning.
In addition, reports of work limitations indicate that disability is present but not
how much. Having either a chronic pain condition or a mental disorder alone may
be sufficient to cross a certain threshold level of impairment, but the degree of
impairment worsens when both are present. The gender effects observed may
reflect increased rates of depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms among
women (26,37) or differences in the total workload--paid and unpaid (for example,
housework)--compared with men (38).

Strengths of this study are its population-based design and the collection of data
on both DSM-III-R mental disorders and chronic medical conditions. Limitations

include the self-report nature of information about medical and chronic pain
conditions, limited data on substance use disorders, and the cross-sectional nature
of the information obtained. The outcome of no work in the past 12 months is less
specific to health and may have been influenced by other unmeasured variables. In
addition, our data did not assess other aspects of work disability, such as
productivity, that may be affected by chronic pain or a mental disorder.

Although the associations found between mental health, chronic pain, and
employment outcomes are robust, the data are cross-sectional and thus no
conclusions can be drawn about the direction of the association. In addition, data
did not include information on the duration of pain or symptoms of a mental
disorder. Prospective studies have demonstrated an association between
depressive symptoms and subsequent unemployment (15) and loss of employment
and subsequent depression (13, 39, 40). Depression has also been shown in
previous studies to both precede and follow the development of chronic back pain
(41, 42, 43, 44). A World Health Organization study found that either baseline
depression or anxiety and moderate-to-severe occupational disability predicted the
onset of persistent pain disorders 12 months later (45). A prospective analysis of
data from the Health and Retirement Survey found an association between
depression plus severe pain and subsequent loss of employment compared with
depression alone (28). In our study, the fact that the effects of having a chronic pain
condition and a mental disorder were synergistic on the odds of no work and on
the number of days missed when respondents were working suggests that pain
and mental illness may be mutually reinforcing factors leading to impairment in
functioning and decreased ability to meet the demands of the workplace.

In this study, 68% of those with a mental disorder also had a chronic pain
condition and 30% of those with a chronic pain condition also had a mental
disorder. Previous studies have documented improvement in employment
outcomes with enhanced treatment of depression (46, 47, 48, 49). Given the high
degree of comorbidity between chronic pain and mental disorders and the
increased disability in the presence of both conditions, future studies should
examine the single and joint effects of treatment for each of these disorders on
employment outcomes.


Results of this study suggest that having a mental disorder is more strongly
associated with certain work disability outcomes when the disorder is
accompanied by chronic pain, especially among women. Future studies should
examine the temporality of this association and the effects of treatment for each of
these disorders on employment outcomes.

Acknowledgments and disclosures

Dr. Braden is supported by a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award

Institutional Research Training Grant (T32) from the National Institutes of Health.
The authors thank Kenneth B. Wells, M.D., M.P.H., for access to the HCC data and
Ming-Yu Fan, Ph.D., for statistical help.

The authors report no competing interests.


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Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of adult respondents to the 2000-2001
Healthcare for Communities survey, by mental disorder and chronic pain status

Table 2: Clinical characteristics of adult respondents to the 2000-2001Healthcare for

Communities survey, by mental disorder and chronic pain status

Table 3: Employment and work outcomes of adult respondents to the 2000-2001

Healthcare for Communities survey, by mental disorder and chronic pain status

Table 4: Logistic regression models of predictors of work outcomes of adult

respondents to the 2000-2001 Healthcare for Communities survey

Table 5: Linear regression model of effects of a chronic pain condition or a mental

disorder on days of work missed in the past month because of health among adult
respondents to the 2000-2001 Healthcare for Communities survey Indexing
(document details) Subjects: Mental disorders, Environmental health, Mental
depression, Older people, Back pain, Unemployment, Social sciences, Rheumatoid
arthritis, Retirement, Psychology, Older workers, Health care policy, Gender
differences, Clinical outcomes, Migraine MeSH subjects: Adolescent, Adult,
Chronic Disease, Cross-Sectional Studies, Disabled Persons -- psychology,
Employment (major), Female, Humans, Male, Mental Disorders (major), Middle
Aged, Pain -- epidemiology (major), United States – epidemiology Author(s):
Jennifer Brennan Braden, Lily Zhang, Frederick J Zimmerman, Mark D Sullivan
Document types: Feature, Journal Article

Publication title: Psychiatric Services. Arlington: Aug 2008. Vol. 59, Iss. 8; pg. 878

Source type: Periodical

ISSN: 10752730
ProQuest document 1536316411
Text Word Count 4584
Document URL:


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