September 1994

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The Head-Royce Upper School Newspaper September 1994, Volume V, Issue I

Despite strike baseball lives on U.S. patio
bleachers were nothing more that the risers school as afarm complete with chickens and The only grumble ofdisenchantmentcame
Andrew Lau '96 for the chorus. The National Antfaem was a tractor. Last year the '94 Trojans dressed from a few of Juniors who were forced to
Layout Editor sung by a box named Sony and the only the school in a Hawaiian atdrc. However clean up the mock dirt field, tarps, various
bloopers for the day were to be found on neither could compete though with the elabo- bleachers and other decorations. The dis-
The Seniors once agaui took to the annual video tape. With all the elements put to- rate set up of tfae American Pastime. grunded few remarked that tfae Seniors them-
task of decorating the Upper School patio. getfaer though and maybe just a litde magic Ironically, rumor has it that the original selves didn't have to clean up after last
This year the class of 1995 chose to trans- from the Seniors, the Head-Royce School plan was to turn the school into a prison. year's Seniors. A few anonymous Broncos
form the sedate patio into abustling baseball had its very own ball park for a day. The story goes that a the lastmmute decision also agreed that they didn't remember hav-
game in response to tfaerecentMajorLeague Many students remarked throughout tfae came from Mr. Barankin to hold the base- ing to have to clean up. Either way we will
Baseball strike. The Broncos decorated the day that this was the best scenario put on by ball game much like what many had wished get our chance to do the same next year.
patio into a miniature basebaU diamond the seniors during the last few years. Two would have happened in the Majors instead All in all this was a great day at the ball
complete with all the amenities. years ago the class of '93 decorated the of the dreaded baseball strike. park.
Many students new and old alike were
surprised to arrive at school to find the
sounds of the great American Pastime. They
were greeted by the class of '95 dressed as
vendors offering popcorn and peanuts to
anyone and everyone who passed down the
stau-s while the sounds of cheering fans and
the National Anthem filled the air.
Seniors, dressed in tfaeir baseball attire,
entertained the passing students with amock
game while the rest of the class cheered from
their positions on the roofs and in the tempo-
rary bleachers and stands. Baseball was
played all morning during off periods on this
miniature field with the sounds of a plastic
bat and Wiffle ball amusing the few lucky
enough to have a free period.
Smells of lighter fluid and burnt hot dog
engulfed the school as the two foot tail
flames told of the inexperienced chefs. The
reward came at lunch ybentbe cooks fmaUy
gained flieir experience and the smells of
BBQ had most wishing had hit a homerun

The day also featured a homerun hitting

contest on their ball field, rewarding a hot
dog at lunch to anyone who hit a homerun
over the builduigs left handed.
The field itself was constructed of dirt laid
on tarps for the infield and 700 sq. ft of
Astroturf to emulate the grass outfield. The Members of the Class of'95 celebrate the great American pasttime from the bleachers and roof overlooking the playing fieldinfront.

Seniors bond to rocks, eachother on fallout

rock with ease.
Valerie McGuire '95 Unfortunately, Rock-CUmbing was any-
Copy Editor thing but easy. About halfway up the rock I
realiized I had travelled far away from the
Plastered to the face of a mountain, grip- original intended path to perhaps the most
ping a small rock for support, I wonder how difficult spot to climb in. There were no
I arrived at this moment. I look all around me holes apparent anywhere for my hands and
for a potential foot hole but my gaze. lands feet to rest. I wanted to get down. The
far below me where I catch a glunpse of my weather was hot, and I didn't see anywhere
fellow classmate, Julie Leimbach, holding to move. The words of encouragement com-

my safety rope tighdy. And suddenly I re- ing from below seemed, dirough the fihn of
member what possessed me to try and scale my frustration, to be patronizing me. Yet
the face of a cUff; I am on Senior Fallout. somehow, some way, I managed to slowly

The seniors spent the two days prior to the arrived at the top. When I got there I was
start of school rock-climbing, hiking, play- fflled with a sense of not only relief but also
ing games, and generally "bonding" (yes, accomplishment. It was like nothing I had
we still have to play bcaiding games senior ever experienced.

year) In the heat of the desert at Pinnacles For anyone who is enticed by this story,
National Monumentmany students enjoyed you have senior fallout to look forward to. I
hiking, picnicking and playing games, ev- was not the only on who found the experi-
eryone agreed that Rock-Climbing was at ence worthwhile. Evan Mager '95 agreed, "I
least a memorable if not thrilling experi- thought the physical challenges presented
ence. by rock climbing were as knportant as the
As my climbuig group arrived at the Mono- time we spent together as a class."

lith climbing site (tfae same says it all) we

wondered if the clunb was surmountable. For anyone interested in climbing on their
The previous night we had teamed to tie our own, Cityrock, in Emeryville, offers a
ropes, fasten our harnesses and belay (hold- wall, classes and equipment rentals at
ing the ropes for the climber) but no one had their indoor facility. Many national parks
taught us how to climb. After a quick dem- Kathryn Patton '95 pauses mid-descent after her arduous climb up Teaching Wall, also offer programs for more experienced
onstradon I was expected to climb a vertical Pinnacles National Monument. climbers.
SlBYLLINE LEAVES September, 19(

Andre invades Normandy

Andre DeFontaine They looked like any other vacation area. soldiers were when they died. Most of fhe
People were making sand castles, swim- were between the ages of 22 and 26. The
News Editor
ming in the water, and sunbathmg on the young men had the best years of their liv
shore. It was a beach like any other beach, taken away from them because of the war
This summer I went to the beach. just a popular tourist spot, where people sat there imagining what it would be like
I went to the beach where tens of thou- could sit and relax. We sat and ate lunch die at the age of 22, to not be able to live d
sands of ment died fightmg for freedom. I there, never fully coming to grips with what life that I had spent years preparing for.
visited the shores of Normandy that hosted happened on that very beach 50 years ago. Before this summer, I had read and leanu
tfae Allied invasion of France. These were The historical significance of tfae beach about the Allied invasion in Normandy
the beaches that General Eisenhower hoped did not sink in until later that day, when we history class. I had heard about how mai
would provide a pathway into defeating fhe visited the cemetaries. We walked through people had died, and I had read about d
Germans and liberating France. the doors of the American cemetary in mass destruction that was caused. Thougl
Although there are many sights to see in Normandy, only to be greeted by row upon had learned all these things, the numbe
Normandy, the most popular ones are the row of tombstones. Itwas then that I realized never meant anything to me, until I saw d
beaches, where that batdes between the Al- that the people we had seen earlier lying on baches that were freed, and the sea of gravi
lied forces and the Germans was fought, and the beach would not have had the freedom to where the casualties of war rested. Wh
the cemetaries where the soldiers lifeless do tfaatifit had not been for tfae dead soldiers used to be just names and numbers in
bodies are held. lying underneath the ground in tfae cemetary. textbook took on an all new meaning for m
My family and I visited the beaches first As I was walking around observing the It was only then that I realized the magn
There was nothing spectacular about them. tombstones, I began to notice how young the tude of the soldiers deed.

Gump hits America!
Chris Wu
|;I^|tlti^|tHae|c^|igi||ai^ genre. Disney's The Lion King presents an who pretends to be an average accountar
|,S|ies;||EaF[||to|^||£roni||^ Reporter animal world instead of human which they playedby Schwarzenegger. JamieLee Curt
^le&ve^QsEKwi^sea^^ did in the last tfaree animated feature films plays the deceived wife who ends up aidir
|sttK|ei!HEs|gO;E^i {The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, her husband in a war against an Arab rel
[ a<le^dei^^eldy^ Forrest Gump shows "life is like a box of Aladdin. Simba, heir to the king of the gious crusade. James Cameron(Temunato
^f<w:!SchGl^;SN;l:lliliitiii;^ chocolates", as Gump is Oscarbound. Not jungle, is framed for his father Mufusa's Alien) comes up with True Lies, to foUo'
lli|ig|iu^|||||^|ijiz^^ only was Gump a surprise to all movie-goers murder by evil uncle Scar; later he returns to his last blockbuster with Schwarzenegge
l:fifiedc|it|a!?|c>^ across the country, people are forgetting regain his throne. Voices for tfae outstanding Terminator 2. The movie is 2 hrs. and 2
;:StiO^^|E|F3fOu|^ about pictures like the fast Speed, smart Lion King include James Earl Jones mio. of pure action. However the middl
|';piohably||was||^ Clear andPresentDanger, gargantuan True (Mufusa), Jeremy Irons(Scar), Matthew section detracts because it is completely ol
i;fi)]|rabte||tBrei Lies, and the unsuspecting Shadow which Broderick (older Simba), Whoopi Goldberg the subject of the big plot. (8, BIG!)
|i|o|ig<»|u^aaK^g,,ia^ were also very entertaining. In some ways, (Hyena Shenzi). Disney also brings a sad The Mask
lji^loiiyi):iiiiioilEBtiiw^ the quality movies this summer were all death into the story, which gives the movie Jim Carrey creates another blockbuster i
|J||U||tx||||||||||||E|||I||||^^ feeling down, blue and Gumpy. depth, similar to their classic Bambi. (7.5, comedy The Mask. The basic plot of thi
||||ess|||||||^||^^|?|^^ ,Fun.) movie involves an accountant who disco\
||||i||ie|||(|||^ City Stickers II: The Legend of Curly's Forrest Gump ers a magical mask which turns him mto
|^iiiia!|||iiJi Gold Tom Hanks follows up his Oscar perfor- comical superhero. Like Ace Ventura: P(
||||Baiat^^|ie^sa^|||||^ Somewhat of a disappointment, the sequel mance in Philadelphia with another terrific Detective, Carrey' s last hit. The Mask reaU
l.stud^teiwjffill^^ of the very popular City Slickers was O.K. perfoahance in F'orrest Gump. Forrest does not have much brain. Three thing
|::|n)l|l|||.I|E1i»%|s^^ A story about a big radio show producer Gump, a slow witted man, tells his journey make this movie tasteful. One, the star, Jii
i||M||||||a|ite||u[Kt|su^^ (Billy Crystal) who finds himself with his though life from the 50's to the 80's. In my Carrey, period. Two, the spell-bmding spe
||i||Fe||i||||^||e|||e best friend (Daniel Stem), and brother (Jon opinion, this was the best movie of the cial effects done by Industrial Light an
}J£F6KffeE^S^fi^^S^^ Lovitz) searching for gold from a treasure summer. Very comical, the imagination of Magic. And three, die rise of new actress
|ei(ijii,||.||||iia|||^ map. Crystal and Stem are medioCTe, but the film is overwhelming as director Robert the stunningly beaudful, former mode
^<aeua|e||ie|||ce^ Lovitz is so silly that he's funny, but after an Zemeckis incorporates great ideas and his- Cameron Diaz. Without those the movi
^|i«:)|fa!u^i|E^ir;Q^^ hour of his Godfather impersonations, and torical events. The only handicap is tfae would be rather lame. The soundtrack is nc
;;|bure^t^c|dlai^^ crazy dances, it get's old. Jack Palance plays length of tfae movie (a hefty 142 min.) which bad. Despite it's weakness, this averag
|||?]|l|^$|QiB|^ii^ Curly's twin brother, in an attempt to make at some moments seem to really drag. But movie will bring in ttoe dough. (7, bit shaky
||x:||te||^u|ce&;|||||^ things more interesting. The role is not sup- pure Hanks steals the show. Industrial Light Clear and Present Danger
||p|e»!|iisigng^^ posed to be funny, butitbringsoutPalance's & Magic does spell-binding special effects Thu-d of tfae Tom Clancy novel
iliiii&li^lairejl^^ character. OveraU, City Stickers H was O.K. as Gump looks as though he is interacting turned book. Clear and Present Dangeri
;;|Ed||^s:i!|ra^^ in some parts, but very boring in others. with three different presidents (Presidents the worst of tfae three, but is still good.Thi
mvtStKe fl^ it is absoia that Wait for the video. (6, getting old.) Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon). They also second with Harrison Ford (previously ii
:;ih^:^^|)^;;f<^^T^ Speed make Gary Sinise look legless. Gump also Patriot Games), Ford plays Jack Ryan CLI
aasi^li^ There are only two words to describe the has a dramatic side when his childhood love agent trying to bust open the case on the druj
|?»i!!|l^gta^ movie Speed:: pure action! This movie pre- and later spouse dies of AIDS. My pick for cartels in Columbia. Directed by Philli]
i|a^mg||heaf^]E:ai)|^ sents dilemna after dilemna, problem after movie of the year thus far. (9.5, one-of-a- Noyce, this fihn requires a bit of thinkmj
;e some problem. Keenu reeves plays a cop. Jack kind) and following. Overall the movie is enjoy
Traven, who is known for his unorthodox The Shadow able because of Hamson Ford. Little extra
||»|i|djQ|^iWCBE^ style. Traven saves a bus, fuU of civilians, Alec Baldwin and Penelope Ann Miller include, Williem Dafoe as a mercenary an<
|;|i|ig|ai|^||a|i|{u^ which is loaded with abomb thatis acdvated star in this remake of the popular radio James Earl Jones, in his third Clancy film, a
:^b|HG^t|||iijEufl!(ia^ when the bus reaches 50mph. If the bus goes show, The Shadow. The Shadow starts off Chief of CIA. Since Hunt for Red October
i::ioinn^t;iffli^;ifb^ below 50 mph after the bomb is activated, being a corrupt opium drug lord, when a (Scan Comiery) and Patriot Games (Ford
||>n^j|>i|iij(ry the bomb detonates. Cinematographer- Buddhist monk changes his life. He gives were hits, expect Clear and Present Dangei
|:l|;|we|||v|?||^&|^||E||eKl||^ii^ tumed-director. Jan De Bont, does a terrific hun supernatural powers. One of Baldwin's to be so too.
||||F|a|is|||||re|i^ job making action flow. Reeves, always best. The Shadow has dazzling special ef- (8, intelligent)
[^aaly:|i|||c(tei|^|a^ known as Ted of the Bill and Ted adven- fects. One inconsistency in tfae movie is the Along with this summer came a flock 01
[l|hi|Bi||?Hi|cIiifen||t|^ tures, fmally made an actor of hunself (he amount of powers the supeifaero has. At prominent stars includmg Bullock (Speed)
,.|be^|:|tiit|:i|E^;;givift^uSii was also in Little Buddha this summer). times tfae Shadow is helpless, and in other Diaz (The Mask), and Mykelti WUliamsoi
i:j|u|[>i|||/^|^ei|||u«t^| Sandra Bullock (one of the civilians in the scenes he is indestructible, overall the movie (Forrest Gump), who plays a brief role
l^ll^lion^ bus) might be the action female of the 90's was satisfying. This picture is good for both "Bubba" which ends up bemg a big part ol
l|Fu|||i||ii||i^ right next to Rene Russo. Great movie. (9, kids and adults. (8, very entertaining) the movie. Another thing that popped up is
,:M^^|tBe|®e^iiMe;iin^ action-packed) True Lies the quality of soundtracks after phenom-
|yout;||jxi|||^^ The Lion King
What can I say about an Arnold enal. The Bodyguard, Forrest Gump, Lion
|iu|:|i||Be|t|pe|i^|v|^ Disney's legacy for making the best ani- Schwarzenegger flick? True Lies is defi- King, and The Mask are all excellent. Is
:;!Qvit||lB|s|;^ii^ mated features lives on with a change of nitely bigger, and better than most Arnold there a bald, gold, figure in sight? There sure
|;^^|i|lli;|n£;|jw|1|u||^ movies. This picture is about a superspy is.
September, 1995 SlBYLLINE LEAVES

Rockridge becomes Camelot Patrice turns into

a LEADer in
Remy Goldsmitfa '95 describes SirHillary, "eating, dancing, drink- would rather lose [in a
Contributmg Writer ing, and fighting." An extensive list tfae
Introductory Guide To The SCA names
other "skills and crafts" that society mem-
fight] then do somthing
Particiaption in the So-
When I walked back to my car in the bers may participate in, including husbandry, ciety touches on tfae rest of
Rockridge BART parking lot on Tuesday cartography, and philosophy. one's Ufe as weU. "[The
Patrice Harper '95
evenings after woric, I made some interest- Of course, the fighting is what attracts SCA] effects how you treat Reporter
ing observations. Among the usual sounds many of the SCA members. According to people as well as one's
of cars and subway trains, were tfae clashes Su- Hillary, the SCA is the only organization physical confidence," ex-
of swords, hinging of amior and loud cries that offers tfae opportunity for combat. "We plains Sir Hilary. "Cour- Business. The word alone conjures up certam images of men
of "Halt!" Underneath the BART tracks and tempt tfae adrenaline drive. Fighting allows tesy becomes a way of in suits with large offices and even larger paychecks. But more
Highway 24 often than not ethnic "minorities" are not mcluded in this
overpassmem- unagery. Thanks to a program called LEAD (Leadership,
bers-some clad Excellence, And Development) however, I got the opportu-
in tunics, nity to examine tfae world of business executives.
p eas en t In order to become a LEADer, one has to go through a
blouses, or full process very similar to the one seniors go through to enter
setsofannour- college. After sending in essays, transcripts, and recommen-
of the Society dations I received a letter saying I would be going to the
For Creative Darden Scool at the University of Virginia. Although most
Anarchronism people thought I was aazy for going to school during my
(the SCA) meet summer vacation, I could hardly contam my excitement.
twice a week to Early on the morning of June 26th I kissed my family
socialize and members good-bye and boarded the plane. My earlier excite-
practice their ment was starting to abate and tons of thoughts were Hoating
combat tech- through my mind. I was starting to wonder if I would like the
niques. people and I was already homesick.
Organized in Fortunately, I had nothing to worry about. I rode on the plane
1966, the SCA with a gui named Mia Mitchell who was gomg to the same
was founded in program. We became instant friends and explored the Mary-
an effort to ac- land airport during our stopover.
lively study as After our arrival we were picked up by an resident assistant
well as reenact (RA) and introduced to the other people who made up our
parts of the group ofdurty students. We were driven to <fae UVA campus
Eurpoean Me- and led to our respective suites. Each suite had sue rooms; one
dieval and Re- for each student and one for tfae RA. wo watched over us. I had
naissance pert- the best suite in the world. Besides myself there were also
ods. Former lo- students from California, Virginia, andlndiana. The last order
cal marshal and of the day was to receive our schedules and listen to tfae rules
active partici- and responsibilities.
pant Sir Our first school day got off to a rigorous start. We were
Hillary, a issued bus and recreation passes and told to go to breakfast at
woman who Observatory Hill (the closest school cafeteria). The food was
greets me in a horrid, but I was starving so I ate itall anyway. We then caught
set of armor that she made herself, contends us to go to the edge. It's easy to get hooked." life." the bus to Darden. We were warmly greeted, issued name tags
that the society members entertain no hopes Fighting is based on the Honor Code sys- The SCA offers those and our school day started.
of actually returning to the periods. "We tem. The intent of an SCA member is to not who are interested in au- Each day my classmates and I ate breakfast at 8:30, then
munic tfae bits and peices of the time periods actually hurt his adversary when he fights. fhentic studies of the past went to class from 9:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. Our lectures
that we fmd interesting." Society members Instead, when one is struk with a blow that a chance to relive it. Most ranged from the deficit to business plans and marketing
have the luxury of reliving history selec- in an actual jousting situation would cause members lead somewhat strategies. At 8:00 P. M. we had individual study time where
lively. For instance, men and women are on the loss of a limb, he must no longer use it in ordianry lives, but on ev- we prepared our case studies for the next day. At 9:00 each
the same footing in the SCA. batde. "The Honor Code is the metaphore ery Tuesday and Thurs- night, we met ui groups to bramstorm ideas to further solve tfae
The SCA functions as sort of an umbrella for the Society," observes Sir Hilary. "How day night dabble in the art problems in the case study.
organization for more specific interests. "It we carry ourselves on the batdefield carries of re-living medievil his- Although, the vast majority of our time was spent doing
has all your basic human entertauunents," over into the other relms of society. We tory. work, we also had lots of fun. We had water fights, played
racquetball, explored Virginia and learned African dancing at

"Beastie Boys" rock Lollapalooza

a studio owned by one of the student's. On Saturdays we went
bowling and to the movies. We also visited Washington, D.C.
where we saw the Capitol Building, tfae White House and
various senators. A couple of friends and I caught a train and
but the bands played (heir music; and they surpassed all the others; went shopping before visiting the Smithsonian museum.
Sam Baker '95 played it well, regardless. Featured on the they simply put on the On the last day we had a talent show and an awards
Business Editor second stage were The Pharcyde, The Boo absolute best show. At ceremony. My group swept the awards, but we were most
Radleys, and several other "alternative" some points their loud proud of the award we won for the Business Plan Competition.
Incredible music and beautiful weather bands. punk rap style of music The competition was the highlight of the month and we had to
highlighted this year's Lollapalooza music The word "alternative" is key to under- was just too much for the combine everything we had been learning in school. We had
festival. The Shoreline Amphitheater was standing the whole Lollapalooza experi- soundsystemattfae Shore- to develop a product, market it, write a plan and then present
the site of tfae only two Bay Area shows on ence. It encompasses everything that isn't line Ampitheatre, but it to a room full of professors and businessmen posing as
August 27 and 28, and was a perfect place to mainstream. Among the "alternative" events overall it was an incred- investors. Although we all had on suits and dress shoes my
house this once-in-a-lifetime experience. was the freak show where different freaks ible display of musical tal- group grabbed each other and just hugged.
In its fifth year, this touring music extrava- hung unnamable tfaings from unable places. ent. At the beginnmg of the program our RA's told us we would
ganza definitely rocked. Being an all-day As well as the abundant music on the two Lollapalooza was an all be crying on the last day. I could hardly keep myself from
affair, eightbands played consecutively start- stages, Lollapalooza was also a carnival. It extreme experience, and laughing out loud and most of my peers felt the same way.
ing at 2pm and continuing until llpm. This had various booths that one could partake in definitely worthits $33.00 However, on the last day it was a different story. We had spent
exciting and entertaming bill included mega if the music becomes too loud or uninterest- price of admission ticket. so much time together learning and playmg that it was hard to
stars such as Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie ing. Included in this barrage of entertain- Although the bands on the imagine being without each other.
Boys, and Tribe Called Quest, along with ment was a Mist Room where people could main stage could not play These were some of the brightest people in America, but we
The Breeders, George Clinton, L7, and the escape to if the heat became too unbearable. for as long as they wanted had all fused together to become a working unit. I kept my
Berkeley native Green Day. There were also several VirtualReality simu- to do long due to the lack promise not to cry, but as I hugged all my friends good-bye I
Along with the well-known groups per- lation machines that sunulated a "high" ex- of time, the wide range of knew our different state homes wouldn' t keep us apart. Look-
forming on the main stage, there was also a perience for a high price. music had something for ing at the sea of black and brown faces surrounding me, I knew
second stage where lesser known bands On the music spectrum of things, all groups mosteverybody, and made I couldn't have cared more for these people if I had known
played. This stage was much smaller with a were extremely talented, but the best by far for some incredibly enter- them for years. LEAD not only taught me about business, it
sound system that wasn't quite as powerful, was the Beastie Boys. Thdr stage presence taining acts. also taught me about life.
SlBYLLINE LEAVES September, 1995

Strike ruins memorable baseball season

strike cut tfae sea- possible milestone that was ruined was Tony
Graham Dobbin '97 son short. In Gwynn's bid to bat .400 or better in one
Entertainment Editor fact, someY^^ season. When tfae strike began he
players y ^. was batting .394 and if had he im-
While players like Frank Thomas andBarry were ^^ proved a little on that average during the
Bonds lose thousands of dollars a day, the o n <^final stretch of season, he could have be-
baseball strike continues to threaten post pace to come the first guy to bat .400 since Ted
season play. More importantly, numerous break vari- •<• Williams did it in 1941. Because of the
longheld baseball records that could have 0 U S strike, his chances for domg it this year are
been shattered this year can no longer be fficcxds gone.
broken because of the shortened season. un- ^
The strike, which began on August 12tfa, is til their seasons ruined. There were numer-
caused by a dispute between the players and the ous players like Ken Griffey Jr., Frank
the owners primarily over the existence of a sdc Thomas, Albert Belle, and Kevin 0f
salary cap in baseball. The salary cap limits be- Mitchell who were having the best
how much money owners can spend on gan. ^season of their careers. All the hard 'many
players. Many of tfae owners support the For in- stance, work that the players put into this players feel
salary cap because it controls the amount of Matt WUUams of the San season was thrown away when the optimistic that base-
money tfae players receive. This, as a result, Francisco Giants had43 home strike began. ball will resume before tfae
is a savings for the owners. However, tfae runs when the season was put As of yet, the players and tfae; season ends. "Every strike
wealthier owners do not want the salary cap to an abrupt stop. Had he con- owners have yet to come close gets resolved," said Giant's
because they can afford to pay theu players tinued at that pace, he would to making a deal. What an- /•i outfielder Barry Bonds.
more money. With tfae salary cap in effect, have hit 62 home runs for gers a lot of people is the "The season will start
the poorer owners will be able to compete the year and broken fact that both sides are somewhere down the
with tfae wealthier owners as far as how Roger Mans' record of not making a great ef- road. There will be
much money they can pay to theu- players. 61 home runs when he fort to resolve the baseball."
Consequently, with a salary cap, the league was with the Yankees in problem. Many (Newsweek, August
would be more competitive with less dispar- 1961. Matt Williams people feel 22 issue)
ity of talent between the wealthier teams and
the poorer teams.
may never again
have another year
^ that the
While owners are in disagreement over with as much and
the salary cap, the players unanimously agree success.
that there should not be one. This makes An-

sense because with no salary cap, the play- other

ers can get paid a lot more money.
But is money necessarily the most impor-
tant issue? Many baseball players were hav- \<J }}l
ing the best year of their careers until tbe
^^yA(/u»w-^*> <-^w«u\^V|

Who puts the paper in the shoes?

Life as a Stockboy in San Francisco's Cisco. Most "carpoolers" do not view them-
selves that way. They just view it as another
forward to the commute home. At thebegin-
ning of the summer, I ahnost always was

Fashionable Esprit Outlet form of public transportation. In reality,

they are hitchhikers in business suits and
able to sit down when I got on the bus. In
exchange for tfais comfort, traffic was stop
sources did not know. After a few phone dresses. and go everyday. One day the traffic was so
Scan Bowman '97 calls, I found out that I would be a stock Once one gets intfae car, he almost always bad that it took ten minutes to go one city
Entertainment Editor clerk. says nodung and prays to the commute gods block.
Even tfaen, I stUl did not know how much I that die driver is going to drop him off in a Later on in the summer, it changed for the
While most students were savoring their was getting paid. That day I had (fae exciting good area. Usually that is Howard St by the better. I had to stand all the time, which I did
summer, this student was painfully suffer- job ofhangmg up children's clothing backin bus temiinal in San Francisco. not mind, and there was very little traffic.
ing through his first summer job. the stock room. Later I found out that that After carpooling, I caught a bus that took The most memorable moment of my sum-
In mid-spring my family realized that I part of my job would be truly tfarilling com- me to Esprit. Riding MUNI buses during mer was waiting for MUNI for an hour
had virtually no plans tfais summer. Soon pared to the rest of my duties. commute hours is an experience no one because of the Giants game. That's one way
after that, my dad threatened to make me do One of those was Ifae lively job of taking should have to go through. A good morning to have tfae summer slowly pass.
odd jobs around the house. In other words, out the paper out of shoes and purses. I had was when I could move at all after I entered
"Find a job or activity for the summer or to do that nearly everyday for eight hours tfae bus. Once, the bus was so crowded that Overall, it was a memorable experience.
youll suffer bucko." straight. During these eight hours, I thought the bus driver let people get on the bus If I had to choose between working at home
I was stunned. For about two weeks I did of the poor person who had to put paper in coming in through the rear doors, and not or at Esprit, I would have chosen Esprit. I
nolfaing. Around tfae end of April, it dawned the shoes and purses. I also wondered why paying fare. had a nice income and met quite a few
on me that there was one more month of the heck Esprit wanted paper in them in the After a tedious day at work, I had to look interesting people.
school. If I didn't do something, I would be first place.
doomed to have an awful summer. I applied My good days were when I was able to
for a job at a local swim club. take old price stickers off all the blue jeans
I did not apply anywhere else. It looked and put new stickers on. After a couple
like I was condemned to labor around tbe weeks of depapering shoes and purses ev-
house. Luckily, my dad told a family friend, erything else seems like a roller coaster ride.
who works for the clothing company Esprit, Another annoying part of the job was
that I was looking for a job for the summer. being tfae youngest employee by 3 years.
He said he would see if he could get a job for Every other stock cleric was over twenty.
me at the one of the outlets. Some were 10 years older. Actually, it was
Weeks passed, and I had gotten no reply. nice when people thought I was a senior.
Once again, I was fretting over the possibil- When I told tfaem I was a sophomore it
ity of being slave labor for my dad. I called usually blew them away.
the friend and asked him about tfae job. Besides being somewhat boring, I felt that
He told me what appeared to be wonderful my job was better a litde better than school
news: I had a job at the Esprit Oudet in San except for one thing: the commute. I had to
Francisco. He told me to show up at his get up at 6:30 on workdays. Around 7:20,
office the first Monday of summer vacation. my dad and I would go drive to tfae casual
However our friend did not know what my carpool stop for passengers. It's simply po-
job would be. The people m Human Re- lite hitchhiking from Oakland to San Fran-

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