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Republic of the Philippines )

City of Baguio )


I, RYAN BENG, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident

of #40 Brookspoint, Aurora Hill, Baguio City, after having been duly
sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and say:

1. That I am a jeepney driver granted with a boundary within

certain points at the Baguio City plaza and the entire
barangay of Aurora Hill, Baguio City.

2. That I am a neighbor and friend of Bong Nabalo in

Brookspoint, Aurora Hill, Baguio City.

3. That sometime during the second week of December at

around past ten o’clock in the evening, I noticed that Bong
Nabalo’s granddaughter, Ysa Arrozcaldo, boarded my
jeepney at Harrison Rd. and sat at the end most part of the
jeepney at the driver’s side.

4. That I was supposed to offer her a free ride because I was on

my way home already anyway but I since she was seating at
the end most part and seemed to be lost deep in her
thoughts, I was not able to make my offer.

5. That when Ysa Arrozcaldo was the only passenger left in my

jeepney, she started opening and closing the window next to
her multiple times and when I asked her what was wrong,
she gave me a piercing stare through the rearview mirror and
so, I just minded my own business.

6. That through the rearview mirror, I also noticed that her

eyes were unusually red.

7. That when we were already close to Ysa Arrozcaldo’s house,

she suddenly said “Para” in order to signal me that this was
her already her stop.

8. That I was shocked for a moment before I stopped the

jeepney because I was aware of the accident Ysa Arrozcaldo
faced a few years ago which caused her to lose her speech.

9. That I failed to inform Bong Nabalo about this incident since

I did not want to meddle with their family issues.

10. That I executed this affidavit to attest to the truth of the
foregoing facts and for whatever purpose it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

24th day of January, 2019 in Baguio City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this 24th day of

January 2019, at Baguio, Philippines. Affiant exhibiting to me his
competent evidence of identity by way of voter’s identification no.
2849 issued at Baguio City on April 1, 2015.


Notary Public in Baguio City
Until December 31, 2019
Roll of Attorney’s No. 73936; June 12, 2016
IBP Lifetime Membership No. 567827; January 8, 2017; Baguio City
PTR No. 5793973; January 8, 2017; Baguio City
MCLE Compliance No. I-349; Issued September 29, 2017
Rm. 245, 2ND Floor, Puso ng Baguio, Session Road, Baguio City

Doc. No. 29
Page No. 40
Book No. 9
Series of 2018.

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