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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
City of Muntinlupa


SY. 2018-2019
Name ______________________________________________________ Score ___________________________
Grade and Section ____________________________________________ Teacher ________________________

Read and analyze the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Study the following illustration. In which illustration can mountain ranges be formed?
A. B.

C. D.

2. Based on the diagram, where is the focus of an earthquake?

A. Directly below the epicenter
B. Directly above the focus
C. In the P wave shadow zone
D. In the S wave shadow zone

3. Which of the following best describes the intensity of an earthquake?

A. The falling loose rocks along mountain side
B. The effects of earthquake on structure, people, crops and land
C. The energy released from its focus
D. The shaking and trembling of the Earth’s crust

4. If an earthquake occurs on the oceanic crust, which of the following is likely to happen?
A. Fault B. landslide C. Tsunami D. Seiche

5. Why do earthquakes felt in other places from its epicenter?

A. Energy is released after the ground beaks C. The origin of the earthquake is the focus
B. Shockwaves travel to far place D. The rock layers slide down

6. The City of London, England, is on Eurasian Plate, which is moving south at a rate of about 1.27 cm per year. How much
farther south will London be (in meters) in 4,000 years?
A. 50 meters B. 50.3 meters C. 50.5 meters D. 50.8 meters

7. An earthquake is happening. People in their houses notice that their picture frames on the wall, other hanging
decorations, and even hanging lamps swing slightly. What is the most probable intensity of the earthquake?
A. Intensity 1 C. Intensity 3
B. Intensity 2 D. Intensity 4

8. Why do we experience frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions? It is because;

A. Our country is situated near the equator. C. Of the formation of many mountains.
B. We are situated along the pacific ring of fire. D. There are big numbers of active volcanoes.

9. The magma may reach the surface and when it happens, a volcanic eruption occurs. An earthquake caused by this
activity is called_________.
A. Tectonic earthquake B. Volcanic earthquake C. Epicenter D. Focus
10. In March, 2011 an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 strikes Japan which
killed thousands of people and submerged houses and properties, what is the
great effect of this earthquake which wiped out the whole town of Miyako in
A. landslide C. tsunami
B. seiche D. volcanic eruption

11. Mt. Pinatubo has not erupted for 600 years, On June 15, 1991 this volcano exploded the second-largest eruption on
Earth in this century. Based on these facts how will you now classify Mt. Pinatubo?
A. Active B. Dormant C. Inactive D. Extinct

12. The illustration below shows 3 types of plate movement. Which plate movement or movements most likely caused the
formation of Mayon Volcano?

A. I only C. I and II only

B. II only D. I, II and III

13. Why do some people still live in the slope of a volcano

although they know about the dangers of volcanic eruptions?
A. There is plenty of water C. The area is wide enough for their families
B. The air is fresh and clean D. the soil is fertile and good for crop production

14. Where do most volcanoes on Earth occur?

A. along the equator C. boundaries of tectonic plates
B. over hotspots D. Both B and C

15. The most explosive eruptions come from stratovolcanoes. The magma in these volcanoes is ________.
A. high in silica, making the lava sticky, or viscous C. low viscosity, runny lava
B. low in silica, making the lava sticky, or viscous D. high viscosity, runny lava

16. Which type of volcano is comprised of layers of lava, ash, and rock debris?
A. shield volcano B. cinder cone volcano C. composite cone volcano D. pyroclastic volcano

17. It is a vent, a hill or a mountain through which hot molten rocks, ashes and gaseous materials are ejected.
A. volcano B. plateau C. mountain D. hills

18. Which of these describes an active volcano?

A. One which has recorded eruptions C. Ones which remains dormant
B. One which has not erupted over ever since D. One which always emits smoke

19. Which activity should be done to keep you prepared before an earthquake?
A. Perform regular earthquake drill
B. Buying all the foods in the supermarket and stock inside the house
C. Turning on the radio and wait for announcements
D. Sharing everything that you have to your neighbors

20. What government agency is dedicated to provide information on the activities of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis,
primarily for the protection of life and property?
A. DOH – Department of Health
B. DepEd – Department of Education
C. PHILVOLCS – Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology
D. PAGASA – Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Service

21. Effects or volcanic eruptions could be avoided or minimized through_____.

A. following safety precautions C. Going to volcano and watch it erupting
B. Staying home and not following the authorities D. Not following precautionary measures

22. Study the table showing the 3-day forecast for selected cities.
Which of the following cities most likely have the same weather
forecast for March 12?
A. Manila and Baguio City
B. Cebu City and Manila
C. Baguio City and Cebu City
D. Baguio City, Cebu City and Manila

23. Which factor influences the season of the Philippines?

A. altitude B. air mass C. temperature D. prevailing winds.

24. The southwest monsoon that blows from the West Philippine Sea affects the climate of the Philippines. What does it
bring to the country?
A. dry and cold air B. cold and humid C. dry season D. wet season

25. How do landmasses and bodies of water affect the amount of rainfall in a place?
A. Places inland receive more rain.
B. Places near the ocean usually dry.
C. Places near oceans receive more rain than further inland.
D. Places further inland receive more rain than areas near big bodies of water.

26. The children are playing in an open field. The sun was shining brightly and the weather is fine. In the middle of the
game, they stopped playing because it rained hard. What does it say about the weather?
A. The weather has different elements.
B. The weather varies from place to place.
C. The weather changes from time to time.
D. The weather is the same throughout the day.

27. What type of front is formed when the boundary along the leading edge of a cold air mass
pushing out warm air mass?
A. cold front B. occluded front C. stationary front D. warm front

28. Based on the graph showing the average rainy days in Manila, on which months have the
most number of rainfall?

A. January to March B. May to July C. July to September D. October to December

29. You are planning to have a hike in the weekend. What will you consider in order to have a successful activity?
A. food to bring B. number of hikers C. weather forecast D. earthquake warning

30. The weather forecaster said that the temperature reading for the day is 38.4°Celsius. What would you expect about
the temperature of the day?
A. cold B. very cold C. warm D. very warm

31. What causes day and night?

A. revolution of the moon C. rotation of the Earth on its axis
B. tilting of the Earth’s axis D. revolution of the Erath around the sun

32. Which of the following is true?

A. Earth rotates on its axis as it revolves round the sun.
B. The sun revolves around Earth while Earth is rotating.
C. Earth rotates once a month as it revolves around the sun.
D. Earth completes one rotation in 365 days.

33. What causes the deflection of the wind from the poles to the equator and vice versa?
A. rotation of the earth C. tilting of the Earth’s axis
B. revolution of the earth D. vertical rays of the sun

34. From December to February, Earth’s axis is pointing away from the sun.
What is the season in the Northern Hemisphere?
A. autumn C. summer
B. spring D. winter

35. What is the season in the northern hemisphere when the Earth’s axis is
tilted toward the sun?
A. autumn C. summer
B. spring D. winter

36. Summer and winter are caused by Earth’s tilt as it revolves around the sun. The change in seasons is not caused by
changes in Earth’s distance from the sun. What is the position of the Earth when it is summer in the Northern
A. Earth is farthest from the sun. C. Earth is at the west.
B. Earth is closest to the sun. D. Earth is at the east.

37. Earth is unique of all planets, why is this so?

A. It can support life. C. It is made of crust, mantle and core.
B. It rotates from east to west. D. It has only one natural satellite.

38. Diagram 1 shows the position of the Earth, X and Y from the Sun. Which planet is X and Y?

Diagram 1
A Venus Mars
B Mars Jupiter
C Mercury Venus
D Pluto Uranus

39. Diagram 2 shows some planets in Solar System. What is P?

Mercury Venus Earth P

Diagram 2
A Saturn B Pluto
C Uranus D Mars

40. Which of the following are parts of the Solar System?

I The Sun II The Planet
III The Moon IV Meteor

A I and II only B I, II and III

C I, II and IV D I, II, III and IV

41. Diagram 4 shows the orbits of all the planets.

Which of the following is correct about the figure above?

A The bigger the orbit of a planet, the longer is the time taken.
B The bigger the orbit of the planet, the faster is the time of orbit.
C The size of the orbit for each planet in the Solar System is the same.
D The shape of the orbit of each planet in the Solar System is different.

42. Table 1 gives the information about the average surface temperatures of
some planets in the Solar System.
Planet Average surface temperature (°C)
P 360
Q –23
R –212

Which of the following is correct?

A Planet Q is nearer to the Sun than Planet P.
B The orbit of the planet P is bigger than planets Q and R.
C Planets Q and R are further from the Sun than planet P.
D Planet P is further from the Sun than planets Q and R.

43. Which planet has rings around it?

I Neptune II Uranus
III Mars IV Saturn

A I and II only B I and III only

C II and IV only D I, II and IV only

44. The hottest planet in the Solar System is…

A Mercury B Venus C Jupiter D Saturn

45. Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun. Therefore, it…

I is the smallest planet.
II is the fastest planet to rotate around the Sun.
III is the hottest planet.

A I and II only C II and III only

B I and III only D I, II and III

Kjb 2018

Grade 6 4th periodical Test


1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. D
14. D
15. B
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. C
29. C
30. D
31. C
32. A
33. C
34. D
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. B
39. D
40. B
41. A
42. C
43. D
44. B
45. A
46 TO 50.
In order..

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of City Schools
City of Muntinlupa



Describe the changes on the earth's
surface as a result of earthquakes 7 3 S6ES-IVa-1 1-10
Describe the changes on the earth's
surface as a result of volcanic eruptions 4 3 S6ES-IVa-1 11-18
Demonstrate precautionary measures
before, during and after earthquake and
volcanic eruptions
2 1 S6ES-IVb-2 19-21
Infer the weather pattern in the
Philippines using weather data 1 S6ES-IVc-3 22
Describe the seasons in the Philippines
2 1 S6ES-IVc-3 23-27
Determine the occurrence of dry/wet
season in the Philippines using a graph
1 S6ES-IVd-4 28
Explain the importance of knowing the
Weather Patterns and Seasons in the
Philippines 2 1 S6ES-IVd-4 29-30
Describe the rotation of the earth 2 S6ES-IVe-f-5 31,33
Describe the movement of the earth
around the sun 1 S6ES-IVe-f-5 32
Describe the sequence of seasons
experienced by other countries 2 1 S6ES-IVe-f-5 34-36
Characterize the planets according to
their composition and their movements in
the solar system
5 4 S6ES-IVg-h-6 37-45

Arrange the Solar System showing the

relative sizes of the planets
5 S6ES-IVi-j-7 46-50
No. of Items 35 15 50

Submitted by:


TIII/ Tunasan ES

Approved and Noted by:

Education Program Coordinator, Science

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