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Senior Literature/Capstone

Mr. Ermert

1. ​What would you do if you if knew you wouldn’t fail?

If I knew I wouldn’t fail, I would try and be a professional swimmer. One of the dreams
I’ve had throughout my childhood was to go to the Olympics and swim. If I won every
race and made it past all my obstacles without failing, I would be one of the greatest
swimmers of all time.

2. ​When was the last time you were in a state of flow, during which you lost track of
time, and you just couldn’t stop doing something? What was it that you were doing?

The last time I lost track of time was when I was playing on my computer. I was really
into it and I felt like I was doing really well. Since I was constantly playing and my mind
was actively thinking, I lost track of time. It was so fun, that I couldn’t stop playing until
after a while it got old and boring.

3. ​Where do you see yourself in ten years? Be specific, ie., career, family, etc.

I see myself married, but only with one kid. I work at a computer engineering job
designing new mechanical products and selling them to the public. One of my hobbies is
to surf and I teach my son how to do so as well.

4. ​When was the last time you lost sleep over an exciting idea? What was the idea?

When I got my first longboard surfboard a couple of years ago, I couldn’t wait to go
surfing the next day. I wanted to try it so bad so I went to sleep as soon as possible so
time could pass by more quickly. I could sleep though because I was so excited. I ended
up watching surfing videos the whole night till I fell asleep with the phone a couple of
inches from my face.

5. ​When was the last time you put your whole heart into something and delivered more
than anyone expected of you? What was it? Why did you work so hard?

The last time I put my whole heart into something was working over the summer to pay
for a car. My dad found this old car and he said he would buy it for me if I got a job to
pay him back. I really wanted the car so I worked almost every day in the afternoon to
pay it off.

6. ​If you could donate your time for free to one cause, what cause would that be? Why?

I would donate my time to help feed veterans. My parent does that a lot, but most of the
time I’m not available to join them the majority of the time.

7. ​What if you won the lottery tomorrow and you were set for life (financially)? Fast
forward one year. What would you be doing? Where would you be living? What people
would surround you? Why?

I would be living on the beach with a nice house and surfing every day. I would be found
relaxing and just enjoying my time alone.

8. ​Name two to three jobs/careers you dreamt about pursuing throughout your life?

I want to be a computer engineer, a professional athlete, and a pro gamer.

9. ​What is your biggest fear or challenge you see about this final senior year in high

My biggest fear is losing all the friends I made in high school

10. ​What is one aspect of your life you need to make an improvement in and explain
why it would improve your life to focus on this aspect, ie., weakness.

I need to be more social and talkative. I sometimes appear shy to others, but I want to be

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