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Project/Location Number of Responsibility/ Community Real World

Hours Task Benefit Application

Sunday/ Saturday 80 Every Saturday Being part of the Being a volunteer at my

Church 2015-2017 and sunday after my church’s church not on helped
my confirmation mass was a big me make a stronger
connection with my
class I would go help because
religion but as well as
up to the church there wouldn’t be taught me how to be
and help out the enough people more mature and have
priest during the to help out so respect for every
12 o’clock mass. with me being person. Being mature
I would either there I would be and respectful is traits
help by a great help to that I would have to use
collecting the the priest and to in the future especially
when it comes to
donations or the brothers and
finding a job because it
stand by the sister from would show that I am
side of the priest church. ready to work and
to bring him the would not fool around.
items he need
for the mass.

RFK- ASGL 20 There was a mix I helped the Being able to help
between helping students in my out the senior class
our senior class school enjoy taught me to devote
in fundraising to their time to my time into a task
participating in experience with that would benefit
performances a traditional others. As for the
for korean performance as performances, it has
drumming and well as allow allowed me to get rid
taekwondo for them to learn a of the fear of going
the school to little more about up to a stage and be
watch. Korean culture. prepared to perform
without having to be

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