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Pictured above is a caged male elephant in Southern India. Chained

to the same spot for 20 years. Beaten into submission at secret
jungle training camps. Photographer: Liz Jones

Since I was a young child, I have had a passion for wildlife,

nature, and geography. Santa Claus must have known that Pictured above is a photo of
about me because when I was six years old, I was given an me with the matriarch
interactable electronic globe for christmas. Whenever I was in elephant, and baby "Ellie".
trouble and sent to my room, I would spend hours, laying on Picture captured at the
the floor in my room, staring at this globe. Soon enough Paradise Elephant Park, in
getting sent to my room wasn’t as much of a punishment as Chiang Mai, Thailand, in April
it was a chance for me to play with my globe. I would
of 2017. Photgrapher: Jason
challenge myself to memorize the oceans, countries and
their capitals, and countless facts about each country.
Eventually I was able to point to any country on a globe
without a second thought. I made a goal for myself that I
would travel the world someday. Now, as an eighteen year Read more on the abuse of
old, the passion is still there and as strong as ever, and I am elephants on Pg. 34 "The
slowly making progress on my goal. Elephant Crisis: How Can
Last April, I had the chance to travel to Thailand to complete
Successful Anti-Elephant
humanitarian service and to experience the country’s unique
culture. Immediately upon arriving, I recognized the negative Poaching Strategies Used in
effects of tourism on the country in many different aspects. Cambodia be Implemented in
While driving a rental van through the city of Phuket, a Sub-Saharan Africa?" written by
popular destination on the peninsula of Thailand, I noticed a Thomas Packham
tall wooden fence about a foot away from the busy road. Tied
up to these fences - or should I say cages - were several large
Asian elephants.
Pictured above is the plastic waste littering the
beach of Maya Bay, off the coast of Phuket, Thailand.
Thousands of pounds of plastic is pulled out of the
sea every year. Photgrapher:Lillian Suqanrumpha

Pictured to the right is dead coral in Maya Bay. Coral

restoration has recently begun. The bay is closed
indefinitely until regrowth is complete. Photographer:
David Burdick

The large gray creatures The bay is still an incredibly As we flew out of Thailand, I
were squished together beautiful place, but recently remarked on the amazing
with less than four feet of with the increasingly experience I had. Despite
wiggle room between each extreme tourist traffic, over the issues I witnessed,
other, with no shade from 100 boats and 5,000 people Thailand is still a country of
a day, it is being overrun beauty and loving people.
the hot sun, and only a foot
The culture that I
away from loud and busy with pollution and the
experienced changed my
Thai traffic. This was no ecosystem
life for the better, and
condition for the is being destroyed. The coral
taught me more than I had
endangered species to be reefs have taken the largest
ever thought possible.
living in. What used to be toll, what used to be a It is hard for me to watch
the elephants natural thriving and diverse tropical the world being slowly
habitat is now covered in ecosystem is now a gray destroyed because of
towers, taxis, and tourists. If skeleton of dead coral, due unethical tourism, but at the
it weren’t for the tourists to boat anchors and human same time, I believe strongly
that come from all over the interference. As I swam in the importance of
world to see these creatures, through the clear water, I tourism. Not only does
saw many tropical fish, a few tourism benefit many
the elephants would still be
reef sharks, and a whole lot different economies, but it
living in safety away from
of trash. Years and years of also benefits individuals. The
humans. lessons learned from getting
tourist’s straws, plastic, and
One day, After a two- out of your comfort zone
other waste could be found
hour boat ride through the and experiencing new
every other few inches in the
warm Andaman Sea, we cultures, is something that
sand underwater. In
arrived to the paradisiacal everybody needs. With more
response to the issue, Maya
beach of Maya Bay. It was open-mindedness and a
Bay was officially closed
breathtaking to be better global perspective,
down by the government our world can become a
surrounded by all of the
last June, until the coral reef better place. The booming
towering cliffs and the
is completely recovered, tourism industry of Thailand
crystal blue water. The bay is
which could take as long as needs to be in balance with
world famous for being the
20 years. the protection of the
set of the movie “The
environment if anything is
Beach”, starring Leonardo ever going to change.
DiCaprio, released in 2000.

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