M Firas Al Farisi Tugas Thesis

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“The use of Brochure as media to improve students partially interactive


1.1 Background of the Research

Language as a tool of communication with the others is very important to share what they
needs. everyone know that without language, people can not interact with the others. By
language, people can share their experiences, their feelings, and their needs to each other by
spoken or written.
English as the one of language is very important in this world because it becomes an
international language which is learned by countries in this world to increase the prosperity of
those country itself. It no doubt that English is certainly important for all people to learn it, all
of people in this world and also Indonesia people have to learn it because we know that the
famous and modern brochure, knowledge, international business, healthy, technology are in
English so people of Indonesia must master English to improve the quality of educational.

At the end of the day, media is one think that can share the information or the knowledge to
the other, and the famous media recently and the most popular usage is brochure, with this
media we can give the information, data, or anything to share each other, especially for this
media why choosen by many people because the model or the design is interactive, some of
people like more for it because that reason of modeling this media, it can be guide many
people to interest it, because of that focus on this media is more be efective.

Speaking is the important one of four skills which has been mastered by the students. But in
the teacher center learning, teacher does not emphasize in practicing speaking skill to his
students. Ramelan (1991:22) states that the poor mastery of English speaking of students is
result of the old ways of teaching which do not give stress to the mastery of spoken language.
It means the poorness of students’ speaking ability becomes the problem of learning process
in Indonesia because some teachers of Indonesia use the old ways to teach their students as
like the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the teaching learning
process. They just concern on the theory not on the practiced. Although improvement of
speaking skill is the important problem, in fact only some teachers realize it.
The information of the important of speaking skills, create the idea to concern to analysis the
skill of partially interactive speaking of student, how they can deliver the information on the
brochure with the style of someone who promotion something to the other people, partially
interactive speaking is when one person speak to the audience or to second person, and the
speaker focus on their speech and the audience just hearing not be interrupt, and the audience
can get the idea from the speaker.

The skill of influence the people, for right now is the importance thing, our young generation
must have this skill because its demands of this era, it is special when the student will be
learn about how to socialize something, for the little example how to presentation in front of
the class, the skill of public speaking must getting by our young generation, for right now the
big problem our faced is how personality can speak enjoyed in front of the audience, our
people still have the shame and lack of self courage with the formal speech or the informal
speech, some of student still can not make it different when they must speak with formal or
not, because of that to learn how to speak with partially interactive speaking with the
brochure media is one way to overcome the problem of public speaking.

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