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Adaskaveg 1

Adam Adaskaveg


English Literature (2)

5 February 2019

Annotated Bibliography

Alsaffar, Ayten Aylin. “Sustainable Diets: The Interaction between Food Industry, Nutrition,

Health and the Environment.” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Food

Science and Technology International, 13 Feb. 2015,

In the journal article, the author, Ayten Aylin Alsaffar, addresses a problem involving the

long strain on the planet’s natural resources from our overconsumption of animal products.

Alsaffar gained their knowledge on the subject through research over the environmental impacts

from food processing, furthermore, the author evaluated the impact of eating patterns on the

environment. The author goes on to claim that there is a need to promote sustainable diets that

increase food security as well as lowering the environmental footprint left behind. The diet

necessary is comprised of less processed foods emphasizing plant based diets and veering away

from animal based consumption. This article directly relates to my project because it focuses on

relying on plant based diets to reduce the threats on the environment. I am promoting a lifestyle

that will save the world, this only proves my point of how much one person can make an impact.

Baroni, Luciana, et al. “Helping the Planet with Healthy Eating Habits.” The B.E. Journal of

Economic Analysis & Policy, De Gruyter, 8 Jan. 2019,
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In the journal article, Luciana Baroni, et al. establish their message by addressing the

issue of sustainability by looking at nutrition ecology. The authors performed a comprehensive

literature review using seven search term combinations to evaluate the current research on the

subject. Consumers directly impact the environment through their eating habits. The authors

emphasize how animal based production uses more environmental resources and causes more

pollution than plant production. My capstone project is about proving how a simple change to a

person’s diet will result in environmental savings. This article relates to my topic by proving my

point that anyone can make a necessary change. The information is essential to my project in

particular because it addresses in which ways animal based diets can impact the environment.

This source helped expose the process of why more resources are used in animal based diets, and

it displayed how much one person saves by going vegan.

Calta., Marialisa. “Help Yourself and the Planet: Eat Less Meat.” Newspaper Enterprise

Association., 1 Apr. 2009,


The newspaper article is about a food columnist and his new book answering the

questions on how a vegan diet can benefit not only the individual’s health, but the health of the

planet. The author gained their knowledge on the subject through an interview with Mark

Bittman and the review on his published works. It is stated that the diets we are consuming are

not good for our health or the planet. A person who takes small steps into this lifestyle also

receives the benefits on their health such as weight loss. This article looks more in the direction

of nutritional benefits of a vegan diet. This is essential to my project because it shows how much

a person can gain from the change of their diet. What was made clear to me was how much a
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person can gain from this transition. A man lost 35 pounds by cutting off two-thirds of the meat

in his diet, he did not even make a full vegan transition and saw a positive outcome. This can

correlate to a greater self image and do more to an individual than just make them healthier


Craig, Winston J. “Health Effects of Vegan Diets.” OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 11

Mar. 2009,

In the journal article, Winston J. Craig looks at the comparison of the health benefits that

come with a vegan diet and a vegetarian diet. Craig researched the subject through analysing a

nationwide poll as well as the health benefits of a vegan diet. He specifically directed his efforts

in reducing the risks of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. The author developed

recommendations to achieve the best vegan diet to optimize nutritional intake. He summarizes

that vegans have a lower health risk compared to others, but they need to increase their intake of

calcium and vitamin D. This source helps direct me to dietary needs that are essential to

consumption that are often deficient in vegan diets. I am informed of the potential that a vegan

diet contains in remaining a healthy human being. The thought that a vegan diet can prevent so

many risks the average person encounters is incredible. This greatly impacts my project because

if someone told another person they were going to have heart disease in twenty years, wouldn’t

they take the step to go vegan to ensure a long life.

Jacobson, Michael F. “Six Arguments for a Greener Diet.” Trans Fat | Center for Science in the

Public Interest, 1 Aug. 2006,

In Michael F. Jacobson’s book he addresses the health consequences caused by the diets

we consume. The author gained his knowledge through thoroughly reviewing scientific studies

on the reliance of plant based diets in comparison to animal based diets. He exposes unreported
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facts about the negative health effects of an animal based diet. He goes on to demonstrate that a

healthy diet leads to a sustainable environment. This information is relevant to my project

because it primarily addresses the negative effects of the diets we consume. It not only exposes

what is not mentioned but is sure to establish what the long term effects are on the planet. It is

important that people know what exactly they are consuming on an everyday basis. The fact that

details of the health risks and long term stress on the environment is constantly left out is not

acceptable. This relates to my project by informing others of the positive effects a vegan diet has

contrary to a diet that is animal based.

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