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Beltran 1

Dezaray Ahliyah Beltran

Mrs. Trotter

Brit Lit - 1

05 February 2019

Annotated Bibliography

“11 Facts About Teens and Self Esteem.” | Volunteer for Social

Change, DoSomething Editors , 2014,


In this article, many students come together to provide the various ways teens possess

low self esteem in their day to day life. After gathering other articles coming from real life

students dealing with this problem, DoSomething Editors are a teen based website putting out a

voice with accurate percentages of what teens use to cope with their insecurities. The thesis of

the article is to inform other teens with the same problems that they are not alone. It is clear that

over six million other pre adults are making a change just by the website resulting in the

intentions of change that needs to be partaken in. The article provides a cultural bias in students

setting a modivental motive to provide ways other teenagers can compare their very similar

feelings with others the same age across the globe. This website will help support my

background research on the way teens think when lacking the motive of self confidence.
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Marcus, Bonnie. “How Does A Lack Of Confidence Affect Your Life And Career?” Forbes,

Forbes Magazine, 17 Oct. 2017,


In this article, Marcus digs a little deeper into how lack of self confidence affects one’s

career just by a simple, unkindly word or phrase that can be said. She gives her clients different

exercises that will help end up reflecting upon themselves and their feelings towards a situation.

Marcus emphasizes that the lack of confidence will result in an unhappy workfield. After

speaking some more with her clients, Marcus wants them realize that their mistakes should not

be used against them but to be used as a lesson learned in the end. This article impacts a

wonderful overview for people who do not know their true self-worth and can use some tips to

live the life where your head is held high. It will help support my background research in little

ways that people lose confidence and what can be prevented further on when dealing with your

self conscious inner demons.

Shipman, Katty Kay and Claire. “The Confidence Gap.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media

Company, 26 Aug. 2015,


In this article, Kay and Shipman discuss that women are less confident rather than men

and this is due to the fact that gender role plays the key roll towards all of it. According to these

two woman, men have always gotten everything handed to them while the woman had to work
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very hard to get half of what the men have. Kay and Shipman uncover the cultural bias between

men and women by providing information from Linda Babcock, a business school professor

stating that for the last couple of years she has told her students to write down how much their

desired earn was and saw that the men asked for more than the women. This article provides a

remarkable understanding of how one group is less confident than the other and sets an

informative tone for the reader. This article will help support my background research by

showing what types of groups are more prone to less self confidence.

Simmons, Rachel. “How Social Media Is a Toxic Mirror.” Time, Time, 19 Aug. 2016,

In this article, Simmons influences the reader how social media somehow damages

teenage girls self confidence. Simmon uses a thin ideal demonstration to show how it is found

that the majority of young women paint this perfect picture in their own head of how they should

look like. She explains how toxic many of the social media platforms can be towards teen girls

mental health and body image by studying the way girls start to view themselves when

comparing themselves to other females. This results in feeling low and less confident because

you may see things that you wish you had but in reality you are one of a kind. This article sets an

illuminating tone for young girls to see that we all have flaws, inside and out; it will help support

my background research on what images the toxic media paints in the mindset of these types of

young women.
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“Your Child's Self-Esteem (for Parents).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, KidsHealth, The

Nemours Foundation, July 2018,

In this article, Lyness informs parents on the signs and symptoms of their child when

lacking low self esteem and what they as parents can do to help out in any way. After studying

what it is like to have self esteem, Lyness focuses on how important it is to maintain a healthy

mental state when have confidence. He exposes what it is like when being encountered with self

esteem revealing that the child is proud of oneself rather than feeling as if they don't belong in

the world. Lyness asserts the reader by setting an understanding tone as to why it is significant

for kids to live feeling ready to take on any obstacle and that it is only human to come across

mistakes. The purpose is to get parents more involved in their child's life so when they grow up

they can take on the world without having to rely on anyone but themselves. This article will

help support my background research by getting the mindset of what it is and isn’t like being self

confident and what it does to you.

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