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YEAR 11, No.

8 FEBRUARY 2008 Home Paper of the 1999 Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club Winner for Best Editorial Toronto, Ontario

Ooops & Bloops
Earn more outside the big cities (ON PAGE 12)



Better lot for

caregivers - 4

BUT ...
NDP: Passenger Bill of Rights
imperative to protect travellers
OTTAWA – In the light of recent complaints by airline custom-
Babaylan ers, the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Canada has called on the
lives in federal government to create a Passenger Bill of Rights, ensuring
Bago City quality service and satisfaction to all air travellers.
- 26 ... there is that fat chance of one ending up NDP Transport Critic Brian Masse (Windsor West) said that a
passenger’s bill of rights would protect travellers over a range of
duped and crash landing after trusting a sweet- problematic issues, such as flight delays, lost or missing baggage
talking Air Canada employee. and discrimination.
Dancing To Be A Star As in any other scam, the prey would be robbed “We understand that there are a number of factors that delay
- 33 of precious time and money, eventually shrugged flights, such as bad weather,” said Masse.
off with an arrogant ‘my way or no way’ attitude “But when customers complain of rude behaviour, dirty planes,
and lost bags, passengers need their rights protected,” he said.
and given a silent if not protracted runaround NDP MP Peter Stoffer (Sackville-Eastern Shore) pointed out
Business when asked why a duly paid service agreement that Air Canada had sparked anger when it cancelled a non-stop
rat race - 32 could not be met and completed. connection from St. John’s, Newfoundland to London, England.
(Story on page 5) (To page 5)

Filipino workers gain from

RP-Manitoba labor pact
Jobs, status, and prime forded workers ample pro-
business opportunities. tection from unscrupulous
These, overseas Fili- illegal recruiters and ex-
pino workers (OFWs), im- ploitative employers over-
migrants and Filipino busi- seas, on top of gaining im-
nessmen are expected to migrant status in Canada.
benefit from, following a Officials said Manitoba
trade and economic mission needed truck drivers, weld-
Manitoba Premier Gary ers, machinists, boilermak-
Doer led to the Philippines ers, sheet metalworkers,
from Jan. 8 to 12.
In Manila, Premier Doer
glaziers, pipefitters, me-
chanics, plasterers, drywall
There’s A Kind Of Hush ...
and Philippine Labor Secre- installers, carpenters, cabi- Despite alleged threats to her life (Story on page 23), President Gloria Ma-
tary Arturo Brion on Feb. netmakers, bricklayers and capagal-Arroyo (left) confidently sings I Have You with Claire dela Fuente,
8 signed a memorandum ers to Manitoba. stone masons. known as the Karen Carpenter of the Philippines, as two-time Grammy
of understanding (MOU) Practically manifesting Cooperation on the re- Awards pop musician Richard Carpenter (right) accompanies them on a
underlining cooperation on Manitoba’s recognition of cruitment and deployment baby grand piano at Malacañang’s Music Hall on Feb. 14. Arroyo presented
human resource develop- Filipino workers to fill the of OFWs would be in strict the Presidential Citation to Carpenter in recognition of his exemplary con-
ment (HRD) and the de- Canadian province’s need compliance with labor laws tribution to the world’s music industry. Richard is best known as one-half of
ployment of Filipino work- for skills, the MOU also af- (To page 7) the brother/sister duo, the Carpenters. OPS Photo/PNA
2 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 3 CALENDAR
(A Manila Media Monitor and Phil-
ippine Consulate General’s Office
public service feature)

FEB. 16: Trusty Entertainment’s Valen-

tine’s Jam with South Border and Nikki
Valdez, The Music Hall, 8 p.m.
FEB. 22: Filipino Centre Toronto 2nd
Round of the Filipino Singing Idol com-
FEB. 22, 23 & 29 and MARCH 1: Toron-
to Catholic District School Board Staff
Arts The Pink Panther Strikes Again
presentation, Madonna Catholic Sec-
ondary School, North York, 7:30 p.m.
FEBRUARY TO MAY: Filipino Centre
Toronto Free Tagalog/Pilipino Classes,
Grades 1 to 8, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. and
Homework Club every Saturday, except
long weekends.
MARCH 1: The Pillars Cultural Associa-
tion Seniors’ Information Fair, Room B,
Wellesley Community Centre, 1 p.m.
MARCH 8: Darius Ciria in Concert, QS-
SIS, 7:30 p.m.
MARCH 23 & 30: Filipino Centre To-
ronto Free Income Tax Preparation for
MARCH 26: Heart Throbs Piolo Pas-
cual, Sam Milby and John Lloyd Cruz in
TO Concert, Toronto Centre for the Arts,
7:30 p.m.
APRIL 5: Filipino Centre Toronto Presi-
dents’ Ball, Fairmont Royal York Hotel.
mediamonitor@yahoo.com the
name of your group and event
details (what, where, when, what
4 NEWS Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Calgary police nab suspect in

Laoagan subway attack-slay
Police have arrested and the news reports added. leave Laoagan’s application cautions while walking at
charged Christopher James Watcheston lived in open for her family to come night.
Watcheston, 21, for involve- southeast Calgary for about to Canada. Police told women to
ment in the brutal Jan. 17 a year, and his residence was The news reports added stay in well-lit areas at night
killing of Filipino worker about a block away from that Jane Mugford, West and with groups of people
Arcelie Sombrito de Lao- where Laoagan’s body was Canadian Graphics vice- if they were waiting for
agan, 41, in a parking lot found. president, said the company transit. They added women
near the Franklin Light Rail Frantic cellphone call has set up a $10,000 trust to should scream and draw at-
Transit (LRT) station in Cal- Investigators said they help Laoagan’s family, even tention to themselves if they
gary. sifted through LRT surveil- though Laoagan had been felt they were in danger.
Calgary police arrested lance video and believed with the firm for only five Dulnuan case
Watcheston on Jan. 24, a Watcheston was on the same ARCELIE LAOAGAN weeks. Meanwhile, the Filipino JOCELYN DULNUAN
week after the slay. C-Train as Laoagan on the In a memorial service community in Toronto has
Police inspector Guy night of the murder, and that “It is disturbing when on Jan. 24, Laoagan’s sis- continued to be wary of the Brampton to answer charges
Slater told news reporters Watcheston trailed Laoagan there’s a crime of this na- ter Marilyn Hori praised the progress in the ongoing trial police filed against them.
“our belief remains that this when she left the Franklin ture, when it’s that violent police for their “profession- of two suspects the Peel Re- Police said both were
homicide was a random act station at about 10:30 p.m. and when it’s random,” said alism” and said news of the gional Police arrested and originally from Ecuador,
... until we can determine A friend also told police police chief Rick Hanson. charge gave the family some charged with first degree were friends and had worked
otherwise.” Laoagan was able to make Dreams shattered? peace. murder in December 2007, together in construction
CBC news reports also a frantic cellphone call and Reports said Laoagan Siblings Caroline Max- in connection with the Oct. jobs.
cited Staff Sgt. Kevin Forsen say she was being attacked. worked two jobs in Calgary, imo and Oswald Sombrito 1, 2007 killing of Filipino News reports quoted
of the homicide unit as say- Laoagan was headed trying to make enough mon- also spoke of their dead maid Jocelyn Dulnuan, Peel Police Constable Adam
ing that Watcheston, before home from night shift work ey to bring her husband and sister during the memorial 27, in a Mississauga man- Minnion as saying that
his arrest, was out on bail, at West Canadian Graphics, five boys to Canada from service at the Calgary Full sion where she worked and Loayza-Penaloza did paint-
under house arrest, and set a document-scanning com- the Philippines. Gospel Church where Lao- lived. ing work in the mansion
for two criminal trials, in- pany, when she was killed. A commerce degree agan sang in the choir. Peel Police on Dec. 17, giving him “intimate knowl-
cluding one for assault. A passerby found Lao- holder and aspiring to work Sombrito said he and 2007 arrested Toronto resi- edge of the home and the
In June, Watcheston was agan’s battered body near as an accountant in Canada, two other sisters flew in dent Cristian Figueroa, 35, a people who lived there and
charged with assault caus- the LRT station on Jan. 18. Laoagan was then waiting from Toronto to arrange for construction worker. those who would come and
ing bodily harm in Banff, It took sometime to iden- for Canada’s immigration Laoagan’s body to be sent The next day, police col- go to the home,” which un-
but was released on bail. tify Laoagan’s body. department’s approval on a back to the Philippines for lared Woodbridge resident derwent extensive renova-
A month later, he was ar- The medical examiner’s sponsorship application for burial. Fabian Loayza-Penaloza, tion in the six months prior
rested for breaking into Cal- office had to confirm her her husband and sons. Police warning 35, a contractor. to Dulnuan’s murder.
gary’s North Hill Mall. He identity through fingerprint A news report said immi- As this developed, Cal- The two suspects have Confined, strangled
was again freed on bail but samples, because her face gration officials have prom- gary police renewed warn- been appearing before the Minnion told reporters
placed under house arrest, was badly mutilated. ised to make exceptions and ings to women to take pre- Ontario Court of Justice in (To page 11)

Petition seeks firmer gov’t action on caregiver issues

The Coalition for the Program) in program imple-
Protection of Caregivers’ mentation and make the
Rights, in cooperation with needed program changes to
the Community Alliance on improve caregivers’ work-
Social Justice (CASJ), has ing conditions.
asked politicians in Ottawa ► Immediately remove
for firmer and more resolute the mandatory live-in re-
action that would bestow quirement allowing caregiv-
on foreign caregivers better ers to choose their abode.
social and economic protec- ► Grant permanent
tion and security while car- residence status to these
rying out their noble jobs in caregivers. The Canadian
Canada. immigration point system
In a petition addressed to must be revised to genu-
the House of Commons in inely reflect Canadian labor
Parliament Assembled, the needs, including the need
coalition sought to draw the Participants of the Jan. 20 Community Alliance on Social Justice workshop on caregivers’ issues put for caregivers. Caregivers
attention of the House to the up the Coalition for the Protection of Caregivers’ Rights and formulate a petition addressed to the Ca- must be granted permanent
reality that: nadian Parliament in Ottawa. Caregivers’ issues workshop speakers include (below, from left) Hermie resident status as soon as
► Canada never had a Garcia, Connie Sorio, Jesusa Cabiling, Menchie Cuaresma, Pura Velasco and Sol Pajadura. All photos specific training and educa-
universal child and elderly courtesy of HERMIE GARCIA, PHILIPPINE REPORTER tion criteria are met.
care program; ► Give caregivers ac-
► The Live-in Care- cess to social and settlement
giver Program (LCP) was services including employ-
the Federal government’s ment Insurance, subsidized
response to the increasing housing, healthcare, legal
need for home based child- aid and Child Tax Benefits
care and care for its aging ► Push Canada’s impri-
population; matur on the United Nations
► The hiring of live- Convention on the Protec-
in caregivers or domestic tion of the Rights and Wel-
workers had become an at- home, but also performed vulnerable to economic months to be completed laws in private homes. fare of Migrant Workers and
tractive alternative for dual- other household chores such (long and flexible hours, within 39 months) under- In view of these condi- their Families.
income families with young as cooking, housecleaning, non payment of overtime pins the view that the LCP tions, the petitioners called Meanwhile, the Federa-
children, in view of the high laundry, driving, shoveling hours, pay below minimum has always been a form of on Parliament to: tion of Filipino-Canadians
cost of hiring live-out nan- snow in winter and garden- wage) exploitation, physical indentured slavery; and ► Conduct a hearing of Brampton, CASJ and the
nies or of sending children ing in summer, walking the and sexual abuse, invasions ► Under labor law, the on the condition of live-in Canada Overseas Filipino
to a day care center; dogs, and others; of their privacy and control is noted the lack of or non- caregivers by the appropri- Workers Group will conduct
► Live-in caregivers ►Since their workplac- over their mobility; enforcement of minimal em- ate government agency/ies a Caregiver Support forum
not only provided quality es are their homes, the live- ► The mandatory LCP ployment standards or occu- involved (CIC, HRSDC, at Shoppers World Bramp-
childcare at their employers’ in caregivers have become live-in requirement (24 pational health and safety Federal Temporary Workers ton on Feb. 17.
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor NEWS 5
Be forewarned: Air Canada ‘buddy
pass’ may mean ‘cheap flight’ but ...
(From page 1) mouthed things, it would panied his patron. flight’ deal smelled of a practically making me his to Canada from Manila on
“If Delano ‘Allan’ Arza- seem to his listener that he But Arzaga would ask scam, Galicia fell for it af- hostage, placing my time Dec. 18, 2007 at the least.
ga could do this to me, then was a very influential Air his victim to misidentify ter Arzaga showed him the and resources at his mercy, Arzaga insisted it was
he could do this to anyone Canada hand at the Toronto himself as his relative, if “confirmed booking” for arrogantly saying that if I impossible, saying all
else,” said victim Roberto Pearson airport. and when asked by any air- a Nov. 20, 2007 Toronto- really wanted to go home on flights before Dec. 21, 2007
Galicia, a practicing mem- Arzaga bragged on how port personnel. Hong Kong flight aboard Jan. 22, then I have to fend were unavailable.
ber of the ethnic and com- he could easily secure any- Questions AC15 and a Jan. 22, 2008 off for myself,” he said. But a quick surf of the
munity press. one a seat in any Air Cana- In a letter to key Air Hong Kong-Toronto flight Having made appoint- Air Canada website showed
“I really feel stupid after da flight any time, using his Canada and Ace Aviation aboard AC16 for the victim ments after Jan. 22, 2008 a lot of empty plane seats.
being duped, and later com- employee’s ‘buddy pass.’ Holdings, Inc. officials, and his mother, for which he could not back out from, “He simply did not want
pletely ignored by Arzaga He said he could accom- Galicia, in his capacity as a Arzaga charged and got a Galicia had to buy his own to do his part of our agree-
who would not return calls pany people on a Toronto- newsman, asked: still unreceipted $1,300. ticket and “just had to enjoy ment. Thus, I missed the
or reply to e-mail messag- Hong Kong-Toronto flight, ► Are Air Canada’s One-way ticket! (See Omerta on page 10) ceremonies,” Galicia said.
es,” Galicia said. for only $650 each. ‘buddy passes’ for sale? Arzaga made good his the psychological and eco- Worse, he was later
“The lesson I’ve so He stressed that if he ► Is Air Canada man- commitment to fly the two nomic misery Arzaga has told by immigration that he
sorely learned may as well had work during any of the agement tolerating such to Hong Kong. But Arzaga inflicted on me.” might have to go through
be a fair warning to those set flights, he would use ‘buddy pass’ practices Ar- would breach his part of “My 75-year old mother the processes again.
who may later be his unsus- part of the fee he charged to zaga executed with flair and getting Galicia home on is still in the Philippines, Benefit abuse, misuse
pecting prey,” he added. pay for the wages of some- being done too, as he boast- the earlier booked and con- suffering from Arzaga’s In his letter to Air Cana-
Air Canada big wig? one to take his place and do ed, by other airline officials firmed Jan. 22, 2008 flight. misdeeds. She said she is da officials, Galicia sought
The way Arzaga his work, while he accom- and employees? Asked on arrangements due to return to Canada, but comment on whether or
► Since Air Canada is for the Jan. 22 return flight, not under Arzaga’s terms not Arzaga’s acts could be
NDP: Passenger Bill of ... so strict in complying with Arzaga said he could not and not aboard an air Can- “construed as abuse and
(From page 1) laws on passenger and plane make it, insisting he had ada plane,” he added. misuse of company benefits
It resumed flights this Bay costs over $4,800. This safety, does the manpower work and negating his Oathtaking missed and privileges, at the ex-
past summer, to compete is an obvious issue of fair- switch Arzaga bragged much-heralded ‘warm body Earlier on, Galicia was pense of his victims and the
with Astraeus, a European ness. Passengers shouldn’t about not open avenues that switch.’ But he promised he scheduled to take his Cana- company’s good image and
carrier, but stopped it again be at the mercy of airlines, may endanger lives and de- would make himself avail- dian oath of citizenship on integrity.”
in September. especially when travelling stroy property? able on Jan. 27, 2008. Dec. 21, 2007. “I know that Air Canada
“The Atlantic provinces to northern or rural Canada. Air Canada’s media re- “If Arzaga could not Banking on Arzaga’s has nothing to do with Ar-
and rural Canada are always Its time the federal gov- lations office has acknowl- meet an earlier set commit- other promise that he would zaga’s private transactions.
getting the short end of the ernment work with all key edged receipt of the letter ment, what assurances do fetch Galicia when the lat- But this breach was made in
stick and are not getting the players in this industry and and promised to reply. his victims have that Arzaga ter’s notice to appear before the name of your company.
air service they require,” review cost structures and Confirmed booking would fulfill another prom- immigration to take his oath I hope an investigation and
said Stoffer. “A three-hour service implementation,” Despite warnings from ise?” asked Galicia. of citizenship came, he re- appropriate action are con-
flight from Iqaluit to Arctic he added. PR friends that the ‘cheap “Worse, Arzaga was quested to be flown back ducted to clear this mess.”
6 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
of ‘VP, Government and Trade on, the snow pile on our side of
Relations, Jess M. Carlos’ in the the street is thicker compared
2008 Board of Directors. with those living on the north
“My apology to Jess for the side of the street. Exchanging
omission.” notes on our experiences on
From Ace to Jess Carlos: those two snow storms, I said
Ace Alvarez Ayan, Jess. Official na! You can to Manila Media Monitor editor

Bicolano Romanticos,
add it to your bio as follows: Butch Galicia that this was be-
JESS M. CARLOS, BBA: Presi- cause, we, on the south side of

higit na pinagpapala?
dent & CEO - JC Link Finan- the street, are blessed more. He
cial Group, President - Maha- commented, “Higit pala kayong
rajah Heritage of Canada; PRO pinagpapala.”
Watching Pinoy, Eh! on Chan- - Association of Filipino Cana- ***
nel A, Cable 20, one Saturday dian Accountants, PRO- Kalay- On February 6, Suzy Llanera,
morning last January: aan, Director - Asian Canadian acting as a PR person for The Pil-
Female Host: “… Hi, I’m Mary Entrepreneur Professional, Life lars Cultural Association, sent
Grace Santos (she pronounced her Member- Million Dollar Round Mabuhay Magazine’s Karen Pas-
last name as Sen-toes).” Table, Member- Philippine Press cual-Binaday a press release with
Male Host: “ … and I’m An- Club of Ontario, Member - Free a note: “Hi Karen – can we send
thony Joseph Lusaya (he pro- and Accepted Mason, Unfran- this to the media for press release,”
nounced his last name as Loosey- chise Owner and Distributor of furnishing Manila Media Monitor
ya).” Market America - a multibillion with a copy of the message.
Pinoy Eh! continues … dollar brokerage industry. Hhhmmm … Suzy probably
Mary Grace: “We have with Teka, Jess, I noticed that you did not believe that she was al-
us today folksinger Chito Sarabia haven’t included in the list yet ready sending the message to the
(she pronounced his last name as your title as television reporter. media.
Sa-reyb-ya). Chito, please tell us *** ***
something about yourself.” On February 14, Gie Alvarez, Philippine daily newspaper
Chito: “Oh yes. I’m Chito among other recipients, received a Manila Times news item on Jan-
Sarabia (he pronounced his last Valentine greeting from newsman uary 31: “Gov’t making ‘watch-
name as Sa-reyb-ya).” Jojo Taduran. list’ of critics”.
After this portion, I didn’t “Now, I’m confused on what my middle last name is: Alva- On the same day, too, I got, O, sa banda rito … sa banda
know what happened. I fell asleep rez, or Eyl-vey-rez?” among other recipients, a Valen- rito … Marami dito sa Toronto!
having had no sleep yet from the tine greeting from PCCT presi- ***
previous evening. what happened. No … no … no. “Oh, from that date on, and every dent and Action Honda general The item also stated: “The list
*** I didn’t fall asleep. I fainted. year thereafter, Jess has to pay his manager Rafael Nebres. to be generated by the national po-
Watching Front Page Phil- *** annual membership dues.” You know what’s common lice on orders of the Palace, will
ippines one Sunday morning, Two months ago, Philip- *** between the two e-mail Valentine include journalists.”
OMNI 2, Cable 14: pine Press Club-Ontario (PPCO) In announcing the new offi- greeting senders? They’re both Ah .. sa banda roon … sa ban-
Female Host: “Magandang President Tenny Soriano declared cers and board members of the Bicolano Romanticos! da roon … Friendly kami sa ad-
araw po sa inyo, mga kaibigan. Talakayan radio program produc- Asian Canadian Entrepreneurs *** ministration dito sa Toronto! Ka-
Ako po ang inyong lingkod, Gie er-host Jess Cabrias as lifetime and Professionals on February During the two snow storms hit itanong pa ninyo kay ConGen
Alvarez (she pronounced her member of the PPCO. 14, VP for Public Relations Al- that Toronto had during the Andy Mosquera.
last name as Eyl-vey-rez).” Some people asked me what ice Cheung sent a post script: first two weeks of February, I ***
After this, I didn’t know Jess is getting for it. My reply: “Oops! I omitted the position noticed that on the street I live (To page 7)
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor VIEWS 7
Bicolano Romanticos ... Filipino workers gain ... bers - who included busi- ports to the Philippines
(From page 6) (From page 1) ness and community lead- include wheat, iron/steel
For a select few, Fri- He: Are you crazy! I’m in the Philippines and Man- a criminal record, and have ers representing a range articles, repairs, pork and
days are very special be- not that kind of person! itoba, Brion said. employer-required skills. of companies, organiza- processed foods.
ing recipients of folksing- She: Can I trust you? Workers’ training and Brion said the MOU pro- tions and institutions - had Top imports from the
er Chito Sarabia’s TGIF He: Yes. credential recognition were hibited recruitment agencies a series of meetings with Philippines to Manitoba
(Thank God It’s Friday), She: Darling! highlighted in the pact. from charging placement Filipino businessmen that include TV cameras, elec-
a weekly compilation of After marriage, simply But Brion clarified that fees from workers, as em- introduced Manitoba busi- tronic circuits, moving/
quotations to live by. read from bottom to top. applicants for job vacan- ployers would pay the cost nesses to new opportunities grading/scraping or boring
On Friday, February *** cies would still have to go of hiring the OFW. in the Philippines, expected machinery, furniture and
8, among Chito’s quotes From a forwarded through authorized recruit- Strong Filipino commu- to increase and diversify electronic parts.
was, “Blackbird singing message from Likha pub- ment agencies. nity Manitoba’s export markets. Manitoba has a diverse
in the dead of night.” lication’s Leonie Man- Labor officials would Manitoba Premier Doer Manitoba’s non-United economy with strong sec-
Teka … teka! Mukhang zanares: regularly exchange infor- said “Manitoba has a strong States exports rose eight tors in agriculture, grain
niloloko mo na kami niyan, US presidential can- mation on Manitoba em- Filipino community, and it percent in 2006 over 2005. handling and nutraceuticals,
Chito, a! didates Hillary Clinton, ployers and recruitment makes sense for us to build “Setbacks in other mar- advanced manufacturing,
Huwag mo nang uulitin Barack Obama, and John or sending agencies in the on the connections that ex- kets can have an impact and aerospace and aviation.
iyan, otherwise, you will Edwards were flying to a Philippines. ist between our province here at home. Therefore, it “Manitoba has a lot to
get “No Reply” if “I Saw convention. Both parties would like- and the Philippines.” is important that we keep di- offer to Filipino businesses
You Standing There”. Barack looked at Hill- wise explore projects to More immigrants come versifying and growing the looking to access the North
*** ary, chuckled and said, sustain and promote HRD to Manitoba from the Phil- international markets with America market,” Doer
The following is a con- “You know, I could throw in the Philippines. ippines than any other which we do business. This said.
versation between a man a $1,000 bill out of the win- A working committee country, with Filipino new- helps cushion us against “Our province is a gate-
and a woman before their dow right now and make would be established to comers accounting for more such setbacks and ensure way to the continent, with
marriage to each other somebody very happy.” coordinate the HRD activi- than 25 percent of the prov- that our own economy con- affordable business costs,
(from a forwarded message Hillary shrugged her ties. ince’s total immigration. tinues to grow,” Doer said. a strategic central location,
from my good friend Mal- shoulders and replied, Immigrant status Manitoba’s growing Fil- Two-way trade between and strong transportation
colm Wason): “I could throw ten $100 Under the MOU, Fili- ipino community has nearly Manitoba and the Philip- and communication links to
He: Yes! At last. Wait- bills out of the window pino workers might enter 50,000 residents. pines totaled $29 million in other parts of Canada, the
ing was so hard. and make ten people very Manitoba either as tempo- The mission included 2006. United States and Mexico,”
She: Do you want me to happy.” rary foreign worker or per- Flor Marcelino, a mem- Leading Manitoba ex- he added. PNA/PR
leave? John added, “That be- manent resident, excluding ber of Manitoba’s Filipino
He: NO! Don’t even ing the case, I could throw those seeking to work as community and the legisla-
think about it. one hundred $10 bills out live-in caregivers or those tive assistant to the minis-
She: Do you love me? of the window and make approved as Manitoba pro- ter responsible for Culture,
He: Of course! Over and a hundred people very vincial nominees. Heritage and Citizenship.
over! happy.” Applicants should pass Investment opportunities
She: Have you ever Hearing these, the pilot the medical examination Besides the job pact,
cheated on me? rolled his eyes and told his required by Citizenship Premier Doer said the mis-
He: NO! Why are you co-pilot, “Such big-shots and Immigration Canada, sion had extensively pro-
even asking? back there’. I could throw be free from any custody moted the province as a Please see page 11 for our detailed advertisement
She: Will you kiss me? all of them out of the win- or divorce dispute, have prime location for invest-
He: Every chance I get! dow and make 156 million satisfactory English lan- ment.
She: Will you hit me? people very happy.” guage proficiency, not have Doer and mission mem-
8 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
medium of instruction, textbooks
and everything were in English -
imported from Uncle Sam’s coun-
Readers who likewise went to
private Catholic schools would

Community remember that even during off

classroom hours - recesses, lunch

breaks, etc. - we were instructed
to speak in English, otherwise one
would be fined five centavos per
word said.
It would be ideal if community associations. … just wondering if non-prof- When I moved to the public
organizations doing fundraising On the other hand, Karen Cag- it corporations around us have school system, I was the poorest
efforts on one cause, or another, uicla - chair of the “Find Christina similar policies in place; o baka in the “Pilipino” subject, because
post its accounting of funds in Calayca” project knew exactly naman, pati ballroom dancing les- I was trained to be a little brown
their websites. what she and her group are fac- sons are charged? American with Filipino accent,
This way, the public’s confi- ing. *** so much so that when my teacher
dence on fundraising efforts does During her conversation with The implementation next year assigned us a seatwork during my
not wane; hence, not affecting this writer, Karen - an aunt of the by the Toronto Board of Educa- first few days at school, and giv-
other organizations which may be missing Filipino since August 6, tion of an experimental school for ing her instruction in Tagalog, I
doing legitimate fundraising for 2007 at the Rainbow Falls Provin- black students reminds me of the did not understand what she was
causes they believe in. cial Park in Thunder Bay - said that two-tier primary school system in saying, hence, I copied the work
Because of the so many unac- all funds raised from the initiative the Philippines during my time. of my seatmate - and realized af-
counted funds in past fundraising will be posted in the group’s web- Those families who have extra ter I copied letter for letter my seat
initiatives by groups - both for- site at www.findchristina.com. money to shell out with which to mate’s work, and reading every
mally organized under the law, The “Find Christina” group is afford extra expenses entailed in syllable of the word, I realized I
and those which were not, many composed of family and friends. sending their kids to private Cath- copied “Joselito” - my seatmate’s
open-hearted Filipinos have start- In a related development, this olic schools in the Philippines name.
ed to stay away from giving gen- column congratulates the Toronto learn one thing and the poor who While my classmates were
erously to various causes. Catholic District School Board have none, or those by choice, good to me, still I felt alienated in
Already, organizations which (TCDSB), chaired by Catherine could only send their children to the public school system, hence,
are doing legitimate fundraising LeBlanc-Miller, in posting trust- government-run schools in the my family was forced to put
projects have started to feel the ees’ expenses on its website as a Philippines. me back in the private Catholic
indifference of the community in positive step to ensure transpar- During those times, students school I had attended and felt at
their noble aims. ency and further accountability of in the public elementary school home in.
For one, Levi Frias, president public money. system learned “Pepe and Pilar”, Oh, I still remember the joy
of the North York Filipino Com- The TCDSB chair, in a state- and those in the private Catholic of my old classmates and friends
munity Centre, aired his troubles ment, said that as they review schools learned “Judy” and “Jack seeing me - and mine, too - the
to this column, stressing his dif- Trustee expenses and approval and Jill”. first day of school that year.
ficulties from raising his, and his processes, they discover some Oh, believe me, at a young age, In Toronto, I hope that after at-
group’s project, from the drawing items which needed reconciling when I moved to a public school tending the all black exclusive ex-
board. according to the board’s policies. system, afterwards, I lasted only perimental school, graduates will
Mr. Frias blames other organi- Among these items were taxi two years. I was an “immigrant” still be comfortable in the multi-
zations for the attitude the public chits that were charged to her ac- in the sea of “natural borns” - al- cultural reality of the city of To-
now has on fundraisings, affecting count, thus, the same amount was though, all of us were Filipinos. ronto - which, by then, they will
the North York Filipino Commu- immediately reimbursed to the Reason was that, in the pri- not have been used to exposure.
nity Centre project, among other board. vate Catholic school system, our (To page 11)
But the proud Manilan will,
after reciting a litany of ills in self-
analysis and confession, always
asks if it is easier to borrow a cup-
ful of vinegar and a ladder from a
neighbor here or in the Americas.
Or if one knows his neighbor’s

Manila on my mind birthday, much less his name. Or

if when one dies in the commu-
nity, the entire block comes to pay
To be sure, Manila is not what
ORLANDO, Florida: I have Days are spent discrediting lo- celebrated of Manila. the elected leaders have carved it
barely gone a fortnight, but my cal society and blaming regimes In 1901, when the Thomasites out to be.
mind is constantly in the grimy, past and present, tracing the de- were just around the corner, there The street lamp’s life is only
congested, chaotic city of my crepitude all the way to Magellan, were only 277,000 in the mostly as good as a sitting mayor’s term.
childhood as though an invisible Queen Isabella and her hypocriti- swampy, generally dusty city. Manila is not what foreign jour-
thread inextricably connects me. cal friars. It is not swampy anymore, ev- nalists paint it out to be, but what
The signature Hotdog song of There must be a charm to the ery section having been expropri- residents want it to turn out as.
the 70s wafts through the memo- turmoil, some method to the mad- ated by government or snatched Whether in the perilous slum
ry. Not humming it in my mind is ness. For why else would one ig- by informal dwellers. jungles of North Harbor, the man-
difficult: “Manila, Manila, hinah- nore the Pied Piper call for a more It is still dusty, despite the hole peppered streets of Sampaloc,
anap-hanap kita Manila ….I keep comfortable life in the northern kilometers of roads that lace the or the bohemian alleys of Ermita,
coming back to Manila.” hemisphere, far away from the entire area in gnarled ribbons of Manila is always an experience, a
Why jaded Pinoys, like this dusty streets and uncollected gar- inferior asphalt and substandard spectacle to behold.
writer, are haunted by home is in- bage, the rusty jeeps and greedy concrete. All of it defying description.
explicable. congressmen? There seems to be more tri- It will be this way for perhaps an-
It is akin to a pigeon homing at Manila is an enigma, a city cycles than there are trees, more other generation or more.
night, a dog gone astray, but sniff- of contradictions. The city defies funeral parlors than there are There will be more stories to
ing its way back to the familiar thorough description even in the parks, more mobile phone sub- tell about the city and its residents,
scents of a welcoming house. pens of the revered Nick Joaquin scribers than there are users of the many of whom will cower at the
Cousins and other kin have or Carmen Guerrero Nakpil. zip code. specter of old age in a city gone
wondered why despite the many Read Lonely Planet, Fodor Home could be the musty un- mad and will therefore pack their
opportunities to leave and find or Amazon’s editions on Manila derside of a bridge or a luxury bags and abandon the nest.
treasures elsewhere, I have opted and one will half grieve and half condotel, depending on how deep But surely, there will be a
to stay. rejoice. one’s pocket is. brave set of people who will see
Yet like millions left behind, I It is as though one was to visit A snooty balikbayan will scoff charm and mystic under the patina
find pleasure in ripping the poor a corner of Baghdad, a nook of at how depressingly poor and of poverty and disorder. Much like
city to smithereens, finding al- Kolkata and a section of Prague shabby things have become since those who define a half -empty
most every corner odorous, nearly all in one breath. he was last home, finding devious glass as half-filled. And they will
every building disheveled, almost It is not what ails the city of joy in comparing his adoptive city stay, like this writer, because there
every government leader corrupt. 16 million people, but what can be to Manila. is always a surprise awaiting.
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor VIEWS 9

Opinion Canada’s World

Be a President? needs your input
So you want to be president of the Republic of the Philippines. Canada’s World is having a can learn more about your coun- in the book, published last year
I hate saying this, but being president is a very thankless job. You conversation about our country’s try and the world and get prepared and delivered to me recently, un-
give it your best shot and the people will still ask for more. On the role in the world. for the online dialogue, which will solicited.
other hand, your critics - there are plenty of them, I tell you - will The organizers want to get happen next spring. The authors claim their ex-
claim your efforts are not good enough, or you’re not doing any- Canadians informed and talking: You can take quizzes on in- haustive research proves that, ap-
thing at all. talking about how they want us to ternational issues, browse the proximately every 1,500 years, we
Let me cite, for instance, the peso’s dramatic gain against the act in the world, and what we have gallery and add your own photos experience a warming period such
dollar which, by the way, is already in the area of: P39 from a high to do to make that happen. to it, read guides for how to get as we’re undergoing now.
of P56 not so long ago. A strong peso is good for the economy; The project is having this involved in making change in “They piece together clues
there’s no question about that. The wage earners couldn’t be hap- conversation in person, through the international arena, and learn from ice cores, tree rings, ocean
pier because they can now buy more with their money. dialogues with randomly selected about new realities facing Canada sediments and stalagmites to re-
But then, Mr. OFW (overseas Filipino worker) out there and his participants in every region of the in the world. So – get going! construct Earth’s temperatures
family in here are less than happy. The exchange rate left them with country, and online at canadas- Don’t forget: canadasworld.ca over the eons,” says the covering
so much less in pesos. It means diminution of their earnings, and world.ca. ***** letter from Peter Holle, president
that’s no way to treat a so-called contemporary hero who kept the The outcome of this conversa- To the number of right wing of the Frontier Centre in a letter
national economy afloat with his remittances when the country is at tion will depend on what you say think tanks like the Fraser Institute accompanying the book and ad-
its lowest ebb, economically, that is. so it’s up to you to participate and and the Donner Foundation that dressed to me.
If you were the President, how would you strike a delicate bal- make your voice heard! front for laissez faire business and Now let’s look at the facts.
ance between these two opposing issues? To get you prepared to talk industry, add Frontier Centre for Three thousand years ago, there
If you’ve got no idea, fine. Just don’t be president. about your country and the world, Public Policy, a Winnipeg-based were only an estimated 50 mil-
Don’t even think about it. they’ve created the above website, organization I’d never heard of lion men, women and children on
No, am not finished yet. The peso-dollar stuff is just one of a from which you can find more in- until I received from the centre a earth and 1,500 years ago - when
thousand and one headaches you’ve got to address - if you’re the formation about Canada’s World book titled Unstoppable Global the earth’s estimated population
president. – the overview of the project, the Warming — Every 1,500 Years. was only 90 million, we were still
Okay, here’s some of the more pressing issues - let’s call them project team, information about Don’t worry about global a long way from the coming of the
social and political ills - that the country’s Chief Executive have to the other members of the site, ad- warming; it’s happened before, Industrial Revolution, the automo-
live up with. Incidentally, thanks to the Catholic Bishops Confer- visors, collaborators, and funders, every 1,500 years. bile and the importance of fossil
ence of the Philippines for helping me out on this. and ways to contact Canada’s That’s the message physicist fuels to our daily needs, plus such
In a communiqué issued at the closing of their 96th plenary World Fred Singer and science journalist other factors as the methane gas
assembly, the CBCP enumerated some of the issues which have From the rest of the site, you Dennis Avery are trying to convey (To page 11)
caused some kind of national paralysis that prevented the country
from moving forward.
According to the prelates, bureaucratic corruption is at its worst.
Then there’s the coup threats that simply refuse to go away, the
Charter change jitters, persistent mass poverty, and the national ID
system which, personally, I think, shouldn’t be an issue at all.
Curiously, the CBCP didn’t mention a thing about spiraling
prices of fuel products. Again, personally, my minimum gas buy

used to be P300. Now, it’s P500, otherwise, the gasoline boy would
(To page 36)

Accountability & Truth

Makati Business Club (E-Newsletter, Feb. 12, 2008) Self-destruction is the Dark, and it gentles you with reminders ers. Then you lie to yourself. And
hovering just at the edge of Light. of the pain. Reminders of your you convince yourself that you’re
We salute Rodolfo “Jun” Lozada Jr. for overcoming his person-
Always. Always with us. Always hunger for revenge and justice. still in control.
al fear of the consequences of revealing what he knows about the
ready to seize us upon the slight- Like a lioness gentling the wilde- The Dark has mastered you.
scandal-ridden National Broadband Network (NBN) project. He
est flicker. beest, its jaws tight around a quiv- Your humiliation is complete.
claims that his life was threatened, that he was enticed with assur-
It’s a drug so addictive. So se- ering throat. But the hunger never stops. And
ances of his personal safety and promises of other considerations,
ductive. When the pain is greatest You sink a little deeper. And drives you to seek others so that
and that he was abducted by persons belonging to the (Philippine)
it comes quietly, offering solace you humiliate your soul with in- they may have their own hunger.
state security apparatus. Mr. Lozada chose to walk away from the
and promises; promises more al- creasing violence. And each time, And you make new friends
“dark side” and the lies and cover-up regarding the NBN project
luring than any lover can give; you lose a small part of yourself. who reinforce your world. Like
being peddled by persons connected to (President Gloria Macapa-
promises to ease the pain; a refuge You look in the mirror and addicts at a crack house, you sit,
gal-Arroyo’s) Administration.
and a friend in a seemingly dark nod and say, that’s ok, it’s worth silently offering comfort and en-
If he had been a lesser person, he could have continued to ac-
sea. A gentle caress that succors a the price. I will get my justice and couragement to each other. And
quiesce and cower in the dark. But having come into the light, he
burning need to ease the pain. then I will be done. these friends feed your hunger.
has become a credible witness to the truth. Now that he is being
And in place of that pain, an of- And you look for new humili- You step out of your world,
unjustly maligned by government officials and by senators identi-
fer made, a bargain reached. And ations. For new ways to destroy leaving behind those who care
fied with the Administration in their continuing effort to suppress
then it’s too late. The Light which and abuse yourself. about you, and step into a new
the truth, we express our support for Mr. Lozada and let him know,
flickered for just an instance, is So dark has your way become, harsh reality.
“Hindi ka nag-iisa!”
shoved back inch by inch, until it you can’t see the destruction for It’s done without notice or an-
We call on DENR Secretary Joselito Atienza and CHED Chair-
is no more than a distant memory, what it is. Only the fleeting high nouncement. One small step at a
man Romulo Neri to save themselves from further shame by resign-
a rumor, of how you once were. each hit gives you. But it never time. And with every step, you
ing from their positions in government for their respective roles in
Then the pain is no longer im- lasts long. And like all drugs, you look back and make promises
the attempt to prevent Mr. Lozada from testifying on the ZTE deal
portant. You’re hooked and the slowly build resistance so that which you’ll never keep. Prom-
at the Senate.
seduction is complete. more and more is needed. And ises to yourself, promises to those
Their protection at any cost of the interests of those in power
Self-destruction has you in an you convince yourself that you’re you leave behind. But an insatia-
render them unworthy of the people’s trust.
iron grip; helping you plan your still in control. ble hunger drives you and so you
We support the Senate’s continued pursuit of the truth behind
every humiliation, helping you Those around you begin to take another step.
the NBN project. We must see to it that those who are revealed to
destroy your soul, with an insa- hurt. Each of your humiliations Self-destruction is the Dark,
have broken the law, no matter how high up, must be made to ac-
tiable hunger that’s as old as time visits your family, your friends, hovering just at the edge of Light.
count for their transgressions. The long-term political stability and
itself. your name. It blinds and maims and is raven-
economic prosperity of our country will only be possible if we have
In those brief moments when They have no place to hide. No ous with its hunger for your pain.
leaders with integrity, and institutions that protect and uphold the
you regain a little of what you way to recover. And when they try Like a fire storm, it sweeps
public trust.
once were, when the fog threat- to reach out to you, to shine their across the open plains of your be-
As business people, we cannot console ourselves in the strength
ens to lift and reveal all, the Dark Light so that you might see better, ing, scorching and destroying ev-
of the peso and the mirage of inequitable growth. These are ephem-
dims the Light just a little more, you shun them. Angered. erything in its path. info@thenan-
(To page 36) so your reach can’t quite make it, You begin to lie. First to oth- nyexpert.com
10 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
haunted the Manila Media Moni- against those who do me wrong.
tor with queries as to the “kinahi- And I readily forgive those who
natnan ng aming mga donasyon ... do not know what they are doing.
na napunta kaya sa dapat puntah- As elders say: Be kind to animals.
an?” Our standard reply: Please, But when an act is done with
you’ll know when we know. And calculated impunity so as to de-
my guarantee, as editor of this pa- stroy my self-respect and my
Of miracles and being per, of free space for the revenue
report still sits in the stands.
Seiko wallet, without saying that
the anomaly affects those near and

in two places at one time But don’t fret. Perhaps, the

light at the end of the cloudy tun-
dear to me, I enjoy clawing back
and using the options my pen of-
nel may be there, after all. A quick fers to warn others not to fall into
... If a man could be two plac- patriots flying in to and out of hopped into the subway train to surf at Ricky Cuenca’s Ancop the trap of believing members of
es at one time, I’d be with you; Hong Kong. How many of them Warden, got into a Blue Knight Canada-Gawad Kalinga (GK) the infamous Swindlers’ List.
tomorrow and today, beside you would soon be working for em- and was home on Danforth Road website may have the answer. A scam is scum, in any lan-
all the way ... If, David Gates ployers in Canada? before the clock struck midnight. The website features a short guage. Its place is in hell.
Oh, no; not anymore! The su- Uh, oh! My apologies to Ma- Come to think of it. Can I right- blip.tv capture entitled Canada *****
personic jet age has arrived. And nila Media Monitor publisher Ace fully claim to have been in Hong goes the distance with Gawad Ka- Oh, the page 1 banner story! I
it has rendered passe the jurassic Alvarez for being unable to get in Kong and Vancouver or hovering linga starring Cuenca as he visits was wrong to think I was a lonely
belief that no one could ever be in touch with and interview Hong above some country and in Manila GK sites in Southern Leyte, East- victim of a cheap flight scam.
two places at any one time. Kong-based Godeliva Dulnuan, or Toronto at the same time? ern Samar and Surigao City. Until I lately heard some un-
Skylane travellers might not mother of slain Filipino worker Looks like a time warp or a There’s a part there that shows ending tales of woe, I never knew
have known it, but many of them Jocelyn Dulnuan (related item on case of teleportation? Nope! Sim- Cuenca with GK beneficiaries of that scores have faced far more
have defied time, motion and page 4). So little time left, Sir Ace, ply credit it to the man-made In- ten LAO-funded houses built in horrendous experiences, an un-
space, as if it were just one of those to do the journalistic errand, after ternational Date Line. Barangay Tangkaan, Padre Bur- welcome discourtesy perpetrated
common everyday occurences. attending to travelling must dos. ***** gos, Southern Leyte. by the dirty hands and evil minds
Imagine the excitement I had Anyways, I boarded Air Can- My, my! Going back in time, Meron naman pala, eh. Before of the unscrupulous in the guise of
nurturing the above notion when I ada flight AC008 bound for Van- wasn’t it in February two years anyone even notices it, may I ad- airline employees, travel agents,
left in a cab for the Ninoy Aquino couver at 1:10 p.m. of Jan. 22 and ago that a mudslide buried a vise Ancop Canada’s webmaster and their related like.
International Airport shortly after had to enjoy being in the air for 20 whole village in Guinsaugon, to make mention of the ten-house Sabi nga nila: Walang man-
midnight of Jan. 21. I reckoned hours and 12 minutes. St. Bernard, Southern Leyte for LAO GK Village in the website. loloko kung walang magpapalo-
I’d get some sleep at the airport We landed in Vancouver a bit which the Leyteño Association of Wait a minute, kapeng mainit! ko. I fully agree. Pero hindi ko
lounge, as I wait to fly to Hong earlier than the Jan. 22 estimated Ontario (LAO) -- led by president Can anyone, Cuenca maybe, aaminin na ako’y nagpaloko. Ang
Kong via Cebu Pacific Air at 8 time arrival of 9:55 a.m. Jose Saavedra, Jr. -- raised a lot of please explain why Saavedra’s masakit lang, wala pang itinatay-
a.m.. on Jan. 22. After a few smoke sticks un- cash and cheque donations for the proclamations that the LAO Vil- ong ospital para sa mga tanga!
I arrived Hong Kong two der Vancouver’s rather mild win- benefit of mudslide survivors. lage would be sited in Macrohon NOSEBLEED talaga!
hours later, went airport sight-see- try weather and some small talk If my memory serves me well, were completely negated? *****
ing and met Wilson and Mary, two with Filipinos at the airport dur- Saavedra vowed to come up with But who cares? Padre Burgos Beware not to do me in some
Filipinos manning Morninghaz at ing a four-hour wait, I boarded Air a public report of the donations, and Macrohon are neighbors, al- kind of monkey business. It plea-
Terminal II, who prepared for me Canada flight AC192 bound for based on a report he would have though far, far and very far away sures me to get the business and
a great sandwich lunch, courtesy Toronto at 1:25 p.m. of Jan. 22. submitted to Internal Revenue from mudslide-hit St. Bernard. drive away the monkey. Matalino
of a Hong Kong International Air- We were at the Pearson airport Canada in June last year. Sorry, Ancop Canada-GK can surely man din daw ang matsing, ung-
port HK$30 cash voucher promo. at 9:30 p.m. of Jan. 22. After get- folks! What is essential is invis- work miracles? goy pa rin! ULOL (Uncontrolla-
OMG! I never thought there ting my bags, I went out, board- ible to the eye. ***** bly Laughing Out Loud)! butch-
could be swarms of Filipino com- ed the TTC Rocket to Kipling, Some more vocal donors have Seldom do I use ink power galicia@yahoo.com

Dr. Gilbert Chan
Dr. Daphne Chien
Dr. Janet Ho
Dr. Janet Wong
Dr. Michael Chin
Velasco, Sorio in FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 11
PPC-O forum
Community civic leaders Pura Velasco and
Connie Sorio, advocates for the protection of
Filipino caregivers and workers in Canada,
will lead guest speakers in the Philippine Press
Club-Ontario (PPC-O) Kapihan breakfast fo-
rum at Casa Manila on Feb. 23.
PPC-O director and Kapihan chairman Tony
Sicat said the forum, a regular PPC-O monthly
activity, will begin at 10 a.m.
Two caregivers have been invited to share
their experiences before the PPC-O, Sicat said.
PPC-O director and auditor Hermie Garcia
said the community would be able to put into
context recent developments concerning care-
givers’ and workers’ protection (See page 4),
after hearing from Velasco, Sorio and other
Garcia sent information that described:
► Velasco as leader of the Coalition for
the Protection of Caregivers’ Rights, the group
spearheading the campaign for fundamen-
tal changes in the Live-In Caregiver Program
(LCP). Velasco, a former domestic worker in
Europe and Canada, was past president of Inter-
cede that led the campaign to change the For-
eign Domestic Movement program.
► Sorio as Kairos program coordinator for
global partnerships in the Asia-Pacific: Cana-
dian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. She was
involved in vital advocacy and lobbying cam-
paigns in Parliament Hill.
Both are active members of the Community
Alliance for Social Justice.

Community ...
(From page 8)
The experimental school is aimed at provid-
ing answers why 40 percent of black teens drop
out of school.
In my case, because of the sheltered life I
had through high school, it was not until I was
in university that I was exposed to people of all
kinds and ages.
By this time, I had to unlearn and relearn.
What a waste of time?

Calgary police nab ...

(From page 4)
that Dulnuan died of “ligature strangulation.”
Peel police said Dulnuan was forcibly con-
fined during a robbery at the mansion.
Cash and jewellery were taken, but some of
the stolen goods have been recovered, police
Police said they believed Dulnuan, a li-
censed criminologists in the Philippines, was
killed because she accidentally stumbled on the
robbery in progress and tried to prevent it.
“(Loayza-Penaloza) would have known that
Jocelyn (Dulnuan) lived within the home,” said
Peel Police Constable Wayne Patterson, adding
that “we do not expect any further arrests.”
Police spent at least 11 weeks looking into
the case. They interviewed over 100 people,
news reports said.
Dulnuan moved to Canada from Hong Kong
in November 2006 on a work permit. Wire re-
This book reminds me of a sick old caust, the Massacre of Armenians in 1915 follow a genocidal leader?
Canada’s world ... joke about the mayor of a city about to and the Rwandan Massacres. We need to start with the belief that
(From page 9) be invaded telling a woman fearing of I declined to endorse the line of study, genocide, for whatever reason, ethnic, re-
from animal waste needed to feed the now six rape to “relax and enjoy it.” because it chose but three subjects. ligious or political, is a crime against hu-
billion and growing inhabitants of this planet. I’m almost tempted to think that this What about the deliberate famine cre- manity.
Added to these are the endless eruption of book labelled “New York Times Best- ated by Stalin in Ukraine in the 20s? Yet men persist in justifying these
armed conflict and an unbridled entrepreneurial seller” may have been an April Fool’s And Pol Pot’s killing fields in Cambo- crimes and genocide often has relatively
system that gets a tacit nod from conservative Day joke that arrived two months ear- dia.? small beginnings: a little touch of intoler-
governments in Canada and the United States. ly. And back into history, countless geno- ance , a little bit of blame, a little bit of ridi-
The unprecedented population explosion ***** cides like the Saint Bartholomew’s Day cule.
threatens to rise even higher, exacerbating the Genocide seems to be the hot button massacre of Protestant Huguenots in France (Used with permission. Ben Viccari
problem and bringing down to ridicule the Av- word of the moment. Most of us agree and the Romans’ sacking of Carthage. is the President of the Canadian Ethnic
ery-Singer pipe dream that says after the present it refers to an unspeakable, organized Surely, I thought there must be some Media Association [CEMA] and makes
warming period, mankind will still be around! crime against humanity. common denominator behind all these hor- frequent appearances on OMNI TV Com-
Recently, I was asked to provide rific acts. Why pick on just three, when mentary. Some of his commentaries are
EFFECTIVE input into the proposed Toronto School
Board course for grade ll students
genocide is as old as history?
Is humankind cursed with an inherent
republished in this publication and slightly
expanded in some cases from their 70-sec-
ADVERTISING “Genocide: Historical and Contempo- trend toward evildoing? Are there some ond broadcast originals. For more of his
rary Implications.” I was told that there among us “born to carry this curse? What work, please visit Ben’s website at http://
Call 416-285-8583 were three main subjects; The Holo- is the mental state that prompts masses to canscene. ripple.ca)
12 FEATURE Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Immigrants earn more outside big cities

Moving into and living study notes. In small towns and ru- information about labor mar- rural areas, several groups
in the big cities of Toronto, Incomes of immigrants ral areas, the advantage of ket requirements and job op- managed to achieve it.
Montreal or Vancouver may are lowest in very large ur- immigrants is more pro- portunities suggests that the It may be inferred that
be trendy. ban areas (median $16,800) nounced. creation of a network - for- immigrants are more likely
But if an immigrant to and highest in small urban In the first year of per- mal or informal - with non- to learn one of the official
Canada wants to earn more areas (median $19,500), or a manent residence, their av- immigrants would likely be languages quickly if they
to quickly secure his foot- difference of 16 percent. erage income is four percent inevitable in smaller areas, live in an area with a high
ing in an adoptive land, the Further, incomes of im- higher than that of Cana- because of the smaller pro- proportion of French- or
practical choice is a home in migrants in small towns and dians. In the 13th year, the portion of immigrants there. English-speakers.
less urbanized areas. rural areas (median $18,800) relative income advantage While the fact remains Several factors may be
These, research econo- are also significantly greater of immigrants rises to 19 that immigrants living in brought in that can affect
mist Andre Bernard surmis- by 12 percent than those of percent. smaller regions will face the immigrants’ ability to inte-
es in his study Immigrants in immigrants in very large ur- Hypotheses same difficulties inherent to grate.
the Hinterlands. BERNARD ban areas. Bernard’s study stresses the local labor market as any These include their for-
Bernard, a resident of 15,000, the corresponding In very large urban ar- the difficulty to clearly iden- of their neighbors, they will mal or informal reception by
Ottawa who is with the La- proportion of immigrants is eas, the median income gap tify the factors accounting be less likely to be at a dis- government and community,
bor and Household Surveys less than one in 40. is very large, at 67 percent. for immigrants’ better eco- advantage than immigrants any discrimination they may
Analysis Division of Statis- Strikingly, immigrants In small urban areas, the gap nomic integration in smaller in the major urban centers face, and their motivation to
tics Canada, has a bachelor in large urban areas come falls to 32 percent, while in urban areas, but it offers merely because they are im- integrate into the labor mar-
and a master degree in eco- mostly from Asia while im- small towns and rural areas some hypotheses that merit migrants. ket.
nomics from the University migrants in small areas come the gap is only 20 percent. consideration. ► Third, the lack of abil- Social integration
of Sherbrooke in Quebec. mostly from Europe and the Economic integration ► First, immigrants liv- ity in an official language is The most vulnerable im-
Big cities attract United States. Due to lesser gaps, im- ing in the smaller areas are not as great a handicap out- migrant groups do also inte-
Thoughts of 24/7 hustle Small areas pay migrants in small, less ur- better able to translate edu- side the major centers. grate rapidly in small areas,
bustle that characterizes city Bernard’s study con- banized areas enjoy more cation acquired abroad into In the largest urban cen- Bernard’s study says.
life, however, impress on firms earlier findings that rapid economic integration. income and/or because a tres, none of the groups of Immigrants in the small-
immigrants the wild idea immigrants generally earn In very large urban ar- smaller proportion of people immigrants without ability est areas, while they have
of more financial gains and less, compared with their eas, the initial income gap is with university degrees live in an official language man- diverse characteristics, are
better social well-being; Canada-born counterparts. 37 percent. It decreases, but in these areas. aged to achieve income par- more likely to have prior of-
thus, making them less apt But the study is quick to slowly. After four years, the Immigrants with uni- ity after 13 years. ficial-language ability and
to settle in small urban cen- note that the gap is smaller gap is still 22 percent, fall- versity degrees are particu- In smaller cities and (To page 13)
ters. in less urbanized areas ing below the 10-percent larly well represented in the
Bernard’s study points Generally, Canadians threshold in the 12th year. small areas, and having pur-
out that while only about view living in a metropolis In contrast, in small ur- sued postsecondary studies
34 percent of adult Canadi- to mean a higher income. ban areas, the initial gap is abroad greatly improves the
ans live in either Toronto, Median incomes of Ca- only 14 percent. advantage of immigrants in
Montréal and Vancouver, as nadians in very large and And in the fourth year, the smaller areas.
much as 75 percent of immi- large urban areas are $28,100 immigrants earn two percent But even less well-edu-
grants make the cities their and $30,500, respectively. more than Canadians. cated immigrants post better
homes. Comparatively, the me- The relative advantage results in terms of economic
Conversely, while about dian income is $22,500 in of immigrants continues to integration in smaller urban Please see page 11 for our detailed advertisement
one in five Canadians live small towns and rural areas. increase over time, reaching areas and the smaller cities
in a small town or rural area For immigrants, the pat- a peak of 18 percent follow- and rural areas.
with a population under tern is reversed, Bernard’s ing the eleventh year. ► Second, the need for
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 13
An Open Letter

How ethnic newspapers may be treated fairly

Roses for
Recommended Revisions to the Consultation Draft Amendments January 25, 2008

you on St. Below, we set out our recommended changes and a brief explanation of why these Mr. CLARENCE TONG
Valentine’s changes would be appropriate. Financial and Administrative Officer
Day; and Corporate and Commodity Taxation Branch
may you Characteristics of Number of Commentary Ministry of Finance
and your newspapers points 2nd Floor, Frost Building North
family spend a fun- 95 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, ON M7A 1Z1
filled and gracious Printed in broadsheet, tabloid, or 2 No change recommended.
day as you celebrate outsized format and larger than Dear Mr. TONG:
the first Ontario Fam- 8.5 inches by 11 inches.
ily Day. - From Manila More than 300 community and ethnic newspapers
Media Monitor and Unbound. Current : 2 In recent years it has become in- are the lifeblood of information and identity for many
Front Page Philip- creasingly common for newspa- citizens in rural and ethnic communities across the
pines. Recommended : 1 pers to be stapled. Stapling reduc- province.
es litter and is environmentally SAVE OUR VOICE! is a coalition of concerned
Immigrants friendly. In addition, whether or
not a publication is stapled does
Ontarians committed to protecting and promoting the
health and vitality of these newspapers. Members of the
earn more ... not alter its inherent nature as ei- Coalition include many ethnic and community newspa-
(From page 12) ther a newspaper or another form pers across the province, key newspapers associations,
are less likely to have at of publication. publishers and other supporters.
most a high school educa- SAVE OUR VOICE! was launched in December
tion or to be refugees. Published at least once a week. 2 No change recommended. 2007 to make the Ontario public, and by extension the
These works well to Ontario government, aware that, because of how they
their advantage. Current: Published at least once a 1 First, the addition of “If published are published, community and ethnic newspapers are
Immigrants with no month. less than once a week” would en- unfairly taxed compared to other mainstream, English-
more than a high school sure that no publication can claim language, big city newspapers.
education earn incomes 46 Recommended: If published less 3 points by being published both Our approach from the beginning has consistently
percent lower in very large than once a week, published at “at least once a week” and “at been to work constructively and respectfully with the
urban areas, compared with least six times a year. least once a month.” Second, we Ontario government to ensure that all newspapers are
23 percent lower in small recommend that the frequency treated fairly.
towns and rural areas. of publication be changed to “at In this regard, SAVE OUR VOICE! members are
The gap closes very least six times a year”. This will extremely pleased by and impressed at the speed with
slowly in large cities - after ensure that the definition does which the Ontario government acted to recognize the
13 years, the gap is still 20 not exclude newspapers - such as unfairness in the tax regulation of the province’s news-
percent. But in small towns university or college papers - that papers, and to correct the unfairness by amending the
and rural areas, the gap only publish six to eight times a tax regulations.
closes quite quickly, so that year. It will also ensure that the This submission responds to the Ministry’s request
as of the fifth year the gap definition does not exclude new, for comment on its consultation draft of proposed
in most years is significant- start-up newspapers that may amendments to Regulation 1013 under the Retail Sales
ly less than 10 percent. service small communities (e.g., Tax Act, amending the definition of newspaper for retail
The pattern is similar small minority or ethnic groups) sales tax purposes.
for immigrants without pri- that cannot afford to publish more (Please see recommendations on the table, right of
or ability in one of Canada’s than a half dozen times a year. this letter.)
two official languages. While SAVE OUR VOICE! feels that the draft
The initial gap is small- Current: Printed on newsprint of One of the key features that dis-
Current: 1 amendment is an excellent beginning, several of our
er in small towns and rural any quality. tinguishes a newspaper from any members feel that the proposed definition of “newspa-
areas (31 percent) than in other publication is the fact that it per” could be improved, slightly, to achieve better fair-
other areas, especially very Recommended: Printed on news- Recommended: 2 is printed on newsprint. Accord- ness for all newspapers in Ontario, without so broaden-
large urban areas (50 per- print of any quality, with the ex- ingly, we recommend that the ing the definition as to diminish its meaning.
cent). ception of the cover which may be points allocated to this criterion Finally, we note that the government’s intention is
Conclusion printed on either newsprint of be increased from 1 to 2. That be- to make the amendment retroactive to January 1, 2000.
In concluding, Bernard’s any quality or on glossy paper. ing said, some newspapers do SAVE OUR VOICE! strongly commends the govern-
study notes that the econom- print their covers on higher grade ment for retroactivity, which is important to ensure fair
ic well-being of immigrants newsprint or on glossy paper. and equal tax treatment within the newspaper industry.
is critical for a country like The fact that the covers may be SAVE OUR VOICE! appreciates the opportunity
Canada, which relies heav- printed on glossy paper should to comment on the consultation draft amendments to
ily on immigration for de- not result in a newspaper being Regulation 1013 under the Retail Sales Tax Act.
mographic growth. penalized. The key requirement is We would be pleased to provide any other assistance
The immigrant popula- that the content pages are printed to the government generally, or to the Ministries of Fi-
tion has changed greatly on newsprint. nance or Revenue specifically, to ensure that a revised
over the last few decades, definition of “newspaper” clearly reflects the desired
one of the most dramatic Identified as a newspaper in the 1 No change recommended. intention of the government while at that same time en-
changes being the immi- publication. sures that all newspapers across the province are treated
grants’ country of origin. fairly and equally.
Immigrants are increas- Front page is divided into col- 1 No change recommended. The coalition looks forward to reviewing the ver-
ingly coming more from umns or boxes and may contain sion of Regulation 1013 being recommended for final
Asia (China, India and the narrative text, photographs and approval as quickly and expeditiously as possible.
Philippines, in particular) advertisements SAVE OUR VOICE! will continue to work with the
than from European coun- government as an important stakeholder to make cer-
tries such as the United Recommended: Identified as a Recommended: To ensure that publications that tain that existing and future government policy treats all
Kingdom and Italy or from magazine, newsletter, directory, -1 are not newspapers do not qualify newspapers equally and fairly.
the United States. bulletin, price list, time table, rate as a newspaper under the points We will also continue to raise public awareness
Where immigrants book, catalogue, fashion book, definition (particularly those about the vital role played by ethnic and community
choose to settle will always fashion album, or book in the pub- types of publications for which newspapers and to promote the best interest and wel-
appear to affect their social lication. rules already exist in the Retail fare of these very important resources in Ontario’s eth-
and economic integration, Sales Tax Act), we recommend nic and rural communities.
whether slowly or rapidly that a point be subtracted if the
or quite beyond parity. publication identifies itself within Sincerely,
Will the preference to the publication as being a publica-
stay in the big cities contin- tion that is other than a newspaper DAT NGUYEN, Thoi Bao
ue to rule over the pragmatic (and a type for which the Retail LES WELLER, Weller Publishing
option of staying in smaller Sales Tax Act and its regulations SIMA SAHAR ZEREHI, Shahrvand
provinces and towns? already contain provisions). Publications
14 FEATURE Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Beep, beep, honey! Make way for the e-jeepney

MANILA - Diesel fuel By BERNIE A. CAHILES ly Cities Program, hom- establishments, and a depot
and gasoline - perhaps, even eowners’ associations of to serve as the charging sta-
petroleum gas - would soon exclusive villages, resorts, tion and terminal for the e-
be a thing of the past with schools, industrial zones, jeepneys.
the new breed of jeepneys theme parks, golf courses, To supply fuel to the
and utility vehicles that malls and even federations biodigester, it would be
would soon grace Philippine of jeepney operators and imperative for local gov-
transport show windows. drivers. ernment units to conduct
The Motor Vehicle Parts Officials said inmter- a Waste Segregation Pro-
Manufacturers Associa- est grew on the e-jeepneys gram so that biodegradable
tion of the Philippines, Inc. because of its relatively low wastes could be converted
(MVPMAP) would embark operating cost, compared into electric power at the e-
on the big scale design, de- to a conventional diesel or jeepney depot.
velopment and manufacture gasoline powered jeepney. Only non-biodegradable
of the country’s transporta- The e-jeepney could be wastes would be sent to the
tion icon - the jeepney. charged overnight for eight dumpsite.
Local auto parts makers to ten hours at about P200 The program would
have earlier announced the using a wall outlet. complement the govern-
distribution of 44 prototype It could then run for 100 ment’s Waste Segregation
units of the electric jeepney kilometers thereafter, thus Program, convert biode-
by the end of February. costing only about P2 per gradable household wastes
The e-jeepneys were set kilometer to operate, about into electric power, then
for pilot testing in Bacolod half the operating cost of a use this electric power to
and Marawi cities, as iden- diesel- or gasoline-powered charge and operate smoke-
tified by the Green Renew- jeepney. free electric jeepneys to
able Independent Power GRIPP program provide transport in an en-
Producer, Inc. (GRIPP). An electric jeepney, the first public transport of its kind in Southeast Asia, Under GRIPP’s Climate vironment-friendly public
MVPMAP Filipino en- coasts along Ayala Ave. in the Philippines’ financial capital of Makati City. Friendly Cities Program, transport system and, last
gineers said the electric The jeepneys - an electric-powered version of the Philippine icon which trac- the e-jeepney would be one but not least, help save the
jeepney would be produced es its roots to the US Willy’s jeep - were launched by Green Renewable Inde- of three major components.; environment.
under the group’s Philip- pendent Power Producer, Greenpeace, and the Makati City Government. in fact, only a beneficiary of GRIPP is a partnership
pine Utility Vehicle (PhUV) and capital equipment and icon that Filipinos have Besides the initial 44 the product of the two other spearheaded by Greenpeace
Program. other government financial been familiar with. units the GRIPP ordered, major components. International.
It was included in the perks. E-jeepney, anyone? MVPMAP has targeted The two other compo- It includes MVPMAP
2007 Investments Priority Unlike the China ver- MVPMAP expects to sales of the e-jeepney to nents included the instal- and is funded by a Dutch
Program (IPP) of the Board sion which looked just like present the prototype to entities which have shown lation of a small power NGO DOEN Foundation,
of Investments, qualify- a bigger and modified ver- GRIPP by the end of Feb- early interest in the vehicle. plant which would serve which will fund 50 units of
ing the program to income sions of a golf cart, the e- ruary, and mass production Among these were local as a biodigester using bio- the emission-free electric
tax holidays, duty free im- jeepney would be a replica would begin after the proto- government units not part logical wastes from nearby jeepneys for the program.
portations of raw materials of a real PUJ, as the Pinoy type is tested and approved. of GRIPP’s Climate Friend- households and commercial PNA
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PEOPLE & EVENTS 15
Press and captioned photo releases published
Composer taps Dadivas, Ruthledge in PPCO Kapihan in the Manila Media Monitor are for public ser-
vice and free of charge. All contributions shall
local artists for be subjected to strict editorial appreciation.
Send them to mediamonitor@rogers.com on
album dedicated or before the 8th of each month. ANY SUBMIS-
Toronto-based compos-
er Jun Dadivas has started
the search for talented Fili-
pino-Canadian singers to
PCCT sponsors free Proper
record songs he composed,
as a tribute to Christina Ca-
Business Planning workshop
layca. The Philippine Cham-
Calayca, 20, was re- ber of Commerce-Toronto
ported missing since Aug. (PCCT) is sponsoring a free
6 during a camp-hike at the workshop on Proper Busi-
Rainbow Falls Provincial ness Planning for members
Park in Schreiber, Ontario. on Feb. 25, from 7 to 9 p.m.
Ontario provincial po- Composer Jun Dadivas (left) and Elizabeth Rutledge (2nd from left), mother at the Golden Valley Ban-
lice efforts to find her un- of Christina Calayca who was reported missing since Aug. 6, talk of press- quet Hall, #2 Principal Road
til the onset of winter have ing concerns before members of the Philippine Press Club-Ontario (PPCO) in Scarborough, Ontario.
proven futile. during the club’s Kapihan at Casa Manila on Jan. 19. (From right) PPCO PCCT president Rafael
Dadivas, guest panelist president Tenny Soriano, director and Philippine Courier publisher Mon Da- Nebres said the workshop
during the Jan. 19 Kapi- tol and Kapihan chairman and director Tony Sicat lead panel discussions. “is the first of a two-part
han of the Philippine Press Photo: MANILA MEDIA MONITOR seminar to be conducted by
Club at Casa Manila, is the the Centennial College Cen-
younger brother of Filipino
balladeer Pabs Dadivas.
He said the 16-track
CEMA welcomes Balita columnist Tenny Soriano tre for Entrepreneurship.”
Workshop topics includ-

ed the essentials of financial projection: sales forecasting,

first volume of a series of The Canadian Ethnic Soriano is also presi- Maria Vorobieva, director income statement and cash flow.
albums would be recorded Media Association (CEMA) dent of the Philippine Press of business development Nebres said the workshop would be highly interactive,
in the next few months. has welcomed into its folds Club-Ontario. with the Ethnic Channels utilizing the best principles in adult education.
The album, dubbed A seven journalists involved The other new CEMA Group; Sonam Wangchuk, Non-PCCT members who might want to participate
Day Goes By, would be a in multi-cultural print and members: Chris Proios, producer and host of Radio could inquire at torontopcct@yahoo.com, or by phone at
blend of ballad and jazz broadcast media. marketing associate of the Tibet; and Ugyen Norbua, (416) 850-4966.
songs with a gospel touch. CEMA corporate secre- Ethnic Channels Group; host of Radio Tibet. The Centennial College Centre for Entrepreneurship is
Dadivas said proceeds tary Ace Alvarez said vet- Corinne Cecilia, edi- CEMA has also con- a PCCT partner for members’ education and training re-
of the recording would be eran Filipino journalist and tor (French) of Education gratulated member An- quirements under a Memorandum of Agreement between
donated to the trust fund set Balita columnist Antero So- Canada; Csilla Reszegi, a dargachew Tamer Beyene the two parties.
up to find Calayca. JOJO riano has entered the rolls of broadcaster and writer for on the first anniversary of For more information on this and future PCCT events,
TADURAN the ethnic media group. the Hungarian community; Medalya Radio on Feb. 1. visit www.torontopcct.com. PCCT Media Relations
16 PEOPLE & EVENTS Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

EPRS program guarantees post training jobs

Toronto-based Skills for Change is offering a 16-week Employment Preparation for the
Retail Services (EPRS) program designed to improve communication skills for the retail
sector and provide job search training and conflict resolution skills.
The program, to begin on March 17, includes six weeks of guaranteed work experience
placement in banner stores of Hbc, one of the program’s major sponsors.
EPRS will and run from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A non-refundable $40
facility fee will be asked from trainees.
The program is expected to provide participants Canadian work experience, improved
retail skills and access to internal job postings in Hbc shops. Job placement is also guaran-
teed for those who complete 10 weeks of classroom training.
The retail training is also seen to develop the participants’ English communication
skills for retail and acquire retail and corporate terminology, make them understand the
Canadian retail workplace and learn retail skills, learn business writing using MS Word
and how to use the Internet and e-mail.
The EPRS is open to an immigrant or refugee who speaks English as a second language
at a high intermediate level, eligible to work in Canada, interested in a career in the retail
sector, has knowledge of mathematics, and has keyboarding skills at a minimum of 25
words per minute. NORMA BERNAL/PR

PIDC-GK village groundbreaking

(Above) Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC) president Jun Enverga

(2nd from right) and liaison officer Rosemer Enverga (4th from left) lead
groundbreaking ceremonies with officials and residents of Jose Ma. E. Pan-
ganiban, a typhoon-hit erstwhile mining town in the Bicol region, the Phil-
ippines, where the PIDC Toronto-Gawad Kalinga 30-house village will rise.
PIDC officials take time out to be with identified beneficiaries of the village
that would be built out of part of the proceeds of the recent Mabuhay! Phil-
ippines summer festival. Also with the group are ANCOP Canada president
Ricky Cuenca, PIDC leaders’ councilmembers Sena Flores, Victor Dy and
Gerald Huerto of the Toronto-based Lucena City Association. PR

PNB Remittance releases promo winners’ list

PNB Remittance Company Canada, a remittance subsidiary of the Philippine National
Bank, has announced the winners of and their corresponding prizes of its Member Get
Member (MGM) Promo that started on Oct. 1 and ended on Dec. 31, 2007. The raffle draw
was conducted on Jan. 18 at its Scarborough branch.
The winners: Shailine Soriano (Mississauga Branch), round trip ticket to the Philip-
pines or vice versa or cash value of, not exceeding, $1,200; Maylene M. Vergara (Win-
nipeg Branch), round trip ticket for two to Los Angeles, California or cash value of, not ex-
ceeding, $1,000; Eric Jagoring (Mississauga Branch), round trip ticket for two to Orlando
or cash value of, not exceeding, $1,000; Domingo Chiu (Vancouver Branch), Caribbean
cruise for two or cash value of, not exceeding, $1,000.
Consolacion prizes of 12 free remittance fees valid from Jan. 18, 2008 to Jan. 18,
2009 went to Delio & Sheila Loterte, Eduardo Q. Qua, Ma. Carolina, Anna B. Pedreno,
Josephine G. Egonia, and Michael Romero, all from the Mississauga Branch; Clarinda
Marasigan-Inejoja from the Toronto Branch,
COMPLETE PACKAGE Elmer Y. Ramirez and Edelwards B. Comia from the Winnipeg Branch; Domingo Chiu
AVAILABLE WITH from the Vancouver Branch; Mercedita Suribas, Maria Geronima T. Rigor and Liwliwa
Ventura, all from the Eglinton Branch; Christine Joy Valencia, Celestina Valdez, John Paul
DJ & CHOREOGRAPHER Fernando and Violeta Lim, all from the Scarborough Branch. PR

Pillars to conduct info fair for seniors

The “Original” Pillars, in cooperation representatives who could address various
with government and community-based seniors’ concerns.
agencies, would conduct an information Elises said the “Original” Pillars, as one
fair for seniors at the Wellesley Community of the oldest organizations in the Greater
Centre on March 1, from 1 to 4 p.m. Toronto Area, would continue to be in
Pillars president Gerry Elises said the partnership with the government to tackle
event is aimed to inform seniors on pen- a number of timely challenges facing the
sion and benefits, elderly abuse, crime pre- senior community from different cultural
vention, safe medication, fall prevention, backgrounds.
elderly fraud, diseases such a Alzheimer, It would remain as a dynamic, metropol-
osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, and others. itan and multicultural group with a strong
Elises said attendees would get a free commitment to provide information, re-
copy of the 259-page Guide To Programs sources, programs and activities that would
and Services For Seniors In Ontario, on top integrate senior citizens to the community,
of other handouts. and ensure that seniors receive the support,
Interactive booths would be manned by respect and love they deserve. RE/PR
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PEOPLE & EVENTS 17
Nominations on for Stupid Cupid, stop picking on me
Presidential Awards
“I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day.
When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby tod-
dler coming at me with a weapon.”
The Philippine Consulate General in
Toronto has announced the acceptance “Valentine’s Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot
of nominations for the 2008 Presidential Cupid really is.”
Awards for Filipino Individuals and Orga-
nization Overseas.
The nominations may be submitted to
the Consulate General or directly to the
Commission of Filipinos Overseas (CFO)
not later than April 1.
Awardees include exemplars of Filipino
excellence and individuals who have dedi-
cated their work in the service of the Fili-
pino people, leaders of community initia-
tives that promote the common good, and
advocates for the promotion and protection
of the rights of others.
Overseas-based civic society groups
whose programs have helped improve the
lives of others, particularly in the marginal-
ized sectors, may also be nominated.
The honors President Gloria Macapa-
gal-Arroyo will confer on outstanding Fili-
pinos and groups abroad are the Lingkod sa
Kapwa Pilipino Award, Kaanib ng Bayan
Award, Banaag Award and Pamana ng Pil-
ipino Award.
The conferment will be done in Manila
in December, during a ceremony observing
the Month of Overseas Filipinos.
The awards have been conferred on 283
Filipinos and private organizations over-
seas, since 1991.
Nomination forms are available at the
Philippine Consulate General in Toronto, or
may be mailed upon request (Attn: Evange-
line L. Cayongcat, Tel. No. 416,922-7181
ext. 232). PR

RP consular
forms are free
All Philippine consular forms - for
visa and passport applications or for re-
ports of birth or marriage etc. - could be
easily electronically downloaded at the
official website www.philcongen-toronto.
com or obtained at the Philippine Con-
sulate General in Toronto consular of-
This, the consulate reiterated as it in-
formed the community to be wary of an-
other website www.application-download.
com, said to be peddling a Philippine pass-
port application kit for $18.75 each, pay-
able by credit card.
The consulate said www.application-
download.com is not an official Philippine
government facility and not connected with
the consulate. Any payment made to www.
application-download.com would not con-
stitute payment for any official service pro-
vided by the Consulate General.
Further, the Consulate General would
not be answerable nor responsible for any
disputes, questions or matters arising out of
transaction(s) made on the website. PR

da Best
(Left) Ladies of
Simply da Best
and (right) their
basketball team
with president
Eddie, manager
Mario and coach
Chris pose for
posterity. Simply
da Best had its
Christmas party
at the St. Fidelis
Church on Dec.
8. PR
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 19
20 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 21

Celebrating our 30th Anniversary

Executive Officers
Board of Directors:
VP for Television
OMNI Television (Multilingual)

Publisher, Canscene (Multicultural)

1st Vice President and

Corporate Secretary
Publisher, Manila Media Monitor
Producer, Front Page Philippines TV

2nd Vice President

Headline Writer, OMNI News
Works for the promotion and preservation of the value to Canada of the ethnic
Treasurer media in creating an understanding of Canada and Canadian citizenship, and
IRENE CHU the retention of cultural links with countries of origin.

Adviser, Toronto Chinese Writers
Association (Chinese)

Events Chair
BILL YANCOFF Guest in the CEMA Speakers’ Series:
Producer, Macedonian Heritage Ontario Fairness Commissioner JEAN AUGUSTINE, to speak
Hour TV (Macedonian)
on ensuring foreign credentials and degrees are accepted with some
Webmaster & Editor modicum of fairness.
ZUHAIR KASHMERI 6:45 PM, Thursday, March 6, 2008
Freelance Broadcaster & Editor
545 Lakeshore Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M1M 3T2
HYO KIM, Board Member
Publisher, Korean Central Daily Watch for the ...
DAVE NGUYEN, Board Member Velma Rogers Theatre
Publisher, Thoi Bao (Vietnamese) Friday, June 27, 2008
Editor-in-Chief, New Canada (Urdu) Print:
Category 1A: For Best News Story, or Feature
KATI REKAI, Board Member
Award Winning Book Author AND Category 2A: For Best Column, Opinion, or Editorial
Broadcaster Radio:
Category 1B: For Best Story or Feature
Columnist, Russian Weekly
Category 2B: For Best Opinion, or Editorial
(Russian) Television:
Category 1C: For Best Story or Feature
KIUMARS REZVANIFAR, Category 2C: For Best Opinion, or Editorial
Board Member
Producer, Pasargad Today TV Internet:
(Iranian) Category 1D: For Best Story or Feature
Category 2D: For Best Opinion, or Editorial
ANIL SHRINGI, Board Member
Producer, Music India Radio PLEASE VISIT www.canadianethnicmedia.com
(South Asian) for details on nominations, membership or events.
22 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Russell Mahoney
celebrates 9th and
birth anniversary greet advertisers,
Russell makes a wish on his supporters and friends a
9th birth anniversary as sis-
ter Abbey, 3, gram’ma Gie, li’l Lovely Valentine’s Day,
Delilah Len and dad Matthew Relevant Canada Flag Day,
Mahoney cheer for him. Photo:
and a
Prosperous Rat Year


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Cosmetic & General The House of Seafoods (18) Mary’s Esthetics (27) CHIN Radio (38)
Dentistry (6) Osilla Institute (19) Innovation (27) T.H.D. Consultants (38)
Action Honda (7) Hogan Chevy.com (19) Casa Manila (28) Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano
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Centre (10) Canadian Ethnic Media Liland Insurance Inc. (29) Russell International (39)
Amit Bhatia Credit Association (21) Roadsport Honda (30) Dr. Santiago & Associates (40)
Management Services (11) The Tropical Deli (22) OCDC Parcel Services (31) Fairview Dental Centre (40)
Front Page Philippines (12) Gonzales Dentistry LDV Computers (32)
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 23

What? Someone’s out to kill GMA? Nosebleed!!!

Is the alleged plot to as- and money-making activi- partisan wrangling as can- He noted how a handful NBN project. ident Arroyo with a sniper’s
sassinate President Gloria ties were at risk.” didates jockey for the presi- started the February 1986 In a Mass preceding the bullet and bomb foreign
Macapagal-Arroyo a Valen- “For now, their concern dency (in the 2010 national People’s Revolt that ousted protest-rally, Plunder Watch embassies.
tine’s Day military tactical is how to put out the fire elections).” strongman President Ferdi- spokesman and Mass cel- Both officials left out
spin to keep the socially, ec- engulfing the controversial ZTE denies anomaly nand Marcos, and how the ebrant Fr. Jose Dizon said the how, where and when
onomically and politically national broadband network Howard Xue, spokes- multitudes came in response President Arroyo should of the plot, but said it had
oppressed Filipino masses (NBN) bribery fiasco with man of ZTE Corp. - a lead- to incessant calls from Mar- leave Malacañang for the affected the President’s of-
away from widespread Feb. China’s ZTE Corp.,” he ing Chinese telecommu- cos’ enemies. greater good of the country ficial appointments and
15 protests to demand the pointed out. nications firm - denied his Involved Arroyos and the Filipino people. gave the military the reason
resignation of Arroyo and End political wranglings firm’s involvement in the During the Feb. 15 He also urged Rodolfo to place security forces on
some of her officials over “The scare tactic might NBN issue involving Phil- peaceful Makati assem- Lozada Jr., the Senate’s key high alert.
corruption charges? have worked,” the analyst ippine officials said to have bly - dubbed as March for witness in its investigation Intelligence dud
Reports from Manila said, as Press Secretary Ig- been promised huge com- Truth - said to have been into the NBN scandal, to Last December 2007,
quoted Armed Forces Chief nacio Bunye downplayed missions to clear the NBN attended by some 12,000 continue his quest for truth. the police also came out
of Staff Gen. Hermogenes the effects of the Feb. 15 contract with ZTE. people, businessman Jose “You are not alone. We are with announcements of an
Esperon Esperon as denying Makati rally. Xue said ZTE “cannot de Venecia III claimed that with you,” Dizon said. Abu Sayyaf plot to bomb
this, saying “we are simply Bunye said “the people allow itself to be dragged P10 billion of the P16-bil- Lozada, a former state “unspecified targets” in Ba-
acting as security forces and are tired of destabilization” into any political circus” lion loan to bankroll the consultant with Neri, linked guio City, prompting Presi-
... deemed it necessary that and would rather focus their and ruled out an appearance NBN project was supposed Jose Miguel Arroyo and dent Arroyo to cancel her
we come out in the open attention to more productive in ongoing Senate hearings. to go to “the pockets of First Abalos to an overpriced and her family’s annual re-
about our assessment of the activities. The numbers of “ZTE has neither done Gentleman (Jose Miguel) $330-million NBN deal. treat in the cool resort city.
situation.” those who join rallies have anything wrong, nor has it Arroyo, President Gloria “Sobra na, tama na, The police, however,
But Renato Reyes, sec- waned, Bunye said. bribed anyone to get this Arroyo, (resigned Commis- kumilos na (It’s too much, said investigators failed
retary general of left-wing In her morning speech project,” he stressed. sion on Elections chairman enough is enough, let’s act to find other evidence that
Bayan, dismissed the mil- at the Philippine Economic Temporarily stunned Benjamin) Abalos (Sr.) and now)!” cried the rallyists would back up the Abu
itary’s plot claim as a state Forum at the Shangri-La “Or the military’s claim their cabal in Malacañang,” from various militant, civil Sayyaf plot. Police said no
scare ploy, saying this was Hotel a few blocks from of the assassination plot leaving only P6 billion for society and Church groups, bomb attack occurred in
obviously “a very desper- where protesters were to might have temporarily a project De Venecia said as they demanded the Presi- Baguio in December.
ate tactic to create an atmo- soon converge, President broken the people’s will to “we do not need and can be dent’s resignation. “Anonymous characters,
sphere of terror and scare Arroyo said “We take the voice out their brewing sen- undertaken by the (local) Assassination plot a highly profiled blamable
people” so they would not ZTE issue very seriously. timents coming after a big private sector.” A day before, extended terrorist group, very cloudy
join protest actions. I moved quickly to can- show of unnecessary force De Venecia urged Com- Armed Forces chief Esper- details - these all make fine
A Manila-based politi- cel the project as soon as I during the November 2007 mission on Higher Edu- on and Presidential Security ingredients for a timely tall
cal analyst said an assassi- could, after proper consul- Trillanes-Manila Peninsula cation Secretary Romulo Group chief Brig. Gen. Ro- tale like an assassination
nation plot on a President tation with the government episode; but had embold- Neri to go to the Senate meo Prestoza both declared plot against the President.
was “old hat, a lie made of China, which is after all, ened anti-administration and speak of the truth. Neri the police had uncovered a A million to one, the yarn
every time Malacañang’s our largest export market.” camps to seek for that rip- used to head the National week before a plot hatched will soon die down. Has it
political and military cabal Arroyo called on po- pling effect the protest may Economic Development by the Al Qaida-linked Je- served its purpose?,” the
felt their top-paying jobs litical leaders to “put aside make,” the analyst said. Authority that approved the maah Islamiyah to kill Pres- analyst asked. With wires

Lakas may expel De

Venecia as partyman

DE VENECIA (4th from left, seated) joins Filipino community print and broad-
cast practitioners during his Toronto visit last year. Photo: LARRY TORRES
MANILA - Former tolerated,” Rep. Luis Vil- De Venecia, former
House Speaker Jose de lafuerte (2nd District, Ca- president Joseph Estrada
Venecia Jr.’s days with marines Sur) told a media and opposition leaders have
Lakas-Christian Muslim forum on Feb. 9. rercently met over dinner,
Democrats (CMD) party De Venecia’s fate within which Arroyo’s lapdogs
are numbered. the Lakas hiearchy would construed as a forum to plan
“It’s just a matter of be discussed during the public probes of Palace ir-
time ... as the administra- party’s National Directorate regularities.
tion-backed Lakas is sure to meeting on Feb. 21. New House Speaker
expel de Venecia, its current Villafuerte, president of Rep. Prospero Nograles
president, for committing Arroyo’s political party Ka- (1st District, Davao City)
acts considered inimical to balikat ng Malayang Pili- on Jan. 5 was voted new
the party, including claims pino, added that de Venecia Speaker of the Philippine
that Palace officials were would not be an asset to the House of Representatives,
involved in widespread opposition, even if the em- replacing his nominator and
corruption President Glo- battled Pangasinan solon precursor Jose de Venecia.
ria Macapagal-Arroyo has decided to join the bloc. (To page 36)
24 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 25
IAEA team to
check on BNPP
Mother Ignacia nears sainthood
MANILA - Mother Ig- of Mother Ignacia. and took off the bandage,
nacia del Espiritu Santo, Pope Benedict XVI ac- the sore was cured.

viability, options founder of the Religious

of the Virgin Mary (RVM)
Sisters in the Philippines, is
cepted the recommendations
of the Sacred Congregation,
and signed the decree rec-
Her doctors verified that
the cure was instantaneous
and could not be explained
MANILA - A team of experts from the International two steps away from saint- ognizing Mother Ignacia’s by medical science.
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would be assessing the sta- hood, after Pope Benedict practice of Christian virtues Born in Binondo of a
tus of the mothballed Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) XVI in July 2007 issued a to a heroic degree. Chinese father and a Fili-
in Morong, Bataan. decree citing her “heroic A miracle - brought be- pino mother in 1663, Moth-
Energy Secretary Angelo Reyes said the eight-man virtues.” fore the Sacred Congrega- er Ignacia chose a life of
IAEA team would conduct a study on the viability of the On Feb. 1, Manila Arch- tion for the Causes of Saints prayer, ascetical practices
BNPP and recommend to the Philippine government the bishop Gaudencio Cardinal at the Vatican - was the cure and apostolic service in-
best options to take on the nuclear plant. Rosales - with other bish- of Victoria Peña Utanes, a stead of marrying.
Reyes earlier said the state has not closing its doors to ops and priests co-celebrat- diabetic suffering an infec- She voluntarily chose a
the possible use of nuclear power and the reopening of the ing the Mass - officiated the MOTHER IGNACIA tion on her left foot. life of poverty, to “live by
BNPP, provided it would not be costly to government and promulgation of Mother Ig- Desperate, Utanes went the sweat of her brow” al-
not disadvantageous to the public. nacia as “Venerable” at the on a Venerable after a mira- to one of the congregation’s though she still had parents
Korea Electric Power (Kepco) revealed last year that it Shrine of San Lorenzo Ruiz cle attributable to his or her sister-healers who prayed who were materially well-
sent formal letters to the Department of Energy expressing in Binondo, Manila. intercession occurs. Saint- over her, invoking the inter- off.
interest to operate the BNPP and offer nuclear power to the The title “Venerable,” hood follows after a similar cession of Mother Ignacia. Her life thus attracted
country. recognizes a person’s hero- second miracle happens. In an act of faith, Utanes other native women to a life
Built in 1976, the BNPP was seen by then President ic virtue and sanctity and is In 1986, then Manila placed the picture of Mother of prayer.
Ferdinand Marcos as a feasible solution to the energy crisis the first step to sainthood. Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Ignacia on the infected area In 1684, silently and
that gripped the country in the 1970s. The plant was then Being called “Blessed” Sin initiated the canonical and wrapped a bandage over courageously, Mother Igna-
valued at P21.2 billion. is the next step, bestowed process for the beatification it. When she reached home cia and two others formed
Thirty two years after construction, the Philippines had the pillars of what is now
paid all its foreign debts for the BNPP. PNA Duque warns of possible cholera outbreak known as the RVM sisters,
whose convent was the first
MANILA- Health Sec- teria. sunken eyeballs, wrinkled institution for religious life
retary Francisco Duque III “The warmer the tem- and dry skin. among Filipino women.
has warned of a possible perature the more the chol- Duque said cholera pa- In those times, women
cholera outbreak in the era bacteria become active tients should be brouight of non-Spanish descent
coming summer season, at- and multiply,” he said. immediately to the nearest were denied entry to formal
tributing it to the onset of Cholera is transmitted hospital and be rehydrated religious convents.
global warming in tropical to a person who eats food or to replace lost body fluids. The first Filipino saint
Asian countries. drinks water contaminated He urged the public to is San Lorenzo Ruiz, also
Please see page 11 for our detailed advertisement Duque said the unusual with human waste. cleanliness and sanitation, from Binondo.
warm weather would affect Cholera symptoms in- specially in food and wa- He was canonized on
the presence and behavior clude frequent and painless- ter preparation and storage. canonized on Oct. 28,1987.
of the vibrio cholerae bac- watery stools, vomiting, PNA PNA
26 TRAVEL & TOURISM Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008


MacArthur cap
seeks spot in
Guinness world
records book
- When completed in March, the
Gen. Douglas MacArthur Marker
at the old Macabalan Wharf here
is seen to be the world’s biggest
cap, worthy of a spot in the Guin-
ness Book of World Records.
Elpie Paras, chairman of the
MacArthur Marker Committee
(MMC), said the replica of Gen.
MacArthur’s cap would span eight
meters in diameter, five meters in
height, and would be made of fi-
ber glass and steel.
The cap would nestle atop
five stars, to serve as the marker’s
foundation and to represent Gen.
MacArthur’s rank as a five-star
Each of the five stars would
be etched with the history of Gen.
MacArthur’s 7 a.m. landing at the
Macabalan Wharf on March 13,
1942, and the names of donors
who helped build the marker.
The cap replica would bear the
emblem of the US Armed Forces
and an eagle, with laurels on its The Babaylan Festival of Bago City in Negros Occidental is the keeper of rituals and spirit agents in the normal world.
visor and sides. is unique, one of a kind. He inspires awe and fear.
Paras said the perimeters of Every year, on Feb. 19, people from the city, neighboring Thus, every festival onlooker is bestowed with a quick
the MacArthur Marker would be towns and from other places in the Philippines and from all but vivid glimpse of how the babaylan stands tall in the com-
adorned with a replica of a Patrol over the world converge in Bago City, about 20 kilometers munity.
Torpedo (PT) Boat, a gift shop south of the province’s capital, Bacolod City. The festival - participated in by seasoned performers clad
and a park. Named after the shamans of old, the Babaylan festival in costumes of yore - offers the public a rare view into the
Mayor Constantino Jaraula led adds a magical, mystical flavor to Bago City’s foundation simulated rituals of mystics, ancient healers and priests in
city officials in the capsule-laying day celebration. various ceremonies such as marriage, healing and harvest.
and groundbreaking of the Ma- The festival tells of a distinct story that pre-dated the But more than just explore the babaylan folktale, the fes-
cArthur Marker on Feb. 1. Spanish colonial period. The story is about the babaylan, the tival also provides everyone with a gateway to rediscover
On March 17, 1942, General village doctor, herbalist, artist, medium, adviser, agricultur- music, dances, and other artistic endeavors endemic to the
Douglas MacArthur and his fam- ist and more, all rolled in one very interesting character. He early tribesmen, the Bagonhons.
ily arrived at Macabalan wharf in
Cagayan de Misamis from Cor-
regidor to escape the advancing
Sunset at Manila Bay Sunrise at Borongan
Japanese forces. BORONGAN CITY - If Manila has its ‘Sunset by the Bay,’ Bo-
MacArthur stayed in Del rongan would soon be famous for its ‘Sunrise by the Bay,’ said mayor
Monte for four days from where fidel Anacta, Jr. “We will just have to add fixtures and build facilities to
American planes fetched and flew make the place more enticing for local and foreign tourists.”
him to Australia, where upon ar- Sitting by the bay on a clear summer morning, one could take a full
rival he uttered his now-famous “I view of the radiant sun gently inching itself to the skies from the end of
Shall Return” promise. the ocean, its rays slowly enveloping this side of the earth.
A few days later, on March 26, Borongan boulevard has been a favorite spot for family reunions,
1942, then Philippine President San Isidro receptions, sports and romantic interludes. “It is fitting that
Manuel Quezon and Vice Presi- we beautify the place, perchance then, we can invite more local or for-
dent Sergio Osmeña arrived in eign tourists,” Anacta said.
Cagayan to take the same escape Councilor Jessie Solidon said at least P2 million have been secured
route. for the project from Philippine Tourism Authority deputy general man-
Quezon spent his last breath ager Edgar Bocar, a native Boronganon.
on Philippine soil in Northern Solidon said contributions for the completion of Borongan boule-
Mindanao, for he died on Aug. 1, vard’s tourism facelift were also expected from civic minded Boronga-
1944 in New York. PNA nons in Manila. PIA
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 27
Ilocos Sur residents get free overseas calls
VIGAN CITY - Residents of Ilocos Sur who have relatives abroad would soon avail
themselves of free three–minute direct-dial overseas calls, according to governor Deogra-
cias Savellano. The call program, dubbed as Direct Voice Broadband Service, would be
open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. Savellano enjoined provincemates to freely
use the program. PNA

No fun to sell ice cream in MILF lair

COTABATO CITY - Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels released on Jan. 27
Nestle Philippines ice cream vendors Christopher Lamigo, Jeffrey Becera and Mark Ba-
dia, all residents of this city, in Mamasapano, Maguindanao, three days after they were
‘invited for questioning’ by the rebels on suspicion that they were military spies. MILF
spokesperson Eid Kabalu said the trio were not harmed and no ransom was paid for their
release. The ice cream men were released to members of the Malaysian-led International
Monitoring Team. PNA

TF formed for GenSan land disputes

GENERAL SANTOS CITY - Mayor Pedro Acharon Jr. has formed a special body tasked
to check on disputed lands here, to avert further bloodshed following the killing of a Na-
tional Commission for the Indigenous People (NCIP) official said to be handling an an-
cestral land claim. The task force included the police and state agencies involved in land
concerns. The city has laid claim over tracts of land which lease agreements have lapsed.
But some tribal families have disputed the claims, tagging the lands as ancestral property.
The claims are in Barangays Fatima, Bawing, Apopong, Sinawal, Conel, Tambler and
other areas in the city. PNA

Modern Bayawan bus terminal set to open

BAYAWAN CITY - The P102-million city-funded Bayawan Integrated Bus Terminal lo-
cated in Barangay Villareal here is set to open first week of March. Bayawan city mayor
German Sarana said the terminal, the first of its kind southern Negros Oriental, was a
two-story building with two conference rooms and a hotel on the second floor while the
ground floor consisted of a food court, passenger waiting area and the bus terminal space.
Sarana said the terminal would become the center of transportation business in the city, the
province and Negros Occidental. PNA

Davao City ok’s seats for mall salesladies

DAVAO CITY - The city council on Jan. 29 has passed a landmark ordinance requiring
employers, specially mall owners, to provide seats for their female employees and work-
ers. Ordinance author Councilor Edgar Ibuyan, committee chairman on labor and employ-
ment opportunities, said the local law aimed to preserve the health of female employees,
specially mall sales ladies. An employer violating the law would be penalized by a fine of
not less than P1,000 nor more than P5,000, or by imprisonment of not less than one month
nor more than six months, Ibuyan said. The Integrated Gender and Development Office
under the City Mayor’s Office would implement the law. PNA

Rumor-mongers banned in Isabela village

SAN MATEO, Isabela - Anyone caught spreading malicious rumors could be fined P100
or more, warned officials of Barangay San Roque here as they passed a village ordinance
to that effect on Jan. 30. Village chairman Mario Yaje said the ordinance would lessen
similar cases lodged before the barangay’s Lupong Tagapamayapa and his office. Yaje
said any person living or staying at the village confirmed conveying false information or
fabricating stories against people, places and events demeaning to the people being gos-
siped about would be fined P100 for the first offense, and a bigger fine or imprisonment
for the second offense at the court’s discretion. PNA

Bulacan single parents’ kids get schooling

MALOLOS CITY - Children of single parents in Bulacan would soon be availing them-
selves of scholarships for college courses. Governor Joselito Mendoza said the province
has set aside 300 college scholarship slots for children of solo parents in the coming school
year. The program was based on the Solo Parent Welfare Act that provided benefits and
privileges to single parents. Mendoza said the budget for the scholarships was doubled af-
ter successes were seen in the program’s implementation in 2007, in which there were 132
beneficieries. He said qualified applicants would receive P2,500 per semester. Bulacan has
about 34,978 solo parents. PNA

Student nurses outnumber medcen patients

DAVAO CITY - Student nurses outnumber patients on any given day at the government-
run Davao Medical Center (DMC) here, DMC officer-in-charge Joselito Sembrano said.
Nearly 1,000 practicing nurses, from the medical center’s 26 nursing school affiliates,
are doing exposure work with the DMC daily, Sembrano said. Thus, there would be three
student nurses for every two patients, as opposed to the ideal one student nurse for every
three patients recommended by the Commission on Higher Education. PNA

Iloilo soon to be smoke-free

ILOILO CITY - This city would be a “no smoking zone” when Regulation Ordinance
2006-150 or the The Comprehensive Anti-Smoking Ordinance of Iloilo City is fully im-
plemented, perhaps, by the end of February. The absolute smoking ban would apply to all
persons and in schools, public buildings, public transports, government-owned vehicles,
and within hospitals, medical, dental and optical clinics. But there would be designated
smoking areas. Penalties for violation included a fine of P500 on first offense, P1,000 on
second office and P5,000 on third and subsequent offenses. Erring business establishments
could also lose their permits and licenses. PNA

And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one
can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
28 The PHILIPPINES Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

P1.227-T ’08 national budget ratified

Congress cuts debt interest payment allocation,

increases budget for public services, infra
MANILA – Congress chairman of the House com- billion were also slashed. ► Justice and the judi-
has ratified the proposed mittee on appropriations, By ZORAYDA S. TECSON The increases would ciary, increased by P1.236
P1.227 trillion national said the Senate and the address government com- billion to total P16.570 bil-
budget for 2008 on Jan. House of Representatives, of both the masses and the responding to savings as a mitments to eradicate ex- lion;
28, increasing allocations in the reconciled appropria- investors.” result of the appreciation of treme hunger and poverty, ► Social welfare and
for social services and in- tions bill, “gave more flesh Loan payment cuts the peso with the exchange achieve universal primary development, raised by
frastructure development to the President’s budget After almost a decade, rate recomputed at P41 to a education, promote gen- P0.165 billion to total
expected to address the message of sustaining the Congress cut the foreign dollar from a high assump- der equality, reduce infant P4.848 billion;
country’s commitment to momentum of growth by debt service allocation for tion of 48:1 in the NEP or a mortality, improve maternal ► Local governance
the President Gloria Maca- increasing the government’s interest payments, totalling P7.00 differential. (Savings health, combat HIV-AIDS and development, upped by
pagal-Arroyo’s Millennium budget for basic services P25.9 billion. of P2.272 billion is gener- and tuberculosis, and en- P3.5 billion to total P16.253
Development Goals. and infrastructure develop- The slashes included: ated for every peso appre- sure environmental sustain- billion;
Rep. Edcel Lagman, ment to heed the demands ► P15.9 billion cor- ciation); ability, Lagman said. ► Public safety and se-
► P5 billion in suspen- More money curity, increased by P0.859
sion of interest payments for The total cuts of P38.5 billion to total P53.242 bil-
loans challenged as fraudu- billion were realigned to the lion;
lent, tainted and/or useless budgets of: ► Labor and employ-
pending the Executive’s ► Basic and higher edu- ment, increased by P0.236
renegotiation of the loans or cation, increased by P4.829 billion to total P6.272 bil-
their eventual condonation; billion to total P158.6 bil- lion;
► P5 billion in prema- lion; ► Energization, raised
ture allocations for interest ► Health, upped by by P0.6 billion to total
payments for program loans P5.79 billion to total P25.8 P0.922 billion;
and bond issuances still in billion; ► Environmental pro-
the pipeline. ► Agriculture, raised tection, increased by P0.184
In addition, proposed al- by P1.872 billion to total billion to total P8.118 bil-
locations for slow-moving P29.161 billion; lion; and
projects, excess allocations ► Infrastructure, in- ► Sports development,
and other miscellaneous al- creased by P12.982 billion upped by P0.059 billion to
lotments totaling P12.638 to total P94.729 billion ; total P0.360 billion. PNA

DOJ, NPC sign pact vs extrajudicial slays

Department of Justice
(DOJ) Undersecretary
Richard Blancaflor
(seated, left) and Na-
tional Press Club (NPC)
president Roy Mabasa
(seated, right) on Feb.
4 sign a memorandum
of agreement intensi-
fying state efforts in
prosecuting cases on
extra-judicial killings.
The DOJ also agrees to
monitor developments
on cases involving the slay of newsmen. Looking on are NPC-Chicago, Il-
linois director Marlon Pecson (left) and NPC director Sammy Julian. PNA

Tubbataha Reef ranks 34th in

‘New 7 Wonders of Nature’ vote
PUERTO PRINCESA Todate, Cox’s Bazar the park include manta rays,
CITY - A vote for Tubba- Beach in Bangladesh is first lionfish, tortoises, clown-
taha Reef is a vote for rec- among the top 10 nominees fish and sharks.
ognition of the Philippines’ to include Sundarbans For- New 7 Wonders of Na-
importance in the global en- est, also in Bangladesh; ture founder and president
vironment arena. Cocos Island, Costa Rica; Bernard Weber said “So
Filipinos around the Ganges River, Bangladesh; many breathtaking beauti-
world are being asked to Mount Everest, Nepal; Am- ful, natural places are still
vote for the 96,000-hectare azon River, South America; quite unknown to many.
reef, one of Asia’s best ma- Lake Atitlan and Pacaya From waterfalls to fjords,
rine park, which was nomi- Volcano, both in Guatema- rainforests to mountain
nated as one of the 200 new la; Ha Long Bay and Phong peaks, freshwater lakes to
wonders of nature submitted Nha-Ke Bang National salt flats, we are discover-
by some 500,000 people. Park, both in Vietnam. ing together the incredible
The Tubbataha Reef Tubbataha Reef was beauty and variety of our
National Marine Park, in declared as World Heritage planet.”
the middle of the Sulu Sea, Site by the UNESCO in The New 7 Wonders of
ranks 34th in an ongoing 1993. the World - announced in
ballot for the ‘New 7 Won- It is a reef composed of Lisbon, Portugal on July 7,
ders of Nature.’ a single small islet that pro- 2007 - include the Chichen
The voting campaign trudes from the water. Itza in Mexico; Statue of
runs until Dec. 31, after The atolls are separated Christ Redeemer in Brazil;
which a panel will select by a deep channel eight ki- Colosseum in Italy; Taj Ma-
the 21 finalists, from which lometers wide. hal in India; the Great Wall
list will be elected the New Over 1,000 species, in- in China; Petra, Jordan and
7 Wonders of Nature. cluding endangered ones, in Machu Picchue, Peru. PNA
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 29

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30 CANADIAN HISTORY Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Flag Day in Canada is another that incorporated approved the design on Dec.
celebrated annually on Feb- three red maple leaves, and 15, 1964, followed by the
ruary 15, in remembrance a red flag with a single, Senate on Dec. 17, 1964.
of the inauguration of the stylized red maple leaf on Queen of Canada Eliza-
national flag of Canada by a white square between two beth II proclaimed the new
Governor General Georges red bars designed by Dr. flag on Jan. 28, 1965, and
Vanier on that date in 1965. George Stanley. the national flag first flew
The day is marked by Then Dean of Arts at the on Parliament Hill on Feb.
flying the flag, public cer- Royal Military College in 15 of the same year.
emonies, and educational Kingston, Ontario, Stanley Flag Day was instituted
programs in schools. told the committee of the in 1996 by an Order-in-
History visual of the Commandant’s Council from Governor
In 1925, a Privy Council flag at the College - a red General Roméo LeBlanc,
committee began research and white combination that on the advice of his Prime
on designs for a national bore a strong sense of Cana- Minister, Jean Chrétien,
flag of Canada. But the dian history. and has since then been of-
committee’s work was not In 1921, King George V ficially called National Flag
completed. proclaimed the Royal Arms of Canada Day.
In 1946, a parliamen- of Canada, and named the Flag facts
tary committee sought for official colors of Canada ► Joan O’Malley sew
submissions and got more as red, from Saint George’s the first Maple Leaf flag
than 2,600 designs. Still, Cross, and white, from the in November 1964, based
the Parliament of Canada French royal emblem since on prototypes submitted
was never called upon to King Charles VII. by graphic artists and silk
vote on a design. The committee eventu- screeners Jean Desrosiers
Early in 1964, Prime ally recommended the pas- and John Williams.
Minister Lester Pearson sage of Stanley’s single-leaf In a ceremony celebrat-
called for the formation design as the new national ing the 30th anniversary of
of a Senate and House of flag of Canada. The banner the flag, O’Malley recount-
Commons Committee to replaced the Canadian Red ed her experience: “I really
look into the adoption of a Ensign, which had been in didn’t realize what I was
distinctive national flag, a use, if not officially, in one getting into when I got that
move said to be in anticipa- form or another since 1868. phone call from my father
tion of the upcoming 1967 Member of Parliament in 1964. I was just doing On Feb. 15, 1965, the Canadian Red Ensign (inset), bearing the Union Jack
centennial celebration of John Matheson was named my father (Ken Donovan, and the shield of the royal arms of Canada, was lowered at the stroke of
the Confederation. Prime Minister Pearson’s then an assistant purchasing noon and the red-and-white, maple leaf flag was raised for the first time on
In October 1964, the “flag lieutenant” and played director with the Canadian Parliament Hill. The crowd sang O Canada followed by the royal anthem God
committee was left with a critical role in ensuring Government Exhibition Save the Queen. Maurice Bourget, Speaker of the Senate, said “the flag is
three designs - a Red En- parliamentary approval of Commission) a favor; not the symbol of the nation’s unity, for it, beyond any doubt, represents all the
sign with the Union Jack the new Canadian flag. participating in history. Let citizens of Canada without distinction of race, language, belief or opinion.
and the Canadian Shield, The House of Commons (To page 36) (Photo Source: The Gazette, Montreal/Library and Archives Canada).
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PHILIPPINE HISTORY 31
The Philippines: Still an appropriate name? PHILIP II
History books of yore have for arrived at Baganga Bay in Davao of these most important national estants in the Netherlands and
so long maintained the greatness Oriental on Feb. 2, 1543. symbols,” Reyes wrote. in parts of Europe controlled by
of Spanish influence in the Far Villalobos named the area Las Proponents of Maharlika as what he called heretics and agents
East, particularly in an archipela- Islas Filipinas (the Philippines), the country’s new name have of the devil.
go known as the Philippines. in honor of Philip, the Prince of pointed out that “we have contin- Add to these horrifying facts
The books have noted how Eu- Asturias, son and successor of ued to be named after a Spanish the following items: he and his fa-
ropean monarchs noticed the eco- Charles V to the throne of Spain. monarch” when many countries ther, his predecessor at the throne,
nomic and political prospects of a The name was soon extended have reverted to their precolonial had both looted Rome and were
group of islands, after Ferdinand to the whole archipelago to re- names e.g. Myanmar, Zimbabwe, eventually excommunicated by
Magellan, a Portuguese explorer place Magellan’s Archipelago of Sri Lanka, etc., he said. the Catholic Church under Pope
leading a Spanish expedition, cir- Saint Lazarus. Disturbing background Paul IV in 1552; he died of a dis-
cumnavigated the world in 1521. The Philippines has continued Reyes wrote of some disturb- ease then euphemistically called a
Magellan landed on Cebu is- to be known as the only Christian- ing background about a Spanish social disease but known today as
land, claimed the lands for Spain dominated nation in Asia. king “whose name we have al- venereal disease, due to his “way Philip II was born on May
and named them Islas de San Laz- Maharlika ways been quite familiar with.” with women.” He was known to 21, 1527 under the Royal
aro (Islands of St. Lazarus). He However, a group of national- His essay spoke of the dark have had several wives and mis- House of Habsburg, son of the
made friends with the local chief- ists are calling for an intelligent age of the pre-Vatican II Catho- tresses on record. Holy Roman Emperor Charles
tains and converted some of them study to establish the appropriate- lic Church, during the infamous Reyes wrote: “Can you guess V and Isabella of Portugal.
to Roman Catholicism. But Ma- ness of the name, the Philippines, Inquisition when the king spear- who this despicable creature was He died on Sept. 13, 1598,
gellan was killed in a battle with which has entrenched itself in the headed “a campaign that practi- who ruled as King of Spain? after having ruled as King of
chieftain Lapu-Lapu’s indigenous annals of the community of na- cally painted out the words intoler- His name: King Philip II. Guess Spain from 1556 to 1598, King
tribal group in Mactan Island. tions and world history. ance, self-righteousness, bigotry, which nation, that can be proud of of Naples from 1554 to 1598,
For the next two decades, oth- Filipino historian Ed Aurelio brutality, barbarity, and all its syn- its very own heroic heritage and king consort of England (as
er Spanish expeditions were sent Reyes, in his essay What’s in an onyms on the walls of the great glorious precolonial history was husband of Mary I) from 1554
to the islands, but most failed. infamous name?, called for sup- churches. using as paint the blood named after him!” to 1558, Lord of the Seventeen
This, however, did not weaken port to a renewed campaign “to of its victims whose only sin and Bong Barrameda, in his Pinoy Provinces (holding various
the resolve of then Spanish king change the name of our country to crime was being suspected of not Trivia, wrote that Philip II was re- titles for individual territories,
Charles I (then well known in the Maharlika.” sharing the faith of the criminals puted to be an extreme introvert, such as Duke or Count) from
16th century as the Holy Roman Reyes has been executive di- in holy vestments.” austere, humorless, and unpopular. 1556 to 1581.
Emperor Charles V), who had set- rector of the Kampanya para sa The essay continued: The He was elegant, slender and good- He was also King of Portu-
tled the claims of the Moluccas by Kamalayan sa Kasaysayan or Ka- Spanish monarch had figured looking. But his reign marked the gal and the Algarves (as Philip
the Treaty of Zaragoza. malaysayan, a non-governmental prominently in the brutality. His decline of Spanish power. I) from 1580 to 1598 and King
Charles I ordered Mexico’s group advocating for the re-ex- first act on the throne was to order No wonder Bonifacio and his of Chile from 1554 to 1556.
viceroy Antonio de Mendoza to amination of Philippine history an auto-da-fe, which victims were men in the Katipunan refused to The Philippines, (Spanish
launch an armada for the East and and campaigns for Filipinos to be- tens of thousands of Moriscos or perpetuate the name when they name: Las Islas Filipinas) a
colonize the Islas del Poniente come more aware of their past. Moors, Arab-speaking Muslims were birthing the nation at the out- former Spanish colony for 333
(Isles of the West). “We do share the view that living in Andalucia. They were all break of the 1896 Revolution, and years, was named after King
The expedition’s commander there are defects in the present burned at the stake. chose instead Tagalog, to reflect Philip II of Spain when he was
was Ruy Lopez de Villalobos who national name ... the defects are The same king also caused the the tropical archipelagic nature of still a prince. Wikipedia
left Mexico on Nov. 1, 1542 and embedded in the very histories beheading of thousands of Prot- the country. Internet sources
32 MONEY Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

Reported US recession Year of the Rat: Money matters

has least effect on OFWs
The United Nations has declared practicality. The Year of the Rat will be a
2008, incidentally a leap year, as Inter- grand year for opportunity if you keep er-
national Sanitation Year. The global body rands in place and possible opportunities
MANILA - Filipinos Filipinos in the health care surely affect overseas Fili- also declared 2008 as the International will probably come about as conservative
working in the health and profession - from nurses pino workers, particularly Year of the Potato, making people aware investments. Keep hold of your budget
construction sectors would to caregivers - needed not with lesser pesos against of the link between malnutrition and food because you could still be in clash with a
be least affected in the worry as they were hired for the greenback sent to loved security and of moves to erase global pov- few household obstacles especially if you
event of a recession in the their skills. ones back home. erty. are doing business in the
United States of America. Wirth said Filipinos took Wirth expected minimal Incidentally, the year Philippines.
But workers in call cen- jobs usually being shunned effects on the call center 2008 also marks the Year Born in the Pig Year
ters might feel the crunch, by Americans; thus, US na- industry, since the cost of of the Earth Rat in the (1923, 1935, 1947, 1959,
albeit minimally. tionals should not be taken labor in the Philippines was Chinese calendar, starting 1971, 1983)
News reports have al- as job competitors. relatively cheaper than in from Feb. 7, 2008 to Jan. Money problems will
ready said that US employ- She noted the trend in the United States. 25, 2009. come about if you can
ers have cut as many as inter-Asian hiring, mean- Bong Borja, president So what seems to be be persuaded by a clever,
17,000 jobs in January. ing Filipinos tended to look of People’s Support, agreed the big deal between sani- sly type salesperson that
International Labor Or- for jobs in places nearer to with Wirth, saying he saw tation, potatoes and rats? provides unassailable pro-
ganization (ILO) sub-re- home like Singapore, Japan, no problems if the US suf- Nothing much to fret and posals. Adhering to your
gional director Linda Wirth Hong Kong and China. fered a recession. worry about. budget should be carefully
said that while jitters over But Wirth said the “Any effect would be On the sanitation side, observed and take caution
reports of an impending US strengthening of the peso relatively small,” he said. the Western rat is reviled with every expenses that
recession are being floated, against the US dollar would Philippine Overseas as little more than a bot- will occur. Make it a point
Employment Administra- tom-dwelling disease car- to think twice. The second
Imax, SM close deal on tor Rosalinda Baldoz said
there continued to be a high
rier. The Eastern rat, however, is revered
for its quick wits and ability to accrue and
part of 2008 will gain you more revenue
than that of the first half.

digital theater systems

demand for Filipino work- hold on to items of value and are consid- Born in the Ox Year (1913, 1925,
ers, and employers seemed ered a symbol of good luck and wealth in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985)
unaffected by the reported China and Japan. There are great chances that your debt
Toronto-based digital entertainment and technology global economic slump.’ On the UN’s noble goals to promote will be diminished on the Year of the Rat.
company Imax Corp. and SM Prime Holdings, a mall op- Earlier pronouncements the potato, perhaps the Filipino cliche Revenues will have greater chances of
erator in the Philippines, announced an agreement to install of an International Mon- ‘mas mahirap pa sa daga’ lays rest to fur- growth. Finances will be stable and prom-
two Imax digital projection systems at shopping malls in etary Fund official noted ther discussions. ising. Don’t forget to keep track of your
the cities of Manila and Cebu. that Southeast Asia would Whatever, here is a list of non-expert health. You may also come across with
Under the terms of the agreement, the two Imax digital face stiffer export competi- disclaimed predictions pinoybusiness. money coming from a good fortune. Last-
theater systems are expected to be installed during the third tion from China and would com compiled for the reading pleasure of ly, don’t forget to stick to a tight budget.
and fourth quarters of 2009. likely bear the brunt of any Filipino entrepreneurs and businessmen. Born in the Tiger Year (1914, 1926,
SM’s new locations will utilize the new digital projec- impact from a major US Born in the Rat Year (1912, 1924, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986)
tion system being developed by Imax. economic slowdown. 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984) Your assets could experience too
The theatres will be capable of playing Hollywood Economists have also Long term investments could show much risk. However; there will be a sig-
movies that have been digitally re-mastered into the image anticipated a US recession favorable returns since the Earth com- nificant rejuvenation of your health. Keep
and sound quality of the Imax experience, as well as origi- due to a housing slump and ponent of 2008 prefers conservatism and (To page 36)
nal Imax productions in 2D and Imax 3D. PR credit crunch. PNA
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor MONEY 33 GOT A FOREX DEAL?
Check out if you got your peso’s worth for the

Globe Telecom, Western Union to

dollars you have had exchanged since January
16, courtesy of Manila Media (Money) Monitor.
US$ Cdn$

offer joint remittance service

Feb. 15 40.68407 40.64071
Feb. 14 40.93043 41.05091
Feb. 13 40.89871 40.91716
Feb. 12 40.68341 40.83208
MANILA - Ayala- Globe’s cross-border mo- Feb. 11 40.81252 40.76922
owned Globe Telecom and bile commerce hub allow-
Feb. 08 40.58165 40.61979
subsidiary G-Xchange, Inc. ing multi-currency money
Feb. 07 40.49389 40.05077
will join forces with West- transfers to mobile opera-
Feb. 06 40.65796 40.57421
ern Union to introduce a tors worldwide, linking its
cross-border mobile money G-Cash service to Western Feb. 05 40.48098 40.31709
transfer service (MMTS) Union’s global network of Feb. 04 40.32242 40.60017
supporting low-principal, send and receive locations. Feb. 01 40.32231 40.55073
high-frequency remittance. The World Bank cited Jan. 31 40.39179 40.30940
Ferdinand dela Cruz, the Philippines as the fourth Jan. 30 40.32206 40.60426
Globe’s Consumer Wireless largest remittance receiver Union Mobile general man- Union agent locations for Jan. 29 40.44369 40.53502
Business Group chief, said in the world, totaling some ager, said Globe’s G-Cash cash-to-mobile and mobile- Jan. 28 40.84696 40.68228
the “relationship with West- US$17 billion in 2007. service “is one of the mo- to-cash transactions. Jan. 25 40.74202 40.57756
ern Union will increase the Western Union has the bile industry’s most appeal- Mobile networks covers Jan. 24 41.02809 40.74014
accessibility and lower the industry’s largest global ing offerings for banked and 80 percent of the world’s Jan. 23 41.02244 39.90327
cost of micro-remittances” money transfer agent net- unbanked consumers.” population, and three bil- Jan. 22 41.09672 40.09162
to the benefit of overseas work with over 320,000 “In combining Globe’s lion people carry mobile Jan. 21 41.01168 39.73834
Filipino workers and their sites in over 200 countries strengths with Western phones, a venue to extend Jan. 18 40.71044 39.56100
families in the Philippines. and territories. Globe has Union’s global reach and the benefits of financial ser- Jan. 17 40.75003 39.59966
Dela Cruz said the 19 million subscribers. compliance capabilities, we vices to many of the world’s Jan. 16 40.72268 39.80509
agreement would expand Matt Dill, Western can introduce financial ser- families. PNA
vices to a new segment of
BC, RP sign worker pact consumers,” Dill said. $1B set for vulnerable communities
British Columbia (B.C.) and Philippine officials have The MMTS would link OTTAWA - Parliament ing global economic land- ties for workers, community
entered into a two-year memorandum of understanding that operators to the firm’s glob- on Feb. 5 unanimously ad- scape.” transition plans that foster
would help strengthen links and relations between B.C. al money transfer system. opted Bill C-41 that would Prime Minister Stephen economic development and
employers and Philippine recruiters, providing B.C. more Once connected, opera- set $1 billion in federal Harper last month said the create new jobs, and infra-
effective access to foreign workers. tors could use the “mobile funding for struggling com- targeted support was for structure development that
Economic Development Minister Colin Hansen said wallet” software to enable munities, through the Com- single-industry towns suf- stimulates economic diver-
B.C.’s economy “is growing at a rate faster than the over- person-to-person mobile munity Development Trust. fering from major down- sification.
all Canadian economy and definitely faster than the overall money transfers over West- Finance Minister Jim turns, as well as commu- The funds are to be pro-
American economy. To maintain this momentum, we need ern Union’s cross-border Flaherty said the $1-billion nities facing chronic high vided from the 2007–08
to attract 30,000 workers per year with specific skills from remittance network. funding, upon receiving unemployment or layoffs budgetary surplus. Prov-
outside B.C.” The MMTS would en- Royal Assent, would “make across a range of sectors. inces and territories will be
The agreement would target sectors most in need of able consumers to transfer a real and lasting difference Among other things, able to draw their share of
skilled workers in tourism and hospitality, retail and con- money to or from mobile in addressing economic funding could support job the funds over a three-year
struction. PR wallets and open Western hardship caused by a shift- training to create opportuni- period. PR
34 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
GAME TIME Peñalosa’s title defense in peril
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor

Bacolod park spikefest

feat fit for Guinness?
BACOLOD CITY - A record 132 teams played at 6 judokas to MANILA - The title
defense of World Boxing
Organization (WBO) ban-
Boxing Council super feath-
erweight champion Juan
Manuel Marquez in Las Ve-
feated him two years ago.
But Gallo-ani said the
Peñalosa-Vorapin bout was
the Feb. 2 1st Negros Occidental Volleybal Association
(NOVA) Inter-College Physical Education championships
for men and women, and the sheer number could be one
train for Beijing tamweight Filipino cham-
pion Gerry Penalosa against
gas on March 15.
ABS-CBN vice presi-
not totally cancelled, despite
reports that WBO super ban-
for the Guinness Book of World Records. NOVA president
Roger Banzuela said the tournament, played at the Univer-
Games qualifier Thai challenger Ratanachai
Sor Vorapin might not push
dent for sports Peter Musngi
said advertisers have fo-
tam champ Daniel Ponce de
Leon had agreed to face Pe-
sity of St. La Salle football field here, was a grand record set MANILA - Six judokas through as set on March 2 at cused their money on the ñalosa in a rematch.
by 64 men and 68 women teams. Banzuela said he would led by eight-time Southeast the Araneta Coliseum. Pacquiao-Marquez title re- Peñalosa nearly de-
submit the record to the International Volleyball Federation. Asian Games gold medalist Reports said title fight match. throned Ponce de Leon in
This might get the nod of those compiling unusual achieve- John Baylon will train in Ja- organizers plan to move the A philboxing.com report their first meeting in Cebu
ments for Guinness. PNA pan to prepare for the Asian slugfest to April, being so quoted promoter Sammy city in March 2007.
Olympic qualifying tourna- near the highly-anticipated Gello-ani as saying that Peñalosa won his belt via
Cebu City to host ment in Jaju, South Korea, rematch between Filipino Vorapin was not an attrac- a seventh round stoppage of
int’l bodybuilding tilt April 23 to 28.
Philippine Amateur Judo
ring sensation Manny Pac-
quiao and Mexican World
tive opponent for Peñalosa,
since the Filipino boxer de-
Mexican Johnny Gonzales
in August last year. PNA
CEBU CITY - Modern ‘Tarzans’ from at least 17 Association president David
countries are expected to display their awesome physique Carter said the training was
when they compete in the 2008 Asia Pacific International
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships here on April 25.
crucial in the country’s bid
to earn a Olympic slot in the
Former Mr. Philippines and bodybuilder Dennis Delgado
said fitness buffs from France, Morocco, Singapore, New
August Beijing Games.
To go on training are
Zealand, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates have con- Baylon, Gilbert Ramirez, 4862 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario
firmed participation in the event. Cebu City won the bid for Tomuchico Hoshina, Nancy
the event against Manila, Iloilo and Baguio. PNA Quillotes and two other fe-
males. Baylon, 44, competed
P1-M QC 9-Ball Open set in the 1988 Seoul Games.
MANILA - Local and foreign pool stars are ready for Filipino Beijing Games
the big ‘Sargo!’ when they mix it up with the upstarts in the qualifiers include swimmers
1st Quezon City Open 9-ball tournament from March 12 to Miguel Molina, JB Walsh,
16 here. Cue artists from Puyat Sports, Bugsy Promotions Daniel Coakley and Ryan
and the Negros Billiards Stable are expected to compete for Arabejo; taekwondo jins
the top prize of US$12,000. Among them are former world Tshomlee Go and Mary An-
champions Efren “Bata” Reyes, Alex Pagulayan and Ron- toinette Rivero, boxer Harry
nie Alcano, former world no.1 Francisco “Django” Busta- Tanamor, archer Mark Javier
mante, 2007 World Pool Championship runner-up Roberto and shooter Eric Ang.
Gomez and reigning national titlist Lee Van Corteza. The The Philippines seeks its
tournament is supported by the Billiards Managers and first gold medal since join-
Players Association of the Philippines. PNA ing the Olympics in 1924.
36 Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008
health will be in very good Born in the Year of ate future substantial assets.
Year of the Rat: Money matters ... condition, but be cautious the Ram, Sheep or Goat Born in the Rooster
(From page 32) with your savings. 2008 is (1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, Year (1921, 1933, 1945,
track of your spending since 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987) ing in 2008 is on long-term also the right time to con- 1967, 1979, 1991) 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993)
overexhaustion of your Be on your guard this investments, if examined sider a major purchase for There can be great im- Prepare for some star-
revenues each month may 2008, as a Filipino entre- thoroughly. your home. provement of your revenues tling heavy expenses as
result to distressing under- preneur, either in the Phil- Born in the Dragon Born in the Snake Year this 2008. You may be as- it may immerse into your
performance. A careful look ippines or overseas. Your Year (1916, 1928, 1940, (1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, tounded by an unforeseen hard-earned savings Make
at your long-term financial business may have a murky 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988) 1965, 1977, 1989) downfall. Ensure that you sure that you have made a
plan will do the trick and outlook. It is best to stay Because the Earth ele- You are on your way have set aside sufficient thorough list of what you
if you don’t have one yet, close to people who you ment of 2008 has preference to a long-awaited financial funds to cover for unantici- have to spend all-year-
make sure to have one this had a good relationship to conservative actions of comeback, if you suffered pated misfortune and also round. Avoid buying on im-
year. with in the past when on risky investors, your financ- a slow down in the past. for financial maintenance. pulse and avoid overspend-
Born in the Rabbit the lookout for financial es will be at uniform level Avoid making expensive The Earth element of 2008 ing as the temptation for
Year (1915, 1927, 1939, advice. Your positive stand- with that of last year’s. Your purchases on impulse, to favors your conservatism. something new could come
avoid suffering from buy- Born in the Monkey back and hit you at the end
National Flag of Canada Day ... er’s remorse. Profits will Year (1920, 1932, 1944, of the day.
(From page 30) be evident in conservative 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992) Born in the Dog Year
me tell you, I don’t think of investments under 2008’s Expect to see better (1922, 1934, 1946, 1958,
myself as the Betsy Ross Earth element. changes since your finan- 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)
type. And sewing the flag Born in the Horse Year cial trends are generally set There is good likeli-
was not easy. I was no pro- (1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, to be pleasant in the Year hood that the Year of the
fessional - I had just sewed 1966, 1978, 1990) of the Rat, which is favor- Rat favors dogs, and it will
some of my clothes before Consider what a risk is able to Monkeys in terms of be apparent that an upturn
this. My sewing machine and what is risky because money and finances. Bear in with your financial affairs
wasn’t made for such heavy the year of the rat is not a mind that 2008 is not a year may occur. However, trust-
material. But eventually, the good year for risk-taking for perilous investments. ing people around you too
flag came together.” Horses. Be wary of all your Keep on using your intrin- much may get you in trou-
► The final design of expenditures and be vigilant sic capabilities on spotting ble. Getting a second opin-
the stylized maple leaf was of people asking you for a what is best. 2008 is one of ion from someone you trust
established by Jacques St- loan, since there might be a the years that prefigures ac- when considering a finan-
Cyr, the precise dimensions possibility that you cannot ceptably for your stash and cial decision is always the
of red and white were sug- be re-paid. those savings could gener- wise thing to do.
gested by Mr. George Best,
and the technical descrip-
Lakas may expel De Venecia ... Accountability ...
(From page 23) (From page 9)
tion of precise shade of
red defined by Dr. Gunter Nograles became the eral gains that have not
Wyszchi. first House Speaker from translated into a better life
► The Canadian flag is Mindanao. for most Filipinos.
twice as long as it is wide. Head of the House Con- What is being compro-
The white square and its tingent to the Commission mised is the moral fabric of
maple leaf make up half the on Appointments, Nograles our society. It is not a ques-
surface of the flag - equal to was former House Majority tion of legal guilt; instead,
the two red bars combined. Floor Leader and chairman it is a matter of good old-
► The maple leaf was of the Committee on Rules fashioned delicadeza and
first proposed as an em- during the 13th Congress. personal morality.
blem of Canada in 1834 by (1871), Prince Edward Is- ► In 1982, Laurie Skre- Nograles said he would We call on all Filipinos
Ludger Duvernay when the land (1873), Saskatchewan slet, a skier from Calgary, continue reforms to improve to proclaim, “Tama na ang
Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste (1905), Alberta (1905), took the Canadian flag to the the image of the House, as kasinungalingan! Sobra
was founded on June 24 of Newfoundland and Labra- highest point in the world, he urged fellow lawmakers na ang kasakiman! Manin-
that year. dor (1949), Northwest Terri- Mount Everest. Along with to get over with whatever NOGRALES digan na, Bayan!”
► When flying along tories (1870), Yukon (1898) the flag, the expedition was row that took place on De was still Lakas president,
the Canadian flag, the flags and Nunavut (1999). outfitted with another 27 Venecia’s sudden ouster. but could “join forces with royo’s administration.
of the ten provinces and ►Vexillologists, or tonnes of equipment. De Venecia later told the opposition on exposing De Venecia said: “I al-
three territories follow in those engaged in the study ► In 1984, the Canadi- Nograles: ”Mahirap ang bribery and corruption.” ways stood by (Arroyo) in
the order they entered Con- of flags, often cite the Na- an flag reached new heights trabaho ng pagiging speak- He could have referred various challenges to ensure
federation: Ontario (1867), tional Flag of Canada as one when it blasted into space er. You should have good to the suspended national that she continues to stay
Quebec (1867), Nova Sco- of the world’s most beauti- on the flight mission uni- health, wisdom and must be broadband network multi- in power and to preserve
tia (1867), New Bruns- ful based on its simple de- form of Marc Garneau, the a diplomat.” million peso bribery issue the stability of the nation.”
wick (1867), Manitoba sign and limited number of first Canadian astronaut in He told reporters he that shook President Ar- With Wire Reports
(1870), British Columbia colors. space. Internet sources
Be a president?
(From page 9)
throw me a sarcastic look that says “cheapskate.”
The bishops also want a closure to the “Hel-
lo, Garci” scandal. I like that too. But they want
newly appointed Comelec chair Jose A. R. Melo
to do it. I say that’s quite unlikely, although Melo
has just said he is thinking about restoring the poll
body’s credibility that was blown to smithereens
under the leadership of his predecessor, Benjamin
Abalos. What Melo meant by that, he is keeping
close to his chest.
If Melo would spend his time unraveling the
Hello, Garci mystery, he wouldn’t accomplish
what he must really do - bring Comelec’s Jurassic
operations to the here and now.
Computerize it, man. We’re sick and tired of
interminable post-election tabulations and can-
vassing that only open the door so wide for cheat-
ing and manipulation of the poll results.
Other countries elsewhere in the world are de-
mographically much larger than the Philippines,
but in a day or two, they already know who wins or
loses in the elections. Sadly, the Filipino electorate
can only dream of that best case scenario.
So you still dream of becoming president,
aren’t you?
Okay, dream away. Dreams are free, until you
wake up to the harsh reality that what you’re hav-
ing is your worst nightmare.
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor ENTERTAINMENT 37
I’d love to sing for Filipinos - Connie Francis
Said to own one
of the most distinct
voices in the history
of pop music, 60’s
icon Connie Fran-
cis raised the roof
of The Big Dome

GMA’s Pinoy Idol premiers

a.k.a. Araneta Coli-
seum as she sang
familiar tunes that
warmed the hearts Philippine giant broadcast net-
and blew the minds work GMA is set to premier Pinoy
of her multitude Idol, an interactive reality singing
of Filipino fans on competition spawned by the UK-
Valentine’s Day. based Idol series, on April 12.
Francis said she Popular television matinee host
was excited to per- Raymond Gutierrez will host the
form in Manila. series, while judging will be done
“I’ve been to Ja- American pop icon CONNIE FRANCIS autographs her by singer, songwriter and comedian
pan, Malaysia, Hong spot in the Star Walk at the Araneta Coliseum in Que- Ogie Alcasid; singer and actress Jo-
Kong but never in zon City where she sang to the delight of Filipino fans on lina Magdangal; and talent man-
the Philippines. And Valentine’s Day. ager and Artiststation, Inc. owner
I just love Filipinos. GUTIERREZ
Wyngard Tracy.
I meet a lot of Filipinos Philippines,” she said. cepted and autographed her The show is created by Simon
working in hotels and hos- Francis ranked as the star at the Star Walk at the Fuller and will be directed by Louie
pitals and they’re the nicest top female vocalist on Bill- Dome’s Green Gate lobby. Ignacio.
people in the world, so I’d board’s Adult Contempo- She joined music greats Auditions continue until March
love to sing for Filipinos.” rary chart in the 60’s. Neil Sedaka, Paul Anka, MAGDANGAL
13 in Davao City, Pasay City, Da-
“I remember getting During her Philippine Michael Buble and Cliff gupan City, Clark, Angeles City, and Naga City. Earlier auditions
so much fan mail from the sortie, Francis gamely ac- Richard at the Star Walk. were conducted in Cagayan de Oro City, Batangas City, Iloilo
City, and Cebu City.
Malubay loves
Lani, Regine Iza Calzado Before GMA, the first franchise of the Idol series in the Philip-
pines was aired over Associated Broadcasting Company Channel
5 under the name Philippine Idol. GMA promoted Pinoy Idol as
“the first Idol competition in the Philippines,” and hinted that it
Besides Aretha Franklin, the
would not recognize Philippine Idol and its winner Mau Marcelo,
Jackson 5 and Mariah Carey, Ameri-
a budding singer from Lucena City.
can Idol semi-finalist Mariele Mac-
Pinoy Idol became the third reality show franchise GMA had
rohon Malubay owes her musical
negotiated with FremantleMedia, the first two being Celebrity Du-
influences to Filipino singers Lani
ets and Kakasa Ka Ba Sa Grade 5?
Misalucha and Regine Velasquez.
With its GMA version, the Philippines has joined other coun-
Malubay, 20, started singing
tries with spin-offs of the United Kingdom-based Idol franchise.
when she was 12, the darling of the
The Philippines is the 35th in the world and the sixth in Asia to
crowd who crooned before family
air a national Idol franchise.
and friends during gatherings.
The Idol franchise is the third most popular international fran-
A resi-
chise, behind only the The Weakest Link and Who Wants to Be
dent of Mira-
a Millionaire? franchises, both of which also originated in the
mar, Florida,
United Kingdom. MARCELO
Malubay said
she she also
“took piano
(lessons) for
Golden Divas in 2-day show
five years Manila’s music revival enthusi-
but I can’t asts are set for an exceedingly ex-
read all the hilirating treat when they come face
MALUBAY hard notes to face with the Philippines’ Golden
anymore. Divas at the Music Museum on
But I learned the guitar. My sister is March 7 and 8.
teaching me. I’m not too good at that The eternal Asia’s Queen of
but, you know, I can. I’m into hula Songs, Pilita Corrales, partners with
dancing, Polynesian dancing since I sultry crooner Carmen Soriano and
was in first grade.” comic Carmen Pateña, regarded in
She expressed pride over the sup- circles as the Shirley Bassey of the
port she had been getting from her Philippines, in a two-hour show that
family. will surely capture the hearts and
Whether in the role of a warrior queen,
The seventh Filipino-American souls of those who enjoy good, old
a heartbroken lass or a lost princess,
who made it to the Top 24 of Ameri- mellow tunes mixed with meaning-
Iza’s ethereal beauty shines through.
can Idol said: “It’s not like I wanna ful lyrics.
Not only does this accomplished ac-
be famous, but I wanna represent for Philippine Star entertainment
tress possess classic beauty, she also
Asian people and I wanna just live writer Ricky Lo describes Corrales,
has a generous and giving spirit. Born
my dream. Singing in the showers is Soriano, and Pateña as “the so-called
on Aug. 12, 1982 in Quezon City, Iza has
a lot more different than singing on GOLDEN DIVAS (from left) PILITA COR- torch singers who lit up the soda
been in Philippine show business since
stage in front of all these people.” RALES, CARMEN PATEÑA and CARMEN fountains and the classy nightclubs
May 2002. Her latest film Batanes drew
Past Idol winners were Kelly SORIANO (Bayside, among them) in the late
raves and launched her into full star-
Clarkson, Reuben Studdard, Fantasia ‘50s, the TV screen in the ‘60s, Plat-
dom. Also a model, Iaa loves dancing
Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor tersville in the ‘70s, and so on and so forth. They are the true and the real and the authentic
and swimming. GMA 7
Hicks, and Jordin Sparks. divas, tested by time and trends.”

The Carlos Bulosan March 7 and 8. Tales features works by 11 a.m.; traditional Fili-
Theatre (CBT), in partner-
ship with the Kapisanan
Named after the tongue-
in-cheek reference to Fili- Flipside fest shows Filipino Reese Baguio, Aura Car-
cueva, Vince Galvez, Dar-
pino percussion and beat-
boxing, 1 p.m.; filmmak-
Philippine Centre for Arts
and Culture, will conduct
the Flipside Festival, a
pinos as ‘Flips’, Flipside
began as a showcase of new
works and staged readings
art forms at its best rel Gamotin and Christine
Mangosing and is directed
by Marie Beath Badian.
ing and oral story telling,
3 p.m.; and traditional
Filipino poetry and spo-
showcase of Filipino tra- by emerging and estab- p.m. on March 7 with Tales wrights and performers On March 8, free work- ken word, 4:30 p.m.
ditions in various indig- lished Filipino-Canadian From The Flipside 2008: with scenes from new plays shops will be conducted The festival closes
enous art forms, at the playwrights. Claim Your Baggage, that developed in CBT’s Play on traditional Filipino folk with another Tales From
Kensington Market on The festival opens 8 will showcase the play- Creation Unit. dances and breakdancing, The Flipside show. PR
38 LAUGHS & LEISURE Manila Media Monitor FEBRUARY 2008

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
16 17

BATID 18 19
23 24
25 26

31 32

38 39 40 41
42 43 44
45 46

PAHALANG 5. Pagbabalatkayo 26. Tunog ng sampal

1. Haligi ng tahanan 6. Kumpiska 28. Iniba
4. Tanggapan 7. Hiling sa pari 30. Pasubali
10. Punongkahoy 8. Wala, sa Ingles 32. Kabaliktaran ng
12. Beso 9. Usok na bigat
13. Inis nakakasilam 34. Subi
14. Sikat 11. ____a, kuweba 36. Pang-angkop
16. Paputok 15. Dating Senador 37. Manipis na metal
18. Pamantasan sa Diliman 17. Peluka, sa Ingles 39. Barkilyos
20. ___ for tat 19. Kaibigan 41. Namayapang
21. Tawag sa amo 22. Higit Kardinal
23. Pan de ___ 24. Bakbak 44. Pangatnig
25. ___i, talo S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
27. Silid-siyensiya A A M A O P I S I N A
29. Yugto ng karera G 10 11 12
31. Unlaping pang-aksiyon B A N G K A L K I S
O 13 14 15
33. Pantukoy T A S A R K I L A L A
35. Tamad 16 17
38. Luto sa tubig sa K K U W I T I S P
40. Naniniwala sa pangako 18 19 20 21
42. Magalang na tugon B 23 24 25 26 27 28
43. Napukaw ang damdamin A S A L G A P L A B
45. Naimik T 29 30 31 32 33
46. Isang pananong L A P N A G S I
I 34 35 36 37
1. Pangkuwenta ng 38 39 40 41
Intsik P A N G A T A A S A
W 42 43 44
2. Higit I O P O N A A N T I G
3. Supling K 45 46
4. Areglado A
Reg. # 4533253

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Suite 107, Scarborough
Ontario M1P 2W7
Matalino man din daw ang
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Ina: Anak, tawagan mo nga tatay mo sa cellphone. Pauwiin mo dito.
Anak: Inay, babae po ang sumagot.
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Anak: ‘You only have zero pesos in your account...’ Hindi ko na tinapos, Inay. Mukhang
Anak: Inay, ano po ba yung Ten Commandments?
Nanay: ‘Yun ang sampung utos ng Diyos.
Anak: Mas makapangyarihan pa po pala kayo sa Diyos. Kasi, ang dami niyong utos,
Nilapitan ni Juan ang nag-iisa at humihikbing si Pedro, sa may dalampasigan.
Juan: Kung mahal mo siya, ipadama mo.
Pedro: Ano’ng mahal mahal? Naiwan ako sa outing!
Kung tutuo ang Darwin’s theory of evolution na ang tao ay nagmula sa unggoy, may
malalim na dahilan kung bakit nasa mundo ka.
Waiter sa pizza resto: Sir, do you want me to cut your pizza into 4 slices or 8 slices?
Bopol: Into four na lang. Masyadong marami yung eight. Hindi ko mauubos.
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Super below Si congressman, nakabasag ng vase sa museum.
fare talaga.” Attendant: Naku, sir. More than 500 years old na po yang vase.
Congressman: Hay, salamat. Akala ko bago.
“Handang Maglingkod Sa Ating Kababayan” ******
Teacher: Class, our lesson for today is science. Pedro, what is science?
Tel (416) 751-9588 Fax (416) 751-9133 Pedro: Science is our lesson for today.
FEBRUARY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 39

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