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HND Assignment Application

Qualification Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma

Unit 7: Business Strategy

Student name Assessor name

Date issued Formative Date Completion date Submitted on

04/08/2014 17/08/2014 1/09/2014

Assignment title Understanding and Skills relating to Strategic Management Principles ,

Methodologies , Tools and Techniques that are used in Business (1of 1)

Learning Assessment In this assessment you will have the Task

Outcome Learning Criteria opportunity to present evidence that no. Evidence
outcome shows you are able to: (Page no)
Understand the 1.1 explain strategic contexts and terminology
process of - missions, visions, objectives, goals, core
competencies 1
LO1 1.2 review the issues involved in strategic
planning 1

1.3 explain different planning techniques 1

Be able to 2.1 produce an organisational audit for a given
formulate a 2
new strategy

LO2 2.2 carry out an environmental audit for a given

organisation 2

2.3 explain the significance of stakeholder

Understand 3.1 analyse possible alternative strategies
approaches to relating to substantive growth, limited
LO3 strategy 3
growth or retrenchment
evaluation and
3.2 select an appropriate future strategy for a
given organisation
Understand 4.1
LO4 how to compare the roles and responsibilities for
implement a strategy implementation 4
chosen strategy
4.2 evaluate resource requirements to implement
a new strategy for a given organisation
4.3 Discuss targets and timescales for
achievement in a given organisation to 4
monitor a given strategy.

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Student signature: Date:

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in
order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades

Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply To have the opportunity to achieve M1:

strategies to find effective judgments have been made Identify and apply strategies to find
appropriate solutions appropriate solutions for those factors which
affecting the chosen or selected
organisation. (Task2)

M2 Select / design and apply To have the opportunity to achieve M2:

appropriate methods / Select / design and apply appropriate
techniques • Appropriate learning methods / techniques for analysing possible
methods/techniques have been alternative strategies that applied for a
applied. chosen and selected organization.
M3 Present and • The appropriate structure and To have the opportunity to achieve M3:
communicate appropriate approach has been used in the Present and communicate appropriate
findings whole assignment findings to draw conclusions and to suggest
• A range of methods have been an appropriate future (new) strategy for a
used, technical language has chosen organization.
been accurately used and (Task3)
appropriate media have been
D1 Use critical reflection to • Conclusions are provided at the To have the opportunity to achieve D1:
evaluate own work and end of each task which have Use critical reflection to evaluate own work
justify valid conclusions been arrived at through and justify valid conclusions Matching new
synthesis of ideas and have strategy with structure for a chosen
been justified, results has been organization.
validated and evaluated using
defined criteria, self-criticism
and realistic improvements
D2 Take responsibility for To have the opportunity to achieve D2:
managing and organising • Extra/Substantial activities or Take responsibility for managing and
activities investigations have been organising activities to draw conclusion
conducted, managed and about Resources Allocation to implement a
organised new strategy for a chosen organisation
• Unforeseen results has been
D3 Demonstrate convergent • Innovation and creative To Achieve (D3) you will have to draw
/lateral / creative thinking through throughout, Problems conclusion about balanced Scorecard
have been solved, Ideas have recommended for a chosen organisation
been generated and decisions
taken (Task4)
Assignment brief

Unit number and title Unit 7: Business Strategy

Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Start date 04/08/2014
Deadline/hand-in 24/08/2014
Assessor Raed Al saran

Understanding and Skills relating to Strategic Management Principles ,

Assignment title
Methodologies , Tools and Techniques that are used in Business (1of 1)
Purpose of this assignment
The aim of this assignment is to evaluate learners’ understanding and knowledge of strategic planning and
their ability to evaluate key issues and current applied strategies in order to construct a new successful
strategy and ensure a sustainable execution of it.

1.Understand the process of strategic planning

2 Be able to formulate a new strategy
3 Understand approaches to strategy evaluation and selection
4 Understand how to implement a chosen strategy.

You are required to choose a local or an international Organisation in order to study the strategic factors ,
strategy formulation ,strategy implementation and strategy evaluation that may have essential effects on its

Task 1 (LO1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

1.1 Explain strategic contexts and terminology – mission’s statement, visions statement, objectives, goals,
and core competencies of the chosen organisation.
1.2 review the issues involved in strategic planning
1.3 explain different planning techniques

Guidelines: Student need to discuss all these important points for task 1such as ( missions and visions
statement; strategic intent; objectives; goals; core competencies; strategic architecture; strategic control
Strategic thinking: future direction of the competition; needs of customers; gaining and maintaining
competitive advantage; Ansoff’s growth-vector matrix; portfolio analysis Planning systems: informal
planning; top-down planning; bottom-up planning; behavioural approaches Strategic planning issues: impact
on managers; targets; when to plan; who should be involved; role of planning Strategic planning techniques:
BCG growth-share matrix; directional policy matrices; SPACE, PIMS) if you want to discuss more relevant
points or elements in above task you can add.

Task 2 (LO2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, M1)

2.1 produce an organisational audit for a given organisation

2.2 carry out an environmental audit for a given organisation
2.3 explain the significance of stakeholder analysis

Guidelines: Student need to discuss all these important points for task 2such as (The organisational audit:
benchmarking; SWOT analysis; product positions; value-chain analysis; demographic influences; scenario
planning; synergy culture and values, Environment auditing: political, economic, socio-cultural,
technological, legal and environmental analysis (PESTLE); Porter’s 5 force analysis; the threat of new
entrants; the power of buyers; the power of suppliers; the threat of substitutes; competitive rivalry and
collaboration Strategic positioning: the Ansoff matrix; growth; stability; profitability; efficiency; market
leadership; survival; mergers and acquisitions; expansion into the global marketplace Stakeholder analysis:
stakeholder significance grid; stakeholder mapping ) if you want to discuss more relevant points or elements
in above task you can add.

To have the opportunity to achieve M1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions for those
factors which affecting the chosen or selected organisation.

Task 3 (LO3: 3.1, 3.2, and M2, M3, D1)

3.1 analyze possible alternative strategies relating to substantive growth, limited growth or retrenchment

3.2 select an appropriate future strategy for a given organization

Guidelines: Student need to discuss all these important points for task 3 such as (Market entry strategies:
organic growth; growth by merger or acquisition; strategic alliances; licensing; franchising Substantive
growth strategies: horizontal and vertical integration; related and unrelated diversification Limited growth
strategies: do nothing; market penetration; market development; product development; innovation
Disinvestment strategies: retrenchment; turnaround strategies; divestment; liquidation Strategy selection:
considering the alternatives; appropriateness; feasibility; desirability ) if you want to discuss more relevant
points or elements in above task you can add.

To have the opportunity to achieve M2: Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques for
analysing possible alternative strategies that applied for a chosen and selected organization.

To have the opportunity to achieve M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings to draw conclusions
and to suggest an appropriate future (new) strategy for a chosen organization.

To have the opportunity to achieve D1: Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid
conclusions Matching new strategy with structure for a chosen organization.

Task 4 (LO4: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and, D2,D3)

4.1 compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation for a chosen organization.
4.2 evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for a given organisation
4.3 discuss targets and timescales for achievement in a given organisation to monitor a given strategy.

Guidelines: Student need to discuss all these important points for task 4 such as (The realisation of strategic
plans to operational reality: communication (selling the concepts); project teams; identification of team and
individual roles, responsibilities and targets; programme of activities; benchmark targets at differing levels of
the organisation, Resource allocation: finance; human resources; materials; time Review and evaluation: an
evaluation of the benchmarked outcomes in a given time period in relation to corporate, operational and
individual targets ) if you want to discuss more relevant points or elements in above task you can add.

To have the opportunity to achieve D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities to draw
conclusion about Resources Allocation to implement a new strategy for a chosen organisation

To have the opportunity to achieve D3: Demonstrate convergent /lateral / creative thinking
• To achieve (D3) prepare a balanced scorecard to show expected financial and nonfinancial objectives
recommended for a chosen organisation
you will have to draw conclusion about balanced Scorecard recommended for a chosen organisation

Evidence Evidence
Summary of evidence required by student
checklist presented
Task 1 Report
Task 2

Task 3 Report

Task 4 Report

Class notes
• David (2011): Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 13th Ed.
• Thompson, Strickland III, and Gamble (2010): Crafting and executing Strategy: the Quest for
Competitive Advantage, 17th Ed.

Provide copy of your project as .PDF file and copy it on CD and will not accept any project without achieve

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's words, ideas, arguments, concepts or designs as your own work.
It includes behavior such as: copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the
materials, submitting joint coursework as an individual effort, copying another student's coursework, stealing
coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work.
Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and, if found to have occurred, will be dealt with accordingly.
Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Raed Al Saran

Qualification Diploma in Business Assessor name

Unit Number and title Unit 7 Business Strategy Student name

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is Achieved?
Reference able to: (tick)
LO 1 Understand the process of strategic planning
1.1 explain strategic contexts and terminology - missions, visions,
objectives, goals, core competencies
1.2 review the issues involved in strategic planning
1.3 explain different planning techniques
LO 2 Be able to formulate a new strategy
2.1 produce an organisational audit for a given organisation
2.2 carry out an environmental audit for a given organisation
2.3 explain the significance of stakeholder analysis
LO 3 Understand approaches to strategy evaluation and selection
3.1 analyse possible alternative strategies relating to substantive growth,
limited growth or retrenchment
3.2 select an appropriate future strategy for a given organisation
LO 4 Understand how to implement a chosen strategy
4.1 compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation
4.2 evaluate resource requirements to implement a new strategy for a given
4.3 Discuss targets and timescales for achievement in a given organisation
to monitor a given strategy.

Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Grade descriptor Achieved? Grade descriptor Achieved?

(tick) (tick)

M1: Identify and apply strategies to find D1: Use critical reflection to
appropriate solutions evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions
D2: Take responsibility for
M2: Select/design and apply appropriate managing and organising
methods/techniques activities

D3: Demonstrate
M3: Present and communicate convergent/lateral /creative
appropriate findings thinking
Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date

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