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Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Diameter of the observable universe

[the Metagalaxy]: >

∼ 10 Gpc

Size of largest known structures (giant voids):

∼ 100 Mpc

⇒> 6
∼ 10 factor in volume ⇒ on the largest scales

the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic .

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

A slice of the SDSS survey

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

There is nothing simpler than a star

Sir Arthur Eddington

...except the Universe.

K. Petrovay
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


The simplest astrophysical system: the Universe — an infinite homogeneous medium.

Consider a mass element at distance a from the (arbitrarily selected) origin.

Shell theorems ⇒ the gravitational acceleration is
g = −4πGρa/3, directed towards the origin.
[NB This does not violate homogeneity and isotropy: they were violated already by selecting an origin.]

⇒ An infinite medium initially at rest should collapse — the Universe cannot remain static!

Collapse may be avoided if the Universe is initially ex-


Problem analoguous (indeed, identical!) to a vertical

(−k gives the sign of the total mechanical energy)
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Shell theorem 1: shells at r > a dynamically play no role → let us ignore them.
Then we have

U = −4πGρa2/r for the potential while the specific kinetic energy is 12 ȧ2.

Conservation of mechanical energy then reads

1 ȧ2 − 4πGρa2 /r = E = const. or

8πG  ȧ 2 c2
ρ= +k 2 where k = −2E/c2
3 a a
Our choice of a is arbitrary; so is the unit of length
⇒ enough to consider values k = −1, 0 or +1.

H = ȧ/a is Hubble’s constant.

Expansion/contraction must be self-similar — a known as scale factor.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Consider the case k = 0.

Mass conservation: ρa3 = ρ0a30

⇒ the solution reads

a = Ct2/3 (∗)

with C = (6πGρ0)1/3a0

a(t = 0) = 0: Big Bang!

The age of the Universe is 2t where tH = 1/H is the Hubble time

3 H
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


For k = 0 the density reads: ρ = ρcr ≡ 3H 2/8πG = 9.5 · 10−30 g/cm3 .

< <
Clearly, for k > 0 we have ρ > ρcr and a increases faster/slower than (∗).

In addition, for k = 1 Friedman eq. shows that ȧ = 0 when a =
1 − (ρcr/ρ)0

⇒ expansion will be halted and turn into contraction.

⇒ ρcr is the critical density of the Universe.

Now introduce the density parameter Ω = ρ/ρcr

< −1
then Ω = 1 implies k = 0
> +1

NB For k = −1 asymptotical solution is a ∝ t (as l.h.s. of Friedman vanishes with t).

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Historical notes: Friedman derived his equation in 1922 based on general relativity.

“Newtonian cosmology” could have been discovered by Newton but it was not —although he was struggling
with this recognition. In a manuscript of the 2nd ed. of the Principia we find:
“...the stars would, through their gravity, gradually fall on each other, were they not all carried
back by divine plan.”
But he finally decided not to include this in the printed version...

Einstein, similarly, initially had doubts in Friedman’s results; instead, he invoked antigravity (Λ) to keep the
universe from collapsing. Upon Hubble’s discovery of the expansion he famously called this his “biggest

The possibility of a Newtonian cosmology was finally only pointed out by Milne (1934).

On rigour: If you are unhappy with our above neglect (Weinberg 1972, Silk 2001, Jordan 2005) of the
“dynamically unimportant” shells at r > a, you may be right... But the treatment can be made arbitrarily
exact without changing the outcome (Layzer 1954, McCrea 1955, Callan et al. 1965, Tipler 1996)

Also note that in a Hubble flow, observers in different galaxies are accelerated relative to each other, yet
their reference frames are all inertial! This is due the inertial forces being cancelled by gravitational forces
as observers are on ballistic orbits (∼ free fall).
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

References on Newtonian cosmology

Milne: A Newtonian expanding Universe. Quart.J. Math. Oxford 5, 64-72 (1934)

McCrea & Milne: Newtonian Universes and the curvature of space. Quart. J. Math. Oxford 5, 73-80 (1934)
Layzer: On the significance of Newtonian cosmology. AJ 59, 268-270 (1954)
McCrea: On the significance of Newtonian cosmology. AJ 60, 271 (1955)
Callan et al.: Cosmology and Newtonian Mechanics. Am. J. Phys. 33, 105-108 (1965)
Weinberg: Gravitation and Cosmology. Wiley-VCH (1972)
Tipler: Rigorous Newtonian cosmology. Am. J. Phys. 64, 1311-15 (1996)
Silk: The Big Bang. 3rd ed. Freeman (2001)
Jordan: Cosmology calculations almost without general relativity. Am. J. Phys. 73, 653-662 (2005)
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


The spectral lines of galaxies are redshifted.

Doppler effect ⇒ expansion.

Edwin Hubble, 1925:

Hubble’s law 3= H·d
H = 68 km/s/Mpc Hubble constant

The Hubble flow is self similar. We are not in a privileged position!

In a world expanding according to Hubble’s law each observer will see the same:
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

⇒ The Big Bang did not happen in any particular point in [3D] space
—it happened “everywhere”: the density diverges in each point as t → 0
and the Universe remains homogeneous at all times.

Note: expansion is slowed by gravitational attraction

⇒ individual galaxies are not expanding
⇒ groups and clusters of galaxies expand slower
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Distances and lookback time in a flat, expanding universe

Consider light emitted at t = te from a distant galaxy of diameter D, luminosity L, apparent

size α, measured flux F .
Distance now d(t0) and at emission d(te) = d(t0)/(1 + z) are not directly measured.

Angular distance: dA = αD = d(te) as photons travel in straight line in a flat universe

(k = 0).

Luminosity distance: dL = (L/4πF)1/2 = (1 + z)2dA = (1 + z)d(t0)

as both the energy and arrival frequency of photons is reduced by a factor (1 + z).

Z dT Z d(t0) Z z
dr dr0
Lookback time τ = = =
0 c 0 c[1 + z(r 0 )] 0 (1 + z )H

Light-travel distance: dT = cτ(z)

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Penzias & Wilson, 1964: a uniform background

radiation from all directions.

Blackbody spectrum, T = 2.73 K.

Self similar expansion ⇒ all lengths scale with a

⇒ photon wavelength λ ∝ a
⇒ radiation energy density u ∝ a−4

But u ∝ T 4 for thermal radiation

(Stefan–Boltzmann law) ⇒ T ∝ a−1 .
Early on, the hot Universe was filled with
an (adiabatically) expanding and cooling gas.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Relativity brings in 2 effects:

(1) Curvature of spacetime is related to k.

(2) E = mc2 or in terms of densities, u = ρc2

All forms of mass/energy contribute to
gravity ⇒ plug ρ = u/c2 into Friedman eq. to
get its standard form:

8πG  ȧ 2 c2
u= + k 2 (Cosm 1)
3c a a

Much of normal matter is non-relativistic,

i.e. 3  c for its particles.
Then, rest mass/energy dominates u
⇒ no difference.

What about other forms of matter?

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

For radiation [relativistic matter] u ∝ a−4 while for non-relativistic matter u ∝ a−3
⇒ early on, radiation must have dominated the universe:

Solution in this case is a ∝ t1/2 ⇒ Big Bang solution still holds.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

To calculate u(a) for a mixture of different forms of matter:

invoke the First Law of thermodynamics for an expanding volume V = a3.
Expansion is adiabatic, so dE + P dV = 0 or
d d
(ua3) + P a3 = 0 (Cosm 2)
dt dt

This the second basic equation of cosmology.

⇒ For u ∝ a−4 we must have P = 13 u.

Radiation era lasted ∼ 105 years.

Soon after, at t ∼ 3.8 · 105 years, protons and electrons combined into H atoms.
Atomic spectra are discrete ⇒ the world becomes transparent. This is known as
the decoupling of radiation and matter. Light emitted by the hot gas propagates freely
in space. By now, z ∼ 1000 ⇒ observed as CMB.

Indeed, CMB was predicted by Gamow in 1946 based on this line of thought.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Vacuum energy (a.k.a. cosmological constant)

Vacuum energy − combined energy density of all physical fields

⇒ should be a physical constant, i.e. u = const. ⇒ it will sooner or later dominate:

When it dominates (Cosmo 1) reduces to ȧ ∝ a in the k = 0 case

⇒ the solution is exponential: a ∝ et/τ.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Physical interpretation: expansion ⇒ volume and energy of vacuum increasing

⇒ a repulsive force must be doing expansion work on it: antigravity
(the 5th physical interaction).

8πG ua3 2
Indeed, rearranging (Cosm 1): = ȧ
3c2 a

8πG 8πG
The time derivative of this reads
(−3aȧP − uaȧ) ≡
(u + 3P)aȧ = 2aȧ
3c 3c

⇒ ä = − 2
(u + 3P)a

⇒ The force increases with distance (hence only matters on cosmological scales)

u = const. implies P = −u by (Cosm 2) ⇒ the force is repulsive for u > 0.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Einstein’s field equations (the fundamental equations of general relativity):

1 8πG
Rik − gik R j j = 4 T ik − Λgik (Ei)
2 c

Rik : curvature tensor; gik : metric tensor; T ik : energy–momentum tensor;

Λ: cosmological constant (arises as an integration constant in derivation

from variational principle, cf. Landau–Lifshitz Vol. 2)

Symmetric 4-tensors — 10 independent components — 10 equations.

Homogeneity and isotropy ⇒ equations reduced to 2: (Cosm 1) and (Cosm 2).

E.g. T ik only has 2 independent components:
 
 u 0 0 0 
0 P 0 0
 
T̂ =  
 0 0 P 0 
0 0 0 P

Write Λ = 8πG u ; then formally the last term of (Ei) also involves an energy–momentum
c4 V
tensor T ik = uV gik which implies a Lorentz-invariant medium with P = −u —i.e. vacuum!
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Cosmological test with supernovae type Ia.

Peak brightness of supernovae of type Ia is universally -21m

⇒ precise photometric parallaxes to large distances
⇒ the time evolution of H can be studied empirically.

Result (1999): The expansion is accelerating!

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Possible explanations for the accelerating expansion:

1. Cosmological constant (vacuum energy): quite satisfactory.

2. Quintessence: a hypothetetical scalar field (in some quantum gravitation theories)

with equation of state P = wu, w < −1/3 but w , −1.
But observational constraints ⇒ w ' −1.
“Dark energy”: a common name for quintessence and cosmological constant.

3. Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND): an alternative theory where F = m · a · µ(a),

i.e. Newton’s second law is modified at very low accelerations.
Alternative interpretation: Instead of 2nd law, Newtonian gravitation is modified as
F = Gm1m2/µ(a)r2
More success in substituting dark matter than dark energy.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


u is a physical constant for vacuum;

u = particle number density × energy/particle for other forms.

Energy of photons = hc/λ ∝ hc/a ⇒ u ∝ a−4.

Plugging these forms of u(a) into Friedman, for the k = 0 solutions we find:

Form of matter u(a) P(u) k = 0 solution

Non-relativistic u ∝ a−3 P=0 a ∝ t2/3

Relativistic u ∝ a−4 P = u/3 a ∝ t1/2

Vacuum u =const. P = −u a ∝ et/τ

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Using the current values a0, (Cosm1) can be written as kc2/a20 = H02(ΩT − 1).

With this and the above results, the self-consistent evolution of equation of a is
 ȧ 2
= [Ω M ã−3 + ΩRã−4 + ΩΛ + (1 − ΩT )ã−2]

where ã = a/a0 and ΩT = Ω M + ΩR + ΩΛ and the Ω’s refer to current values.

NB This approximate relation will not hold for the first few seconds when matter becomes relativistic.

But Ω M + ΩR + ΩΛ =?
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology



Wave function of multiparticle system: ψ(x1, x2, . . .)

xi represents the state variables (coordinates, momentum, ...) of the ith particle.

Exchanging 2 particles: ψ → ψ0 = eiφψ as we must have |ψ0|2 = |ψ|2

for the probability density (particles are indistinguishable).
But exchanging them again, ψ00 = ei2φψ = ψ so either

eiφ = +1 — bosons (Bose–Einstein statistics)

eiφ = −1 — fermions (Fermi–Dirac statistics)

If two particles are allowed to be in same state, their exchange cannot change ψ
⇒ they must be bosons!
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Fermions are subject to Pauli’s exclusion principle:

no two fermions are allowed in the same state.
⇒ When compressed in phase space [degeneration], Fermi gas becomes
very hard (high pressure)

Bosons are not subject to exclusion principle

⇒ they can be [almost] all in ground state
⇒ bosons tend to form condensates in phase space
(Bose condensate —- superfluidity, superconductivity...).

Note: in units of h/2π,

bosons have integer spin — fermions have half-integer spin.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Fermions: the building blocks of matter

Bosons: mediators of interactions between fermions.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Strong interaction potential → ∞ at finite distance ⇒ free quarks do not occur

— they are confined into systems of several quarks, called hadrons.

Systems of 2 quarks: mesons. They are bosons.

Systems of 3 quarks: baryons. They are fermions.

Nucleons (proton, neutron) are the lowest mass baryons. — the only stable hadrons.
Hyperons: more massive baryons.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Baryonic matter = nucleons + electrons. Non-relativistic (”cold”).

Number of electrons = number of protons but me ' m p/1840
⇒ electrons are lumped together with the nucleons.
Ωb = 0.045 [from primordial nucleosynthesis]; of this, only 0.003 detectable;
rest is in hot, dilute intergalactic medium with very little emission or absorption.

Electromagnetic radiation = photons. Relativistic (”hot”).

∼ 4 · 108 photons in each m3.
Ωγ = 5 · 10−5

Cold Dark Matter (CDM) = hypothetic massive particles (neutralino, axion etc.),
predicted by Grand Unification Theories. Non-relativistic.
Ω M = ΩCDM + Ωb = 0.31
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Dark energy

ΩΛ = 0.69

Expressed in Planck units ∼ 10−120,

an implausibly small value!
(the “cosmological constant problem”).

Neutrinos = νe, νµ, ντ.

Relativistic through most of the history of the Universe
— a candidate for “Warm Dark Matter”.
Ων = 4 · 10−4–1.3 · 10−2

Massive black holes.

Can be individually large but still insignificant due to their low number.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


The CMB, emitted around z = 1000, is Their scale agrees with observa-
nearly isotropic, with small random fluctuations: tions for Ωtotal = 1:
remnants of small initial density fluctuations in the
gas at decoupling:

These fluctuations are later amplified by their self-gravity, leading to the formation
of galaxies and their clusters.

Numerical simulations: the structure thus formed agrees best with observations
if matter is mostly in the form of CDM.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


This scenario of the evolution of the

Universe is known as “concordance
model” or ΛCDM cosmology.

The age of the Universe: 13.8 Gyr

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Photons with hc/λ > mec2 create e−–e+ pairs which in turn annihilate to photons:

⇒ for kT > 511 keV much of u is in the form of e− and e+ (and µ− and µ+ and τ− and τ+):
this is the lepton era of the Universe (∼ 10 s)
which in turn is preceded by the hadron era (∼ 0.1 s).

Upon annihilation, a very small (∼ 10−9) surplus of particles vs. antiparticles remained
(“the problem of baryogenesis”)
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


In the hot gas of the early universe fusion reac-

tions took place ⇒ overabundance of He and Baryon density Ωb can be deter-
some other light elements — a proof of the Big mined from overabundances:
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology


Assumption: The very early universe (t < 10−32 s) was vacuum dominated due to a scalar
field of high energy density ⇒ an exponential expansion (“inflation”) occurred.
The scalar field then went into a lower energy state by spontaneous symmetry breaking.

Inflation correctly predicts CMB fluctuation spectra by enlarging vacuum fluctuations.

It may potentially also solve some problems of classical cosmology.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Flatness problem

Dividing (Cosm1) with H 2 yields ΩT − 1 = kc2/a2 H 2.

The same holds for t = t0 (current time), so dividing them we have

a20 H02 1/2 matter dominated case
ΩT − 1

= 2 2 ∝ ap p=

where 1 radiation dominated case

ΩT,0 − 1 a H 

 −2 vacuum dominated case

Currently ΩT ' 1, which would imply an implausible

fine tuning at early times:

⇒ Inflation, i.e. a vacuum dominated phase in the

very early universe might explain this.
Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

Horizon problem

Particle horizon: the distance photons travelled since the Big Bang.
c dt = dr = (a/a0) dr0, i.e. in comoving frame the horizon is
Z t Z a0 Z a0 −1/2
c dt c da u da
= ∝
0 a/a0 0 ȧa/a0 0 a a

This converges for matter or radiation dominated early universe

but diverges for vacuum dominated

⇒ The known universe could not have been causally connected earlier
— its homogeneity must be due to a highly implausible initial condition

unless the early universe was vacuum dominated.

Astrophysics 1 (Petrovay) Cosmology

But: R. Penrose: if homogeneity is due to early mixing, that must have increased entropy
⇒ initial state had even lower entropy (i.e. was more special)

...or is there another solution?

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