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Abhisamayalankaravrttih Sphutartha of Acarya Haribhadra

Abhisamayamanjari by Subhakaragupta, critically edited Sanskrit text with Tibetan

version by Samdhong Rinpoche et al

Apohasiddhi of Ratnaki rti (Hi ndi), tr. and annotated by G.C. Pandey

Aryamanjusri namasamgiti, Skt. text with Amrtakanika comm. by Bhiksu Ravisrijnana

and Amrtakani kodyotani -bandha of Vibhuticandra, ed. by Banarsi Lal

Aryasalistambakakari ka of Acarya Nagarjuna (in Tibetan and Sanskrit) with the auto -
commentary, restored, translated i nto Hindi and edited with introd. in Tibetan and Hindi
by Sonam

Atisavi racita Ekadasagranthah (11 treatises of Atisa), critically edited Tibetan text
Sanskrit restoration and Hi ndi transl. by Ramesh Chandra Negi

Bauddha laghugrantha samgraha : a collection of minor Buddhist texts (Sanskrit and

Tibetan), ed. by Janardan Pandey

Bauddha tantra kosa, Part 1 (in Sanskrit), comp. and ed. by Vrajavallabha Dwivedi and
Thi nley Ram Shashni

Bauddha tantra kosa, Part 2, ed. by Thinlay Ram Shashni

Bauddha tantra kosa, part 3, ed. by Thinlay Ram Shashni

Bauddha Tantra Vanmaya : Buddhist tantric literature, Vol.1

Bauddhastotraratnakarah, ed. by Rare Buddhist Texts, Research Department, Chief ed.

Geshe Ngawang Samten

The Bhattarak Milarepa ka ji van vratanta, tr. into Hindi and ed. by Ramescandra Negi,
2nd ed.

Biography of Acarya Thonmi Sambhot (in Hindi with reference in Tibetan)

Caitya-Sancakayornirmanavidhi samgrahah

Cakrasamvaratantram of Sriherukabhidhana with the vivr ti commentary of Bhavabhatta,

2 vols., ed. by Janardan Shastri Pandey
Carya Samgrahah : a collection of Caryagiti collected from Nepal by the late Professor
Jagannath Upadhyaya, ed. by Bhakti De

Caryamelapakapradipam of Acarya Aryadeva (Sanskrit text w ith Tibetan translation),

ed. by Janardan Shastri Pandey

Chandoratnkara of Ratnakara Santipada, with auto -comm. critically ed. the root -text
with Tibetan transliteration and tr. into Hindi, restored the auto -comm., and tr. into
Hindi ...

A comparative and critical study of Katantra and Kaccayana

grammars (Skt. & Hindi), text and ed. by Janaki Prasada
Dwivedi & Surender Kumar

Daki nijalasamvararahasyam, by Anangayogi (in Sanskrit), ed. by S. Rinpoche et al

Dasatattvasangrahah of Acarya Ksitigarbha, ed. by Banarasi Lal

Dharmasamgrahah : excellent collection of doctrine of Acha rya Nagarjuna, translated into

English by Tashi Zangmo and Dechen Chime

Dohakosagiti of Krsnapada , Tellopada, along with songs of Vinayasripada, Santipada

and stray lyrics and citations from some other Siddhas, restored text, Sanskrit Chaya
and tr....

Hevajratantram with Muktavali Panjika of Mahapanditacarya Ratnakarasanti (in Skt.),

ed. by Ram Shankar Tripathi et al

Hevajratantram with yogaratnamalapanjika of Mahapanditacarya Krsnapada, text in

Sanskrit with Hi ndi i ntroduction

History and palaeography of Kharosti script

History of Buddhism in Afghani stan

History of Tibetan translation of Buddhist Tripitaka (Kagyur & Tangyur) (in Tibetan)

Jnanodayatantram (i n Sanskri t), critically edited by Samdhong Rinpoche

Kalacakratantralaghugrantha -samgraha, Vol. 2, ed. by Kameshwar Nath Mishra, Sanskrit

text, i ntro. in Tibetan and Hi ndi and Tibetan rendering of the text

Kalacakratantralaghugrantha -Samgrahah, Vol.1, ed. by Rare Buddhist Texts Research

Department, i ntro. in Hindi

Kalapa Vyakaranam of Sarvavarma (in Skt.), ed. by Janaki Prasad Dwivedi

Kurukullakalpah (in Sanskrit and Tibetan), ed. by Janardan Shastri Pandey

Lupta Bauddha vacana samgraha, Part 1 (the source material of rare texts in Sanskrit),
ed. by Vrajavallabha Dwivedi

Luptabauddhavaca nasangrahah (in Sanskrit), Part 2, ed. by Banarasi Lal

Madhyamakaloka of Kamalasila (in Sanskrit and Tibetan), restored and critically ed. b y
Penpa Dorjee

Madhyamakavatara of Acarya Candrakirti, root text and auto -commentary with Tibetan
text, ed. with Hindi tr. by Pema Tenzin

Madhyavyutpatti h : compiled by the Indian Pandits and T ibetan translators in the 9th
century AD, critically ed. by Penpa Dorjee (T ibetan)

Mahamaya tantra, with Gunavati comm. by Ratnakarasanti, critically edited Sanskrit

text with Tibetan versi on by S. Ri npoche

Mahayana samgrahah by Acarya Asanga (Sanskrit restoration of first two chapters,

Hindi tr. of whole text and edited Tibetan version), by Pema Tenzin

Misrakabhidharmahrdayasastra of Dharmatrata : Za A-pi-tan xin lun (T. Vol.28, No.1552)

(Hindi, Skt.), Hindi transl. and its comparative and critical study by Lalji `Shravak'

Nyaya Bindu of Dharmakirti (Hi ndi), tr. and ed. by G.C. Pandey

Nyayapravesakasutram of Acarya Dinnaga with Nyayapravesavrtti of Haribhadrasuri,

Panjika of Parsvadevagani and Hindi tr. and ed. by Ranjan Kumar Sharma

Pindikrama and Pancakrama of Acarya Nagarjuna (in Sanskrit), ed. by Ram Shankar

Pratiyasamutpadastutisubhasitahrdyam of Acarya Tsongkhapa, Tibetan text with

Sanskrit, Hi ndi, and English tr. by Gyaltsen Namdol and Ngawang S amten, 2nd rev.

Sanskrit ke Bauddha Vaiyakarana : Buddhist grammarians, commentators and T ibetan

translators of Sanskrit grammar by Janaki Prasa d Dwivedi

Santanantarasiddhih of Dharmakirti and Santanantarasiddhih tika of Vinitadeva,

restored and ed. from Tibetan text into Sanskrit text by J.S. Negi

Satagatha of Vararuci (Sanskrit restoration, Tibetan text, along with English and Hindi
transl .), restored, tr. and critically ed. by Losang Norbu Shastri

Satyadvayavataradigranthacatusta : four treatises entering into the two truths etc. of

Acarya Dipamka rasrijna na, restored, tr. and ed. by Sonam Ra pten, supervised by K.N.

Siddhai kaviramahatantram (in Sanskrit and Tibetan), ed. by Janardan Pandey et al

Sriguhyasamajamandalavidhih of Acarya Dipankarabhadra,ed.

Studies in Mahayana

by Pande, GC

Tarkasopanam of Acarya Vidyakarasan ti, Sanskrit text with Tibetan transl. and ed. by
Penpa Dorjee

Tattvajnanasamsiddhi h of Sunyasamadhipada with Marmakalikapanjika of Viryasri mitra,

(Sanskrit text with Tibetan translation), ed. by Janardan Shastri Pandey

Vasantatilaka of SriKrsnacarya (Sanskrit and Tibetan), with 'Rahasyadipika' comm. by

Vanaratna, ed. by Samdhong Ri npoche al

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