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Name: Tan Chow Yang ID: 17WBR08004

Define the importance of the minutes of the meeting. State the best practices
of minute taking & good principles of minutes writing.

Importance of minutes of meeting

Meeting Minutes is the official written or recorded documentation that is used to

note down all discussion was already discussed or agreed at a meeting. Meeting
minutes are necessary because the minute can permanent record all the
contributions of board member have to the actions taken by a company.

Meeting minutes can also be used in a court of law as favorable evidence in the
case of a lawsuit. Because of their high degree of public exposure, it is promoting
the meeting minutes can be considered as an essential section of company
communication and record keeping. Taking meeting minutes might possible help
board meeting to remember the content of written record such as what was
discussed and agreed at a meeting. This can help the board member to have the
same memories from the past meeting and get the same ideas about what was
happen in the meeting. With good meeting minutes, everyone knows what the
decision was or what should need to be achieved by what date.

Furthermore, meeting minute can capture meeting highlight for person who not
attend to the meeting. Have an efficient meeting, it requires meeting minute have
clear and easy understand point to help in making decision. This also will save a
lot of time by excusing repeated point and focus on main point. Overall, capture
highlight from the meeting minute and making board member available
afterwards can help keep everyone informed.
Best practice of minute taking

Best practice of minute taking is must be keep it clear, relevant and simple to
understand. Although, the board meeting is long and complicated, but the
information needs to be included high levels of detail for completeness. For
example, in the meeting minute must record down the purpose of the meeting,
time and location of the meeting, decisions that were made in board meeting and
other important stuff must include and make sure all the information is correct
and up to date. The balancing of clear, relevant and simple in the meeting minute
is important because it included all the decision making and discussion for
outsider to review the logic of the debate. If face any law issue, court can refer to
meeting minute as the evidence and without fully describing or find the

Besides that, try to use a board meeting minute template to a board minute. If first
time prepare for the board meeting minute, it is important to familiarize the style
of board meeting minute of the company or review back for the past example
and understand what is the typically should be included. However, have any
aspect which are not confirm on the board meeting minute, it should be sought
from the senior or chairman before the meeting started. It also can set up a system
to generate template for each meeting include all the relevant information or item

Good principles of minutes writing

Have good principles on minutes writing is very important because need to record
down all the discussion and agreement. If have good principle on minutes writing,
it can improve the quality or reduce time spent on minute writing. Moreover,
arrive early before meeting is one of the good principles on minute writing
because have more time and opportunity to check the setup of the boardroom is as
good condition. It also able to have time to layout any handouts that necessary in
the boardroom. We also need to make sure that have a hard or soft copy of the
agenda to easily refer to it throughout the meeting. If have any mistake, it will
allow the significant time to fix the problem before the meeting started.

Next, make sure have a great communication to the chairperson because need
to ensure everything is correct and it is under control for the meeting. For
example, we must ensure the date, time, location, agenda and attendee list is
correct and mitigate the problem happen in the board meeting. It’s vital for
understand the meeting objectives because it will able to have direction to record
accurate and pertinent information as each agenda item is discussed. Therefore,
have good principle on writing meeting minutes can make the meeting progress
Prepare a minute of a board meeting or general meeting that you have


(Company No. 873694-X)





Mr. Yong Seng @ Chee Yong Seng - Chairman

Mr. Chee Kong Hong

Mr. Chee Leong Kok

Dato’ Sri Chan Chow Shang

Mr. Chan Moon Heng

Mr. Lim Jun Hang

Encik Ahmad Ruslan Zahari Bin Adam – Independent non-executive director

Encik Ahmad Rahizal Bin Dato' Ahmad Yaakob

Mr. Lim Chee Chuen

Mr. Chai Kok Ren (Alternate Director to Dato’ Sri Chai Kok Weng

Ms. Tan Yan Ling- Company Secretary

By Invitation

Mr. Ng Wai Hok - Chief Financial Officer

Ms. Mandy Lee Representatives of Messrs. UHY Ms. Elaine Eng


As per the Attendance Lists attached.


As per the Attendance Lists attached.


Minutes of the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting held on 27 August 2018


The Chairman, Mr. Yong Seng @ Chee Yong Seng called the Annual General
Meeting to order at 10.00 a.m. and invited all board members attend to this
Annual General Meeting.


The Company Secretary, Ms. Tan Yan Ling, has make sure that a quorum was
attend for this Annual General Meeting. With that, the Chairman, Mr. Yong Seng
@ Chee Yong Seng declared the Annual General Meeting is started.

With the consent of the board members present, the Notice of the Annual General
Meeting having been circulated for the prescribed period was taken as read. In the
notice, the chairman also informed the Annual General Meeting that according
with the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad,
all resolutions set out in the Notice of the Seventeenth Annual General Meeting
(“17th AGM”) will be vote by poll. The Chairman demanded for a poll for all the
resolutions set forth in the Notice of the 17th AGM pursuant to Article 89 of the
Articles of Association of the Company. The Chairman is further informed that
the poll voting process would be conducted after the deliberation of all items on
the Agenda. The Company has appointed company secretary, poll administrator
and independent scrutineer to facilitate the voting process. After the briefing on
the polling procedure by the Poll Administrator, the Chairman then proceeded
with the resolutions set out in the Agenda.




The Audited Financial Statements of the Company for the financial year ended 31
March 2018 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon were
tabled for discussion.

The Chairman also informed the board member Audited Financial Statement were
meant for discussion only as the provision of Section 340 of the Companies Act
2016 does not require a formal approval by the shareholders.

Board members have no any question wish to raise on the Audited Financial
Statement 2018. It was recorded that the Audited Financial Statement 2018 be and
are hes been newly received by the shareholders or proxy holder. After the
briefing on the polling procedure by the Poll Administrator, the Chairman then
proceeded with the resolutions set out in the Agenda.

1. Ordinary Resolution 1

Payment of Directors’ fees and benefits payable for the financial year ending
31 March 2019

The Chairman informed that the first Ordinary Resolution on the Agenda was
approve the payment of director and benefit payable together RM750,000 for the
financial year ending 31 March 2019. This will need to conduct a poll on the item
after finishing the remaining business of this meeting.

2. Ordinary Resolution 2

Re-election of Mr. Yong Seng @ Chee Yong Seng as Director

The Independent non-executive director, Encik Ahmad Ruslan Zahari Bin Adam
informed that the second Ordinary Resolution on the Agenda was the re-election
of Mr. Yong Seng @ Chee Yong Seng as director who retired pursuant to the
Articles 125 of Association of the Company and being eligible and has offered
himself for re-election. This will need to conduct a poll on the item after finished
the remaining business of this meeting. After that, Independent non-executive
director passed back to Chairman Mr Yong Seng alliance Mr Chee Yong Seng to
continue with the meeting.
3. Ordinary Resolution 3

Re-election of Mr. Lim Jun Hang as Director

The Chairman informed that the third Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the re-
election of Mr. Lim Jun Hang who retired pursuit to Article 125 of the Articles of
Association of the company and being eligible has offered himself for re-election.
This will need to conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining business
of this meeting.

4. Ordinary Resolution 4

Re-election of Mr Chan Moon Heng as Director

The Chairman informed that the fourth Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
re-election of Mr. Chan Moon Heng who retired pursuit to Article 125 of the
Articles of Association of the company and being eligible has offered himself for
re-election. This will need conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining
business of this meeting.

5. Ordinary Resolution 5

Re-election of Mr Lim Chee Chuen as Director

The Chairman informed that the fifth Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the re-
election of Mr. Lim Chee Chuen who retired pursuit to Article 130 of the Articles
of Association of the company and being eligible has offered himself for re-
election. This will need conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining
business of this meeting.
6. Ordinary Resolution 6

Re-appointment of UHZ as Auditors of the Company

The Chairman informed that the sixth Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
auditors of UHZ have retired and have indicate their willingness to accept
reappointment and to authorised the director to fix their remuneration. This will
need conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining business of this

7. Ordinary Resolution 7

Authority for the Directors to allot and issue shares

The Chairman informed that the seventh Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
authority for the director to allot and issue share. The Board seek the shareholder
approval for it will approve provided feasibilities for the company to empower the
director to allot the issue new shares but no exceed 10% of the total number of
issues share of the company. The shareholder’s approval will be appreciated as
this will eliminate any delay arising from the cost involve in the convenient at
general meeting to obtain approval of the shareholder for such issue of share. This
will need conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining business of this

8. Ordinary Resolution 8

Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related Party

Transactions “RRPT” of a Revenue or Trading Nature

The Chairman informed that the eighth Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
propose renewal of shareholders mandate for RRPT of the revenue of trading
nature. The company had obtained a mandate from shareholders during the
Extraordinary General Meeting held on 20 April 2018 for the group to enter
RRPT with related party which is necessary for the group day to day operation.
The company is seeking the renewal of shareholder mandate for the group to enter
with to RRPT of a renewal of trading nature related party. Detail and the
Rationale for the RRPT are set up in the circular shareholder date 31 July 2018.
Chairman further informed that the interest, director interest major shareholder or
interest person connected with the director or major shareholder has obtain from
voting on this resolution. This will need conduct a poll on this item after finished
the remaining business of this meeting.

9. Ordinary Resolution 9

Proposed Renewal of Authority for the Company to Purchase its own

Ordinary Shares

The Chairman informed that the ninth Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
obtain approval from the shareholder for the propose renewal of authority for the
company to purchase its own ordinary shares not exceeding 10% of the total
number of issues share of the company at any point in time of purchase. The
detail and rationale for the share buyback are set up in the statement to
shareholders 31 July 2018. This will need conduct a poll on this item after
finished the remaining business of this meeting.

10. Ordinary Resolution 10

Proposed Granting of Share Issuance Scheme Options to Mr Lim Chee


The Chairman informed that the last Ordinary Resolution on Agenda was the
propose trading of option for Mr Lim Chee Chuen, the INED of the company. Mr
Lim Chee Chuen shall obtain from voting in respect of his direct and or indirect
shareholdings in the company on the same resolution and issue that person is
connected. This will need conduct a poll on this item after finished the remaining
business of this meeting


After all the resolutions have been tabled to the Meeting, the Chairman directed
for the closing of the registration of the shareholders and proxies for the Meeting.
The Chairman then requested the Secretary to brief on the polling process before
the polling is started. The Chairman informed that the result of the poll would be
announced after a short break as it would take some time for the scrutineers to
calculate the results of the poll. The Meeting was then adjourned at 10.30 a.m. for
the votes to be counted and to enable the scrutineers to present their report to the


Ordinary Resolution 1

THAT the payment of Directors’ fees and benefits payable to the Directors up to
aggregate amount of RM 750,000 for the financial year ending 31 March 2019 is
99.99% against 0.01% therefore that Ordinary Resolution 1 is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 2

THAT Mr Yong Seng @ Chee Yong Seng who retired pursuant to Article 125 of
the Articles of Association of the Company for 100% and hereby Ordinary
Resolution 2 which is re-elected as Director of the Company is approved.
Ordinary Resolution 3

THAT Mr Lim Hun Hang who retired pursuant to Article 125 of the Articles of
Association of the Company for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 3 which is
re-elected as Director of the Company is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 4

THAT Mr Chan Moon Heng who retired pursuant to Article 125 of the Articles of
Association of the Company for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 4 which is
re-elected as Director of the Company is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 5

THAT Mr Lim Chee Chuen who retired pursuant to Article 130 of the Articles of
Association of the Company for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 5 which is
re-elected as Director of the Company is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 6

THAT UHZ who reappoint as auditor of company and to authorise the director to
fix their remuneration for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 6 which is re-
appoint as Auditors of the Company and that the Directors be authorised to fix
their remuneration is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 7

THAT authority under Section 76 of the Companies Act 2016 for the Directors to
allot and issue shares for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 7 which is
authority for the director to allot and issue shares is approved.

Ordinary Resolution 8

THAT proposed renewal of shareholders’ mandate for recurrent Related Party

Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature for 100% and hereby Ordinary
Resolution 8 which is Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent
Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature is approved.
Ordinary Resolution 9

THAT proposed renewal of authority for the company to purchase its own
ordinary shares for 100% and hereby Ordinary Resolution 9 which is proposed
renewal of authority for the company to purchase its own ordinary shares is

Ordinary Resolution 10

THAT propose trading of SIS option to Mr Lim Chee Chuen for 100% and hereby
Ordinary Resolution 10 which is Proposed Granting of Share Issuance Scheme
Options to Mr Lim Chee Chuen is approved.


There being no other business to be transacted, the Meeting concluded at 11.00

a.m. with a vote of thanks to the Chair.





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