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ITEC Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Mr. Collin Barker and Mr. Subject Area: Grade Level:
Reuben Morris Science and Social Studies 9th-10th Grade

Necessary Links: ​(Add active links to any resources needed for your lesson plan)
SpongeBob Genetics
Create a Baby Lab
Punnet Square Practice

Common Core Standard​: (Choose one standard that this standard is focused on)
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.3/ Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text;
determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.1​/ C ​ ite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science
and technical texts, attending to the precise details of explanations or descriptions.
Computer Science Standard:​ ​(Choose one standard that this standard is focused on)
L1.DA.CVT.01/ Create interactive data representations using software tools to help others
better understand real-world phenomena (e.g., paper surveys and online data sets.

Objective/Purpose​ (For the student's benefit, explain what students will be able to do by
the end of the lesson and why these objectives are important to accomplish.):

The purpose of this lesson is to give some background knowledge on genetics. The students
will be able to understand the man behind the first ideas of genetics. Students will know
the origins of Gregor Mendel and the life he had. They will also learn his most famous
theory about crossover genetics and the functions of them. The students will be able to
perform the simple Punnett Square and understand the meaning behind such process. This
is important to know, because the foundation to current genetic work. Without this
information, then genetics would be back a few years. By understanding its early theories
and the person who came up with it, a person could advance into the research to see how
far it has come. This lesson is meant to the basics of the research and the process that
genetics would have.

Anticipatory Set​ (How will you excite and focus students on the lesson for the day?):
First, our presentation of the project will be the big part. If we seem excited about the
lesson, there is a high chance kids might get involved as well. Another way to help students
get students excited is having activities after the lesson that will make it seem more fun.
There are basic Punnett square story problems that could be used for practice. Also there
are several labs that aim at being a fun practice for the kids, which will hopefully engage
the students. These types of labs seemed to always get kids more involved and help them
understand the importance of genetics. By doing this, then hopefully the kids will
understand the concept of Mendelism and the proper way to use a Punnett Square.

Model​ (How will you be demonstrating the skill or competence?):

The best way to demonstrate this newly made skills will be to show it in a few labs. For
example, a question that has to be solved by using a Punnett square. This problem could be
a complex one that requires a lot of thinking ot it. Labs that show how genetic crossover
would work and punnett squares are being. For example, there is a Spongebob Page that
could be used for practice. Also, there is a several labs that require coins to help find a
genetic combo. There is one example of the kids making their “future” babies, yet its
physical features will be determined from the flip of their coin. Everytime this lab has been
fun for kids to do to and they always seem to enjoy this type of activity.

Guided Practice​ (List activities which will be used to guide student practice and provide a
time frame for completing this practice.):

Assuming this is a 50 minute class period, we are going to be using this as a time scale from
a class period to show how long we will spend on activities.
1:00- 1:15/ Google slide that we will share with you. It should not go long to expain the key
elements in it.
1:15-1:25/ We will use this time to explain the lab we will be doing and the worksheet that
will follow to help them practice with genetics and Punnett Squares.
1:25-1:50/ The kids will be on their own till the end of class to finish their labs and
worksheets. These activities will be homework if not done, so if they do not finish in class,
it is going home.
This might seem like a very loose schedule for the students, but that was done on purpose.
This will leave gives time to ask any question they might have on the assignment or the lab.
And if something takes longer then it should, then there is some time to fill. If the lesson
takes longer than we thought, we have enough room to adjust the time and still get all we
need to get done for that day.

Check for Understanding​ (Identify strategies to be used to determine if students have

learned the objectives.):

This assignments will help us understand if the kids are getting the idea. Also, for this, we
will tell if the kids are understanding the lesson the project, then we will add a Google form
that they will be tested on to make sure that they are understanding the project. We will
allow the kids several practices to help them if they need it. It will not be just a simple one
time deal for them to do and then wait for the test. We will give the students several
practices to make sure they understand the concept of genetics and Punnett squares.

Closure ​(What method of review and evaluation will be used to complete the lesson?):
Honestly, we will just grade the stuff they turn in an use that to see if the students are not
understanding the topic.

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