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G.R. No. 168550 August 10, 2006 v.

Comelec 7 definitively settled a similar controversy by ruling that

URBANO M. MORENO, Petitioner, conviction for an offense involving moral turpitude stands even if the
vs. candidate was granted probation. The disqualification under Sec.
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and NORMA L. MEJES, CHICO- 40(a) of the Local Government Code subsists and remains totally
NAZARIO, Respondents. unaffected notwithstanding the grant of probation.
DECISION Moreno filed a Reply to Comment 8 dated March 27, 2006, reiterating
TINGA, J.: his arguments and pointing out material differences between his case
In this Petition 1 dated July 6, 2005, Urbano M. Moreno (Moreno) and Dela Torre v. Comelec which allegedly warrant a conclusion
assails the Resolution 2 of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) en favorable to him. According to Moreno, Dela Torre v.
banc dated June 1, 2005, affirming the Resolution 3 of the Comelec Comelec involves a conviction for violation of the Anti-Fencing Law,
First Division dated November 15, 2002 which, in turn, disqualified an offense involving moral turpitude covered by the first part of Sec.
him from running for the elective office of Punong Barangay of 40(a) of the Local Government Code. Dela Torre, the petitioner in that
Barangay Cabugao, Daram, Samar in the July 15, 2002 Synchronized case, applied for probation nearly four (4) years after his conviction
Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections. and only after appealing his conviction, such that he could not have
The following are the undisputed facts: been eligible for probation under the law.
Norma L. Mejes (Mejes) filed a petition to disqualify Moreno from In contrast, Moreno alleges that he applied for and was granted
running for Punong Barangay on the ground that the latter was probation within the period specified therefor. He never served a day
convicted by final judgment of the crime of Arbitrary Detention and of his sentence as a result. Hence, the disqualification under Sec. 40(a)
was sentenced to suffer imprisonment of Four (4) Months and One of the Local Government Code does not apply to him.
(1) Day to Two (2) Years and Four (4) Months by the Regional Trial The resolution of the present controversy depends on the application
Court, Branch 28 of Catbalogan, Samar on August 27, 1998. of the phrase "within two (2) years after serving sentence" found in
Moreno filed an answer averring that the petition states no cause of Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code, which reads:
action because he was already granted probation. Allegedly, following Sec. 40. Disqualifications. – The following persons are disqualified
the case of Baclayon v. Mutia, 4 the imposition of the sentence of from running for any elective local position:
imprisonment, as well as the accessory penalties, was thereby (a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral
suspended. Moreno also argued that under Sec. 16 of the Probation turpitude or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of
Law of 1976 (Probation Law), the final discharge of the probation shall imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving sentence;
operate to restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a result [Emphasis supplied.]
of his conviction and to fully discharge his liability for any fine ....
imposed. The order of the trial court dated December 18, 2000 We should mention at this juncture that there is no need to rule on
allegedly terminated his probation and restored to him all the civil whether Arbitrary Detention, the crime of which Moreno was
rights he lost as a result of his conviction, including the right to vote convicted by final judgment, involves moral turpitude falling under
and be voted for in the July 15, 2002 elections. the first part of the above-quoted provision. The question of whether
The case was forwarded to the Office of the Provincial Election Arbitrary Detention is a crime involving moral turpitude was never
Supervisor of Samar for preliminary hearing. After due proceedings, raised in the petition for disqualification because the ground relied
the Investigating Officer recommended that Moreno be disqualified upon by Mejes, and which the Comelec used in its assailed
from running for Punong Barangay. resolutions, is his alleged disqualification from running for a local
The Comelec First Division adopted this recommendation. On motion elective office within two (2) years from his discharge from probation
for reconsideration filed with the Comelec en banc, the Resolution of after having been convicted by final judgment for an offense
the First Division was affirmed. According to the Comelec en punishable by Four (4) Months and One (1) Day to Two (2) Years and
banc, Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code provides that those Four (4) Months. Besides, a determination that the crime of Arbitrary
sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude Detention involves moral turpitude is not decisive of this case, the
or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of imprisonment, crucial issue being whether Moreno’s sentence was in fact served.
within two (2) years after serving sentence, are disqualified from In this sense, Dela Torre v. Comelec is not squarely applicable. Our
running for any elective local position. 5 Since Moreno was released pronouncement therein that the grant of probation does not affect
from probation on December 20, 2000, disqualification shall the disqualification under Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code
commence on this date and end two (2) years thence. The grant of was based primarily on the finding that the crime of fencing of which
probation to Moreno merely suspended the execution of his sentence petitioner was convicted involves moral turpitude, a circumstance
but did not affect his disqualification from running for an elective local which does not obtain in this case. At any rate, the phrase "within two
office. (2) years after serving sentence" should have been interpreted and
Further, the Comelec en banc held that the provisions of the Local understood to apply both to those who have been sentenced by final
Government Code take precedence over the case of Baclayon v. judgment for an offense involving moral turpitude and to those who
Mutia cited by Moreno and the Probation Law because it is a much have been sentenced by final judgment for an offense punishable by
later enactment and a special law setting forth the qualifications and one (1) year or more of imprisonment. The placing of the comma (,)
disqualifications of elective local officials. in the provision means that the phrase modifies both parts of Sec.
In this petition, Moreno argues that the disqualification under the 40(a) of the Local Government Code.
Local Government Code applies only to those who have served their The Court’s declaration on the effect of probation on Sec. 40(a) of the
sentence and not to probationers because the latter do not serve the Local Government Code, we should add, ought to be considered
adjudged sentence. The Probation Law should allegedly be read as an an obiter in view of the fact that Dela Torre was not even entitled to
exception to the Local Government Code because it is a special law probation because he appealed his conviction to the Regional Trial
which applies only to probationers. Further, even assuming that he is Court which, however, affirmed his conviction. It has been held that
disqualified, his subsequent election as Punong Barangay allegedly the perfection of an appeal is a relinquishment of the alternative
constitutes an implied pardon of his previous misconduct. remedy of availing of the Probation Law, the purpose of which is to
In its Comment 6 dated November 18, 2005 on behalf of the Comelec, prevent speculation or opportunism on the part of an accused who,
the Office of the Solicitor General argues that this Court in Dela Torre
although already eligible, did not at once apply for probation, but did civil rights lost or suspended as a result of his conviction were
so only after failing in his appeal. 9 restored to him, including the right to run for public office.
Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code appears innocuous enough Even assuming that there is an ambiguity in Sec. 40(a) of the Local
at first glance. The phrase "service of sentence," understood in its Government Code which gives room for judicial interpretation, 14 our
general and common sense, means the confinement of a convicted conclusion will remain the same.
person in a penal facility for the period adjudged by the court. 10 This It is unfortunate that the deliberations on the Local Government Code
seemingly clear and unambiguous provision, however, has spawned a afford us no clue as to the intended meaning of the phrase "service of
controversy worthy of this Court’s attention because the Comelec, in sentence," i.e., whether the legislature also meant to disqualify those
the assailed resolutions, is alleged to have broadened the coverage of who have been granted probation. The Court’s function, in the face
the law to include even those who did not serve a day of their of this seeming dissonance, is to interpret and harmonize the
sentence because they were granted probation. Probation Law and the Local Government Code. Interpretare et
Moreno argues, quite persuasively, that he should not have been concordare legis legibus est optimus interpretandi.
disqualified because he did not serve the adjudged sentence having Probation is not a right of an accused but a mere privilege, an act of
been granted probation and finally discharged by the trial court. grace and clemency or immunity conferred by the state, which is
In Baclayon v. Mutia, the Court declared that an order placing granted to a deserving defendant who thereby escapes the extreme
defendant on probation is not a sentence but is rather, in effect, a rigors of the penalty imposed by law for the offense of which he was
suspension of the imposition of sentence. We held that the grant of convicted. 15 Thus, the Probation Law lays out rather stringent
probation to petitioner suspended the imposition of the principal standards regarding who are qualified for probation. For instance, it
penalty of imprisonment, as well as the accessory penalties of provides that the benefits of probation shall not be extended to those
suspension from public office and from the right to follow a sentenced to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more than
profession or calling, and that of perpetual special disqualification six (6) years; convicted of any offense against the security of the State;
from the right of suffrage. We thus deleted from the order granting those who have previously been convicted by final judgment of an
probation the paragraph which required that petitioner refrain from offense punished by imprisonment of not less than one (1) month and
continuing with her teaching profession. one (1) day and/or a fine of not less than P200.00; those who have
Applying this doctrine to the instant case, the accessory penalties of been once on probation; and those who are already serving sentence
suspension from public office, from the right to follow a profession or at the time the substantive provisions of the Probation Law became
calling, and that of perpetual special disqualification from the right of applicable. 16
suffrage, attendant to the penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum It is important to note that the disqualification under Sec. 40(a) of the
period to prision correccional in its minimum period 11 imposed upon Local Government Code covers offenses punishable by one (1) year or
Moreno were similarly suspended upon the grant of probation. more of imprisonment, a penalty which also covers probationable
It appears then that during the period of probation, the probationer offenses. In spite of this, the provision does not specifically disqualify
is not even disqualified from running for a public office because the probationers from running for a local elective office. This omission is
accessory penalty of suspension from public office is put on hold for significant because it offers a glimpse into the legislative intent to
the duration of the probation. treat probationers as a distinct class of offenders not covered by the
Clearly, the period within which a person is under probation cannot disqualification.
be equated with service of the sentence adjudged. Sec. 4 of the Further, it should be mentioned that the present Local Government
Probation Law specifically provides that the grant of probation Code was enacted in 1991, some seven (7) years after Baclayon v.
suspends the execution of the sentence. During the period of Mutia was decided. When the legislature approved the enumerated
probation, 12 the probationer does not serve the penalty imposed disqualifications under Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code, it is
upon him by the court but is merely required to comply with all the presumed to have knowledge of our ruling in Baclayon v. Mutia on
conditions prescribed in the probation order. 13 the effect of probation on the disqualification from holding public
It is regrettable that the Comelec and the OSG have misapprehended office. That it chose not to include probationers within the purview of
the real issue in this case. They focused on the fact that Moreno’s the provision is a clear expression of the legislative will not to
judgment of conviction attained finality upon his application for disqualify probationers.
probation instead of the question of whether his sentence had been On this score, we agree with Moreno that the Probation Law should
served. be construed as an exception to the Local Government Code. While
The Comelec could have correctly resolved this case by simply the Local Government Code is a later law which sets forth the
applying the law to the letter. Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government qualifications and disqualifications of local elective officials, the
Code unequivocally disqualifies only those who have been sentenced Probation Law is a special legislation which applies only to
by final judgment for an offense punishable by imprisonment of one probationers. It is a canon of statutory construction that a later
(1) year or more, within two (2) years after serving sentence. statute, general in its terms and not expressly repealing a prior special
This is as good a time as any to clarify that those who have not served statute, will ordinarily not affect the special provisions of such earlier
their sentence by reason of the grant of probation which, we statute. 17
reiterate, should not be equated with service of sentence, should not In construing Sec. 40(a) of the Local Government Code in a way that
likewise be disqualified from running for a local elective office broadens the scope of the disqualification to include Moreno, the
because the two (2)-year period of ineligibility under Sec. 40(a) of the Comelec committed an egregious error which we here correct. We
Local Government Code does not even begin to run. rule that Moreno was not disqualified to run for Punong Barangay of
The fact that the trial court already issued an order finally discharging Barangay Cabugao, Daram, Samar in the July 15, 2002 Synchronized
Moreno fortifies his position. Sec. 16 of the Probation Law provides Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan Elections.
that "[t]he final discharge of the probationer shall operate to restore Finally, we note that Moreno was the incumbent Punong Barangay at
to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a result of his conviction and the time of his conviction of the crime of Arbitrary Detention. He
to fully discharge his liability for any fine imposed as to the offense claims to have obtained a fresh mandate from the people of Barangay
for which probation was granted." Thus, when Moreno was finally Cabugao, Daram, Samar in the July 15, 2002 elections. This situation
discharged upon the court’s finding that he has fulfilled the terms and calls to mind the poignant words of Mr. Justice now Chief Justice
conditions of his probation, his case was deemed terminated and all Artemio Panganiban in Frivaldo v. Comelec 18 where he said that "it
would be far better to err in favor of popular sovereignty than to be The civil aspect of the above-quoted decision was appealed by the
right in complex but little understood legalisms." private prosecutor to the Regional Trial Court Branch XVI, appellant
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Resolution of the praying for moral damages in the amount of P 10,000.00,
Commission on Elections en banc dated June 1, 2005 and the compensatory damages at P6,186.40, and attorney's fees of P
Resolution of its First Division dated November 15, 2002, as well as all 5,000.00. The appellate court, on January 20, 1988, modified the trial
other actions and orders issued pursuant thereto, are ANNULLED and court's decision, granting the appellant moral damages in the amount
SET ASIDE. The Commission on Elections is directed to proceed in of Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00), while affirming all other civil
accordance with this Decision. No pronouncement as to costs. liabilities.
SO ORDERED. Thereafter, a writ of execution dated March 10, 1988 was duly served
upon the accused but was, however, returned unsatisfied due to the
insolvency of the accused as shown by the sheriffs return. Thus,
complainant moved for a subsidiary writ of execution against the
subsidiary liability of the owner-operator of the vehicle. The same was
denied by the trial court on two grounds, namely, the decision of the
appellate court made no mention of the subsidiary liability of Eduardo
Toribio, and the nature of the accident falls under "culpa-aquiliana"
and not culpa-contractual." A motion for reconsideration of the said
order was disallowed for the reason that complainant having failed to
G.R. No. 84516 December 5, 1989 raise the matter of subsidiary liability with the appellate court, said
DIONISIO CARPIO, petitioner, court rendered its decision which has become final and executory and
vs. the trial court has no power to alter or modify such decision.
HON. SERGIO DOROJA, (Presiding Judge, MTC, Branch IV, Hence, the instant petition.
Zamboanga City) and EDWIN RAMIREZ Y WEE, respondents. Petitioner relies heavily on the case of Pajarito v. Seneris, 87 SCRA
PARAS, J.: 275, which enunciates that "the subsidiary liability of the owner-
Before us is a petition to review by certiorari the decision of the operator is fixed by the judgment, because if a case were to be filed
Municipal Trial Court of Zamboanga City, Branch IV, which denied against said operator, the court called upon to act thereto has no
petitioner's motion for subsidiary writ of execution against the other function than to render a decision based on the indemnity
owner-operator of the vehicle which figured in the accident. award in the criminal case without power to amend or modify it even
The facts of the case are undisputed. if in his opinion an error has been committed in the decision."
Sometime on October 23, 1985, accused-respondent Edwin Ramirez, Petitioner maintains that the tenor of the aforesaid decision implies
while driving a passenger Fuso Jitney owned and operated by Eduardo that the subsidiary liability of the owner-operator may be enforced in
Toribio, bumped Dionisio Carpio, a pedestrian crossing the street, as the same proceeding and a separate action is no longer necessary in
a consequence of which the latter suffered from a fractured left order to avoid undue delay, notwithstanding the fact that said
clavicle as reflected in the medico-legal certificate and sustained employer was not made a party in the criminal action.
injuries which required medical attention for a period of (3) three It is the theory of respondent that the owner-operator cannot be
months. validly held subsidiarily liable for the following reasons, namely: (a)
An information for Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Serious Physical the matter of subsidiary liability was not raised on appeal; (b) contrary
Injuries was filed against Edwin Ramirez with the Municipal Trial Court to the case of Pajarito v. Seneris, the injuries sustained by the
of Zamboanga City, Branch IV. On January 14, 1987, the accused complainant did not arise from the so-called "culpa-contractual" but
voluntarily pleaded guilty to a lesser offense and was accordingly from "culpa-aquiliana"; (c) the judgments of appellate courts may not
convicted for Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Less Serious Physical be altered, modified, or changed by the court of origin; and (d) said
Injuries under an amended information punishable under Article 365 owner was never made a party to the criminal proceedings.
of the Revised Penal Code. The dispositive portion of the decision Thus, the underlying issue raised in this case is; whether or not the
handed down on May 27, 1987 reads as follows: subsidiary liability of the owner-operator may be enforced in the
WHEREFORE, finding the accused EDWIN RAMIREZ y WEE guilty as a same criminal proceeding against the driver where the award was
principal beyond reasonable doubt of the Amended Information to given, or in a separate civil action.
which he voluntarily pleaded guilty and appreciating this mitigating The law involved in the instant case is Article 103 in relation to Article
circumstance in his favor, hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty 100, both of the Revised Penal Code, which reads thus:
of One (1) month and One (1) day to Two (2) months of Arresto Mayor Art. 103. Subsidiary civil liability of other persons. The subsidiary
in its minimum period. The accused is likewise ordered to indemnify liability established in the next preceding article shall apply to
the complainant Dionisio A. Carpio the amount of P45.00 employers, teachers, persons, and corporations engaged in any kind
representing the value of the 1/2 can of tomatoes lost; the amount of of industry for felonies committed by their servants, pupils, workmen,
P200.00 which complainant paid to the Zamboanga General Hospital, apprentices, or employees in the discharge of their duties.
to pay complainant the amount of Pl,500.00 as attorney's fees and to Respondent contends that the case of Pajarito v. Seneris cannot be
pay the cost of this suit. SO ORDERED. (p. 7, Rollo) applied to the present case, the former being an action involving
Thereafter, the accused filed an application for probation. culpa-contractual, while the latter being one of culpa-aquiliana. Such
At the early stage of the trial, the private prosecutor manifested his a declaration is erroneous. The subsidiary liability in Art. 103 should
desire to present evidence to establish the civil liability of either the be distinguished from the primary liability of employers, which is
accused driver or the owner-operator of the vehicle. Accused's quasi-delictual in character as provided in Art. 2180 of the New Civil
counsel moved that the court summon the owner of the vehicle to Code. Under Art. 103, the liability emanated from a delict. On the
afford the latter a day in court, on the ground that the accused is not other hand, the liability under Art. 2180 is founded on culpa-
only indigent but also jobless and thus cannot answer any civil liability aquiliana. The present case is neither an action for culpa-contractual
that may be imposed upon him by the court. The private prosecutor, nor for culpa-aquiliana. This is basically an action to enforce the civil
however, did not move for the appearance of Eduardo Toribio. liability arising from crime under Art. 100 of the Revised Penal Code.
In no case can this be regarded as a civil action for the primary liability
of the employer under Art. 2180 of the New Civil Code, i.e., action not constitute an act of amending the decision. It becomes incumbent
for culpa-aquiliana. upon the court to grant a motion for subsidiary writ of execution (but
In order that an employer may be held subsidiarily liable for the only after the employer has been heard), upon conviction of the
employee's civil liability in the criminal action, it should be shown (1) employee and after execution is returned unsatisfied due to the
that the employer, etc. is engaged in any kind of industry, (2) that the employee's insolvency.
employee committed the offense in the discharge of his duties and WHEREFORE, the order of respondent court disallowing the motion
(3) that he is insolvent (Basa Marketing Corp. v. Bolinao, 117 SCRA for subsidiary writ of execution is hereby SET ASIDE. The Court a
156). The subsidiary liability of the employer, however, arises only quo is directed to hear and decide in the same proceeding the
after conviction of the employee in the criminal action. All these subsidiary liability of the alleged owner-operator of the passenger
requisites present, the employer becomes ipso facto subsidiarily jitney. Costs against private respondent.
liable upon the employee's conviction and upon proof of the latter's SO ORDERED
insolvency. Needless to say, the case at bar satisfies all these
Furthermore, we are not convinced that the owner-operator has been
deprived of his day in court, because the case before us is not one
wherein the operator is sued for a primary liability under the Civil
Code but one in which the subsidiary civil liability incident to and
dependent upon his employee's criminal negligence is sought to be
enforced. Considering the subsidiary liability imposed upon the G.R. No. 168641 April 27, 2007
employer by law, he is in substance and in effect a party to the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner,
criminal case. Ergo, the employer's subsidiary liability may be vs.
determined and enforced in the criminal case as part of the execution CLEMENTE BAUTISTA, Respondent.
proceedings against the employee. This Court held in the earlier case DECISION
of Pajarito v. Seneris, supra, that "The proceeding for the AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.:
enforcement of the subsidiary civil liability may be considered as part Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari filed by the People of
of the proceeding for the execution of the judgment. A case in which the Philippines assailing the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals (CA)
an execution has been issued is regarded as still pending so that all dated June 22, 2005 in CA-G.R. SP No. 72784, reversing the Order of
proceedings on the execution are proceedings in the suit. There is no the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 19, Manila and dismissing the
question that the court which rendered the judgment has a general criminal case for slight physical injuries against respondent on the
supervisory control over its process of execution, and this power ground that the offense charged had already prescribed.
carries with it the right to determine every question of fact and law The undisputed facts are as follows.
which may be involved in the execution." On June 12, 1999, a dispute arose between respondent and his co-
The argument that the owner-operator cannot be held subsidiarily accused Leonida Bautista, on one hand, and private complainant
liable because the matter of subsidiary liability was not raised on Felipe Goyena, Jr., on the other.
appeal and in like manner, the appellate court's decision made no Private complainant filed a Complaint with the Office of
mention of such subsidiary liability is of no moment. As already the Barangay of Malate, Manila, but no settlement was reached.
discussed, the filing of a separate complaint against the operator for The barangay chairman then issued a Certification to file action dated
recovery of subsidiary liability is not necessary since his liability is August 11, 1999.2
clear from the decision against the accused. Such being the case, it is On August 16, 1999, private complainant filed with the Office of the
not indispensable for the question of subsidiary liability to be passed City Prosecutor (OCP) a Complaint for slight physical injuries against
upon by the appellate court. Such subsidiary liability is already implied herein respondent and his co-accused. After conducting the
from the appellate court's decision. In the recent case of Vda. de preliminary investigation, Prosecutor Jessica Junsay-Ong issued a
Paman v. Seneris, 115 SCRA 709, this Court reiterated the following Joint Resolution dated November 8, 1999 recommending the filing of
pronouncement: "A judgment of conviction sentencing a defendant an Information against herein respondent. Such recommendation
employer to pay an indemnity in the absence of any collusion was approved by the City Prosecutor, represented by First Assistant
between the defendant and the offended party, is conclusive upon City Prosecutor Eufrocino A. Sulla, but the date of such approval
the employer in an action for the enforcement of the latter's cannot be found in the records. The Information was, however, filed
subsidiary liability not only with regard to the civil liability, but also with the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila, Branch 28 only
with regard to its amount." This being the case, this Court stated on June 20, 2000.
in Rotea v. Halili, 109 Phil. 495, "that the court has no other function Respondent sought the dismissal of the case against him on the
than to render decision based upon the indemnity awarded in the ground that by the time the Information was filed, the 60-day period
criminal case and has no power to amend or modify it even if in its of prescription from the date of the commission of the crime, that is,
opinion an error has been committed in the decision. A separate and on June 12, 1999 had already elapsed. The MeTC ruled that the
independent action is, therefore, unnecessary and would only unduly offense had not yet prescribed.
prolong the agony of the heirs of the victim." Respondent elevated the issue to the RTC via a Petition for Certiorari,
Finally, the position taken by the respondent appellate court that to but the RTC denied said petition and concurred with the opinion of
grant the motion for subsidiary writ of execution would in effect be the MeTC.
to amend its decision which has already become final and executory Respondent then filed a Petition for Certiorari with the CA. On June
cannot be sustained. Compelling the owner-operator to pay on the 22, 2005, the CA rendered its Decision wherein it held that, indeed,
basis of his subsidiary liability does not constitute an amendment of the 60-day prescriptive period was interrupted when the offended
the judgment because in an action under Art. 103 of the Revised Penal party filed a Complaint with the OCP of Manila on August 16, 1999.
Code, once all the requisites as earlier discussed are met, the Nevertheless, the CA concluded that the offense had prescribed by
employer becomes ipso facto subsidiarily liable, without need of a the time the Information was filed with the MeTC, reasoning as
separate action. Such being the case, the subsidiary liability can be follows:
enforced in the same case where the award was given, and this does
In the case on hand, although the approval of the Joint Resolution of The constitutional right of the accused to a speedy trial cannot be
ACP Junsay-Ong bears no date, it effectively terminated the invoked by the petitioner in the present petition considering that the
proceedings at the OCP. Hence, even if the 10-day period for the CP delay occurred not in the conduct of preliminary investigation or trial
or ACP Sulla, his designated alter ego, to act on the resolution is in court but in the filing of the Information after the City Prosecutor
extended up to the utmost limit, it ought not have been taken as late had approved the recommendation of the investigating prosecutor to
as the last day of the year 1999. Yet, the information was filed with file the information.
the MeTC only on June 20, 2000, or already nearly six (6) months into The Office of the Solicitor General does not offer any explanation as
the next year. To use once again the language of Article 91 of the to the delay in the filing of the information. The Court will not be
RPC, the proceedings at the CPO was "unjustifiably stopped for any made as an unwitting tool in the deprivation of the right of the
reason not imputable to him (the accused)" for a time very much offended party to vindicate a wrong purportedly inflicted on him by
more than the prescriptive period of only two (2) months. The the mere expediency of a prosecutor not filing the proper information
offense charged had, therefore, already prescribed when filed with in due time.
the court on June 20, 2000. x x x3 (Emphasis supplied) The Court will not tolerate the prosecutors’ apparent lack of a sense
The dispositive portion of the assailed CA Decision reads as follows: of urgency in fulfilling their mandate. Under the circumstances, the
WHEREFORE, we hereby REVERSE and SET ASIDE the appealed more appropriate course of action should be the filing of an
Orders of both courts below and Criminal Case No. 344030-CR, administrative disciplinary action against the erring public officials.
entitled: "People of the Philippines, Plaintiff, -versus- Clemente WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby GRANTED. The Decision of the
Bautista and Leonida Bautista, Accused," is ordered DISMISSED. Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 72784 is
Costs de oficio. hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and the Decision of the Regional
SO ORDERED.4 Trial Court of Manila in Civil Case No. 02-103990 is
Petitioner now comes before this Court seeking the reversal of the hereby REINSTATED.
foregoing CA Decision. The Court gives due course to the petition Let the Secretary of the Department of Justice be furnished a copy of
notwithstanding the fact that petitioner did not file a Motion for herein Decision for appropriate action against the erring officials.
Reconsideration of the decision of the CA before the filing of herein SO ORDERED.
petition. It is not a condition sine qua non for the filing of a petition
for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.5
The Court finds merit in the petition.
It is not disputed that the filing of the Complaint with the OCP
effectively interrupted the running of the 60-day prescriptive period
for instituting the criminal action for slight physical injuries. However,
the sole issue for resolution in this case is whether the prescriptive G.R. No. 152662 June 13, 2012
period began to run anew after the investigating prosecutor’s PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Petitioner,
recommendation to file the proper criminal information against vs.
respondent was approved by the City Prosecutor. MA. THERESA PANGILINAN, Respondent.
The answer is in the negative. DECISION
Article 91 of the Revised Penal Code provides thus: PEREZ, J.:
Art. 91. Computation of prescription of offenses. - The period of The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed this petition for
prescription shall commence to run from the day on which the crime certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, on behalf of the
is discovered by the offended party, the authorities, or their agents, Republic of the Philippines, praying for the nullification and setting
and shall be interrupted by the filing of the complaint or information, aside of the Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No.
and shall commence to run again when such proceedings terminate 66936, entitled "Ma. Theresa Pangilinan vs. People of the Philippines
without the accused being convicted or acquitted, or are and Private Complainant Virginia C. Malolos."
unjustifiably stopped for any reason not imputable to him. The fallo of the assailed Decision reads:
The term of prescription shall not run when the offender is absent WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. Accordingly, the
from the Philipppine Archipelago. (Emphasis supplied) assailed Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch
The CA and respondent are of the view that upon approval of the 218, is REVERSED and SET ASIDE and Criminal Cases Nos. 89152 and
investigating prosecutor's recommendation for the filing of an 89153 against petitioner Ma. Theresa Pangilinan are hereby ordered
information against respondent, the period of prescription began to DISMISSED.3
run again. The Court does not agree. It is a well-settled rule that the Culled from the record are the following undisputed facts:
filing of the complaint with the fiscal’s office suspends the running of On 16 September 1997, Virginia C. Malolos (private complainant) filed
the prescriptive period.6 an affidavit-complaint for estafa and violation of Batas Pambansa (BP)
The proceedings against respondent was not terminated upon the Blg. 22 against Ma. Theresa Pangilinan (respondent) with the Office
City Prosecutor's approval of the investigating prosecutor's of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City. The complaint alleges that
recommendation that an information be filed with the court. The respondent issued nine (9) checks with an aggregate amount of Nine
prescriptive period remains tolled from the time the complaint was Million Six Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Ninety-Two
filed with the Office of the Prosecutor until such time that respondent Pesos (₱9,658,592.00) in favor of private complainant which were
is either convicted or acquitted by the proper court. dishonored upon presentment for payment.
The Office of the Prosecutor miserably incurred some delay in filing On 5 December 1997, respondent filed a civil case for accounting,
the information but such mistake or negligence should not unduly recovery of commercial documents, enforceability and effectivity of
prejudice the interests of the State and the offended party. As held contract and specific performance against private complainant before
in People v. Olarte,7 it is unjust to deprive the injured party of the right the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Valenzuela City. This was docketed
to obtain vindication on account of delays that are not under his as Civil Case No. 1429-V-97.
control. All that the victim of the offense may do on his part to initiate Five days thereafter or on 10 December 1997, respondent filed a
the prosecution is to file the requisite complaint.8 "Petition to Suspend Proceedings on the Ground of Prejudicial
Question" before the Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City,
citing as basis the pendency of the civil action she filed with the RTC four years therefrom or until the latter part of 1999 to file her
of Valenzuela City. complaint or information against the petitioner before the proper
On 2 March 1998, Assistant City Prosecutor Ruben Catubay court.
recommended the suspension of the criminal proceedings pending The informations docketed as Criminal Cases Nos. 89152 and
the outcome of the civil action respondent filed against private 89152(sic) against the petitioner having been filed with the
complainant with the RTC of Valenzuela City. The recommendation Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City only on 03 February 2000, the
was approved by the City Prosecutor of Quezon City. said cases had therefore, clearly prescribed.
Aggrieved, private complainant raised the matter before the xxx
Department of Justice (DOJ). Pursuant to Section 2 of Act 3326, as amended, prescription shall be
On 5 January 1999, then Secretary of Justice Serafin P. Cuevas interrupted when proceedings are instituted against the guilty
reversed the resolution of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City and person.
ordered the filing of informations for violation of BP Blg. 22 against In the case of Zaldivia vs. Reyes7 the Supreme Court held that the
respondent in connection with her issuance of City Trust Check No. proceedings referred to in Section 2 of Act No. 3326, as amended, are
127219 in the amount of ₱4,129,400.00 and RCBC Check No. 423773 ‘judicial proceedings’, which means the filing of the complaint or
in the amount of ₱4,475,000.00, both checks totaling the amount of information with the proper court. Otherwise stated, the running of
₱8,604,000.00. The estafa and violation of BP Blg. 22 charges the prescriptive period shall be stayed on the date the case is actually
involving the seven other checks included in the affidavit-complaint filed in court and not on any date before that, which is in consonance
filed on 16 September 1997 were, however, dismissed. with Section 2 of Act 3326, as amended.
Consequently, two counts for violation of BP Blg. 22, both dated 18 While the aforesaid case involved a violation of a municipal
November 1999, were filed against respondent Ma.Theresa ordinance, this Court, considering that Section 2 of Act 3326, as
Pangilinan on 3 February 2000 before the Office of the Clerk of Court, amended, governs the computation of the prescriptive period of both
Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), Quezon City. These cases were ordinances and special laws, finds that the ruling of the Supreme
raffled to MeTC, Branch 31on 7 June 2000. Court in Zaldivia v. Reyes8 likewise applies to special laws, such as
On 17 June 2000, respondent filed an "Omnibus Motion to Quash the Batas Pambansa Blg. 22.9
Information and to Defer the Issuance of Warrant of Arrest" before The OSG sought relief to this Court in the instant petition for
MeTC, Branch 31, Quezon City. She alleged that her criminal liability review.1âwphi1 According to the OSG, while it admits that Act No.
has been extinguished by reason of prescription. 3326, as amended by Act No. 3585 and further amended by Act No.
The presiding judge of MeTC, Branch 31, Quezon City granted the 3763 dated 23 November 1930, governs the period of prescription for
motion in an Order dated 5 October 2000. violations of special laws, it is the institution of criminal actions,
On 26 October 2000, private complainant filed a notice of appeal. The whether filed with the court or with the Office of the City Prosecutor,
criminal cases were raffled to RTC, Branch 218, Quezon City. that interrupts the period of prescription of the offense charged. 10 It
In a Decision dated 27 July 2001, the presiding judge of RTC, Branch submits that the filing of the complaint-affidavit by private
218, Quezon City reversed the 5 October 2000 Order of the MeTC. complainant Virginia C. Malolos on 16 September 1997 with the
The pertinent portion of the decision reads: Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City effectively interrupted
xxx Inasmuch as the informations in this case were filed on 03 the running of the prescriptive period of the subject BP Blg. 22 cases.
February 2000 with the Clerk of Court although received by the Court Petitioner further submits that the CA erred in its decision when it
itself only on 07 June 2000, they are covered by the Rule as it was relied on the doctrine laid down by this Court in the case of Zaldivia v.
worded before the latest amendment. The criminal action on two Reyes, Jr.11 that the filing of the complaint with the Office of the City
counts for violation of BP Blg. 22, had, therefore, not yet prescribed Prosecutor is not the "judicial proceeding" that could have
when the same was filed with the court a quo considering the interrupted the period of prescription. In relying on Zaldivia,12 the CA
appropriate complaint that started the proceedings having been filed allegedly failed to consider the subsequent jurisprudence superseding
with the Office of the Prosecutor on 16 September 1997 yet. the aforesaid ruling.
WHEREFORE, the assailed Order dated 05 October 2000 is hereby Petitioner contends that in a catena of cases,13 the Supreme Court
REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. The Court a quo is hereby directed to ruled that the filing of a complaint with the Fiscal’s Office for
proceed with the hearing of Criminal Cases Nos. 89152 and 89153.4 preliminary investigation suspends the running of the prescriptive
Dissatisfied with the RTC Decision, respondent filed with the Supreme period. It therefore concluded that the filing of the informations with
Court a petition for review5 on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of the MeTC of Quezon City on 3 February 2000 was still within the
Court. This was docketed as G.R. Nos. 149486-87. allowable period of four years within which to file the criminal cases
In a resolution6 dated 24 September 2000, this Court referred the for violation of BP Blg. 22 in accordance with Act No. 3326, as
petition to the CA for appropriate action. amended.
On 26 October 2001, the CA gave due course to the petition by In her comment-opposition dated 26 July 2002, respondent avers that
requiring respondent and private complainant to comment on the the petition of the OSG should be dismissed outright for its failure to
petition. comply with the mandatory requirements on the submission of a
In a Decision dated 12 March 2002, the CA reversed the 27 July 2001 certified true copy of the decision of the CA and the required proof of
Decision of RTC, Branch 218, Quezon City, thereby dismissing Criminal service. Such procedural lapses are allegedly fatal to the cause of the
Case Nos. 89152 and 89153 for the reason that the cases for violation petitioner.
of BP Blg. 22 had already prescribed. Respondent reiterates the ruling of the CA that the filing of the
In reversing the RTC Decision, the appellate court ratiocinated that: complaint before the City Prosecutor’s Office did not interrupt the
xxx this Court reckons the commencement of the period of running of the prescriptive period considering that the offense
prescription for violations of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 imputed to charged is a violation of a special law.
[respondent] sometime in the latter part of 1995, as it was within this Respondent contends that the arguments advanced by petitioner are
period that the [respondent] was notified by the private anchored on erroneous premises. She claims that the cases relied
[complainant] of the fact of dishonor of the subject checks and, the upon by petitioner involved felonies punishable under the Revised
five (5) days grace period granted by law had elapsed. The private Penal Code and are therefore covered by Article 91 of the Revised
respondent then had, pursuant to Section 1 of Act 3326, as amended, Penal Code (RPC)14 and Section 1, Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on
Criminal Procedure.15 Respondent pointed out that the crime for violations of the Revised Securities Act and the Securities
imputed against her is for violation of BP Blg. 22, which is indisputably Regulations Code effectively interrupts the prescription period
a special law and as such, is governed by Act No. 3326, as amended. because it is equivalent to the preliminary investigation conducted by
She submits that a distinction should thus be made between offenses the DOJ in criminal cases.
covered by municipal ordinances or special laws, as in this case, and In fact, in the case of Panaguiton, Jr. v. Department of Justice,24 which
offenses covered by the RPC. is in all fours with the instant case, this Court categorically ruled that
The key issue raised in this petition is whether the filing of the commencement of the proceedings for the prosecution of the
affidavit-complaint for estafa and violation of BP Blg. 22 against accused before the Office of the City Prosecutor effectively
respondent with the Office of the City Prosecutor of Quezon City on interrupted the prescriptive period for the offenses they had been
16 September 1997 interrupted the period of prescription of such charged under BP Blg. 22. Aggrieved parties, especially those who do
offense. not sleep on their rights and actively pursue their causes, should not
We find merit in this petition. be allowed to suffer unnecessarily further simply because of
Initially, we see that the respondent’s claim that the OSG failed to circumstances beyond their control, like the accused’s delaying tactics
attach to the petition a duplicate original or certified true copy of the or the delay and inefficiency of the investigating agencies.
12 March 2002 decision of the CA and the required proof of service is We follow the factual finding of the CA that "sometime in the latter
refuted by the record. A perusal of the record reveals that attached part of 1995" is the reckoning date of the commencement of
to the original copy of the petition is a certified true copy of the CA presumption for violations of BP Blg. 22, such being the period within
decision. It was also observed that annexed to the petition was the which herein respondent was notified by private complainant of the
proof of service undertaken by the Docket Division of the OSG. fact of dishonor of the checks and the five-day grace period granted
With regard to the main issue of the petition, we find that the CA by law elapsed.
reversively erred in ruling that the offense committed by respondent The affidavit-complaints for the violations were filed against
had already prescribed. Indeed, Act No. 3326 entitled "An Act to respondent on 16 September 1997. The cases reached the MeTC of
Establish Prescription for Violations of Special Acts and Municipal Quezon City only on 13 February 2000 because in the meanwhile,
Ordinances and to Provide When Prescription Shall Begin," as respondent filed a civil case for accounting followed by a petition
amended, is the law applicable to BP Blg. 22 cases. Appositely, the law before the City Prosecutor for suspension of proceedings on the
reads: ground of "prejudicial question". The matter was raised before the
SECTION 1. Violations penalized by special acts shall, unless otherwise Secretary of Justice after the City Prosecutor approved the petition to
provided in such acts, prescribe in accordance with the following suspend proceedings. It was only after the Secretary of Justice so
rules: (a) xxx; (b) after four years for those punished by imprisonment ordered that the informations for the violation of BP Blg. 22 were filed
for more than one month, but less than two years; (c) xxx. with the MeTC of Quezon City.
SECTION 2. Prescription shall begin to run from the day of the Clearly, it was respondent’s own motion for the suspension of the
commission of the violation of the law, and if the same be not known criminal proceedings, which motion she predicated on her civil case
at the time, from the discovery thereof and the institution of judicial for accounting, that caused the filing in court of the 1997 initiated
proceedings for its investigation and punishment. proceedings only in 2000.
The prescription shall be interrupted when proceedings are instituted As laid down in Olarte,25 it is unjust to deprive the injured party of the
against the guilty person, and shall begin to run again if the right to obtain vindication on account of delays that are not under his
proceedings are dismissed for reasons not constituting jeopardy. control. The only thing the offended must do to initiate the
Since BP Blg. 22 is a special law that imposes a penalty of prosecution of the offender is to file the requisite complaint.
imprisonment of not less than thirty (30) days but not more than one IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the instant petition is GRANTED.
year or by a fine for its violation, it therefor prescribes in four (4) years The 12 March 2002 Decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
in accordance with the aforecited law. The running of the prescriptive REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Department of Justice is ORDERED to
period, however, should be tolled upon the institution of proceedings re-file the informations for violation of BP Blg. 22 against the
against the guilty person. respondent.
In the old but oft-cited case of People v. Olarte,16 this Court ruled that SO ORDERED.
the filing of the complaint in the Municipal Court even if it be merely
for purposes of preliminary examination or investigation, should, and
thus, interrupt the period of prescription of the criminal
responsibility, even if the court where the complaint or information is
filed cannot try the case on the merits. This ruling was broadened by
the Court in the case of Francisco, v. Court of Appeals, et.
al.17 when it held that the filing of the complaint with the Fiscal’s
Office also suspends the running of the prescriptive period of a
criminal offense.
Respondent’s contention that a different rule should be applied to
cases involving special laws is bereft of merit. There is no more
distinction between cases under the RPC and those covered by special
laws with respect to the interruption of the period of prescription. The
ruling in Zaldivia v. Reyes, Jr.18 is not controlling in special laws. In
Llenes v. Dicdican,19 Ingco, et al. v. Sandiganbayan,20 Brillante v.
CA,21 and Sanrio Company Limited v. Lim,22 cases involving special
laws, this Court held that the institution of proceedings for
preliminary investigation against the accused interrupts the period of
prescription. In Securities and Exchange Commission v. Interport
Resources Corporation, et. al.,23 the Court even ruled that
investigations conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission
G.R. No. 206666 January 21, 2015 presentation of the original receipt evidencing payment thereof and
ATTY. ALICIA RISOS-VIDAL, Petitioner, subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures. Likewise,
ALFREDO S. LIM Petitioner-Intervenor, the hold-departure orders issued against the said accused are hereby
vs. recalled and declared functus oficio.4
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS and JOSEPH EJERCITO On October 25, 2007, however, former President Gloria Macapagal
ESTRADA, Respondents. Arroyo (former President Arroyo) extended executive clemency, by
Before the Court are (1) a Petition for Certiorari filed under Rule 64, way of pardon, to former President Estrada. The full text of said
in relation to Rule 65, both of the Revised Rules of Court, by Atty. pardon states:
Alicia Risos-Vidal (Risos-Vidal), which essentially prays for the MALACAÑAN PALACE
issuance of the writ of certiorari annulling and setting aside the April MANILA
1, 20131 and April 23, 20132 Resolutions of the Commission on By the President of the Philippines
Elections (COMELEC), Second Division and En bane, respectively, in PARDON
SPA No. 13-211 (DC), entitled "Atty. Alicia Risos-Vidal v. Joseph WHEREAS, this Administration has a policy of releasing inmates who
Ejercito Estrada" for having been rendered with grave abuse of have reached the age of seventy (70),
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and (2) a WHEREAS, Joseph Ejercito Estrada has been under detention for six
Petition-in-Intervention3 filed by Alfredo S. Lim (Lim), wherein he and a half years,
prays to be declared the 2013 winning candidate for Mayor of the City WHEREAS, Joseph Ejercito Estrada has publicly committed to no
of Manila in view of private respondent former President Joseph longer seek any elective position or office,
Ejercito Estrada’s (former President Estrada) disqualification to run IN VIEW HEREOF and pursuant to the authority conferred upon me by
for and hold public office. the Constitution, I hereby grant executive clemency to JOSEPH
The Facts EJERCITO ESTRADA, convicted by the Sandiganbayan of Plunder and
The salient facts of the case are as follows: imposed a penalty of Reclusion Perpetua. He is hereby restored to his
On September 12, 2007, the Sandiganbayan convicted former civil and political rights.
President Estrada, a former President of the Republic of the The forfeitures imposed by the Sandiganbayan remain in force and in
Philippines, for the crime of plunder in Criminal Case No. 26558, full, including all writs and processes issued by the Sandiganbayan in
entitled "People of the Philippines v. Joseph Ejercito Estrada, et al." pursuance hereof, except for the bank account(s) he owned before
The dispositive part of the graft court’s decision reads: his tenure as President.
WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, judgment is hereby Upon acceptance of this pardon by JOSEPH EJERCITO ESTRADA, this
rendered in Criminal Case No. 26558 finding the accused, Former pardon shall take effect.
President Joseph Ejercito Estrada, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt Given under my hand at the City of Manila, this 25th Day of October,
of the crime of PLUNDER, defined in and penalized by Republic Act in the year of Our Lord, two thousand and seven.
No. 7080, as amended. On the other hand, for failure of the Gloria M. Arroyo (sgd.)
prosecution to prove and establish their guilt beyond reasonable By the President:
doubt, the Court finds the accused Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada and Atty. IGNACIO R. BUNYE (sgd.)
Edward S. Serapio NOT GUILTY of the crime of plunder, and Acting Executive Secretary5
accordingly, the Court hereby orders their ACQUITTAL. On October 26, 2007, at 3:35 p.m., former President Estrada "received
The penalty imposable for the crime of plunder under Republic Act and accepted"6 the pardon by affixing his signature beside his
No. 7080, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659, is Reclusion handwritten notation thereon.
Perpetua to Death. There being no aggravating or mitigating On November 30, 2009, former President Estrada filed a Certificate of
circumstances, however, the lesser penalty shall be applied in Candidacy7 for the position of President. During that time, his
accordance with Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code. Accordingly, candidacy earned three oppositions in the COMELEC: (1) SPA No. 09-
the accused Former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada is hereby 024 (DC), a "Petition to Deny Due Course and Cancel Certificate of
sentenced to suffer the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua and the Candidacy" filed by Rev. Elly Velez B. Lao Pamatong, ESQ; (2) SPA No.
accessory penalties of civil interdiction during the period of sentence 09-028 (DC), a petition for "Disqualification as Presidential Candidate"
and perpetual absolute disqualification. filed by Evilio C. Pormento (Pormento); and (3) SPA No. 09-104 (DC),
The period within which accused Former President Joseph Ejercito a "Petition to Disqualify Estrada Ejercito, Joseph M.from Running as
Estrada has been under detention shall be credited to him in full as President due to Constitutional Disqualification and Creating
long as he agrees voluntarily in writing to abide by the same Confusion to the Prejudice of Estrada, Mary Lou B" filed by Mary Lou
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners. Estrada. In separate Resolutions8 dated January 20, 2010 by the
Moreover, in accordance with Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7080, as COMELEC, Second Division, however, all three petitions were
amended by Republic Act No. 7659, the Court hereby declares the effectively dismissed on the uniform grounds that (i) the
forfeiture in favor of the government of the following: Constitutional proscription on reelection applies to a sitting
(1) The total amount of Five Hundred Forty[-]Two Million Seven president; and (ii) the pardon granted to former President Estrada by
Hundred Ninety[-]One Thousand Pesos (₱545,291,000.00), with former President Arroyo restored the former’s right to vote and be
interest and income earned, inclusive of the amount of Two Hundred voted for a public office. The subsequent motions for reconsideration
Million Pesos (₱200,000,000.00), deposited in the name and account thereto were denied by the COMELEC En banc.
of the Erap Muslim Youth Foundation. After the conduct of the May 10, 2010 synchronized elections,
(2) The amount of One Hundred Eighty[-]Nine Million Pesos however, former President Estrada only managed to garner the
(₱189,000,000.00), inclusive of interests and income earned, second highest number of votes.
deposited in the Jose Velarde account. Of the three petitioners above-mentioned, only Pormento sought
(3) The real property consisting of a house and lot dubbed as "Boracay recourse to this Court and filed a petition for certiorari, which was
Mansion" located at #100 11th Street, New Manila, Quezon City. docketed as G.R. No. 191988, entitled "Atty. Evilio C. Pormento v.
The cash bonds posted by accused Jose "Jinggoy" Estrada and Atty. Joseph ‘ERAP’ Ejercito Estrada and Commission on Elections." But in a
Edward S. Serapio are hereby ordered cancelled and released to the Resolution9 dated August 31, 2010, the Court dismissed the
said accused or their duly authorized representatives upon
aforementioned petition on the ground of mootness considering that II. RESPONDENT COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
former President Estrada lost his presidential bid. DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN
On October 2, 2012, former President Estrada once more ventured NOT FINDING THAT RESPONDENT ESTRADA IS DISQUALIFIED TO RUN
into the political arena, and filed a Certificate of Candidacy,10 this time AS MAYOR OF MANILA UNDER SEC. 40 OF THE LOCAL
vying for a local elective post, that ofthe Mayor of the City of Manila. GOVERNMENTCODE OF 1991 FOR HAVING BEEN CONVICTED OF
On January 24, 2013, Risos-Vidal, the petitioner in this case, filed a PLUNDER, AN OFFENSE INVOLVING MORAL TURPITUDE;
Petition for Disqualification against former President Estrada before III. RESPONDENT COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
Risos Vidal anchored her petition on the theory that "[Former DISMISSING THE PETITION FOR DISQUALIFICATION ON THE GROUND
President Estrada] is Disqualified to Run for Public Office because of THAT THE CASE INVOLVES THE SAME OR SIMILAR ISSUES IT ALREADY
his Conviction for Plunder by the Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. RESOLVED IN THE CASES OF "PORMENTO VS. ESTRADA", SPA NO. 09-
26558 entitled ‘People of the Philippines vs. Joseph Ejercito Estrada’ 028 (DC) AND IN "RE: PETITION TO DISQUALIFY ESTRADA EJERCITO,
Sentencing Him to Suffer the Penalty of Reclusion Perpetuawith JOSEPH M. FROM RUNNING AS PRESIDENT, ETC.," SPA NO. 09-104
Perpetual Absolute Disqualification."11 She relied on Section 40 of the (DC);
Local Government Code (LGC), in relation to Section 12 of the IV. RESPONDENT COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
Omnibus Election Code (OEC), which state respectively, that: DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN
SECTION 40. Disqualifications.- The following persons are disqualified RESTORED HIS RIGHT OF SUFFRAGE NOR REMITTED HIS PERPETUAL
from running for any elective local position: ABSOLUTE DISQUALIFICATION FROM SEEKING PUBLIC OFFICE; and
(a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral V. RESPONDENT COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF
turpitude or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving sentence; (b) Those NOT HAVING EXERCISED ITS POWER TO MOTU PROPRIO DISQUALIFY
removed from office as a result of an administrative case; RESPONDENT ESTRADA IN THE FACE OF HIS PATENT
(c) Those convicted by final judgment for violating the oath of DISQUALIFICATION TO RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE BECAUSE OF HIS
(e) Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical cases here or FOR PLUNDER.14
abroad; While this case was pending beforethe Court, or on May 13, 2013, the
(f) Permanent residents in a foreign country or those who have elections were conducted as scheduled and former President Estrada
acquired the right to reside abroad and continue to avail of the same was voted into office with 349,770 votes cast in his favor. The next
right after the effectivity of this Code; and day, the local board of canvassers proclaimed him as the duly elected
(g) The insane or feeble minded. (Emphasis supplied.) Mayor of the City of Manila.
Sec. 12, Omnibus Election Code: On June 7, 2013, Lim, one of former President Estrada’s opponents
Section 12. Disqualifications. - Any person who has been declared by for the position of Mayor, moved for leave to intervene in this case.
competent authority insane or incompetent, or has been sentenced His motion was granted by the Court in a Resolution15 dated June 25,
by final judgmentfor subversion, insurrection, rebellion, or for any 2013. Lim subscribed to Risos-Vidal’s theory that former President
offense for which he has been sentenced to a penalty of more than Estrada is disqualified to run for and hold public office as the pardon
eighteen months or for a crime involving moral turpitude, shall be granted to the latter failed to expressly remit his perpetual
disqualified to be a candidate and to hold any public office, unless he disqualification. Further, given that former President Estrada is
has been given plenary pardon or granted amnesty. (Emphases disqualified to run for and hold public office, all the votes obtained by
supplied.) the latter should be declared stray, and, being the second placer with
In a Resolution dated April 1, 2013,the COMELEC, Second Division, 313,764 votes to his name, he (Lim) should be declared the rightful
dismissed the petition for disqualification, the fallo of which reads: winning candidate for the position of Mayor of the City of Manila.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby The Issue
DISMISSED for utter lack of merit.12 Though raising five seemingly separate issues for resolution, the
The COMELEC, Second Division, opined that "[h]aving taken judicial petition filed by Risos-Vidal actually presents only one essential
cognizance of the consolidated resolution for SPA No. 09-028 (DC) and question for resolution by the Court, that is, whether or not the
SPA No. 09-104 (DC) and the 10 May 2010 En Banc resolution COMELEC committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
affirming it, this Commission will not be labor the controversy further. excess of jurisdiction in ruling that former President Estrada is
Moreso, [Risos-Vidal] failed to present cogent proof sufficient to qualified to vote and be voted for in public office as a result of the
reverse the standing pronouncement of this Commission declaring pardon granted to him by former President Arroyo.
categorically that [former President Estrada’s] right to seek public In her petition, Risos-Vidal starts her discussion by pointing out that
office has been effectively restored by the pardon vested upon him the pardon granted to former President Estrada was conditional as
by former President Gloria M. Arroyo. Since this Commission has evidenced by the latter’s express acceptance thereof. The
already spoken, it will no longer engage in disquisitions of a settled "acceptance," she claims, is an indication of the conditional natureof
matter lest indulged in wastage of government resources."13 the pardon, with the condition being embodied in the third Whereas
The subsequent motion for reconsideration filed by Risos-Vidal was Clause of the pardon, i.e., "WHEREAS, Joseph Ejercito Estrada has
denied in a Resolution dated April 23, 2013. publicly committed to no longer seek any elective position or office."
On April 30, 2013, Risos-Vidal invoked the Court’s jurisdiction by filing She explains that the aforementioned commitment was what
the present petition. She presented five issues for the Court’s impelled former President Arroyo to pardon former President
resolution, to wit: Estrada, without it, the clemency would not have been extended. And
I. RESPONDENT COMELEC COMMITTED GRAVE ABUSE OF any breach thereof, that is, whenformer President Estrada filed his
DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OR EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN Certificate of Candidacy for President and Mayor of the City of Manila,
HOLDING THAT RESPONDENT ESTRADA’S PARDON WAS NOT he breached the condition of the pardon; hence, "he ought to be
CONDITIONAL; recommitted to prison to serve the unexpired portion of his sentence
x x x and disqualifies him as a candidate for the mayoralty [position] taking judicial cognizance of the aforesaid rulings which are known
of Manila."16 toit and which can be verified from its own records, in accordance
Nonetheless, Risos-Vidal clarifies that the fundamental basis upon with Section 2, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court on the courts’
which former President Estrada mustbe disqualified from running for discretionary power to take judicial notice of matters which are of
and holding public elective office is actually the proscription found in public knowledge, orare capable of unquestionable demonstration,
Section 40 of the LGC, in relation to Section 12 ofthe OEC. She argues or ought to be known to them because of their judicial functions."20
that the crime of plunder is both an offense punishable by Further, the OSG contends that "[w]hile at first glance, it is apparent
imprisonment of one year or more and involving moral turpitude; that [former President Estrada’s] conviction for plunder disqualifies
such that former President Estrada must be disqualified to run for and him from running as mayor of Manila under Section 40 of the [LGC],
hold public elective office. the subsequent grant of pardon to him, however, effectively restored
Even with the pardon granted to former President Estrada, however, his right to run for any public office."21 The restoration of his right to
Risos-Vidal insists that the same did not operate to make available to run for any public office is the exception to the prohibition under
former President Estrada the exception provided under Section 12 of Section 40 of the LGC, as provided under Section 12 of the OEC. As to
the OEC, the pardon being merely conditional and not absolute or the seeming requirement of Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal
plenary. Moreover, Risos-Vidal puts a premium on the ostensible Code, i.e., the express restoration/remission of a particular right to be
requirements provided under Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal stated in the pardon, the OSG asserts that "an airtight and rigid
Code, to wit: interpretation of Article 36 and Article 41 of the [RPC] x x x would be
ART. 36. Pardon; its effects.– A pardon shall not work the restoration stretching too much the clear and plain meaning of the aforesaid
of the right to hold publicoffice, or the right of suffrage, unless such provisions."22 Lastly, taking into consideration the third Whereas
rights be expressly restored by the terms of the pardon. Clause of the pardon granted to former President Estrada, the OSG
A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the payment of the supports the position that it "is not an integral part of the decree of
civil indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence. the pardon and cannot therefore serve to restrict its effectivity."23
xxxx Thus, the OSG concludes that the "COMELEC did not commit grave
ART. 41. Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal – Their accessory abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in
penalties.– The penalties of reclusion perpetua and reclusion issuing the assailed Resolutions."24
temporal shall carry with them that of civil interdiction for life or For his part, former President Estrada presents the following
during the period of the sentence as the case may be, and that of significant arguments to defend his stay in office: that "the factual
perpetual absolute disqualification which the offender shall suffer findings of public respondent COMELEC, the Constitutional body
even though pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same mandated to administer and enforce all laws relative to the conduct
shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon. (Emphases of the elections, [relative to the absoluteness of the pardon, the
supplied.) effects thereof, and the eligibility of former President Estrada to seek
She avers that in view of the foregoing provisions of law, it is not public elective office] are binding [and conclusive] on this Honorable
enough that a pardon makes a general statement that such pardon Supreme Court;" that he "was granted an absolute pardon and
carries with it the restoration of civil and political rights. By virtue of thereby restored to his full civil and political rights, including the right
Articles 36 and 41, a pardon restoring civil and political rights without to seek public elective office such as the mayoral (sic) position in the
categorically making mention what specific civil and political rights City of Manila;" that "the majority decision in the case of Salvacion A.
are restored "shall not work to restore the right to hold public office, Monsanto v. Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr.,which was erroneously cited by
or the right of suffrage; nor shall it remit the accessory penalties of both Vidal and Lim as authority for their respective claims, x x x reveal
civil interdiction and perpetual absolute disqualification for the that there was no discussion whatsoever in the ratio decidendi of the
principal penalties of reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal."17 In Monsanto case as to the alleged necessity for an expressed
other words, she considers the above constraints as mandatory restoration of the ‘right to hold public office in the pardon’ as a legal
requirements that shun a general or implied restoration of civil and prerequisite to remove the subject perpetual special disqualification;"
political rights in pardons. that moreover, the "principal question raised in this Monsanto case is
Risos-Vidal cites the concurring opinions of Associate Justices whether or not a public officer, who has been granted an absolute
Teodoro R. Padilla and Florentino P. Feliciano in Monsanto v. pardon by the Chief Executive, is entitled to reinstatement toher
Factoran, Jr.18 to endorse her position that "[t]he restoration of the former position without need of a new appointment;" that his
right to hold public office to one who has lost such right by reason of "expressed acceptance [of the pardon] is not proof that the pardon
conviction in a criminal case, but subsequently pardoned, cannot be extended to [him] is conditional and not absolute;" that this case is a
left to inference, no matter how intensely arguable, but must be mere rehash of the casesfiled against him during his candidacy for
statedin express, explicit, positive and specific language." President back in 2009-2010; that Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised
Applying Monsantoto former President Estrada’s case, Risos-Vidal Penal Code "cannot abridge or diminish the pardoning power of the
reckons that "such express restoration is further demanded by the President expressly granted by the Constitution;" that the text of the
existence of the condition in the [third] [W]hereas [C]lause of the pardon granted to him substantially, if not fully, complied with the
pardon x x x indubitably indicating that the privilege to hold public requirement posed by Article 36 of the Revised Penal Code as it was
office was not restored to him."19 categorically stated in the said document that he was "restored to his
On the other hand, the Office ofthe Solicitor General (OSG) for public civil and political rights;" that since pardon is an act of grace, it must
respondent COMELEC, maintains that "the issue of whether or not the be construed favorably in favor of the grantee; 25 and that his
pardon extended to [former President Estrada] restored his right to disqualification will result in massive disenfranchisement of the
run for public office had already been passed upon by public hundreds of thousands of Manileños who voted for him.26
respondent COMELEC way back in 2010 via its rulings in SPA Nos. 09- The Court's Ruling
024, 09-028 and 09-104, there is no cogent reason for it to reverse its The petition for certiorari lacks merit.
standing pronouncement and declare [former President Estrada] Former President Estrada was granted an absolute pardon that fully
disqualified to run and be voted as mayor of the City of Manila in the restored allhis civil and political rights, which naturally includes the
absence of any new argument that would warrant its reversal. To be right to seek public elective office, the focal point of this controversy.
sure, public respondent COMELEC correctly exercised its discretion in The wording of the pardon extended to former President Estrada is
complete, unambiguous, and unqualified. It is likewise unfettered by it is unmistakably the long-standing position of this Court that the
Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code. The only reasonable, exercise of the pardoning power is discretionary in the President and
objective, and constitutional interpretation of the language of the may not be interfered with by Congress or the Court, except only
pardon is that the same in fact conforms to Articles 36 and 41 of the when it exceeds the limits provided for by the Constitution.
Revised Penal Code. Recall that the petition for disqualification filed This doctrine of non-diminution or non-impairment of the President’s
by Risos-Vidal against former President Estrada, docketed as SPA No. power of pardon by acts of Congress, specifically through legislation,
13-211 (DC), was anchored on Section 40 of the LGC, in relation to was strongly adhered to by an overwhelming majority of the framers
Section 12 of the OEC, that is, having been convicted of a crime of the 1987 Constitution when they flatly rejected a proposal to carve
punishable by imprisonment of one year or more, and involving moral out an exception from the pardoning power of the President in the
turpitude, former President Estrada must be disqualified to run for form of "offenses involving graft and corruption" that would be
and hold public elective office notwithstanding the fact that he is a enumerated and defined by Congress through the enactment of a
grantee of a pardon that includes a statement expressing "[h]e is law. The following is the pertinent portion lifted from the Record of
hereby restored to his civil and political rights." Risos-Vidal theorizes the Commission (Vol. II):
that former President Estrada is disqualified from running for Mayor MR. ROMULO. I ask that Commissioner Tan be recognized to
of Manila inthe May 13, 2013 Elections, and remains disqualified to introduce an amendment on the same section.
hold any local elective post despite the presidential pardon extended THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Tan is recognized.
to him in 2007 by former President Arroyo for the reason that it SR. TAN. Madam President, lines 7 to 9 state:
(pardon) did not expressly provide for the remission of the penalty of However, the power to grant executive clemency for violations of
perpetual absolute disqualification, particularly the restoration of his corrupt practices laws may be limited by legislation.
(former President Estrada) right to vote and bevoted upon for public I suggest that this be deletedon the grounds that, first, violations of
office. She invokes Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code as the corrupt practices may include a very little offense like stealing ₱10;
foundations of her theory. second, which I think is more important, I get the impression, rightly
It is insisted that, since a textual examination of the pardon given to or wrongly, that subconsciously we are drafting a constitution on the
and accepted by former President Estrada does not actually specify premise that all our future Presidents will bebad and dishonest and,
which political right is restored, it could be inferred that former consequently, their acts will be lacking in wisdom. Therefore, this
President Arroyo did not deliberately intend to restore former Article seems to contribute towards the creation of an anti-President
President Estrada’s rights of suffrage and to hold public office, orto Constitution or a President with vast responsibilities but no
otherwise remit the penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification. corresponding power except to declare martial law. Therefore, I
Even if her intention was the contrary, the same cannot be upheld request that these lines be deleted.
based on the pardon’s text. MR. REGALADO. Madam President,may the Committee react to that?
The pardoning power of the President cannot be limited by legislative THE PRESIDENT. Yes, please.
action. MR. REGALADO. This was inserted here on the resolution of
The 1987 Constitution, specifically Section 19 of Article VII and Section Commissioner Davide because of the fact that similar to the
5 of Article IX-C, provides that the President of the Philippines provisions on the Commission on Elections, the recommendation of
possesses the power to grant pardons, along with other acts of that Commission is required before executive clemency isgranted
executive clemency, to wit: because violations of the election laws go into the very political life of
Section 19. Except in cases of impeachment, or as otherwise provided the country.
in this Constitution, the President may grant reprieves, With respect to violations of our Corrupt Practices Law, we felt that it
commutations, and pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after is also necessary to have that subjected to the same condition
conviction by final judgment. because violation of our Corrupt Practices Law may be of such
He shall also have the power to grant amnesty with the concurrence magnitude as to affect the very economic systemof the country.
of a majority of all the Members of the Congress. Nevertheless, as a compromise, we provided here that it will be the
xxxx Congress that will provide for the classification as to which
Section 5. No pardon, amnesty, parole, or suspension of sentence for convictions will still require prior recommendation; after all, the
violation of election laws, rules, and regulations shall be granted by Congress could take into account whether or not the violation of the
the President without the favorable recommendation of the Corrupt Practices Law is of such magnitude as to affect the economic
Commission. life of the country, if it is in the millions or billions of dollars. But I
It is apparent from the foregoing constitutional provisions that the assume the Congress in its collective wisdom will exclude those petty
only instances in which the President may not extend pardon remain crimes of corruption as not to require any further stricture on the
to be in: (1) impeachment cases; (2) cases that have not yet resulted exercise of executive clemency because, of course, there is a whale of
in a final conviction; and (3) cases involving violations of election laws, a difference if we consider a lowly clerk committing malversation of
rules and regulations in which there was no favorable government property or funds involving one hundred pesos. But then,
recommendation coming from the COMELEC. Therefore, it can be we also anticipate the possibility that the corrupt practice of a public
argued that any act of Congress by way of statute cannot operate to officer is of such magnitude as to have virtually drained a substantial
delimit the pardoning power of the President. portion of the treasury, and then he goes through all the judicial
In Cristobal v. Labrador27 and Pelobello v. Palatino,28 which were processes and later on, a President who may have close connections
decided under the 1935 Constitution,wherein the provision granting with him or out of improvident compassion may grant clemency
pardoning power to the President shared similar phraseology with under such conditions. That is why we left it to Congress to provide
what is found in the present 1987 Constitution, the Court then and make a classification based on substantial distinctions between a
unequivocally declared that "subject to the limitations imposed by minor act of corruption or an act of substantial proportions. SR. TAN.
the Constitution, the pardoning power cannot be restricted or So, why do we not just insert the word GROSS or GRAVE before the
controlled by legislative action." The Court reiterated this word "violations"?
pronouncement in Monsanto v. Factoran, Jr.29 thereby establishing MR. REGALADO. We feel that Congress can make a better distinction
that, under the present Constitution, "a pardon, being a presidential because "GRAVE" or "GROSS" can be misconstrued by putting it
prerogative, should not be circumscribed by legislative action." Thus, purely as a policy.
MR. RODRIGO. Madam President. MR. ROMULO. Commissioner Tingson would like to be recognized.
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Rodrigo is recognized. THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Tingson is recognized.
MR. RODRIGO. May I speak in favor of the proposed amendment? MR. TINGSON. Madam President, I am also in favor of the amendment
THE PRESIDENT. Please proceed. by deletion because I am in sympathy with the stand of Commissioner
MR. RODRIGO. The power to grant executive clemency is essentially Francisco "Soc" Rodrigo. I do believe and we should remember that
an executive power, and that is precisely why it is called executive above all the elected or appointed officers of our Republic, the leader
clemency. In this sentence, which the amendment seeks to delete, an is the President. I believe that the country will be as the President is,
exception is being made. Congress, which is the legislative arm, is and if we systematically emasculate the power of this presidency, the
allowed to intrude into this prerogative of the executive. Then it limits time may come whenhe will be also handcuffed that he will no longer
the power of Congress to subtract from this prerogative of the be able to act like he should be acting.
President to grant executive clemency by limiting the power of So, Madam President, I am in favor of the deletion of this particular
Congress to only corrupt practices laws. There are many other crimes line.
more serious than these. Under this amendment, Congress cannot MR. ROMULO. Commissioner Colayco would like to be recognized.
limit the power of executive clemency in cases of drug addiction and THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Colayco is recognized.
drug pushing which are very, very serious crimes that can endanger MR. COLAYCO. Thank you very much, Madam President.
the State; also, rape with murder, kidnapping and treason. Aside from I seldom rise here to object to or to commend or to recommend the
the fact that it is a derogation of the power of the President to grant approval of proposals, but now I find that the proposal of
executive clemency, it is also defective in that it singles out just one Commissioner Tan is worthy of approval of this body.
kind of crime. There are far more serious crimes which are not Why are we singling out this particular offense? There are other
included. crimes which cast a bigger blot on the moral character of the public
MR. REGALADO. I will just make one observation on that. We admit officials.
that the pardoning power is anexecutive power. But even in the Finally, this body should not be the first one to limit the almost
provisions on the COMELEC, one will notice that constitutionally, it is absolute power of our Chief Executive in deciding whether to pardon,
required that there be a favorable recommendation by the to reprieve or to commute the sentence rendered by the court.
Commission on Elections for any violation of election laws. I thank you.
At any rate, Commissioner Davide, as the principal proponent of that THE PRESIDENT. Are we ready to vote now?
and as a member of the Committee, has explained in the committee MR. ROMULO. Commissioner Padilla would like to be recognized, and
meetings we had why he sought the inclusion of this particular after him will be Commissioner Natividad.
provision. May we call on Commissioner Davide to state his position. THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Padilla is recognized.
MR. DAVIDE. Madam President. MR. PADILLA. Only one sentence, Madam President. The
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Davide is recognized. Sandiganbayan has been called the Anti-Graft Court, so if this is
MR. DAVIDE. I am constrained to rise to object to the proposal. We allowed to stay, it would mean that the President’s power togrant
have just approved the Article on Accountability of Public Officers. pardon or reprieve will be limited to the cases decided by the Anti-
Under it, it is mandated that a public office is a public trust, and all Graft Court, when as already stated, there are many provisions inthe
government officers are under obligation to observe the utmost of Revised Penal Code that penalize more serious offenses.
responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, to lead modest lives Moreover, when there is a judgment of conviction and the case merits
and to act with patriotism and justice. the consideration of the exercise of executive clemency, usually under
In all cases, therefore, which would go into the verycore of the Article V of the Revised Penal Code the judge will recommend such
concept that a public office is a public trust, the violation is itself a exercise of clemency. And so, I am in favor of the amendment
violation not only of the economy but the moral fabric of public proposed by Commissioner Tan for the deletion of this last sentence
officials. And that is the reason we now want that if there is any in Section 17.
conviction for the violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices THE PRESIDENT. Are we ready to vote now, Mr. Floor Leader?
Act, which, in effect, is a violation of the public trust character of the MR. NATIVIDAD. Just one more.
public office, no pardon shall be extended to the offender, unless THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Natividad is recognized.
some limitations are imposed. MR. NATIVIDAD. I am also against this provision which will again chip
Originally, my limitation was, it should be with the concurrence of the more powers from the President. In case of other criminals convicted
convicting court, but the Committee left it entirely to the legislature in our society, we extend probation to them while in this case, they
to formulate the mechanics at trying, probably, to distinguish have already been convicted and we offer mercy. The only way we
between grave and less grave or serious cases of violation of the Anti- can offer mercy to them is through this executive clemency extended
Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Perhaps this is now the best time, to them by the President. If we still close this avenue to them, they
since we have strengthened the Article on Accountability of Public would be prejudiced even worse than the murderers and the more
Officers, to accompany it with a mandate that the President’s right to vicious killers in our society. I do not think they deserve this
grant executive clemency for offenders or violators of laws relating to opprobrium and punishment under the new Constitution.
the concept of a public office may be limited by Congress itself. I am in favor of the proposed amendment of Commissioner Tan.
MR. SARMIENTO. Madam President. MR. ROMULO. We are ready tovote, Madam President.
THE PRESIDENT. Commissioner Sarmiento is recognized. THE PRESIDENT. Is this accepted by the Committee?
MR. SARMIENTO. May I briefly speak in favor of the amendment by MR. REGALADO. The Committee, Madam President, prefers to submit
deletion. this to the floor and also because of the objection of the main
Madam President, over and over again, we have been saying and proponent, Commissioner Davide. So we feel that the Commissioners
arguing before this Constitutional Commission that we are should vote on this question.
emasculating the powers of the presidency, and this provision to me VOTING
is another clear example of that. So, I speak against this provision. THE PRESIDENT. As many as are in favor of the proposed amendment
Even the 1935 and the 1973 Constitutions do not provide for this kind of Commissioner Tan to delete the last sentence of Section 17
of provision. appearing on lines 7, 8 and 9, please raise their hand. (Several
I am supporting the amendment by deletion of Commissioner Tan. Members raised their hand.)
As many as are against, please raise their hand. (Few Members raised restoration or remission, subject to a prescription on the manner by
their hand.) which he or she is to state it.32
The results show 34 votes in favor and 4 votes against; the With due respect, I disagree with the overbroad statement that
amendment is approved.30 (Emphases supplied.) Congress may dictate as to how the President may exercise his/her
The proper interpretation of Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal power of executive clemency. The form or manner by which the
Code. President, or Congress for that matter, should exercise their
The foregoing pronouncements solidify the thesis that Articles 36 and respective Constitutional powers or prerogatives cannot be
41 of the Revised Penal Code cannot, in any way, serve to abridge or interfered with unless it is so provided in the Constitution. This is the
diminish the exclusive power and prerogative of the President to essence of the principle of separation of powers deeply ingrained in
pardon persons convicted of violating penal statutes. our system of government which "ordains that each of the three great
The Court cannot subscribe to Risos-Vidal’s interpretation that the branches of government has exclusive cognizance of and is supreme
said Articles contain specific textual commands which must be strictly in matters falling within its own constitutionally allocated
followed in order to free the beneficiary of presidential grace from sphere."33 Moreso, this fundamental principle must be observed if
the disqualifications specifically prescribed by them. noncompliance with the form imposed by one branch on a co-equal
Again, Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code provides: and coordinate branch will result into the diminution of an exclusive
ART. 36. Pardon; its effects.– A pardon shall not work the restoration Constitutional prerogative.
of the right to hold publicoffice, or the right of suffrage, unless such For this reason, Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code should
rights be expressly restored by the terms of the pardon. be construed in a way that will give full effect to the executive
A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the payment of the clemency granted by the President, instead of indulging in an overly
civil indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence. strict interpretation that may serve to impair or diminish the import
xxxx of the pardon which emanated from the Office of the President and
ART. 41. Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal – Their accessory duly signed by the Chief Executive himself/herself. The said codal
penalties.– The penalties of reclusion perpetua and reclusion provisions must be construed to harmonize the power of Congress to
temporal shall carry with them that of civil interdiction for life or define crimes and prescribe the penalties for such crimes and the
during the period of the sentence as the case may be, and that of power of the President to grant executive clemency. All that the said
perpetual absolute disqualification which the offender shall suffer provisions impart is that the pardon of the principal penalty does
even though pardoned as to the principal penalty, unless the same notcarry with it the remission of the accessory penalties unless the
shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon. (Emphases President expressly includes said accessory penalties in the pardon. It
supplied.) still recognizes the Presidential prerogative to grant executive
A rigid and inflexible reading of the above provisions of law, as clemency and, specifically, to decide to pardon the principal penalty
proposed by Risos-Vidal, is unwarranted, especially so if it will defeat while excluding its accessory penalties or to pardon both. Thus,
or unduly restrict the power of the President to grant executive Articles 36 and 41 only clarify the effect of the pardon so decided
clemency. upon by the President on the penalties imposedin accordance with
It is well-entrenched in this jurisdiction that where the words of a law.
statute are clear, plain, and free from ambiguity, it must be given its A close scrutiny of the text of the pardon extended to former
literal meaning and applied without attempted interpretation. Verba President Estrada shows that both the principal penalty of reclusion
legis non est recedendum. From the words of a statute there should perpetua and its accessory penalties are included in the pardon. The
be no departure.31 It is this Court’s firm view that the phrase in the first sentence refers to the executive clemency extended to former
presidential pardon at issue which declares that former President President Estrada who was convicted by the Sandiganbayan of
Estrada "is hereby restored to his civil and political rights" plunder and imposed a penalty of reclusion perpetua. The latter is the
substantially complies with the requirement of express restoration. principal penalty pardoned which relieved him of imprisonment. The
The Dissent of Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen agreed with Risos Vidal sentence that followed, which states that "(h)e is hereby restored to
that there was no express remission and/or restoration of the rights his civil and political rights," expressly remitted the accessory
of suffrage and/or to hold public office in the pardon granted to penalties that attached to the principal penalty of reclusion perpetua.
former President Estrada, as required by Articles 36 and 41 of the Hence, even if we apply Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code,
Revised Penal Code. it is indubitable from the textof the pardon that the accessory
Justice Leonen posits in his Dissent that the aforementioned codal penalties of civil interdiction and perpetual absolute disqualification
provisions must be followed by the President, as they do not abridge were expressly remitted together with the principal penalty of
or diminish the President’s power to extend clemency. He opines that reclusion perpetua.
they do not reduce the coverage of the President’s pardoning power. In this jurisdiction, the right toseek public elective office is recognized
Particularly, he states: by law as falling under the whole gamut of civil and political rights.
Articles 36 and 41 refer only to requirements of convention or form. Section 5 of Republic Act No. 9225,34 otherwise known as the
They only provide a procedural prescription. They are not concerned "Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003," reads as
with areas where or the instances when the President may grant follows:
pardon; they are only concerned with how he or she is to exercise Section 5. Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities.– Those who retain
such power so that no other governmental instrumentality needs to or reacquire Philippine citizenship under this Act shall enjoy full civil
intervene to give it full effect. and political rights and be subject to all attendant liabilities and
All that Articles 36 and 41 do is prescribe that, if the President wishes responsibilities under existing laws of the Philippines and the
to include in the pardon the restoration of the rights of suffrage and following conditions: (1) Those intending to exercise their right of
to hold public office, or the remission of the accessory penalty of suffrage must meet the requirements under Section 1, Article V of the
perpetual absolute disqualification,he or she should do so expressly. Constitution, Republic Act No. 9189, otherwise known as "The
Articles 36 and 41 only ask that the President state his or her Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003" and other existing laws;
intentions clearly, directly, firmly, precisely, and unmistakably. To (2) Those seeking elective public office in the Philippines shall meet
belabor the point, the President retains the power to make such the qualifications for holding such public office as required by the
Constitution and existing laws and, at the time of the filing of the
certificate of candidacy, make a personal and sworn renunciation of penned by no less than Chief Justice Marcelo B. Fernan, reveals no
any and all foreign citizenship before any public officer authorized to statement that denotes adherence to a stringent and overly nuanced
administer an oath; application of Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code that will in
(3) Those appointed to any public office shall subscribe and swear an effect require the President to use a statutorily prescribed language
oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Philippines and its duly in extending executive clemency, even if the intent of the President
constituted authorities prior to their assumption of office: Provided, can otherwise be deduced from the text or words used in the pardon.
That they renounce their oath of allegiance to the country where they Furthermore, as explained above, the pardon here is consistent with,
took that oath; (4) Those intending to practice their profession in the and not contrary to, the provisions of Articles 36 and 41.
Philippines shall apply with the proper authority for a license or The disqualification of former President Estrada under Section 40 of
permit to engage in such practice; and the LGC in relation to Section 12 of the OEC was removed by his
(5) That right to vote or be elected or appointed to any public office acceptance of the absolute pardon granted to him.
in the Philippines cannot be exercised by, or extended to, those who: Section 40 of the LGC identifies who are disqualified from running for
(a) are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the country any elective local position. Risos-Vidal argues that former President
of which theyare naturalized citizens; and/or Estrada is disqualified under item (a), to wit:
(b) are in active service as commissioned or non commissioned (a) Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense involving moral
officers in the armed forces of the country which they are naturalized turpitude or for an offense punishable by one (1) year or more of
citizens. (Emphases supplied.) imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving sentence[.]
No less than the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, (Emphasis supplied.)
to which the Philippines is a signatory, acknowledges the existence of Likewise, Section 12 of the OEC provides for similar prohibitions, but
said right. Article 25(b) of the Convention states: Article 25 it provides for an exception, to wit:
Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of Section 12. Disqualifications. – x x x unless he has been given plenary
the distinctions mentioned in Article 2 and without unreasonable pardon or granted amnesty. (Emphasis supplied.)
restrictions: As earlier stated, Risos-Vidal maintains that former President
xxxx Estrada’s conviction for plunder disqualifies him from running for the
(b) To vote and to be electedat genuine periodic elections which shall elective local position of Mayor of the City of Manila under Section
be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, 40(a) of the LGC. However, the subsequent absolute pardon granted
guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors[.] to former President Estrada effectively restored his right to seek
(Emphasis supplied.) public elective office. This is made possible by reading Section 40(a)
Recently, in Sobejana-Condon v. Commission on Elections,35 the Court of the LGC in relation to Section 12 of the OEC.
unequivocally referred to the right to seek public elective office as a While it may be apparent that the proscription in Section 40(a) of the
political right, to wit: LGC is worded in absolute terms, Section 12 of the OEC provides a
Stated differently, it is an additional qualification for elective office legal escape from the prohibition – a plenary pardon or amnesty. In
specific only to Filipino citizens who re-acquire their citizenship under other words, the latter provision allows any person who has been
Section 3 of R.A. No. 9225. It is the operative act that restores their granted plenary pardon or amnesty after conviction by final judgment
right to run for public office. The petitioner’s failure to comply there of an offense involving moral turpitude, inter alia, to run for and hold
with in accordance with the exact tenor of the law, rendered any public office, whether local or national position.
ineffectual the Declaration of Renunciation of Australian Citizenship Take notice that the applicability of Section 12 of the OEC to
she executed on September 18, 2006. As such, she is yet to regain her candidates running for local elective positions is not unprecedented.
political right to seek elective office. Unless she executes a sworn In Jalosjos, Jr. v. Commission on Elections,37 the Court acknowledged
renunciation of her Australian citizenship, she is ineligible to run for the aforementioned provision as one of the legal remedies that may
and hold any elective office in the Philippines. (Emphasis supplied.) be availed of to disqualify a candidate in a local election filed any day
Thus, from both law and jurisprudence, the right to seek public after the last day for filing of certificates of candidacy, but not later
elective office is unequivocally considered as a political right. Hence, than the date of proclamation.38 The pertinent ruling in the Jalosjos
the Court reiterates its earlier statement that the pardon granted to case is quoted as follows:
former President Estrada admits no other interpretation other than What is indisputably clear is that false material representation of
to mean that, upon acceptance of the pardon granted tohim, he Jalosjos is a ground for a petition under Section 78. However, since
regained his FULL civil and political rights – including the right to seek the false material representation arises from a crime penalized by
elective office. prision mayor, a petition under Section 12 ofthe Omnibus Election
On the other hand, the theory of Risos-Vidal goes beyond the plain Code or Section 40 of the Local Government Code can also be properly
meaning of said penal provisions; and prescribes a formal filed. The petitioner has a choice whether to anchor his petition on
requirement that is not only unnecessary but, if insisted upon, could Section 12 or Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code, or on Section
be in derogation of the constitutional prohibition relative to the 40 of the Local Government Code. The law expressly provides multiple
principle that the exercise of presidential pardon cannot be affected remedies and the choice of which remedy to adopt belongs to
by legislative action. petitioner.39 (Emphasis supplied.)
Risos-Vidal relied heavily on the separate concurring opinions in The third preambular clause of the pardon did not operate to make
Monsanto v. Factoran, Jr.36 to justify her argument that an absolute the pardon conditional.
pardon must expressly state that the right to hold public office has Contrary to Risos-Vidal’s declaration, the third preambular clause of
been restored, and that the penalty of perpetual absolute the pardon, i.e., "[w]hereas, Joseph Ejercito Estrada has publicly
disqualification has been remitted. committed to no longer seek any elective position or office," neither
This is incorrect. makes the pardon conditional, nor militate against the conclusion
Her reliance on said opinions is utterly misplaced. Although the that former President Estrada’s rights to suffrage and to seek public
learned views of Justices Teodoro R. Padilla and Florentino P. elective office have been restored.
Feliciano are to be respected, they do not form partof the controlling This is especially true as the pardon itself does not explicitly impose a
doctrine nor to be considered part of the law of the land. On the condition or limitation, considering the unqualified use of the term
contrary, a careful reading of the majority opinion in Monsanto, "civil and political rights"as being restored. Jurisprudence educates
that a preamble is not an essential part of an act as it is an the road suggested by Risos-Vidal that the statement "[h]e is hereby
introductory or preparatory clause that explains the reasons for the restored to his civil and political rights" excludes the restoration of
enactment, usually introduced by the word "whereas."40 Whereas former President Estrada’s rights to suffrage and to hold public office.
clauses do not form part of a statute because, strictly speaking, they The aforequoted text ofthe executive clemency granted does not
are not part of the operative language of the statute.41 In this case, provide the Court with any guide asto how and where to draw the line
the whereas clause at issue is not an integral part of the decree of the between the included and excluded political rights.
pardon, and therefore, does not by itself alone operate to make the Justice Leonen emphasizes the point that the ultimate issue for
pardon conditional or to make its effectivity contingent upon the resolution is not whether the pardon is contingent on the condition
fulfilment of the aforementioned commitment nor to limit the scope that former President Estrada will not seek janother elective public
of the pardon. office, but it actually concerns the coverage of the pardon – whether
On this matter, the Court quotes with approval a relevant excerpt of the pardon granted to former President Estrada was so expansive as
COMELEC Commissioner Maria Gracia Padaca’s separate concurring to have restored all his political rights, inclusive of the rights of
opinion in the assailed April 1, 2013 Resolution of the COMELEC in SPA suffrage and to hold public office. Justice Leonen is of the view that
No. 13-211 (DC), which captured the essence of the legal effect of the pardon in question is not absolute nor plenary in scope despite
preambular paragraphs/whereas clauses, viz: the statement that former President Estrada is "hereby restored to
The present dispute does not raise anything which the 20 January his civil and political rights," that is, the foregoing statement restored
2010 Resolution did not conclude upon. Here, Petitioner Risos-Vidal to former President Estrada all his civil and political rights except the
raised the same argument with respect to the 3rd "whereas clause" rights denied to him by the unremitted penalty of perpetual absolute
or preambular paragraph of the decree of pardon. It states that disqualification made up of, among others, the rights of suffrage and
"Joseph Ejercito Estrada has publicly committed to no longer seek any to hold public office. He adds that had the President chosen to be so
elective position or office." On this contention, the undersigned expansive as to include the rights of suffrage and to hold public office,
reiterates the ruling of the Commission that the 3rd preambular she should have been more clear on her intentions.
paragraph does not have any legal or binding effect on the absolute However, the statement "[h]e is hereby restored to his civil and
nature of the pardon extended by former President Arroyo to herein political rights," to the mind of the Court, iscrystal clear – the pardon
Respondent. This ruling is consistent with the traditional and granted to former President Estrada was absolute, meaning, it was
customary usage of preambular paragraphs. In the case of Echegaray not only unconditional, it was unrestricted in scope, complete and
v. Secretary of Justice, the Supreme Court ruled on the legal effect of plenary in character, as the term "political rights"adverted to has a
preambular paragraphs or whereas clauses on statutes. The Court settled meaning in law and jurisprudence.
stated, viz.: With due respect, I disagree too with Justice Leonen that the omission
Besides, a preamble is really not an integral part of a law. It is merely of the qualifying word "full" can be construed as excluding the
an introduction to show its intent or purposes. It cannot be the origin restoration of the rights of suffrage and to hold public office. There
of rights and obligations. Where the meaning of a statute is clear and appears to be no distinction as to the coverage of the term "full
unambiguous, the preamble can neither expand nor restrict its political rights" and the term "political rights" used alone without any
operation much less prevail over its text. qualification. How to ascribe to the latter term the meaning that it is
If former President Arroyo intended for the pardon to be conditional "partial" and not "full" defies one’s understanding. More so, it will be
on Respondent’s promise never to seek a public office again, the extremely difficult to identify which of the political rights are restored
former ought to have explicitly stated the same in the text of the by the pardon, when the text of the latter is silent on this matter.
pardon itself. Since former President Arroyo did not make this an Exceptions to the grant of pardon cannot be presumed from the
integral part of the decree of pardon, the Commission is constrained absence of the qualifying word "full" when the pardon restored the
to rule that the 3rd preambular clause cannot be interpreted as a "political rights" of former President Estrada without any exclusion or
condition to the pardon extended to former President reservation.
Estrada.42 (Emphasis supplied.) Therefore, there can be no other conclusion but to say that the
Absent any contrary evidence, former President Arroyo’s silence on pardon granted to former President Estrada was absolute in the
former President Estrada’s decision torun for President in the May absence of a clear, unequivocal and concrete factual basis upon which
2010 elections against, among others, the candidate of the political to anchor or support the Presidential intent to grant a limited pardon.
party of former President Arroyo, after the latter’s receipt and To reiterate, insofar as its coverageis concerned, the text of the
acceptance of the pardon speaks volume of her intention to restore pardon can withstand close scrutiny even under the provisions of
him to his rights to suffrage and to hold public office. Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code.
Where the scope and import of the executive clemency extended by The COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to
the President is in issue, the Court must turn to the only evidence lack or excess of jurisdiction in issuing the assailed Resolutions.
available to it, and that is the pardon itself. From a detailed review In light of the foregoing, contrary to the assertions of Risos-Vidal, the
ofthe four corners of said document, nothing therein gives an iota of COMELEC did not commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
intimation that the third Whereas Clause is actually a limitation, or excess of jurisdiction in issuing the assailed Resolutions.
proviso, stipulation or condition on the grant of the pardon, such that The Court has consistently held that a petition for certiorariagainst
the breach of the mentioned commitment not to seek public office actions of the COMELEC is confined only to instances of grave abuse
will result ina revocation or cancellation of said pardon. To the Court, of discretion amounting to patentand substantial denial of due
what it is simply is a statement of fact or the prevailing situation at process, because the COMELEC is presumed to be most competent in
the time the executive clemency was granted. It was not used as a matters falling within its domain.43
condition to the efficacy orto delimit the scope of the pardon. As settled in jurisprudence, grave abuse of discretion is the arbitrary
Even if the Court were to subscribe to the view that the third Whereas exercise of power due to passion, prejudice or personal hostility; or
Clausewas one of the reasons to grant the pardon, the pardon itself the whimsical, arbitrary, or capricious exercise of power that amounts
does not provide for the attendant consequence of the breach to an evasion or refusal to perform a positive duty enjoined by law or
thereof. This Court will be hard put to discern the resultant effect of to act at all in contemplation of law. For an act to be condemned as
an eventual infringement. Just like it will be hard put to determine having been done with grave abuse of discretion, such an abuse must
which civil or political rights were restored if the Court were to take be patent and gross.44
The arguments forwarded by Risos-Vidal fail to adequately
demonstrate any factual or legal bases to prove that the assailed
COMELEC Resolutions were issued in a "whimsical, arbitrary or
capricious exercise of power that amounts to an evasion orrefusal to
perform a positive duty enjoined by law" or were so "patent and
gross" as to constitute grave abuse of discretion.
On the foregoing premises and conclusions, this Court finds it
unnecessary to separately discuss Lim's petition-in-intervention,
which substantially presented the same arguments as Risos-Vidal's
WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari and petition-inintervention
are DISMISSED. The Resolution dated April 1, 2013 of the Commission
on Elections, Second Division, and the Resolution dated April 23, 2013
of the Commission on Elections, En bane, both in SPA No. 13-211 (DC),
G.R. No. 194068 July 9, 2014 Elizabeth V. Palmar on the vital part of her body, thereby inflicting
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, upon the latter mortal wound which directly caused her death. 4
vs. When arraigned, appellant pleaded not guilty to the charge against
BENJIE CONSORTE y FRANCO, Accused-Appellant. him. Trial thereafter ensued, during which, appellant interposed the
DECISION defense of alibi. He claimed that at around 8 or 9 o’clock in the
PEREZ, J.: evening of 22 January 2001, he was at his brother’s house in Antipolo.
Before the Court is an appeal from the Decision1 of the Court of He had dinner with his brother’s family and left at 10 o’clock in the
Appeals (CA) dated 27 May 2010 in CA-G.R. CR HC No. 01806. The CA evening, after his brother gave him ₱100.00 as fare. His sister-in-law
affirmed the Decision of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 67, corroborated his statement, testifying that appellant was at their
Binangonan, Rizal, which found Benjie Consorte y Franco (appellant) house on the questioned date from 5 to 10 p.m.
guilty of Murder, sentenced him to suffer the penalty of reclusion The Ruling of the RTC
perpetua and directed him to indemnify the heirs of Elizabeth Palmar The trial court found that the pieces of evidence presented by the
(Elizabeth) the amounts of ₱50,000.00 as civil indemnity and prosecution leaves no doubt that it was indeed appellant who shot
₱29,500.00 as actual damages. The CA, however, modified the Elizabeth. According to the RTC:
judgment of the trial court in that, in addition to actual damages, Against the eyewitness testimony who [sic] positively identified the
appellant was further directed to pay moral and exemplary damages [appellant] as the perpetrator of the crime, the alibi of the defense
in the amounts of ₱50,000.00 and ₱25,000.00, respectively. will die. x x x
The Antecedents Other than himself[,] the accused presented only two witnesses, her
As found by the CA, the facts ofthe case are as follows: [sic] sister-in-law and the forensic chemist. As for the testimony of her
x x x [Appellant] was a former conductor of Elizabeth Palmar’s jeepney [sic] sister-in-law, she could not reason out why, the [appellant] who
plying [the route of] Antipolo, Teresa and Morong, Rizal. Sometime in is gainfully employed as a tricycle driver would beasking for a one
June 2000, Elizabeth’s residence was robbed and several personal hundred peso fare, just to appear at the hearing [the following day].
belongings[,] including cash[,]were taken. Appellant was the only one Her answers are full of open ends, which give [her testimony] little
who had access [to the] house, aside from [Elizabeth’s] family. So credence.
[Elizabeth’s] brother x x x tailed appellant and found outthat the latter The testimony of the Forensic chemist is also not conclusive. She
pawned her tv [sic] set to Frederic Francisco. She then sued appellant testified that the [appellant] testednegative for powder burns. On
for robbery. x x x A hearing was scheduled on January 23, 2001, but crossexamination, she testified that the lack or presence of nitrates in
on the night of January 22, 2001, Elizabeth was murdered. the hands of the [appellant] could be affectedby several factors, like
On January 22, 2001, Jose Palmar, Elizabeth’s husband, instructed cloth or coverings on the hand that fired the gun; gun fired at a
Rolando Visbe to haul feeds from Morong, Rizal and deliver them to downward direction; wind velocity; efficiency of the gun; and finally[,]
their piggery in x x x Binangonan, Rizal. Ashe [was driving] the the kind of gun used[,] whether automatic or pistol.
jeepney, Rolando saw Elizabeth together with her 14-year old xxxx
daughter Myrna and [her] 3-year old nephew "Big Boy." They went In a line of cases, the rulings on the weight and conclusiveness of [the]
with him to deliver the feeds to [Binangonan]. On their way back to presence and absence of gunpowder in [sic] the hands of the accused
Morong, Rolando noticed appellant[,] who was wearing a hat.When is dependent entirely on the evidencepresented [by] the prosecution
they got near him, Rolando slowed down and asked appellant where as a whole. Absence or lack of trace of gunpowder in [sic] the hands
he was going. Appellant did not reply. Rolando veered to the right of the apparent shooter does not necessarily equate that he did not
toavoid hitting appellant. In the process, the jeepney ran over a stone, fire a gun. This defense will not defeat what the two witnesses for the
lost its balance, and rolled [into] a ditch. While struggling to release prosecution saw on the night of the shooting.5
the vehicle, Rolando heard a gunshot. He looked around and saw x x x On the element of treachery, the rulings has [sic] been consistent
appellant standing near the jeepney’s left rear, holding a handgun. that in order for the court to appreciate treachery it must be
Appellant immediately fled. He (Rolando) then heard Myrna x x x established by the prosecution that the victim did not have any
shouting "Ninong, may dugo si Nanay!" They rushed Elizabeth to opportunity to defend themselves (sic), or that the attack was so
Angono District Hospital. But due to her fatal gunshot wound on the sudden or immediate that the victims were in no position to defend
forehead, she died x x x. or protect themselves.
Aneline Mendoza, a resident of Greenpark, Cainta, Rizal, testified that xxxx
on January 22, 2001, around 8:45 pm while on her way home, a In the case at bar, [appellant] took advantage of the situation when
stranger greeted her "magandang gabipo." He was carrying he shot the unsuspecting victim. The unexpected attack on the victim
something wrapped in a black cloth which looked like a gun. She was rendered her unable and unprepared todefend herself by reason of
somewhat frightened so she let him walk ahead of her. She saw him the suddenness and severity of the attack. [The] [f]acts [of this] case
turn to a corner. Immediately after she entered her house, she heard show that the victim [had] her back [to] her assailant when attacked,
a gunshot. She opened her window and saw the stranger, standing by [and] she was not aware of any danger on her part. She was likewise
the side of the jeepney. The [stranger] immediately ran toward the cuddling a baby in [sic] her lap when the shot was fired. Clearly[,] she
direction of Elizabeth’s house. She also heard the driver saying was in no position to make any defense.
"Putang ina, sinong bumaril?"2 The eyewitness testimony likewise sufficiently established that
Appellant was arrested the following day in Morong, Rizal while [appellant] consciously adopted the particular means, method or
attending the hearing of the robbery case against him.3 He was form of attack[.] [A]ccused was armed and stealthily performed the
charged with murder under an Information which reads: That on or criminal act at nighttime at an unexpected time whilethe victim was
about the night of the 22 nd day of January 2001 in the Municipality defenseless. x x x Add to this scenario the fact that on January 23,
of Binangonan, Province ofRizal, Philippines, and within the 2005 [sic], the [appellant] and [the] victim will meet at the Municipal
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, Trial Court hearing for the robbery case filed by the victim. Thisonly
armed with a deadly weapon (hand gun), withintent to kill and by shows that the [appellant] took into consideration these factors[,]
means of treachery and evident premeditation, did then and there hence he was bent on committing the crime on the day prior to the
willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and shoot one robbery hearing. [Appellant] therefore has set the time frame within
when (sic) to commit [the] crime, and on the said day x x x he did not
resist in perpetrating the crime. There is no other construction in this Both the CA and the trial court haveexhaustively discussed the merits
picture other that [sic] the fact [that] the shooting was treacherous of the case at bench and concur on their findings and conclusions. In
and well planned.6 this connection, it bears repeating that factual findings of the trial
The Ruling of the Court of Appeals court, when affirmed by the CA, are generally binding and conclusive
The CA dismissed the appeal on the ground that appellant’s attack on upon the Supreme Court.8 The rule is that, the findings of the trial
the credibility of prosecution witnesses Rolando Visbe and Aneline court, its calibration of the testimonies of the witnesses, and its
Mendoza has no merit. The CA pointed out that: assessment of the probative weight thereof, as well as its conclusions
x x x Rolando and Aneline never wavered in their respective anchored on such findings are accorded respect, if not, conclusive
testimonies regarding appellant’s presence in the situs criminis and effect. This specially holds true if such findings were affirmed by the
his possession of the gun before and after the fatal shooting of appellate court. When the trial court’s findings have been affirmed by
Elizabeth Palmar. Although Visbe may have shouted "x x x, sinong the appellate court, as in the case at bar, said findings are generally
bumaril?", it did not mean he did not recognize appellant. It was binding upon us. We find no compelling reason in this case to depart
simply an instinctive reaction of one who heard a gunshot in the from the general rule.9
middle of nowhere and saw his companion fatally wounded. At any In the first place, appellant relies on alibi for his defense. As invariably
rate, Rolando did not ask any further question when right after the held by this Court, however, alibi is an inherently weak defense and
shooting, he saw appellant holding a gun beside the jeepney he was has always been viewed with disfavor by the courts due to the facility
driving. Rolando saw appellant twice that night and it was not with which it can be concocted.10 Indeed, denial is an intrinsically
improbable for him to remember appellant. Precisely because of the weak defense which must be buttressed withstrong evidence of non-
unusual acts of violence committed right before his eyes, Rolando culpability to merit credibility.11 For alibi to prosper, appellantmust
remembered with a high degree of reliability appellant’s identity. prove not only that he was at some other place when the crime was
xxxx committed but that it was physically impossible for him to be at the
True, Rolando and Aneline did not see appellant actually fire the gun locus criminisat the time of its commission.12 In the case at bench, the
on Elizabeth, but the circumstances surrounding the incident defense failed to present convincing evidence to reinforce appellant’s
unerringly point to him as the perpetrator, viz: denial and alibi. It is significant to note that the distance between
First. Appellant had an axe to grind against Elizabeth for filing a Binangonan (the scene of the crime) and Antipolo (where appellant
robbery case against him. Elizabeth got murdered the night before claimed hewas at the time of the incident in question) is only about
the initial hearing of the case; twenty (20) kilometers.
Second. Rolando saw appellant near the jeepney’s left rear, holding a In People v. Bation,13 this Court held that there was no physical
gun, right after he heard a gunshot; impossibility for the appellant to be atthe scene of the crime,
Third. Right before the incident, Aneline saw appellant holding considering that appellant was merely twenty-six (26) kilometers
something in his hand wrapped in a black cloth, which looked like a away from said scene. In People v. Ignas,14 the distance was even
gun; much farther:
Fourth. Immediately after Aneline entered her house, she heard a x x x the defense admitted that the distance between La Trinidad,
gunshot and when she peeped through the window, she saw Benguet and Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya is 79 kilometers, which can be
appellant standing by the side of the jeepney where Elizabeth’s negotiated in 4 or 5 hours. Clearly, it was not physically impossible for
lifeless body was sprawled. Shortly after, Aneline saw appellant appellant to be at the locus criminisat the time of the killing. Hence,
running towards the direction of Elizabeth’s house. x x x; the defense of alibi must fail.
Fifth. Notably, appellant himself did not accuse Rolando and Aneline "Physical impossibility in relation toalibi takes into consideration not
of any [ill] motive to falsely testify against him and cause his only the geographical distance between the scene of the crime and
damnation for such a serious crime of murder. Although he claims the place where accused maintains he was, but more importantly, the
their loyalty belonged to the victim and her family, loyalty does not accessibility between these points. In this case, the element of
equate with perjury, let alone, persecution of an innocent peron [sic]. physical impossibility of appellant’s presence that fateful night at the
Settled is the rule that when there is no evidence to show any dubious crime scene has not been established."15
reason or improper motive why the prosecution witnesses should More importantly, the Court gives even less probative weight to a
testify falsely against the accused or implicate him in a serious defense of alibi when it is corroborated by friends and relatives. One
offense, their testimonies deserve full faith and credit. can easily fabricate an alibi and ask friends and relatives to
xxxx corroborate it. When a defense witness is a relative of an accused
Appellant, nonetheless, claims that the negative result of the paraffin whose defense is alibi, as in this case, courts have more reason to view
test done on him isproof of his innocence. such testimony with skepticism.16
On this score, suffice it to state that the only thing a paraffin test can In any case, the positive identification of the appellant by witnesses
definitely establish is the presence or absence of nitrates or nitrites destroys the defense of alibi.1âwphi1 Alibi warrants the least
on the hand. From this test alone, it cannotestablish that the source credibility, or none at all and cannot prevail over the positive
of the nitrates or nitrites was the discharge of firearm.7 x x x identification of the appellant by the prosecution witnesses.17 Absent
The CA likewise concurred with the trial court with respect to its any ill motive on the part of witnesses, their positive identification of
finding on the presence of the aggravating circumstance of treachery. the appellantas the perpetrator of the crime prevails over the defense
According to the CA, the trial court correctly found that the two of denial or alibi.18
elements of treachery, which are: (1) the employmentof means of Here, two witnesses established appellant’s presence at the scene of
execution that gives the person attacked no opportunity to defend the crime and the fact that he had, in his possession at that time, a
himself or retaliate; and (2) the deliberate or conscious adoption of gun. While, as pointed out by the CA, the said witnesses did not
the means of execution,are present in this case. In addition to the actually see appellant fire the gun at Elizabeth,the circumstances
foregoing, the CA granted moral and exemplary damages to the heirs surrounding the incident, as enumerated by the CA, "unerringly
of Elizabeth, aside from the civil indemnity and actual damages points to him as the perpetrator."
previously granted by the trial court. Indeed, no prosecution witness has actually seen the commission of
Our Ruling the crime. But jurisprudence tells us that direct evidence of the crime
We deny the appeal but modify the award of damages. is not the only matrix from which a trial court may draw its conclusion
and finding of guilt. The rules on evidence allow a trial court to rely on
circumstantial evidence to support its conclusion of guilt.19 The lack
of direct evidence does not ipso facto bar the finding of guilt against
the appellant. As long as the prosecution establishes the
appellant’sparticipation in the crime through credible and sufficient
circumstantial evidence that leads to the inescapable conclusion that
the appellant committedthe imputed crime, the latter should be
convicted.20In the case at bar, those circumstances were enumerated
by the CA in its decision, as follows:
First. Appellant had an axe to grind against Elizabeth for filing a
robbery case against him. Elizabeth got murdered the night before
the initial hearing of the case;
Second. Rolando saw appellant near the jeepney’s left rear, holding a
gun, right after he heard a gunshot;
Third. Right before the incident, Aneline saw appellant holding
something in his hand wrapped in a black cloth, which looked like a
Fourth. Immediately after Aneline entered her house, she heard a
gunshot and when she peeped through the window, she saw
appellant standing by the side of the jeepney where Elizabeth’s
lifeless body was sprawled. Shortly after, Aneline saw appellant
running towards the direction of Elizabeth’s house. x x x;
Fifth. Notably, appellant himself did not accuse Rolando and Aneline
of any [ill] motive to falsely testify against him and cause his
damnation for such a serious crime of murder. Although he claims
their loyalty belonged to the victim and her family, loyalty does not
equate with perjury, let alone, persecution of an innocent peron [sic].
Settled is the rule that when there is no evidence to show any dubious
reason or improper motive why the prosecution witnesses should
testify falsely against the accused or implicate him in a serious
offense, their testimonies deserve full faith and credit.
"[C]ircumstantial evidence is sufficient to sustain a conviction if (i)
there is more than one circumstance; (ii) the facts from which the
inference is derived are proven; and (iii) the combination of all
circumstances is such as to produce conviction beyond reasonable
doubt. All the foregoing elements were sufficiently established in this
Anent the amount of damages, we sustain the grant of actual
damages in the amount of ₱29,500.00, the same being supported by
official receipts. We likewise affirm the CA’s award of ₱50,000.00 as
moral damages to the heirs of the victim in addition to civil indemnity.
The grant of moral damages is mandatory in cases of murder and
homicide without need of allegation and proof other thanthe death
of the victim.22
In conformity with current jurisprudence, however, we increase the
amount of civil indemnity from ₱50,000.00 to ₱75,000.00.23 Civil
indeminity is given without need of proof other than the fact of death
as a result of the crime and proof of appellant’s responsibility for
it.24 We also increase the award of exemplary damages granted by the
CA from ₱25,000.00 to ₱30,000.00 consisted with prevailing
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 27 May 2010
in CA-G.R. CR HC No. 01806 is AFFIRMED with the following
MODIFICATIONS (1) that the amount of civil indemnity is increased
from PS0,000.00 to ₱75,000.00; and (2) that the amount of exemplary
damages is increased from ₱25,000.00 to ₱30,000.00. An interest, at
the rate of six percent (6%) per annum shall be imposed on all the
damages awarded in this case from the date of finality of this
judgment until they are fully paid.26
G.R. No. 184500 September 11, 2012 NOT GUILTY to the crime charged. The rest of the accused in this case,
PEOPLE OF THE PIIILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, however, remained at large. Trial on the merits ensued thereafter.
vs. Meanwhile, or on 21 January 2003, however, the prosecution filed a
WENCESLAO NELMIDA @ "ESLAO," and RICARDO AJOK @ Motion to Discharge Accused Samuel To Be Utilized As State
"PORDOY," Accused-Appellants. Witness,12 which the court a quo granted in an Order dated 12
The subject of this present appeal is the Decision1 dated 18 June 2008 February 2003.13 Also, upon motion of the prosecution, the court a
of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. HC No. 00246, affirming the quo issued another Order dated 17 March 2003,14 directing the
Decision2 dated 30 September 2005 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) release of Samuel from detention following his discharge as state
of Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte, Branch 21, in Criminal Case No. 21- witness.
910, finding herein appellants Wenceslao Nelmida @ "Eslao" As such, Samuel, together with 13 more witnesses, namely, Macasuba
(Wenceslao) and Ricardo Ajok @ Tandayao (Macasuba), Mosanip Ameril (Mosanip), PFC Gapor
"Pordoy" (Ricardo) guilty beyond reasonable doubt of double murder Tomanto (PFC Tomanto), Merlina Dela Cruz (Merlina), Senior Police
with multiple frustrated murder and double attempted murder, Inspector Renato Salazar (Senior P/Insp. Salazar), PFC Haron Angni
thereby sentencing them to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua. (PFC Angni), Senior Police Officer 4 Raul Torres Medrano (SPO4
Appellants were likewise ordered to indemnify, jointly and severally, Medrano), Senior Police Officer 1 Ferdinand Suaring (SPO1 Suaring),
the heirs of each of the deceased victims, i.e., Police Officer 3 Senior Police Officer 2 Ivan Mutia Evasco (SPO2 Evasco), Senior Police
Hernando P. Dela Cruz (PO3 Dela Cruz) and Officer 4 Emmie Subingsubing (SPO4 Subingsubing), Juanito Ibunalo
Technical Sergeant Ramon Dacoco (T/Sgt. Dacoco), the amount of ₱ (Juanito), Senior
50,000.00 each as moral damages and ₱ 50,000.00 each as civil Police Officer 3 Tommy Umpa (SPO3 Umpa), and Mayor Johnny
indemnity for the death of each of the said victims. Similarly, Tawan-tawan (Mayor Tawan-tawan), testified for the prosecution.
appellants were directed to pay, jointly and severally, Mayor Johnny The factual milieu of this case as culled from the testimonies of the
Tawan-tawan the amount of ₱ 50,000.00 for and as attorney’s fees, aforesaid prosecution witnesses is as follows:
as well as the costs of the suit. On 5 June 2001, Mayor Tawan-tawan of Salvador, Lanao del Norte,
Appellants and their co-accused Samuel Cutad @ "Sammy" (Samuel), together with his security escorts composed of some members of the
Brigido Abais @ "Bidok" (Brigido), Pedro Serafico @ "Peter" (Pedro), Philippine Army, Philippine National Police (PNP) and civilian aides, to
Eduardo Bacong, Sr. (Eduardo, Sr.), Eduardo Bacong, Jr. @ "Junjun" wit: (1) T/Sgt. Dacoco; (2) PFC Angni; (3) PFC Tomanto; (4) PO3 Dela
(Eduardo, Jr.), Alejandro Abarquez (Alejandro), Ruben Bartolo @ Cruz; (5) Juanito; (6) Mosanip; (7) Macasuba; and (8) a certain Jun,
"Yoyoy Bulhog" (Ruben), Arnel Espanola @ "Toto Ilongo" (Arnel), respectively, were in Tubod, Lanao del Norte. In the afternoon, the
Alfredo Paninsuro @ "Tambok" (Alfredo), Opao Casinillo (Opao) and group went home to Salvador, Lanao del Norte, on board the yellow
other John Does, were charged in an Amended Information3 dated 3 pick-up service vehicle of Mayor Tawan-tawan with Plate No. JRT 818
October 2001 with the crime of double murder with multiple driven by Juanito. Sitting at the passenger seat of the aforesaid vehicle
frustrated murder and double attempted murder, the accusatory was Mayor Tawan-tawan while those at the back seat were Mosanip,
portion of which reads: Jun, and Macasuba, who was sitting immediately behind Juanito.
That on or about the 5th day of June 2001, at SAN MANUEL, Lala, Those seated on a wooden bench installed at the rear (open) portion
Lanao del Norte, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this of the said yellow pick-up service vehicle were PFC Tomanto, PFC
Honorable Court, the above-named appellants and their co-accused, Angni, PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco. PFC Tomanto and PFC Angni
conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one another, armed were sitting beside each other facing the right side of the road while
with assorted high-powered firearms and hand-grenade, did then and PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco were both seated behind PFC
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with treachery, evident Tomanto and PFC Angni facing the left side of the road.15
premidation (sic), taking advantage of their superiority in strength At around 3:00 p.m. of the same day, appellants, together with their
and in numbers, and with intent to kill, ambush, attack, assault and aforenamed co-accused, brought Samuel to a waiting shed in Purok
use personal violence upon the persons of the following, namely: 2, San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, the one located on the left side
1. PO3 Dela Cruz, Philippine National Police (PNP); of the road going to Salvador, Lanao del Norte. Samuel was instructed
2. T/Sgt. Dacoco, Philippine Army (PA); by appellants and their co-accused to stay in the said waiting shed
3. Private First Class (PFC) Haron Angni, PA; while they assembled themselves in a diamond position on both sides
4. PFC Gador4 Tomanto, PA; of the road, which is more or less five (5) meters away from the shed.
5. Juanito Ibunalo; Then, appellants and their co-accused surreptitiously waited for the
6. Mosanif5 Ameril; vehicle of the group of Mayor Tawan-tawan.16
7. Macasubar6 Tandayao; A few minutes later, Samuel saw the yellow pick-up service vehicle of
8. Mayor Johnny Tawantawan;7 and Mayor Tawan-tawan approaching towards the direction of Salvador,
9. Jun Palanas Lanao del Norte. The moment the yellow pick-up service vehicle of
by then and there firing and shooting them with said high-powered Mayor Tawan-tawan passed by the aforesaid waiting shed, appellants
firearms thereby inflicting upon the persons of PO3 De la Cruz, T/Sgt. and their co-accused opened fire and rained bullets on the vehicle
Dacoco, PFC Haron Angni, PFC Gapor Tomanto, Juanito Ibunalo, using high-powered firearms.
Mosanip Ameril and Macasuba Tandayao gunshot wounds which Both Macasuba, who was sitting immediately behind the driver, and
were the direct and immediate cause of the death of PO3 De la Cruz PFC Tomanto, who was then sitting on the rear (open) portion of the
and T/Sgt. Dacoco and the serious wounding of said PFC Haron Angni, yellow pick-up service vehicle, saw appellant Wenceslao on the right
PFC Gapor Tomanto, Juanito Ibunalo, Mosanip Ameril and Macasuba side of the road firing at them in a squatting position using an M-16
Tandayao that without the medical assistance would have caused armalite rifle.
their deaths, while Mayor Johnny Tawan-tawan and Jun Palanas were Macasuba was also able to identify appellants Ricardo, Pedro,
not hit.8 Eduardo, Sr., Eduardo, Jr., Brigido and Alfredo as among the
When arraigned, appellants Wenceslao and Ricardo, assisted by their ambushers. Mayor Tawan-tawan ordered Juanito to keep on driving
counsel de parte9 and counsel de oficio,10respectively; and their co- to avoid greater casualties. The vehicle stopped upon reaching the
accused Samuel, likewise assisted by counsel de oficio,11 all entered army and Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU)
separate pleas of
detachment in Curva, Miagao, Salvador, Lanao del Norte. Mayor Samuel, Senior P/Insp. Salazar, SPO4 Subingsubing and a certain SPO4
Tawan-tawan then asked assistance therefrom.17 Sumaylo, proceeded to San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, where they
Immediately after the ambush, appellants and their co-accused ran found the materials near the National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
towards the house of Samuel’s aunt located, more or less, 10 meters canal, which is 30 meters away from the house of Samuel’s aunt.
away from the site of the ambush to get their bags and other stuff. These were photographed.22
The house of Samuel’s aunt was the place where appellants and their Later, SPO2 Evasco, who was assigned at Lala Police Station, received
co-accused stayed prior to the incident. Samuel followed appellants a call from Barangay Kagawad Renato Senahon (Brgy. Kgwd. Senahon)
and their co-accused to the house of his aunt. Thereafter, appellants that a black backpack was found in Mount Curay-curay, Rebe, Lala,
and their co-accused hurriedly ran towards Barangay Lindongan, Lanao del Norte, which is two (2) kilometers away from the highway.
Municipality of Baroy, Lanao del Norte.18 Immediately, SPO2 Evasco and Brgy. Kgwd. Senahon went to the
On the occasion of the ambush, two security escorts of Mayor Tawan- location. Upon inspection, they recovered from the backpack an army
tawan, namely, PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco, died, while others camouflage with name cloth, one Garand pouch and one
suffered injuries. In particular, Macasuba was slightly hit on the head fragmentation grenade cacao type. SPO2 Evasco then brought these
by shrapnel; Mosanip sustained injury on his shoulder that almost to the police station in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte, and turned
severed his left arm; PFC Tomanto was hit on the right and left sides it over to Senior P/Insp. Salazar.23
of his body, on his left leg and knee; PFC Angni was hit on his left On 8 June 2001, Samuel executed his sworn statement identifying
shoulder; and Juanito was hit on his right point finger, right head and appellants and their co-accused as the persons responsible for the
left hip. Mayor Tawan-tawan and Jun were not injured.19 ambush of Mayor Tawan-tawan and his companions. Samuel was,
All the victims of the ambush, except Macasuba, were brought to thereafter, incarcerated at the Bureau of Jail Management and
Bontilao Country Clinic in Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte, and were Penology (BJMP) in Tubod, Lanao del Norte.24
later transferred to Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital in Tibanga, On 29 August 2001, or more than two (2) months after the ambush,
Iligan City. PO3 Dela Cruz, however, died before reaching the hospital appellant Wenceslao was arrested while he was in Katipa, Lopez
while T/Sgt. Dacoco died in the hospital. PFC Tomanto stayed at Jaena, Misamis Occidental. Appellant Ricardo, on the other hand, was
Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital for 13 days before he was arrested on 20 December 2001 while working in Puting Bato in Sapad,
transferred to Camp Evangelista Hospital in Patag, Cagayan de Oro Lanao del Norte. It was Senior P/Insp. Salazar who effected the arrest
City, and then in a hospital in Manila and Quezon City. PFC Angni of the appellants.25
stayed for seven (7) days in Mindanao Sanitarium and Hospital before Appellants denied having any involvement in the ambush. Appellant
he was transferred to Camp Evangelista Hospital, where he was Wenceslao presented as witnesses Armida Nelmida (Armida), Jeffrey
confined for one (1) month. PFC Angni was transferred to V. Luna Paninsuro (Jeffrey), Luzviminda Apolinares (Luzviminda), Rudy
Hospital in Quezon City and was confined therein for two (2) Alegado (Rudy), Sergeant Teofanis Garsuta (Sgt. Garsuta) and Master
months.20 Sergeant Pio Cudilla (M/Sgt. Cudilla). Appellant Ricardo, on the other
On the other hand, Mayor Tawan-tawan, Macasuba and the members hand, did not present any witness other than himself.
of the CAFGU went back to the site of the ambush but appellants and Appellant Wenceslao testified that on 5 June 2001, he was in their
their co-accused were no longer there. Not long after, SPO4 Medrano, house with his family. At around 1:00 p.m., he went outside their
Chief of Police of Salvador Municipal Police Station, Salvador, Lanao house to clean the pigsty and feed the pigs. Then, at around 2:30 p.m.,
del Norte, and his troops arrived. It was while inside the Salvador Jacob Pepito, Rudy and a certain Romy, who is a military personnel,
Municipal Police Station that SPO4 Medrano heard gunfire and he arrived to get a copy of the election returns of the 15 May 2001
came to know that the group of Mayor Tawan-tawan was ambushed elections upon the orders of Tanny Pepito, a gubernatorial candidate.
prompting him and his troops to go to the scene of the crime. Mayor He told them that he has no copy of the returns. He then advised them
Tawan-tawan informed SPO4 Medrano that appellant Wenceslao was to get it to Atty. Aldoni Umpa (Atty. Umpa) who has a copy. At that
one of those responsible for the ambush. SPO4 Medrano and his time, he, Jacob Pepito and Romy were outside the house while his
troops, then, conducted an investigation during which he noticed wife and nieces were just eight (8) to 10 meters away from them.
Samuel at the scene of the crime. Upon interrogation Samuel denied After 10 minutes, his visitors left.26 Suddenly, appellant Wenceslao
any involvement in the ambush. Even so, SPO4 Medrano still found heard gunfire coming from the direction of the house of Mayor
Samuel suspicious, hence, he and his fellow police officers arrested Tawan-tawan. His nephew, Jeffrey, approached and informed him
him and turned him over to a certain SPO4 Micabalo, Chief of Police that Mayor Tawan-tawan and the latter’s group were ambushed.
of Lala, Lanao del Norte. Samuel was then brought to Lala Municipal After about one (1) or two (2) minutes, he again heard gunfire. This
Jail in Lanao del Norte. time the bullets were already hitting the roof and walls of their house.
Subsequently, SPO4 Medrano, together with the members of the He then instructed Jeffrey, who is also a CAFGU member, to report
CAFGU, PNP and the rest of the troops who were at the scene of the the said incident and to ask help from the members of the Philippine
crime, found a trail of footprints believed to be from the culprits. They Army stationed at Camp Allere, Salvador, Lanao del Norte.27
conducted a hot pursuit operation towards Barangay Lindongan, When Jeffrey left, appellant Wenceslao stayed at their house. He did
Municipality of Baroy, Lanao del Norte, where appellants and their co- not know where his wife and the rest of the women, who were in their
accused were believed to have fled. They were able to recover an M- house, went after the gunburst. After more or less 15 minutes, he
16 armalite rifle caliber 5.26 concealed near a nipa hut. SPO4 walked barefooted and unarmed towards Camp Allere. There he saw
Medrano then sent a Spot Report and a follow-up report about the M/Sgt. Cudilla and he informed the former regarding the incident
ambush. He did not, however, reveal the identity of appellant happened in their house. Not long after, a certain Captain Esmeralda
Wenceslao so that with a warrant of arrest, appellant Wenceslao (Capt. Esmeralda), Commanding Officer of Bravo Company of the
could be arrested at the earliest possible time. SPO4 Medrano also Philippine Army, arrived. He also approached and informed Capt.
informed the provincial headquarters about the incident through a Esmeralda about the incident in their house. Capt. Esmeralda then
radio message.21 ordered his men to board the samba and a six-by-six truck to fetch
The following day, or on 6 June 2001, Samuel informed SPO1 Suaring, appellant Wenceslao’s wife and relatives in Poblacion, Salvador,
member of PNP Lala Municipal Police, Lala, Lanao del Norte, that Lanao del Norte. A six-by-six truck returned to Camp Allere carrying
there were electrical supplies and radio antenna in San Manuel, Lala, appellant Wenceslao’s wife and relatives.28
Lanao del Norte, left by the malefactors. SPO1 Suaring, together with
On the evening of 5 June 2001, appellant Wenceslao, together with came out from the nearby house. Then they ordered her to board a
his wife and daughter, slept in his father’s house located, more or less, six-by-six truck after taking some personal belongings of appellant
100 meters away from Camp Allere and stayed there for five (5) days. Wenceslao in the latter’s house.33
Appellant Wenceslao’s wife then requested for transfer to their son’s M/Sgt. Cudilla alleged that at around, more or less, 3:00 p.m. of 5 June
house in Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte, as she could no longer sleep 2001, while he was at their command post at Camp Allere, Salvador,
because of what happened at their house. Thus, they went to their Lanao del Norte, his detachment commander, a certain T/Sgt.
son’s house in Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte, and stayed there for Quijano, called and informed him through radio that an ambush
eight (8) days. During that period of time, he did not hear of any case incident happened in his area of responsibility, i.e., Curva Miagao,
filed against him. No policemen even bothered to arrest him. His wife, Salvador, Lanao del Norte. He advised T/Sgt. Quijano to verify the
however, was still afraid, so they left the house of their son and incident. M/Sgt. Cudilla then called Capt. Esmeralda to inform the
moved to Katipa, Lopez Jaena, Misamis Occidental. They stayed there latter about the said ambush incident. He, thereafter, prepared a
until he was arrested on 29 August 2001.29 perimeter defense in the camp. In the second call of T/Sgt. Quijano,
Appellant Wenceslao, however, disclosed that it would only take, the latter told him that Mayor Tawan-tawan was ambushed. After
more or less, a 15 minute-vehicle ride from his residence in Poblacion, about 15 minutes, M/Sgt. Cudilla heard gunbursts from Poblacion,
Salvador, Lanao del Norte, to the site of the ambush in San Manuel, Salvador, Lanao del Norte. Later, more or less, 10 civilians arrived at
Lala, Lanao del Norte. Also, from his house to Camp Allere it would Camp Allere.
only take, more or less, 5 minute-vehicle ride. Appellant Wenceslao M/Sgt. Cudilla further confirmed that on 5 June 2001, also at around
also admitted that he ran for the vice-mayoralty position in Salvador, 3:00 p.m., he saw appellant Wenceslao at the back of the stage inside
Lanao del Norte, against Rodolfo Oban during the 2001 elections. Way Camp Allere near Km. Post one. Appellant Wenceslao then informed
back in the 1998 elections, he ran for mayoralty position in the same him of the strafing incident in his house. When their commanding
locality against Mayor Tawan-tawan but he lost. On both occasions, officer arrived, appellant Wenceslao approached the former.
he and Mayor Tawan-tawan were no longer in the same political Thereafter, a platoon was organized heading towards Poblacion,
party. Similarly, during the term of Mayor Tawan-tawan in 1998, Salvador, Lanao del Norte.34
appellant Wenceslao revealed that he and his son were charged with Appellant Ricardo, for his part, maintained that on 5 June 2001, he
illegal possession of firearm.30 was also in his house in Purok 5, Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte,
Other defense witnesses, namely, Armida, Jeffrey and Luzviminda, attending to his wife and children because his wife had just given birth
who are appellant Wenceslao’s wife, nephew and niece, respectively, in April 2001. In the afternoon thereof, he heard a gunburst
corroborated appellant Wenceslao’s testimony on all material points. somewhere in Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte, followed by
They all denied that appellant Wenceslao has something to do with some commotion in the street. Later, his brother, Joji Ajok, arrived
the ambush of Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group. Nonetheless, and informed him that appellant Wenceslao was shot in his house. 35
Armida admitted that there is a road connecting San Manuel, Lala, Appellant Ricardo also confirmed that on the early evening of 5 June
Lanao del Norte, to Salvador, Lanao del Norte. There are also vehicles 2001, he and his family transferred to the house of his parents-in-law
for hire plying the route of Salvador, Lanao del Norte, to San Manuel, at Camp Allere, Salvador, Lanao del Norte. He so decided when he
Lala, Lanao del Norte, and vice-versa.31 heard rumors that the supporters of Atty. Umpa, the political rival of
Another defense witness, Rudy, corroborated appellant Wenceslao’s Mayor Tawan-tawan in the 2001 local elections, were being
testimony with respect to the fact that on 5 June 2001, he, together persecuted. Being one of Atty. Umpa’s supporters, he got scared,
with Jacob Pepito and a certain member of the army intelligence prompting him to bring his family to Camp Allere. They stayed there
group, went to the house of appellant Wenceslao to get the election until the following morning and then he left alone for Ozamis City,
returns. However, he could not recall anything unusual that happened Misamis Occidental, and stayed there for three (3) months.
while he was in the house of appellant Wenceslao. They left the house Thereafter, he moved to Puting Bato in Sapad, Lanao del Norte, where
of appellant Wenceslao at around 2:45 p.m. Still, no unusual incident he worked in the farm of his friend. He stayed there until he was
happened thereafter. Rudy similarly revealed that he did not go inside arrested on 20 December 2001.36
the house of appellant Wenceslao but merely waited for Jacob Pepito Nevertheless, appellant Ricardo divulged that there was never an
and a member of the army intelligence group inside their vehicle instance that Atty. Umpa was harassed or intimidated by the group of
parked at a distance of, more or less, three (3) meters from the house Mayor Tawan-tawan. He claimed that only Atty. Umpa’s supporters
of appellant Wenceslao. As such, he did not hear the subject of the were harassed. He also revealed that prior to the ambush incident,
conversation between appellant Wenceslao, Jacob Pepito and a there was never an instance that he was threatened by the group of
member of the army intelligence group.32 Mayor Tawan-tawan. He just presumed that Atty. Umpa’s supporters
Sgt. Garsuta, who also testified for the defense, stated that in the were being harassed by the people of Mayor Tawan-tawan because
afternoon of 5 June 2001, while he was at the legislative hall in others were already harassed.37
Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte, to secure the canvass of the Finding the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses, most of whom
elections, they received a radio call from M/Sgt. Cudilla informing were victims of the ambush, to be credible, categorical,
them that Mayor Tawan-tawan was ambushed and the house of straightforward, spontaneous and consistent, coupled with their
appellant Wenceslao was strafed. Thereafter, Capt. Esmeralda called positive identification of the appellants as among the perpetrators of
them to board a six-by-six truck and to proceed to Salvador, Lanao del the crime and their lack of ill-motive to falsely testify against them,
Norte. As they passed by San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, they vis-à-vis the defense of denial and alibi proffered by the latter, the
stopped to get some information from the police officers therein. trial court rendered its Decision on 30 September 2005 finding
They proceeded to Camp Allere in Salvador, Lanao del Norte. They appellants guilty beyond reasonable doubt of double murder with
arrived at Camp Allere at around 4:30 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. and there he multiple frustrated murder and double attempted murder and
saw appellant Wenceslao waiting and talking to 1st Sgt. Codilla. imposing upon them the penalty of reclusion perpetua. The
Appellant Wenceslao then requested that his family and some dispositive portion of the aforesaid trial court’s Decision states:
personal effects be taken from his house. Thus, Capt. Esmeralda WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, judgment is
ordered them to board a six-by-six truck and to proceed to appellant hereby rendered finding herein appellants Wenceslao and Ricardo
Wenceslao’s house. Upon reaching the house of appellant GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of double murder with
Wenceslao, nobody was there. Suddenly, appellant Wenceslao’s wife multiple frustrated murder and double attempted murder, and the
Court hereby sentences them to suffer the indivisible prison term of On 18 June 2008, the Court of Appeals rendered its now assailed
reclusion perpetua; to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs of the late Decision affirming appellants’ conviction of the crime charged. The
PO3 Dela Cruz the amount of ₱ 50,000.00 as moral damages and Court of Appeals held that the evidence on record disclosed that the
another sum of ₱ 50,000.00 for and by way of civil indemnity ex alleged inconsistencies pointed to by appellant Wenceslao refer only
delicto; to pay, jointly and severally, the heirs of the late T/Sgt. Dacoco to minor matters. The same did not damage the credibility of the
the sum of ₱ 50,000.00 as moral damages plus ₱ 50,000.00 for and by prosecution witnesses, particularly that of PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni,
way of civil indemnity ex delicto; and to pay, jointly and severally, Ex- Juanito and Mayor Tawan-tawan. Honest inconsistencies on minor
Mayor Johnny Tawantawan the amount of ₱ 50,000.00 for and as and trivial points serve to strengthen rather than destroy the
attorney’s fees, and the costs of suit. credibility of a witness to a crime. Moreover, since the prosecution
The Armalite rifle with defaced serial number, the hand grenade and witnesses positively identified appellants in open court as among the
the Garand pouch are hereby ordered turned-over to the Firearm and perpetrators of the ambush, the same must prevail over the alleged
Explosive Unit of the PNP Headquarters, Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao inconsistencies, as well as the defense of denial and alibi interposed
del Norte, for proper disposition as authorized by law. by the appellants. Denial is a negative and self-serving assertion that
The full period of the preventive imprisonment of the appellantsshall cannot overcome the victim’s affirmative, categorical and convincing
be credited to them and deducted from their prison term provided testimony. In the same way, for alibi to prosper, it must be established
they comply with the requirements of Article 29 of the Revised Penal by positive, clear and satisfactory proof that it was impossible for the
Code. Appellant Wenceslao was arrested on 29 August 2001 and accused to be at the scene of the crime at the time of its commission
detained since then up to the present. While appellant Ricardo was and not merely assert that he was somewhere else. As in the present
arrested on 20 December 2001 and detained since then up to the case, the trial court took judicial notice of the distance of seven (7)
present. kilometers between Salvador, Lanao del Norte, where appellants
Let the records of this case be sent to the archive files without reside, and San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, where the ambush
prejudice on the part of the prosecution to prosecute the case against incident took place. Appellants, therefore, could not successfully
the other accused who remain at-large, as soon as said accused are invoke alibi as a defense because it was not physically impossible for
apprehended.38 [Emphasis supplied]. them to have been at the scene of the crime. 42 The Court of Appeals
Unperturbed, appellants separately appealed the aforesaid trial then decreed as follows:
court’s Decision to the Court of Appeals via Notice of Appeal, 39 and, WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the separate APPEALS are
thereafter, submitted their respective appeal briefs. DENIED, and the appealed Decision is hereby AFFIRMED.43
In his brief, appellant Wenceslao assigned the following errors: Still undaunted, appellants elevated the aforesaid Decision of the
I. Court of Appeals to this Court via Notice of Appeal.
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN DECLARING THAT THE TESTIMONIES OF In a Resolution44 dated 19 November 2008, the Court required the
THE PROSECUTION WITNESSES ARE CREDIBLE AND NOT parties to simultaneously submit their respective supplemental
ORCHESTRATED LIES INTENDED TO FALSELY IMPUTE THE CRIMINAL briefs, if they so desire. In lieu thereof, the Office of the Solicitor
LIABILITY TO APPELLANT WENCESLAO; General filed a Manifestation45 stating that it will no longer file a
II. supplement to its Consolidated Appellee’s Brief46 dated 14 December
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN DECLARING THAT THE INCONSISTENCIES 2006 there being no transactions, occurrences or events which have
OF PROSECUTION WITNESSES ARE HONEST INCONSISTENCIES ON happened since the appellate court’s Decision was rendered.
MINOR AND TRIVIAL POINTS; Appellants, on the other hand, filed their separate Supplemental
III. Briefs,47 which were a mere rehash of the arguments already
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN RULING THAT [APPELLANTS WENCESLAO discussed in their respective Appellant’s Briefs48 submitted before the
AND RICARDO] FAILED TO CAST ILL-MOTIVE ON THE PART OF appellate court. In his Supplemental Brief, appellant Wenceslao
PROSECUTION WITNESSES AND THAT THESE WITNESSES HAD NO reiterates that: the trial court and the Court of Appeals committed
IMPROPER AND NEFARIOUS MOTIVE IN TESTIFYING AGAINST THE reversible errors when they decided a question of substance which is
APPELLANTS; not in accord with established facts and the applicable laws.49 He,
IV. once again, enumerated the following errors committed by the
WITNESSES; The court a quo and the Court of Appeals gravely erred when they
V. ruled that the inconsistencies committed by the prosecution
THE TRIAL COURT ERRED IN RULING THAT APPELLANT WENCESLAO witnesses are on minor and trivial points when these inconsistencies
ABSCONDED AND IN IMPUTING MALICE ON THE ACT OF [APPELLANT are indicative of the innocence of appellant Wenceslao;
VI. The trial court and the Court of Appeals failed to consider as indicative
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN CONVICTING APPELLANT WENCESLAO of innocence of appellant Wenceslao the fact that the authorities did
OF THE CRIME CHARGED BASED ON TESTIMONIES WHICH ARE OF not include in the police report the name of appellant Wenceslao and
DOUBTFUL VERACITY; did not arrest him immediately after the ambush, or within a couple
VII. of months from the date of the ambush;
[APPELLANT WENCESLAO] BASED ON JURISPRUDENCE WHICH ARE The trial court and the Court of Appeals committed reversible error
NOT APPLICABLE IN THE CASE AT BAR.40 when they deliberately refused or failed to consider and appreciate
While appellant Ricardo, in his brief, raised this lone assignment of the testimonies of the military officers who are neutral, impartial, and
error: objective witnesses;
RICARDO DESPITE THE FAILURE OF THE PROSECUTION TO PROVE HIS Both the trial court and the Court of Appeals miserably failed to
GUILT BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT.41 consider the evidence for the defense despite the clear and
unmistakable proof of their honesty and integrity;
V. effect. This is so because the trial court has the unique opportunity to
The trial court and the Court of Appeals clearly and deliberately observe the demeanor of witnesses and is in the best position to
misinterpreted the facts and misapplied the laws regarding "flight" as discern whether they are telling the truth. 51 Moreover, credibility, to
an alleged indication of guilt; state what is axiomatic, is the sole province of the trial court. In the
VI. absence of any clear showing that it overlooked, misunderstood or
The trial court and the Court of Appeals convicted appellant misapplied some facts or circumstances of weight and substance that
Wenceslaobased on jurisprudence on "alibi" which are not applicable would have affected the result of the case, the trial court's findings on
in the case at bar50 [Emphasis and italicized omitted]. the matter of credibility of witnesses will not be disturbed on
Appellant Wenceslao contends that a thorough perusal of the appeal.52 A careful perusal of the records of this case revealed that
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses would show these are none of these circumstances is attendant herein.
tainted with glaring inconsistencies, which are badges of lies and The affirmance by the Court of Appeals of the factual findings of the
dishonesty, thus, casting doubts on their credibility. trial court places this case under the rule that factual findings are final
The inconsistencies referred to by appellant Wenceslao are as and conclusive and may not be reviewed on appeal to this Court. No
follows: (1) whether PFC Tomanto and PFC Angni were already with reason has been given by appellants to deviate from the factual
Mayor Tawan-tawan from Salvador, Lanao del Norte, to Tubod, Lanao findings arrived at by the trial court as affirmed by the Court of
del Norte, and vice-versa, or they merely hitched a ride in Mayor Appeals.
Tawan-tawan’s vehicle on their way home to Salvador, Lanao del In the present case, most of the prosecution witnesses, i.e.,
Norte; (2) if so, the place where PFC Tomanto and PFC Angni hitched Macasuba, Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni, Juanito and Mayor
a ride in Mayor Tawan-tawan’s vehicle; (3) the officer from whom PFC Tawan-tawan, were victims of the 5 June 2001 ambush incident. As
Tomanto and PFC Angni got permission in order to go home to such, they actually witnessed what exactly happened on that fateful
Salvador, Lanao del Norte; (4) PFC Angni allegedly knew appellant day, especially Macasuba and PFC Angni, who vividly saw appellant
Wenceslao prior to the ambush incident on 5 June 2001 and he even Wenceslao on the right side of the road and in a squatting position
saw appellant Wenceslao as among the perpetrators of the ambush, firing at them with his M-16 armalite rifle. Macasuba and PFC Angni,
yet, he did not mention the name of the former in his affidavit; (5) having seated behind the driver and on the rear (open) portion of the
Mayor Tawan-tawan should have mentioned the name of appellant yellow pick-up service vehicle, respectively, both facing the right side
Wenceslao as one of those responsible in the ambush incident when of the road, were in such a position to see without any obstruction
he reported the same to SPO4 Medrano; (6) SPO4 Medrano should how appellant Wenceslao rained bullets on their vehicle with his M-
have included the name of appellant Wenceslao in the Spot Reports 16 armalite rifle while they were traversing the road of San Manuel,
he transmitted to the Provincial Police Office of the PNP and should Lala, Lanao del Norte, on their way home to Salvador, Lanao del
have immediately caused his arrest if he truly participated in the Norte. Macasuba was also able to identify appellant Ricardo, Pedro,
ambush incident; (7) it would no longer be necessary to discharge Eduardo, Sr., Eduardo, Jr., Brigido and Alfredo as among the
Samuel and to make him as state witness if the victims of the ambush perpetrators of the ambush.
incident, indeed, saw the perpetrators of the crime; and (8) if It bears stressing that the ambush happened at around 3:00 p.m., in
appellant Wenceslao was one of the ambushers, Samuel would not broad daylight, such that it would not be impossible for Macasuba and
have failed to mention the former in his sworn statement. PFC Angni to have seen and identified their assailants, particularly
Appellant Wenceslao believes that the afore-enumerated appellant Wenceslao, who was once chief of Civilian Home Defense
inconsistencies only proved that he has no participation in the Force (CHDF), then municipal councilor and twice elected vice-mayor
ambush of Mayor Tawan-tawan and his companions. The declaration of Salvador, Lanao del Norte, i.e., 1992 and 1995 elections, and
of his innocence is thus called for. appellant Ricardo, who is a resident of Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del
Appellant Wenceslao further imputes ill-motive and malice on the Norte.53
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses in testifying against him. The aforesaid assertions of Macasuba and PFC Angni were equally
The motive was to remove him, being the only non-Muslim leader, in confirmed by Samuel, an accused-turned-state-witness, who, in his
the Municipality of Salvador, Lanao del Norte, who has the courage to testimony before the open court, narrated how appellants and their
challenge the reign of Mayor Tawan-tawan and his clan. It was also an co-accused, Pedro, Eduardo, Sr., Eduardo, Jr., Brigido, Alfredo,
act of revenge against him for opposing Mayor Tawan-tawan during Alejandro, Ruben, Arnel, and Opao, brought him in the waiting shed
the 1998 elections. As to Samuel’s motive, appellant Wenceslao in Purok 2, San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte; assembled themselves
claims that it was for self-preservation, freedom, leniency and some in a diamond position on both sides of the road; surreptitiously waited
other consideration. Evidently, after Samuel’s testimony, the latter for the vehicle boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group; and
was released from jail. executed the ambush from the moment the vehicle boarded by
Appellant Wenceslao maintains that he was not at the ambush site on Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group passed by the aforesaid waiting
5 June 2001 as can be gleaned from the testimonies of M/Sgt. Cudilla shed.
and Sgt. Garsuta. Samuel was in an advantageous position to substantiate the identities
Lastly, appellant Wenceslao argues that his flight was not an of the appellants and their co-accused as the perpetrators of the
indication of guilt. He justified his temporary absence from his ambush because he was near the scene of the crime, i.e., merely five
residence by stating that it was because of the traumatic experience (5) meters away therefrom. This is aside from the fact that appellants
of his wife, who had no peace of mind since their house was riddled and their co-accused were the very same people who brought him to
with bullets by lawless elements without any cause. the site of the ambush. Appellants and their co-accused likewise
With all the foregoing, the resolution of this appeal hinges primarily stayed for a long period of time in the house of Samuel’s aunt prior to
on the determination of credibility of the testimonies of the the ambush incident and Samuel is very well-acquainted with these
prosecution witnesses. people for he himself resided therein.54
Time and again, this Court held that when the issues revolve on Given the foregoing, it is beyond any cavil of doubt that prosecution
matters of credibility of witnesses, the findings of fact of the trial witnesses, Macasuba, PFC Angni and Samuel, have firmly established
court, its calibration of the testimonies of the witnesses, and its the identities of appellants as the perpetrators of the ambush. In
assessment of the probative weight thereof, as well as its conclusions addition, their testimonies on who and how the crime was committed
anchored on said findings, are accorded high respect, if not conclusive were characterized by the trial court as simple and candid. Even their
answers to questions were simple, straightforward and categorical. Medrano that he (appellant Wenceslao) was among the ambushers.
Such simplicity and candidness in their testimonies only prove that Also, SPO4 Medrano provided an explanation61 for his failure to state
they were telling the truth, thus, strengthening their credibility as in his Spot Reports the name of appellant Wenceslao as one of the
witnesses. ambushers. And, even granting that his explanation would not have
Now, as regards the inconsistencies pointed out by appellant been satisfactory, still, SPO4 Medrano’s failure to mention appellant
Wenceslao that allegedly cast doubt on the credibility of the Wenceslao’s name in his Spot Reports was not fatal to the cause of
prosecution witnesses, this Court finds them frivolous, trivial, minor, the prosecution. More especially because appellant Wenceslao was
irrelevant and have nothing to do with the essential elements of the positively identified by the prosecution witnesses as one of the
crime charged, i.e., double murder with multiple frustrated murder perpetrators of the crime.
and double attempted murder. In the same manner, they do not Even the discharge of Samuel to become state witness does not
detract from the fact that Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group, which negate the fact that prosecution witnesses, Macasuba and PFC Angni,
includes PFC Tomanto and PFC Angni, were ambushed by appellants indeed, saw appellants as among the perpetrators of the crime. To
and their co-accused on 5 June 2001 while on board the yellow pick- note, appellants were not the only persons accused of the crime; they
up service vehicle as it passed by the waiting shed in Purok 2, San were many including Pedro, Eduardo, Sr., Eduardo, Jr., Brigido,
Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte. And, said ambush resulted in the death Alfredo, Alejandro, Ruben, Arnel, and Opao. In order to give justice to
of PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco and injuries to Macasuba, the victims of the ambush, especially those who have died by reason
Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni and Juanito. thereof, all persons responsible therefor must be penalized. Since
It is axiomatic that slight variations in the testimony of a witness as to Samuel knew all those who have participated in the ambush incident,
minor details or collateral matters do not affect his or her credibility his testimony as to the other accused in this case is material to
as these variations are in fact indicative of truth and show that the strengthen the case of the prosecution against them. Unfortunately,
witness was not coached to fabricate or dissemble. An inconsistency, the other accused in this case remained at large until now.
which has nothing to do with the elements of a crime, is not a ground As aptly observed by the trial court, thus:
to reverse a conviction.55 x x x The Court is convinced without equivocation on the veracity of
Similarly, PFC Angni and Samuel’s failure to name appellant the testimonies of the prosecution eyewitnesses who are all in one
Wenceslao in their affidavits/sworn statements as one of the pointing to herein appellant Wenceslao as one of those who
ambushers does not necessarily render their testimonies implausible participated in the ambush, and on the veracity of the testimonies of
and unworthy of belief. the two prosecution eyewitnesses – Macasuba and Samuel – to the
Inconsistencies between the sworn statement and direct testimony effect that appellant Ricardo was among the people who perpetrated
given in open court do not necessarily discredit the witness. An the said ambush.
affidavit, being taken ex-parte, is oftentimes incomplete and is The testimonies of these witnesses were simple and candid. The
generally regarded as inferior to the testimony of the witness in open simplicity and candidness of their testimonies only prove that they
court. Judicial notice can be taken of the fact that testimonies given were telling the truth. Their answers to questions were simple,
during trial are much more exact and elaborate than those stated in straightforward and categorical; spontaneous, frank and consistent.
sworn statements, which are usually incomplete and inaccurate for a Thus, a witness who testifies categorically, spontaneously, frankly and
variety of reasons. More so, because of the partial and innocent consistently is a credible witness.62
suggestions, or for want of specific inquiries. In addition, an Appellant Wenceslao’s allegations of ill-motive and malice on the part
extrajudicial statement or affidavit is generally not prepared by the of prosecution witnesses, including Samuel, have no leg to stand on.
affiant himself but by another who uses his own language in writing The records are bereft of any evidence to substantiate the claim of
the affiant’s statement, hence, omissions and misunderstandings by appellant Wenceslao that the motive of the prosecution witnesses in
the writer are not infrequent. Indeed, the prosecution witnesses’ testifying against him was to remove him as the only non-Muslim
direct and categorical declarations on the witness stand are superior leader in the Municipality of Salvador, Lanao del Norte, and that it was
to their extrajudicial statements.56 Similarly, the failure of a witness to an act of revenge for opposing Mayor Tawan-tawan during the 1998
immediately disclose the name of the culprit does not necessarily elections. Appellant Wenceslao failed to present an iota of evidence
impair his or her credibility.57 to support his aforesaid allegations. As properly stated by the Court
A meticulous perusal of Samuel’s sworn statement reveals that he of Appeals, "mere allegation or claim is not proof. Each party must
categorically mentioned therein the name of appellant Wenceslao as prove his own affirmative allegation." Also, it must be emphasized
one of the ambushers. In his sworn statement, Samuel specifically that during the 1998 elections, it was Mayor Tawan-tawan who won
stated that during the ambush, he saw appellant Wenceslao at the the mayoralty position. It is, therefore, highly implausible for Mayor
other side of the road, just a few meters away from the bridge, who, Tawan-tawan, who emerged as the victor, to take revenge against the
at that time armed with an M-16 rifle, was likewise firing towards the losing candidate, appellant Wenceslao. As such, appellant Wenceslao
group of Mayor Tawan-tawan.58 failed to prove any ill-motive on the part of the prosecution witnesses.
Above all, both PFC Angni and Samuel positively identified appellant It is settled that where the defense fails to prove that witnesses are
Wenceslao in open court as one of those responsible for the ambush moved by improper motives, the presumption is that they were not
of Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group.59 Such open court declaration so moved and their testimonies are therefore entitled to full weight
is much stronger than their affidavits/sworn statements. and credit.63
Mayor Tawan-tawan’s failure to disclose to SPO4 Medrano the name To repeat, most of the prosecution witnesses are victims of the
of appellant Wenceslao as one of those responsible in the ambush ambush. Being the aggrieved parties, they all desire justice for what
and SPO4 Medrano’s failure to include the name of appellant had happened to them, thus, it is unnatural for them to falsely accuse
Wenceslao in the Spot Reports he transmitted to the Provincial Police someone other than the real culprits. Otherwise stated, it is very
Office of the PNP would not inure to appellant Wenceslao’s benefit. unlikely for these prosecution witnesses to implicate an innocent
As can be gleaned from the transcript of stenographic notes, when person to the crime. It has been correctly observed that the natural
Mayor Tawan-tawan and SPO4 Medrano met at the scene of the interest of witnesses, who are relatives of the victims, more so, the
crime, the former immediately told the latter that appellant victims themselves, in securing the conviction of the guilty would
Wenceslao was one of the ambushers. 60This belied the claim of deter them from implicating persons other than the culprits, for
appellant Wenceslao that Mayor Tawan-tawan did not tell SPO4 otherwise, the culprits would gain immunity.64
Contrary to appellant Wenceslao’s assertion, this Court is convince Court that during the time he and his companions Jacob Pepito and a
that his and appellant Ricardo’s flight from the scene of the crime certain Romy were in the house of appellant Wenceslao in the
immediately after the ambush is an evidence of their guilt. It is afternoon of 5 June 2001, there was no unusual incident that took
noteworthy that after the ambush incident, appellant Wenceslao place, as well as no unusual incident that happened when they left
immediately left his residence and moved to his father’s house, then the house of appellant Wenceslao at about 2:45 in the afternoon.
to his son’s house in Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte, and lastly to The foregoing testimony of Rudy clearly imparts that the visit of Rudy
Katipa, Lopez Jaena, Misamis Occidental, where he was arrested. and his companions to the house of appellant Wenceslao, if any,
Appellant Ricardo did the same thing. From his residence in happened on another date. This will be so because if appellant
Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte, he transferred to his parents- Wenceslao and his closely related witnesses are telling the truth that
in-law’s house, then he left alone for Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental, Jacob Pepito, Rudy and Romy were in the house of appellant
and thereafter, moved to Puting Bato in Sapad, Lanao del Norte, until Wenceslao talking about the said election returns during that fateful
he was arrested on 20 December 2001. If appellants were truly afternoon, then definitely, Rudy should have had known of the
innocent of the crime charged, they would not go into hiding rather ambush incident, said incident being spreaded throughout or shall we
they would face their accusers to clear their names. Courts go by the say, "the talk of the town" that afternoon of 5 June 2001.
biblical truism that "the wicked flee when no man pursueth but the If the ambush incident occurred on the day Rudy and his companions
righteous are as bold as a lion."65 visited appellant Wenceslao, then, no doubt that Rudywill tell the
Appellants’ respective explanations regarding their flight fail to Court about it. But his testimony was otherwise.71 [Emphasis
persuade this Court. It bears emphasis that after the alleged strafing supplied].
of appellant Wenceslao’s house, all he did is to move from one place In the same breath, appellant Ricardo’s defense of denial and alibi
to another instead of having it investigated by the authorities. Until cannot be given any evidentiary value as it was unsubstantiated.
now, the alleged strafing of his house remains a mystery. If that Appellant Ricardo never presented any witness to support his claim
strafing incident truly happened, he would be much eager to know that he was simply inside their house attending to his wife and
who caused it in order to penalize the author thereof. Appellant children during the time that the ambush incident happened. This
Ricardo, on the other hand, was allegedly afraid of being persecuted Court reiterates that mere denial, if unsubstantiated by clear and
for being one of the supporters of Mayor Tawan-tawan’s political convincing evidence, is a self-serving assertion that deserves no
rival. His fear, however, was more imaginary than real. The aforesaid weight in law. Between the categorical and positive assertions of the
claim of appellant Ricardo was uncorroborated, hence, cannot be prosecution witnesses and the negative averments of the accused
given any considerable weight. which are uncorroborated by reliable and independent evidence, the
In light of the clear, positive and straightforward testimonies of former indisputably deserve more credence and are entitled to
prosecution witnesses, coupled with their positive identification of greater evidentiary weight.72
appellants as among the perpetrators of the ambush, appellants’ Withal, it was not physically impossible for the appellants to be at the
defense of denial and alibi cannot prosper. scene of the crime in the afternoon of 5 June 2001. As observed by
As this Court has oft pronounced, both denial and alibi are inherently the trial court and the appellate court, Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del
weak defenses which cannot prevail over the positive and credible Norte, where both appellants’ reside, is only about seven (7)
testimonies of the prosecution witnesses that appellants committed kilometers away from San Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, where the
the crime.66 For alibi to prosper, the requirements of time and place ambush took place.73
must be strictly met. It is not enough to prove that appellants were All told, this Court affirms the findings of the trial court and the
somewhere else when the crime happened. They must also appellate court that, indeed, appellants were among the perpetrators
demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that it was physically of the ambush against Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group.
impossible for them to have been at the scene of the crime at the Prosecution witnesses’ categorical, positive and straightforward
approximate time of its commission.67 Unless substantiated by clear testimonies, coupled with their positive identification of appellants as
and convincing proof, such defense is negative, self-serving, and among the perpetrators of the crime, prevail over appellants’ defense
undeserving of any weight in law.68 A mere denial, like alibi, is of bare denial and alibi.
inherently a weak defense and constitutes self-serving negative As to the crime committed. The trial court, as well as the appellate
evidence, which cannot be accorded greater evidentiary weight than court, convicted appellants of double murder with multiple frustrated
the declaration of credible witnesses who testify on affirmative murder and double attempted murder. This Court believes, however,
matters.69 that appellants should be convicted not of a complex crime but of
In this case, both appellants claimed that they were just in their separate crimes of two (2) counts of murder and seven (7) counts of
respective houses in Poblacion, Salvador, Lanao del Norte, when the attempted murder as the killing and wounding of the victims in this
ambush incident happened and they have no involvement case were not the result of a single act but of several acts of the
whatsoever in the commission thereof. appellants, thus, making Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code
To corroborate appellant Wenceslao’s testimony, the defense inapplicable.
presented Armida, Jeffrey and Luzviminda, who are appellant Appellants and their co-accused simultaneous act of riddling the
Wenceslao’s wife, nephew and niece, respectively. This Court, vehicle boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group with bullets
however, cannot give credence to the testimonies of these defense discharged from their firearms when the said vehicle passed by San
witnesses. Being appellant Wenceslao’s relatives, their testimonies Manuel, Lala, Lanao del Norte, resulted in the death of two security
are rendered suspect because the former’s relationship to them escorts of Mayor Tawan-tawan, i.e., PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco.
makes it likely that they would freely perjure themselves for his sake. Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code provides:
The defense of alibi may not prosper if it is established mainly by the ART. 248. Murder. – Any person who, not falling within the provisions
appellant himself and his relatives, and not by credible persons.70 This of article 246 shall kill another, shall be guilty of murder and shall be
Court further quote with conformity the observation made by the trial punished by reclusion perpetua to death if committed with any of the
court, viz: following attendant circumstances:
FURTHER, the testimonies of the above-named witnesses for herein 1. With treachery, taking advantage of superior strength, with the aid
appellant Wenceslao were shattered by the testimony of Rudy, of armed men, or employing means to weaken the defense or of
another witness for appellant Wenceslao, who categorically told the means or persons to insure or afford impunity.
xxxx In a complex crime, two or more crimes are actually committed,
5. With evident premeditation. [Emphasis supplied]. however, in the eyes of the law and in the conscience of the offender
Treachery, which was alleged in the Information, attended the they constitute only one crime, thus, only one penalty is imposed.
commission of the crime. Time and again, this Court, in a plethora of There are two kinds of complex crime. The first is known as compound
cases, has consistently held that there is treachery when the offender crime, or when a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave
commits any of the crimes against persons, employing means, felonies while the other is known as complex crime proper, or when
methods or forms in the execution thereof, which tend directly and an offense is a necessary means for committing the other. The classic
specially to ensure its execution without risk to himself arising from example of the first kind is when a single bullet results in the death of
the defense that the offended party might make. There are two (2) two or more persons. A different rule governs where separate and
conditions that must concur for treachery to exist, to wit: (a) the distinct acts result in a number killed. Deeply rooted is the doctrine
employment of means of execution gave the person attacked no that when various victims expire from separate shots, such acts
opportunity to defend himself or to retaliate; and (b) the means or constitute separate and distinct crimes.80
method of execution was deliberately and consciously adopted. "The Evidently, there is in this case no complex crime proper. And the
essence of treachery is that the attack is deliberate and without circumstances present in this case do not fit exactly the description of
warning, done in a swift and unexpected manner, affording the a compound crime.
hapless, unarmed and unsuspecting victim no chance to resist or From its factual backdrop, it can easily be gleaned that the killing and
escape."74 wounding of the victims were not the result of a single discharge of
The deadly successive shots of the appellants and their co-accused did firearms by the appellants and their co-accused. To note, appellants
not allow the hapless victims, i.e., PO3 Dela Cruz and T/Sgt. Dacoco, and their co-accused opened fire and rained bullets on the vehicle
any opportunity to put up a decent defense. The attack was executed boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group. As a result, two
by appellants and their-co-accused in such a vicious manner as to security escorts died while five (5) of them were wounded and
make the defense virtually impossible. Under the circumstances, it is injured. The victims sustained gunshot wounds in different parts of
very apparent that appellants had murder in their hearts when they their bodies. Therefrom, it cannot be gainsaid that more than one
waylaid their unwary victims.75 Thus, as to the death of PO3 Dela Cruz bullet had hit the victims. Moreover, more than one gunman fired at
and T/Sgt. Dacoco, appellants should be held liable for murder. the vehicle of the victims. As held in People v. Valdez,81 each act by
The aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength, however, each gunman pulling the trigger of their respective firearms, aiming
cannot be appreciated as it is deemed absorbed in treachery.76 each particular moment at different persons constitute distinct and
Since the prosecution failed to prove the attending circumstance of individual acts which cannot give rise to a complex crime.82
evident premeditation, the circumstance cannot likewise be Obviously, appellants and their co-accused performed not only a
appreciated. To prove this aggravating circumstance, the prosecution single act but several individual and distinct acts in the commission of
must show the following: (1) the time when the offender determined the crime. Thus, Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code would not apply
to commit the crime; (2) an act manifestly indicating that the offender for it speaks only of a "single act."
clung to his determination; and (3) a lapse of time, between the There are, however, several rulings which applied Article 48 of the
determination to commit the crime and the execution thereof, Revised Penal Code despite the fact that several acts were performed
sufficient to allow the offender to reflect upon the consequences of by several accused in the commission of the crime resulting to the
his act.77 None of these elements could be gathered from the death and/or injuries to their victims.
evidence on record. In People v. Lawas,83 the members of the Home Guard, upon order of
As regards the victims Macasuba, Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni their leader, Lawas, simultaneously and successively fired at several
and Juanito, although they were injured during the ambush and were victims. As a result, 50 persons died. It was there held that the killing
all hospitalized, except for Macasuba, it was not mentioned that their was the result of a single impulse as there was no intent on the part
injuries and wounds were mortal or fatal such that without the timely of the accused to fire at each and every victim separately and
medical assistance accorded to them, they would have distinctly from each other.
died.78 However, it does not necessarily follow that the crimes If the act or acts complained of resulted from a single criminal
committed against the aforenamed victims were simply less serious impulse, it constitutes a single offense. However, "single criminal
physical injuries. Also, even though Mayor Tawan-tawan and Jun did impulse" was not the only consideration in applying Article 48 of the
not sustain any injury during the ambush, it does not mean that no Revised Penal Code in the said case because there was therein no
crime has been committed against them. The latter were just evidence at all showing the identity or number of persons killed by
fortunate enough not to have sustained any injury on the occasion each accused. There was also no conspiracy to perpetuate the killing,
thereof. Since appellants were motivated by the same intent to kill, thus, collective criminal responsibility could not be imputed upon the
thus, as to Macasuba, Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni, Juanito, accused. Since it was impossible to ascertain the number of persons
Mayor Tawan-tawan and Jun, appellants should be held guilty of killed by each of them, this Court was "forced" to find all the accused
attempted murder. guilty of only one offense of multiple homicide instead of holding each
What brings this case out of the ordinary is the issue of applicability of them responsible for 50 deaths.84
of Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code. Its resolution would Significantly, there was no conspiracy in People v. Lawas. However, as
determine whether the conviction of appellants must be for the this Court held in People v. Remollino,85 the Lawas doctrine is more of
separate crimes of two (2) counts of murder and seven (7) counts of an exception than the general rule.
attempted murder or of the complex crime of double murder with There is conspiracy when two or more persons come to an agreement
multiple frustrated murder and double attempted murder. concerning the commission of a felony and then decide to commit it.
The concept of a complex crime is defined in Article 48 of the Revised It arises on the very instant the plotters agree, expressly or impliedly,
Penal Code which explicitly states that:79 to commit the felony and forthwith decide to pursue it. Once
ART. 48. Penalty for complex crimes. – When a single act constitutes established, each and every one of the conspirators is made criminally
two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when an offense is a liable for the crime actually committed by any one of them. In the
necessary means for committing the other, the penalty for the most absence of any direct proof, the agreement to commit a crime may
serious crime shall be imposed, the same to be applied in its be deduced from the mode and manner of the commission of the
maximum period. [Emphasis supplied]. offense or inferred from acts that point to a joint purpose and design,
concerted action, and community of interest. As such, it does not People v. Garcia95 and People v. Pincalin96 have the same factual
matter who inflicted the mortal wound, as each of the actors incurs background as De los Santos and Abella. They were the third and
the same criminal liability, because the act of one is the act of all.86 fourth cases, respectively, of prison riots resulting to the killing of
The Information filed against appellants and their co-accused alleged convicts by fellow convicts while inside the national penitentiary. In
conspiracy, among others. Although the trial court did not directly Garcia, the accused were convicted for the complex crime of multiple
state that a conspiracy existed, such may be inferred from the murder and double attempted murder, while in Pincalin the accused
concerted actions of the appellants and their co-accused, to wit: (1) were convicted for the complex crime of double murder and
appellants and their co-accused brought Samuel to a waiting shed frustrated murder. In both cases, this Court found conspiracy to have
located on the left side of the road where the yellow pick-up service attended the commission of the crime.
vehicle boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his group would pass; (2) In applying Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code in Garcia and Pincalin,
appellants and their co-accused, thereafter, assembled themselves this Court, gave the same justification as in Abella: that both cases
on both sides of the road and surreptitiously waited for the aforesaid were covered by the rule that "when for the attainment of a single
yellow pick-up service vehicle; (3) the moment the yellow pick-up purpose, which constitutes an offense various acts are executed, such
service vehicle passed by the waiting shed, appellants and their co- acts must be considered as only one offense, a complex one."
accused opened fire and rained bullets thereon resulting in the killing Correspondingly, "where a conspiracy animates several persons with
and wounding of the victims; (4) immediately, appellants and their co- a single purpose, their individual acts done in pursuance of that
accused ran towards the house of Samuel’s aunt to get their bags and purpose are looked upon as a single act, the act of execution, giving
other stuff; (5) Samuel followed appellants and their co-accused; and rise to a complex offense. Various acts committed under one criminal
(6) appellants and their co-accused fled. impulse may constitute a single complex offense.97
Conspiracy is very much evident from the afore-enumerated We however found no intention by this Court to establish as doctrine,
actuations of the appellants and their co-accused. Clearly, their acts contrary to Lawas, that Article 48 is applicable even in cases where
were coordinated. They were synchronized in their approach to riddle several acts were performed by the accused and conspiracy attended
with bullets the vehicle boarded by Mayor Tawan-tawan and his the commission of the crime. In Pincalin, this Court has already
group. They were motivated by a single criminal impulse ─ to kill the clarified that: nonetheless, this Court further held that "in other cases
victims. Indubitably, conspiracy is implied when the accused persons where several killings on the same occasion were perpetrated, but not
had a common purpose and were united in its execution. involving prisoners, a different rule may be applied, that is to say, the
Spontaneous agreement or active cooperation by all perpetrators at killings would be treated as separate offenses, as opined by Mr.
the moment of the commission of the crime is sufficient to create Justice Makasiar and as held in some decided cases."98
joint criminal responsibility.87 De los Santos, Abella, Garcia and Pincalin, therefore, were exceptions
With the presence of conspiracy in the case at bench, appellants and to the general rule stated in Article 48 which exceptions were drawn
their co-accused had assumed joint criminal responsibility ─ the act of by the peculiar circumstance of the cases.
one is the act of all. The ascertainment of who among them actually It may be mentioned that in People v. Sanidad,99 this Court, once
hit, killed and/or caused injury to the victims already becomes again, applied Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code although the
immaterial. Collective responsibility replaced individual circumstances of the case were not the same as in Lawas, De los
responsibility. The Lawas doctrine, premised on the impossibility of Santos, Abella, Garcia and Pincalin, where this Court departed from
determining who killed whom, cannot, to repeat, be applied. the general rule.
Interestingly, in People v. De los Santos,88 People v. Abella,89 People v. In Sanidad, suddenly and without a warning, several accused
Garcia90 and People v. Pincalin,91 this Court also applied Article 48 of unleashed a volley of shots at the jeepney boarded by the victims.
the Revised Penal Code even though several acts were performed by Miraculously, all passengers, except Rolando Tugadi (Rolando),
the accused and conspiracy attended the commission of the crime. survived the ambush and suffered only minor injuries. Conspiracy
In People v. De los Santos,92 a prison riot occurred for two consecutive attended the commission of the crime. Accused were convicted for
days inside the national penitentiary between the members of two the complex crime of murder and multiple attempted murder. We
gangs, i.e., Sigue-Sigue Sputnik and Oxo. As a result, nine (9) inmates there held that the case comes within the purview of Article 48 of the
were killed. Fourteen (14) inmates were then convicted for the crime Revised Penal Code. Citing Lawas and Abella, it was pronounced that
of multiple murder. The existence of conspiracy in the commission of although several independent acts were performed by the accused, it
the crime was duly proven. There was, however, no discussion why was not possible to determine who among them actually killed
the accused were convicted of a complex crime instead of separate Rolando; and that there was no evidence that the accused intended
crimes. to fire at each and every one of the victims separately and distinctly
In a similar case of People v. Abella,93 involving the massacre of from each other. On the premise that the evidence clearly shows a
certain prisoners in the Davao Penal Colony and a reprise of a similar single criminal impulse to kill Marlon Tugadi’s group as a whole, we
riot that occurred in the national penitentiary on 16 February 1958 repeated that where a conspiracy animates several persons with a
(subject of De los Santos), all the accused were also convicted for the single purpose, their individual acts done in pursuance of that
complex crime of multiple murder and multiple frustrated murder. purpose are looked upon as a single act, the act of execution, giving
Conspiracy likewise attended the commission of the crime. This Court rise to a single complex offense.100
applied the ruling in De los Santos and elucidated that the ruling in The reliance in Sanidad, on Lawas and Abella is incorrect.
the said case is predicated on the theory that "when for the The application of the Abella doctrine, has already been clarified in
attainment of a single purpose which constitutes an offense, various Pincalin, thus: where several killings on the same occasion were
acts are executed, such acts must be considered only as one offense," perpetrated, but not involving prisoners, a different rule may be
a complex one. The Lawas doctrine was equally applied although applied, that is to say, the killings would be treated as separate
conspiracy had been duly proven. This Court then stated that where offenses. Since in Sanidad, the killings did not involve prisoners or it
a conspiracy animates several persons with a single purpose "their was not a case of prisoners killing fellow prisoners. As such, Abella
individual acts in pursuance of that purpose are looked upon as a would not apply.
single act – the act of execution – giving rise to a complex offense. The To repeat, in Lawas, this Court was merely forced to apply Article 48
felonious agreement produces a sole and solidary liability: each of the Revised Penal Code because of the impossibility of ascertaining
confederate forms but a part of a single being."94 the number of persons killed by each accused. Since conspiracy was
not proven therein, joint criminal responsibility could not be People v. Combate,113 this Court still awards exemplary damages
attributed to the accused. Each accused could not be held liable for despite the lack of any aggravating circumstance to deter similar
separate crimes because of lack of clear evidence showing the conduct and to serve as an example for public good. Thus, to deter
number of persons actually killed by each of them. future similar transgressions, the Court finds that an award of ₱
Proven conspiracy could have overcome the difficulty. 30,000.00 as exemplary damages in favor of the heirs of each
Our repeated ruling is that in conspiracy, the act of one is the act of deceased victims is proper.114 The said amount is in conformity with
all. It is as though each one performed the act of each one of the this Court’s ruling in People v. Gutierrez.115
conspirators. Each one is criminally responsible for each one of the Actual damages cannot be awarded for failure to present the receipts
deaths and injuries of the several victims. The severalty of the acts covering the expenditures for the wake, coffin, burial and other
prevents the application of Article 48. The applicability of Article 48 expenses for the death of the victims. In lieu thereof, temperate
depends upon the singularity of the act, thus the definitional phrase damages may be recovered where it has been shown that the victim’s
"a single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies." This family suffered some pecuniary loss but the amount thereof cannot
is not an original reading of the law. In People v. Hon. Pineda, 101 the be proved with certainty as provided for under Article 2224 of the Civil
Court already recognized the "deeply rooted x x x doctrine that when Code.116 In this case, it cannot be denied that the heirs of the
various victims expire from separate shots, such acts constitute deceased victims suffered pecuniary loss although the exact amount
separate and distinct crimes." As we observed in People v. was not proved with certainty. Thus, this Court similarly awards ₱
Tabaco,102 clarifying the applicability of Article 48 of the Revised Penal 25,000.00 as temperate damages to the heirs of each deceased
Code, this Court further stated in Hon. Pineda that "to apply the first victims.117
half of Article 48, x x x there must be singularity of criminal act; The surviving victims, Macasuba, Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni
singularity of criminal impulse is not written into the law."103 and Juanito, are also entitled to moral, temperate and exemplary
With all the foregoing, this Court holds appellants liable for the damages.
separate crimes of two (2) counts of murder and seven (7) counts of Ordinary human experience and common sense dictate that the
attempted murder. wounds inflicted upon the aforesaid victims would naturally cause
As to penalty. Under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, the physical suffering, fright, serious anxiety, moral shock, and similar
penalty imposed for the crime of murder is reclusion perpetua to injuries.118 It is only justifiable to grant them moral damages in the
death. There being neither aggravating nor mitigating circumstance, amount of ₱ 40,000.00 each in conformity with this Court’s ruling in
the penalty to be imposed upon appellants is reclusion perpetua for People v. Mokammad.119
each count, pursuant to paragraph 2, Article 63104 of the Revised The award of ₱ 25,000.00 each as temperate damages to Macasuba,
Penal Code.105 Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni and Juanito is also in order. It is
Appellants are also guilty of seven (7) counts of attempted murder. beyond doubt that these victims were hospitalized and spent money
The penalty prescribed by law for murder, i.e., reclusion perpetua to for their medication. As to Macasuba, although he was not confined
death, should be reduced by two degrees, conformably to Article in a hospital, it cannot be gainsaid that he also spent for the treatment
51106 of the Revised Penal Code. Under paragraph 2, Article 61, 107 in of the minor injuries he sustained by reason of the ambush. However,
relation to Article 71 of the Revised Penal Code, such a penalty is they all failed to present any receipt therefor. Nevertheless, it could
prision mayor. There being neither mitigating nor aggravating not be denied that they suffered pecuniary loss; thus, it is only
circumstance, the same should be imposed in its medium period prudent to award temperate damages in the amount of ₱ 25,000.00
pursuant to paragraph 1, Article 64108 of the Revised Penal to each of them.1âwphi1
Code.109 Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law in the case of The award of exemplary damages is also in order. Thus, Macasuba,
attempted murder, the maximum shall be taken from the medium Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni and Juanito are awarded
period of prision mayor, which is 8 years and 1 day to 10 years, while exemplary damages in the amount of ₱ 30,000.00 to conform to
the minimum shall be taken from the penalty next lower in degree, current jurisprudence.120
i.e., prision correccional, in any of its periods, the range of which is 6 This Court likewise affirms the award of ₱ 50,000.00 for and as
months and 1 day to 6 years. This Court, therefore, imposed upon the attorney’s fees, as well as costs of the suit, in favor of Mayor Tawan-
appellants the indeterminate penalty of 4 years and 2 months of tawan.
prision correccional, as minimum, to 10 years of prision mayor, as WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the Court of
maximum, for each count of attempted murder. Appeals in CA-G.R. HC No. 00246 dated 18 June 2008 is hereby
As to damages. When death occurs due to a crime, the following MODIFIED, as follows: (1) appellants are found guilty beyond
damages may be awarded: (1) civil indemnity ex delicto for the death reasonable doubt of two (2) counts of murder thereby imposing upon
of the victim; (2) actual or compensatory damages; (3) moral them the penalty of reclusion perpetua for each count; (2) appellants
damages; (4) exemplary damages; and (5) temperate damages.110 are also found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of seven (7) counts of
Article 2206 of the Civil Code provides that when death occurs as a attempted murder thereby imposing upon them the indeterminate
result of a crime, the heirs of the deceased are entitled to be penalty of 4 years and 2 months of prision correccional, as minimum,
indemnified for the death of the victim without need of any evidence to 10 years of prision mayor, as maximum, for each count; (3) other
or proof thereof. Moral damages like civil indemnity, is also than the civil indemnity and moral damages already awarded by the
mandatory upon the finding of the fact of murder.111 Therefore, the trial court and the appellate court, appellants are further ordered to
trial court and the appellate court properly awarded civil indemnity in pay, jointly and severally, exemplary and temperate damages in the
the amount of ₱ 50,000.00 and moral damages also in the amount of amount of ₱ 30,000.00 and ₱ 25,000.00, respectively, to the heirs of
₱ 50,000.00 to the heirs of each deceased victims. each deceased victims; and (4) appellants are also directed to pay,
Article 2230 of the Civil Code states that exemplary damages may be jointly and severally, Macasuba, Mosanip, PFC Tomanto, PFC Angni
imposed when the crime was committed with one or more and Juanito the amount of ₱ 40,000.00 each as moral damages, ₱
aggravating circumstances. In this case, treachery may no longer be 25,000.00 each as temperate damages and ₱ 30,000.00 each as
considered as an aggravating circumstance since it was already taken exemplary damages.
as a qualifying circumstance in the murder, and abuse of superior Costs against appellants.
strength which would otherwise warrant the award of exemplary SO ORDERED.
damages was already absorbed in the treachery. 112However, in
G.R. No. L-40106 March 13, 1980 the accused would change their plea of not guilty to that of guilty and
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff, that they would present evidence to prove that there was no
vs. conspiracy. The court did not act on that manifestation. There was no
ROMEO MARANAN, REYNALDO ARNALDO and AMADOR Immediately after that manifestation, the accused presented their
ATIENZA, defendants whose death sentences are under automatic evidence. But instead of merely proving lack of conspiracy, the
review. accused tried to show that they defended themselves against the
Estelito P. Mendoza, Assistant Solicitor General N.P. de Pano, Jr. and supposed aggression committed by the members of the Oxo gang.
Solicitor Oswaldo D. Agcaoili for appellee. As condensed by counsel de oficio in this Court, the version of the
Raymundo A. Armovit for defendants. accused was that in the morning of April 9, 1971, while they and the
other prisoners, numbering around one hundred fifty, were taking a
AQUINO, J.: sunbath at the plaza in front of dormitory 4-C, the prisoners from the
This is another murder case involving the killing of prisoners by other adjoining brigades suddenly appeared in the area and attacked the
prisoners in the New Bilibid Prison, Muntinlupa, Rizal where feuding accused and their companions.
gangs used to stage vendettas and rumbles. The alleged raiders belonged to the Oxo gang. The accused and their
There is no question as to the corpus delicti At about eight o'clock in companions were alerted to the attack because the prisoners in the
the morning of Good Friday, April 9, 1971, some prisoners of upper stories of the dormitories shouted that the Oxos were coming
dormitory 4-C, while themselves in front of building IV, were and they allegedly threw into plaza bladed weapons (matalas).
feloniously attacked by other prisoners who used improvised bladed There followed a tumultuous affray wherein the accused allegedly
weapons. acted in self-defense. The arrival of Constabulary soldiers who fired
Four, prisoners, namely, Samuel Diaz, Augusta de Guzman, de Villa their guns into the air ended the bedlam and mayhem (pp. 3-4, Brief).
and Salvador Alcontin, were mortally wounded and died later in the The trial court rejected that version of the accused. It found that the
hospital while two prisoners, Josefino So and Abdul Amking Jr., were accused, all convicted prisoners serving sentences and members of
wounded. the Sputnik gang, took advantage of the occasion when the members
Diaz, 25, sustained twenty-five stab wounds of which fifteen were on of the Oxo gang were taking a sunbath and assaulted them on the
the back. De Villa, 22, had stab wounds in the lumbar region, neck, pretext that a member of the Sputnik gang had been stabbed by a
abdomen and chest. De Guzman, 24, suffered four frontal stab member of the Oxo gang.
wounds one of which penetrated his heart and three stab wounds on The trial court characterized the claim of self-defense as an
the back one of which perforated his left lung. Alcontin 30, had four afterthought. It noted that the changes of plea made by the accused
stab wounds on his side, back and forearm. Amking was stabbed in indicated a guilty conscience. It convicted them of four murders and
the lumbar region while Joaquin So had a stab wound on the left arm double frustrated murder and sentenced each of the six accused to
and on the back near the shoulder and abrasions on the knees. four death penalties and one indeterminate sentence of eight years
The assailants were Emesto Garcia, Ricardo Rodriguez, George and one day of prision mayor as maximum, to ten years of prision
Burdett, Romeo Maranan, Reynaldo Arnaldo and Amador Atienza. mayor as maximum, to pay solidarily to the heirs of the dead victims
(The case of the seventh assailant, Ricardo Yamba who was given an eighty thousand pesos as indemnity and twelve thousand pesos to the
indeterminate sentence, is not under review.) victims in the frustrated murder case.
Some victims were stabbed near the water tank and others near the The case was elevated to this Court for automatic review of the death
dormitories. The victims were members of the Oxo gang while the penalty. The learned counsel de oficio, designated to present the side
assailants were members of the Sputnik gang. The assailants took part of the accused, contends that their extrajudicial confessions were
in the riot after they learned that Joseph Casey, a member of their taken under duress in the course of custodial interrogation and in
gang, had been stabbed. violation of their right against self-incrimination. Counsel invokes
The assailants surrendered voluntarily to the prison guards with their Miranda vs. Arizona, 16 L. Ed. 2nd 694.
weapons except Arnaldo who left his weapon at the scene of the The ruling in the Miranda case is now found in section 20 of the Bill of
crime. In the afternoon of that day when the killings were Rights of the Constitution which took effect on January 17, 1973.
perpetrated, the assailants executed separate confessions which Section 20 provides:
were sworn to before the Assistant Director of Prisons (Exh. H to N). No person shall be compelled to be a witness against Any person
They recounted in their interlocking confessions how the assaults under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the
were perpetrated. right to remain silent and to counsel and to be informed of such right.
The prison guard-investigator reported that the seven prisoners who No force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which
executed confessions were the culprits (Exh. G). He testified on the vitiates the free will shall be used against hint. Any confession
voluntariness of their confessions. obtained in violation of this section of this shall be inadmissble in
On May 26, 1973, or more than two years after the incident, the seven evidence.
assailants were charged in court in a single information with "multiple Paragraph 18 of the Bill of Rights of the old Constitution
murder and double frustrated murder". (corresponding to section 20) contained only the provision against
At the arraignment, the accused, assisted by a counsel de oficio, self-incrimination. It does not mention the rights of the accused
pleaded not guilty. But when the case was called for trial, all the during custodial interrogation. But article 125 of the Revised Penal
accuse (except Arnaldo), manifested through a new counsel de oficio Code supplemented paragraph 18 by providing that "in every case,
that they were withdrawing their former plea of not guilty. When re- the person detained shall be informed of the cause of his detention
arraigned, the six accused entered a plea of guilty. and shag be allowed, upon his request to communicate and confer at
Then, on November 17, 1973, after the information was amended by any time with his at, attorney or counsel" (As amended by Republic
changing the date of the commission of the crime, the accused, Act No. 1083).
assisted by three new counsels de oficio, were rearraigned and they We have held that the innovations introduced in section 20 have no
pleaded not guilty. retroactive effect and that they apply only to confessions obtained
However, at the hearing on September 6, 1974, when the defense after the effectivity of the new Constitution (Magtoto vs. Manguera,
counsel was going to present his evidence, he apprised the court that L-37201-02, Simeon vs. Villaluz, L-37424, and People vs. Isnani, L-
38929, March 3, 1975, 63 SCRA 4). Hence, section 20 does not apply The trial court regarded the imposition of the death penalties as
to this case. "clearly excessive" considering the conditions in the national
It should be noted that shortly after the stabbing incident and on the penitentiary where "riots caused by gang rivalries were rampant. It
same day when it occurred, Abraham de las Alas, an investigator, recommended to the Chief Executive, through the Secretary of
submitted a report wherein he stated that the seven accused, Justice, that the death penalties be commuted to reclusion perpetua.
together with Casey, were the prisoners who stabbed the victims The observation of the trial court as to the existence of gang rivalries
(Exh. V). is a matter of judicial notice. In fact, aside from the four killings
About twenty-two months after the incident or on February 8, 1973, involved in this case, which were perpetrated at about eight-forty-
when the accused were in the office in the New Bilibid Prison of five in the morning of Good Friday, April 9, 1971, three other incidents
Francisco M. Guerrero, the special prosecutor conducting the took place in succession on that same morning.
preliminary investigation, the accused ratified their confessions and Thus, at about ten-five on that morning, a prisoner named Mario
waived their rights to counsel and to present evidence, as shown in Basada was kill in dormitory 11-B-1 by another prisoner. At ten-
their signed statement (Exh. W) which reads: twenty, prisoner Joseph Bautista was killed in dormitory 12-D by two
... aming tinatalikdan o ipina-uubaya ang aming karapatan na prisoners. And then at eleven-twenty-five prisoners Victoriano Abril
nagkaroon ng tagapagtanggol at magpahayag ng aming panig ukol sa and Florentino Tilosa were killed in Brigade 6-A by three prisoners and
nasabing usapin. prisoner Leonardo Francisco was stabbed.
Bukod dito ay aming ipinahahayag ang aming kusang loob na pag- So, on that Good Friday, eight prisoners were killed by their fellow
amin nang kasalanan sa nasabing usapin. prisoners (Exh. V, pp. 168, Record).
If they had been maltreated and if their confessions were not The personal circumstances of the accused may show why in this case
voluntary, they could have complained to Prosecutor Guerrero about justice should be tempered with compassion.
the alleged maltreatment. Garcia, 27 when he testified, single, was a former helper in a welding
Counsel de oficio contends that the lower court erred in rejecting the shop. He is a native of Plaridel, Bulacan. When he was twelve years
defendants' pleas of self-defense and in not entering an exculpatory old, his mother died. He has seven brothers. His father is still alive. He
verdict. These contentions are premised on the invalidity of the reached first year high school. He was previously convicted of
defendants' extrajudicial confessions. homicide.
We have reached the conclusion that the confessions of the accused When Garcia testified, the trial judge asked him whether he
should be accorded full probative value. On the basis of those confirmed his lawyer's manifestation that the accused were willing to
confessions, the guilt of the accused was proven beyond reasonable plead guilty. Garcia replied: "If our sentence will not be death but only
doubt. life, even how many life sentences, we will admit or plead guilty, your
The killings of the four victims were correctly characterized by the trial Honor" (2 and 6 tsn September 6, 1974).
court as murders in view of the suddenness of the assaults. The Rodriguez, 32, married with three children, a resident of Makati, Rizal,
accused employed means and methods which insured the was a former horse trainer. His father died when he was seven years
consummation of the killings without any risk to themselves arising old; his mother died when he was twenty-five years old. He was
from any defense which their unarmed and hapless victims might previously convicted of robbery. He has six brothers. His mother used
have made. Indeed, the accused did not suffer any injuries. Their to be the principal of the element school at Tejeros, Makati.
victims were not able to retaliate or to defend themselves. Burdett, 36, married, was convicted of robbery when he was twenty-
As correctly observed by counsel de oficio, the wounds sustained by seven years old. He is an only child. His parents are still living. He lived
Amking and So did not affect any vital organ and could not have with his mother. His father, a television repairman, has stayed in
caused their death (7 tsn January 23, 1974). So, the crime as to them Hawaii for several years and made rare visits to his family here.
is only attempted murder. Maranan, 25, married, came from Socorro, Oriental Mindoro. He has
As the accused are quasi-recidivists, the death penalty, as the no educational attainment. He does not know how to read. He knows
maximum penalty for murder, should be imposed on them only how to sign his name. He was convicted of frustrated murder in
conformably with article 160 of the Revised Penal Code. 1968. His father was the chief of police of the town. He has a brother
We have stated that the trial court treated the four killings as four and a sister. When he was sixteen he ran away from home.
separate offenses and imposed four death penalties on each of the Arnaldo, 26, single, was a resident of Paranaque, Rizal. He reached
six accused. It regarded the double frustrated murder as only one Grade two. He had previously stabbed someone. For that offense, he
offense and imposed on each of the herein six accused only one has been serving sentence in the national penitentiary. He has some
indeterminate sentence. mental illness (sumpong) or epilepsy. He was confined in the prison
We hold that the four murders and the double attempted murder hospital.
should be considered as a complex offense. The assailants were co- Atienza, 24, married, a laborer, was formerly a resident of Paco,
conspirators as shown by the simultaneousness of their assaults. They Manila. He reached first year high school.
belonged to the same Sigue-Sigue Sputnik (SSS) gang and harbored a Considering the conditions in the New Bilibid Prison as well as the
common hostility to the members of the Oxo gang. They were personal circumstances of the six accused and following the
impelled by the same motive which was to inflict injury on the six precedents laid down in People vs. De los Santos, L-190678, July 30,
victims, members of the Oxo gang. 1965, 14 SCRA 702 and People vs. Abella, supra, the death penalty
This case is covered by the rule that when for the attainment of a imposable in this case should be commuted to reclusion perpetua.
single purpose, which constitutes an offense, various acts are WHEREFORE, the trial court's judgment is set aside. Each of the six
executed, such acts must be considered as only one offense, a accused is sentenced to reclusion perpetua and to pay solidarily an
complex one. indemnity of twelve thousand pesos to each set of heirs of the four
In other words, when a conspiracy animates several persons with a dead victim 9, one thousand pesos to Joaquin So and another one
single purpose, their individual acts in pursuance of that purpose are thousand pesos to Abdul Amking Jr. Costs de oficio.
treated as a single act, the act of execution, which gives rise to a SO ORDERED.
complex offense. The felonious agreement produces a sole and
solidary liability (People vs. Abella, L-32205, August 31, 1979 and
cases cited therein).
G.R. No. L-38755 January 22, 1981 the incident dated May 6, 1971, testified on the voluntariness of the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, confessions and confirmed his report that the four accused were
vs. responsible for the two killings and the wounding of Francisco and
JOSE PINCALIN, RODOLFO BELTRAN, EDUARDO EMPLEO and that gang rivalry motivated the assaults.
ALEJANDRO JANDOMON, accused-appellant. Cometa Identified the four accused in the course of his testimony.
Cometa also Identified the affidavits of Francisco and Lamberto
AQUINO, J.: Mapalad, a convict and alleged eyewitness who implicated the
This is another convict-against-convict murder case involving accused in the assaults. However, Francisco and Mapalad did not
prisoners in the national penitentiary. As shown in People vs. Garcia, testify. Hence, their affidavits are hearsay.
L-40106, March 13, 1980, 96 SCRA 497, at around eight-forty-five in At the trial, the four accused repudiated their confessions Jandomon,
the morning of Good Friday, April 9, 1971, certain Visayan prisoners, 37, a native of Binalbagan, Negros Occidental, denied that he and his
members of the Oxo gang, were killed by their fellow-prisoners from co-accused assaulted the three victims herein. He admitted that he
Luzon, members of the Sigue- Sigue Sputnik (SSS) gang. was a member of the Happy-Go-Lucky gang. He allegedly signed his
To avenge those killings, the herein accused, Jose Pincalin, Rodolfo confession because he was confined in a room without breakfast and
Beltran, Eduardo Empleo and Alejandro Jandomon, all Visayans lunch up to ten-thirty in the evening of April 9, 1971. He signed
(except Beltran) and members of the Oxo and Happy-Go-Lucky gangs, because he was hungry. Cometa allegedly said that if he did not sign
conspired at about ten o'clock in the morning of that same Good the confession he would not be allowed to go home.
Friday to kill some of their fellow- prisoners in dormitory 6-A of the Jandomon said that he could not read his confession because he does
New Bilibid Prison, Muntinlupa Rizal, who were members of the not know how to read. He was not formally investigated. He does not
Sputnik gang. remember whether he appeared before the Assistant Director of
They agreed that Pincalin would kill Leonardo Francisco that Beltran Prisons to swear to his confession. He admitted that he was not
and Empleo would kill Victorino Abril, and that Jandomon would kill mauled by the investigator We were not mauled by Cometa", 12 tsn
Florentino Tilosa. The accused armed themselves with improvised March 20, 1974).
bladed weapons known among prisoners as matalas. Accused Beltran, 29, a native of Pasay City, a tubercular who finished
About an hour later, the accused proceeded to implement the Grade five, testified that he did not know how Abril and Tilosa were
objective of the conspiracy. While Abril was seated on his bed killed. He denied that he entered into a conspiracy with Pincalin,
watching someone who was making a basket Beltran and Empleo Jandomon and Empleo to assault the victims. He said that he was
approached him frontally and stabbed him Abril fell on the floor. investigated by Cometa. He admitted that he signed his confession
While in that position, Empleo stabbed him six times while Beltran because he trusted Cometa who assured him that he could go home
stabbed him five times. (umuwi) after signing it. At about nine o' clock in the morning of April
The second victim, Tilosa was standing near the door of the dormitory 9, 1971, he was taken to the investigation room by Cometa and made
when Jandomon stabbed him on the right side of his body. As Tilosa to face the wall. He declared that Cometa did not maltreat nor
resisted, Jandomon stabbed him repeatedly until he collapsed on the intimidate him.
floor. Accused Empleo, 32, a native of Bacolod City, who finished Grade one,
The third victim, Francisco, was standing near a wall facing the prison declared that he did not know who killed Abril and Tilosa. He was not
hospital and, as he heard Abril asking why he was assaulted when he interrogated by Cometa. He could not have read qqqs confession
had not done anything wrong, Francisco was stabbed by Pincalin in because he does not know how to read. He signed it because he was
the abdomen near the waist. Fransisco avoided further assaults from hungry and dizzy. He did not kill Abril and Tilosa. He admitted that he
Pincalin by climbing a window. was not maltreated nor intimidated by Cometa. He was a member of
Afterwards, Pincalin, Empleo, Beltran and Jandonion surrendered the Happy-Go- Lucky gang. He said that the enmity between Tagalogs
with their weapons to a prison inspector named Manalac and a prison and Visayans was a common phenomenon in Muntinlupa.
guard named Pantua. On that same day they executed separate Pincalin, 27, a native of Samar, who finished Grade two, testified that
extrajudicial confessions in Tagalog which were sworn to before the he had no participation in the assaults committed on April 9, 1971. He
Assistant Director of Prisons. denied having executed any confession However, he admitted his
The autopsy disclosed that Tilosa, 37, a native of Mulanay, Quezon, signature and thumbmark in his confession. He said that he was not
suffered six gaping stab wounds in the chest and abdomen two of interrogated by Cometa He admitted that he was not maltreated by
which penetrated his right lung and liver, and two stab wounds in the Cometa. He said that he did not belong to any gang in 1971 but in
left forearm, or eight stab wounds in all. 1974 he was a member of the Batang Samahan ng Way-Leyte. He said
Abril, 34, a native of Barrio Veronica, San Pablo City, sustained five that Beltran was his "boy" (bata).
gaping stab wounds in the chest, one of which penetrated his left All the four accused admitted on the witness stand that they were
lung, a gaping incised wound in the right leg, and abrasions in the serving sentences for different crimes when the assaults in question
chest and wounds in the back and arms, or fourteen stab wounds in were perpetrated.
all. By way of rebuttal, Cometa testified that the four accused were given
Francisco, 48, a native of Cavite City sustained a serious stab wound their lunch at four twenty-five in the afternoon of April 9, 1971. He
in the lumbar region of the abdomen which was sutured Later, a took the confessions in the following manner:
surgical operation was performed on Fransisco. Before I proceeded to the investigation proper, I interviewed them
About seventeen months after that killing, or on September 5, 1972, (the four accused) one by one verbally. After that, I went to the
a special prosecutor filed an information against the four accused, brigade and looked for an eyewitness but I was not able to find an
charging them with murder and frustrated murder, qualified by eyewitness that day.
treachery and evident premeditation and alleging that they I talked to them and asked them whether the other (their) confessions
perpetrated the offenses while serving sentences in the national were true or not and they insisted that they were confessing to the
penitentiary. Upon arraignment, they pleaded not guilty. truth. So that was the time I proceeded to the investigation proper.
The main evidence against the accused consisted of their ex- extra- (22 tsn March 26, 1974).
judicial confessions. Francisco A. Cometa, Jr., the prison guard The trial court convicted the four accused of murder, which it
investigator who took the confessions and made a written report of regarded as a complex crime qualified by treachery and aggravated
by evident premeditation and quasi-recidivism. Applying article 160 In other cases where several killings on the same occasion were
of the Revised Penal Code, it sentenced each of them to one death perpetrated, but not involving prisoners, a different rule may be
penalty and ordered them to pay solidarily to the heirs of the two applied, that is to say, the killings would be treated as separate
deceased victims, Abril and Tilosa, an indemnity of twenty thousand offenses, as opined by Mr. Justice Makasiar and as held in some
pesos. decided cases.
The trial court also convicted the four accused of frustrated murder WHEREFORE, the trial court's judgment is set aside. The accused,
and sentenced each of them to an indeterminate penalty of Pincalin, Empleo and Jandomon, are each sentenced to reclusion
seventeen years, four months and one day of reclusion temporal as perpetua and to pay solidarily to each set of heirs of the victims, Abril
minimum to twenty years of reclusion temporal as maximum and to and Tilosa, an indemnity of twelve thousand pesos and to Francisco
pay solidarily an indemnity of twelve thousand pesos. an indemnity of six thousand pesos. Costs de oficio.
The accused did not appeal from that decision. The case was elevated SO ORDERED.
to this Court for automatic review of the death penalty.
Accused Beltran died in prison of tuberculosis on May 7, 1977. Hence,
his criminal liability was extinguished. Resolution of November 17,
Counsel de oficio, who was designated to present the side of the
accused in this review, contends that the guilt of the accused was not
proven beyond reasonable doubt. He observed that the investigation
conducted by Cometa was haphazard and in adequate. The case
hinges on the probative value of the confessions of the accused.
After taking into account the testimony of the investigator on the
voluntariness of the confessions, the fact that, admittedly the accused
signed their confessions without any maltreatment or intimidation
and that there is no reason why the investigator would falsely impute
to them the commission of two murders and one frustrated murder
by fabricating their confessions, we have reached the conclusion that
the confession should be regarded as conclusive proof of their guilt.
The other contention of counsel de oficio is that the lower court erred
in imposing the death penalty, considering the inhuman congestion in
the national penitentiary, as described by Justice J. B. L. Reyes in
People vs. De los Santos, L-19067-68, July 30, 1965, 14 SCRA 702, 712.
We find that the four accused are guilty of the complex crime of
double murder and frustrated murder aggravated by quasi-
recidivism. This case is governed by the rule that when for the
attainment of a single purpose, which constitutes an offense various
acts are executed, such acts must be considered as only one offense,
a complex one (People vs. Penas 66 Phil. 682).
In other words, where a conspiracy animates several persons with a
single purpose, their individual acts done in pursuance of that
purpose are looked upon as a single act, the act of execution, giving
rise to a complex offense. Various acts committed under one criminal
impulse may constitute a single complex offense. (People vs. Abella,
L-32205, August 31, 1979.)
Therefore, the four accused should each be sentenced to death, as
was done by the trial court. However, following the precedent
established in the De los Santos and Abella cases as well as in
the Garcia case, which involved four murders and double attempted
murder committed on the same day when the double murder and
frustrated murder in this case were committed, the death penalty
should be reduced to reclusion perpetua.
In the De los Santos case, which like this case arose due to the virulent
and continuing feud between members of the Sigue-Sigue and Oxo
gangs, there was a riot in the morning of Sunday, February 16, 1958,
in the national penitentiary. Five prisoners were killed. On
the following day, a similar riot occurred Four prisoners were killed.
For the killing of the nine prisoners, the fourteen accused (originally
46 were charged in two separate cases), only one reclusion
perpetua was imposed.
It should be noted that the killings in this case were
the fourth incident which transpired on Good Friday, April 9,. 1971.
Thus at past eight o'clock in the morning of that day, four prisoners
were killed (Garcia case). Then at ten-fiveon that same morning, one
prisoner was killed. At ten-twenty-five, two prisoners were killed and
at eleven-twenty-five, the two killings involved in this case were
perpetrated (96 SCRA 505).
G.R. Nos. L-19067-68 July 30, 1965 of the less fortunate among the inmates would be turned against
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, them.
vs. Hardened criminals were mixed with light offenders. Extortions and
EDILBERTO DE LOS SANTOS, ET AL., defendants, all sorts of crimes were being committed sometimes right under the
ANTONIO MARCOS, FRANCISCO FLORES, FELIX JASON, EDILBERTO very noses of the guards who, to top it all, could not maintain even a
DE LOS SANTOS, BENJAMIN ARMOBIT, ALEJANDRO MACASO, semblance of order and/or discipline as they were so outnumbered
CARLOS REBANO, JOSE GARCHITORENA, CIPRIANO CASTRO, JOSE and themselves afraid that they might also be stabbed or liquidated.
CRUZ, JR., MARCIAL AMA, ALFREDO PERALTA, CONRADO BELEN Because of these situation, helpless, inmates by reason of their
and BENIGNO CASULLA, defendants-appellants. physical build have been abused and could not complain for fear of
Office of the Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. reprisal.
Fidel A. Santiago for defendants-appellants Flores and De los Santos. All these contributed to augment the growing feeling of the inmates
Raymundo A. Armovit for defendant-appellant Benjamin Armobit. that they are living in a world of outcasts where only the mighty and
Ananias C. Ona for other defendants-appellants. the strong survive, where hope of redemption is illusory and where
REYES, J.B.L., J.: life has been subjected to the law of the jungle or the law of the
Review of the decision of the Court of First Instance of Rizal (Pasig), in survival of the fittest.
its Criminal Cases Nos. 7703-7704, imposing the death penalty on And so like all humans with little sense of order left in their mind, they
fourteen (14) inmates of the New Bilibid Prisons in Muntinglupa, Rizal, formed themselves into bands or into groups and finally into big
for the crime of multiple murder. organizations upon which each and every member looked for
Originally indicted in the two cases were forty-five (45) and forty-six protection, security and, most important of all, for food and means of
(46) prisoners, respectively. On agreement of the parties, the cases survival. The bold and outspoken assumed leadership of the gang. At
were jointly tried, and, in due course, the cases against some inmates first there were many of these groups, popular among them were the
were dismissed, other defendants were acquitted, while fourteen Flower gang, the Tira-Tira gang and the Rose Tattoo gang. But as time
(14) were convicted, namely: Antonio Marcos, Francisco Flores, Felix went on after discipline continued to be lax, these small organizations
Jason, Edilberto de los Santos, Benjamin Armobit, Alejandro Macaso, started to foment rivalries among themselves until finally these small
Carlos Rebaño, Jose Garchitorena, Cipriano Castro, Jose Cruz, Jr., gangs grouped themselves into two big organizations and called
Marcial Ama, Alfredo Peralta, Conrado Belen and Benigno Casulla. themselves the Sigue-sigue and the Oxo gangs.
The impressions of the trial judge, Hon. Andres Reyes. of the situation None of the witnesses of the prosecution as well as the accused
obtaining in the penitentiary (he made an ocular inspection and held themselves could tell with certainty the significance or meaning of the
sessions there) were described by him in the decision, as follows: words sigue-sigue and oxo, but the evidence is clear that the Sigue-
The whole compound was a scene of one big congestion, made more sigue organization counted with the support of inmates coming from
repulsive by the fact that as one enters its steel gates which lead to Luzon particularly from the Tagalog regions, while the Oxo was
the cell buildings, the smell of human flesh and perspiration owing to generally composed of inmates coming from the South or the Visayas.
the congestion contaminates the air. The overflow of prisoners in The enmity and rivalry that grew between the two big organizations
each cell was no ordinary one total count shown by the prison records became worse as time went on. A reading of the consolidated incident
reveals that there were 8,304 prisoners all packed up in the six prison report prepared by inspector Meliton Geronimo OYCZ, security and
buildings which were supposed to house only a little more than 5,000 custodian of the New Bilibid Prisons as received by the Court during,
inmates at it, full capacity. In Brigade 1-B of Building I alone, 263 the ocular inspection conducted in the penitentiary, shows that as
prisoners were all packed up in a cell house which can take only a load early as 1957 cases of stabbing, assault and all sorts. of crime
of 116 prisoners. In Brigade 1-D, the bartolina just beneath Brigade 1- frequently happened whenever the members of these two
B, there were 350 prisoners as compared to its capacity of only 33 organization, came in contact with each other. As time went on the
inmates. incident became more frequent indicating thereby that the situation
The cell of Brigade 1-B was a big hall-like structure with six or five was going out of control. By January, 1958 the die has been cast; the
grilled gates and a narrow corridor on its right side. Inside the cell rivalry that persisted between the two organizations has grown to
were triple decked steel buildings all lined up one after another such enormous proportions. Almost daily free-for-all fights occurred
that they occupy the whole cell itself. These arrangements were good between the two rival organizations. Killing became almost a daily
only for 116 prisoners at most. What happened when 350 prisoners occurrence ... .
were all made to live within this cagelike confines is unimaginable. On 17 January 1958, the Sigue-Sigues held a meeting where they
There was hardly any space for anyone to move; more so in Brigade decided to liquidate their rivals. They met again on the night of 15
1-D, which houses the bartolina, where a two-man cell was filled with February 1958, and decided that the next day, a Sunday, would be the
ten or more prisoners. The beddings certainly will not accommodate appointed day.
everybody. A lot of prisoners had to sleep — if they sleep at all — on Thus, pandemonium broke loose in the penitentiary at between eight
the cold cement floor. The whole cell itself is one big sleeping, dining, and nine o'clock on Sunday morning, 16 February 1958, when the
living, toilet and drainage room where some of the inmates, finding Sigue-Sigues staged a riot against their enemies. This started with a
no space, had to live, sleep and eat in the toilet and drainage rooms commotion on the upper floor of the cell house. A mass of about 150
of the cell houses. In the bartolina, conditions were even worse. The prisoners, many of whom were armed with improvised weapons,
prisoners were actually sleeping and stepping over each other like a forcibly opened the door to the cell house, liberated their companions
bunch of canned sardines. And what is more, the food allowances from their individual cells and then opened the cells where the Oxos
were no allowances at all. Each prisoner has an allocation of thirty were, took them out by force or deception, and then clubbed and
centavo, worth of food per day — it is needless to speculate on what stabbed them to death one after the other. Five (5) died when the riot
a ten-centavo meal could do. The prisoners were given each two or was quelled.
three pairs of clothing, for the cleaning and washing of which they At about the same time on the following day, 17 February 1958,
were made responsible. It is hardly possible, however, to do any another riot, carried out in the same fashion as the day before,
washing under the obtaining conditions. Those who were fortunate accounted for four (4) more deaths.
enough to receive gifts in food and clothing from friends or relatives Two drums of weapons, consisting of icepicks, sharpened instruments
were hardly able to touch or make use of them for fear that the rage improvised from nails and parts of a steel drum, and wooden and iron
clubs made from broken windows and beds (tarima) were collected (5) Left thigh — 1 wound thru and thru.
from the site after each day's riot, Ernesto Cruz alias Matias
The findings of the medical officers of the Bureau of Prisons on the (1) Head — burned
corpses of the nine (9) victims portray eloquently the shocking extent (2) Neck — 1 wound stab 1 inch
of the carnage, brutality, and cannibalism of these riots. (3) Chest — 1 wound stab 1 inch
The findings on those who died on the 16th of February, 1958 are as (4) Abdomen — 2 wounds stab 1 inch
follows: (5) Lower extremities — both burned.
Cresenciano Borromeo Alfredo Gabieta
(1) Lacerated wound of the scalp 6 inches in length with a crack of the (1) Head — beheaded
skull and brain substance coming out. (2) Chest — 4 wounds stab
(2) Right ear amputated. (3) Abdomen — 7 wounds cut
(3) Lacerated wound of the right eyebrow 8 inches in length and 2 (4) Pelvic region — wounds cut
cms. in depth. (5) Tabia febula — 1 wound lacerated.
(4) Bruises at both right and left legs. Porfirio Sanchez
Cause of death: Fracture of skull. (1) Head — 11 wounds with lacerated big round chin, right ear (2-1
Martin Dorado /2) inches
(1) Two lacerated wounds of the head 4 cms. in length 1 cm. in depth. (2) Neck — 3 wounds 1-1/2 inches
(2) Nine punctured wounds of the chest two cms. in length, five of (3) Chest — 10 wounds 1 inch stab
which are penetrating, 4 puncturing the lungs, one cutting the big (4) Abdomen — 6 wounds 1 inch stab
blood vessels. (5) Right thigh — 7 wounds 1 inch.
(3) Lacerated wound of the left hand 3 cms. in length, one cm. in Ernesto Cruz, alias Matias, and Alfredo Gabieta met their death
depth. Cause of death: Internal hemorrhage from multiple fatal differently from the others.
wounds of the chest. Ernesto Cruz was one of those who joined in the attack. After the door
Pablo Callares of their intended victims was opened, Cruz was pulled inside and
(1) Lacerated wound left front temporal region 4 inches in length and killed by the inmates therein. Enraged by this incident and by the
fracture of the skull; refusal of the inmates to come out of their cell, the attackers gathered
(2) Punctured wound right scapular region 2 cms. in length 3 cms. in pieces of wood and newspapers, poured gas and set the cell on fire,
depth; thus burning the head and lower extremities of the dead Ernesto Cruz.
(3) Bruises — right arm, left hand and abdomen; Alfredo Gabieta, also known as "Pilay," came out voluntarily from his
(4) Bruises at left and right knees; cell after receiving assurance that he was not an enemy. Upon coming
(5) Punctured wound left leg 2 cms. in length 3 cms. in depth position out, however, he was clubbed, smack on the face, stabbed, placed on
portion; a bench and beheaded kempeitai-style. Alfredo Peralta, alias "Shane,"
Cause of death: Fracture of skull. took the severed head by the hair, took it to a typewriter of the
Marcelino Javier Baltazar warden and pretended to investigate it, after which Peralta ran with
(1) Lacerated wound of the head occipital region 3 inches in length 1 the head to the fire escape and from there threw it to his companions.
cm. in depth; The meetings on 17 January 1958 and 15 February 1958 of the Sigue-
(2) Lacerated wound of the left eyelids 4 cms. in length 2 cms. in Sigues and the conduct of the riots — the mass movement of the mob,
depth; the timing, the generally uniform manner in the killings, the
(3) Lacerated wound of the mouth left angle 4 cms. in length 3 cms. obedience to, and execution of, the commands or instructions of the
in depth; leaders — are direct proofs of the existence of a conspiracy.
(4) Lacerated wound at the left parotid region 4 cms. in length 2 cms. Apart from the medical testimony, the prosecution presented the
in depth; following witnesses with respect to the participation of each of the
(5) Lacerated wound left mandibular region 4 cms. in length 2 cms. in accused in the conspiracy and in the commission thereof: Leon
depth; Catbagan, Joventino Garces, Marcelino Quirabo, Sotero Bautista, and
Cause of death: Cerebral contusion due to head blow. Isidoro Lizardo, all serving terms in the penitentiary, and Francisco
Jesus Garcia Dizon Roxas, keeper-in-charge of the cell house.
(1) Lacerated wound left occipital parietal region 5 inches in length 1 The credibility of these witnesses is the only issue.
cm. in depth with cracked skull; Catbagan's testimony is assailed because, when he was presented as
(2) Lacerated wounds right eye upper lid parallel to each other 4 cms. a defense witness about six months after he testified for the
in length 1/2 cm. in depth each; prosecution, he recanted his previous testimony against the accused,
(3) Lacerated wound behind left ear 3 inches in length 1/2 cm. in on the excuse that he was maltreated by prison authorities. The
depth; recantation and the excuse cannot be believed: his sworn testimony
(4) Punctured wound left chest 1-1/2 cms. in length 5 cms. in depth as a prosecution witness remained clear and straightforward for four
penetrating the left lungs: (4) session days, on 5, 11, 12, and 30 June 1958, without detectable
(5) Presence of bruises on both left and right hands; hint of untruth or fabrication, or lack of voluntariness.
(6) Punctured wound left forearm 1-1/2 cms. in length 3 cms. in That this prisoner's testimony for the prosecution was spontaneous
depth; also appears from certain details of that testimony. He pointed out
Cause of death: Fracture of the skull. that one of the ring leaders was a prisoner who had since been
The findings on those who died on the 17th of February, 1958 are also released; and that he was able to talk to a guard and reveal what he
as follows: knew, without danger to himself, by employing the ruse of insulting
Francisco Manalo the guard. On the other hand, when much later he recanted his
(1) Head — 7 wounds lacerated & fractured; previous statements, he was vague, sought support from an
(2) Neck — 1 wound lacerated 5 inches long; employee who had since gone A.W.O.L., and refused to enter into
(3) Abdomen — 10 wounds stab and penetrating; details unless all those whom he hid previously implicated were
(4) Left hand — 1 wound lacerated; present to hear him; and the reason given for his recantation (that he
was about to complete serving his term) was wholly unsatisfactory, Jose Garchitorena
for this reason already existed when he first testified. Since He clubbed both Callares and Dizon and joined in the beheading of
Catbagan's original testimony was corroborated by other witnesses Gabieta. He was one of those who opened the cells of their
and evidence for the prosecution, we can see no error in the trial companions in order to release them.
court's refusal to accept his recantation; particularly since the trial Cipriano Castro
judge had opportunity to closely observe the behavior of the witness He brought out Callares from his cell and clubbed him; he clubbed also
on both occasions. another victim.
The observation of this Court is that the testimony of each Jose Cruz, Jr.
prosecution witness, when not corroborating another, dovetails into He was seen with an ice-pick coming from the upper floor to the cell
the narrative of the others, such that, taken together, the completed house; opened the door of the cell of Callares; joined in clubbing and
whole generates belief even unto its parts. The inconsistencies or stabbing him; he also clubbed and stabbed Dizon and Baltazar.
faults in the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses are minor, but Marcial Alma
uncommon, and do no damage to the substance of the evidence. It He was confined in the cell house but was released by the rioters who
would have been extraordinary indeed if in the observation and came from upstairs. He took part in the clubbing and stabbing of
narration of rapidly changing events of high emotional content no Callares and Gabieta.
inconsistencies had developed. Alfredo Peralta
That the Court a quo acquitted some accused also implicated by the He admitted in open court his participation in the decapitation of
witnesses of the prosecution, because it felt that the incriminating Gabieta in the manner hereinafter narrated.
evidence lacked adequate corroboration, does not establish that the Conrado Belen
testimony was false or fabricated. It merely emphasizes a He is a Sigue-Sigue member and was among those who came from the
commendable caution in weighing the proof in a capital case. upper floor of and to the cell house. He entered and participated in
The involvement of each one of the fourteen (14) remaining accused the burning of cell 10 — where Matias was burned. He clubbed
is as follows: Baltazar.
Antonio Marcos Benigno Casulla
He is the recognized leader of the Sigue-Sigue gang; presided over the He took part in clubbing and stabbing Porfirio Sanchez and Jesus
meetings on 17 January and 15 February 1958; was seen sharpening Dizon.
instruments; gave the instructions to raid the cell house and In view of the limited distance which is but a stone's throw from the
threatened those who would not follow; was seen opening the door place where the crimes were committed to the place where the
of Brigade 1-D, the cell house; clubbed and/or stabbed Cresenciano accused-appellants claim to have been at the time of commission,
Borromeo and another victim; set fire to the cell where Matias was their common defense of alibi is incredible.
killed; opened the cell door of Quirabo, an Oxo and a prosecution The evidence compels us to agree with the trial court that the
witness. accused-appellants are guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime
Francisco Flores of murder. But the members of the Court cannot in conscience concur
Armed with a sharp instrument, he was seen coming from the upper in the death penalty, imposed, because they find it impossible to
floor, opened the cell door of Pablo Callares, then clubbed and ignore the contributory role played by the inhuman conditions then
stabbed him; did the same to Jesus Dizon and Marcelino Javier reigning in the penitentiary, vividly described by the trial Judge in his
Baltazar and another victim. He is one of the leaders of the gang and decision. It is evident that the incredible overcrowding of the prison
gave the order to retreat: "Nandiyana mga guardia, magsi-akyat na cells, that taxed facilities beyond measure and the starvation
kayo" (the guards have arrived; go upstairs). allowance of ten centavos per meal for each prisoner, must have
Felix Jason rubbed raw the nerves and dispositions of the unfortunate inmates,
He is another leader of the Sigue-Sigue gang; attended its meetings; and predisposed them to all sorts of violence to seize from their
was seen sharpening instruments on 15 February 1958; participated owners the meager supplies from outside in order to eke out their
in the clubbing and stabbing of Jesus Dizon, Marcelino Javier Baltazar, miserable existence. All this led inevitably to the formation of gangs
alias Tikboy and Martin Dorado. He possessed the power to pardon that preyed like wolf packs on the weak, and ultimately to pitiless
certain supposed enemies. gang rivalry for the control of the prisoners, abetted by the inability
Edilberto de los Santos of the outnumbered guards to enforce discipline, and which
Armed with an iron pipe, he was seen among the mob coming from culminated in violent riots. The government cannot evade
the upper floor to the cell house; shouted to open the door of the responsibility for keeping prisoners under such subhuman and
Oxos; joined in the clubbing, stabbing, and beheading of Gabieta and dantesque conditions. Society must not close its eyes to the fact that
in the clubbing and stabbing of Callares. He gave the command in if it has the right to exclude from its midst those who attack it, it has
front of the cell where Matias was killed: "If we cannot enter, we burn no right at all to confine them under circumstances that strangle all
them." He attended the meetings of the Sigue-Sigues and was seen sense of decency, reduce convicts to the level of animals, and convert
sharpening a weapon on 15 February 1958. a prison term into prolonged torture and slow death.
Benjamin Armobit WHEREFORE, and there being no sufficient number of votes as
A member of the top brass of the gang; he attended both meetings, required by law, the death penalty imposed on appellants is
was one of those who attacked Gabieta. automatically reduced to life imprisonment. The civil indemnity and
Alejandro Macaso costs fixed by the appealed decision are affirmed.
He joined the rampage and participated in the clubbing and stabbing
of Porfirio Sanchez and Cresenciano Borromeo. He pulled Dorado
from his cell.
Carlos Rebaño
He is one of the leaders of the gang and attended one of its meetings.
He clubbed and stabbed Gabieta and helped in beheading him; also
clubbed Dorado. He released his companions in the cell house before
the attack on the Oxo started.
G.R. No. L-14008 September 30, 1960 are killed one after the other, by different acts, although these killing
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, were the result of a single criminal impulse (People vs. Alfinado, 47
vs. Phil., 1), the different acts must be considered as distinct crimes. So
TRIZON REMOLLINO, alias EMING, defendant-appellant. also, raping a girl and killing her afterwards constitute two distinct
PAREDES, J.: offenses which must be punished separately (People vs. Matela, 58
Trizon Remollino alias Eming was prosecution for the crime of Phil., 718; 1 Reyes, L.B. Criminal Law, p. 382)
multiple under the following information: In the case of People vs. Jose Pardo, et al., 79 Phil., 568, the Supreme
The undersigned accuses Trizon Remollino, alias "Eming" of the crime Court held:
of Multiple Murder, committed as follows: But the trial court erred in holding that the offenses in question
That on the 13th day of March, 1958 in the evening, in barrio Bacag, constitute a complex crime. The two murders were not the result of a
Municipality of Villasis, Province of Pangasinan, Philippines, and single act. The death of Captain Burchfield was produced by shot
within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named different from that which killed Francisco Cañete. It will a recalled that
accused, with treachery and evident premeditation, with intent to kill two shots were fired, and this made additionally clear by the other
and armed with a carbine, Serial No. 6791173, did, then and there fact that two holes were found in the wall, about foot apart, and that
willfully and feloniously fire at and shoot successively and at short a slug lodged in the left leg of Burchfield while another bullet was
interval Isabelo Nozuelo, Carlos Nozuelo, Francisco Sepnio, Jacinto found not far from the prostrate body of Francisco
Sepnio, Santos Moreno and Epifanio Bascos, thereby inflicting mortal Cañete.1awphîl.nèt
wounds on the different parts of the bodies of his victims causing their In People vs. Layos, 60 Phil., 232, this Court said:
death as a consequence. It is noted, however, the trial court did not consider such findings
Before arraignment, the accused, through counsel, offered to enter a strictly in conformity with the law inasmuch as it considered the act
plea of guilty to the lesser offense of multiple homicide. The trial court committed by the appellant as merely constituting the complex crime
allowed the accused to plead guilty to multiple homicide on the basis of double homicide when such is not the case, taking into
of which the said court rendered judgment, as follows: consideration the spirit and text of Art. 48 of the Rev. Penal Code.
Wherefore, this Court finds the accused Trizon Remollino alias Eming, According to said Article in order that the crime may be considered
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of sextuple homicides, double homicide it is necessary that it be the result of a single act, as
and hereby imposes upon said accused to suffer the penalty or not in the case of killing two persons at the same moment with the single
less than eight (8) years of prision mayor to not more than fourteen stroke of the bolo or with a single shot.
(14) years, eight (8) months of reclusion temporal in each and 'Our conclusion is that the defendant-appellant is guilty of two
everyone of the three (3) homicidal acts, but in no case shall the separate crimes of murder. (People vs. Mabug-at, 51 Phil., 967)'
accused suffer more than the maximum total penalty of forty (40) In the case of People vs. Meliton Buyco, 80 Phil., 58, this Court said:
years under par. 4, Art. 70 of the Revised Penal Code; and to . . . The Supreme Court of Spain held in its judgement of January 27,
indemnify the heirs of each of the deceased Isabelo Nozuelo, Carlos 1876, that one who, after a dispute, discharges four shots from a
Nozuelo, Francisco Sepnio, Jacinto Sepnio, Santos Moreno and pistol, mortally wounding with the first one of the combatants and
Espifanio Bascos, in the sum of P4,000.00 with costs against the inflicting with the second physical injuries upon another, should be
accused. punished for the said crimes separately in accordance with Art. 88 of
This Court refrains from imposing further penalties for the three (3) the Spanish Penal Code upon the ground that, although the shots
other deceased in view of the prohibition contained in par. 4, Art. 70 were fired successively, they did not constitute
of the Revised Penal Code. one single but two diverse acts, for the two different persons at
Under the belief, however, that the penalty imposed is not correct, whom they were directed (II Viada, 5th ed. pp. 633- 634). The same
the said accused appealed directly to this Court alleging that the trial Tribunal in its judgment of Feb. 7, 1879, held that a person who,
court erred: (1) In imposing upon him three separate penalties for the posting himself in front of four individuals, fires four shots with a
several homicides charged in the above information; and (2) In pistol saying: "toma tu, toma tu," wounding two of them, is guilty of
refusing to apply the provisions of Article 48 and paragraph 5 of four different crimes of discharge of firearm against a determinate
Article 64 of the Revised Penal Code. person, to complex with that of physical injuries, since the four shots
In other words, appellant contends that Article 48 of the Revised were produced by four distinct acts (II Viada, 5th ed. p. 636).
Penal Code on penalty for complex crimes which provides: "When a Where an accused began firing with his .45 caliber automatic pistol at
single act constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or a crowd gathered in front of a church, and when the crowd rushed
when an offense is a necessary means for committing the other, the inside the church the accused followed and continued firing at
penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the same to be random until he was seized and overpowered, and disarmed by an
applied in its maximum period" (As amended by Act No. 4000), should Army sergeant who happened to be there, as a result of which firing
have been imposed. The display of erudition by counsel as to the two persons died and one seriously wounded who, however
philosophy and spirit which animate the penal provision in question, recovered due to medical aid, three separate crimes were committed.
fails, however, to convince us that Article 48 is applicable to the (People vs. Basarain, G.R. No. L-6690, May 24, 1955).
present case. From the allegations of the information, which Accused was prosecuted for killing two persons. Sixteen wounds were
appellant admitted with his plea of guilty, there can be no doubt that inflicted on one and five wounds on the other. Held: In order that a
he shot six persons successively and at short intervals and that the crime may be considered double homicide, in accordance with the
deaths of said persons where the result of six separate acts. It can not provisions of Art. 48 of the Rev. Penal Code, it is necessary that it be
be contended with any degree of plausibility that only one shot or the result of a single act, as in the case of killing two persons at the
single act had killed the six victims. Our jurisprudence is replete with same moment with a single stroke of the bolo or with a single shot.
precedents sustaining that acts, such as the one before us, should The homicide perpetrated by the herein defendant on a woman and
constitute separate crimes. on another person did not constitute a single act but two distinct acts
But when the acts are wholly different, not only to themselves, but committed at different times. The former's death was the result of
also because they were directed against two different persons, as sixteen wounds inflicted upon her by the appellant and that of the
when one fires his revolver twice in succession, killing one person and latter was likewise the result of the five wounds which he inflicted
wounding another (U.S. vs. Ferrer, 1 Phil., 56), or when two persons
upon her immediately afterwards. (People vs. Layos, 60 Phil., 224).
(Crim. Procedure, Padilla, p. 107, 1959 Ed.)
The evidence presented by the prosecution in this case was strong
enough to convict the accused who shot to death two brothers. One
of the questions raised in the appeal was the lower court's decision in
convicting the accused for the crime of double murder and not for
complex crime. Held: A complex crime is committed when two
persons are killed as result of the same murderous act of the accused.
When each one of the two deceased was killed by different and
separate sets of shots fired, receptively, through two independent
sets of acts of the accused, each one aimed exclusively at a victim, for
each victim killed there is a separate and independent crime of
murder. (People vs. Ordonio, 82 Phil. 324). (Crim. Procedure, Padilla,
p. 107, 1959 Ed.)
Of course, appellant cited the case of People vs. Lawas, G.R. Nos. L-
7618-7620, in support of his cause. We are of the opinion, however,
that the ruling in said case is predicated upon the peculiar
circumstances surrounding the same, and it should not be applicable
to the one at bar. Verily, the Lawas doctrine is more of an exception
than the general rule. In the Lawas case we held each of the
appellants guilty only of the complex crime of homicide,
notwithstanding the fact that about fifty persons were killed. The
evidence in said case revealed that the killings were the result of a
single impulse, in obedience to the order of the appellants' leader to
fire, which ceased only when the said leader gave an order to stop
firing. There was no evidence at all to show the number of persons
killed by each appellant. It was not possible to hold each appellant
responsible for each death he actually caused, because there was no
way to determine who were the particular persons killed by each
appellant. That is why this Court in said case Commented: "So even if
we were induced to hold each appellant responsible for each and
every death caused by him, it is impossible to ascertain the individual
death caused by each and everyone. We are, therefore, forced to find
the appellants guilty of only one offense, that of multiple homicide,
for which penalty to be imposed should be in the maximum". In the
case at bar, the appellant alone killed all the six victims, one after the
other, with one shot each.
Counsel submits that had the trial court appreciated the mitigating
circumstances of plea of guilty and obfuscation, the penalty should
have been reduced by one degree. Since the maximum penalty of 14
years and 8 months of reclusion temporal has imposed upon
appellant for each homicide and the same is within the minimum of
the penalty fixed for the crime, there being no aggravating
circumstance to consider, it is logical to conclude that the trial court
appreciated the mitigating circumstances of plea of guilty. As to
obsfuscation, it appears that appellant had not offered evidence to
prove any other mitigating circumstance than the plea of guilty.
It is to be noted that the trial court sentenced the appellant in each of
three (3) homicidal acts, without specifying for which of the six (6)
homicides they were intended. Appellant should be sentenced, as we
do hereby sentence him, to suffer the same penalty in each of the
other three (3) crimes he had committed, and to pay an indemnity to
heir of each of the six cases, in the sum of P6,000.00.
Holding, therefore, that the appellant Trizon Remollino alias Eming is
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of six separate homicides, and
modified in sense just indicated, the judgment appealed from is
affirmed in all other respects, with costs against the appellant.

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