Dunamis Case Study - Logistics

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A Case study on the 5-week, 5-screen 2500 GBP offer

In Early Jan, the owner of a logstics firm dealing with logisitics for automobile
manufacturers and cement manufacturers reached out to Dunamis.io. They had
recently won a deal to transport 100 truck loads of clinkers every month within a day.
There was no simple way of tracking the entire shipment right from day 1. Further 2
months down the lane, it was going to be 1000 truck loads of the same cargo. The
only way to win the deal was showing capability of tracking and reporting. And doing
this on a brand new business was almost impossible.

I had a 1/2 hour consultation with the business owner and made a proposal of the
high level flow of how a consignment will be created along with details of the the
railway rake, wagons in the goods train, trucks that will be assigned to the
consignment and the workflow for each trip. Once the requirements were signed off,
the project was kicked off. By the end of week one, the screen designs were signed
off. By the end of week 3 development was complete. In week 4 we were by the
railway siding guiding the staff to mark the arrival of wagons and track the levels to
which the cargo was unloaded. We were by the side of the first 10 trucks as they were
marked off in the app, as leaving for the factory. We also did the same at the factory
40 kilimeters away, to make sure the staff on the ground have used the app and have
given feedback.

Armed with feedback from actual staff who would use the app, in week 5, we
incorporated the changes and released the app in week 6, for use on the next train.
The same process was then repeated the next month for consignments that arrived
by sea. This time it involved tracking trips by 1000 trucks handling close to 22000
Tonnes of cargo. In 2 5-week cycles, the entire business was automated and has been
running with minimal support ever since. The automobile transport business too was
automated in 10 weeks. This was followed up by an extensive reporting and
communications release, almost entirely eliminating the need to use email for
communication and covering most compliance touch points.

In summary, each business is unique, its value proposition to its clientele unique,
keeping it at a position of competitive advantage. One of the key pillars in competitive
advantage is to have a technology launchpad that helps the organization go further,
do a lot more with much less resources, and above all, beat competition.

As you can see in this case, the business was standardized even before it started. Yes,
it might be idealistic and rigid to start with. But if we are able to listen to those in the
frontlines, right from the beginning and build right, we have would creates the best
ecosystem for a business to thrive.

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