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Certification of Tidal and

Wave Energy Converters
This document has been amended since the main revision (October 2008), most recently in April 2012.
See “Changes” on page 3.

The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life,
property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and
consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and
carries out research in relation to these functions.
DNV service documents consist of amongst other the following types of documents:
— Service Specifications. Procedual requirements.
— Standards. Technical requirements.
— Recommended Practices. Guidance.
The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas:
A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology
B) Materials Technology
C) Structures
D) Systems
E) Special Facilities
F) Pipelines and Risers
G) Asset Operation
H) Marine Operations
J) Cleaner Energy
O) Subsea Systems

© Det Norske Veritas AS October 2008

Any comments may be sent by e-mail to

For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use
Computer Typesetting (Adobe Frame Maker) by Det Norske Veritas

This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of
contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from
any use of this document.
Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Changes – Page 3


Amendments April 2012

— The restricted use legal clause has been deleted from the front page.

Amendments October 2011

— A restricted use legal clause has been added on the front page.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 4 – Contents see note on front cover


Sec. 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 6

A. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
A 100 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
A 200 Organisation of this Offshore Service Specification ............................................................................................ 6
A 300 Objects covered..................................................................................................................................................... 6
A 400 DNV Document hierarchy .................................................................................................................................... 6
B. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
B 100 Verbal forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
B 200 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
C. References ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
C 100 DNV documents ................................................................................................................................................... 8
C 200 International standards ........................................................................................................................................ 10
D. Safety Philosophy ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
D 100 General Considerations....................................................................................................................................... 10
D 200 Structures ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
D 300 Equipment and Systems...................................................................................................................................... 11
E. Certification Deliverables.......................................................................................................................................... 11
E 100 Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Sec. 2 Principles and Process ..................................................................................................................... 14
A. Principles of Certification ......................................................................................................................................... 14
A 100 Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 14
A 200 Certification Approach........................................................................................................................................ 14
A 300 Scope of Certification ........................................................................................................................................ 15
B. Qualification of New Technology............................................................................................................................... 16
B 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 16
B 200 Basis for the qualification of new technology .................................................................................................... 16
B 300 Qualification process ......................................................................................................................................... 16
B 400 Establishment of reliability ................................................................................................................................ 17
B 500 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
B 600 Deliverables from the Qualification process....................................................................................................... 18
B 700 Reference ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
C. Procedures for Assignment of Certification ............................................................................................................ 19
C 100 Request for certification...................................................................................................................................... 19
C 200 Standards............................................................................................................................................................. 19
C 300 Requirements for workshops and yards.............................................................................................................. 19
C 400 Information about subcontractors and suppliers of products.............................................................................. 19
C 500 Requirements for manufacturers......................................................................................................................... 19
C 600 Requirements for suppliers of services ............................................................................................................... 19
C 700 Document requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 19
C 800 Survey ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
C 900 Functional testing................................................................................................................................................ 20
C 1000 Final Certification Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 20
C 1100 Maintenance of Certificate – In-service Requirements ...................................................................................... 20
C 1200 Other conditions.................................................................................................................................................. 21
D. Verification of Procured Items ................................................................................................................................. 21
D 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 21
D 200 Case-by case approval......................................................................................................................................... 21
D 300 Type approval .................................................................................................................................................... 22
D 400 Documentation of Certification .......................................................................................................................... 22
D 500 Manufacturing survey arrangement .................................................................................................................... 23
Sec. 3 Documentation.................................................................................................................................. 24
A. General ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24
A 100 Typical documentation and type of service ........................................................................................................ 24
B. Structural design ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
B 100 Type of installation ............................................................................................................................................. 24
B 200 Environmental data ............................................................................................................................................. 24
B 300 Floating Tidal and Wave Energy Converters ..................................................................................................... 24
B 400 Fixed Tidal and Wave energy converters ........................................................................................................... 25
C. Position keeping........................................................................................................................................................... 25
C 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 25


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Contents – Page 5

D. Machinery and Marine Systems ............................................................................................................................... 25

D 100 Floating Installations........................................................................................................................................... 25
E. Electrical systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
E 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 26
F. Instrumentation and control systems ....................................................................................................................... 26
F 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 26
G. Fire protection and safety systems ............................................................................................................................ 26
G 100 General................................................................................................................................................................ 26


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 6 – Sec.1 see note on front cover


A. Introduction
A 100 General
101 This Offshore Service Specification presents the principles and procedures for DNV services with
respect to Certification of tidal and wave energy converters.
102 The wave and tidal energy converters being installed offshore as well as inshore will be faced with many
of the same environmental challenges as oil and gas installations being installed offshore. To mitigate the risks
related to the lack of operational experience in the offshore renewable industry, DNV will use its experience
from the oil and gas industry duly adapted to the relevant safety levels necessary for renewable energy
installations. Reference is therefore extensively given to our offshore standards and recommended practices as
well as international standards.
103 Due to the specific needs and characteristics of this industry, the certification concept is extended such
that it can be defined as a robust process to provide, through independent verification, evidence to stakeholders
(financiers, partners, utility companies, insurers and the public) that the marine energy converter will perform
adequately within acceptable levels of safety, availability, reliability, asset integrity and environmental impact,
within limits specified in the certification basis and complying, where applicable, to relevant standards.
A 200 Organisation of this Offshore Service Specification
201 This document is divided into the main sections:
— Section 1 provides a general introduction to the DNV document hierarchy
— Sections 2 and 3 describe the principles and procedures for the certification services.
A 300 Objects covered
301 All different concepts of tidal and wave energy converters are covered. This document refers primarily
to offshore and near shore concepts for tidal and wave energy converters, but it may also be used for shoreline
302 The converters may be of fixed or floating type. They may be constructed in steel, concrete or composite.
303 This Offshore Service Specification (OSS) is general and flexible in order to match the large differences
in technology and concepts being developed in the renewable energy industry. The OSS gives a framework for
how the certification is applied to the marine renewable industry.
A 400 DNV Document hierarchy
401 DNV Offshore Publications which provide information at various levels of detail for offshore
installations are organized into a three level document hierarchy, illustrated in Figure 1:
— Offshore Service Specifications (OSS series) providing principles and procedures of certification,
classification, verification and consultancy services
— Offshore Standards (OS series) specifying technical requirements and acceptance criteria for general use
by the offshore industry as well as providing the technical basis for classification. (For wave energy
converters DNV refers to “Guidelines on design and operation of wave energy converters” a document
commissioned by Carbon Trust and carried out by DNV, May 2005. The Carbon Trust is an independent
company funded by the UK Government. Its role is to help the UK move to a low carbon economy by
helping business and the public sector to reduce carbon emissions now and capture the commercial
opportunities of low carbon technologies.)
— Recommended Practices (RP series) providing sound engineering practice as well as guidance related to
the Offshore Standards.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 7


















Figure 1
DNV Offshore Publications Hierarchy

B. Definitions
B 100 Verbal forms
101 The terms will, can and may are used when describing DNV’s actions or activities, and the terms shall,
should and may are used when referring to other parties than DNV.
102 “Shall”: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this OSS and from which
no deviation is permitted.
103 “Should”: Indicates that among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily
required. Other possibilities may be applied subject to agreement.
104 “Will”: Indicates a mandatory action or activity to be undertaken by DNV. (Ref. “shall” for other
105 “Can”: Indicates an action or activity that DNV will not necessarily do unless specifically requested by
the client (Ref. “should” for other parties).
106 “May”: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the OSS.
B 200 Definitions
201 Client: DNV’s contractual partner. It may be the purchaser, the owner or the contractor.
202 Certification: Action by a certification body, providing written assurance that adequate confidence is
provided that a duly identified product is demonstrably in conformity with a specific standard or other
normative document.
203 Certification Basis: Requirements for the system’s specifications, operating conditions, performance
targets and reliability targets. The basis to which the system will be assessed during certification.
204 Conceptually feasible: A technology at an early stage of development is considered conceptually feasible
if the main challenges have been identified and judged to be resolvable by use of sound engineering practice.
Guidance note:
Although a technology has been stated conceptually feasible, there are still activities necessary to be executed in order
to prove that the technology is fit for service. Consequently, there will be a possibility that the technology, contrary
to expectations, will not be stated fit for service.

205 Failure: Termination of the ability of an item to perform the required (specified) function.
206 Fit for service: A technology is considered fit for service when the failure modes that have been
identified through the systematic process outlined in this OSS have been properly addressed, and the supporting
evidence substantiates that the technology fulfils all stated functional requirements and meets the stated
reliability target.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 8 – Sec.1 see note on front cover

Guidance note:
Although a technology has been stated fit for service, the technology has not necessarily an in-service record that
eliminates the possibility for failures due to unidentified or misjudged failure modes. Consequently, there will be a
possibility that the technology, contrary to expectations, will fail in-service.

207 New technology: Technology that is not proven. This implies that the application of proven technology
in a new environment or an unproven technology in a known environment, are both new technology. The
degree of new technology will be classified in categories to be used as input to risk assessment.
208 Prototype: An original type that serves as a model for later models, and allows for testing and
improvement of the design.
209 Proven technology: In the field, proven technology has a documented track record for a defined
environment. Such documentation shall provide confidence in the technology from practical operations, with
respect to the ability of the technology to meet the specified requirements.
210 Risk: The qualitative or quantitative likelihood of an accident or unplanned event occurring, considered
in conjunction with the potential consequences of such a failure. In quantitative terms, risk is the quantified
probability of a defined failure mode times its quantified consequences.
211 Risk reduction measures: Those measures taken to reduce the risks to the operation of the technology
and to the health and safety of personnel associated with it or in its vicinity by:
— reduction in the probability of failure
— mitigation of the consequences of failure.
212 Surveillance: The process of inspecting tests, calibrations or other activities to assure that the necessary
quality is maintained. Once the device is in operation, reviews carried out to assure that operation is within
safety limits, and is maintained within limiting conditions.
213 Technology qualification: A confirmation by examination and provision of evidence that the new
technology meets the specified requirements for the intended use. Hence, qualification is a documented set of
activities to prove that the technology is fit for service.
214 Verification: An examination to confirm that an activity, a product or a service is in accordance with
specified requirements.

C. References
C 100 DNV documents
101 This document will make reference to relevant documents in the DNV document hierarchy and where
appropriate to internationally accepted publications, codes and standards.
102 The Offshore Standards listed in Table 1 shall be used for documentation of tidal and wave energy
devices. The Recommended Practices and Class Notes listed in Table 2 shall be used. Only those DNV
standards and recommended practices that are assumed to be relevant for energy converters are listed in Table
1 and Table 2. Reference is also made to the Guidelines on Design and Operation of Wave Energy Converters
(Commissioned by Carbon Trust, and carried out by DNV May 2005).
Table 1 DNV Documents relevant for Tidal and Wave Energy Converters
Reference Title
DNV-OSS-121 Classification based on performance criteria determined from risk assessment methodology
DNV-OSS-300 Risk-based verification
DNV-OSS-401 Technology qualification management
DNV-OS-A101 Safety principles and arrangement
DNV-OS-B101 Metallic materials
DNV-OS-C101 Design of offshore steel structures, general (LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C102 Structural design of offshore ships
DNV-OS-C103 Structural design of column-stabilised units (LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C104 Structural design of self-elevating units (LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C105 Structural design of TLPs (LRFD-method)
DNV-OS-C106 Structural design of deep draught floating units (LRFD method)
DNV-OS-C301 Stability and watertight integrity
DNV-OS-C401 Fabrication and testing of offshore structures


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 9

Table 1 DNV Documents relevant for Tidal and Wave Energy Converters (Continued)
Reference Title
DNV-OS-C501 Composite components
DNV-OS-C502 Offshore concrete structures
DNV-OS-D101 Marine and machinery systems and equipment
DNV-OS-D201 Electrical installations
DNV-OS-D202 Instrumentation and telecommunication systems
DNV-OS-D301 Fire protection
DNV-OS-E301 Position mooring
DNV-OS-F201 Dynamic risers
DNV-OS-J101 Design of offshore wind turbine structures
DNV-OS-J102 Design and fabrication of wind turbine blades
DNV Rules Rules for planning and execution of marine operations

Table 2 DNV Recommended Practices, Classification Notes and Standards for Certification
Reference Title
DNV-RP-A203 Qualification procedure for new technology
DNV-RP-B401 Cathodic protection design
DNV-RP-C102 Structural Design of Offshore Ships
DNV-RP-C103 Column Stabilised Units
DNV-RP-C201 Buckling strength of plated structures
DNV-RP-C202 Buckling strength of shells
DNV-RP-C203 Fatigue analysis strength of offshore steel structures
DNV-RP-C204 Design against accidental loads
DNV-RP-C205 Environmental conditions and environmental loads
DNV-RP-C206 Fatigue methodology of offshore ships
DNV-RP-C207 Statistical representation of soil data
DNV-RP-E301 Design and installation of fluke anchors in clay
DNV-RP-E302 Design and installation of plate anchors in clay
DNV-RP-E303 Geotechnical design and installation of suction anchors in clay
DNV-RP-F205 Global performance analysis of deepwater floating structures
DNV-RP-H101 Risk management in marine and subsea operations
Standards for certification
No. 2.4 Environmental test specification for instrumentation and automation equipment
No. 2.5 Certification of offshore mooring steel wire ropes
No. 2.6 Certification of offshore mooring chains
No. 2.9 Approval Programmes – related to components (incl. e.g. hydraulic cylinders), manufacturers,
service suppliers.
(Freely downloaded from our website:
No. 2.13 Standard for certification of offshore mooring fibre rope
Classification Notes
CN 30.4 Foundations
CN 30.6 Structural reliability of marine structures
CN 30.7 Fatigue assessment of ship structures
CN 33.1 Corrosion prevention of tanks and holds
CN 41.2 Calculations of gear rating for marine transmissions
CN 41.4 Calculations of shafts in marine applications for marine transmissions
CN 45.1 Electromagnetic compatibility
Guidelines and recommended practices
No. 20 Corrosion protection of ships


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 10 – Sec.1 see note on front cover

The majority of the above documents in the DNV hierarchy may be accessed via DNV’s website: http://
C 200 International standards
201 Internationally recognised standards may also be used in design and construction of tidal and wave
energy converters.

D. Safety Philosophy
D 100 General Considerations
101 Targets for the certification process and the certification basis, should be based on an overall safety
philosophy covering all phases from conceptual studies up to and including decommissioning.
102 A safety philosophy should be derived considering the following aspects and stakeholders:
— risk to life (during installation and removal, access to device during in-service life, risk to navigation and
others during in-service life)
— environmental impact due to any fluid releases, anti-fouling coatings, bilge water, and location of site
relative to sensitive environments (protected species or sensitive sites and visual impacts)
— loss of power generation
— inspection and maintenance cost, risks during removal of equipment for inspection and maintenance
— reputation of developer, industry, concept (survivability of the device in extreme conditions is very
important in terms of reputation)
— underwriter perception of risks and definition of premium value (during installation and removal, and in-
service life)
— financial or venture capital communities’ perception of risk to the return on investment
— safety level expected by Authorities. This may include Authority requirements in other countries which are
potential marketing targets for the devices.
103 In general, when selecting safety level, safety classes can be defined as:
Safety Level Low – where failure implies low risk of human injury and minor environmental and economic
Safety Level Normal – for temporary conditions where failure implies risk of human injury, significant
environmental pollution or high economic, asset damage or political consequences. This level normally aims
for a risk of less than 10-4 per year of a major single accident, which corresponds to a major incident happening
on average less than once every 10 000 installation years. This level equates to the experience level from major
representative industries and activities.
Safety Level High – for operating conditions where failure implies high risk of human injury, significant
environmental pollution or very high economic or political consequences.
Guidance note:
It may be useful to specify separate target levels for Safety, Environmental, Asset and Operational risks.

D 200 Structures
201 The requirements for wave energy devices can be covered in large parts by codes for offshore steel
structures as in DNV-OS-C101 (DNV-OS-C501 for composite components and DNV-OS-C502 for concrete
structures). These provide internationally acceptable levels of safety by defining minimum requirements for
structures and structural components.
202 DNV-OS-C501 is a comprehensive and generic design and fabrication code for structures and
components using composite materials (laminate or sandwich).
203 DNV-OS-C502 is particularly adequate to wave energy conversion (WEC) devices that consider the use
of concrete as the ratio between wave responses and dead load response will generally be high. In this load
situation, most other standards are not applicable. For offshore concrete structures this especially applies to
fatigue calculations. DNV-OS-C502 is in fact very similar to NS3473 (which would be equally applicable to
WEC devices) except for some areas. The most important difference is fatigue Wøhler curves for
204 In DNV-OS-C502 the results of a British research project “Concrete in the Ocean” are implemented and
these Wøhler curves are stricter than the Wøhler curves in NS3473 and in the Eurocode. NS3473 and Eurocode
base their fatigue curves on reinforcements not exposed to a marine environment, i.e. no corrosion fatigue.
205 The load response part of DNV-OS-C502 is very similar to the draft ISO code (ISO/DIS 19903) for
offshore concrete structures. This code may also be an alternative once it is finally agreed.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 11

206 For temporary phases (e.g. installation or removal), requirements are given in the DNV Rules for
Planning and Execution of Marine Operations. This uses a somewhat higher probability of failure when
compared to requirements for in-place survival condition, as these marine operations can be characterised by
single event operation with implementation of special procedures and better control of environmental limits,
etc. DNV-RP-H101 provides guidance and recommendations on how to reach an acceptable and controlled
exposure to risk during marine operations for personnel, environment, assets and reputation.
207 The consideration of selected safety class can be taken into account for some aspects of the structural
design such as: the definition of Design Fatigue Factor, derivation of characteristic loads, definition of load
factors to be applied (see DNV-OS-C101 Sec.2 D404), definition of accidental loading (see DNV-OS-A101
Sec.2 D103) and selection or structural category (DNV-OS-C101 Sec.4 C200 – taking into account the
significance of components in terms of consequence of failure).
D 300 Equipment and Systems
301 Safety classes shall be considered while defining redundancy or safety features for the equipment and
systems. Reliability is also an important aspect to be taken into account.
302 Because wave and tidal energy devices are usually unmanned, the overall risk level to personnel will be
low. However, because of the difficulty in access for maintenance and the potential penalty of downtime in
terms of providing energy to the grid, a higher level of reliability may be required than would otherwise be the
303 To obtain such a level of reliability, with limited or non-existent reliability data for marine renewable
conditions and through the use of standard off-the-shelf equipment, where it is possible, requires early
consideration of strategies leading to reliability/availability required and maximum level possible of
maintenance and repair. Some examples of such strategies are given below:
— a low utilisation of mechanical strength, or a higher reserve, sometimes referred to as the safety factor is
— redundancy of equipment – this is usually applicable to electronic and moving parts
— rigorous testing of moving parts subject to cyclic loads
— rigorous testing of components subject to various environmental loads
— use of well-proven components
— a thorough FMEA study.

E. Certification Deliverables
E 100 Deliverables
101 The final conclusion from the certification will be documented by a specific agreed deliverable. The
deliverables indicate the incremental nature of the certification process with each stage contributing to the next
step. The deliverables provide for the gradual increase in detail and scope from the concept stage through to
certification of a fully developed product. Typically these deliverables will be termed as follows:
102 Reports:
— Statement of Feasibility
— Design Assessment
— Product Certificates for Components and Assemblies
— Survey Reports
— Certificates:
In order to account for the different stages in the development of the device DNV may issue the following
— DNV Prototype Certificate
— DNV Conditioned Type Certificate
— DNV Type Certificate
— DNV Project Certificate.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 12 – Sec.1 see note on front cover

Project Initiation

Statement of

Design Assessment

Product Certificates for Survey Reports

Components and Assemblies


Type Certificate

DNV Type

DNV Project

Figure 2
DNV Certification Process

103 Statement of Feasibility - A document issued by DNV affirming that, at the time of assessment, the new
technology is considered conceptually feasible and suited for further development and qualification according
to the principles outlined in DNV-RP-A203.
104 Design Assessment – During the design assessment stage, intermediary deliverables such as letters with
comments and reports should be issued indicating progress and identifying gaps in the information provided
by the Applicant. The conclusion of the design assessment process should be documented by a Statement of
Design Assessment.
105 Product Certificates for Components and Assemblies – Certificates issued by DNV regarding different
components including design appraisal, manufacturing surveillance and factory acceptance testing.
106 Survey Reports – Reports issued by DNV surveyor addressing the issues related to surveillance activity
that may cover different stages such as manufacturing, testing, commissioning and installation.
107 Prototype Certificate
Certificate issued to enable testing of prototypes and is based on design evaluation. This certificate implies that
all the certification steps up to the issue of this certificate were successfully carried out (statement of feasibility,
design assessment, fitness for purpose and manufacturing surveillance) for the specified location/conditions.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 13

The location of the device is stated on the certificate and the period of validity is limited up to 3 years. The issue
of the Prototype Certificate is based on successful evaluation by DNV of:
— prototype design, including installation procedures
— prototype fabrication surveillance
— installation surveillance
— final acceptance/commissioning inspection
— periodic inspection.
During the prototype design evaluation, matters with no safety implication within the period of validity can be
considered at a higher level with the use of simplified methods (sufficient to demonstrate that the risk of
significant damage to structure and equipment is minimised), pending operational data from the prototype and
any resulting design changes. Those issues will be assessed based on existing knowledge and with uncertainties
to be clarified, under controlled circumstances, during the prototype test stage. Items including safety concept,
support structure and mooring system shall be analysed in detail.
108 Conditioned Type Certificate
The Conditioned Type Certificate is issued to allow for 0-series production as well as to allow for outstanding
matters with no safety implication. The Conditioned Type Certificate is based on full certification scope with
the exception that outstanding matters are allowed. The outstanding matters are however limited to:
— matters with no safety implication within the period of validity (maximum 1 year)
— matters related to the finalization of manuals and quality control procedures
— matters related to the finalisation of inspections regarding the implementation of the design-related
requirements in production and installation.
Provisions can be made for upgrade of Conditioned Type Certificate to Type Certificate for a particular device,
subject to conditions agreed between the Applicant and DNV.
109 Type Certificate
The Type Certificate is issued for production model with no outstanding issues (validity of 5 years subject to
annual endorsement).
110 Project Certificate
Within the Project Certification scope it will be assessed whether the metocean conditions, other environmental
and electrical network conditions, and soil properties at the site conform with those defined in the design
documentation for the energy converter. Any additional site specific designs and/or design changes related to
the energy converter are considered within the Project Certification. These in general include foundations,
support structure and moorings. The Project Certificate includes the design, manufacturing, installation and
commissioning of the wave/tidal farm including cable laying and additional structures required for the transport
and connection of the farm to the grid or the consumer.
111 These documents/certificates will make reference to the standards, regulations and other specifications
which have formed the basis of the certification, and will be backed up by a traceable record documenting the
information considered and the considerations made in arriving at the final status of the verification work.
112 Qualification and testing of new technology will be documented separately. See also Sec.2 B600.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 14 – Sec.2 see note on front cover


A. Principles of Certification
A 100 Introduction
101 Certification is a comprehensive service providing assurance that a set of requirements laid down in
standards are met during design and construction, and maintained during operation of an energy converter.
Certification has gained world-wide recognition as representing an acceptable level of safety and quality.
102 Certification implies an activity in which an energy converter is surveyed by DNV during construction
on the basis of design approval, tested before being taken into service, and surveyed regularly during its whole
operational life. The aim is to verify that relevant requirements are built-in, observed and maintained.
103 The certification shall be documented by a set of specific, agreed deliverables and certificates.
104 In order to maintain the Certificate the converter needs to be satisfactorily maintained and modifications
adequately addressed. This is confirmed by annual and periodic surveys.
105 The principles and procedures outlined in this OSS aim at implementing certification complying with the
aspects above and in line with marine renewable certification as defined in Sec.1 A103.
A 200 Certification Approach
201 Designs of tidal and wave energy converters may typically contain important subsystems for which there
is no relevant service history. These systems, loads and load structural interaction effects may not be adequately
addressed by existing codes or standards.
202 In order to overcome this shortcoming in the Certification process, DNV has developed a Qualification
approach to be used for the parts of the technology where little or no experience exists, or where proven
technology is used in new applications. For the remaining parts of the technology more traditional certification
activities may be applied, see Figure 1.
203 The evaluation of new versus proven technology is performed according to the systematic illustrated in
Figure 1. This assessment has to be performed at the level of detail necessary to separate proven from new
technology as parts of the subject subsystems may be arranged together with known as well as unproven
The classification in Figure 1 implies the following:
1) No new technical uncertainties
2) New technical uncertainties
3) New technical challenges
4) Demanding new technical challenges.
Proven technology is considered technology classified as 1 No new technical uncertainties.
204 All systems and aspects should be considered, see also A300.
205 The recommended certification systematic is shown in Figure 2. New technology (rating 2-4) will be
subject to qualification and proven technology (rating 1) will be subject to traditional certification.
206 Proven technology shall be documented in accordance with standards and recommended practices, see
Table 1 and Table 2, and relevant international standards. Further description of the certification is given in
Sub-section C. The qualification process is outlined in Sub-section B.

Technology status
1 2 3
Application Area Proven Limited field history New or unproven

1. Known 1 2 3

2. New 2 3 4

1: Proven technology 2 - 4: New Technology

Figure 1
Technology assessment according to DNV-RP-A203


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.2 – Page 15

Define Qualification Basis

Technology Assessment New Technology

New Technology

Proven Failure Mode Identification

Technology and Risk Ranking

Concept Improvement

Selection of Qualification

Probability of Success Evaluation

Analysis and Testing

Certification (Sect.3)

Reliability Assessment

Tidal and Wave

Energy Meet Qualification Basis?

Figure 2
Certification approach

207 The approach for second and successive generation converters will be the same as the approach for novel
designs. However, the number of “new technology” items is assumed to be less than for the original qualified
design as experience is gained from previous loops on the qualification process/qualification methods applied
and through the operation of the prototype/pilot unit(s).
A 300 Scope of Certification
301 Typical scope for certification of tidal or wave energy converters comprises the in-place condition for
the following systems:
— Load and response analyses (the control system may have significant effect on the global behaviour)
— Structures
— Mooring system
— Electrical system
— Mechanical system
— Hydraulic system
— Control system
— Safety systems incl. emergency shutdown system
— Marine systems including bilge system
— Other systems such as: turbines, pitch, lubrication, dehumidification, cooling systems, corrosion
protection, etc
— Power measurement
— Maintenance procedures.
302 Temporary phases, such as installation, float-out, lifting, transportation, etc, are also part of the
certification scope from the point of view that the operations should not affect the feasibility of the concept, the
integrity of the energy converter or in any aspect that reflects on the operation, maintenance and repair issues.
303 A detailed description of necessary documentation for a final certificate is outlined in Section 3.
304 The inclusion of power take-off performance in the certification scope may be carried out by review,
auditing and certification of the process used to measure the power take-off and its integrity. The scope will


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 16 – Sec.2 see note on front cover

depend on the level of certification of power take-off required. This can vary from certification of complete
power curves and general model law to confirmation of maximum power generated to specific environmental
conditions. Where available, standards for power measurement may be applied.
305 The following main principles should be observed regarding power take-off certification:
— Power take-off measurements should be sufficient to allow for calibration of analytical model in order that
the analytical model should also be able to predict, within a reasonable level of certainty, the power take-
off for different meteocean conditions and site characteristics than those investigated.
— The period of time dedicated for evaluation of power take-off should be defined to allow for the relevant
meteocean conditions to be recorded and provide the necessary statistical data.
— The main parameters investigated for power take-off measurements are identified and described from the
point of view of the device application.
— Extrapolation of results will need to be based on trends manifested during measurements.
— Reference should be made to any limitations on the measurement process, field characteristics, meteocean
conditions (e.g. sea states, currents) measurement at site and level of uncertainty that may affect the overall
power take-off calculations. The level of availability assumed and quality of output should also be referred

B. Qualification of New Technology

B 100 General
101 As qualification is an important part of the certification process, this section summarises the main aspects
of the “Qualification of New Technology” and how it is applied in the context of marine renewable energy
102 The objective of a qualification procedure is to ensure that the technology functions reliably within
specified limits. The approach developed by DNV and described in this section provides a rational qualification
philosophy and, by focusing on a balanced use of reliability, ensures a cost effective implementation of
technology and an increase in the level of confidence. Sensible input may then be provided to the overall risk
assessment of the concept.
The main features of a qualification approach are described below.
B 200 Basis for the qualification of new technology
201 The qualification must be based on specified performance limits, boundary conditions and interfacing
requirements defined in the certification basis.
B 300 Qualification process
301 The reliability goals specified for the certification should be based on the business plan for the system.
These goals should be specified in the certification basis. The procedure will specify the philosophies,
principles and methods to be used in the qualification process. At each step of the process there is a need for
documentation making the process traceable. The qualification process should comprise the following main
— Establish an overall plan for the qualification. This should be a continuous process and needs updating after
each step using the available knowledge on the status of the qualification.
— Establish a certification basis comprising functional, safety and environmental targets for the device.
Define the functionality and limiting operating parameters for the new technology.
— Screen the technology based on assumed loadings, identification of failure modes and their risk, and
classification of the technology in terms of degree of novelty to focus the effort where the related
uncertainty is most significant.
— Assess maintenance, condition monitoring and possible concept modifications to reduce the risk.
— Plan and execute reliability data collection. The data is used to analyse the risk of not meeting the
specifications through experience, numerical analysis and tests.
— Analyse the reliability of the new technology, and thereby the risk of the failure modes related to the
functional requirements of the new technology.
These logical steps in the qualification process are combined and visualised in groups in Figure 3. The results
from one step are the input to the next step.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.2 – Page 17

Define Qualification Basis 1&2 Use of Codes and

Technology Assessment Class?

Failure Mode Identification
and Risk Ranking
Failure Mode Identification
Technolo Yes + Recommendations from Guidelines+
Concept Improvementgy Risk
Ranking Specific Recommendations for Tidal

Selection of Qualification
Statement of
No Class 1 & 2
Methods Feasibility

Analysis and Testing

(Data Collection / Design
Approval / Surveillance)

Functionality Assessment

Certificate of
Make Decisions
Fitness for

Figure 3
Main qualification activities

302 There will be feedback loops between the steps so that results that lie outside the specified limits can lead
to a design modification, specification modification or maintenance plan modification.
B 400 Establishment of reliability
401 The qualification process can be run throughout the whole development of the new technology, or be
started at any time in the development. Figure 4 illustrates that the failure probability at the service life target
is reduced through the qualification work until a remaining failure probability is concluded.

Figure 4
Illustration of the qualification process.

402 In principle, qualification is considered completed when the acceptance percentile crosses the target level
for the service life. A qualitative approach can be practical to use in the early development phase (conceptual
phase). Quantitative measures may be relevant in the later development phase.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 18 – Sec.2 see note on front cover

B 500 Testing
501 The analytical approach should be supported and complemented by results obtained from testing to
handle the uncertainties in the technology. Tests as described below are used for materials, components, sub-
assemblies and assemblies. The typical tests are termed:
— Basic tests, such as testing of material properties and degradation mechanisms.
— Prototype tests (qualification tests) of components, sub-assemblies and assemblies verify the functional
requirements of a new type design. Prototype tests can be carried out in phases including laboratory tests,
and various degrees of environmental and full service tests (pilot test).
— Factory acceptance tests (FAT), of sub-assemblies and assemblies verify the manufacturing and assembly
of a system, which is already prototype tested.
— Model basin tests, testing of global response of device in survival and operational conditions. The testing
of the operational condition shall include testing of the control system.
— Simulation of the interaction between the control system and the structural behaviour.
— Pre and post installation tests, of the full assembly verify the soundness prior to and after the completed
installation. All possible systems should be tested prior to transportation to site.
502 The prototype/pilot application represents the first use, and is therefore normally regarded as an
advanced test to gain more experience with the system, ensuring that all aspects of a complex system have been
taken into account. Prototype/pilot testing is normally necessary to determine the forces at and response of the
structure, to test functionality and control systems and obtain data regarding the performance of equipment
during power generation.

Table 3 Recommended testing for some selected systems and components 1)

System Factory
Model tests acceptance Simulation Pre and post Pilot test
installation tests
Components performance X
Loading & response X X X
Global response and interaction with
power take-off system/Power X2) X2)
Control system X X X X
Power take-off system X X X X
Emergency shut down system X X X
Complete installation X X
1) The extent of testing shall be evaluated in each separate case
2) The global motions and response analyses should be validated against actual test results.

B 600 Deliverables from the Qualification process

601 The deliverables from the Qualification and testing of new technology includes the following statements
for the selected components and systems:
— Statement of Feasibility
— Certificate of Fitness for Service
602 The statements will be supported by technical reports giving the assumptions and conditions of the
statements, see also Figure 3.
603 The end result of the “Qualification of New Technology” shall be documentation of Fitness for Service
for the considered systems, applying relevant approaches. The “Fitness for Service” certificate may also be part
of the basis of the certification of the next generation converter.
B 700 Reference
701 For more detailed information on the qualification methodology, reference is made to DNV-OSS-401
“Technology Qualification Management” and to DNV-RP-A203 “Qualification Procedures for New
Technology” for applicable procedures.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.2 – Page 19

C. Procedures for Assignment of Certification

C 100 Request for certification
101 A request for certification shall be submitted in writing by the client.
C 200 Standards
201 The basis of certification will be compliance with the standards listed in Table 1, other relevant
international standards and the Technology Qualification Report developed for the new technology elements
unless otherwise agreed with the client. The standards to be used shall be agreed between DNV and the Client
at the beginning of the Design Assessment stage.
202 Please note the discussion concerning challenges in using related standards and parts of standards for a
novel application in A200.
Guidance note:
Existing codes and standards can be directly applied to areas identified as “proven technology” (Class 1). For Class
2, it may still be possible to apply codes and standards provided that the Qualification process is carried out in order
to identify any possible failure mode that it is not covered by the code and standard and any additional activity to be
carried out to cover the new failure modes. For Class 3 and 4 the Qualification process is expected to be fully applied.

C 300 Requirements for workshops and yards

301 Clients shall operate a quality management system applicable to the scope of their work. The system shall
be documented and contain descriptions and procedures for quality critical aspects. Clients shall demonstrate
their capability to carry out fabrication of adequate quality in accordance with the relevant standards, and with
any additional requirements based on criticality of processes, before construction is started.
302 Welding of important structures, machinery installations and equipment shall be carried out by qualified
and approved welders to qualified and approved weld procedures, with approved welding consumables and at
welding shops accepted by DNV.
303 During fabrication and construction work, DNV surveyors shall have safe access to the works at all
reasonable times, insofar as the work affects certification. The client shall ensure, through contracts with the
parties concerned or otherwise, that such access is possible, and that DNV is notified as to when and where the
surveyor's attendance is needed.
C 400 Information about subcontractors and suppliers of products
401 The following documentation from the Client (workshop) and from subcontractors shall be submitted to
DNV at the start of a certification project:
— list of subcontractors to the workshop
— list of suppliers of materials and components, including subcontractors if applicable
— quality plan.
It is expected that subcontractors’ Quality Management System are certified by an accredited certification
C 500 Requirements for manufacturers
501 Manufacturers of materials, components and equipment shall be approved according to criteria
established by DNV, as applicable (defined in the respective standards or from the Qualification process).
502 Any required quality control of materials, components and equipment, shall be traceable and
documented in writing. Further, quality control shall be carried out by qualified personnel at facilities and with
equipment suitable for that control.
C 600 Requirements for suppliers of services
601 Firms providing services on behalf of the owner, such as measurements, tests and maintenance of safety
systems and equipment, where the results may form the basis for the surveyor's decisions, shall be approved by
602 Measuring and test equipment used in services by manufacturers, builders, repairers or owners, where
the results may form the basis for the surveyor's decisions, shall have a documented calibration status.
C 700 Document requirements
701 The Client (or the builder or manufacturer) shall make available to DNV the documentation according
to documentation lists supplied by DNV upon receipt of certification request, before production commences
(see Section 3 for generic information requirements).


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 20 – Sec.2 see note on front cover

702 Document requirements covers:

— Documentation required for approval. Moreover, DNV may specify alternative or additional requirements.
— Corresponding technical descriptions, calculations and data, including material specifications.
C 800 Survey
801 Surveillance scope and extent will be based on the criticality of the systems and components identified
during the design appraisal/Qualification stage. Where surveillance by DNV is required for a unit or
installation, the following will normally be verified:
— that the construction and dimensions comply with relevant standards and the approved documentation
— that the required materials are used
— that the materials, components and systems have been certified in accordance with relevant standards and
qualification basis
— that the work is carried out in compliance with relevant standards and with good engineering practices
— that satisfactory tests are carried out to the extent and in the manner prescribed by relevant standards.
802 Supervision will be carried out at the building yard and/or the sub-suppliers at the discretion of DNV,
which also decides the extent and method of control.
803 The verification method applied by DNV at the building yard or at the manufacturer will be based on a
combination of audits of an accepted quality system and visual inspections and tests.
C 900 Functional testing
901 Functional tests will be carried out as deemed necessary by DNV.
902 A test programme shall be prepared by the Client/builder. The programme shall specify systems and
components to be tested, and the testing procedure. The programme shall include sea tests of the complete unit
with machinery and equipment installed (as applicable). The tests shall give evidence of satisfactory operation
in accordance with the design basis. When testing the control and safety system, failure modes shall be
simulated as realistically as possible.
Guidance note:
Tests, in general, are normally made for calibrating analysis tools or obtain data to deal with uncertainties and should
be used where and with the scale defined in the Qualification Process and in line with the stage of development.

903 Data shall be recorded according to the test programs as considered necessary by DNV. All systems are
expected to be inspected and tested by the builder prior to being presented for final testing.
904 Final testing after installation of the converter on location may also be carried out. The extent and scope
of DNV involvement will be identified during the design appraisal and Qualification stage.
C 1000 Final Certification Documentation
After examination of the surveyor's report and confirmation that the requirements have been met, a certificate
will be issued.
1001 Provided the requirements for maintenance of certificate are complied with, and unless the certificate
has been withdrawn in writing at an earlier stage, the certificate will be valid for 5 years.
1002 An “Appendix to the certificate” will be issued stating assumptions for the assignment of certification
and conditions regarding the use of the unit or installation, which were established or assumed at the time of
C 1100 Maintenance of Certificate – In-service Requirements
1101 In order to maintain the certificate the tidal or wave energy converter will need to undergo regular
survey. Typically this will involve an annual survey and a more comprehensive 5 yearly survey. The extent of
the survey (areas, methods, frequencies) will normally be dictated by the design life, degradation mechanisms
and the consequences of possible failure. Additional surveys and design assessment may need to be carried out
should the converter or one of a similar design sustain damage, or if it significantly modified (changes in the
loading and structural response, power output, safety and control systems and changes other than replacements,
see also C1204) in the periods between regular surveys.
Guidance note:
The annual survey will normally be general visual inspection of structures and main components in easy accessible
areas. Every five years the survey will be a combination of general and close visual inspection. The determination of
number of details for close visual inspection will be based on the fatigue utilisation, service life of components and
risk considerations. Recommendations for non destructive examination (NDE) may also be given by DNV. The in-
service inspection scope should be established at the completion of the design phase prior to installation.
At the survey other aspects covered within the certification will also be reviewed. This may include results from the
monitoring system, review of measurements of loading and structural response, records of incidents and maintenance


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.2 – Page 21

carried out as well as agreements between actual and expected power take-off. Depending on the criticality of
components of the power take-off system, the DNV surveyor should also attend the maintenance for visual inspection
and condition assessment of the components.

1102 The survey timing and methods will take account, as far as possible, of the inspection and maintenance
programs adopted by the Operator.
1103 Planning for the operations phase and the need for inspection and maintenance shall be part of the
Operators design and construction philosophy. The extent and type of survey shall be discussed with DNV as
part of this process.
C 1200 Other conditions
1201 Appropriate actions according to the certified ISO 9001:2000 system (or its principles) with respect to
complaints and any deficiencies that affect compliance with the requirements for the Type Certificate shall be
in place. Records should be kept of all complaints relating to the compliance for the device with the standards
and requirements used for the certification. These records as well as documentation for actions taken shall be
available to DNV and to the certification body which have certified the ISO 9001:2000 system (if applicable).
Reporting of these records as well as minor modifications shall be submitted to DNV.
1202 Any safety related accident/failure of the installed certified devices shall be reported immediately to
DNV together with proposed corrective actions. Such major accidents/failures may result in request for
corrective actions to be taken in order to maintain the Type Certificate.
1203 Major modifications to the design, procedures, specifications etc. must be reported without delay
together with all documentation affected by the modification for the Type Certificate to be maintained/
1204 Modifications to a device for which a Type Certificate has been issued are permitted only if they do not
change or affect the principle characteristics at all. As an example, modifications to the principle characteristics
of Type Certificates are defined as follows:
— a change in size or any other modification resulting in loading response increase by more than 2% above
the uncertainty calculated/measured and included in the Type Certificate
— a different design of safety/control system
— a different way of limiting the power input
— change of main components for other not equivalent as per the qualification process
— increase of the power output by more than 5% above the uncertainty calculated/measured and included in
the Type Certificate.
1205 If modifications outside the limitations have been carried out this means that a different type of device
has been produced, and a separate Type Certificate for this type should be applied for.
1206 Upon failure to conform to the conditions of the Type Certificate, the Certificate Holder is requested to
correct the non-conforming situation within a specified time frame.
1207 If no satisfactory corrective action is taken, the Type Certificate in question will be withdrawn and the
accreditation authority, under whose authority the Type Certificate was issued, will be informed accordingly.
Certification documents issued by DNV shall upon withdrawal or suspension be returned as requested by DNV.

D. Verification of Procured Items

D 100 General
101 The scope of certification includes certification of materials, components and systems (CMC) intended
for the device. The standards define the extent of the certification of the procured items that is needed for
certification of the energy converter device based on the results of the initial stages of qualification (technology
assessment, failure mode identification and risk ranking). The objective of the certification is to ensure that
materials, components and systems used in the device to be certified by DNV conform to the referenced
standards within the framework of the certification.
102 The aspects discussed here are based on the Technology Class 1, or in some cases Technology Class 2.
103 The certification is a conformity assessment normally including both design and production assessment.
The production assessment includes inspection and testing during production and/or of the final product. The
design assessment of the materials, components and systems shall either be on a “case by case” basis or follow
the procedure for type approval.
D 200 Case-by case approval
201 When the “case by case” procedure is used, documentation of the design shall be submitted for
assessment for every application as required in the rules. A design assessment letter or design verification


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 22 – Sec.2 see note on front cover

report shall be issued by DNV when compliance with the requirements for the design for the actual application
is confirmed. The designer must ensure that their design accounts for all relevant design loads, including
accidental loads derived from any risk assessment carried out by the project.
202 The production assessment of materials, components and systems shall either be on a “case by case”
basis or on the basis of an agreed Manufacturing Survey Arrangement (MSA).
203 When the “case by case” procedure is used, the survey and testing shall be performed on the basis of
approved design documentation for the actual application and as required in the standards. Compliance with
the approved design documentation and the requirements shall be documented through certificates as required
in the standards.
204 When the production assessment is based on an MSA, the survey and testing shall be performed on the
basis of approved design documentation and in accordance with requirements and procedures laid down in the
MSA. Compliance with the approved design documentation and the requirements shall be documented through
certificates as specified in the MSA or as required in the standards.
D 300 Type approval
301 Type approval is a procedure for design assessment. Type approval can be applied to a:
— product
— group of products
— system.
This procedure should normally be used for design assessment of standard designs.
302 When the type approval procedure is used, documentation of the design and the results of type testing as
required in type approval programmes and the standards, shall be submitted for assessment. A type approval
certificate shall be issued by DNV when compliance with the requirements for the design is confirmed. The
type approval certificate has a validity of 2 or 4 years depending on type of material, component and system.
303 The type approval procedure will normally consist of the following elements:
— design approval
— type testing
— issuance of type approval certificate.
The type approval procedure used by DNV is described in DNV Standard for Certification 1.2.
304 For certain products, equipment and systems as defined in the standards, type approval is sufficient as
the assessment needed for conforming product quality, i.e. production assessment is not required.
305 For certain products, equipment and systems as defined in the standards, type approval is a mandatory
procedure for design assessment.
306 For products, equipment and systems manufactured for stock, type approval shall be the normal
procedure for assessment of design.
307 For type approved products, where the basis for approval is the standards, documentation of the product
need not be submitted for approval for each device unless otherwise stated as a condition on the type approval
certificate. In such cases only the arrangement or system plans, interface plans and those plans mentioned on
the type approval certificate shall be submitted for approval.
D 400 Documentation of Certification
401 Certification of materials, components and systems shall be documented by the following types of
1) DNV Product certificate (NV):
A document signed by a DNV surveyor stating:
— conformity with standard requirements
— that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
— that tests are made on samples taken from the certified product itself
— that tests are performed in presence of the surveyor or in accordance with special agreements.
2) Works certificate (W):
A document signed by the manufacturer stating:
— conformity with standard requirements
— that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
— that tests are made on samples taken from the certified product itself
— that tests are witnessed and signed by a qualified department of the manufacturers.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.2 – Page 23

3) Test report (TR):

A document signed by the manufacturer stating:
— conformity with standard requirements
— that tests are carried out on samples from the current production.
The applicable standards will specify which of the above mentioned documentation will be required.
402 Where the standards require Works certificate (W) or Test report (TR), the surveyor may at any time
require tests to be carried out in his presence and/or check elements of the quality control in operation.
403 For identification and traceability, certified products shall be stamped in accordance with the marking
given in the product certificate and as specified by the applicable standards.
404 For certain components and systems as defined in the standards, the certification may be based on
defined internationally recognised standards and certification schemes that cover the overall quality, safety and
environmental standard of the rules. Compliance with the requirements of the standard shall be documented as
required by the standard.
D 500 Manufacturing survey arrangement
501 When the procedures and processes of a building yard's or a manufacturer's quality system meet the
quality, safety and environmental standard of the standards, a manufacturing survey arrangement (MSA) may
be established with the yard or the manufacturer as an alternative to the verification and production assessment
described in the applicable standards.
502 The agreed MSA shall be described in a document stating the requirements, scope, acceptance criteria,
documentation and the roles of DNV and the yard or the manufacturer in connection with the production
503 When it is agreed through an MSA that the majority of the required surveys and tests are being completed
without the presence of a surveyor, it is conditional upon the manufacturer having in operation a quality system
certified by an accredited certification body to ISO 9002, or equivalent.
504 When establishing an MSA, an initial assessment of the manufacturer's ability to control product quality
and to comply with the scope, requirements and criteria laid down in the MSA shall be performed. The extent
and frequency of periodical assessments of the manufacturer shall be included in the MSA.
505 An MSA is normally given a validity of 4 years. When the MSA is based on a certified quality system,
the MSA automatically becomes invalid if the quality system certification is no longer valid.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 24 – Sec.3 see note on front cover


A. General
A 100 Typical documentation and type of service
101 In this chapter typical documentation to be submitted in connection with certification of a tidal or wave
energy converter is described. The level of detail and areas to be covered will obviously depend on the
contractual agreements. It should be noted that for certification of a tidal or wave energy converter there will
be a minimum set of areas to be documented in order for DNV to issue a certificate. The areas described in this
chapter are covering more than the minimum requirements in this respect.
102 Depending on type of device, parts of or whole groups of documentation described in the following will
not be relevant. A detailed list reflecting the type of converter and operational mode must therefore be
established in each case.

B. Structural design
B 100 Type of installation
101 Tidal and wave energy converters may be either fixed or floating, and the construction material may be
steel, concrete or composite or a combination. The documentation requirements will vary depending on
construction material and type of device.
B 200 Environmental data
201 The environmental data used as basis for the design should be submitted. This should include:
— waves
— wind
— current profile and turbulence
— water depths
— tide
— soil conditions
— marine growth, thickness and specific weight
— seismic conditions
— design temperature.
B 300 Floating Tidal and Wave Energy Converters
301 Typical documentation to be submitted for verification of the structural design of a floating tidal or wave
energy converter will be:
— general arrangement plan
— plans for spaces and tanks
— structural design brief
— design load plan, including design accidental loads
— structural categorisation plan
— structural drawings
— model test documentation
— loading manual
— docking arrangement plan
— fabrication specification, including welding procedures
— design analyses, both global and local design, including temporary phases such as transit
— standard details
— local arrangement plans
— corrosion protection
— opening and closing appliances
— stability, including inclining test procedure, stability manual watertight integrity plans, etc.
— freeboard plan and list of watertight and weather tight items
— description of access for inspection and maintenance of the structure.


Amended April 2012 Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008
see note on front cover Sec.3 – Page 25

B 400 Fixed Tidal and Wave energy converters

401 Typical documentation to be submitted for verification of the structural design of a fixed converter will
— general description of the design in terms of size and type of structure, layout of equipment, deck
elevations, operational loading requirements and design life and construction material
— general arrangement plan
— description of computer programs used in design
— field data in terms of location and orientation of the converter
— soil data and foundation analysis
— description of scour protection system
— structural design brief
— design load plan, including design accidental loads
— structural categorisation plan
— structural drawings
— fabrication specification, including welding procedures
— design analyses, both global and local design, including temporary phases such as transit
— standard details
— local arrangement plans
— corrosion protection
— description of access for inspection and maintenance of the structure.
Foundation and mooring design must be shown by analysis (and testing if necessary) to be sufficient to survive
the site conditions and lifetime identified in the basis for certification. This will be confirmed by independent
verification by DNV. Internationally recognised standards should be used where relevant.

C. Position keeping
C 100 General
101 The position keeping system can be included in the verification of a tidal and wave energy converter.
Typically it will comprise the anchors/suction piles, anchoring lines, windlasses and winches on board the
converter. The following documentation will typically be submitted:
— line and anchor pattern
— type and weight and dimension of all line segments
— characteristic line strength
— anchor type, size, weight and material specification
— arrangement of fairleads and anchor points/pretensions
— position and weight of buoyancy elements and weight elements
— position and type of connection elements, such as Kenter shackles, D-shackles, and triplates
— windlass, winch and stopper design
— mooring line tensions in ULS and ALS limit states
— fatigue calculations of mooring line segments and accessories
— strength calculations of anchors, windlass components and fairleads
— corrosion allowance.

D. Machinery and Marine Systems

D 100 Floating Installations
101 Machinery and marine systems are covered by DNV-OS-D101, Marine and Machinery Systems and
Equipment. Typical systems are ballast system, bilge system, fuel system, HVAC system, etc. Documentation
for such systems should include:
— functional descriptions
— gear and other equipment used for production of electricity
— piping (or ducting) and instrumentation diagrams
— piping specifications
— control system
— reliability studies for critical systems.


Offshore Service Specification DNV-OSS-312, October 2008 Amended April 2012
Page 26 – Sec.3 see note on front cover

E. Electrical systems
E 100 General
101 Electrical systems are covered by DNV-OS-D201, Electrical Installations. The verification of the
electrical system on a tidal and wave energy converter will be based on the following typical documentation:
— system description
— line diagram
— generator description
— converter description
— overall single line diagram for emergency power
— principal cable routing sketch
— cable selection philosophy
— load balance
— discrimination analysis
— table of Ex-installation
— electrical system calculations
— battery systems.
— reliability studies for critical systems.

F. Instrumentation and control systems

F 100 General
101 Typical documentation for instrumentation and control systems is:
— functional description of control systems
— system block diagrams
— power supply arrangements
— user interfaces
— instrumentation and equipment lists
— arrangement and layouts
— description of functions covered by software
— reliability studies for critical systems.

G. Fire protection and safety systems

G 100 General
101 As a general basis for the fire protection and safety systems, a risk analysis should be conducted, where
design accidental loads are defined, as well as risk mitigating measures. These loads should cover fire and
explosion loads, impact loads from dropped objects and collisions, unintended flooding and loads caused by
extreme weather. Based on input from the risk analysis and prescriptive requirements in applicable codes, the
following should typically be documented:
— active and passive fire fighting systems
— general arrangement
— emergency shutdown system
— escape routes
— evacuation systems and life saving appliances.


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