WLC2011 - Call For Sister Organisation

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World Leadership Conference 2011

Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore


Call for Sister Organisation for WLC 2011

What it takes to be a Sister Organisation of WLC 2011 in your Country?

• Registered as a company/NGO in the your country's governing system

• Have an official valid bank account of your organisation

• Active in the environmental issues (In the last 2 years)

• Have the capacity to do outreach of consolidating ideas and opinions that

can represent the population of your country

• Able to transmit the message/news to the nation's environmental sphere

and the wider audience

• Can include NGOs, institutions, companies, if need be governmental bodies

How will being a sister organisation for WLC2011 benefit your organisation?

• Acknowledged as the Country Focal Point of your Country for WLC 2011

• Acknowledged in all our marketing collateral of your organisation and its


• Discounted ticket prices for you and your members/partners

• 30% of tickets sold with your help would go into fund raising for your
delegation/organisation. (Tickets sales facilitated by your organizations will
be known to us when participations as such during conference

• Identified as strategic partner and will be given priority for future

partnership together

What do you have to do as a Sister Organisation?

• Prepare national level inputs

o A suggested ratio of 50,000 : 1 consultation process
o Begin consultations as a build up from December 2010 onwards
o Prepare first draft by 15th February 2011
o Prepare final draft by 15st June 2011

• Send delegation
o To represent your country for policy track consolidation as priority
o To send fund raise for your delegation through whatever means
and sales of WLC 2011 tickets
o To finalise the delegations by 31st April 2011

• Marketing
o To promote WLC 2011 in your country through
o To drive tickets sales for the conference (with part of the proceeds
go to your organisation for your delegation)

Interested? Please register here now!

87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695
I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
World Leadership Conference 2011
Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore

For any further inquiry, you reach us via


87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695
I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

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