The Three Granthis (Knots of Illusion)

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The Three Granthis (Knots of Illusion)

Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Brahma-granthi vibhedinī sākshāt

Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah

Brahma-granthi, the first knot is created by our attention becoming entangled with matter and
materialism. It starts from Muladhara, moves up the left channel and creates superego. By its
action we lose sight of the Spirit. To overcome it we should put our attention on the Spirit and
not on worldly matters.

Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Vishnu-granthi vibhedinī sākshāt

Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah

Vishnu-granthi, the second knot is the one by which we think that we can ‘do’ something and
achieve something in this world. The more we think and strive and live with our ambitions,
the more its action moves up the right side and creates ego. Human beings cannot break the
second knot, only God can do it. So here we must respect ourselves and surrender ourselves
to God.

Aum twameva sākshāt Shrī Rudra-granthi vibhedinī sākshāt

Shrī Ādi Shakti Mātājī Shrī Nirmalā Devyai namo namah

Rudra-granthi, the third and last knot occurs on the central channel due to artificiality in
seeking. We have to be truthful and honest in our seeking, absolutely on the truth. We are
seeking the Spirit, to become one with the Spirit and all our attention should go on the Spirit
and should not be frittered away on nonsensical things.

‘With Agni (fire), when the Brahma-granthi meets between the Kundalini, Muladhara
chakra and the Swadhishthana, then Agni Brahmagranthi is established. When Vishnu-
granthi mixes up with the Surya (Sun), that is between the Nabhi and the Heart chakra,
Surya Vishnu-granthi is established. When Vishuddhi and Agnya auras meet, then
Chandra Rudra-granthi is established (Moon).’

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