WLC2011 - Guide On Conducting National Level Consultation

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Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore

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The national level consultation will only be conducted by the official sister
organisation of WLC2011, also known as the Country Focal Point for WLC 2011.

The objective of this guide is to help the sister organization provide a just and fair
consultation process that will include as many young people as possible into the
process which will be put together as a combined outcome document for WLC2011.
This will subsequently function as the regional input towards the Rio + 20 Summit to be
due in November 2011.

The consultation must meet the minimum requirement of a country population:

consultation participant ratio of 50,000:1. This means for every 50,000 population your
country has, you will need to consult at least one person. While we recognize this may
not be the best ratio but it would be the least required and for anything more, it
would be most welcome.

Overview of National consultation process

This methodology is a suggestion from WLC committee for sister organisations to

conduct national level consultation. However, s ister organizations are free to do the
process differently if it suits them better. However, please remember to keep to the
 of submission of drafts to WLC committee as mentioned below.



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Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore

Phase 1
| Informing general public on the WLC conference specifically the purpose and
importance of the national level consultation.
|  ather inputs of the population based the 5 question in Appendix A
| ½ased on the inputs, come up with a set of issues that reflect the view of the
majority and continue the consultation process based on these issues. 

,1,% Contain all the issues brought up for the respective themes Inputs for the 5
questions from the input
- Document does not have page restrictions
- Must be submitted by 15th February 2011

Phase 2
@| ½ased on inputs from 1st phase, produce a series of questionnaire or utilize any
suitable method to gather more specific and in depth inputs
@| Inputs gathered should be more specific to the important issues identified
from phase 1
@| Inputs ideally should be discussed, debated and fr amed to suit the 3 themes
as stated in Appendix A

 1,% Contain a more refined version of the issues based on the first draft after
Phase 2 consultation
- Keep document within 10 pages, not including case studies
- Must be submitted by 15th April 2011

Phase 3
@| ½ased on inputs from 2nd phase, draft a documents which contain statements
which reflect the well discussed inputs
@| It should be sent out for feedback and any more changes if necessary.
@| If the document is necessary, there can be more phases to fine -tune the
documents to be as clear and accurate as possible.

(1,% Contain a more refined version of the issues based on the second draft
after Phase 3 consultation
- Keep document within 5 pages, not including case studies
- Must be submitted by 15th June 2011

Phase 4
@| Final phase of the process is to fine tune the document internally
@| It not be sent out again for feedback

1,% 3 page document, divided to 3 themes, Easy to understand and
importantly bring out the majo rity voice of the specific country
- To be submitted one week before the conference.

Please be reminded that all the submission as well as the final pre -conference should
be in English.



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Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore

Step-by-Step  uide on Doing National Level Consultation

@| Create an organising committee to do the consultation

@| It would be advisable to have strategic partners in the sub region of your country
to get more all-rounded input.

@| Ideally there should be a few phases of consultation process so that the final
document will be better refined, and clearly articulate the issues according to the
3 themes mentioned in Appendix A.


@| Create an online document or excel spreadsheet to list down all the potential
institutions, organisations, companies and resource people you would like to send
the preliminary consultation to.

@| Create online social media tool of t he following:

‘| Facebook  roup: ´WLC2011 XXX Consultationµ (where XXX is your country)

‘| Tweeter Account: ´wlc2011_xxxµ (where xxx is your country)
‘| Wordpress Account: ´WLC2011-xxxµ (where xxx is your country)

@| Send out the preliminary document (refer to Appendix A) for first input to the
identified institutions, organisations, companies and resource people .

@| Create an account at http://www.scribd.com to upload the Appendix A

document so you can share through all your online tools with a link to the
appendix online.

@| Constantly send reminders or nudge the participants to respond or give further


@| Consolidate contact details of participants .

@| Keep track on participation numbers .


@| Create a series of consultation / workshop sessions and identify the dates .

@| Send invites and have people sign up to confirm their attendance .

@| Send to them Appendix A in advance so they are better prepared prio r to the

@| Have a volunteer to facilitate the session and a scribe to record the discussion key

@| Key points should be confirmed prior to the end of the physical consultation .

@| Keep track on participation numbers and their names . The names will be included
as part of the consolidated final document.

@| It is good to take pictures of your physical consultation session .



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Another youth-led initiative by ECO Singapore



As a build up towards Rio + 20, Asia is being recognized as a formidable and a pivotal
player in the future development for a more sustain able planet for all of mankind.
Therefore, the World Leadership Conference 2011 aims to serve as a consultation
process for the Asia and Pacific c ountries in the year 2011 to have their input
consolidated as a re gional input towards the Rio + 20 Summit in 2012.

To align with the Rio Summit 2012, we will focus on the following themes:
@|  reen Economy to Eradicate Poverty
@| Energy and a Low Carbon Future
@| Environmental  overnance

Therefore, we need your input to make this successful. Your views, experiences and
insights are crucial in ensuring our overall input will be a valuable one with much
credential. This is also an opportunity to make known what is happening on the
ground to the highest possible level of policy negotiations.

Hence, we hope you will take time to read, underst and, consult and provide input on
the following questions.

 uiding Questions for each of the themes

1.| Why is this important and relevant to your country?

2.| What is your country·s state of play (current status) in this themed area?
3.| What are some of the key challenges that are impeding this forward?
4.| What would be the possible solution(s) to overcome these challenges?
@| National level solution
@| Regional level solu tion (if viable)
5.| Do you have success stories to share (as detailed as possible)?

Please kindly be constructive in your inputs.



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