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Chapter 6 ULS

6.2 Mandatory

For the verification of shear force, replace the text of 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 with the following text:

6.2.1 General Verification Procedure

1 (P) for the verification of the shear resistance of an existing element, the determination methods given in RBK
are applied.

Note: If the design of a reinforcement for a modification to an existing construction is assumed, the calculation rules for new
construction shall be applied.

2 (P) If the calculation rules given in are not met and the shear reinforcement is present, the shear
resistance of an element must also be verified according to the 6.2.3 of NEN-EN 1992-1-1.

Note: in the case of constructions with shear reinforcement, the 6.2.3 of NEN-EN1992-1-1 can result in a larger calculation value
of the shear resistance.

3 (P) The following symbols are defined for the verification of shear resistance:

VRd is the design value of the shear resistance;

VRd,cb is the design value of the shear force that can be sustained by the concrete without shear reinforcement;

VRd,ct is the design value of the shear force that can be sustained by the concrete without shear reinforcement;

VRd,s is the design value of the shear force which can be sustained by the yielding shear reinforcement;

VP is the calculation value of the contribution of the vertical prestressing to the shear strength, based on Pm, t (x);

VRd,max is the design value of the maximum shear force which can be sustained by the member, limited by
crushing of the compression struts.

VEd is the calculation value of the occurring shear force due to external load and prestress (with or without

NOTES: For example, vertical prestress is applied in duct bridges, this prestress has no effect on global behavior but only on local
behavior/strength. During the verification of the transverse force, the proportion of vertical prestress shall be the average pre-
tensioning force Pm, T (x) as resistance. The difference between the calculation value of the steel tension fpd and Pm, T (x)/Apw
is calculated according to 6.2.3 (3) and 6.2.3 (4) of NEN-EN 1992-1-1 as shear reinforcement.

(4) For the verification of shear resistance, the following (additional) terms and definitions shall be used:

Verification plan: section in an element in which the shear strength and the occurring shear force
is determined and verified;

ATB cracks due to shear force - the failure mechanism in which failure due to shear
force in the uncracked area is initiated by exceeding the concrete tensile
strength due to the main tensile stress.

Note: In the case of I shaped sections, it is usually sufficient to have a test in the body of the element.

ABB shear bending fracture, the collapsing mechanism in which failure due to shear
force is initiated by bending cracks from which an oblique shearing crack is
formed and develops into the compression zone.
(5) Prestressed elements must be divided into uncracked and cracked presumed areas. Uncracked areas are the
areas where the bending tensile stress in the extreme fiber (M / W + N / A) in the basic load combinations is less
than fctd. The other areas of a prestressed element must be considered cracked.

To determine the transition from cracked to non-cracked, the bending tensile stress must be obtained determined
in the cross-section with a load position associated with the maximum shear force with corresponding moment.

(6) In reinforced elements and cracked areas of prestressed elements, the occurring shear force VEd and the shear
force VRd are determined according to (ABB).

(7) In the uncracked areas of prestressed elements, the occurring shear force must occur VEd and the shear
resistance VRd are verified according to table 6.1 RBK.

Tabel 6.1 RBK: Shear check in uncracked areas of prestressed elements.

Uncracked area at free ends Verification 1: acc to (ABB) with VRd,s = 0
Verification 2: acc to (ABB) with VRd,cb = 0
Verification 3: acc to (ATB)
Minimum UC-value following verifications 1, 2 and 3 is

Verification 1: According to (ABB) with VRd,s = 0

Other uncracked zones Verification 2: According to (ABB) with VRd, cb =
Minimum UC value following verification 1 and 2 is in
the determinant.

Note: Research has shown that when determining the shear resistance in uncracked areas with the combination of VRd,cb and
VRd,s the intended level of confidence is not achieved in all cases. It has also not been shown that shear resistance “Other
uncracked areas” according to the ATB test gives in all cases a safe prediction of the carrying capacity. This verification method
is therefore excluded.

(8) Shear reinforcement must meet the detail requirements according to 9.2.2 of NEN-EN 1992-1-1 incl. the
additions there to in this RBK.

Note: The RBK additions to 9.2.2 indicate the conditions under which shear reinforcement may be loaded with
insufficient anchoring.

(9) The acting transverse force VEd cannot be greater than the shear resistance VRd in any section of the element.

(10) The calculation values of the transverse force VEd should not exceed the permissible maximum value VRd,
max (according to 6.2.3 (3) of NEN-EN 1992-1-1) at any place in the element.

(11) In addition to the required shear reinforcement, if a load is close to the underside of a cross-section, sufficient
suspension reinforcement must be made to allow the load to be transferred to the upper part of the intersection.

Explanation: For example, this situation occurs in cross-beams of duct bridges when the connecting walls cannot directly transfer
the load by transverse force to the bearings.

(12) Concentrated (wheel) loads may be spread through asphalt or other layers to the top of the concrete layer.

Note: For the dispersion of the load from the tandem systems to the upper side of the deck, 60 ° with the horizontal and for
dispersion by pavement 45 ° may be held with the horizontal on ground/foundation layers.
(13) The TS tandem systems as defined in NEN-EN 1991-2 should be placed as unfavorable as possible for each
verification plane.

Note: When applying load trains in computer program’s the step size must be taken sufficiently small (max. 0, 5d)
to find the most unfavorable position.

6.2.2 Verification of shear-bending cracks and shear-tension cracks General

(1) Verification must be carried out from the following verification planes:

- Shear-bending cracking

Verification planes formed by a vertical plane from the most drawn edge to the first layer of reinforcement or
prestressed by an oblique plane according to the adopted direction of the compression strut to the resultant
concrete tension in the compressed zone is followed by a vertical plane to the most printed edge (see Figure 6.2

- Shear-tension cracking

Verification planes formed by a vertical cut (see Figure 6.1 RBK).

(2) The determination method in this RBK is written for horizontally located elements with constant cross-section.
In the case of a variable height or non-horizontal elements, the effect should be included in the verification.

(3) The calculation of the shear resistance according to Expression (6.4) is not required for cross-sections that are
nearer to the support than the point which is the intersection of the elastic centroidal axis and a line inclined from
the inner edge of the support at an angle of 45.

Explanation: The scope for the shear break is in Figure 6.1 RBK located from section ① - ① To cut ② - ②.

(4) The first verification plane for verification of the shear resistance according to shear-crack is located aan de dag
of the bearing of de dag van een transversal beam.

(5) In the case of verification 1 according to table 6.1 RBK allowed in the key plan which is the transition from
uncracked to cracked area, the contribution of the shear reinforcement in the uncracked area is to be included.

Note: Several verification areas can be distinguished at shear check. In Figure 6.1 RBK, these can be distinguished
as follows:

From section ❸ - ❸ To cut ❺ -❺ Verification 1 and 2 according to table 6.1 RBK.

From section ❹ - ❹ To cut ❺ - ❺ Verification 1 according to table 6.1 RBK. With the addition of VRd, s in the
cracked area.

From section ❺ - ❺ Verification according to (ABB)

Gescheurd - cracked
Figure 6.1 RBK ― verification areas for verifications at the free bearings of prestressed constructions Shear-bending fracture

(1) The calculation value of the shear force is given by:

VEd = VEd,I + ΔVEd,I (6.1 RBK)


VEd,I is the calculated value of the acting shear force in cross-section I;

ΔVEd,I is the calculated value of the vertical force, those under the verification zone (over z1cotθ) such as the own
weight and the bending due to prestressing;
Figuur 6.2 RBK ― Shear check

In Figure 6.2 RBK Examples are given of the verification surfaces at compression on the top and

compression on the bottom, with the following notations:

y - Distance from the most compressed edge to the resultant of the concrete compression force;

z1 – the lever-arm between the concrete compression force and the first layer of the reinforcement from the most
drawn edge;

zi – the lever-arm between the concrete compression force and the layer of the reinforcement i;

For the vertical position of the reinforcement, the effective height of the verification cross-section be assumed.

d1 - the effective height for the first layer;

di - the effective height of the i layer;

z1cotθ - the distance over which the stirr-ups may be included for the determination of the VRd,s.

(2) The size of the distance y must be determined on the basis of an equilibrium in the verification plane with MEd
and NEd, where it must be assumed that the concrete cannot take the tension. For MEd, the compute value of the
maximum moment over Z1cotθ, determined at the same load positions as for VEd, shall be kept. For NEd, the sum
of the compute value of the horizontal forces in the verification plane must be kept.

(3) The longitudinal reinforcement that crosses the verification plane must be able to absorb the tensile force
specified in (2) in the equilibrium consideration.
Explanation: This means that beyond the verification plane there must be sufficient reinforcement which must also be
sufficiently anchored.

(4) In determining the shear force of uncracked areas, the determination of the distance y shall be assumed to be
the largest occurring moment (MEd) in the considered shear area (area with the same sign of the transverse force).

Explanation: Due to the normal compression value of pretension in the bending uncracked area, the entire cross section can be
under compression. Then the determination of d is theoretically not possible, by going out of the largest occurring moment in
the shear area there is normally in part of the cross-section A tensile tension present and thus a value for Y can be determined.
This is an arithmetic trick to execute the key on ABB.

(5) For the determination of VRd, the angle θ of the verification plane are taken equal to the slope of the
compression strut where:
θ = 45° for elements with σcp = 0 MPa;

θ = 30° for elements with σcp ≥ 5 MPa;


σcp according to comparison 6.3. a/b RBK determined at a distance > ldisp (as given in (4) RBK)

For values σcp between 0 and 5 MPa must be interpolated linearly to determine θ.

Explanation: For an element of a construction only once a value of σcp needs to be determined in order to determine which
angle θ should be held for the verification plane. This provision may be made on the basis of the concrete tension present after
full dispersion over the concrete section.

In the case of verification of uncracked areas according to verification 2 in table 6.1 RBK, the angle θ may be
adopted between 1 ≤ cot θ ≤ 2,5.

In the presence of (almost) vertical pretension, the effect of this must be taken at the angle θ of the verification

(6) The benchmark verification plane must be searched and verified. The benchmark authentication plane is the
authentication plane where the UC value is greatest, UC value = VEd/VRd.

(7) The calculation value of the shear resistance VRd is given by:

VRd = VRd,cb + VRd,s + Vp (6.2 RBK)

It can or may not combine VRd,cb and VRd,s is given in table 6.1 RBK.

(8) The calculation value of the shear resistance VRd,cb is given by:

with a minimum of


fck is in MPa;

kcap = 1,2 for monolithic solid parts of plates with linear support.

A plate is line-shaped supported if the following two conditions are met:

-The distance between the bearings is no greater than 5d (d may refer to thickness of the deck or on the thickness
of the transverse beam);

-The longitudinal reinforcement at the bottom of the plate is positioned above the longitudinal reinforcement in
the transverse beam or above the transversal reinforcement in the plate.

kcap = 1,0 in other constructions including volstortliggers;

𝑑e ≤ 2,0 met de in mm;

de is the effective height in the projection of the verification plane on the vertical plane.

= ze + y in mm.

y distance from the farest edge to the resultant of the concrete compression force determined according to

ze is the lever-arm in the vertical projection of the verification plane (Zi and Zpi according to figure 6.2 RBK)

For the calculation of de, ze and ρl only the tensile zone reinforcement may be included;

Asi is the area of the reinforcement in the tensile zone, located within the cooperating width b eff in accordance
with of NEN-en 1992-2, that intersects the authentication plane and is sufficiently anchored from the
authentication plane. In the case of insufficient anchorage, Asi must be reduced in proportion to the actual
anchorage length and the anchorage length according to comparison (8.4) of NEN-en 1992-1-1;

Note: If tensile reinforcement is not sufficiently anchored in the verification surface, this will also affect the torque capacity.

Api is the area of the prestressed reinforcement in the tensile zone, located within the cooperating width b eff in
accordance with of NEN-en 1992-2, that intersects the authentication plane and is sufficiently anchored
from the authentication plane. If there is insufficient anchoring, the Api can be reduced on the basis of the actual
anchorage length and the tension in the anchorage area according to of NEN-en 1992-1-1;

bwgem is the average width in mm and is given by:

Ab,pro is the net concrete surface in mm2 of the effective height, the projection of the verification plane on the
vertical plane. In determining Ab,pro should be deducted the pretensioning channels. For injected pre-tension
ducts, only half the surface needs to be deducted.

bmin is the smallest width in mm over the effective height which does not have to be taken into account with any
existing pre-tensioning ducts (see also figure 6.3 RBK);

σcp = NEd/Ac < 0,4 fcd (MPa)

Ac - gross vertically projected concrete surface over full height [mm 2]

NEd is the normal force in the verification plane as a result of load or pretension in Newton (N) (NEd > 0 for
pressure). The influence of deformations imposed on NEd may have been neglected.
Figure 6.3 RBK ― Projected verification plane Different verification rules for solid plates

(1) If the shear resistance is determined by comparison (6.3 a RBK and 6.3 b RBK):

- Should be assumed to be a vertical verification plane.

- The most unfavorable position of the load in relation to the verification plane must be held.

- The first verification plane must be taken to the distance of the bearings or the distance

of a stirr-ups.

- The front of the wheel print of the tandem systems, after dispersion up to the top of the construction (by
ground, asphalt etc.), no closer than 2,5 de from the distance of the bearing or of the crossbar. The 2nd and 3rd
tandem systems should be so unfavourable possible compared to the 1st tandem system be placed. The distance
2, 5 de must be measured perpendicular to the lay line of the plate.

(2) When calculating massive plates using a plate modelling, the calculation value of the acting transverse force
VEd deviating from are determined. In the vertical verification surface to be held, the acting transverse
force VEd can be determined by means of a width of 4 de (in transverse direction parallel to the bearings). Shear-tension crack

(1) For the shear resistance determined on the basis of shear breakage, the occurring main tensile force shall not
exceed the calculation value of the tensile strength of the concrete. The current main tensile force σ1, Max must
be determined according to equation (6.5 RBK).

(2) The maximum stress of the main tensile force over the height of the verification plane is given


σh is the horizontal compressive stress in the concrete on the considered height as a result of the normal force
(NEd) In/of moment (MEd) (compression is positive) taking into account introduction of forces of prestressing etc.
and a load position associated with the maximum transverse force VEd.


VEd is the calculation value of the occurring transverse force resulting from external load and pretension (with or
without attachment);

Sy is the section moment at the considered height relative to the center line;

I – second moment of inertia;

by - is the width on the regarded height y, taking into account any pre-tensioning ducts in accordance with the
equations (6.16) and (6.17) of NEN-en 1992-1-1;

For statically determined post-tensioned T-beams no need to be taken into account

with possible reduction by existing pre-tension channels.

Explanation: For cross sections where the width varies over the height the maximum main tensile stress can occur
at an axle other than the center of gravity. By considering several points about the height this point can be found.

(3) comparison (6.5 RBK) indicates the maximum performance of the main tensile stress in the verification plane.
The corresponding Unity check (UC value) is given by:

UC = 𝜎1,𝑚𝑎𝑥/𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑

4) comparison (6.5 RBK) and (6.6 RBK) are based on testing of elements without effects of (almost) vertical
pretension. In the presence of (almost) vertical pretension, the effect of this should be taken on the basis of the
theory of the Mohr circle. The same limit value for the concrete tensile strength must be assumed.

NOTES: In the presence of vertical pretension, the main tensile stress cannot be determined according to
comparison (6.6 RBK) as this simplifies the theory of the Mohr circle in which the vertical component is prestress is

(5) The benchmark authentication plane must be searched and verified. The benchmark

authentication plane is the authentication plane in which the ratio 𝜎1,𝑚𝑎𝑥/𝑓𝑐𝑡𝑑 is the largest.

(6) For the general case of bending and normal force elements, which may have been shown to remain uncracked
when bending in the ULS, reference is made to 12.6.3 of NEN-en 1992-1-1. Other verifications and requirements

(1) Bij constructies zonder berekende bijdrage van dwarskrachtwapening moet de rekenwaarde

van de optredende dwarskracht (VEd) voldoen aan de voorwaarde:


bw is the minimum width between the tensile and the compression edge, in determining bw should ducts be
deducted, where pre-tension channels are also considered holes. For injected pre-tension ducts only the half
surface needs to be deducted;

d Effective cross-sectional height;

ν - strength reduction factor is for concrete, cracked by transverse force,

(2) Beams with loads close to bearings and consoles may, as an alternative, have been calculated using bar
modelling. For this alternative, reference is made to 6.5 of NEN-en 1992-1-1.

----------------- End RBK Replacement 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 of NEN-en 1992-1-1------------------------

6.2.3 (2) Mandatory

The value of θ is given in (5).

6.2.3 (3) Mandatory

In addition to 6.2.3 (3) of NEN-en 1992-1-1 applies to of these RBK:

A) The shear resistance VRd is the smallest value of equation (6.8 RBK) and (6.9) of NEN-en 1992-1-1. For the
determination of VRd,max must be replaced Z by Z1 as indicated in of this RBK.

b) Vertical pretension may be charged as a shear reinforcement. Hereby comparison (6.8) of NEN-en 1992-1-1
must be replaced by the following


VRd,s is the calculation value of the shear force which may have been recorded by the shear reinforcement
present in the verification plane when reaching the yield boundary (concrete steel) or a fictitious yield limit
(pretension steel);

Asw is the area of the shear reinforcement from normal reinforcement;

Apw is the cross-section of the shear reinforcement from vertical pretension reinforcement;

Ssw is the heart-to-heart distance of the shear reinforcement consisting of normal reinforcement;

Spw Is the heart-to-heart distance of the shear reinforcement consisting of pretension reinforcement;

z1 lever amr

Note: This is in the line Z1 as shown in Figure 6.3 RBK.

fywd is the calculation value of the yield limit of the shear reinforcement from concrete steel;

Note: The contribution of the prestressing steel is limited as the combination of concrete share and steel share
should limit the crack width to allow the simultaneous occurrence of both mechanisms.

c) if comparison (6.10) of NEN-EN 1992-1-1 has been used, the value of fywd in comparison (6.8 RBK) should be
reduced to 0.8 fywk and

6.2.3 (4) Mandatory

In addition to 6.2.3 (4) of NEN-en 1992-1-1 applies to of these RBK:

a) The shear resistance VRd is the smallest value of comparison (6.9 RBK) and (6.14) of NEN-en 1992-1-1. In
comparison (6.14) of NEN-en 1992-1-1, the largest angle of α and β must be assumed. For the determination of
VRd, Max must be replaced Z by Z1 as indicated in of this RBK.

Note: When comparing (6.10 RBK) with shear reinforcement from pre-tension steel, comparison (6.15) of NEN-EN
1992-1-1 is no longer applicable.

b) Vertical pretension may be considered in calculations as a shear reinforcement. Comparison (6.13) must be
replaced by the following equation:


α is the angle between the shear reinforcement from concrete steel and the axle of the girder perpendicular to the
transverse force;

- Other See Supplement to 6.2.3 (3).

6.2.3 (5) advise

This article shall be not applied when the of this RBK is applied.

6.2.3 (7) Mandatory

This article shall be not applied when the of this RBK is applied.

Note: In the case of verification as given in of this RBK, the reinforcement must be sufficiently anchored
from the intersection with the verification plane to absorb the emergent tensile force. This emergent tensile force
is determined by the maximum occurrence of the verification plane.

6.2.3 (8) Mandatory

When applying of this RBK, in all cases the β= 1 shall be held.

6.3.2 (5) Mandatory

Replace equation (6.2) by comparison (6.3 RBK). (2) Mandatory

When applying of this RBK, comparison (9.2) shall be replaced by the:

αl = z1(cotθ) (9.2 RBK)

TOELICHTING: Door de combinatie van het betonaandeel (VRd,cb) en het aandeel van beugelwapening (VRd,s) is
de werkelijke verschuiving een waarde tussen de uitkomst van (9.2) en (9.2 RBK), e.e.a. afhankelijk van de
verhouding tussen beide componenten. De hier gegeven verschuivingsregel is een veilige benadering.

Note: Due to the combination of the concrete share (VRd,cb) and the proportion of stir-up reinforcement (VRd, s)
the actual offset is a value between the outcome of (9.2) and (9.2 RBK), things depending on the ratio between the
two components. The shift rule given here is a safe approach.

9.2.2 (3) Mandatory

Stir-ups that are insufficiently anchored may only be subject to the following conditions in accordance with 6.2.3 of
NEN-en 1992-1-1.

- stirr-ups must enclose the tensile zone;

- minimum existing anchorage length l bd, pointer of the stirr-up in the verification plane

must be kept.

- Voor beugels welke de drukzone niet omsluiten mag voor de verankeringslengte alleen

uitgegaan worden van de aanwezige beugellengte in de drukzone. Voor de bepaling van de

drukzonehoogte moet worden uitgegaan van het maximale optredende moment horende

bij de optredende maximale dwarskracht in het verificatievlak.

For stirr-ups which do not enclose the compression zone, the anchorage length can only be assumed from the
existing stirr-up length in the compression zone. For the determination of the compression height, it is necessary
to assume the maximum occurrence of the current maximum shear force in the verification plane.

-For the contribution in the review in accordance with 6.2.3 of nen-en 1992-1-1, in comparison (6.8)/(6.13) of nen-
en 1992-1-1 or (6.9 RBK) or (6.10 RBK):

- fywd must be replaced by the maximum recordable stress which must be limited to σswd:


l bd,aanw - minimum existing anchorage length as shown in Figure 9.1 RBK

-For the determination of the number of stirr-ups z must be replaced by (d1-X) when applying the RBK or (d-X)
when applying NEN-en 1992-1-1.

Figuur 9.1 RBK: Example for lbd,aanw

NEN-EN 1992-2

5.5 (105) Mandatory

(1) Leveling is allowed until d ≥0,8.

(2) Redistribution is not permitted in the case of rebar class A.

(3) In the case of redistribution, it is necessary to verify whether the reinforcement is not loaded in the SLS.

Explanation: By adjusting the partial load factors in existing construction according to NEN 8700 it may be that in
the use phase the load is already so high that the yield of the reinforcement occurs. In determining the maximum
redistribution of 20% mentioned here, it is assumed that the stress in the reinforcement will then remain below
the yield stress in the use phase. By choosing a lower level of safety with corresponding partial load factors, it may
be that rebar is already yielding in the use phase, this must be avoided.

6.2.2 (101) Mandatory

For the verification of shear force, the RBK text for 6.2 of NEN-EN 1992-1-1.

6.2.3 (103) Mandatory

In addition to 6.2.3 (103) of Nen-en 1992-2, 6.2.3 (3) RBK applies to nen-en 1992-1-1.

9.2.2 (101) NB Mandatory

(1) In the case of plates, shear reinforcement may consist entirely of bent reinforcement, provided that this
reinforcement is sufficiently anchored.

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