Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and Suggestions For Further Studies

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Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and

Suggestions for Further Studies

Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies

4.1 An Introductory Note

This chapter is concerned with data analysis and presentation of
results according to the statistical manipulation of the data obtained
through the administration of the instruments. It also includes the
conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further studies.

4.2 Analysis and Discussion of Results

The obtained results are presented according to the aforementioned
aims of the present study and as shown below:

4.2.1 Result Related to the First Aim

In order to achieve the first aim which is “finding out Iraqi EFL
university students’ self-efficacy in terms of their speaking skill” , the
speaking self-efficacy scale has been applied to the sample of the study
which consists of 250 students. The results indicate that the mean score
of the sample is 73.400 with a standard deviation of 18.610. To
identify the significance of difference, one sample t-test has been used.
The computed t-value which is -26.848 is found to be higher than the
critical t-value which is 1.960 at 0.05 level of significance and 249
degree of freedom. Thus, it has been found that there is a significant
difference between the mean score of the sample which is 73.400 and the
theoretical mean which is 105 of the scale and in favour of the theoretical

Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 151

mean of the sample (see Table 4-1). According to this result, Iraqi EFL
university students' speaking self-efficacy is low.

Table 4-1
One Sample t-test for Students' Speaking Self-Efficacy

No. of Mean T- Value df
Arithmetic Theoretical Computed Critical
249 0.05
250 73.400 105 18.610 -26.848 1.960

4.2.2 Result Related to the Second Aim

The second aim is concerned with “finding out Iraqi EFL university
students’ self-efficacy in terms of their writing skill”. So, to achieve this
aim, a writing self-efficacy scale has been applied to the sample. The
results indicate that the mean score of the sample is 86.928 with a
standard deviation of 19.190. To identify the significance of the
difference, one sample t-test has been used. The computed t-value which
is -7.475 is found to be higher than the critical t-value which is 1.960 at
0.05 level of significant and 249 degree of freedom. Thus, it has been
found that there is a significant difference between the mean score of the
sample which is 86.928 and the theoretical mean of the scale which is
96 and in favour to the theoretical mean of the sample (see Table 4-2 ).
Accordingly, it is concluded that Iraqi EFL students' writing self-efficacy
is low.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 152

Table 4-2
One Sample t-test for Students' Writing Self-Efficacy

Mean T- Value df level
No. of
Arithmetic Theoretical Computed Critical
249 0.05
250 86.928 96 19.190 -7.475 1.960

4.2.3 Result Related to the Third Aim

The third aim is concerned with “finding out the level of students'
performance in speaking”. To achieve this aim , an interview has been
conducted on the sample . The students' mean scores and the standard
deviations are calculated and then compared to the theoretical mean.
Then, by using one-sample t-test, the results are found to be as shown
below in Table 4-3.
Table 4-3
One Sample t-test for Students' Level of Performance in Speaking

No. of Mean T- Value Sig.

Items Arthematic Theoretical Comp. Critic. Level
1 1.9680 2.5 0.86369 -9.739
2 1.9680 2.5 0.84489 -9.956
3 2.0000 2.5 0.76573 -10.324
1.960 249 0.05
4 1.9200 2.5 0.78234 -11.722

5 1.7720 2.5 0.72810 -15.809

Total 9.6280 12.5 2.2958 -19.780

Table 4-3 shows that the mean score of the whole sample is 9.6280
with a standard deviation of 2.2958. The computed t- test value which
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 153

is -19.780 is found to be higher than the critical t- value which is 1.960 at

0.05 level of significance and 249 degree of freedom. This indicates a
significant difference between the sample's mean score which is 9.6280
and the theoretical mean which is 12.5 and in favour of the theoretical
mean .This signifies the low level of performance of Iraqi EFL university
students in speaking skill.

4.2.4 Result Related to the Forth Aim

This aim is concerned with “finding out the level of students’
performance in writing”. A writing test has been prepared and
administrated to the sample of the study as mentioned in chapter three.
The mean scores and the standard deviations of the test has been
calculated and then compared to the theoretical mean . Then, by using
one-sample t-test the results are found to be as shown in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4
One Sample t-test for Identifying Students' Level of Performance in
Writing Skill

No. of Mean T-Value Sig.

SD df
Items Arthematic Theoretical Comp. Tab. Level
1 2.0400 2.5 0.83977 -8.661

2 2.0200 2.5 0.88017 -8.623

3 2.0720 2.5 0.88428 -7.653

1.960 249 0.05
4 2.1240 2.5 0.88075 -6.750

5 2.0120 2.5 0.80402 -9.597

Total 10.2720 12.5 2.13359 -16.511

Table 4-4 shows that the mean score of the whole sample is
10.2720 with a standard deviation of 2.13359. The computed t-test
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 154

value which is -16.511 is found to be higher than the critical t-value

which is 1.960 at 0.05 level of significance and 249 degree of freedom.
This indicates a significant difference between the sample's mean score
which is 10.2720 and the theoretical mean which is 12.5 and in favour of
the theoretical mean .This signifies the low level of performance of Iraqi
EFL university students in writing skill.

4.2.5 Result Related to the Fifth Aim

The fifth aim is about “finding out the relationship between students'
speaking self-efficacy and their speaking performance”. To compute the
correlation coefficient between the students' self-efficacy regarding
speaking and their speaking performance, Pearson correlation coefficient
formula has been used. Pearson correlation coefficient is found to be
0.106 at 0.05 level of significance and 249 degree of freedom. This
indicates a significant correlation between the students' speaking self-
efficacy and their speaking performance. It shows that whenever the
students’ self-efficacy is low, their level of performance is low as well
(see Table 4-5).

Table 4-5
Pearson Correlation between Self-efficacy and Speaking
Pearson Level of
Df No. of Students
Correlation Significant
0.106 0.05 249 250
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 155

4.2.6 Result Related to the Sixth Aim

The sixth aim is concerned with “finding out the relationship
between students' writing self-efficacy and their writing performance”.
To achieve this aim, Pearson correlation coefficient formula has been
used to determine the relationship between the two variables. Pearson
correlation coefficient is found to be 0.185 at 0.05 level of significance
and 249 degree of freedom. This indicates that there is a correlation
between the students’ writing self-efficacy and their writing performance,
and that whenever their self-efficacy is low, their writing performance is
also low (see Table 4-6).

Table 4-6
Pearson Correlation between Self-efficacy and Writing Performance
Pearson Level of
Df No of Students
Correlation Significant
0.185 0.05 249 250

4.3 Discussion of Results

In the present study, the affective variable of students -self-efficacy-
which refers to student’s perceived capabilities to accomplish any
academic task has been found to be correlated with the cognitive domain
which is the students’ performance. The results of the current study reveal
1- Iraqi EFL students' speaking self-efficacy is low. This can be
attributed to some certain indicators. When speaking, it seems that
Iraqi EFL university students believe that they :
a. cannot express opinions in a logical manner when discussing topics
they are concerned about.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 156

b. cannot express agreement or disagreement with opinion in class

discussions and give reason.
c. are unable to join conversations on familiar everyday topics (e.g.
hobbies, weekend plans, etc.).
d. incapable of expressing feelings such as surprise and joy, and the
reasons behind them.
e. cannot pronounce all words they need in speech correctly.
f. do not have the capacity to convincingly and correctly use parts of
speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
g. are incapable of producing a well-organized, well-sequenced or
coherent speech.
h. cannot express ideas in stressful situations, and within a limited
i. are unable to use a wide range of vocabulary.

2- Iraqi EFL students' writing self-efficacy is low. Among other

indicators, the following can mostly account for this point:
a. they are unable to write interesting and appropriate response to a
given topic.
b. they cannot easily cover all the information that should be dealt with
in given topics.
c. they do not have the capacity to use appropriate style to the task or
to easily match style with topic.
d. they are unable to generate ideas to write about easily.
e. they cannot convincingly justify ideas in composition writing.
f. they are incapable of producing error-free structures nor they can
write with few spelling errors.
g. they cannot use the punctuation marks efficiently.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 157

h. they are unable to write several lengthy paragraphs on familiar

i. they do not have the ability to use a wide range of vocabulary in
their composition.
j. they cannot fulfill a writing task without any difficulty within a
given time limit.

Some major causations may account for the above two results:
1- Throughout the language learning-teaching cycle , Iraqi EFL university
curriculum and/or teaching methods followed by the college instructors:
- could not have exposed their students to language (speaking and
writing) situations, in the near past, where they can grow the ability to
successfully express agreement or disagreement , join conversations on
familiar topics, correctly use the parts of speech, use wide range of
vocabulary or produce a well-organized, well-sequenced or coherent
speech or piece of writing. This pertains to a major component of self-
efficacy which is mastery experiences. It is the most significant source of
- could not have supported their students with enough encouragement,
guidance and positive suggestions when involved in spoken or written
language performance tasks. It could assist in correcting performance in
areas in need of improvement, or producing unsuccessful results. It
pertains to social persuasion which is another important aspect of self-
- could not have exposed their students to thorough spoken or written
language situations where they could make observations of live or taped
social models engaged in behaviours that they are afraid of or thought
they could not perform;
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 158

- could not have exposed their students to thorough learning situations

where they could learn and practice some of the most common strategies
for reducing emotional and physiological arousal such as relaxation,
breathing techniques, and meditation to overcome negative emotional
arousals students sometimes face and often lead to fear, and cause them
doubt about their competency. Reducing emotional arousal, especially
anxiety during attempts to perform an EFL task increases self-efficacy.
2- Also, throughout their early childhood, Iraqi EFL university students
may have been undergone an upbringing style, followed by their parents
or caregivers, that may have undermined their emotional self-regulation
and seriously impacted their future capacity to handle stress and
emotional surges. Thus, they cannot confidently express opinions with
regard to topics of interests for them, or express feelings such as surprise
and empathy; nor they can efficiently vocalize their ideas under stressful
situations within a limited time span.
3- Most of Iraqi EFL university students have low level of speaking skill
performance. Indicators are:
a. students’ errors in pronunciation are frequent. Their pronunciation is
not clear.

b. students can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately

but do not have thorough confident control of the grammar.

c. students’ vocabulary are inadequate to express anything but the most

elementary needs.

d. within the scope of their limited language experience, the students can
understand simple questions and statements if delivered with slow-
pace speech or paraphrase.

e. they cannot communicate ideas fluently and easily.

Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 159

The reasons for this result may vary. Yet, it is still possible to
identify the most frequent causes.
-Iraqi EFL university students may not have been possibly encouraged to
speak in their language classes by the curriculum , the method of teaching
and or the teaching techniques followed by their teachers may not have
met the students demand, for better performance. Speaking may not have
been considered too important a skill. In their lessons, the emphasis could
be presumably placed on accuracy of linguistic forms. Accordingly, their
idea of a language lesson may therefore comprise reading and doing
written exercises that practise grammar.
-It is also possible that the classes students attended may have been very
large. As a consequence , the students’ chance to speak may have been
very limited.
-Personal traits may constitute another reason. A number of students are
rather introverted in their nature; they are not used to expressing
themselves in front of others. They do not enjoy being the centre of
attention. That is why speaking may have been a problem for them.
-There could be some linguistic factors limiting speaking such as
difficulties in the phonetics and phonology of the target language (TL),
poor knowledge of grammatical patterns or low awareness of cultural
background and social conventions that are necessary for processing
meaning in the TL.
4- Most of Iraqi EFL college students have low level in writing skill
performance and they cannot write efficiently and successfully. They do
not have enough abilities to perform academic assignment in writing
skill. Indicators may include:

a. they cannot organize ideas effectively. Introduction is shaky or

minimally recognizable. There are severe problems with ordering the
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 160

ideas. Also, conclusion is weak or illogical. There is inadequate effort

at organization.

b. they cannot complete the idea .Their writing do not reflect careful
thinking. Besides, they approach the tasks hurriedly and do not excel
in area of content.

c. they have serious grammar problems that interfere with the

communication of their ideas.

d. they do not use appropriate punctuation. They are unable to separate

ideas and refine the information being presented. Also, there are
spelling problems which distract the reader.

e. they do not have a sufficient vocabulary. They cannot communicate

effectively or express their ideas in a written form.

Some reasons can illustrate this result.

-an overwhelming feeling of impossibility to write due to some inner or
outer reasons (depression, personal problems, illnesses, external
distractions). This is called Writer’s Block. It may severely cripple one’s
ability to write for shorter or longer periods of time.
-the curriculum , the method of teaching and or the writing teaching
techniques followed by their teachers may not have been that effective to
bring the students’ performance in writing up.
-poor time management for doing the task can be another reason. The
result is that the students don’t have enough time to complete the
- neglecting one’s studies for a considerable period of time and poor
education or something else.
- Iraqi EFL university curriculum, teaching methods followed by the
instructors seem to:
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 161

- discouraging creative writing and critical thinking since the students’

writing does not reflect careful thinking or generate ideas to write about
easily. Besides, the students approach the tasks hurriedly and do not excel
in area of content.
-There have been some linguistic factors limiting writing such as
difficulties in punctuation , grammatical structures , spelling of the target
language (TL), and poor knowledge of grammatical patterns or low
awareness of cultural background and social conventions that are
necessary for processing meaning in the TL.
5- There is a significant correlation between the students' speaking self-
efficacy and their speaking performance. The results uncover that
whenever students’ self-efficacy is low, their level of performance is also
6- There is a positive correlation between the students’ writing self-
efficacy and their writing performance. It indicates whenever their self-
efficacy is low, their writing performance is also low.
The present study has revealed that self-efficacy, productive skills
performance in EFL learning at the university level is positively
correlated and the relationship between these two concepts have an
important place in EFL learning. Meanwhile, it implies that there is a
disregard to the affinity between the two concepts (self-efficacy and
performance) in the field of EFL teaching and learning.
Accordingly, EFL university educators and pedagogues have the
major responsibility to pay more attention to the relationship between
self-efficacy and EFL university learners’ productive skills performance.
Thereby, they can contribute to successful EFL learning outcomes.
The current study findings are similar to those of Mahyuddin et
al’s(2006), Chen’s(2007), Tilfarlioglu and Ciftci’s(2011) and of Erkan
and Saban’s(2013). They all suggest that there is a significant positive
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 162

relationship between EFL self-efficacy and language performance and

achievement. Mahyuddin’s et al’s( study shows positive correlations
between several dimensions of self-efficacy, academic achievement
efficacy , other expectancy beliefs, and self-assertiveness, and academic
performance in English language. Chen’s study results of bi-variant
regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis show
that English language listening self-efficacy is a stronger predictor of
English language listening performance. While, Erkan and Saban's study
asserts that the relation between writing performance and self-efficacy in
writing are positively correlated.
The analysis of the data of Tilfarlioglu and Ciftci study reveals that
there is a positive relationship between self-efficacy and academic
To sum up, self-efficacy could be considered the starting point to
academic success in EFL learning in university settings since it is closely
correlated to students’ language performance.

4.4 Conclusions

In the light of the study findings, the following conclusions are

1. Iraqi EFL college students have low speaking and writing self-efficacy
which can become a learning obstacle for students.
2. Iraqi EFL university students have low level of speaking skill
performance. They have frequent errors in pronunciation, their
pronunciation is not clear, can usually handle elementary
constructions quite accurately but do not have thorough confident
control of the grammar. Moreover, their vocabulary are inadequate to
express anything but the most elementary needs, and they can
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 163

understand simple questions and statements if delivered with slow-

pace speech or paraphrase.
3. Iraqi EFL college students have low level of writing performance and
they cannot write efficiently and successfully. They do not have the
ability to perform academic assignment in writing skill. They cannot
organize ideas effectively. Introduction is shaky or minimally
recognizable. Also, conclusion is weak or illogical. Further, they
cannot complete the idea .Their writing do not reflect careful thinking.
Besides, they approach the tasks hurriedly and do not excel in area of
4. Iraqi EFL university students’ self-efficacy is one of the non-
cognitive factors that determine their performance in speaking and
writing. Speaking and writing self-efficacy also is found to be a good
predictor of speaking and writing performance. This result agrees
with the research findings, of various scholars, which maintained that
task-specific self-efficacy determines, to a great extent, performances
in a given EFL task.
5. Iraqi EFL university students with low level of speaking self-efficacy
have been found to have low level of speaking performance .
6. Iraqi EFL university students with low level of writing self-efficacy
have been found to exhibit low level of writing performance.
7. It is concluded that Iraqi EFL university students' performance in
writing is better than their performance in speaking.
8. Iraqi EFL university teachers and instructors can cement the social
persuasion effect necessary to hike the students’ self-efficacy through
building a positive relationship with their students, providing
informative feedback and giving their students more options in
language assessment.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 164

9. It is concluded that Iraqi EFL university students cannot easily use

structures learned in class accurately nor can they write several
paragraphs in length on familiar topics. Also, they cannot use
transition words correctly to make composition a better one.
10. It is found that Iraqi EFL university students cannot enrolled in
conversations on familiar everyday topics (e.g. hobbies, weekend
plans, etc , express feelings such as surprise and joy, or efficiently
engage in personal conversations. Moreover, they neither can
pronounce all words they need in speech correctly nor can they use
parts of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs correctly.

4.5 Recommendations

The following recommendations are stated:

1. Since self-efficacy usually comes from sources that are based
primarily on past performance experiences, EFL university students
need to focus more on their previous positive experiences during the
learning process and build on it for further success rather negative
ones. Past performance accomplishments tend to be the most powerful
and dependable predictors of self-efficacy beliefs.
2. EFL college students should accept (and simultaneously exchange
with peers) encouragement, guidance and positive suggestions given
by their teachers, peers and others concerned; especially regarding
mastery in difficult situations. It can assist in correcting performance
in areas needing improvement; areas that can produce unsuccessful
results. This is called social persuasion. Feedback from teachers,
parents, and peers has the potential to strengthen or weaken EFL
students’ efficacy in specific tasks.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 165

3. EFL college students ought to learn and practice some of the most
common strategies for reducing unwanted emotional and
physiological arousal. These strategies may include relaxation,
breathing strategies, and meditation to overcome negative emotional
arousals students sometimes face and often lead to fear, and cause
them doubt their competency. Therefore, reducing unwanted
emotional arousal, especially anxiety during attempts to perform a
task, increases self- efficacy.
4. It is beneficial for EFL college students to observe the successes of
peers to help enhance their confidence in their own abilities to
succeed. Seeing peer students succeed by sustained effort raises
observers' beliefs that they too possess the capabilities to master
comparable activities. The impact of modeling on perceived self-
efficacy is strongly influenced by perceived similarity to the models.
5. EFL college departments have to provide suitable social learning
models for their students in order to support their students’ vicarious
experiences. It is critical that the models to be provided are related to
students. The more students are related to the models being observed,
the more likely the models’ performance would have a deeper impact
on them. Many self-efficacy beliefs are developed by learning from
other student’s experiences. Observing others perform successfully
can improve students’ beliefs in their own capabilities to perform in
similar way, and help encourage persistence in their own efforts.
6. EFL college departments need to pay more attention to providing
encouragement, guidance and positive suggestions for the students in
learning. This can be done at class level by their teachers, or on a
larger level utilizing public means as college journals, celebrations,
and rallies.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 166

7. EFL college departments should provide learning and teaching

environment that are learner-friendly and incur positive emotional
arousals. This can lead students to be more motivated to perform
successfully and increase feelings of satisfaction from learning.
8. One of the most obvious characteristics of high self-efficacy is self-
confidence. Students approach tasks or situations with a sense of their
ability to be successful. This self-confidence tends to lead to more
experience that can increase their ability the matter that leads to
greater self-confidence. This positive cycle lends itself to increasing
self-efficacy even further. Students should be encouraged to increase
their self-confidence. Being an educator means more than simply
teaching students their daily lessons. To a large extent, students
develop self-confidence in their abilities through their academic
environment. When students acquire healthy levels of self-confidence,
they are better equipped to face the stress of college education.
Students with self-confidence pay more attention in class, get along
better with their peers and generally have a more focused and
inquisitive attitude.
9. One of the dimensions of self efficacy is self regulatory processes
which should be utilized in making decisions automatic and
unconsciously exercised. Teachers should endeavor to instill in
students self-regulation process to become a habit. Once it becomes a
habit of thinking, these beliefs in personal competence will serve them
throughout their lives.
10.EFL university teachers and instructors need to plan learning
experiences that take into consideration their students’ current level of
perceived self-efficacy. EFL performance activities should be
motivating, interesting, having students act within their comfort zone,
and moderately proceed to a more challenging activities. Learners’
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 167

performance and self-efficacy go hand in hand in the process of EFL

language learning.
11.EFL college teachers need to tailor more learner-centred learning
experiences by giving their students more choices. EFL college
students are able to develop better senses of performance and self-
efficacy when they are allowed to make choices regarding their
education. The support for this statement lies in the logic that if EFL
college students are more interested, they are usually willing to work
harder on topics they choose . In addition, EFL college students who
make their own choices regarding the language learning are more
motivated to succeed, and are much more engaged in their programs.
12.In addition, EFL college teachers and instructors should provide their
students informative feedback. It constitutes a major form of social
persuasion that affects EFL college students’ self-efficacy. An EFL
college instructor who confirms students’ capabilities may enhance
their self-efficacy, but one who tells students that they are incapable
and impotent, may weaken their self-efficacy. From the perspective of
SCT, instructors’ feedback constitutes an environmental variable that
influences self-efficacy. Students react to feedback by maintaining
successful strategies and modifying unsuccessful ones.
13.The relationship between self-efficacy and EFL university learners’
productive skills performance should be emphasized in the process of
language learning and teaching by EFL university syllabus designers.
Language courses need to be designed to care more for this affinity. It
will contribute to successful EFL learning outcomes.
14.To promote communication in the classroom, teachers of English
should encourage their students to use English language in a creative
and spontaneous way as much as possible, free from the parrot-
fashion practice of grammatical structures.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 168

15.Students should be encouraged to speak and interact with each other to

increase both their speaking self- efficacy and speaking performance.

16. Motivation, is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of

their education, and teachers can play a vital role in providing and
encouraging motivation in their students. Even the most well-
intentioned and educated teachers sometimes lack the skills to keep
students on track, so whether a new teacher or an experienced one,
they should try using new methods to motivate their students and to
encourage them to live up to their true potential. How to strengthen
students' motivation is very important.
17. Vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in
communication. Having limited vocabulary is a barrier that precludes
learners from learning a language. English language teachers,
therefore should process considerable knowledge on how to manage
an interesting classroom so that the learners can gain a great success
in their vocabulary learning. Without grammar very little can be
conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.
Chapter Four: Data Analysis, Results, Conclusions, Recommendations, and
Suggestions for Further Studies 169

4.6 Suggestions for Further Studies

The following suggestions are proposed:

1. A similar study can be carried out to identify students' self-efficacy in
receptive and productive skills.
2. Further studies can investigate the relationship between students' self-
efficacy and their productive skills' performance in other university
stages; i.e. first, second, and fourth at the Departments of English
3. A similar study can be carried out to make a comparison between
male and female students at the 3rd and other stages in their self-
4. There seems to be a need for further research to explore the
relationship between students’ self-efficacy and their general
English language achievement or performance.
5. A similar study can be carried out to find out the relationship among
anxiety, motivation, attitude, language performance and self-efficacy
of EFL university students.
6. Further research is needed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy on
motivation and achievement of EFL students.

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