Matlab Basics

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Nice to know

Clear variables; %clears all defined variables%

Close all; %closes all figures*
Clc; %clear command window%
;  suppresses output
%  comments
Use %--------------------------------------------% to break up code visually
\theta_0 % θ0
To report outputs
fprintf(‘some comment %g \variable’, variable)
%g is general number place holder
\variable puts it on a new line
pi  is 3.1415…
Making Vectors and Matrices
Name a vector b
b=[1,2,3,4] %gives a column vector (horizontal)%
also b=[1 2 3 4] %gives the same column vector%
b=[1;2;3;4] %gives a row vector (vertical)%
Open and close brackets and then fill in [] to make sure u don’t mess up brackets
Name a matrix B
B=[1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4] or
B=[ 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 2 4
1 2 3 4 ];

Vector and matrix math

Multiplication: a*b;
b’  b transpose
element by element multiplication: d=a.*b; (gives [a1*b1, a2*b2, a3*b3] in a vector or matrix, however
the original a and b were formatted)
to square every element in a vector or matrix: a.^2
to multiply or divide every element in a vector or matrix: a.*4 or a./5
make a vector from 0 to 10 with step size .5: x=0:0.5:10
make a 10x10 matrix of zeroes: y= zeros(10)
make a 10x5 matrix of zeros: y=(10,5)
make a 5x5 identity matrix: I=eye(5)
make a 10x5 matrix of ones: o=ones(10,5)
make a 10x5 matrix of random numbers from 0 to 1: r=rand(10x5)

Indexing and sizing

Figure out the size a matrix is: A_size=size(A) %gives a 1x2 matrix with the dimensions of A%
Figure out the rows in matrix A: A_rows=size(A,1)
Figure out the columns in matrix A: A_rows=size(A,2)
Figure out the length of a vector from a loop or anything else: x_l=length(x) %returns the largest
dimension of x%
Figure out the last entry in a vector x: x{end}
Find out number at position 2, 3 in A: A_23=A(2,3)
Find out row 2 of A: A_row2=A(2,:)
Find out column 2 of A: A_column2=A(:,2)
:  Everything
For Loops
For counter = start : step : finish
do stuff;
disp(dependent variable)
v=input(enter a vector);
i=1; %initialize the counter (index)
finish=length(v); %sets finish equal to the length of the vector so you don’t have to know it
for i=1:step:finish %could also just have “length(v)” in place of “finish” to make the code cleaner%
display((v(i))^2) %our code will show the square root of each entry%
hold on; %makes sure everything is plotted on the same graph%
box on; %makes a frame around the figure%
plot(x, y(1,:), ‘rs’,2) %plot of x vs y at all values of y at index (counter) 1 with red squares with width 2%
legend(‘index 1’,’index2’,’index 3’,’index 4’)
lengend(‘box off’) %to get rid of box around the legend%
hold off;
grid(‘on’); %if you want gridlines%

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