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J Sci Educ Technol

DOI 10.1007/s10956-016-9657-x

The Effects of a Flipped Classroom Model of Instruction

on Students’ Performance and Attitudes Towards Chemistry
Eunice Eyitayo Olakanmi1

 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract This study establishes the effects of a flipped the learning processes in the classroom. The findings sup-
classroom model of instruction on academic performance port the notion that teachers should be trained or retrained
and attitudes of 66 first-year secondary school students on how to incorporate the flipped classroom model into
towards chemistry. A pre-test and post-test experimental their teaching and learning processes because it encourages
design was employed to assign students randomly into students to be directly involved and active in the learning.
either the experimental or control group. In order to assess
the suitability of using flipped model of instruction, stu- Keywords Attitude to chemistry  Conceptual
dents were divided in two groups. For the first group called understanding  Flipped model  Rate of reaction
the experimental group, a ‘‘flipped classroom’’ was used in
which the students were given video lessons and reading
materials, before the class to be revised at home. On the Introduction
other hand, the second group followed traditional
methodology, and it was used as control. The rate of The flipped classroom model of instruction is a relatively
reaction knowledge test and the chemistry attitude scale new teaching strategy which attempts to improve students’
were administered. In addition, the researcher documented performance and impart a positive attitude towards learn-
classroom observations, experiences, thoughts and insights ing through moving the lecture outside the classroom via
regarding the intervention in a journal on a daily basis in technology and moving homework and exercises inside the
order to enrich the data. Students were interviewed at the classroom via learning activities. According to Bergmann
end of the research in order to enrich the qualitative data and Sams (2012), this paradigm shift involves using
also. Findings from this study reveal that the flipped internet technology to leverage the learning in a classroom
instruction model facilitates a shift in students’ conceptual so that teachers spend more time interacting with students
understanding of the rate of chemical reaction significantly in the classroom instead of lecturing. This is usually
more than the control condition. Positive significant dif- implemented by using teacher-created videos which stu-
ferences were found on all assessments with the flipped dents view before class time or through the use of freely
class students performing higher on average. Students in available videos online. Felder (2012) is of the opinion that
the flipped classroom model condition benefited by the flipped classroom model of instruction is a modification
preparing for the lesson before the classes and had the of student-centred instructional models that have been in
opportunity to interact with peers and the teacher during existence for many years. Student-centred learning models,
which include the flipped classroom, are based on the
constructivist theory of learning, which emphasises stu-
& Eunice Eyitayo Olakanmi dents’ critical role in socially constructing meaning from newly acquired information and their prior learning expe-
1 riences (Felder 2012; Strayer 2012).
Department of Science and Technology Education, College
of Education, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South In order to increase students’ content achievement while
Africa teaching 21st century skills, teachers and administrators

J Sci Educ Technol

must understand the reality of the pervasiveness of infor- Noschese (2011) explains that the flipped model is about
mation and communication technology (ICT) on the lives replacing teachers with videos. He expresses the fear that
of students. With increased use of ICT in teaching and the increase in the use of online instructional videos will
learning processes, it is becoming easier for teachers to diminish the roles of teachers in the classroom. This critic
offer dynamic multimedia educational resources for their points to the use of the Khan Academy website containing
students. These resources also have the capability to sup- over 4000 videos made by Salman Khan, which have been
port both content and assessment between the instructors viewed over 200 million times. The goal of a video
and the students. With the use of cloud computing and repository on Khan Academy’s website was to change
services such as YouTube, TeacherTube and Screencast.- education for the better by providing free world-class
com, both teachers and students have access to online education to anyone anywhere (Khan 2011). However, the
videos which they can share with others. All the flipped critics have started to question the need for teachers if all
classroom models share common characteristics which the learning materials are readily available to students. In
include active and intentional transfer of some of the his explanation, Khan (2011) approves the use of the flip-
information delivery to outside of the classroom with the ped model in the classroom and explains that the use of his
goal of freeing up time to make better use of the face-to- online videos will allow the teachers to focus on higher-
face interaction in school. Teachers become guides to level learning activities, such as running simulations and
understanding rather than dispensers of facts and students laboratories with students, doing individual interventions
become active learners rather than receptacles of infor- and facilitating peer-to-peer learning (Fink 2011; Gojak
mation; a permanent archive tutorial of class content is 2012). Fink (2011) emphasises further that while the flip-
created; and students can watch the video again as the need ped learning model is similar to an online course, it does
arises (Felder 2012; Strayer 2012). All these factors enable not change the amount of face-to-face time that a student
teachers to have more time for collaborative and applica- spends in a classroom compared to a traditional classroom.
tion activities during classroom learning. Hamden et al. Other studies found that using the flipped model in
(2013) report that the act of loading instructional videos teaching and learning does not contribute positively to
online for the students allows teachers to reconsider how to students’ conceptual understanding of the learning content
maximise the face-to-face session with their students. In (Strayer 2007; Johnson and Renner 2012). Strayer (2007),
this case, students will have more time to collaborate with for example, in his mixed methods study compared two
peers, engage more deeply with content and receive introductory statistics classes that he taught. One class was
immediate feedback from their instructor (Hamden et al. taught using the flipped model and the other using the
2013). traditional lecture/homework structure. Strayer’s frame-
According to Moore et al. (2014), the most essential work was based on activity theory and active-learning
feature of the flipped classroom model is to increase teacher- theories which state that students learn best through
to-student and student-to-student interaction during class activity and physical engagement with the learning content.
time. They emphasise that most teachers describe the benefit In the study, Strayer used a video series to deliver the
of the flipped classroom as being able to have one-on-one lecture content to his flipped class and followed up with
contact with every student during every class period. The activities and collaborative learning during class time. The
flipped classroom model allows more time for the develop- analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data showed
ment of 21st century skills, which include critical thinking, that students in the flipped class were less satisfied with the
collaboration and self-direction (Framework for 21st Cen- instruction they received. Although the students in the
tury Learning 2010). Specialists in flipped classroom models flipped class preferred collaboration and the innovative
are constantly modifying, changing, rejecting, adding to and teaching strategies, they felt less connected to the professor
generally trying to improve the model through direct expe- and that the class time was redundant to them after learning
rience with how effective the model is in teaching and the content from a video.
learning. The flipped classroom model is one of the com- Within Nigeria’s National Curriculum, chemistry is a
prehensive instructional models, which include direct fundamental subject for students aiming at pursuing a
instruction, inquiry, practice, formative and summative career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
assessment and much more. The model also enables teachers (STEM)-related subjects. The education policy emphasises
to reflect on their own practices by developing quality and the importance of science teaching and learning within the
engaging learning opportunities and options for internalisa- curriculum and that chemistry should be taught in the
tion, creation and application of content rather than time- senior secondary school classes 1–3 (this is equivalent 9th–
filling assignments (Hamden et al. 2013). 12th grades in the US system) (Federal Ministry of Edu-
In spite of all the advantages of the flipped model of cation 2007). The aims of the curriculum include devel-
instruction, there are still some misconceptions about it. oping an interest in STEM subjects, acquiring basic skills

J Sci Educ Technol

and theoretical and practical knowledge in STEM and flexible learning environment for students, learning
developing a reasonable level of competence in ICT becomes daunting to these students, and hence they are not
application in order to engender entrepreneurial skills interested in science subjects, especially chemistry. This
(National Policy on Education 2008). The development of could be responsible for their mass failure at the final
students’ interest in STEM learning has always been SSCE.
recognised to be of great importance to enable them to In order to achieve the educational goals related to
make decisions wisely and to perform efficiently in the teaching chemistry as encapsulated in Nigerian education
STEM subjects. policies, it is necessary for teachers to explore new
Chemistry is distinct from other sciences in the sense teaching methods that accentuate the need of learners to
that it is perceivable in almost every part of the daily lives engage with learning in a similar way that they engage with
of humans. Chemistry is at work in the food we eat, the the internet on their various electronic gadgets. Therefore,
clothing we wear and the cleaning agents we use. However, the flipped classroom model, which entails using online
chemistry is also perceived as a difficult subject for stu- videos of teaching rate of chemical reaction, could aid
dents to understand. Research has shown that chemistry is students’ development of mental representations related to
one of the most conceptually difficult subjects in the cur- concepts in chemistry. According to Leo and Puzio (2016),
riculum and students struggle to associate concepts of students who are involved in a flipped classroom are more
chemistry with various human activities (Childs and likely to have an increased appreciation in their group
Sheehan 2009; Arong and Ogbadu 2010). Arong and work, innovation, and they feel more empowered to use
Ogbadu (2010) agree that Nigerian students usually per- new technology to find information on their own than
form poorly in chemistry in the senior school certificate students who were taught in the traditional way. The
examination (SSCE) due to the fact that it is abstract, rich findings of their work showed that students preferred
in content and often taught from a teacher-centred watching video lectures outside the classroom and appre-
approach. Other reasons for poor performance in chemistry ciated being actively engaged in the classroom (Leo and
are lack of appropriate educational materials and a poor Puzio 2016).
attitude to chemistry resulting from a lack of interest in the In another mixed methods investigation, Schultz et al.
subject as well as students’ poor academic background. (2014) found that the flipped classroom helped high school
Rate of chemical reaction has been observed as one of advanced placement chemistry students to understand the
the most difficult and abstract concepts in chemistry; most chemical concepts for the whole academic year. They also
students find it difficult to understand, and some teachers reported that most students had favourable perceptions
find it difficult to teach due to misconceptions (Çakmakçi about the flipped classroom, noting the ability to pause,
et al. 2006). Rate of chemical reactions in the curriculum rewind and review lectures, as well as increased individ-
encapsulates several fundamental chemistry concepts, ualised learning (González-Gómez et al. 2016). In a similar
including factors affecting reaction rates, theories of reac- study conducted by Fautch (2015), it was noted that using a
tion rates, analysis and interpretation of reaction rates, flipped classroom for teaching organic chemistry increased
graphing and collision of constituent molecules in chemi- the students’ comprehension of the learning material and
cals. It is therefore necessary that secondary school stu- led to an improvement in their performance in summative
dents who study chemistry understand its application in assessments. It was also reported that students felt more
everyday life and are able to explain these applications comfortable with the subject of organic chemistry and they
scientifically as they happen. became noticeably passionate about the subject. Davies
By now it should be beyond dispute that science learn- et al. (2013), for example, compared a traditional intro-
ing among Nigerian students leaves a lot to be desired. ductory spreadsheet skills course with a flipped model and
Even after several reforms in the national curriculum, they found that the flipped model of instruction was more
students in assessments of all the STEM-related subjects effective. In their research, the flipped classroom students
range from simply mediocre to extremely poor in the demonstrated higher levels of motivation and improved
country (Arong and Ogbadu 2010). Nigerian classrooms academic performance than the traditional students.
currently do not provide learning opportunities that require According to Davies et al. (2013), students appreciated the
students to engage in hands-on activity and interactive flexibility of accessing course materials, particularly course
learning that can help in understanding chemistry concepts lectures, on various mobile devices anywhere and at any
in day-to-day learning. Students, known as Millennials, time.
have unique learning preferences that differ from those of With regard to the students’ attitudes towards learning
previous generations. This group of students prefers chemistry, which is one of the factors that influences stu-
working collaboratively with their peers and using tech- dents’ success in learning, different studies agree that
nology in their learning. When teachers cannot provide a students are losing interest in science subjects such as

J Sci Educ Technol

chemistry (Yunus and Ali 2013; Ejidike and Oyelana 2. What effects does a flipped classroom environment
2015). Other studies (Hesser and Schwartz 2013; Gluck have on students’ attitudes towards learning chemistry
et al. 2014), on the other hand, emphasise the need to apply as measured by the CAS?
new pedagogical concepts in teaching chemistry. Accord- 3. What are the benefits and challenges of using a flipped
ing to these studies, an effective teaching and learning classroom model to teach and learn chemistry?
process is most likely to occur when students are able to
analyse problems, think critically and communicate their
findings. Hence, introducing the flipped model into the
Methodology of the Research
chemistry classroom could help students to improve in
their performance in chemistry. Moreover, students can
To establish the effects of the flipped classroom model of
learn this subject effectively when they are actively
instruction on students’ performance and attitudes towards
involved in the learning processes. This can be done
learning chemistry, an experimental pre- and post-test
through the proper organisation of knowledge in a mean-
control group design was used during which students were
ingful pattern that reflects a deep understanding of the
randomly assigned to either an experimental group or a
subject (Eilks et al. 2010). A previous study conducted by
control group. A comparison study, in terms of students’
Sowa and Thorsen (2015) indicates that students’ prefer-
performance and attitude, was applied to evaluate the
ence for a flipped model classroom was high in STEM-
effectiveness of the flipped classroom model. The research
related subjects compared to the traditional lecture-based
took place in a secondary school in Minna, Niger State,
method of teaching. Also, the majority of students stated
Nigeria. The experiment was conducted over a three-week
that the teaching instruments used in the flipped classroom
period during the 2014–2015 Nigerian academic year. The
setting were useful as learning tools. Therefore, the role of
concept of rate of chemical reaction was taught at the time
chemistry teachers is very important as they need to
of this research at the school. Students attended a series of
establish an effective learning environment that will
lessons for 2 hours a week during the three-week period. In
accommodate individual students’ learning styles in order
order to protect the anonymity of the students, who were
to become self-regulated learners. Teachers need to know
minors, a pseudonym has been given to the school: Niger
not only the learning content, but how to teach their
Valley Secondary School (NVSS). The research was con-
ducted at NVSS because the school had a computer suite
This research sought to bring about improvements in
that could accommodate this research. The researcher
students’ performance and attitudes in the secondary
collaborated with the chemistry teachers and obtained
chemistry classroom through the implementation of the
permission from the school authority to carry out the
flipped model of instruction and to compare student inter-
research. The students assented to participate in the
action in the flipped classroom with a traditional format.
research by means of letters of assent, and parents and
The flipped classroom model was used for teaching rate of
guardians also signed consent letters.
chemical reaction, based on the assumption that it would
help students understand the abstract and difficult concepts
in the content. The teacher, with the help of the researcher,
was able to identify an online video that could aid students’
A total of 66 (37 males and 29 females) first-year senior sec-
understanding of rate of chemical reaction. Students were
ondary (SS1) science students aged 13–14 were sampled. The
instructed to watch the video via the link provided or on a
sample represented the entire population of students who were
DVD given to them and to take notes before attending their
enrolled at NVSS for chemistry at SS1. The students are
normal chemistry classes. During the class session, stu-
usually taught rate of chemical reaction at this level in the
dents worked collaboratively on an inquiry-based assign-
national curriculum. Thirty-three students were randomly
ment, which included what is traditionally thought of as
assigned to the experimental group, and 33 were assigned to
homework. This created the flipped classroom, thus com-
the control group. Experimental and control groups were
pletely shifting the paradigm of teaching and learning. It
taught by the same teacher, who could use computers and the
was hypothesised that the flipped classroom intervention in
internet competently. Prior to the research, lessons on the
this research would improve student test performance as
same content were planned for both groups.
well as their attitudes towards learning chemistry. The key
The control group was taught following the normal con-
questions driving this research were as follows:
ventional method and given homework as stated in the
1. What are the effects of the flipped classroom on senior national curriculum, while the experimental group was
secondary school chemistry students’ performance in taught using the flipped classroom model. The experimental
rate of chemical reaction as measured by the RRKT? group was taught in the computer suite so that teacher can

J Sci Educ Technol

make reference to the video during the lesson. This took the CAS were designed to measure students’ attitudes
place under the guidance and supervision of the teacher and towards learning chemistry. Examples of CAS items
the researcher. All the 66 students were given consent forms include: I like chemistry; chemistry lessons are boring for
to participate in the study, regardless of instructional method. me; It is not interesting for me to try solving chemistry
All the students returned the content forms, so they were all problems; I enjoy learning how to use chemistry in daily life.
allowed to participate in the research. One factor was identified by factor analysis: attitude
towards chemistry. This factor explained 44 % of variance.
Instrumentation The CAS contains items in a 5-point Likert-scale (strongly
agree, agree, undecided, partially disagree, strongly dis-
The following were the instruments used to collect the agree). According to Demircioğlu et al. (2005), CAS’s
data: Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient was found to be 0.84
and validated by three professors in the field of education.
• Rates of Reactions Knowledge Test (RRKT)
While the ratings ranged from strongly agree (5) to
• Chemistry Attitude Scale (CAS)
strongly disagree (1) for the 11 positive statements, the
• Observations and interviews
reverse ratings, strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5),
were used for the 14 negative statements. While scores of
Rates of Reactions Knowledge Test (RRKT) 0–125 are possible (25 items 9 5 = 125), our students
score range from 25 (lowest) to 100 (highest). CAS was
The researcher developed the RRKT to measure students’ analysed firstly by calculating the total score of each stu-
achievement in rate of chemical reaction for both the dent and then the mean score of each group. Sample atti-
experimental and control groups. The format of the test was tude items crafted for CAS in Demircioğlu et al. (2005)
developed to reflect that used in the West African Senior included: ‘‘I like chemistry’’, ‘‘I am looking forward to
School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) chemistry taking more chemistry courses’’ and ‘‘I enjoy learning how
examination that tested students on the rates of chemical to use chemistry in daily life’’. The mean scores of the
reaction. The test was administered before and after the experimental and control groups were compared by using a
implementation of the flipped classroom model. The RRKT t test for both the pre-tests and post-tests.
consisted of a 14-item paper-based test on rate of chemical
reaction and that represented the conceptual knowledge of Observations and Interviews
the construct. The items comprised short-answer questions,
matching and multiple-choice tasks. The pre-RRKT and Qualitative data were collected through classroom obser-
post-RRKT were identical in the study, as these tests aimed vations by using an observation checklist of how students
to capture students’ conceptual knowledge of rate of chem- were learning in the flipped classroom. After the learning
ical reaction before and after learning in their various groups. sessions, 10 students were interviewed in the flipped
The RRKT was piloted among 60 SS1 students in another classroom in an attempt to gather more insight into their
school and the four teachers who were involved in this study thinking regarding the flipped classroom and learning rate
to check the content validity and the reliability of the of chemical reaction in this learning environment. A semi-
instrument. In the RRKT, the minimum score was 0 and the structured approach was used in the interviews. All the
maximum was 14. Higher scores indicated higher attainment interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim by
of conceptual knowledge of rate of chemical reaction. the researcher. Examples of the questions asked during the
Examples of the questions asked in RRKT include: choosing interview were: What did you like about the flipped
the correct answers from the given options in (1) Collision classroom environment? What do you think about using the
theory states that a chemical reaction can only take place flipped classroom model to teach you chemistry? What was
when particles (a) Collide, (b) Get hot, (b) Turn blue, (d) Get the impact of the flipped classroom on your learning? What
cold, (e) I don’t know. (2) For chemicals in solution, did you not like about the flipped classroom environment?
increasing the concentration will increase the rate of a What did you like about the flipped classroom videos?
reaction because (a) The particles are stronger, (b) The par- Three experts in the field of educational technology were
ticles are bigger, (c) The particles are smaller, (d) The par- contacted via email and asked to review the interview
ticles are closer together, (e) I don’t know. questions for credibility. Specifically, the experts were
asked to determine whether or not the questions asked were
Chemistry Attitude Scale (CAS) clear, appropriately worded, open-ended and in alignment
with the overall research questions proposed in the study.
The CAS developed by Demircioğlu et al. (2005) consists of Their feedback helped in simplifying the wording so that it
25 attitude statements (11 positive and 14 negative). Items in was appropriate for the age group used for this research.

J Sci Educ Technol

Fig. 1 Screenshots of a video lesson used in this research

Procedures required task. Completion of homework content notes was

used to determine whether or not the students had ade-
During the first lesson of this research, students in both the quately prepared for class. The control group students were
experimental and control groups completed the pre-RRKT taught by the same teacher using the traditional teacher-
and pre-CAS. They were given 20 min to complete them. centred approach involving ‘‘talk-and-chalk’’-type lessons
Prior to the second lesson, both the researcher and the and normal homework, which is the dominant teaching
chemistry teacher were able to identify an online instruc- approach in Nigerian schools.
tional video that could be used to enhance students’ con- During class, the students in the experimental group engaged
ceptual understanding of rate of chemical reaction. The in hands-on activities, participated in real-world applications and
video involves a teacher using computer simulation to completed independent practice in the presence of the teacher.
teach rate of reaction. By watching the video, it was dis- Such use of instructional time afforded the teacher an opportunity
covered that it was curriculum-focused and designed to to assess the students’ understanding and comprehension of the
help teachers tackle problematic topics such as rate of content. Students were also observed during the class activity to
reaction. The research made use of the rate of chemical see how they had made connections between the chemical
reaction video as a flipped environment for investigating worlds. Figure 1 below shows screen captures of the online video
students’ conceptual understanding of rate of chemical used in this research (Andersen 2013).
reaction and attitude towards chemistry. Throughout the flipped model of instruction interven-
Students in the experimental group were supported and tion, observations, experiences, thoughts and insights were
motivated by the researcher through explanation to make documented in the researcher’s a journal. The journal also
use of the instructional video provided via the given link served as a means of brainstorming to expand upon
for those who had an internet connection at home, or on impressions and thoughts about what was occurring
flash drives and DVDs for those who did not have an throughout the study. After experiencing the flipped model
internet connection at home. In the event a student was still of instruction, students in both the experimental and control
unable to view the content at home; then, arrangements groups completed a post-RRKT and post-CAS.
were made for that student to view the media pieces during In order to gain a deeper understanding of the effect of the
their free time before the normal lesson so he or she could flipped model classroom on students’ academic performance
be adequately prepared for class. The video helps the stu- and attitude towards chemistry, an independent t test was
dents to make connections between the chemical macro- used to test the equivalence of the test scores on RRKT and
scopic, microscopic and symbolic worlds so that they CAS of the experimental and control groups at the beginning
understand the chemical concept of the process of rate of of the study. At the end of the experimental process, an
chemical reaction. Students in the experimental condition independent t test was also used to compare the pre-test and
prepared for the class by watching video and reading the post-test scores of the groups for each of the instruments. The
given materials and contemplating questions on the significance level was taken as .05 in the study.

J Sci Educ Technol

Finally, the observations written in the researcher’s Table 1 Students’ performance at pre-tests
journal and the interview data were analysed by using the- Groups Pre-RRKT Pre-CAS
matic content analysis. This involved working with and
organising the data, breaking it into manageable units, syn- M SD M SD
thesising it in order to search for certain patterns, deciding on Experimental (n = 33) 5.12 2.53 80.45 11.88
vital aspects and disseminating the findings (Bogdan and Control (n = 33) 5.73 2.75 78.70 12.27
Biklen 2003). Therefore, the existence, meanings and rela-
Significantly different at the p \ 0.005 level
tionships of the words or concepts that were related to atti-
tude towards learning chemistry were explored and recorded
Effects of Treatment on Students’ Academic Performance
during the process of analysis. The qualitative data were
analysed and revisited until the point of saturation was
The independent sample t test procedure on the shift in the
reached. Creswell (2008) notes that saturation is the point
means of RRKT scores to compare performance among
where you have identified the major themes and no new
students in the flipped classroom model instruction repre-
information can add to your list of themes or to the detail for
sents the difference in mean score between pre- and post-
existing themes.
test scores for each treatment (Table 2).
The analysis reveals that there was a significant differ-
ence between the shift in the means of the test scores of
Results and Findings those students taught using the flipped model instruction
(M = 5.63, SD = 3.58) and those in the traditional class-
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the flipped classroom room environment (M = 1.41, SD = 3.68); t (64) = 3.952,
model on students’ performance, this study compared the p \ 0.005. This result suggested that the flipped classroom
academic performance scores of the experimental and con- model instruction had positive effects on students’
trol groups to each other and within themselves. The dif- achievement in the content covered in this research.
ferences between pre-tests, post-tests and attitude scores of
both groups were also compared. Both quantitative and Comparison of the Pre-test and Post-test RRKT Scores
qualitative findings reveal that the students responded of the Experimental Group
favourably to the flipped model of instruction and experi-
enced a positive increase in their attitudes towards chemistry A dependent sample t test was implemented to observe
compared to the traditional classroom experience. The stu- whether there were significant differences in the experi-
dents also recognised improvements in the quality of mental and the control groups’ academic performance
instruction and use of class time with the flipped model of scores prior to and after the intervention. The results are
instruction. In terms of academic performance, positive presented in Table 3.
significant differences were demonstrated between the flip- Table 3 reveals that both experimental and the control
ped model of instruction students and those taught in the groups scores improve from pre-test to post-test. However,
traditional classroom environment. significant difference between the experimental group’s
pre-test and post-test academic performance scores was
Quantitative Results observed in favour of their post-test scores (t(33) = -8.622;
p \ 0.005). This result suggests that flipped classroom
Students’ Attainment in Pre-RRKT and Pre-CAS model instruction increased students’ academic perfor-
mance in rate of chemical reaction.
An independent sample t test was conducted on the RRKT
and CAS prior to the research in order to establish if there Effects of Flipped Model of Instruction on Students’ Atti-
were significant differences in the RRKT and CAS scores tudes Towards Chemistry An independent sample t test
of the experimental and control groups. The results are was conducted to observe whether there were significant
presented in Table 1. differences between the experimental and control groups in
The results show that there were no significant differ-
ences in students’ academic performance in rate of chem- Table 2 Means and standard deviation of shift in the RRKT test
ical reaction or their attitudes towards chemistry prior to Groups M SD
this study t (64) = 0.356, p [ 0.05 for RRKT. For CAS,
the results were t (64) = 0.557, p[0.05. The results reveal Experimental (n = 33) 5.70 3.58
that both the experimental and control groups were at the Control (n = 33) 1.41 3.68
same level prior to this study. Significantly different at the p \ 0.005 level

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Table 3 Comparison of the pre-test and post-test RRKT scores of the method. I am really happy that I could discuss this topic
experimental group with my class mate.’’ All the students’ comments actually
Time Experimental Control corresponded with the researcher’s observation during the
class time. For example, it was documented that students
were actively participating in the classroom activities and
Pre-test 5.12 2.53 5.73 2.75 enthusiastically involved in all that was going on in the
Post-test 10.82 2.44 7.14 2.54 classroom. An instance where students just entered class
Significantly different at the p \ 0.005 level
and immediately began to work independently on the
reading material without the teacher’s assistance was
noted in the researcher’s journal. This increase in students’
classroom participation and communication promotes stu-
Table 4 Means and standard deviation of shift in the CAS test
dent-centred learning.
Groups M SD
Collaborative Learning with Peers
Experimental 24.27 15.73
Control 13.14 16.91
Collaboration emerged as a major theme. Students com-
Significantly different at the p \ 0.005 level mented that the method increased their working together as
a group which helped them to improve the way they par-
ticipated in the classroom. Student C, for example, com-
the arithmetic means of the attitude scores. The results are mented on how working together with his peer helped him
provided in Table 4. build confidence and improved his understanding of the
Table 4 reveals a significant difference between shift in chemistry content. Student C remarked: ‘‘this method of
the means of scores of the experimental and control groups, learning enabled me to enjoy group work; we were able to
favouring the experimental group (t(64) = 2.066; p\0.05). complete our task within the given period’’. Student D
This result shows that flipped classroom model instruction remarked that ‘‘we were able to help each other in figuring
positively increased students’ attitudes towards chemistry. out the online teacher’s explanation of rate of chemical
reaction in our group which in a way contributed to our
Qualitative Findings understanding of the content’’. The researcher’s journal
validated the collaborative learning theme through the
The keywords and phrases found to be common in the classroom observation in which students worked together
researcher’s journal from the observation data and inter- to learn and master the content being studied. Generally, it
view transcriptions resulted in the following emerging is worth noting that flipped classroom model instruction
themes: active engagement in learning, collaborative provided students with opportunities to work collabora-
learning with peers, and quality of instruction. tively and co-operatively in order to improve performance
and attitude in a chemistry classroom.
Active Engagement in Learning
Quality of Instruction
A number of students who participated in the flipped
classroom model instruction responded to the interview Students’ responses to the interview question ‘‘What do you
question ‘‘What did you like about the flipped classroom think about using the flipped classroom model to teach you
environment? For example, student A’s responses can be chemistry?’’ show that when the flipped classroom was
summarised by this comment: ‘‘I love the lesson format. I compared to the traditional approach to teaching, there was
must say it took me sometimes in finding my way around improvement in the quality of instruction within the flipped
the material especially because it has not been taught in classroom. Students’ responses revealed that they preferred
the classroom, but when I got it, it was really interesting flipped model instruction over the traditional approach and
and easy to understand. Coming to the classroom already credited this liking to improved instructional practices.
with material at the back of my head, definitely makes me Most students thought the flipped model instruction was
to be more productive in understanding the topic’’. Student more effective and applicable because of the variety of
B commented that ‘‘the introduction of flipped class teaching practices incorporated within this approach, which
allowed for deeper learning, critical thinking, and problem include real-world applications and group work. Practi-
solving during the class time’’. Student B commented cally, students preferred a classroom environment where a
further: ‘‘this method actually increases my participation in variety of instructional practices were utilised rather than
the classroom when compared to class time prior to this one that only used lectures and note-taking methods.

J Sci Educ Technol

Students’ responses also show that they had an increasingly Regarding the area of students’ attitudes to learning
improved attitude towards chemistry. For example, student chemistry, the results and findings of this research indicate
E remarked as follows: ‘‘Flipping method is awesome idea, that students improved in their attitude as measured by
I hope my grade in chemistry this term will improve CAS. This was also confirmed through the interview where
because of this method’’. This student expressed his feel- students reported that they were more involved in the
ings further by saying: ‘‘I think this method is helpful flipped model of instruction compared to the traditional
because I was able to watch the video over and over again delivery approach. In another interview question, students
until I understood the concept we were to study.’’ ‘‘During were asked to describe what they liked about the flipped
the class session, the teacher was able to speak to all of us classroom environment. Interestingly, almost all the stu-
and address our concerns or questions about the current dents (85 %) talked about an increase in their participation
topic being studied.’’ In summary, all the students who and communication during the classroom session. Hence,
participated in the flipped classroom model felt that the use the flipped model of instruction had a positive impact on
of technology and one-on-one teaching in the flipped students’ involvement in the learning processes. This
model of instruction enhanced the quality of instruction, finding is congruent with previous research (Sowa and
which eventually helped them to understand the topic Thorsen 2015). The findings from this research also high-
better. light several additional benefits of the flipped classroom
model, such as the students’ preparation style before
coming to the classroom, and higher levels of self-efficacy
Discussion during the lectures. All these were noted from the students’
responses to the interview question ‘‘What did you like
This research sought to examine whether the introduction about the flipped classroom environment?’’ It was noted
of a flipped classroom instruction model into senior sec- that students preferred the flipped classroom method to the
ondary school chemistry would improve students’ perfor- traditional method of teaching. One reason for this could be
mance as well as their attitudes towards chemistry. the flexible nature of the flipped classroom model. Students
Regarding students’ academic performance as measured by mentioned that they had the option of watching the videos
the rate of reaction knowledge test, the post-test scores of whenever they wanted without feeling any pressure of time
students in the experimental group, who were taught using or instructor observation, or being embarrassed in front of
the flipped classroom model, were found to be higher than the class. Therefore, it can be argued that watching videos
those in the control group, who were taught using the tra- as a means of preparation in the flipped classroom model is
ditional method. Specifically, the mean (average) for the more convenient, useful, easy to access and enjoyable for
experimental group was 10.82 out of a possible 15; the students.
mean for the control group was 7.21 out of a possible 15. Considering the differences between the two groups in
An independent sample t test analysis confirmed that there terms of their interactions in the flipped model of instruc-
was a statistically significant difference between the two tion compared to the traditional method of teaching, stu-
groups t (64) = 4.90, p \ 0.05. These results are in dents were more actively involved in the flipped classroom
agreement with previous studies on the flipped classroom than the traditional environment. A student-centred envi-
model of instruction which found similar results in other ronment was documented for a flipped classroom. The
subject areas, including mathematics, chemistry, physics students worked collaboratively in the various groups as
and engineering (Davies et al. 2013; Fautch 2015). The they learned from each other by discussing the topic,
findings of this research show that students in the flipped explaining procedures and confirming answers. The teacher
classroom preferred watching flipped classroom videos functioned as a facilitator in this environment where his
more often than the traditional method of just reading role was to guide and direct the learning activities when
sections from the textbook. They were able to prepare for needed. The nature of the hands-on activity in a flipped
the class session and had more opportunities to interact classroom model allowed the students the opportunity to
with the teacher and peers than during the traditional develop a conceptual understanding of the concept being
classroom. Moreover, this research contradicts Strayer studied.
(2007), who reported that students were less satisfied with While both the performance abilities and attitudes
how the structure of the flipped classroom was introduced towards learning chemistry appear different statistically
into the course and the students did not perform very well between the experimental and control group in this study, it
in the given task. Similarly, Johnson and Renner (2012) is important to note that the students identified both the
found out that students who were taught a computer benefits and the challenges of using the flipped classroom
application course did not fully embrace the idea of a model in learning chemistry. When asked what they liked
flipped classroom model. about the flipped classroom environment, it was noted that

J Sci Educ Technol

they preferred the flipped model of instruction and that the During the classroom session, both students and their tea-
new approach enabled them to learn and understand the cher were able to employ various instructional strategies,
concept of rate of chemical reaction. Furthermore, it including hands-on activities and collaborative structures.
enabled them to move at their own learning pace. This Although research investigating the effectiveness of the
point emanated from the interview responses when a stu- flipped model of instruction is currently limited, this
dent said ‘‘with flipped model, I can learn the topic on my research has provided additional, valuable information
own and go over it again and again’’. It was also observed regarding the use of the flipped model in teaching and
that doing ‘‘homework’’ in a flipped class gives teachers learning processes. In spite of the fact that the model is a
better insight into student difficulties and learning styles. relatively new instructional approach, it certainly has the
The classroom session was used in more effective and potential to be deemed effective in terms of improving
creative ways. On the other hand, when students were student performance and attitudes in a secondary chemistry
asked what they disliked about the flipped classroom classroom. Inasmuch as the findings of this study can be
model, most of them felt that the new approach was a bit generalised to the secondary school chemistry curriculum,
challenging for them initially as it took them some time to it also has important implications. Chemistry is one of the
find their ways around the material. They attributed the difficult subjects in the secondary school curriculum, and
challenge to the fact that it had not been taught in the the flipped instructional model might be one strategy that
classroom, but as they replayed the video, they began to could help increase student success rates in the final
understand much better. There was also a bit of resistance examination. While the results obtained in this study
on the part of the students because the method required enabled drawing of a promising tendency about the stu-
them to work at home rather than getting exposed to the dents’ performance and attitude towards the flipped class-
topic first at school. As a result, some of the students were room methodology, this study acknowledges the limited
not prepared for the lesson before coming to class. This time frame in which the investigation was carried out.
was noted by the researcher, who observed that some stu- There is a need to confirm these findings through a longer,
dents were still passive in the classroom and even in their more extensive research study. By conducting such a study,
collaborative learning groups. more comprehensive quantitative data and more descrip-
Based on the evidence, it is believed that the flipped tive qualitative data can be collected and analysed to gain a
classroom model used in this current research had positive deeper understanding of how the flipped model of
effects on students’ attitudes towards chemistry. This is instruction affects student performance in and attitudes
because students found the selected video explicit enough towards STEM-related subjects.
for them after watching it several times. In line with the
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