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YEAR 11, No.

11 MAY 2008 Home Paper of the 1999 Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club Winner for Best Editorial Toronto, Ontario

Getting immigrants, workers faster into Canada

(See page 5)

San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School opens

Name instills pride

Markham School Board Trustee Marlene Mogado cited INSIDE
San Lorenzo Ruiz has gone beyond the in Ontario, one that would last in the annals Ooops & Bloops
parameters of just being a revered Roman of Canadian history.
Catholic icon whose memory is ironically Behind the school’s naming
brought to life only during his feast days. Ontario’s education and Catholic school of- Danny’s
In San Lorenzo Ruiz’s name, a newly- ficials have cited York Catholic School Board the man
opened Canadian grade school in Markham trustee Marlene Mogado (Markham, Milliken -6
has forever etched the first Filipino saint’s and Unionville) for her efforts to name the
life and works into its mission-vision. community school in the heart of Markham’s
On a wider perspective, the personifica- Wismer Commons after San Lorenzo Ruiz. CBT’s People
tion of San Lorenzo Ruiz in an academic Teresa Lombardo, San Lorenzo Ruiz Cath- Power - 12
institution has become a source of pride olic School (SLRCS) principal, paid tribute to
among members of the Filipino community MOGADO Mogado’s initiative in the San Lorenzo Ruiz
newsletter’s May issue, featuring the blessing
and formal opening of the school on April 28.
Mogado’s efforts started soon after she was
elected to the school board.
The construction of the school was then on
its way, and Mogado lobbied with officials to
(To page 4)

The San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School (SLRCS) This summer, LET’S
in Markham’s Wismer Commons was solemnly GO TO THE EX - 15
blessed and officially opened on April 28. The
liturgy, concelebrated by Fr. Michael Machacek
and Fr. Brian Shea, included a procession of
religious icons by students, with a child from Dancing To Be A Star
each class bringing a classroom crucifix to be - 33
Proudly fly

Canada lauds RP Supreme Court on steps vs human rights abuses RP Flag - 31

MANILA - The Canadian Foreign Affairs Deepak Obhrai extrajudicial killings through un- human rights challenges, notably
government has lauded the Philip- said “Canada commends the laud- dertaking initiatives such as Task the ongoing extrajudicial killings
pine Supreme Court’s (SC) efforts able role of the Supreme Court (of Force USIG, the Melo Commis- and apparent culture of impunity”
to curb human rights violations the Philippines) in the preserva- sion, and the visit of the United brought before the UN Human
and extrajudicial killings in the tion of human rights and in the Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur Rights Council.
country. pursuit of justice.” Philip Alston.” “Canada also encourages the RP, Canada air
Speaking before the Canadian Obhrai said “Canada is encour- Concerns Philippines to ensure that its se-
House of Commons, Parliamen- aged that the Philippines have ex- The Canadian government ear- curity forces are aware of human talks on - 32
tary Secretary to the Minister of pressed their commitment to end lier raised concerns over “serious (To page 4)
2 Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 3 CALENDAR
► MAY 17-18: Filipino Centre Toronto
2nd Victoria Invitational Basketball Tour-
nament, Hoopdome.
► MAY 17: Philippine Independence
Day Council Little Miss Philippines Pag-
eant, Korean Cultural Centre.
► MAY 23 to 25: Culture Philippines
Ontario Pasko sa Pilipinas at the Car-
rassauga Festival of Cultures, Missis-
► MAY 24: Fiesta Filipina Dance
Troupe Search for Miss Manila 2008,
Korean Cultural Centre, 7:30 p.m.
► MAY 24: CCSYR Orientation Semi-
nar, Kababayan Community Center.
► MAY 24 and 25: Canossian Daugh-
ters and Sons of Charity Reunion.
► MAY 24: Kalayaan Cultural Foun-
dation Ms. Kalayaan and Ms. Munting
Mutya 2008 Coronation Night, Kalay-
aan Cultural Community Centre, Missis-
► MAY 30: Filipino Centre Toronto Free
Estate Planning (Living Wills and Last
Will & Testament), FCT Building.
► MAY 31: Ateneo Alumni Association
Canada 9th Annual Golf Tournament,
Remington Parkview Golf and Country
Club, Markham.
► MAY 31: International Association of
Mapua Alumni in Ontario 14th Anniver-
sary Gala, Kalayaan Cultural Commu-
nity Centre, Mississauga.
► MAY 31: 3rd Annual Filipino Inter-
national Language Assembly, St. Maria
Goretti Catholic School, 9:30 a.m.
► MAY 31: United Filipino Canadian
Organization Casino Rama Fundraiser.
► JUNE 7: Philippine Independence
Day Council Gala, Double Three Inter-
national Plaza.
► JUNE 8: Filipino Canadian Medical
Association and Filipino Centre Toronto
(To page 17)




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4 NEWS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Markham’s San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School naming, opening instills community pride
(From page 1)
have the school named after quipped.
San Lorenzo Ruiz. Historic occasion SLRCS opening: A time for praise, joy
Blooming idea For Filipino families
Filipinos in Wismer who have settled in the area, TOP LEFT PHOTO: St. Monica Catholic School principal Jennie Dixon (left) presents the statue of Fili-
Commons and in Markham the SLRCS opening was a pino saint Lorenzo Ruiz for the San Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic School (SLRCS) that opened in Markham
supported Mogado’s idea, historic occasion to share in on April 28. BOTTOM LEFT PHOTO: Connie Leclair (left), chair of the All Saints Catholic School Coun-
which also attracted the sup- the special moment that be- cil, presents the statue
port of the Catholic commu- stowed honor to thier saint, of the Blessed Virgin
nity in Markham. said another official. Mary to SLRCS council
The school board agreed, Among those also pres- chair Rick Tuzi. TOP TO
acknowledging the growing ent during the blessing and BOTTOM RIGHT PHO-
influence of Filipino Catho- opening of SLRCS were Fr. TOS: In a short school
lics in York region. Michael Machacek, St. Pat- opening program, the
During the school’s rick’s Parish pastor; Carol SLRCS Primary Choir
blessing, St. Patrick’s Par- Cotton, York school board under the direction of
ish assistant pastor Fr. Brian vice chair; Ann Stong, Trust- Ms. Ripandelli, Mr. Poon
Shea said it was proper to ee Area 4; Patricia Preston, and Ms. Chung-Silcott,
name the school after San education assistant director performs the Magnifi-
Lorenzo Ruiz because “he for leading learning; cat and Awesome God,
symbolized unwavering Andy DiSebastiano, edu- while children and teen-
Catholic faith in the face of cation superintendent; Debra ers showcase their
adversity.” Cormier, education superin- dancing skills. Photos:
“His example was worth tendent of curriculum and MOGI MOGADO
emulating for all of us,” Fr. student sssessment; Jennie
Shea said. Dixon, former principal of
Dream fulfilled St. Edward Catholic School
York school board chair and current principal of St.
Elizabeth Crowe noted that Monica Catholic School;
“for a rookie trustee, Mar- Rick Tuzi, SLRCS coun-
lene Mogado is doing a great cil chair; Connie Leclair,
job at the school board.” All Saints Catholic School
“It was through her ef- council chair; Noel LaPlan-
forts that this school was te, OECTA York unit presi-
named in honor of San dent; Liz Stuart, OECTA
Lorenzo Ruiz,” Crowe York unit vice president;
said, as she congratulated Andy Orfanakos, CUPE
Mogado and everyone “for 1571 president; Maureen
a dream fulfilled.” Atcheson, York Occa-
She also lauded the sional Teachers president;
Catholic community “for Ed Joaquin, for MP Lui
your full support to our new Temelkovski; Jack Heath,
school.” Markham deputy mayor;
Education director Sue Carolina Moretti,
LaRosa, who officiated the Ward 4 councillor; and
formal opening of SLRCS, Mary Ellen Smith, of the
said it was wonderful to Ministry of Education.;
have had Mogado behind Navy Commander Paul Del-
the project, particularly hap- haise; Eric Anderson, Suresh
py to see the new school and Patel and Jacek Przygodzki,
community come together all of Young and Wright Ar-
under Mogado’s leadership. chitects; and Pino Antilope,
“If only we had more project manager of Bond-
Marlenes in this board,” she field Construction.

Brillantes named Canada lauds RP Supreme Court on steps vs human rights abuses
UN CPRMW veep (From page 1)
rights and of their responsi- ances in July. To date, the Supreme “What very good news,”
Philippine Ambassador to Canada Jose Brillan- bility to protect human rights The summit saw the Court has issued 23 writs of wrote Yvonne Terlingen,
tes was elected vice president of the United Nations defenders,” Obhrai said. promulgation of the Rules amparo and three writs of Amnesty International’s
(UN) Committee on the Protection of the Rights of “We encourage the Phil- on the Writ of Amparo and habeas data. representative to the UN.
All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families ippines to work at imple- Writ of Habeas Data, which OPCAT ratification The President ratified
(CPRMW) in Geneva on April 14, said the Department menting the recommenda- were put in force on Oct. 24, Meanwhile, UN special OPCAT ten days after the
of Foreign Affairs. tions before them and to 2007 and Feb. 2. 2008, re- rapporteur for extrajudicial, Philippines underwent the
Brillantes, in recent media fora, said he has been make progress on convic- spectively. summary and arbitary kill- Universal Periodic Review
an active member of the CPRMW, being among those tions,” he added. Amparo means protec- ings Philip Alston has cited (UPR) at the UN.
who drafted the UN convention to the same effect. Judicial collaboration tion, while habeas data is President Gloria Macapagal- At the UPR session, offi-
However, the ambassador and other Philippine of- Canadian Ambassador access to information. Arroyo for ratifying on April cials from the United King-
ficials asked by the Manila Media Monitor in separate to the Philippines Robert The writ of amparo 22 the Optional Protocol to dom, Japan, Norway and
occasions refused to discuss and either downplayed or Dejardin provided a copy of would bar military officers the Convention against Tor- Australia cited the Philip-
swerved away from any inquiry on Philippine initia- Obhrai’s statement to Chief in judicial proceedings to ture (OPCAT), an interna- pines for inviting and coop-
tives, diplomatic or otherwise, to make Canada sign the Justice Reynato Puno. issue denial answers regard- tional human rights treaty. erating with Alston.
UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Dejardin said he wanted ing petitions on disappear- In an email, Alston said: The United States and
Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. to bring to the head magis- ances or extrajudicial ex- “It’s very impressive that France also welcomed gov-
Advocacy groups have seen Canada’s refusal to sign trate’s attention “the value ecutions, which were legally the President has moved to ernment steps to address ac-
the convention as a major reason why so many Filipino that the Government of Can- permitted in habeas corpus ratify the OPCAT and I very tivist and media killings.
workers and caregivers have been shabbily treated and ada attaches to your efforts proceedings. much hope that the Senate The ratification was sent
abused by unscrupulous Canadian employers. in this regards as well as our By invoking truth, the will go along with it.” to the Philippine Senate for
CPRMW was set up in 2004 and is due to consider continued collaboration in writ of habeas data would The government invited its concurrence.
country reports on the implementation of the conven- the Justice Reform Initia- compel military and govern- Alston to visit the Philip- The OPCAT would
tion, with Syria making the first report. tives Support Project.” ment agents to release infor- pines last February when he strengthen the implemen-
Other state parties to the convention are Azerbaijan, Writs mation about the desapare- expressed interest in looking tation of the Convention
Belize, Bolivia, Boznia and Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Concerns on human cidos and require access to into the activist and media against Torture, including
Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salva- rights violations has prompt- military and police files. killings in the country. preventive mechanisms.
dor, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, ed the SC to convene a Na- Both were conceived to Alston recommended a The Philippine has been
Morocco, Senegal, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, tional Consultative Summit solve alleged extra-judicial series of action the govern- a state party to the UN Con-
Timor-Leste, Togo, Uganda and Uruguay. on Extrajudicial Killings killings and forced disap- ment should take to resolve vention since 1986. PNA,
and Enforced Disappear- pearances since 1999. extrajudicial deaths. SC, OPS, PR
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor NEWS 5

reunite families, bring in

skilled workers faster
Citizenship and Immi- of applications, including
gration Canada (CIC) has those related to job vacan-
proposed changes to the cies in Canada.
Immigration and Refugee The current system
Protection Act (IRPA) that mandated that decisions on
would reduce wait times so individual applications are
that families are reunited made by CIC immigration
faster and skilled workers officers and the Minister
arrived sooner. could not reverse these de-
Changes to the IRPA cisions.
would give CIC “greater Reducing the backlog
flexibility in processing The proposals were
new applications, especial- likewise seen to reduce the The range for permanent resident admissions will remain at 2008 levels (240,000 to 265,000), the Provincial
ly from skilled workers” as growing backlog (graphics Nominee Program and Canadian Experience Class admissions will increase, and the temporary migration
these would also establish a on the right of page) on im- flows will remain at 2007 levels. Backlogs will remain constant in all immigration categories (based on current
“more responsive immigra- migration applications. admission levels, application intake and approval rates) except for the Federal Skilled Worker category. (Citi-
tion system,” CIC said. The long and growing zenship and Immigration Canada)
The changes meant that wait times for newcomers
those who applied before and their families would the country’s needs. report to Parliament and recognized more quickly, in-person foreign creden-
Feb. 27, 2008, would con- not do good for prospective As all applications posted on CIC’s website. especially before they enter tial referral services have
tinue to be processed under immigrants and for Canada, should, by law, be pro- Foreign credentials Canada, their chances for helped over 9,000 people,
the current system. because people might be cessed, the backlog has Meanwhile, CIC Min- success will improve,” Fin- and the FCRO website has
Anyone would still encouraged to go to more continued to build. ister Diane Finley said the ley said. had over 250,000 visits,
be able to apply, but CIC competitive countries where Transparency continuing success of the Since its launch less most of these from outside
would no longer be required the wait times are shorter, CIC said it would make Foreign Credentials Refer- than a year ago, the FCRO Canada.
to process all new skilled CIC said. public the Minister’s in- ral Office (FCRO) has been has put up ways to help The Working in Canada
worker applications. To complicate matters structions, which would re- “helping newcomers to newcomers and prospective Tool has been a key feature
Minister’s authority further, all skilled worker flect commitments to prov- Canada use their talents in immigrants find informa- of the website, helping in-
Under the proposed applications are being pro- inces and territories. the fields for which they’ve tion they need to put their ternationally trained people
changes, the CIC Minister cessed in the order they are The instructions would been trained.” skills to work in Canada. know about the Canadian
is authorized to issue in- received, regardless of the also be published in the “By helping immigrants Information tool labor market related to their
structions to immigration applicant’s skills or profes- Canada Gazette, reported find out how to get their Finley said the 320 Ser- occupation.
officers on the processing sion and whether they meet in the Department’s annual credentials assessed and vice Canada centers offering (To page 14)
6 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Ace Alvarez

Danny’s the man

Conversation between myself the Sony Centre?
and my wife, Gie, one evening: Christian: “Society
Gie: The concert of the Soci- of Seven”? Who, those
ety of Seven with Lani Misalucha guys (in photo 2 on this
is a great act. page)? PHOTO 2
Ace: Oh yes, all their perfor- ***
mances at Bally’s and the Flamin- Having sent a press release coming out in Toronto. tries, back to Canada.”
go in Las Vegas have always been on behalf of the Philippine The Manila Confidential Arnim - of German ancestry
sold out. Chamber of Commerce-To- publisher added na baka naman and married to a Filipino, was
Gie: Well, who knows, one of ronto (PCCT) to Joey Baking, iyong bagong publisher pa ang referring to Brenda Martin, a Ca-
these days, they might be engaged publisher of Manila Confiden- makatanggap ng advertising. nadian flown by the government
by Fallsview Casino’s Avalon tial, the latter responded: “OK *** back to Canada after spending two
Theatre, or at Casino Rama. la’ng. But it will be better kung Sending out the invitation to years at a Mexican prison.
Ace: Well, only Danny Sam- may ad na kasama ito. Heh... members of the Canadian Ethnic I thought, why would the gov-
son - the guy in photo 1 on this heh...heh...! But of course ilala- Media Association (CEMA) re- ernment use its Challenger jet to
page can do that. bas pa rin ito.” cently for the reception hosted by fly to T.O. the publisher of The Al-
He’s one of the producers of I wrote back: “As a pub- the GTA Liberal Party and Sena- bertaner when the editor of Ma-
DEE Entertainment - the concert lisher, too, I can emphatize with tors Caucus at the Montecassino nila Media Monitor Butch Galicia,
production company to bring the you. Hotel in North York, Arnim Joop, had to contend with a buddy pass
Society of Seven at the Sony Cen- ”But don’t worry, should the publisher of The Albertaner in flying “Air Canada” (reference:
tre in downtown Toronto. group come out with a print ad, Edmonton, Alberta, replied, “Un- front page story, Manila Media
I heard that tickets to the show you’ll be on the list - you being fortunately, I will not be able to at- Monitor, February 2008 issue)?
are selling briskly. one among the favorite print tend the anniversary celebration, ***
Did you know that the Society partners of PCCT. The other but I would like to congratulate On May 2, the Canada News
of Seven have behind them some favorites, I think, are the four- you and all members of CEMA on Wire carried this story: “Out-
30 or 40 years of performances in teen other Filipino publications reaching this milestone and wish standing educators honoured”.
Hawaii and Las Vegas? in T.O.” you a successful celebration.” After seeing the headline, I
Ace (interrupts the conversa- Joey returned with an an- “Maybe, the federal govern- said to myself, “Hhhhmmmm
tion to call his son): Christian, do swer, saying, “… another ‘fif- ment can fly me to Toronto on … let me read this story. Prob-
you want to watch the concert of teen’ na, Ace.” one of their nice Challenger jets, ably, my good friend Leonie
the Society of Seven with Lani He said that his printer told which they use to ship Canadians, Manzanares is one of the award
Misalucha, Saturday, May 24, at PHOTO 1 him that another publication is who are convicted in other coun- (To page 7)
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor VIEWS 7
Ooops & ... marks her birth anniversary
in May. Carandang wears
(From page 6)
recipients, being an edu-
“Please pray for me.”
After reading the item, Miss Hamilton crown
cator and president of the I thought, “And the way
Philippine Teachers Asso- this guy talks when his wife
ciation. is not present, his listener
It’s not true that the would have a definitive im-
news story carried a refer- pression that he is the boss
ence for my good friend, in the household.”
Leonie Manzanares as Sabi nila, saan nga ba
chairperson of the Danc- nahuhuli ang isda?
ing To Be A Star event of In this case though, edi-
the PIDC. tor Butch himself wrote in
*** the same column this issue:
My three-year old “Having been in the jour-
grandaughter, Abigail (pho- nalism profession for over
to 3 on this page, tinkering 30 years now, I subscribe
a Ninetendo DS), is becom- PHOTO 3
to Pilate’s explanation and
ing a techie. that he might mistake his before, and continues to have learned to stand up to
Visiting her recently, voiceover for that of the fight; and, fiercely for this whatever I write.”
I asked for her complete male announcer. matter. Butch was referring to
name. She replied, Abigail *** *** Pilate’s pronouncement, A headline in Market- In his column Omerta “What I have written, I have Miss Philippines Hamilton 2008 Pavielyne Caran-
*** ing Magazine states, “Can- on page 10, this issue, edi- written?” dang (center), 19, with her court Tiffany Alejandro
Coordinating the ada Post goes directly to tor Butch wrote, “… of the Now that I’m question- (left), 19, first runner-up; and Vanessa Tillner, 17,
voiceover talents for the green”. some 80 ethnic news publi- ing who the boss between second runner-up. Carandang also won as Miss
Tagalog version of the I hope that this did not cations circulating in Toron- editor Butch and his wife is, Photogenic and Miss Philantrophy; Alejandro as
Ministry of Health’s 30- explain why some of my to and its environs, about 20 may I ask Butch if he still Miss Congeniality. Other contestants were Ayesa
second colon cancer check correspondences got lost in percent or 16 are serving the stands up to whatever he Cobarde, Sandy Aquino, June Lascano, and Nicol-
TV commercial - which the mail. Filipino community?” writes versus what he ver- lete Tai. JOJO TADURAN
required one male and one *** He wrote further, “… bally used to saying in the
female voiceovers, I wrote
an addendum to editor
On May 16, the Manila
Times carried this story:
and that they are into seri-
ous internet downloading
absence of his wife?
Unto Butch, I say, if
Butch Galicia, saying, “I “Fierce Fighting Resumes journalism.” with credit cards and bank loans
ever he has one to emulate
forgot to tell you that your in South Between Gov’t, Oh wait a minute, let me on the matter, it should be Too many loans & credit cards?
voiceover would be that of Moro Islamic Liberation re-read the item. I’m sorry, me as I have total control of Paying too much interest?
the husband.” Front”. he didn’t say this one! my wife Gie. Afraid to pick up your own phone?
He replied, “Ah, For those who have an *** In the meantime, let me Looking for consolidation?
mabuti na ang maliwa- understanding of journal- In the same column, wrap this up, kasi kanina pa
Please see page 13 for our detailed advertisement
nag. I thought I would be ism, indeed, this is what editor Butch wrote, “Errrr. ako inuutusan ni Gie na ita-
the wife.” we call a running story! Regarding my barbs on the pon na ang basura; at medyo CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES
Of course, my clarifi-
cation was brought about
But in this case, very lit-
eral. They were fighting
month of May, I just re-
membered my wife, Evelyn,
galit na, kaya, … readers,
please pray for me, too.
8 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008
tions and disregard others without
any accountability.
Such an extraordinary power
for one person to have, huh? Is
Canada under an authoritarian
government now?
The bill also removes the right

Always treasure your of an applicant overseas to be con-

sidered for permanent residence

on humanitarian and compassion-
ate grounds, hence, could serve as
a hindrance to the reunification in Managing Editor
Canada of many families. ACE ALVAREZ
As my classmate was pass- couple. and dinner, so much so that when If immigration is a very signif- Editor
ing by our home, I asked, “Eppie, My mother, the former Pilar the matches were gone before the icant issue for Canada, Filipinos BUTCH GALICIA
where’s mama?” Truth was, Ep- Andrada Soriano, was from a fam- day they were supposed to be con- should be dealing on this, too. Associate Editor
pie wasn’t my sister and had her ily of vast agricultural landown- sumed, the househelp assigned to How come we don’t read con- GIE ALVAREZ
pass as my sister in the ears of my ers, and - as you read the middle cooking would be in trouble. Well, cerns on these in Filipino publica- Contributing Editors
classmate, Carmelita. Eppie is my and last names, was an epitome of my nanny never mentioned what tions? Grace P. Freires
Manny Freires
niece by my brother, Randolph. Castilian beauty and … character, kind of trouble. Neither was I able Tsk … tsk … tsk …. Anoth- Ben Viccari
The more appropriate question the latter as we had known them to ask because of amusement over er problem with the “copy and Mag Cruz Hatol
Pete Lacaba
then was, “Eppie, where’s your in the Philippines. the story. paste” journalism-type found in Mel Tobias
mama?” One story from my nanny went My nanny would repeatedly vast majority of Filipino publica-
Editorial Assistants
I phrased the question in- that one day, my sister - who lived stress, “Don’t get the wrong im- tions around us. Lennart Leigh Alvarez-Mahoney
tentionally as I uttered to let my with her husband nearby - sent a pression though, but your mom *** Dods Andrada
classmate know that like her, I maid to take a serving of tinolang was loved by all helpers in the I’ve watched concerts of old Contributors
had a mother, too, for at that time, manok to my father and mother. household, friends and relatives.” entertainers who made a name Edwin Acuna
I had none, as my mother passed As the maid put down the To you, readers, whatever, for themselves when I myself was Bien Garcia
Jeannie Pilapil
away when I was four years old. fine china on the dining table, my impression you might have on very young, and through the years, Eva Agpaoa
Today, May 11, I recalled this mother asked the maid, “Did they my mother from these anecdotes, their big hits continue to excite Mario Dimain
Noel Perada
story as we celebrated Mother’s eat lunch yet?” lesson to keep is, treasure your their various audiences whenever Larry Torres
Day. Replying in the affirmative, mother always. they perform live before them. Chito Sarabia
I really did envy people whose my mother asked the maid to take This was one thing I did not I think this is one thing that Account Executive
mothers celebrated with them the back the tinolang manok and tell have one privilege of, for which Filipino artists must do. They MYRNA SORIANO

best times in their lives, and con- my sister that the correct way of my wife, Gie, noticed, as the ex- must engage the services of the GRAPHICS
soled them in times of sadness. sending these things was before planation why I’m always extra bands we have to help them give IDTech Solutions
416 602 3870
As a child, I never had these the latter and my brother-in-law sweet with seniors. fresh treatment on their repertoire;
experiences, but lucky enough to would have eaten their lunch, oth- *** musical re-arrangement, if you Philippine Communication Facility
have had the utmost love of my erwise, it would be construed as Bill C-50 - the proposed please. GRACE MEDIA SERVICES
father and my younger siblings leftovers. amendments to the Immigra- This way, whenever they have 974 Metrica Street
1008 Manila, Philippines
among a brood of seven who I Of course, my sister cried tion and Refugee Protection Act performances at events, they have Tel/Fax: (632) 742-1484
grew up with - Nelson, Tony, Jr., and came to my mother, explain- has passed second reading at the their own minus one CDs and not
and Bert, who saw me through to ing that the padala was in fact re- House of Commons and present- those commercial ones that we Published by
be the person I am today. served even before they had lunch, ly being studied by the standing usually use at karaoke bars and Manila MEDIA MONITOR, INC.
98 Comrie Terrace
Having hardly known my but opted to send it until after they committees on finance, on the one restaurants and private parties. Scarborough, Ontario M1M 3T2
mother, there were only a few had eaten. hand, and citizenship and immi- I have seen several artists dur- CANADA
things I knew of her, mostly from Another story went that ev- gration, on the other. ing the last decade and the rep-
ertoire is the same, hence, most
Tel. 416.285.8583
the anecdotes as told by my nanny erytime my mother would buy a Under the proposed amend-
- who until I was 17 or 18 contin- box of matches, she would count ments, the bill removes the minis- people in the audience make their
ued to visit with us occasionally, all the sticks in the box and divide ter’s obligation to process all visa washroom breaks at events when and COMPREHENSIVE
until she, too, passed away. them by three: each stick to be applications and gives the minister the singer/performer is about to be Manila MEDIA MONITOR
is published and circulated
So, let me share with you a used for cooking breakfast, lunch the power to pick certain applica- (To page 17) once a month
in Toronto and its suburbs.
harsh sun and the burdens they
must carry coming up or down publication dedicated
their settlements. to the formation of positive
values in the Filipino-Canadian
Why their ancestral domains social and business community.
are largely kept far from the com-
forts of modern life is beyond Manila MEDIA MONITOR
covers all aspects of interest
Way of life: Poverty,
to the community it serves.
As original settlers who toiled
Every effort is made
for centuries, it is a wonder that

dust, brownouts
to verify the information published
they have been relegated to the in Manila MEDIA MONITOR -
your one of only two
backyard, as it were, left alone to community papers in Toronto
fend for themselves. (the other paper being ...
It is sheer irony to peer down ‘the others’). The views and opinions
A recent feature on televi- native group and brought it some dog droppings that litter the land- expressed, however, by individual
sion brought home poignant news form of human dignity. scape. from their settlements to see the writers are not necessarily the
about our Aeta brothers in Zam- A recent trip to Occidental Also not palatable is the reality vast expanse of land they once opinion, nor reflect those, of the
publisher. Thus, the publication
bales and Aklan. Mindoro shook up this writer be- of commonplace power outages. owned, now expropriated by vir- accepts no responsibility in
They are quietly being eased cause of the stark realities attend- Appliances have short lives; tue of a few pieces of paper, the connection with any liability
which might develop resulting
out of their ancestral domains by ing our Mangyan brothers and the so do nerves especially when stag- text of which they cannot under- from articles published.
the very parties tasked to protect entire province itself. ing a social event or undergoing a stand.
them and their heritage. Not only is the island prov- medical procedure. It is those sheets of paper that accepts submissions, subject to
Even the most basic services ince a showcase of poverty, it also In fact, dust and brownouts the lowlander brandishes that has availability of space, but reserves
they deserve as citizens of the seemed like a remnant of the for- have become a way of life in the prodded many a Mangyan family the right to edit for publication.

land are being denied them. ties when development was slug- province. to push for their children’s educa- Contributed articles must be
Essentials like food and po- gish after a destructive war. If this description encapsu- tion, fearful that the longer they in word document format.
Photo releases must be with
table water constantly remain in The roads leading out of the lizes life for the average Mindoro are illiterate, the more parcels of captions and in JPEG format.
their wish lists. So does education capital look as though the national resident, the Mangyan in the up- ancestral land will be snatched
Item and photo submissions
for their children. government has forsaken the is- lands is even lightyears farther in away from them. must be sent by e-mail via
For decades, we have been land. discomfiture and disenfranchise- They do not care about the
content with NGOs and foreign Stirred up dust envelopes peo- ment. dust. Their villages are swathed in Articles published in
missionaries looking after the ple and houses each time a vehicle A typical Mangyan communi- green. Manila MEDIA MONITOR
needs of indigenous people as passes. ty is tucked away in some remote They are not affected by gas may be reproduced only
with the permission
though their needs could not be It is not surprising that the in- nook of the province, we found shortages and brownouts. of the publisher.
met by government. cidence of respiratory diseases is out. Their torches and kinkis, little
Discussion of the present high in these areas. The adult men still sport the kerosene lamps, provide all the CIRCULATION and other inquiries
plight of indigenous people in At nightfall, it is practically drab loincloth or G-string, feet light they need at night. may be addressed at the following:
the country is not complete mi-
nus mention of some kind-hearted
pitch-dark. Agreeable to watch
the stars in full sparkle but not if
unshod and are generally naked
on top.
Radio is a luxury; television,
TEL. (416) 285-8583
association that has adopted the it means stumbling on carabao or Their skin is a testament to the (To page 16) FAX (416) 285-6862
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor VIEWS 9

LETTERS Media help US

Good tidings presidents hoodwink us
Hi Ace: Thank you so much for (reminding me about the May 11 Last year, activist-actor Sean every opinion left of center with dents in the name of freedom.
Front Page Philippines broadcast on Gawad Kalinga that was circu- Penn and syndicated columnist “communism.” Also, the shameful perversion
lated especially in the Handmaid of the Lord). Thanks also for the and author Norman Solomon In the hands of a Michael of accurate reporting by the ma-
write up in Manila Media Monitor which I read just recently about completed War Made Easy, a fea- Moore, this treatment might have jority of media should fill us with
the Hopeful and Hopeless. You are an instrument in bringing glad ture-length documentary which been turned to ridicule, but in War continued unease.
tidings to the poor and more power to your work. Irma Cuenca became an official entry in the In- Made Easy, shots of young chil- You are likely to find a rental
ternational Documentary Festival, dren dead and maimed by U.S. copy of War Made Easy in some
Hi Ace: I read the latest issue of your newspaper. They are great! the Montreal Film Festival and the bombs strike a tragic chord. of the “indie” DVD rental estab-
Thanks for the headline story. God Bless! Ricky Cuenca Vancouver Film Festival. And equally tragic, all this lishments like my own favourite,
Subtitled How Presidents spin has been lapped up by a ma- Queen Video.
OPINION and Pundits Keep Spinning us to
Death, the film is based on Solo-
jority of media.
Bush Sr.’s Desert Storm saw
If ever there were an ill-timed
mon’s book of the same name. the technique of embedding jour- flurry of publicity around a disas-
Mamamayan bilang kinatawan Solomon frequently appears
on screen and Penn narrates this
nalists adopted and in 2003 carried
to alarming proportions in Iraq.
ter scenario, it is now, with self-
styled pundits citing evidence
Ngayong pinangunahan na ni Sen. (Aquilino) Pimentel ang mul- riveting examination of the way in Voices like those of Norman from an ancient Mayan calendar,
ing pagbubukas ng usapin sa charter change, mahalagang mabalik which successive American presi- Solomon, Phil Donahue and Mor- that the world will come to an end
tanawan ang ginawang pagkapon sa demokrasyang ipinanalo ng ta- dents have brought their country ley Safer have been rare, but we on December 21, 2012 with the
umbayan nuong EDSA (People Power Revolution). into armed conflict over the past can be thankful that the tide is be- media reporting these beliefs ex-
Sa mga panahon ngayon, lubhang nakonsolida lamang ng ilang 50 years. ginning to turn. tensively.
interest groups ang sistema ng ating lipunan sa pamamagitan ng The brilliant editing of state- While the film makes no ex- Let’s take a look at a worst
Pag-aalsang EDSA upang higit na bigyan ng puwang ang patuloy ments by Lyndon Johnson, cursions into the role of the arms case scenario this new prediction
na pag-iral ng isang sistemang kultural, ekonomiko, pulitikal at so- Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, industries in feeding these wars, could exacerbate.
syal na tumutugon lamang sa interes ng iilang pamilya, dayuhan at George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton and it is evident from the plenitude Fundamentalists could say
kanilang galamay. Dubya shows how each has used of shots of weaponry from an in- “what the hell, we saw it com-
Walang makabuluhang pagbabago sa ating kalagayan dahil ang the same argument and the same fantryman’s rifle to a heavy duty ing”; anti-environmentalists could
masang Pilipino ay hindi pa rin nabigyan ng puwang sa tipo ng de- words to justify wars and inva- bomber that fat profits are being say what’s the use of thinking and
mokrasyang ipinangangalandakan ng mga sakim sa yaman at ka- sions. made even as I write, by those all acting green?; and fatalists and ni-
pangyarihan. Underlying is the traditional too ready to echo the sanctimo- hilists could be prodded into total
Nakakalungkot isipin na ang mga honorable na nakaupo sa Mal- American paranoia identifying nious utterings of American presi- (To page 22)
akanyang, Kongreso at Senado ay nililingon lang ang masa tuwing
panahon ng eleksyon. Kung mag-ingay man, ang ginagawa ay puro
papogi lang o kaya ay nagpapataas ng presyo.
May tunay nga ba tayong oposisyon sa Pilipinas o ito ay isa la-
mang kompetisyon sa pagitan ng mga buwitre at garapatang nag-
uunahang sumipsip sa dugo ni Juan de la Cruz?
Nakakalungkot. Ang mga progresibong kilusan ng mamamayan
na dapat sana ay nasa unahan sa aban para sa batayang karapatan,

Take action vs abuse

kabuhayan at interes ay mistulang nagagamit na lang ding pambala
sa kanyon sa mga kompetisyong ito na kung saan ay ang pinag-aaga-
wang karangalan ay kung sino ang mas makakapagnakaw sa bayan.
Sino ang may balak magmalinis? Ni isa sa mga partylist repre-
sentative ng progresibong kilusan na nakuhang manalo at dapat sana
Last month I wrote about the So she kept her mouth shut complains.
ay siyang boses ng mamamayan sa lehislatura ay hindi man lamang
conditions in the Philippines and and they kept her a slave. What they are not told is that
binigyan ng importansya ang pag-isponsor sa panukalang batas na
the effect they are having on a This is wrong. in Canada, they have rights that
magpapatupad ng pagkakaroon ng kinatawan ng sektor ng mama-
generation of young people. I met Carlita and helped her they did not have back home or in
mayan sa mga lokal na pamahalaan.
I wrote about it because I am understand her rights and found Hong Kong or Saudi or wherever
Ni isa ay walang nagsikap na seryosohin ang Barangayan bilang
really concerned and want my a new family for her that would they worked before.
venue ng pampulitikang pamumuno para kamtin ang kumpyansa ng
country to be the best it can be. treat her with respect. This type of abuse has to stop.
masa sa sama-samang pagdadamayan at pagkakaisa upang mabago
I want us to be proud of who The point of this story is not We need to speak out and help
ang kasalukuyang kultura ng korupsyon at kawalang pagsasa alang-
we are as a people (I know I am) that she has escaped her situation each other because no one else
alang sa kapakanan ng kapwa.
and to earn the respect of the rest (though I’m glad that she did). will do it for us. We have to de-
Kung mayroon mang dapat pag-debatihan sa panahon ng pag-
of the world. It is that too many Filipino mand our rights.
aamyenda sa Saligang Batas, ito ay ang isyu sa pagpapalawig sa
We can achieve this but it will workers come here and don’t un- Those of us in positions of
partisipasyon ng taumbayan sa political governance at pagsasakatu-
take time and commitment from derstand their rights and allow influence must act to protect the
paran ng pagkilala sa karapatan ng mamamayan at bawat sektor ng
each of us. their employers, and in some cas- Filipino worker in Canada.
lipunan na katawanin ang kanilang interes sa pag-alam ng problema,
This month I want to share es the agency which brought them It’s never a pretty sight to
paghanap ng solusyon at pagkakaroon ng pampulitikang kapangyar-
with you a story about Carlita. here, to abuse them. watch someone get abused either
ihan upang makapagbuo at makapagpatupad ng mga tamang batas
It’s not a happy story but it is In some ways, this is a product physically, emotionally or other-
na tunay na pumapabor sa nakararami.
an important story. of the situation in our country. wise.
Ito ang tunay na demokrasya; ito ang tangi ngunit masalimuot na
It’s about standing up for People there are so downtrod- What is worse is to watch it
daan na dapat tahakin upang maging isang lahi at bansa.
yourself and having the courage to den and so used to being abused and do nothing about it.
Ang landas ng tunay na pagmumulat, pag-oorganisa at pagpa-
question your situation if it feels that when they arrive here and I believe it is our individual
pakilos sa ating mamayan para kamtin ang people empowerment ay
wrong. receive the same treatment, it’s responsibility to look out for one
dapat magmula sa transpormasyon ng indibidwal, pamilya, komuni-
Carlita came to Canada about not something they feel they can another, not turn the other way
dad, barangay, munisipyo, lungsod, rehiyon at bansa.
five months ago to work as a fight. and never to encourage or become
Ito ang sitwasyon na kung saan ang mamamayan ay hindi na
nanny. She was brought in by an But Carlita’s story is more than part of the abuse.
lamang simpleng bumoboto tuwing eleksyon at naghihintay ng mga
agency here in Canada. just a commentary on the situation I, for one, am ready to take ac-
dapat sundin na batas at programa;.kundi ang mamamayan ay akti-
She was placed in a family back home. tion. Personal action.
bong kumikilos at kinikilalang pinakamahalagang bahagi sa riyal-
who pays her $1,000 a month with It’s also about the systematic If you are reading this and feel
isasyon ng minimithing pagbabago at pangarap ng bansa. MARK-
work lasting close to 15 hours a abuse of Filipino workers by their you are in an abusive work envi-
PB, Partidong Pangdaigdigang Pilipino website
day, six days a week. employers, especially on nannies ronment, talk to me.
This is illegal. and caregivers. Even if you have been threat-
GET RESULTS. But Carlita didn’t know that. Because of the conditions un- ened with deportation, talk to me.
ADVERTISE with When she complained, the der which their work visas are is- I will do what I can to help.
family and the agency threatened sued, many Filipino workers have Remember, you have rights in
Manila Media Monitor her. They told her they would re- become virtual slaves. this country.

Call 416-285-8583 port her to immigration services

and have her deported.
Their employers threaten them
with deportation if the worker you?
I am ready to take action. Are
10 VIEWS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008
radio programs in Toronto? on Sundays and 12 noon on
Through the years, Thursdays.
Filipinos have enjoyed the Then there is producer
news, candid commentar- Virgil Ignacio’s Filipino
ies, original Filipino music Eh!, with Mary Grace San-
and a varied broadcast menu tos, Anthony Lusaya and

Juan’s media,
offered by Agatha Luna and Jess Carlos hosting over A
Joel Recla’s Perlas ng Si- Channel Cable 20, 8 to 9

Juan’s community
langan over 1540AM and a.m. on Saturdays.
100.7FM, 6:30 to 7 p.m., *****
Saturdays; Kuya Roman Then there is the month-
Caretas’s Tinig, Himig ly digital magazine GTA
It is National Press Pinoy over This Month edited by Criss
Freedom Week in the Phil- 530AM, 10 Papa-Nañola with exciting
ippines first week of May. to 11 p.m. images taken by photojour-
World Press Freedom Day Mondays; nalist Romy Nañola.
is May 3. Deo Moreno’s Still on cybersites, Ug-
***** Mabuhay dishes out a daily
There was a time when Radio over menu of news and informa-
press rooms were caves 1610AM, 10 tion for Filipinos in Canada.
meant only for men, in all p.m. Mon- The site is handled and ed-
their cranky, grumpy and days to Fri- ited by veteran newsman
maniacal splendor. days; and Jess Jojo Taduran.
A long, long time ago, Cabrias’s Ang *****
habitues at the Philippine Ta l a k a y a n Juan’s community me-
National Press Club joked over 1430AM, dia - be it print, radio or
on how they wanted to see 10 to 11 a.m. television or in any other
the door of the washroom Saturdays. traditional or tech-savvy
for newsmen marked “FOR ***** form - are very vibrant and
MEN ONLY” and the door MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY MEDIA IN A PRESS CONFERENCE Of course highly visible in Toronto.
of the washroom for newsh- (respectfully Vibrancy and visibil-
ens, “FOR MEN ALSO.” the Philippines?) .... ing Mangahas’s Philippine numbers are jumbled to borrowed from Manila ity are there because of the
***** My funny bones went Times. form words, when grammar Media Monitor’s Toronto support of the community.
Cavemen are passe. wild when I got wind of a Most are in English and and syntax are ignored and westend circulation guy Joe Media should owe its
I, for one, admit that the tall tale that threats of cases off the presses either every when a seeming cacophonic Damasco’s top-of-the-list existence to its thousands
freedoms of speech and of against media peers in the two weeks or monthly. mix of Tagalog, English, fave expression), Filipi- of avid readers, listeners,
expression are best prac- Philippines - except those The presence of these Spanish, Chinese, a local nos do love to watch com- viewers and sidewalk ob-
ticed and enjoyed by those who have been silenced publications in the commu- dialect, moon talk, etc. is munity-oriented television servers.
who mark Mother’s Day on with a bullet or two - are nity surely etches the gener- used. shows too. Many community media
May 11. hitting the chart boards. al impression that Filipinos As long as text messag- There is the long-run- entities have started but has
***** Goodie, goodie! Just in are a reading people. ing is not done behind the ning Front Page Philip- since become defunct, but
The men who coined the case the case is a case of ***** wheel, let this digital short- pines, with Gie Alvarez as whatever impact these may
word mayhem and invented beer, I’ll drink to that! This high level of Fili- hand go on. host and Ace Alvarez, pro- have made for the commu-
the distress call mayday Try a suit? Not bad. pino literacy and communi- ***** ducer. Front Page Philip- nity will be remembered.
must be repenting. It can replace a hand-me- cative comprehension is no- Who can likewise ig- pines is aired over Rogers *****
This must also be why down tux or exact more table, even in text message nore the multitude of Filipi- OMNI 2 Television’s Chan- Local media may learn
holidaymongers gave fa- elegant services than what exchanges when letters and nos listening to community nel 69 and Cable 14, 11 a.m. (To page 22)
thers a month to assess the comes with the cheapest
situation before celebrating room at the inn.
Father’s Day. Go to court? Sure. Just
***** say when those Victoria
Asked why he insisted Court discount cards are
on nailing a sign that said ready. Just be wary of the
“Jesus of Nazareth, King of so-called ‘free trials’.

Mystical power of
the Jews” on Christ’s cross, *****
Pilate simply said: “What Tickle, tickle, tickle!
I have written, I have writ- Nobody, not even Satan,
Having been in the jour-
can further defame or defile
names or reputations that mothers
nalism profession for over despicable idiots - many of
30 years now, I subscribe them in public offices and From the beginning of shine, she was on her nest
to Pilate’s explanation and in tolerated immoral private time, God knew that He fulfilling her motherly ob-
have learned to stand up to dealings - have so shame- needed help to bring babies ligation.
whatever I write. lessly defamed, defiled and to this world. She stood her ground,
Errrr. Regarding my sodomized by their own So He created mothers. and maintained her guard in
barbs on the month of May, detestable breach of good He blessed them with protecting the eggs.
I just remembered my wife manners and right conduct. special qualities that made She also displayed her
Evelyn marks her birth an- That will be double them distinctively different parenting skill.
niversary in May. jeopardy, as in so so naka- from men. She taught her goslings
Please pray for me. kasira ng bad image. The warmth of a moth- how to survive and pre-
***** ***** er’s hand can energize a dis- pared them to their eventual
Hey, guys! May 2 is Still on media .... couraged child. long distance flight.
World Asthma Day, not Do you know that of Her tender reassuring To everyone out there
asthma wife day. the some 80 ethnic news voice can magically ease who still have mothers,
***** publications circulating in any pain. when was the last time you
Who said that Mother’s Toronto and its environs, She appears soft but It was about the mysti- tion to birth. A painful task sincerely expressed your
Day comes nine months af- about 20 percent or 16 are stands like a rock in protect- cal power of mothers. that no man is capable of. It gratitude she highly de-
ter Father’s Day? serving the Filipino com- ing her children. Truly, there is something is indisputable. serve?
If so, why is Labor Day munity? At a wedding in Cana, mystical about mothers. They will always be Don’t wait too long.
celebrated in the Philippines Among these are Ace Al- Jesus was persuaded by His Many men and women sons and daughters who Do it while you can,
and elsewhere on May 1? varez’s Manila Media Mon- mother to perform His first who have attained great- humble themselves to bow when you can.
***** itor, Mon Datol’s Philippine miracle ahead of time. ness still find themselves to their mothers But most of all do it
Whatever, here’s to a Courier, Eddie Lee’s Atin He turned the water into in a predicament wherein a It is amazing that moth- while she is still strong
wonderful celebration of Ito, Bin Kon Loo’s Filipini- wine. It was the miracle that motherly advice is impera- erhood also extend to God’s enough to raise her arms in
Asian Heritage Month this ana, Ruben Cusipag’s Bal- was not supposed to happen tive. lower creations. giving you her affectionate
May and an enjoyable long ita, Rolly Cabrera’s Taliba, until the time was right. Even kings and queens, In the late spring of motherly hug as she whis-
weekend on Victoria Day, Hermie Garcia’s Philippine But God made that day no matter how powerful 2006, I observed and photo- pers to your ears: “I love
May 19. (See page 30) Reporter, Turing Muere’s the perfect time to make a they are, their glory can not graphed the human-like be- you, child.” mario@artis-
***** Likha, Joe Baking’s Manila heavenly declaration. escape the fact that they all havior of a mother goose.;
Back to media, the so- Confidential, Carlos Unas’s It was not about the wa- came from a woman who All through out the www.artisticam-photogra-
called fourth estate (only in Filipino Bulletin, and Nars- ter turning into wine. carried them from concep- hatching period, rain or
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor FEATURE 11
er currencies are P125.48 mobile phones and the In- ted money through formal
Gov’t watchdog says: million for US dollar trans- ternet. and informal or non-bank-

No dirty money from OFWs, yet actions, P1.6 million for

Japanese yen transactions,
P7.8 million for Hong Kong
The World Bank’s In-
formation for Development
(infoDev) program, none-
ing channels.
That threshold was for
a one-time remittance ac-
by JEREMAIAH M. OPINIANO dollar transactions, and theless, believed such tech- tivity, as Aquino observed
P60,596 for Euro transac- nology could combat dirty that migrant remitters sent
tions. money. amounts way below the
MANILA - Dirty March 1 issued by Assis- insurance STRs, 91; and Vigilance InfoDev said in a paper US$10,000 threshold.
money passing through or tant Attorney General Alice STRs in securities, 30. Aquino said despite the that the Philippines’ mo- The know-your-cus-
flowing into the country as Fisher of the Criminal Divi- All STRs covered a total spotless record of OFWs bile phone remittance tech- tomer (KYC) requirement
monitored by the Philippine sion and US Attorney Jef- of nearly 104 million trans- in these transactions, the nologies “even help reduce was also strictly followed
anti-money laundering unit frey Taylor of the District of actions, data showed. AMLC continued monitor- fraud, money laundering in remittance centers and
has not involved overseas Columbia did not expound Aquino said the AMLC ing remittances. and criminal acts … be- banks overseas and in the
Filipino workers, yet. on how that much amount had frozen nearly P406 mil- Such was not an easy cause the cash assets are no Philippines.
Of the 18,269 suspi- of money was transferred to lion in funds from banks task since banks no longer longer being carried around Money senders were re-
cious transactions the Anti- Philippine bank accounts. and insurance proceeds. held the monopoly of plat- in person.” quired to verify their iden-
Money Laundering Council With remittances pump- Some P272 million of form for money transfer. Aquino said the spot- tity as well as the identity of
(AMLC) flagged for the ing Philippine consumption, the total is in Philippine The information and less money laundering re- the recipients.
past six years ending 2007, monitoring its flow has be- peso. communication technol- cord of overseas Filipinos Meanwhile, the Interpol
none were linked to formal come highly important as a Meanwhile, the peso ogy boom has spawned fast was because of a threshold (the world’s largest interna-
and informal flows of earn- credible economic instru- equivalents of those for oth- cash flow via, for example, whenever a migrant remit- tional police organization),
ings by OFWs, AMLC data ment. in a study of “ethnic bank-
revealed. Remittance flows to the ing systems” of 31 coun-
“So far, Filipino remit- Philippines is the world’s tries in Asia, cited it found
ters have been compliant” third largest, according to neither direct nor indirect
to money laundering rules, recent World Bank ranking. links between overseas
AMLC executive director If the AMLC finds workers’ remittances and
Vicente Aquino said. something irregular, it flags money laundering.
Aquino spoke to the a Suspicious Transaction This was despite the
OFW Journalism Consor- Report (STR). study having discovered
tium before a US court sen- However, none of the direct links between these
tenced a man who admitted STRs covering overseas banking systems and money
transferring some US$15 Filipinos’ remittances have flows from unlawful activi-
million to bank accounts been flagged, Aquino add- ties.
owned or controlled by co- ed. “They have no deroga- In the East Asian region,
conspirators in the Philip- tory record.” there were “unregulated re-
pines. STRs in banks and non- mittance centers” in Hong
The money was part of bank financial institutions Kong-China, Japan, and
a $20-million scheme to numbered 15,469, AMLC Korea that served nationals
defraud the Export-Import data showed. such as Filipinos, the Inter-
Bank of the United States. Government-sourced pol study said.
The statement dated STRs numbered 2,679; (To page 32)
12 FEATURE Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

CBT’s People Power: Socio-political awareness

I remember the sound of the
helicopters. We were young then.
We didn’t know what was hap-
pening, but knew something im-
portant must be taking place.
There were celebrations and
yellow confetti on the streets.
People were wearing yellow t-
shirts with Ninoy’s face embed-
ded on it and yellow ribbons were
tied around their heads.
Radio Veritas and Channel
4 were serving the people once
Military tanks were blockaded
by thousands of civilians singing
Bayan Ko (My Homeland), and
flashing the Laban! (fight!) sign,
an “L” formed with the thumb and
index finger.
Most of us share vivid memo- CBT actors bring to aesthetic reality the scenes marking People Power Revolution in the Philippines from Feb. 22 to 25,
ries and stories of People Power, 1986, a peaceful revolution that ousted a dictatorship. After the play, (from left) Nadine Villasin, Alex Felipe, Martha Ocampo
a non-violent revolution Filipinos and Ricky Esguerra lead a panel discussion on the stage presentation. Photos: CBT
engaged in to regain democracy
and overthrow the dictatorship of sence of the lives of many individ- Len Cervantes; and the music and litical powers that led the move- rights advocate in Canada and the
the Marcos regime. uals and families who strove for percussions of Romeo Candido ment. U.S.
People Power, the play survival, democracy and freedom evoked patriotism. Villasin (Miss Oriented, Ang She recalled that it was in a
The scenes from my young in the Philippines. Blown-up black and white Pamana: the Inheritance) is the reunion of anti-Marcos activists
life and other vignettes of the lives The play featured actors Na- images of actual events during CBT’s artistic director of the Car- in Seattle, U.S. - when the partici-
of Filipinos whose voices stirred a dine Villasin, Nicco Lorenzo Gar- those trying times were hung on los Bulosan Theatre, daughter of pants were candidly sharing expe-
peaceful revolt were the subjects cia, Rose Cortez, Leon Aureus a clothesline wire and provided a journalist-father and an activist- riences - that the idea of produc-
of People Power: Revolution in and Christine Mangosing; with an effective artful yet storytelling mother. ing a play honoring anti-Marcos
Play Poetry, Music and Move- producer Michelle Uy and direc- backdrop. Villasin has helped the CBT activists stirred her.
ment, a play written, acted in and tor Nina Lee Aquino. The plot thickens grow from a community-oriented Growing up with their likes,
produced by young Filipino-Ca- The play’s simplicity remained According to actors Villasin theater to a professional theater Villasin realized the threats and
nadians and shown at the Carlos engaging and inspirational. There and Garcia, People Power was “a company in the last ten years. dangers these people had gone
Bulosan Theatre (CBT), April 16 were no elaborate costumes or composite of true stories of people Villasin’s mom, the late Fely through, helping her prepare for
to May 11. props. we know who experienced it and Villasin, was with the Coalition her role as a determined revolu-
The collaborative two-year Drama and power were spo- the people that made it happen,” Against Marcos Dictatorship tionary living in the US.
CBT production captured the es- ken with the compelling poetry of and not so much focused on po- (CAMD) and was a domestic (To page 13)

Dr. Gilbert Chan
Dr. Daphne Chien
Dr. Janet Ho
Dr. Janet Wong
Dr. Michael Chin
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor FEATURES 13
CBT’s People Power ...
(From page 12)
Marcos cum taxi driver
Nicco Garcia (The Romance of Magno Ru-
bio, Ang Pamana: The Inheritance), played
Manny, a taxi driver. with credit cards & bank loans ? ?
Garcia also switched comedic and emotion- AMIT BHATIA
al roles as a marine officer, a father with conser- Credit Counsellor
vative political views, and the ousted President
He gave justice to his role as Marcos by IF
learning a lot about the strongman, courtesy
of his father whose roots are from Ilocos, also - All your income is going to pay bills.
known as Marcos country.
Rose Cortez (Love’s Labour Lost, Tales from - Everyday there is fight & argument at home.
the Flipside) played demanding but expressive - You can not pick your own phone out of fear.
roles as a maid, sister of a rebel soldier, seduc-
tive prostitute, and street beggar. - Creditors and collection agencies are calling you and they are
A budding artist, Cortez is fluent in Taga- threatening to take legal action.
log and English, who featured once in a Villasin
show. - Your salary is being garnished.
Unsung heroes
The actors, director Aquino and the CBT
shifted their focus from the Marcos regime
and politics to insightful stories of individuals,
families, and social groups who experienced THEN, WE CAN
but remained the “unsung heroes” of the People - reduce your debts to less than half,
Power Revolution.
Little change - stop the interest right away,
“Was People Power a success or a failure?”
This was one of the many questions raised dur- - save you from threatening phone calls,
ing a post-play panel discussion. - bring back your stress free family life,
Ricky Esguerra, an activist and political
prisoner during the Marcos era, said the Philip- - stop the garnishment.
pine situation has not really changed that much
after the Feb. 22 to 25, 1986 People Power. - And you will not lose your house and car.
Esguerra said the small amount of success
to regain democracy during those fateful days
in 1986 was brought to little use with the con- HERE IS WHAT SOME SATISFIED CLIENTS HAVE TO SAY ..........
tinued existence of the higher social-political “I had six credit cards and was ing with Mr. Amit Bhatia, I felt very in huge debt. Credit Manage-
elite groups who controlled power. paying $550 per month. Bank did relaxed and he reduced my $34,000 ment Services reduced my debts
He said poverty and corruption have not not give me consolidation loan debts to just half. Amazing .......... I which I am paying in interest-free
been eradicated and problems, like shortages in because I had bad credit. Then can pick up my own phone now.” monthly installments now and I
I met Mr. Amit Bhatia and he re- M.M. can keep my car.” E.J.
rice and food, have even cropped up.
duced my loans and made one
Several coups and attempts to overthrow re- payment of just $200. I’ll be debt “After making us debt free, now Amit “My husband was so stressed with
cent Philippine leaders have been failures. free in 36 months. Credit Manage- Bhatia helped us getting the mort- these credit card bills that once
No solid plan ment Services is the best place to gage. We are happy to move to our he forgot to stop at a red traffic
Political activist Martha Ocampo said those contact when you have a money new house.” S.S. signal. Fortunately no accident
who planned to get scandal-battered President problem.” J.G. happened but I called Credit
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo out of Malacañang “I went back home to get married, Management Services right away.
“I was afraid to pick my own then I had to go again because my Two weeks later my husband was
had no solid plan for the country’s future. phone. I was so confused and mother got sick. Because of that I back to stressfree life.” M.A.
Further, she lamented the absence of a com- stressed all the time that I didn’t had to borrow money from my credit
mon ground or purpose among many Philippine know what to do, but after meet- cards and also, I lost my job. I was
political groups.
Meanwhile, Garcia read through articles of
the 20th anniversary of People Power in Manila
and noted observations that political, military,
media, church and other groups seeking for re- CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES
forms argued endlessly about who should get
Call for a free and confidential consultation

the credit for the success of People Power.
He asked: “If it had not been successful, will
they still take credit for it?”
“It is really the voice of the Filipino people
that enabled the revolution to happen,” he said. Head Office : 970 Lawrence Ave. West # 105 (Lawrence & Dufferin)
Community issues Toronto ON M6A3B6 (Located on the main floor in back of the building)
Knowing about one’s history and culture
and being proud of the triumph of the human Web :
spirit were some of the messages that Villasin, 3 convenient locations - Toronto, Mississauga and Scarborough
Garcia, and Cortez wanted to get across through
art and theatre.
Villasin said young Filipino-Canadians poverty, Filipinos have dis- belong.
seemed to have been alienated from their cul- played their courage and hu- “But how is that possible
ture and were unlikely to get involved in poli- mility to gain freedom and we without going back to your
tics because they had no connection to the po- should be proud of it,” he said. roots and knowing where you
litical realm. Garcia added that Filipinos came from?”
The play helped the audiences better under- have set the stage for people He urged the community to
stand their history as Filipinos, the nature of from other countries protest- support art and theatre to raise
democracy, and realize what their parents went ing against social and political cultural awareness and educate
through, and why they are here today, she said. repression. younger generations.
But more than just understanding the Filipi- He added that many Fili- Cortez, on the other hand,
nos’ battles to be free, the play spread awareness pinos left the Philippines and reiterated that when she mi-
about colonization, racism, freedom and other migrated to Canada to leave grated to Canada, she felt no
global issues other people from many countries behind an unstable political connection between Filipino
experience. system. immigrants and Canadian-born
Garcia said: “We should be proud of the Call for support Filipinos in Toronto.
People Power Revolution because this is what Garcia said he understood But she reached out to the She planned to do outreach
placed the Philippines into the world map, a the constant struggle of second community by expressing her- community projects, especially
constant reminder of fighting for democracy in generation Filipino-Canadi- self through art and theatre, in high schools and universities
a non-violent and unified way.” ans in their search for identity and hoped to someday pursue to build a stronger united com-
“Amid the hardships, powerlessness, and while trying to assimilate and drama therapy. munity. AS
14 PEOPLE & EVENTS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Santiago, Javier cite Canadian, community help

Taurus tots

FCT Gala rakes in $22,037.27 to partly defray cost of FCT building’s new roof
Filipino Centre Toronto The FCT officials - on proceeds of S22,037.27 as Organizers expect many
(FCT) Board Chair Dr. Vic- behalf of the FCT Board of shown in a financial state- members of the community
toria Santiago and President Directors - also expressed ment furnished the Manila to attend the fair, hoping
Rosalinda Javier have cited gratitude and appreciation Media Monitor) partially to get answers to medical
the Canadian government for the community’s par- defrayed the cost of the re- problems.
Three young people celebrated their birthdays and the Filipino community ticipation in the “sold-out cently replaced entire roof On hand are medical
recently. (From left) Patricia Gabrielle Angeles, and its leaders for the con- and smashingly successful” of the (FCT building). This specialists to speak on rel-
daughter of Angelo and Maricar Hazel Angeles, tinuous support the latter Presidents’ Gala at the Fair- replacement cost a total evant topics. (See page 18
celebrated her first with a party tendered by her have been giving FCT. mont Royal York Hotel on amount of $107,000,” they for topic schedules)
Lola, Elsa Angeles, at their home in Ajax; Esther In a letter dated May 11, April 5. said. FCMA president Dr.
Mae Sicat celebrated her fifth with classmates Santiago and Javier said: “This ... event that hon- Both also announced the Maselle Virey hopes to
and friends at a party given by her parents, An- “The Filipino commu- ored local Filipino groups, conduct of the next Presi- raise awareness and further
gelo and Maribel Sicat; and Jonas Andaya, son of nity’s ideals and virtues are organizations and busi- dents’ Gala in the first half understanding of health is-
Noel and Jocylin Andaya, also celebrated his fith the driving forces behind nesses, represented by their of 2010, with Maria Clara sues, leading to the preven-
at a gathering given by her lola, Perla Andaya, at the FCT’s existence. These president or proprietor, was as its theme. tion of illnesses.
Chuck E Cheese’s in Scarborough. TONY SICAT include extending a ‘baya- indeed a fitting tribute and Medical fair FCT director Dr. Mario
nihan’ hand to those who a simple token of apprecia- Meanwhile, FCT will Andres has been conduct-
GET RESULTS. are in need, while partici- tion and recognition of their jointly sponsor with the ing monthly health semi-
pating with vigor and pride continued support of the Filipino Canadian Medical nars under his FCT Health
ADVERTISE! on the multi-ethnic stage FCT,” Santiago and Javier Association (FCMA) a one- and Wellness Program.
Call 416-285-8583 made possible by the gov-
ernment of Canada.”
jointly said.
“The money raised (net
day Medical Fair at the cen-
ter’s premises on June 8.
The Medical Fair, An-
dres says, will replace the
seminars for May and June.
Proposed IRPA changes to reunite families, bring in skilled workers faster Pistahan free bikes
(From page 5) In another development,
Orientation sessions nition process in Canada. to outdated provisions in who then lost their citizen- born in Canada to a foreign FCT’s June 14 to 15 Pistah-
Finley also noted the Restoring citizenship existing and former laws. ship; diplomat, those who re- an (see ad on page 18) gets
successful expansion of In a related develop- Bill C-37 would come ► Anyone who was nounced their citizenship a boost from the Toronto
overseas orientation ses- ment, Minister Finley has into effect no later than a born in Canada or became with Canadian authorities, Police Service, which will
sions she announced in In- welcomed the formal pas- year after being given Roy- a Canadian on or after Jan. and those whose citizen- conduct a Bike Rodeo for
dia. sage of Bill C-37, taking al Assent on April 17. 1, 1947, and who then lost ship was revoked by the children aged seven to 15 at
The sessions - delivered “lost Canadians” one giant The law would give citi- citizenship; and government because it was 10 a.m. in both event days.
in China, India and the Phil- step closer to enjoying Ca- zenship to: ► Anyone born abroad obtained by fraud. The 50 approved to join
ippines by the Association nadian citizenship. ► People who became to a Canadian on or after “This is wonderful news the rodeo will be given the
of Canadian Community Finley said the passage citizens when the first citi- Jan. 1, 1947, if not already for war brides and their bikes they ride, with a hel-
Colleges’ Canadian Immi- of Bill C-37 amended the zenship act took effect on a citizen, but only if they children who will become met and water container.
gration Integration Project Citizenship Act to give Ca- Jan. 1, 1947 (including are the first generation born citizens,” said Melynda Jar- Rodeo application forms
- helped raise awareness nadian citizenship to those people born in Canada prior abroad. ratt. historian for Canadian may be downloaded from
about the credential recog- who lost or never had it, due to 1947 and war brides) and The exceptions are those War Brides. (To page 17)
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PEOPLE & EVENTS 15
TPS set for Asian Heritage Month program
Entertainers and per-
formers from the Philip-
pines, Japan, Korea and
Vietnam are set to provide
Events lined up dureing
the celebration, she said,
“provide occasions for all
Canadians to gather in the
Kenney invited all citi-
zens across the country “to
celebrate the contribution of
Canadians of Asian origin
Let’s go to the Ex!
Warmer days are here nal music. The program is Kevin Ridgeway and es-
enjoyment in a program put festivity of cultures.” to building our country.” and it’s time again for On- sponsored by the Govern- cape artist Kristen Johnson
up by the Toronto Police Better understanding History tario’s summertime tradi- ment of Ontario. make their Ontario CNE
Services (TPS) and the To- In Ottawa, Secretary Since its conception tion, the Canadian National ► Aerialist and Eques- debut. The duo had been
ronto Police Services Board of State (Multiculturalism in Toronto in 1993, cities Exhibition (CNE). trian Show (Aug. 15 to 28, featured on The Discovery
(TPSB) in celebration of and Canadian Identity) Ja- across Canada - including This year, the CNE cel- Ricoh Coliseum): From the and Travel Channels, CBS,
Asian Heritage Month at the son Kenney stressed that Montreal, Ottawa, Van- ebrates its 130th anniver- producers of the popular NBC and FOX, and have
Toronto Police headquarters Canada “was built by repre- couver, Halifax, Winnipeg, sary with new and exciting Aerial Acrobatic and Ice toured extensively in the
on May 21, starting 6 p.m. sentatives of many cultural Calgary - have been hav- attractions complementing Skating shows of the past US and Australia. Kristen
TPS community mobi- communities, and Asian ing annual festivities dur- old-time favorites. three years comes a sensa- is an award winning escape
lization unit officer Philip Heritage Month is an oppor- ing May to recognize Asian The CNE runs from tional new equestrian spec- artist recognized as one of
Mendoza said police chief tunity to better understand Heritage Month. Aug. 15 to Labor Day on tacular. Set to music com- the best in the world, while
William Blair, TPSB head Canada’s rich diversity by A motion to designate Sept. 1. plete with a vocalist, this Kevin is a born entertainer
Alok Mukherjee, country learning more about the May as Asian Heritage Advance tickets are sold entertaining extravaganza whose unique blend of wit,
dignitaries and local of- achievements of the Asian- Month was introduced in through CNE’s exclusive features daredevil aerial- charisma and magic has
ficials will attend and par- Canadian community.” (To page 17) retail partner Shopper’s ists and magnificent horses won the hearts of audiences
ticipate in the celebration, Drug Mart and also avail- showcased in a wide range on two continents.

CPO shows lined up in

dubbed “Working Together able online at of equestrian arts. ► A Celebration of
in Partnership.” All events are free with ► Ridgeway and John- Sport - West Side of Food
Canada enriched admission to the CNE. son: Illusionist and Escape Building (daily): Sports will

Carassauga Festival
On the occasion of The Ex is one of North Artist Show (two shows be celebrated through a se-
Asian Heritage Month, America’s largest annual daily; three on Fridays, ries of outdoor demonstra-
Minister of Citizenship and fairs, attracting more than a Saturdays, and Sundays tions, interactives, shows
Immigration Diane Finley Culture Philippines of Ontario (CPO) will once million people over 18 days and Labor Day): Husband and athlete appearances,
lauded Canadians of Asian again participate and provide entertainment during the each summer. and wife team illusionist every day of the CNE. PR
origin for playing “an inte- annual Carassauga Festival in Mississauga’s Hershey Softly opening the Ex on
gral role” in strengthening
and enriching local commu-
Centre from May 23 to 25.
A CPO bulletin said the group would showcase
July 22 are the Horse Show
and Casino, both to contin- www.
nities with their diverse cul- Philippine culture through folksongs and dances from ue throughout the fair. with credit cards and bank loans
tural practices and beliefs. the various regions of the country, with special focus on What’s new? Too many loans & credit cards?
“I take pride in the fact Pasko sa Pilipinas (Christmas in the Philippines). Here are some of the Paying too much interest?
that newcomers from Asia The CPO shows at the Philippine Pavilion would be new attractions at the Ex: Afraid to pick up your own phone?
continue to choose our na- on May 23 at 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. and 11 p.m.; on May ► Circus Orange in Looking for consolidation?
tion as their destination of 24 at 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.; and on May 25 Jump Jet (nightly): This is
choice - and that the vibran- at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. a 20-minute pyrotechnic, Please see page 13 for our detailed advertisement
cy of Asian cultures reso- The CPO added that visitors would also be treated acrobatic and circus the- CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES
nates fiom city to city across to tasty Filipino dishes and delicacies served at the Her- ater performance unfolding
Canada,” Finley said. shey Centre. PR in three acts set to origi-
16 PEOPLE & EVENTS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Way of life: Poverty, dust, brownouts

(From page 8)
The route up to their ing their college diplomas home, preferring the rela-
abodes is best described as and are giving back to their tive safety of the village
very similar to their centu- kith and kin their loyalty rather than venturing for
ries’ old quest for justice and faith by teaching farm- kilometers to the nearest
and equality: filled with ers and women a variety of school.
menacing boulders, un- trades. The weather and the rug-
friendly shards of rock and They are now beginning ged terrain have taken their
scalding gravel. to exploit their weaving, ba- toll on her skin and legs
The pathways are nana production and honey but she managed through
parched and hot in summer; gathering skills to full eco- advanced education, with a
treacherous and slippery in nomic advantage. little help from NGOs.
the monsoon. Imagine lug- Thanks to local inter- She is now a beacon for
ging sacks of bananas or vention, it is not anymore the Mangyan children who
rice on one’s back, negoti- likely that lowlanders will are taught in Filipino, sim-
ating the kilometric zigzags offer a pittance in exchange ple English and their native
of the mountain. of their sweet bananas and alphabet and syllabary.
We were greeted by de- rootcrops, exquisite weaves The three educated
lightful news. Three Mang- and unadulterated honey. Mangyans bring hope.
yans have carved a niche Slowly, the Mangyans A multiplier effect is
for themselves and their are learning basic arithme- anticipated so that they can
community, standing out as tic and finding out the true inspire another nine.
paragons for the children. measure of their labor and In the next generation, it
The three were schooled produce. is hoped that incomprehen-
in the lowlands but have One of the three, an sible documents that signify
resisted the clarion call of education graduate, is the the transfer of land to some
the cities, refusing to seek first Mangyan teacher of sinister lowlander will be a
employment that offered the area. She has bravely re- thing of the past.
higher wages and better liv- turned to teach the children Despite the constant
ing conditions. in the uplands. threat of incursions into
Instead, they have She recalls that as a their territory, the Mang-
marched back to the village child, many Mangyan chil- yans remain a proud and
of their childhood, clutch- dren like her remained resilient race.
In their quiet, ramshack-

Be read and be known.

le village in the verdant
hills of Occidental Mind-

Make good business.

oro, the Mangyans today
still live with grace, closer
to the heavens, away from
ADVERTISE! the dust and power outages
of the lowlands.
Call 416-285-8583 They are fortunate that
it is not their way of life.
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PEOPLE & EVENTS 17
Happy long
weekend on
Victoria Day
From the:

Always treasure ...

(From page 8)
called for his, or her, rendition.
If the suggestion here is to be done, this
would require funds though for recording
and everything.
So, community organizations, please
help our entertainers. Let us offer them
their fees.
After all, they spend for their attire, gas,
parking in some instances - and everything
paid with GST, not to mention their time.

Santiago, Javier ...

(From page 14)
the FCT’s website, www.filipinocentreto- Deadline for submission is on
May 30.
Pistahan chair Wendy Arena says the
two-day celebration of the 110th anniver-
sary of Philippine Independence will kick
off with a parade of Philippine associations
and business groups that will end at the Na-
than Philips Square.
Local beauty queens, a marching band
and dignitaries will march in the parade,
Arena adds.
On stage are entertainers. Food booths
offering free lechon and an array of palat-
able Filipino dishes are available. Commer-
cial stalls will surround the festivity site.
Arena says the finals of FCT’s Filipino
Singing Idol (FSI) - featuring the 18 who
survived the three initial rounds - will close
the June 14 list of events.
A Sunday Mass will open the fiesta at
1 p.m. on June 15. More onstage entertain-
ment and food celebrations are expected.
Capping the day is FCT’s Battle of the
Champions involving all past FSI winners.
The public may join line-dancing and
ballroom dancing in the open square until
10 p.m., the end of Pistahan, Arena says.

TPS set for ... (From page 15) CALENDAR (From page 3)
ley Park.
► JUNE 15: Filipino
► JULY 12: Philippine In-
dependence Day Council
the Senate by Senator Vivienne Poy on May 29, 2001, and Medical Fair, FCT Build- ► JUNE 14: Kalayaan Centre Toronto Battle of Mabuhay Cup Basketball
seconded by Senator Pat Carney. ing, 9 a.m. Cultural Foundation Phil- Champions, FCT Bldg. Tournament, Hoopdome.
Senators Sheila Finestone, Noel Kinsella, Nicholas ► JUNE 8: De La Salle ippine Cultural Festival, ► JUNE 21: Malolos ► JULY 13: Filipino Cen-
Taylor and Laurier LaPierre spoke in favor of it. Alumni Association and Square One Mall, Missis- Group of Ontario 2nd An- tre Toronto Annual Dr.
In December, 2001, the Senate officially designated Fiesta Filipina Dance sauga. nual Golf Tournament, Guillermo de Villa Memo-
May as Asian Heritage Month. Troupe Golf Tournament, ► JUNE 14: Philip- Deer Creek Golf and rial Cup Golf Tournament,
Asians Pickering Cherry Downs pine Independence Day Banquet Facility. Granite Ridge Golf Club.
The definition of Asian may be inclusive and broad, Golf Club. Council Salo-Salo, Earl ► JUNE 28: United Fili- ► JULY 11 to 13: Fiesta
and applies to people who come from or whose ancestors ► JUNE 13: Kalayaan Bales Park. pino Canadian Organiza- Filipina Dance Troupe
come from: East Asia: China, Hong Kong S.A.R., Japan, Cultural Foundation Say- ► JUNE 14: Marikina tion Summer Dance, Ca- Kasalan at Carabram,
Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan; South Asia: awan at Tugtrugan Para Association of Ontario nadian Martyrs Church. Greenbriar Recreation
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri sa Taong Bayan, Missis- Summer Potluck Picnic, ► JUNE 29: Batangas Centre, Brampton.
Lanka; sauga. Neilson Park. Provincial Association of ► JULY 19: Philippine In-
Central Asia: Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, ► JUNE 13: Kababai- ► JUNE 14: Marc Ball- Canada 3rd Annual Golf dependence Day Council
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; Southeast Asia: hang Rizalista Miss Ma- esteros Concert for A Tournament, Glen Eagle Mabuhay Festival, with
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, ria Clara 2008, Ella’s Cause, Jarvis Collegiate Golf Course, Caledon. Dancing To Be A Star Fi-
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam. PR Banquet Hall. Institute. ► JULY 4: Kalayaan Fili- nals, Metro Toronto Con-
► JUNE 14 and 15: pino Cultural Organiza- vention Centre.
Filipino Centre Toronto tion Silver Jubilee Gala ► AUG. 9: Jenifer For-
WHAT’S YOUR EVENT? Pistahan celebrates the Night and Coronation, ever Concert 2, Mead-
The Manila Media Monitor calendar is a public service board for every reader to 110th Declaration of Phil- Capitol Center, Missis- owvale Theatre, Missis-
keep and refer to. Want to get your event into the Calendar? Send the event details ippine Independence, sauga. sauga.
(name of group or person, event title, place of event, date and time of event) to ma- Nathan Phillips Square. ► JULY 5: Santaginians ► AUG. 29 to SEPT. 1: or on or before the 8th ► JUNE 15: Kalayaan Association of Ontario Knights of Rizal Canada
of each month. All submissions are subject to strict editorial appreciation. Cultural Foundation Salo- Gala Night, Toronto Holi- Region Assembly in To-
salo sa Mississauga Val- day Inn. ronto.
18 PEOPLE & EVENTS Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

FCMA and FCT MEDICAL FAIR TCDSB to host Filipino Language Assembly
597 Parliament Street, Toronto, ON The Toronto Catho- portunity to participate in parents and students.
Sunday, June 8, 2008, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. lic District School Board
(TCDSB) will host the 3rd
a positive, non-competitive
spelling/quiz bee exchange
The TCDSB offers Fili-
pino International Language
Annual Filipino Interna- to improve their Filipino classes cost-free every
tional Language Assembly language vocabulary, spell- Saturday in seven elemen-
and Information and Net- ing capabilities, compre- tary schools: St. Barnabas,
working Day for Parents at hension, public speaking, St. Brendan, St. Barbara,
Morning Sessions: Chair: Dr. Nenette de Villa 10-12 noon: the St. Maria Goretti Catho- communication skills, self- Blessed John XXIII, St.
lic School on May 31 from esteem and self-confidence. Maria Goretti, Canadian
10:00 - Dr. Gemma Pastolero: “What’s behind the screen?” 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The competitions will Martyrs and Holy Family.
This year’s assembly likewise be highlighted by The classes are also
10:15 - Dr. Francis Rementilla: “Finally, an anti-aging solution” will feature the Filipino In- a program wherein partici- conducted at the Pope John
10:30 - Dr. Peter Sy: “Snoring may be more than what it seems” ternational Language Spell- pants also show off their Paul II secondary school.
10:45 - Dr. Dulce Bismonte: “Adjustments as new Immigrants” ing and Quiz Bee contests. dancing and singing skills. Extended-day class in
11:00 - Dr. Eileen de Villa-Choi: “TB Revisited” The competitions pro- Last year’s Makabayan Filipino is also offered at
11:15 - Dr. Ben Pangilinan: “Wheezes and Whistles” vides Filipinos between the singing competition gath- St. Ignatius of Loyola, from
ages of six and 13 the op- ered close to 400 Filipino Monday to Friday. PR
11:30 - Dr. David Lim & Haysook Choi: “The Silent Killer, an
Epidemic” Canada KOR prepares for 3rd reg’l gab
11:45 - Mr. James Hernane: “Know your Pharmacist”
12:00 - Questions and Answers

Lunch Break

Afternoon Sessions: Chair: Dr. Maselle Virey 1-3:30 p.m.

1:00 - Dr. Solon Guzman: “Why see the dentist, I don’t have a
1:15 - Dr. Lily Cha: “Post-Menopausal Concerns”
1:30 - Dr. Cesar Garcia: “I don’t remember, Alzheimer?”
1:45 - Ms. Connie Magallanes: “You are what you eat”
2:00 - Dr. FilomenaBautista: “Immunization: Do we need it?” The Canada Region Knights of Rizal (KOR) Executive Council prepares for
2:15 - Dr. Regina Agbayani: “No, not SARS!” its 3rd Assembly in Metro Toronto from Aug. 29 to Sept. 1. With over 150 out-
2:30 - Mr. Rob Fuerte: “Available Community Resources” of-town delegates expected, arrangements are being finalized with Hilton
2:45 - Dr. Rey Robes: “How to keep your heart working longer” Double-Tree Hotel. Commander Emiliano Silverio has named Chito Collan-
tes assembly chair; George Poblete, vice chair for administration; Tom Vi-
3:00 – Questions and Answers rey, vice chair for supervision; Oakville commander Mike Murphy, operation
host; Toronto commander Doug Ord, Commander’s Ball host; Kababaihang
Rizalista president Rose Cruz, fundraising. JOE DAMASCO

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Classified Ads (22)
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Gonzales Dentistry
Associates (3)
Professional Corp. (23)
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the edge group (24)
Rolly’s Garage (3) (25)
Dr. Arla Rondilla Dentistry
UMAC Toronto (25)
Professional Corp. (5)
Lovely Travel & Tours Int’l (26)
Dr. Albine A. Miciano Cosmetic
Dr. Bernarda Rosales Verzonilla
& General Dentistry (6)
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Action Honda (7)
Kaakbay Financial Services
Casa Manila (28)
Mary’s Esthetics (28)
Ellesmere-Kennedy Dental
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Centre (12)
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Amit Bhatia Credit
Liland Insurance Inc. (29)
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LDV Computers (30)
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Front Page Philippines (33)
BJ Kitchen Cabinets, Inc. (34)
Philuscan (16)
Juan Tomas Band (34)
Timeless Images (16)
Saratoga Money Remittance
Forex (17)
FCT Pistahan (18)
Lydia Madrano-Yanto (36)
FCMA/FCT Medical Fair (18)
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Hogan (19)
Roadsport Honda 36)
Osilla Institute (19)
Superb Travel (38)
Western Union (20)
CHIN Radio (38)
Russell International (20)
Seoul Driving School (38)
Dr. Roslyn Sim-Sabilano
Ma. Louisa Diaz (39)
Dentistry Prof’l Corp. (21)
Come and Join PIDC Mabuhay Festival (21)
Dr. Santiago & Associates (40)
Fairview Dental Centre (40)
The Filipino Centre Toronto
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 19
20 Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

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MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 21
22 Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Juan’s media, Juan’s community

(From page 10)
a lesson or two from Phil- it was also often used to pro- on overseas media conduct-
ippine prelates, who echoed mote the selfish interests of ed in Manila, forum official
Pope Benedict XVI’s mes- powerful people who could Greg Macabenta notes:
sage for the 42nd World destroy its real purpose for “Indeed, the importance
Communications Day on the common good.” of media as a pillar of the
May 3. In Davao City, Fr. Rus- Filipino global community
In Manila, Catholic sell Bantiles, editor-in-chief and as the vital link among
Bishops Conference of the of the Davao Catholic Her- diverse communities and
Philippines (CBCP) media ald, said the Pope’s message the Philippine homeland
director Msgr. Pedro Quito- raised two points about me- has been overlooked or, at
rio said “the real power of dia’s power: first, the media least, under-appreciated,
media does not lie on the in- possess the power and the even by Filipino communi-
struments but on the truth- force of suggestion, what- ties themselves.”
fulness and credibility of ever this might mean; and “This is not surprising.
the person who uses them.” second, the media are used The content of Filipino
“The meteoric evolution not to disseminate informa- newspapers and broadcast
of technology will bring tion but to create events. media are so Philippine-
media to unimaginable po- “The media is at the centric that there is little
tential. But at the end of the crossroads between self- in them that would be of
day, it’s the truth, life and promotion and service,” interest to mainstream poli-
credibility of the commu- said Bantiles, who urged ticians, businessmen, and
nicator that bring about real media to use all means of civic leaders. Not even to
power,” Quitorio said. social communication in the second-generation hyphen-
Still in Manila, CBCP service of the truth about ated Filipinos whose famil-
President Archbishop An- God, man, and the world. iarity with the land of their
gel Lagdameo considered *** parents’ birth is anecdotal,
the Pope’s call for “info- On another note, during at best, and negative, at
ethics.” Lagdameo said that the just-concluded Global worst,” Macabenta said.
while media did much good, Filipino Network workshop

Media help US presidents hoodwink us

(From page 9)
anarchy, if they fail to see screenplay for the film, it is this helpful vade mecum are
how so many predictions of said he gave the producers themselves immigrants and
this kind have been made the original story line. seasoned journalists, name-
through the centuries, a ma- There was Duggie on ly, Naeem “Nick” Noorani
jor one of which was that the dust cover, complete and his wife, Sabrina, who
death and destruction would with bandana and roguish are publishers and editors of
rain down on us in the year grin. I could not wait until The Canadian Immigrant, a
2000. Remember Y2K? I got home, but found that monthly newspaper pub-
The 2012 prediction is Achmed/Alexander’s prose lished in Vancouver and To-
the stuff of supermarket was a little too dense for ronto. They arrived here 10
tabloids. This time, let’s try me. I cannot remember now years ago from Mumbai via
to confine it to them. whether I ever returned to a stay in Dubai and began
*** the Thief of Baghdad, but their newspaper four years
There’s still nothing like
a good book.
Each time I open a new
volume I get the same sort
I’ll always have the memo-
ry of that first purchase (of
many thousands).
The book is effective
not only because of its con-
tent but due to its design
of thrill I did when, at six
years, I was able to make
my own first purchase.
The Oxford University
Press has launched its Cana-
dian Newcomer Series, the
which offers brief illus-
trated sidebars with immi-
grants’ success stories and
Sixpence in pocket mon- first of which is reviewed in also glossaries appended to
ey was burning a hole in my this issue. some section explaining us-
pocket and I yearned for While specifically ad- age of such word and terms
something a little broader in dressing the informational as civil law and common
Live-in help wanted.
scope than the kid’s books
I’d been given as presents.
Due to the diligence of
needs of new arrivals in
Canada, this is as much a
book for established Cana-
dians as new immigrants.
law in the legal section and
term deposit and traveller’s
cheques in the banking sec-
S Will sponsor.
parents and grandparents tion.
I had learned to read two
years earlier.
I took myself down to
The reason for this is
that, if we are to acknowl-
edge our responsibilities as
Many of us who have
lived in Canada all our lives,
or for a very long time,
S Call (416) 388 5533.
a large bookstore near our citizens of a country that could benefit from reading
home in Balham. needs and welcomes im- this as a refresher course in
The new hard cover
Readers Library series was
migrants we need to know
how this country works and
what Canada offers.
being displayed at sixpence
a volume.
This eclectic enterprise
here it is in the first of a se-
ries of Oxford University
Press books.
stores now at $29.95 and
this spring Oxford Univer-
sity Press will introduce a
which flourished for several Arrival Survival Cana- new volume, How to Find a
years until the advent of
Penguin paperbacks carried
mostly reprints of books au-
da can be of real assistance
in helping answer new im-
migrants’ questions.
Job in Canada.
(Used with permis-
sion. Ben Viccari is the
(416) 299-9333. TUESDAYS CLOSED.
thored by writers as widely Arrival Survival Cana- President of the Canadian
different as Victor Hugo da outlines in clear English Ethnic Media Associa-
and Edgar Wallace. how to cope with situations tion [CEMA] and makes
I had just seen Doug- from finding shelter to mak- frequent appearances on ADVERTISE!
las Fairbanks in the Thief
of Baghdad and after leaf-
ing through a number of
ing temporary arrangements
for health coverage until ac-
ceptance in Canada’s free
OMNI TV Commentary.
Some of his commentar-
ies are republished in this
Readers Library volumes, health care system. publication and slightly ex-
I turned back to a noveliza- Canadian laws and in- panded in some cases from
tion of the film by Achmed
Abdullah (actually the Rus-
stitutions such as levels of
government and the courts
their 70-second broadcast
originals. For more of his
sian-born Alexander Nico-
layevitch Romanoff). Al-
are also explained clearly
and succinctly.
work, please visit Ben’s
website at: http://canscene.
though he did not write the Fittingly, the authors of
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 23
Yano assumes post as AFP chief
MANILA - Lt. Gen.
Alexander Yano on May 12
assumed as 38th Chief of
Staff of the Armed Forces
of the Philippines (AFP).
Yano, former Army
chief, succeeded Gen. Her-
mogenes Esperon Jr. who
In his acceptance speech,
Yano pledged loyalty to
President Gloria Macapa-
gal-Arroyo and the chain
of command while promis-
ing to make the military the
“servant of the people.”
He vowed to continue
Esperon’s fight against the
communists, saying “Gen-
eral Esperon, sir, your labor
shall not be in vain. The en-
emies of democracy shall be President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (center) wit-
decimated as scheduled.” nesses the exchange of handshakes between
President Arroyo has outgoing Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
directed the military and Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. (left)
the police to crush the com- and incoming AFP Chief Lt. Gen. Alexander Yano
munist insurgency in 2010. during the change of command on May 12. Photo:
PNA Marcelino Pascua/OPS-NIB

Abject poverty haunts Metro Manila

MANILA - Most poor poorest of the poor as fami- National housing com-
families from the provinces lies with a per capita in- munity relations officer
flocking to Metro manila in come of P1,000 or less, and Ivy Marquez admitted be-
search of a better life end up many of them are in Metro fore Kapihan attendees
homeless and in worse con- Manila. that poor families awarded
ditions. She cited cases where low cost government hous-
This should be prevent- migrant families ended up ing were going back to the
ed if not stopped, as it has living under bridges and slums along the Philippine
aggravated the poverty inci- waterways. National Railways train
dence in the National Capi- Some have even fallen tracks in Manila, due to the
tal Region (NCR) including prey to syndicates that rent absence of livelihood in re-

Hanjin may stay in RP

Metro Manila, Marikina children, most of them out location sites.
City Rep. Del de Guzman of school, to beg on the “We are doing our best Palace hints
told media forum Kapihan. streets of the metropolis. to find a resettlement site
class suit
”There are families here
that go to the dumps practi-
cally to look for food,” said
“We have identified
some of the members of
these organized crime
close to their former homes.
Meanwhile, we are appeal-
ing to local government
despite bribe fracas vs Meralco
de Guzman, House commit- groups. We are set to file units to help these families MANILA - Korean firm money from them in ex- MANILA - Meralco’s
tee on social services chair. criminal charges against relocated in their jurisdic- Hanjin Heavy Industries, change for the immediate admission that it had been
In the same forum, so- them,” she said. tion,” she said. PNA Inc. (HHII) would continue approval of the environ- passing on to consumers
cial welfare Undersecre- investing in the Philippines, mental and business permits some P.5 million in power
tary Celia Yangco said data
showed more poor families
Pacquiao trains for despite being dragged into a
bribery controversy by offi-
for the $2-billion shipyard it
would build in Mindanao.
bills and systems losses has
spurred Presidential Legal
lived in Mindanao, particu- fight vs David Diaz cials in two towns of Misa-
mis Oriental.
But one of the mayors
claimed it was Hanjin that
Counsel Sergio Apostol to
hint the filing of a class suit
larly in the Autonomous Re-
gion for Muslim Mindanao, MANILA - World Box- Press Secretary Ignacio offered him a P400-million against the giant Lopez-
but indigents in the NCR ing Council (WBC) super Bunye said Hanjin officials bribe to pave the way for controlled power firm.
have been going through featherweight champion had told Trade Secretary the project. Hanjin denied Apostol told Malaca-
the worst kind of poverty. Manny Pacquiao is looking Peter Favila they would the allegation. ñang media: “Somebody
Yangco defined the forward to a strict training stay, invest and complete Peeved by the news, will have to file the case (a
regimen in preparation for projects in the country. President Gloria Macapa- class suit against Meralco).
House raises his upcoming fight against
WBC lightweight titlist Da-
Hanjin earlier alleged
that the mayors of Tagoloan
gal-Arroyo directed the
Department of Interior and
Meralco has lost in two
cases before the Supreme
tax exempt vid Diaz at the Mandalay
Bay Resort Casino in Las
and Villanueva in Misamis
Oriental had tried to extort
Local Government to inves-
tigate the allegations. OPS
But besides this, Apos-
ceiling Vegas, Nevada on June 28. PACQUIAO tol said “we would have to

MANILA - The House

“A lot of people are say-
ing it would be hard for me 17 KO’s), Pacquiao would Malaysia asked to go on wait for Congressional ac-
tion on amending the Elec-

brokering peace talks

of Representatives on May to win against a bigger and try to be the first Filipino to tric Power Industry Reform
12 approved on third and heavier opponent, but with win the world lightweight Act (EPIRA).”
final reading a consolidated the help of God and giving title. He added that the gov-
measure that would raise my 100 percent in training, Pacquiao’s super feath- MANILA - Seventy- The government and the ernment was not interested
tax exemptions for a family we can win this fight,” Pac- erweight diadem is not at four lawmakers on May 13 MILF are deadlocked over in buying out or taking over
of six with total income of quiao said in his column at stake in the fight. He cap- signed a resolution asking the thorny issue of ancestral Meralco, as it “is a corpo-
P200,000 and below. tured the title after beat- Malaysia to continue bro- domain. rate matter, and Malacañang
Before the passage of ”Now, I am pushing ing Mexican Juan Manuel kering peace talks between The MILF has claimed will not intervene.”
the measure, the tax exemp- myself to another level Marquez in a split 12-round the government and Moro the government is delaying Meralco officials earlier
tion ceiling was P96,000. because I want to achieve decision. Islamic Liberation Front the talks and threatened to offered to sell the power
Voting 192 to 3 with no greater heights,” the world- Pacquiao was the former (MILF). resume war. company to the government
abstentions, the lawmakers renowned ring champ said. WBC flyweight and IBF/ Anak Mindanao Rep. “We recognize the gains and other big-ticket local or
cited the need to provide Pacquiao (46-3-2, 35 WBO super bantamweight Mujiv Hataman filed House of the IMT led by Malaysia, foreign investors.
low income workers eco- KO’s) has left for Los An- champion before going to Resolution 578, after Ma- especially in monitoring ad- Deputy spokesperson
nomic relief through higher geles to start his formal the featherweight division laysia pulled out from the herence to agreements [on] Lorelei Fajardo said Meral-
tax exemptions in the light training under American to beat former world cham- International Monitoring the ground, thereby provid- co “may have to seriously
of the escalating prices of mentor Freddie Roach at pions Erik Morales and Team tasked to oversee a ing a conducive atmosphere consider their position” on
food and other basic com- the Wildcard gym. Marco Antonio Barrera, ceasefire pact between the for negotiations,” Hataman passing on to consumers
modities. PNA Against Diaz (34-1-1, both of Mexico. PNA military and MILF. said. PNA their costs. OPS
24 Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 25
Uh, oh! Grilled termite eggs to prolong life?
ILOILO CITY - Lisa water comes from a stream fresh air within home lots.
Castor’s fair complexion near her ancestral home. Closely protected from
never fails to draw a second Professor Randy Ma- the sun’s rays to maintain
look from men. And Castor drid, of the University of their flawless skin, Castor
is 104 years old. the Philippines in the Vi- says she wears the tradition-
How she happens to sayas Center for West Vi- al supa, an embroidered top
look younger than her age sayan Study, says some matched with the patady-
and how she got a longer studies show that ants are ong skirt that spans down to
lifespan in remote Tapaz rich in Vitamin E and sali- the heels.
village in Capiz Castor at- cylic acid. As a binukot, she is for- “Let your light shine before men in such a way
tributes to a regular diet of However, Madrid says bidden to show any part of that they may see your good works and glorify
grilled termite eggs. the idea of eating termite’s her body before marriage. your father who is in heaven.”
One of four known egg extending a person’s Her man had to give her MATTHEW 6:16
members of the indigenous life may be a myth, adding parents dowry that ranged
Pan-ayanons who is past the that there is no scientific ex- from money to farm ani-
century mark, Castor tells planation to that effect. mals, among others.
the Philippines News Agen- Madrid says “it is the On the other hand, Ma-
cy that she and her group first time that I have heard drid says Castor’s claim to
look for and destroy termite of such testimony from be a centenarian may be To all gifted photographers out there who have the third eye
mounds to catch the buk-an among the members of the true, or she may be just an in capturing photos that reflect a Christian message, there is a
(queen termite). Pan-ay Bukidnon.” ordinary angoran, an old
They skew several buk- ”The kind of food Lisa woman in their community. Christian Fellowship of talented photographers that awaits you.
an in a stick and place this is eating probably helped There may be older per- They are Photographers For Christ who use the art of photography
on top of the flame. After add years to her life.” sons than Castor in their vil-
Madrid is among those lage, Madrid adds.
in spreading the word of God.
the outer shell of the buk-
an burns and peels, Castor spearheading programs to Tapaz town is hardly
and the others feast on the preserve the Pan-ay Bukid- reached by land transport Listen to your hearts, the Holy Spirit is calling you.
cooked inner buk-an parts nons’ culture and traditions. means, and checking on her
that hold the tiny thousands As to her fairness, Cas- claims may take a long and
of termite eggs. tor says she is one of the re- arduous process, he says.
She says “buk-an is wa- maining Pan-ay binukot, a Castor’s story reached
tery” and has tartness when privilege given to the fairest the media when she and
eaten. member of the tribe. cousin Mansueto Carle,
But Castor admits that A binukot lives like a Jr., together with fellow Pick up your camera and follow us.
on top of her termite egg princess, does not toil dur- tribespeople, trooped to the
diet, she eats lots of vegeta-
tive food, complemented by
ing the day, and goes out of
their room only when it is
town proper of Calinog for
the Panubok 2, a Binanog
bits of meat, fish, freshwa- time to eat and take a bath. Dance and Costume em-
ter shells and shrimps taken Before the sun rises and broidery exhibit, workshop
from the river. when the sun sets, a binu- and competition. MMCA-
The village’s drinking kot is allowed just to breath LUBIRAN
26 TRAVEL & TOURISM Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Lingga-anay Festival in Pan-ay, Capiz rings a bell

The huge bell in the im-
posing belfry of Sta. Moni-
ca Church in Pan-ay, Capiz Explore Davao’s
will once more come to the
fore as the town’s people deep for WW II
vintage boats
take pride in their Roman
Catholic history and innate
Filipino culture during the
Lingga-anay Festival early DAVAO CITY - The
May. tourism department is
But besides showcasing introducing wreck-div-
the biggest bell in a church ing off Talomo district’s
belfry in Southeast Asia, shores in this city, as an-
the people will play cordial other come-on for local
hosts to local and foreign and foreign tourist-deep
tourists who flock to Pan-ay sea divers.
to see and feel the excite- Tourism regional
ment of the town’s blessed head Sonia Garcia cited
natural resources. reports that World War
Come-ons II vintage US boats have
Pan-ay, located eight ki- The Sta. Monica Church in Pan-ay, Capiz (above, left) is an been found in the deep
lometers from Capiz’ capi- awe-inspiring monument to a past Spanish grandeur in Pan- sea waters off Talomo.
tal Roxas City, is also proud ay town. The church is about 250 feet long and 80 feet wide. Garcia said that dur-
of its natural sights and It has nine-foot thick walls and its floor is of colored marble ing the war, the US navy
restplaces such as the wide which shines in subdued lights. The central altar is elaborately sculptured retablos of silver and hard- scuttled lame ships in the
tracts of mangroves for eco- wood in the florid style of baroque art. The church’s five-storey belfry shelters an antique huge bell, sea waters off Talomo
logical tours, the Pawa-Bun- surrounded by eight smaller bells. The huge bell (right photos) was cast from 76 sacks of coins said instead of towing in the
tod Beach and Napti Island to have been contributed by the town’s people. Its mammoth size holds a record: It is seven feet in wrecks for repair.
that are ideal for swimming, diameter and weights 10,400 kilograms, making it the largest bell in Southeast Asia and the second “We are inviting tech-
water sports like snorkeling largest in the world. nical divers to document
and diving; and man-made what are down under,”
attractions that include Villa
Magdalena resort, Bibal in-
1569, after escaping from
food shortages and Portu-
The Sta. Monica Church
belfry shelters the gigan- Monthlong coconut crab she said. “Wreck diving
is an attraction which
is another come-on for
fete in Calayan, Cagayan
tegrated and organic farm, guese attacks in Cebu. tic bell that weighs 10,400
Berjamin plant and flower The town, one of 16 mu- kilograms and has a seven- Davao City.”
garden, and Weny’s butter- nicipalities of Capiz, was foot diameter. Mayor Rodrigo
fly and plant garden. once the center of Catholi- Inscribed on one side CALAYAN, Cagayan would complement the at- Duterte said the city had
Pan-ay, a fisherman’s cism in the whole island. of the bell is a statement in - Mouthwatering dishes of traction being made by the only four tour diving
haven, is also one of the ma- It was also the first or- Spanish which, in English, tatus (coconut crabs) pre- Sibang Cove, which won business operators.
jor sources of seafoods such ganized community in the means: “I am the voice of pared and cooked in varied an award last year as an With the position-
as crabs, prawns, oysters, province, being the first God which shall echo and styles has fast become a hit emerging tourist destination ing of Davao and the
green shells, diwal (Angel capital during the early praise from the beginning among early domestic and given its white sand beach, Philippines as a dive
Wings), bangus, and others Spanish regime. till the end of this town of foreign tourists who visited pristine water suitable for destination, the region
that have made Capiz and The provincial capital Pan-ay, so that the faithful this island town, lured to the tourism sports such as wind could possibly attract
Roxas City the Seafoods was later moved to Roxas of Jesus Christ may come to first-ever Tatus Festival of- surfing and diving. much-needed investors,
Capital of the Philippines. City, known then as the the house of God to receive ficials put up for the whole Calayan - a two-hour Duterte said. PNA
Pan-ay Mayor Dante town of Capiz. heavenly graces.” month of May. boat ride from Aparri in
Bermejo says the four-day Tolls far and wide So big is the bell that The festival would fo- mainland Cagayan - is like- trade fair of local products,
Langga-anay Festival fea- The Spanish friars then when it tolls, it is heard far cus on the endemic crab wise rich in other natural Calayan Rail (indigenous
tures the town’s history, put up the Sta. Monica and wide beyond the town that teems in Calayan. attractions like archeologi- bird) photo contest, wilds
culture, natural wealth and, Church, but without the proper, calling on people to Besides the parade of cal sites, endemic flora and hunting contest, bonfire,
most of all, its people known belfry. attend Holy Mass or other tatus delicacies, a show fea- fauna, and virgin forests, boat rowing, game fishing,
for their hospitality. The gigantic bell was in- church services. turing many of the antics notwithstanding its hospi- seminar on the production
Center of Catholicism stalled only in 1878, crafted Sta. Monica church has the crabs could do would be table and gentle people who of package tours, essay
Pan-ay, one of the old- from 76 sacks of coins the since been declared as a Na- conducted for visitors. have a colorful history and writing contest and others.
est towns in the Philip- town’s people gave during tional Historical Landmark Mayor Joseph Llopis rich cultural legacy. Llopis said the towns-
pines, traces its Spanish- church services. by the National Historical said the Tatus Festival is The festivities are held folk “should benefit most
influenced roots to the days Little did the friars Institute; and Pan-ay as The expected to raise the town’s at the Sibang Cove and at from the tourism activities
when Spanish colonizers know that after 130 years, Heritage Capital of Capiz, image as a tourist spot. the town’s poblacion. so that they will be encour-
under Don Miguel Lopez the church, its belfry and its Philippines by the Sanggu- At the same time, it Other festival events aged to work for the ad-
de Legaspi landed on banks huge bell would become a niang Panlalawigan. PNA, could be a major income- included a bikini open, vancement of the industry
of Sta. Monica River and tourist attraction of Pan-ay Wire Reports, and the generating event. aquathlon of run-walk- and promote the same.”
set up quarters in Pan-ay in town (population: 42,000). Capiz Website Llopis said the festival swim cum beach volleyball, PURITA LICAS, PNA
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor The PHILIPPINES 27
Way to fortune?
It is ironic that in modern times,
Filipinos do still believe in fortune
tellers. Amid social and economic
difficulties and the political noise,
many are seeking the advice of for-
tune tellers - given by way of play-
ing cards, tarot cards, crystal balls,
palm reading and others - and get a
fleeting glimpse of what is in store
for them personally, romantically
and more than anything else, finan-
cially. Photo: PNA/Tres Moises

Trash to energize Daraga streetlights

DARAGA, Albay - Daraga’s streetlights will soon glow at night, the energy sourced from
five tons of trash and other biodegradable garbage the local government seeks to collect
daily. Pursued in cooperation with a group of local engineers, the streetlightling proj-
ect will harness bioenergy technology, an initiative the Japan International Cooperation
Agency supports. Mayor Cicerio Triunfante says the project applies biomasses for power
generation, using two-phase methane fermentation and a Sterling engine for outer combus-
tion. This is a Japanese technology. PNA

New reservoir rises in Bacolod

BACOLOD CITY - The Bacolod City Water District chief Julie Ann Carbon says the ac-
tivation of the P44-million water reservoir project in Brgy. Mansilingan here is “a celebra-
tion of life because it gives opportunity for residents of Bacolod to have access to potable
water.” The new reservoir has a design capacity of 6,500 cubic meters and an actual capac-
ity of 7,548 cubic meters, complete with a booster and chlorine stations. PNA

Army engineers rush Castilla access road

CASTILLA, Sorsogon - The Army’s engineering brigade here is rushing the completion
of a 3.5-kilometer road that will provide shorter access between the Maharlika Highway
and the town seaport here, a potential international marine transport facility. The road, to
end in Barangay La Union from the seaport complex, is a diversion from the old four-
kilometer route between Barangay Poblacion and the national highway in Barangay San

Rare cloud rat rediscovered

Isidro, 17 kilometers from Sorsogon City and about 49 kilometers from Legazpi City. The
seaport opened last year and it has been the main unloading point for large cargo vessels
transporting raw materials for cement manufacturing by the Taiwanese-owned Goodfound
Cement Corp. in Barangay Palanog, Camalig, Albay. PNA MANILA - A rare rat species last seen
over a century ago in the mountainous
Zambo City sanitary landfill in the works northern Philippines has been rediscov-
ZAMBOANGA CITY - This city will soon have its own sanitary landfill system to re- ered by a team of American and Filipino
place the Lumbangan dumpsite, which adopts the control system. Mayor Celso Lobregat biologists, an AFP report said.
says the new dumpsite may be put up in the Salaan area, which environment officers ear- Lawrence Heaney, team leader and cu-
lier recommended as the most feasible dumpsite area from among Malagutay, Lumayang rator at the Chicago-based Field Museum
and Lumbangan. Lobragat says the World Bank provide technical aid in the site evalua- of Natural History, said the rare dwarf
tion. Negotiations are underway to buy the landfill area. PIA cloud rat was last seen by British scientists
some 112 years ago.
Batangas folk free olive ridley turtle Heaney said the rat was dead when the
NASUGBU, Batangas - Environment officials team found it in a canopy of a large tree
and concerned fishermen here have taken the ini- whose branches were covered by thick
tiative to help an olive ridley turtle get back to the moss, orchids and ferns at a national park
water off the coast of Nasugbu, Batangas. Towns- in Mount Pulag in northern Luzon,
folk said the fishermen accidentally caught the The animal was described as small
turtle. Upon realizing their accidental catch, they “with reddish brown fur, a black mask
then informed the World Wide Fund for Nature around its large dark eyes, small round
and the Department of Environment and Natural ears, a broad and blunt snout and a long tail
Resources. Photo: ROUELLE UMALI covered with dark hair,” the report said.
“It is the animal whose existence had
Lakbay Aral focuses on Bicol products baffled biologists for so many years,” He- Photo: Field Museum of Natural His-
aney said. tory, Chicago
LEGAZPI CITY - The Kalipunan ng Liping Pilipina, a women’s group in Bauan town,
The animal has been preserved and is
Batangas, has targetted Legazpi City as a venue for its Lakbay Aral (Travel Studies) from
being prepared for shipment to Chicago the rat in 1896 in another mountain region
May 19 to 22. Bauan mayor Rhyanh Dolor said the study group would want to study and
for further studies. in the north, but little was known about the
have first-hand knowledge of how Bicolanos make use of indigenous materials for native
The discovery proved a theory that the species.
products such as bags, slippers, hats, trays and native decors. “We will also try to see if we
rare species lived only in high canopies “Since then, the species became a mys-
can adopt these skills in our place as source of livelihood by our members,” Dolor said.
with mature mossy forests in areas with an tery,” Heaney said.
The group would also likely visit Mayon Volcano, the Hoyop Hoyopan cave in Camalig
elevation of between 2,200

and other sceneries in Albay, Bicol. PNA
to 2,700 meters (7,200-
8,850 feet) above sea level. www. .ca
Sorsogon reforests more mangrove sites Mount Pulag is Luzon’s with credit cards and bank loans
SORSOGON CITY - The city government will reforest another 30 hectares of mangrove highest peak at 2,922 me- Too many loans & credit cards?
areas in barangays Talisay and Bitano, densely populated villages at the western coast of ters above sea level. Paying too much interest?
Sorsogon Bay. City environment officer Ronaldo Gerona said the restoration of a man- “The cloud rats are one Afraid to pick up your own phone?
grove forest was imperative in the two villages prone to typhoons and flash floods. The of the most spectacular cas- Looking for consolidation?
mangrove forest would shield shoreline residents from strong winds and big waves during es of adaptive radiation by
storms. Gerona said the mangrove forest would also offer habitat and breeding ground for mammals anywhere in the Please see page 13 for our detailed advertisement
various species of marine life teeming in the area, while maintaining the cleanliness of world,” Heaney said. CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES
Sorsogon Bay. Earlier, the government planted mangrove seedlings along the coastlines
A British researcher,
of four villages in Bacon along the Albay Gulf. PNA John Whitehead, first saw
28 The PHILIPPINES Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

MILF fighters see

uncertain future
CAMP DARAPANAN “we run the risk of spoilers “The JI and the Abu
- After a protracted 30-year entering the picture.” Sayyaf could form strategic
insurgency that has seen up The spoilers he refers alliances with these young
to 150,000 people killed, to are the Indonesian-based fighters who may not want
Muslim rebels are facing Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and to part with their firearms,”
an uncertain future as peace Abu Sayyaf -- both of which Wadi said.
finally looks near in the have links with Al-Qaeda. Yusuph Abisakir, the
southern Philippines. Moro fighter Abdullah mild-mannered administra-
With talks due to re- says he is concerned about tor at the sprawling Camp
sume between the Philip- the future. Darapanan that spans sev-
pine government and the A young man in his eral towns in central Mind-
Moro Islamic Liberation early 20s clutching a rusty anao, says he hopes that the
Front (MILF), many young machine gun, he is a veteran rigid command structure of
Muslims in this sprawling of many jungle battles and the MILF’s Bangsamoro Is-
rebel camp in Mindanao are is ready, he says, to die for lamic Armed Forces would
trying to come to terms with the cause. keep cadres in line once a
the prospect of peace. “I have not been to peace deal is signed.
Government and MILF a battle since last year,” “I have not seen any
negotiators are optimistic Abdullah says, perspiration open resentment” to the
the final hurdles to peace trickling down his brow and talks, Abisakir said, adding
can be overcome by grant- onto mismatched fatigues that many of the fighters
ing limited autonomy to that bears a striking resem- want to see peace achieved
the Muslim minority in this blance to those used by Sri in their lifetimes.
predominant Roman Catho- Lakan Tamil insurgents. “But of course no one
lic Southeast Asian nation. “I have had many adven- will agree to give up their
For many of the 12,000 tures with this gun, I sleep firearms,” said Abisakir,
MILF rebels, especially the with it and never go any- whose job is to give spiritu-
young, peace is likely to where without it,” he says. al and military guidance to
bring an uncertain future. “I cannot part with it.” the more than 1,000 regular
MILF chief Murad Ibra- Abdullah says he is not MILF fighters in the camp.
him, in a rare interview with prepared to lay down his Government and the
Agence France-Presse, said weapon even if a final peace MILF are mulling over the
he was worried for their deal is signed. possibility of transforming
future, especially for those “It’s not in my blood to the rebels into a “territorial
born into war and the many be a farmer,” he said. force” to guard areas to be
whose parents and older kin Abdullah’s sentiments covered under a peace deal.
have died as “martyrs.” are shared by many MILF Another idea is for gov-
At 58, Ibrahim is seen guerrillas, notably the ernment to buy the guns
by many as more pragmatic second and third genera- and offer jobs to the rebels.
and moderate than his pre- tion fighters whose elders For MILF field com-
decessor Salamat Hashim, formed the core of the first mander Toks Guiwan,
the Egypt-trained MILF mujahid who fought in the whose two young sons are
founder who espoused con- insurgency in the 1970s. are also fighters, such talk
tinued jihad for a Muslim Security analysts say the of disarmament only upsets
homeland. Salamat died of biggest problem faced by his men.
a heart attack in 2003. the government is disarm- “It’s dangerous talk, my
“We cannot fail in this ing the rebels, with younger men have known no other
struggle for peace,” said MILF fighters opposed to job than to fight,” he says.
Murad. “If we fail, we will the peace deal seen as high- Nearby, Abdullah pol-
be in a far worse situation.” ly susceptible to more radi- ishes his old M-60 and with
Murad said it was too calization by groups such as a smile boasts that he can
early to talk about disarming the JI and the Abu Sayyaf. live without his wife for a
his men as “we still have to “With the history of the long time, but not without
reach a political settlement Mindanao conflict, these his firearm.
beneficial to everyone.” groups are always there to “This has saved me
With a ceasefire and exploit the situation,” says many times,” he says. “My
peace talks entering their Julkipli Wadi, an Islamic wife, she gets mad when I
fifth year Murad says the studies professor at the Uni- caress my machine gun, but
longer the talks drag on, versity of the Philippines. she understands.” AFP
28 The PHILIPPINES Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

MILF fighters see

uncertain future
CAMP DARAPANAN “we run the risk of spoilers “The JI and the Abu
- After a protracted 30-year entering the picture.” Sayyaf could form strategic
insurgency that has seen up The spoilers he refers alliances with these young
to 150,000 people killed, to are the Indonesian-based fighters who may not want
Muslim rebels are facing Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) and to part with their firearms,”
an uncertain future as peace Abu Sayyaf -- both of which Wadi said.
finally looks near in the have links with Al-Qaeda. Yusuph Abisakir, the
southern Philippines. Moro fighter Abdullah mild-mannered administra-
With talks due to re- says he is concerned about tor at the sprawling Camp
sume between the Philip- the future. Darapanan that spans sev-
pine government and the A young man in his eral towns in central Mind-
Moro Islamic Liberation early 20s clutching a rusty anao, says he hopes that the
Front (MILF), many young machine gun, he is a veteran rigid command structure of
Muslims in this sprawling of many jungle battles and the MILF’s Bangsamoro Is-
rebel camp in Mindanao are is ready, he says, to die for lamic Armed Forces would
trying to come to terms with the cause. keep cadres in line once a
the prospect of peace. “I have not been to peace deal is signed.
Government and MILF a battle since last year,” “I have not seen any
negotiators are optimistic Abdullah says, perspiration open resentment” to the
the final hurdles to peace trickling down his brow and talks, Abisakir said, adding
can be overcome by grant- onto mismatched fatigues that many of the fighters
ing limited autonomy to that bears a striking resem- want to see peace achieved
the Muslim minority in this blance to those used by Sri in their lifetimes.
predominant Roman Catho- Lakan Tamil insurgents. “But of course no one
lic Southeast Asian nation. “I have had many adven- will agree to give up their
For many of the 12,000 tures with this gun, I sleep firearms,” said Abisakir,
MILF rebels, especially the with it and never go any- whose job is to give spiritu-
young, peace is likely to where without it,” he says. al and military guidance to
bring an uncertain future. “I cannot part with it.” the more than 1,000 regular
MILF chief Murad Ibra- Abdullah says he is not MILF fighters in the camp.
him, in a rare interview with prepared to lay down his Government and the
Agence France-Presse, said weapon even if a final peace MILF are mulling over the
he was worried for their deal is signed. possibility of transforming
future, especially for those “It’s not in my blood to the rebels into a “territorial
born into war and the many be a farmer,” he said. force” to guard areas to be
whose parents and older kin Abdullah’s sentiments covered under a peace deal.
have died as “martyrs.” are shared by many MILF Another idea is for gov-
At 58, Ibrahim is seen guerrillas, notably the ernment to buy the guns
by many as more pragmatic second and third genera- and offer jobs to the rebels.
and moderate than his pre- tion fighters whose elders For MILF field com-
decessor Salamat Hashim, formed the core of the first mander Toks Guiwan,
the Egypt-trained MILF mujahid who fought in the whose two young sons are
founder who espoused con- insurgency in the 1970s. are also fighters, such talk
tinued jihad for a Muslim Security analysts say the of disarmament only upsets
homeland. Salamat died of biggest problem faced by his men.
a heart attack in 2003. the government is disarm- “It’s dangerous talk, my
“We cannot fail in this ing the rebels, with younger men have known no other
struggle for peace,” said MILF fighters opposed to job than to fight,” he says.
Murad. “If we fail, we will the peace deal seen as high- Nearby, Abdullah pol-
be in a far worse situation.” ly susceptible to more radi- ishes his old M-60 and with
Murad said it was too calization by groups such as a smile boasts that he can
early to talk about disarming the JI and the Abu Sayyaf. live without his wife for a
his men as “we still have to “With the history of the long time, but not without
reach a political settlement Mindanao conflict, these his firearm.
beneficial to everyone.” groups are always there to “This has saved me
With a ceasefire and exploit the situation,” says many times,” he says. “My
peace talks entering their Julkipli Wadi, an Islamic wife, she gets mad when I
fifth year Murad says the studies professor at the Uni- caress my machine gun, but
longer the talks drag on, versity of the Philippines. she understands.” AFP
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 29

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30 CANADIAN HISTORY Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Queen Victoria Day:

An important Canadian holiday
Victoria Day, the third ► May 20, 1939 when
Monday in May, marks the
unofficial start of summer
The Queen’s Birthday King George VI went on
a Canadian coast-to-coast
for many Canadians. The Sovereign’s birthday has been celebrated in tour, ending with military
Weekend cottages are Canada since the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). honors on Parliament Hill.
opened after a long winter, May 24, Queen Victoria’s birthday, was declared a ► May 17 to 25, 2005
gardens are planted, and holiday by the Legislature of the Province of Canada in when Queen Elizabeth II
young people camp and at- 1845. was in Canada to mark the
tend the first music festivals After Confederation, the Queen’s birthday was cele- centennials of Saskatch-
of summer. A fireworks brated every year on May 24 unless that date was a Sun- ewan and Alberta’s entry
display usually marks sum- day, in which case a proclamation was issued providing into Confederation.
mer’s first long weekend. for the celebration on May 25. Queen Victoria
The holiday, also known An amendment to the Statutes of Canada in 1952 es- Queen Alexandrina
as May Long and May Run, tablished the celebration of Victoria Day on the Monday Victoria was born in Kens-
is colloquially referred to preceding May 25. ington Palace in London,
as May two-four; the 2-4 From 1953 to 1956, the Queen’s birthday was cel- England on May 24, 1819;
pointing to the number of ebrated in Canada on Victoria Day, by proclamation of the daughter of Edward, the
cans or bottles in a Cana- the Governor General, with Her Majesty’s approval. Duke of Kent and Princess
dian case of beer. In 1957, Victoria Day was permanently appointed as Victoria of Saxe-Coburg.
Monarch’s birthday the Queen’s birthday in Canada. In the United Kingdom, She ascended to the
The monarch’s natal day the Queen’s birthday is celebrated in June. throne in 1837.
was a day for celebration in In 2008, Victoria Day will be celebrated on Monday, She was the great-great- QUEEN VICTORIA in 1897.
Canada, even long before May 19th. grandmother of Queen Eliz- The Royal Windsor Website
Confederation. abeth II.
On May 24, 1854, some But over time, the offi- Empire Day the date of Queen Victoria oversaw Alfred, Helena, Louise, Ar- obsessive mourning kept
5,000 people of Upper cial date of the sovereign’s Queen Elizabeth II’s official a period in history when thur, Leopold, and Beatrice, her occupied for the rest of
Canada gathered in front of birthday changed through birthday in Canada. It was Britain became a great many of who would marry her life and played an im-
Government House (near royal proclamations. made permanent in 1957. world power, highlighted into other European royal portant role in the evolution
King and Simcoe streets in For Edward VII, it re- In 1958, Empire Day with artistic endeavors, in- families. Queen Victoria of what would become the
Toronto) to “give cheers to mained on May 24, but was was renamed Common- dustrial developments and and Albert are sometimes Victorian mentality.
their queen.” June 3 for George V, June wealth Day. In 1977, the the creation of the British called the Grandmother and Queen Victoria died on
Since 1901, May 24 was 23 for Edward VIII (their latter was moved to the sec- Empire. Grandfather of Europe. January 22, 1901.
known in the British Empire actual birthdays), and days ond Monday in March, but Victoria married her Albert died of typhoid Her reign lasted 63 years
as Empire Day. between May 20 and June Canadians continued to cel- first cousin, Prince Albert fever on Dec. 14, 1861, at and seven months, longer
An amendment to the 14 through George VI’s ebrate Victoria Day in May. of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, on the age of 42. than that of any other Brit-
Statutes of Canada in 1952 reign as King of Canada. Visits of reigning Ca- Feb. 10, 1840. Victoria remained in ish monarch to date. Her
moved the holiday to the From 1953, annual vice nadian monarchs for their They had nine children self-imposed seclusion for reign is known as the Victo-
Monday before May 25. regal proclamations made birth anniversaries were on: - Victoria, Bertie, Alice, ten years. This genuine but rian era. Various sites
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor PHILIPPINE HISTORY 31
On May 28, National Flag Day

Remember, unfurl, wave the Philippine tricolor

(Editor’s Note: Item below is from Florentino H. Hornedo’s Kasaysayan, The Story of
the Filipino People Vol. 10: A Timeline of Philippine History)
On exhibit at the Agui- The museum was in- for it was not returned to the
naldo Museum at Happy augurated in May 1985, shrine in Kawit.
Glen in Baguio City is an and the flag’s recorded his- Virgilio Almario’s Stu-
old flag identified by a cap- tory and identity leave little dents’ Philippine Almanac
tion as the “First Philippine doubt regarding the claim (1991) reports that “its last
National Flag.” that it is indeed the original public display was at the
A historical note says: Philippine national flag. death of Emilio Aguinaldo
“Sewn in Hongkong by Carted out in 1964,” when in fact it
Doña Marcela Marino Aguinaldo said it was had by then been on public
Agoncillo, this flag was captured “somewhere in display for six years.
brought to the Philippines Luzon” during the Philip- Tricolor shades
by General Emilio Agui- pine-American War. A 1985 controversy
naldo on May 19, 1898. It Unknown to him, how- concerning the shade of
was first unfurled by Agui- ever, the flag had been car- the blue portion of the flag
naldo in his headquarters in ried out of the country. was triggered by Ferdi-
Cavite (now Cavite City) on In answer to my inqui- nand Marcos’s Executive
May 28 before victorious ry, Lynn Smith Houghton, Philippine Consul General in Toronto Alejandro Mosquera leads the hoisting Order 1010, and interest
Filipino revolutionists and curator of collections of of the Philippine tricolors (full view, inset) in ceremonies commemorating in the original flag and its
more than 270 Spanish sol- the Kalamazoo Public Mu- Philippine Independence Day on June 12. FILE PHOTO whereabouts came alive,
diers of the Marine Corps seum in Michigan, wrote with the hope that finding
who surrendered to them in on November 26, 1985: of that group. These three hauled down his flag. A 1957, and the flag settled the original would settle the
the Battle of Alapan, Imus, “According to our records, men, and our Museum di- member of the American into quiet existence, hang- dispute.
Cavite. A large group of of- the flag was captured from rector at that time, Alexis party ... confiscated the ing on the wall of the Agui- Target of the attack was
ficers and men of the U.S. General Aguinaldo’s troops Praus, decided to return the flag. No one else seemed naldo Shrine in Kawit. the National Historical In-
Asiatic Squadron under in 1901 by Frank L. Riley flag to the Philippines. Ac- to want it as an added bur- Seven years later, the stitute, which EO 1010
Admiral George Dewey of Company F, 160 Indi- cording to our records, the den on their way down the general lay dying in a hos- identifed as the source of
witnessed the unfurling cer- ana Infantry. He presented flag was red, white, and mountain trail.” pital and wanted to kiss the the information that the
emony. This same flag was it to the local organization black.” This same flag, by ar- flag for the last time. It was blue was “lighter” than the
officially unfurled for the of the SpanishAmerican Flag returned rangement of the U.S. State brought to him. dark blue then in use.
first time during the Procla- War Veterans ... the Richard The Detroit Times June Department and the Kalam- In the ensuing distrac- The controversy spewed
mation of Philippine Inde- Westnedge Camp #6 United 12, 1957 issue, in an item azoo Public Museum, was tion after his death, how- a great amount of emotional
pendence at the Aguinaldo States War Veterans. The titled “U.S. Returns Flag returned to General Agui- ever, only Cristina Sun- argument and counterargu-
Mansion (now Aguinaldo flag was given to the Mu- to Aging Aguinaldo,” says: naldo through Ambassador tay - one of the General’s ment, which in the end had
Shrine) in Kawit, Cavite, at seum in February, 1956 by “Funston and his men took Charles Bohlen in appropri- daughters - knew for certain to be closed by dicta rather
4:20 p.m., June 12, 1898.” the last surviving members (Aguinaldo) prisoner - and ate ceremonies on June 12, what happened to the flag, (To page 34)
32 MONEY Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008 GOT A FOREX DEAL?
Check out if you got your peso’s worth for the

RP, Canada set to start air talks dollars you have had exchanged since April 16,
courtesy of Manila Media (Money) Monitor.
May 15 42.78301 42.78904
MANILA - The Phil-
May 14 42.80459 42.71647
ippine government has
prioritized air talks with May 13 42.59375 42.57489
Canada this May, as the for- May 12 42.63109 42.50104
mer sought to increase seat May 9 42.43625 42.18118
entitlements for airline pas- May 8 42.36045 41.77370
sengers and Filipino work- May 7 42.35669 42.26582
ers and tourists going (to May 6 42.29116 42.16256
Canada) and coming (back May 5 42.08201 41.58047
to the Philippines). May 2 42.29010 41.53956
In Vancouver, Foreign May 1 42.33313 41.58289
Affairs Undersecretary for April 30 42.20506 41.82603
Finance and Administra- April 29 42.10983 41.56660
tion Franklin Ebdalin is April 28 42.15965 41.49368
renegotiating the air deal April 25 41.87280 41.21079
agreement with Vancouver April 24 41.85286 41.31363
authorities. April 23 41.85311 41.06987
Ebdalin said the Phil- April 22 41.92854 41.92594
ippines would like to seek April 21 41.92673 41.67414
up 14 flights per week to April 18 41.89641 41.56214
Canada. ment in January 1997. Bautista said PAL want- Administration (FAA) from April 17 42.05187 41.57994
He is hopeful an agree- The increase in pas- ed to add direct flights to Category I to Category 2. April 16 41.89551 41.80926
ment will be sealed before sengers going to Canada Vancouver and to destina- FAA’s Category 2 has
he leaves on May 17. prompted national flag tions in the United States prohibited PAL from in-
Ner Porciuncula, deputy
director of the Civil Aero-
carrier Philippine Airlines
(PAL) to seek for more
with a Vancouver stopover.
The expected resump-
creasing its flights to the US
and its territories and from www.
nautics Board, said ear- flight entitlements. tion of air talks with Canada changing the type or in- with credit cards and bank loans
lier negotiations were post- PAL president Jaime has made PAL hopeful, but creasing the number of air- Too many loans & credit cards?
poned, as Canada showed Bautista said “PAL was a snag could derail PAL’s craft used on these routes. Paying too much interest?
lukewarmness to the idea. only granted a temporary plans for North America. PAL has been flying to Afraid to pick up your own phone?
“We really want to have permit that allows a flight Complicating matters Las Vegas via Vancouver. Looking for consolidation?
more flights to Canada as schedule of five times a was the recent downgrad- Before the FAA deci-
there is an increase in the week in the months of Oc- ing of the Philippines’ air sion, PAL planned to open Please see page 13 for our detailed advertisement
demand for more seats.” tober to March. The permit security agency, the Air flights to San Diego, Chica- CREDIT MANAGEMENT SERVICES
The Philippines and
Canada signed an air agree-
was renewed, but only until
Transportation Office, by
the US Federal Aviation
go, New York, Seattle and
Saipan. PNA 416-780-1020
No dirty money from OFWs, yet
(From page 11)
Ethnic banking systems ing money laundering cases ficking, swindling/estafa/
in countries in East Asia and mutual legal assistance fraud, kidnap for ransom,
“report interconnectedness and extradition matters re- robbery, local illegal num-
with the currencies and lated to money laundering bers games such as jueteng
peoples of the Asian-orien- and terrorist financing. and masiao, and graft and
tal region,” said Interpol. The third base is also corruption cases.
The study, written by covered, Aquino explained, The Philippines was de-
Lisa Carroll and done by AML solicitors under the listed from FATF’s NCCT
through a survey of Inter- Office of the Solicitor Gen- list on February 2005.
pol’s per-country counter- eral who helped the AMLC But “we will be always
parts, also wrote that 13 in forfeiture and other re- on guard,” Aquino said,
countries’ alternative remit- medial proceedings. And pointing to a bearskin hat
tance systems, including the the home base is manned by that British Army guards
Philippines’, “function as a special AML courts. Aqui- wear.
money laundering tool”. no’s office occupied the That hat, he explained,
But items on the Phil- pitcher’s plate, “manning was a gift after helping
ippines in Interpol’s report such (Philippine) money a British financial intel-
showed that the laundered laundering structure”. ligence team crack a case
money came from the drug Aquino said the Philip- some years ago.
trade, profits from illegal pines was part of a world-
gambling, proceeds from wide network of 107 FIUs
human trafficking, alien that had access to each oth-
smuggling and ransom. ers’ financial intelligence
Baseball information.
The Philippines, which The AMLC six-year re-
was once part of a list of port said that while STRs
non-cooperating countries commonly covered cases
and territories, has been in such as drug trafficking and
an “anti-money laundering illegal gambling, none were
regime,” Aquino claimed. linked to human traffick-
He likened this re- ing or human smuggling.
gime to a “baseball field of of which Philippine victims
dreams” where anti-money involved transient women
laundering enforcers and and children.
prosecutors were ready to Since the Philippines’
spot laundered money flows inclusion in the FATF list
and operators. of NCCTs in 2002, interna-
“We have all the bases tional groups have suspect-
covered,” he added. ed that remittances from
On the first base are overseas Filipinos were
found the AMLC’s special mixed up in the flows of
anti-money laundering in- laundered money, and even
vestigators, while special on terrorist financing.
prosecutors and state prose- The STRs the AMLC
cutors from the Department flagged were linked to vio-
of Justice covered the sec- lations of the Securities
ond base through prosecut- Regulation Code, drug traf-
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor MONEY 33
RemitX opens global services to RP Small traders in PCCT
business planning event
Around 80 small busi-
Do you want to send ness owners will gather
money to your loved ones anew to complete the busi-
in the fastest, most reliable, ness planning seminar
most convenient and most sponsored by the Philippine
secured way backed up by Chamber of Commerce-To-
modern technology? ronto (PCCT), 6 p.m., Mon-
If so, the remittance so- day, May 26, at the Golden
lution is Remit X, a division Valley’s Banquet Hall, #2
of the First Global Data Principal Road in Scarbor-
Corp. in partnership with ough.
Global Xpress, that was The seminar will cover
launched at the Delta East the following: market re- health and safety seminar,
Hotel on April 26. search, results of business part 2 of which will be de-
Filipino businessmen owner’s research and its livered before participants
Virgil Ignacio and Ted validity to one’s business, on June 30 this year.
Dayno, chief executive of- importance of segmenting Nebres said the semi-
ficer and chief finance of- one’s primary and second- nar-workshop will continue
ficer respectively of Global ary markets, relevant trends to be highly interactive, uti-
Xpress, gave launch attend- and how they may affect lizing the best principles in
ees a bird’s eyeview of Re- one’s business and a com- adult education.
mitX global services and petitive analyses that differ- For non-members of
operations, particularly fo- entiates one’s products, or the PCCT who may want
cused on clients from Fili- services from the other. to participate in this work-
pino communities.. This seminar - part I of shop, inquiries may be ad-
Ignacio is also executive MEN BEHIND REMITX. (From left) First Global Data’s COO Many Bettencourt, which was conducted on dressed to torontopcct@
producer of radio-TV pro- CFO Nayeem Ali and CEO Adre Itwaru; and GlobalXpress’ CEO Virgil Ignacio February 28 this year, is be-, or by phone at
grams Filipino Eh! while and CFO Ted Dayno. PR ing conducted by the Cen- (416) 850-4966.
Dayno heads Forex. tennial College Centre for The Centennial College
Both explained that Re- Philippines. from BPI or BDO branches ronto Alejandro Mosquera; Entrepreneurship. Centre for Entrepreneurship
mit X and Global Xpress They added that the or the money could be per- Dr.. Naresh Singh, Senior PCCT president Rafael is a PCCT partner for mem-
recently got the support of money remittance services sonally delivered to them. Advisor with the United Nebres said this seminar is bers’ education and training
the Catholic Bishops Con- of Remit X and Global Among those who at- Nations Development Pro- part of PCCT’s commitment requirements under a Mem-
ference of the Philippines, Xpress were partnered with tended the launch were Fa- gram; Member of Parlia- to provide business-related orandum of Agreement be-
through its National Secre- the Bank of the Philippine reed Amin, Deputy Minister ment (MP, Scarborough-Ag- informational seminars and tween the two parties.
tariat for Social Action For Islands (BPI) and Banco de of Economic Development incourt) Jim Karygiannis; workshops for its members. For more information
Justice and Peace. Oro (BDO), two of the most and Trade and Deputy Min- Derek Lee (MP, Scarbor- Aside from this, another on this and future PCCT
This has assured the de- stable banks in the country. ister of Small Business and ough-Rouge River); and ongoing seminar-work- events, please visit www.
livery of remitted money They added that clients Entrepreneurship; Philip- Soo Wong, Ward 20 Public shop being delivered by PCCT
to far-flung villages in the could either get their money pine Consul General in to- School Trustee. PR the PCCT is the workplace Media Relations
34 ENTERTAINMENT Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

Santos, Cansino, Villanueva reach

In Concert
' Young Asian Canadian songfest finals
Filipino community per-
formers Candace Santos,
Stephanie Cansino and Vin-
cent Villanueva have made
Libramonte-Isip, 16, whose
baritone voice captivated a
lot, barely missed out, Saa-
vedra said.
it to the finals of the Young “I thought he was a lit-
Asian Canadian singing tle bit nervous but he has a
competitions at the Chinese bright future as he started
Cultural Centre on May 17. singing formally only last
And one of them may be this year,” he added.
year’s Asian Idol. The pre-finals was a
In the finals, Santos, 14; competition of first place
Cansino, 20; and Villanueva, winners from 12 Asian com-
16, will pit talents with Jes- munities, and the top eight
sica Tsuda, representing the who qualified from the open
Japanese community; Dahl- competition on April 23.
' Arabel Castillo Jovie
omnads Cana ia Fernandes and Prithwin The singing competitions
The an T pe'
Ju ow Ba Varghese, Indian; Huang is part of the celebration of
Lee, Malaysian; Winona Xu Asian Heritage Month in
and Chelsea Lau, Chinese. Toronto..
Jose Saavedra, Jr., who Cansino and Villanueva got It is organized by the
With Special Guest Stars the Canadian Multicultural their ticket to the finals af- CMCAO with the support of
Kim and Aubrey Mulla Council Asians in Ontario ter winning in the pre-finals the Heart and Stroke Foun-
Presenting a program of music by: (CMCAO) designated to competition on April 30. dation of Ontario, the Toron-
chair the event, said Santos, Another Filipino, AJ to Sun and OMNI TV. PR
Shania Twain, Nat King Cole,

PIDC’s Dancing To Be A Star on

Sarah Vaughn, Celine Dion, Antonio Carlos Jobim,
Bonnie Tyler, Ray Charles, Abba, and much more
More competitors Leonie Manzanares and co- trot, quick steps, tango)
are expected in the 2008 ordinators Pete Mauricio routines.
June 8th, Dancing To Be A Star, and Imee Belanger promise 2007 winning couples
Sunday 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. part of the Philippine In- this, as they prepare for the Agnes Canlas and George
Scarborough Civic Centre dependence Day Council’s three-category (Bronze, Sil- Tungol and Christie Gamo
Inside Scarborough Town Square (PIDC) Mabuhay Festival, ver and Gold) contest. and Robert Henson will be
150 Borough Drive ( Near 401 and McCowan) Admission Free at the Metro Toronto Con- Contestants will pit tal- trophy presentors.
(Parking Available) Information Call: 416 485-2056 vention Centre on July 19. ents in the Latin (rhumba, Part of the proceeds
PIDC president Jun En- cha-cha, jive, samba, salsa) will go to Gawad Kalinga.
verga and Dancing ... chair and standard (waltz, fox PR

Remember, unfurl, wave the Philippine tricolor

(From page 31)
than good historiography. Hong Kong. ing it was azul oscuro (dark
Very dark blue She also arranged with blue), we turn once again to
The surviving members Mrs. Suntay for me to take Aguinaldo who, at one time,
of Aguinaldo’s immediate a look at the flag displayed had seen it as “black.”
family kept silent, except in the Baguio museum. The A manuscript in his
for the categorical caption flag lay in a wood-and-glass handwriting says: “Behold
on the flag displayed in their case along with two others. and see the flag! The three
Baguio City Museum. It was exactly as Ms. colors, three stars and sun
It was Ms. Marcela Ag- Agoncillo had described it, with its eight rays ... the
oncillo, surviving daughter and as shown in the photo- red stands for the bravery
of Doña Marcela M. Ag- graphs. of Filipinos ...; the black
oncillo, who had made the Its seams and edges manifests ... that Filipinos
original flag, who spoke for were stitched, but the sun prefer to die in battle than to
the originality and authen- and stars were painted gold- allow themselves to be over-
ticity of the flag returned yellow, with human faces powered by whatever nation
to Aguinaldo by Bohlen in outlined on them, drawn in may desire to acquire and
1957. black just as Aguinaldo had dominate the Philippines;
(In making the flag, told Director Luis Mon- and white stands for the de-
Doña Marcela was assist- tilla of the Bureau of Public sire for peace.”
ed by her eldest daughter Libraries in a letter dated In the face of this confu-
Lorenza, and Mrs. Delfina January 10,1953, in answer sion, one may ask whether
Herbosa de Natividad, niece to an inquiry regarding spe- the original was not in fact a
of Philippine national hero cifics of the flag the general very deep blue so dark Agu-
Dr. Jose Rizal by his sister brought from Hong Kong in inaldo mistook it for black.
Lucia. Incidentally, Doña 1898. Or is black the result of
Marcela died on Ascension Asked about the painted years of exposure and fad-
Day, May 30, 1946. She was (rather than embroidered or ing, which has all but killed
86.) appliqued) sun and stars, Ms. the blue dye, leaving only
Ms. Agoncillo lent me Agoncillo explained that her the black?
documentary photographs mother was a painter, and Whichever may be the
given her by Aguinaldo af- had painted the sun and stars case, it appears that Marcos’s
ter the 1957 ceremonies, in the original Hong Kong- “lighter blue,” and the later
and showed me a life-size made flag. “royal blue,” both of which
replica of the flag. Since the 1985 contro- claim historical accuracy -
Asked why the blue versy remained unsettled, are belied by the extant flag
stripe appeared practically with E.O. 1010 specify- at the Aguinaldo Museum
black, she said she had in her ing a lighter blue than that in Baguio, whose history is
youth seen in her mother’s in use in 1985, the Riley documented, and confirmed
trunk scraps of very dark flag showing a very dark, by Aguinaldo himself, who
blue cloth which her mother practically black stripe, and certainly had the right to
identified as “sacred” to her the eyewitness drawing have the last word regarding
because they were cut from of Mariano Ponce (sent to the flag he had first unfurled
the original flag made in Ferdinand Blumentritt) say- in 1898.
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor ENTERTAINMENT 35
Do You Think You Can Be A Star? Live auditions for a chance to bag a
Philippine television contract await winners
of Mentor Productions’ reality contest Do

winners in Kuya Germs’ shows You Think You Can Be A Star?.

Do You Think ... producer Teresa Men-
doza-Torralba said homegrown talents
would sing, act and dance with Master
AUDITIONS: Among the first to audition for Do You Think ... are dancers Showman German “Kuya Germs” Moreno
Aron John Libramonte, 16; Jeffrey Salamea, 22; and Stephanie Dimapilis, and big names in Philippine TV and cinema
15; and singers Tamika Soul, 13; Rachelle Perez, 15; and Maria Theresa in Toronto and Hamilton shows in July.
Panaligan, 10. Auditions were at Sunrise Resto and Karaoke. PR Torralba said the Toronto show would
be at the Carlan Ice Sport, York University
Campus on July 5 at 5 p.m., while the Ham- MORENO TIRSO CRUZ III
ilton show, at the Hamilton Place on July 6
at 3 p.m.
Filipino artists
Kuya Germs, also known as Star Build-
er of That’s Entertainment fame, would be
with ‘70’s heartthrob actor-singer Tirso
“Pip” Cruz III, Walang Tulugan TV show
host John Nite and cast member Jhake Var-
gas, and Pinoy Big Brother mainstay Bodie
Lending their captivating voices to the
entertainment galore are Jae Jan, Pinoy Pop BODIE CRUZ JAE JAN
Superstar World Champion; Sheila Fer-
rari, USA Pinoy Pop Superstar Champion;
LIBRAMONTE SALAMEA DIMAPILIS Marrion Torres, Pinoy Pop Star Kid World
Champion, all contract stars of Philippine
television network GMA7.
Jan, Ferrari and Torres won the Pinoy
Pop Superstar Contest hosted by Regine
Also on hand are the Receptor band,
Canadian Idol finalist Mikey Bustos, and a
host of other Filipino-Canadian artists.
Multi-awardee Lito Calzado would di- TORRES FERRARI
rect the show.
Do You Think ... finals on May 25.
Meanwhile, Torralba said the grand fi- Besides trophies and other prizes, cash
nals of Do You Think ... Toronto series would awards for Do You Think... winners are:
be at the Sunrise Karaoke Bar & Restaurant US$5,000 in the Main Category (15 to 24
on May 24. years old), US$1,000 in the Pre-Teen Cat-
The Hamilton grand finals would be at egory (11 to 14 years old), and US$500 in
the Hamilton Filipino Community Centre
36 Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor ENTERTAINMENT 37
A look into Filipino-Canadian folksingers, bands, musicians and
other performers in Canada by CHITO SARABIA.

Six String Symphony Band

A reinvigorated Toronto-based Six String
Symphony Band is hitting it big in the city and
the community’s entertainment circuit; regularly
performing at Ellen’s and Boracay Rendezvous,
among others.
After a yearlong hiatus from a disbanded
DIAO Band that had seen gigs since 2000,
six-string - as in guitar - pros Ed and Isot and
songwriter-drummer Allan mustered their en-
ergies and welcomed to the fold vocalist Vien
and bassist Rene to put up last summer the re-
nowned Six String Symphony Band.
The temporary respite has also given Allan
and his mates the time to write original compo-
sitions the band hones into perfection everytime
they perform live in bar gigs and concerts.
Original band songs include Narito Pa Rin
Ako, Kalikasan, I Would If I Could, Destination,
Ano, Frozen, You Are Not Alone, I Hate To See
You Cry, enough to fill a bankable CD release. From left: ISOT, VIEN, ED, ALLAN and RENE

Bea Alonzo is ABS-CBN’s Betty La Fea

From the sophisticated ng Betty La Fea? Dun ako
Jackie Madrigal in Maging mas excited.”
Sino Ka Man, Bea Alonzo is “Mas masarap yung
unafraid to be deglamorized feeling na pag pumasok ako
for the role of the frumpy ng grocery na pagusapan
Ugly Betty, in ABS-CBN’s nila na, ‘Uy alam mo ba
biggest and most expensive nangyari kay Betty kagabi?’
franchised teleserye Betty Kaysa sabihin nilang, ‘Uy
Summer Girl La Fea to date.
Although fans love
si Bea! Sino ang last boy-
friend niya?’ Mas masarap
Bea’s tandem with John ang feeling na they see me
Lloyd Cruz, Bea will be as a character not as Bea,
paired with three other lead- the actress.”
ing men as Betty. BEA ALONZO Getting the role is a
Without Lloyd, Bea dream come true for Bea,
says: “Kinakabahan ako. she has a lot of goals in tak- coming at a time when she’s

Para akong nawalan ng ing on this project. raring to get back to work.
isang paa. Kasi wala akong “Gusto ko lang i-enjoy Network business unit
ka-partner. For the first na ako lang ang nandito. head Deo Endrinal confirms
time, ako lang mag-isa ang How will I touch lives doing the show will start taping

magpro-promote ng show.” Betty? How will I make the in June, hopeful it will air
But she pushes such Filipinos proud na meron by the third quarter of the
worries aside knowing that tayong magandang version year.” PR

g Court issues HDO

versus Gabby C.
Anne Curtis plays dream role
With preparations un-
derway for her second ABS-
Manila Judge Jansen CBN fantaserye in July en-
Rodriguez has ordered the titled Dyosa, Anne Curtis is

Bureau of Immigration to more than ready to play the
issue a hold departure order role she’s always wanted.
against former matinee idol “Ever since I was 12,
actor Gabby Concepcion. I’ve always wanted to be a
Rodriguez made the or- mermaid. It’s really some-
der in a pre-trial on bigamy thing that I’ve always want-
charges against Concep- ed to do and I’ve finally

cion. Another pre-trial was been given the opportunity.
set on June 15. Ka-careerin ko talaga kasi
The judge also granted feel na feel ko yung role,” ANNE CURTIS
the motion to raise Concep- she admits.

cion’s bail from P12,000 to In Dyosa, Anne plays leading men played by Zan-
P24,000. a goddess of air, land, and joe Marudo, Luis Manzano,
The prosecution said water who keeps the bal- and Sam Milby.
“that on July 23, 1984, Con- ance between the world of “I’ve worked with each

c cepcion, being then legally

married to Jennifer Martin,
and without such marriage
mortals and the world of
Her powers enable her to
of them separately before.
In real life, iba-iba sila ng
character, pero lahat sila

having been legally dis- transform into a mermaid, a makulit kaya masaya,” she
solved, did then and there bird, and a centaur. says.
willfully, unlawfully and fe- “It’s my first time to In the series, her leading
loniously contracted a sec- play a role with three dif- men will each play a mortal,

ond or subsequent marriage ferent characters and capa- an immortal, and a villain.
with one Sharon Cuneta.” bilities. It’s something very But the twist is to keep
Concepcion, who ar- different from what you see the audience guessing on
rived on March 30 after on TV so it’s something I’m who plays what.

n spending some 12 years in

the United States where he
has become a citizen, pled
“not guilty.” PNA
really excited about,” she
Another first for her is
that she has three gorgeous
Anne has seen action
in Hiram, Kampanyerang
Kuba and most recently,
Maging Sino Ka Man. PR
38 LAUGHS & LEISURE Manila Media Monitor MAY 2008

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


12 13 14
YELLOWBIRD 15 16 17 18 19
4862 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario 20 21
1. Gamit ng aluwage
7. Tawag sa ina 24 25 26 27
9. Tanong ng lugar 28 29 30 31
10. Simbolo ng Lithium
11. Rin 32 33 34
12. Halaga, Ingles
35 36 37
13. Probinsiya sa Norte
14. Putok ng baril 38 39
15. Umupo sa silya
17. Isang kataga 37. Pananong 16. Opisyal ni PGMA
19. Una sa oras 38. Tawag sa ama 18. Huni ng daga
20. Babaeng banyaga 39. Ama at ina 21. Angat
22. Palayaw ng lalake 25. Tatay ng tatay
23. Nota ng musika PABABA 26. Negatibong sagot,
24. Mabahong amoy 1. Tauhan sa Bibliya Ingles
28. Subok 2. Paniniwala 27. Hinuha
29. __ and off 3. Pampakinis ng tabla 28. Puting pekas
30. Duwelo 4. Grupo ng mga bansa 31. Termino sa
32. Lapay 5. Pagkamakinang madyong
33. Sigaw sa taguan 6. 51 kay Caesar 36. Dumi sa bata
34. Pagulong 7. Magmatwid 37. Estado sa Amerika
35. Kampi 8. Palaiyak
36. Hulapi 11. Pangalan ng babae (Sagot sa ilalim)


Kuto ng kalbo, homeless
Manilenyong nanggaling sa bakasyon Sunday school teacher: Juan, nagdadasal
sa Cebu: Minsan, sumakay ako sa dyip. ka ba bago kumain?
Nagtaka ako kung bakit lahat ng pasa- Juan: Hindi na po kailangan. Ang nanay ko
hero ay walang kibo at nakatingin sa akin. po ay mahusay magluto.
Hanggang isa sa kanila ang naglakas-loob *****
na nagsabi: “Bay, kasabot kag FAMILY Anak: Inay, magsusundalo po ako.
USE?” Ina: Ano? Handa ka na bang iligpit ang
***** kama mo tuwing umaga?
Pedro: Pare, balita ko’y dalawang buwan *****
nang nagho-horse riding ang misis mo para Coach: Boyet, hindi puwede ang tantrums
Reg. # 4533253

magbawas ng timbang. Ano’ng nangyari? sa basketball. Kaya bangko ka muna. Pero

Pablo: Nabawasan ng 40 kilos ang mamaya, ipaliwanag mo sa nanay mo kung
kabayo! bakit hindi ka na naglaro, ha.
919 Ellesmere Road ***** *****
Lumindol ng malakas, kaya panic time. And here are some of the things mothers
Suite 107, Scarborough Juan: Katapusan na! Katapusan na! teach their children:
Ontario M1P 2W7 Andres: Tanga! Akinse pa lang ngayon! ANTICIPATION... “Humanda ka pag dat-
***** ing ng tatay mo.”
Tanong: Bakit ang sign na “NO ID, NO RECEIVING.... “Salbahe kang bata ka.
ENTRY” na malimit nakikita sa gate ng Heto ang iyo!”
mga school ay hindi tina-Tagalog? MEETING A CHALLENGE... “Sumagot
***** ka kapag kinakausap ka. Ano?! Sasagot ka
Tanong: Ano ang tawag sa kuto ng kalbo? sa matatanda?
Sagot: Eh ‘di, homeless. LOGIC... “Kapag nahulog ka sa swing
***** at nabali ang leeg mo, hindi ka sasama sa
Matapos kumanta, dumapa sa kama ang mall.”
isang mental patient. MEDICAL SCIENCE... “Masamang mat-
Nars: O, bakit ka bumaliktad? ulog nang basa ang buhok. Basa din ang
Patient: Adik ka ba? Side B naman! unan.”
***** THINKING AHEAD... “Kapag hindi ka
MANILA - TORONTO - USA - EUROPE At dahil sa buwan ng Mayo pinagdiriwang
ang Kaarawan ng mga Ina, narito ang ilang
nakapasa sa spelling test, hindi ka maka-
kakuha ng magandang trabaho.”
OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD biro tungkol sa kanila ... ESP... “Alam kong nilalamig ka. Mag-
***** sweater ka.”
HUMOR... “Kapag naputol ang
S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A E S K U W A L A M A paa mo sa lawn mower, huwag
9 10 11
kang tatakbo sa akin.”
O 12 13 14 “Kapag hindi ka kumain ng gu-
lay, hindi ka tatanda.”
15 16 17 18 19
U P A N N I A G A SEX.... “Aber, sabihin mo nga
20 21 kung paano ka napunta dito.”
“Super baba B 22 23
GENETICS... “Mana ka talaga
and halaga ... A A
T I sa tatay mo!”
ROOTS... “Palagay mo kaya’y
Super below I
pinanganak ka sa sabsaban?”
fare talaga.” D
P WISDOM OF AGE... “Tandaan
32 33 34 mo. Tatanda ka rin. At duon,
W P A L I I T A R O magtatanda ka rin.”
“Handang Maglingkod Sa Ating Kababayan” 35 36 37
I A Y O A N I L A N JUSTICE... “Maging kaparis
Tel (416) 751-9588 Fax (416) 751-9133 K
mo sana ang mga anak mo nang
N G makita mo kung ano na.”
MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor 39
40 MAY 2008 Manila Media Monitor

Av e. W
nton nk
Egli ra


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to C

n V a l ley
y. 4

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