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Albers PDR 2015-2016 page 1

Professional Development Review

Jessica Albers, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Performance

Minnesota State University Mankato
2015-2016 Academic Year

Opening Narrative

During the 2015-2016 academic year, I have actively worked toward completing my objectives
in the five criteria for tenure and promotion applicable to the College of Allied Health and
Nursing. My objectives were evenly distributed throughout the criteria, which allowed me pursue
many teaching, scholarly, and service orientated opportunities. These objectives are centered on
three main goals that I have for myself as an Assistant Professor new to MSU Mankato.

1. To actively pursue pedagogical growth.

2. To better understand the needs of our students in courses and research.
3. To contribute to the academic field through research and contributions to the department.
This year I had the opportunity to teach Physiology of Exercise, Foundations of Behavior
Change, and Worksite Wellness. These course allowed me to work across a range of sub-
disciplines in exercise science and teaching styles. I strived to connect the teaching methodology
to the needs of the course by attending labs, holding debates, increasing in-class activities, and
implementing practical application assignments. To help grow in my knowledge base of
pedagogy, I participated in the CETL Faculty Teaching Program, D2L Tech Tactic, and 21
Trends for the 21st Century discussion. I have enjoyed these programs, integrated what I learned
into my courses, and look forward to participating in more programs.

Being a part of a teaching focused university allows me to get to know my students. I make a
point to learn their names and have my door open for office hours. This year especially, it was
important for me to learn about their career goals and the fields they want to work in so I could
tailor my examples and projects to their needs. My work in varied health behaviors, sports, and
populations translated well to fit these needs. Many of our undergraduate and graduate students
are interested in research, so I worked to gain a better understanding of the research lines of the
faculty, the equipment we have, and the avenues within the university to support student
research. I am excited to serve on the Undergraduate Research Council next year, to continue to
be a resource of information for our students.

Finally, I have enjoyed growing my personal research line as well as starting collaborative
projects and finding my pathway in our professional organization. I have two undergraduate
students who will continue to work with me on a study examining heart rate variability in jump
rope intervals. I have worked to develop collaborative projects with faculty in Human
Performance and at other institutions. My abstract was accepted for a presentation at the National
American College of Sports Medicine meeting and I have started to develop my path within
ACSM through working with the local chapter and the leadership and diversity training program.
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Criterion I: Demonstrate ability to teach effectively and/or perform effectively in other

current assignments.

2015-2016 Teaching: HP 414 Physiology of Exercise, HP 477/ HP 577 Foundations of Behavior

Change Strategies, HP 467 Worksite Wellness (Spring Term)

Objective 1. Have an above average (3 out of 5) rating through student evaluation.

Method of Assessment
• Statistics and examples from student evaluations.

Expected Outcome
• Positively learn and adapt from the needs of the students.

Objective 1 was achieved. A summary of the averages for my Fall 2015 course
evaluations was created. The overall average for all courses is 4.1 out of 5 which meets
and exceeds my objective. The averages for all questions and individual courses are
outlined in the summary.

Objective 2. Learn and implement a new teaching strategy throughout courses.

Method of Assessment
• Participation in CETL Teaching Certificate Course.
• Adaptations in syllabus and class projects.

Expected Outcome
• Adapt course material based on proven teaching methodologies.

Objective 2 was achieved. I participated in and received a certificate for the CETL
Faculty Teaching Program. Through this year long program, I learned about different
teaching methods and techniques and implemented changes to my Spring courses based
on the CETL course and the experiences from Fall 2015. I presented these changes
during the CETL course and received additional feedback on how I can continue to adapt
my courses.
For HP 477/577 I created a class discussion page using OneNote for them to share in-
class activities and discuss podcasts they were assigned to listen to.
For HP 414/514 I created D2L assignments that helped the students review material prior
to class so we were able to focus more of our in-class discussion on the more difficult
concepts in the chapters.
For HP 567/567 I used “Poll Everywhere” to receive instant feedback during the class.
Students could text or enter their responses online and the responses were presented in
real time on the PowerPoint slides. This was used for general response and review
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Objective 3. Develop and propose graduate course on youth sport and physical activity with Dr.
Kristen Konkel.
• Develop a course that examines special topic in youth populations including youth
athlete training, issues in youth sport, and youth physical activity behaviors.
• Add graduate level course options for the Department of Human Performance.

Method of Assessment
• Submit course proposal to the Curriculum Design System.

Expected Outcome
• Gain feedback on the course and have it approved for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Objective 3 was achieved. HP 619- Youth Physical Activity, Sport, and Physiological
Development was developed, proposed, and approved. It will be team taught by myself
and Dr. Konkel for graduate students in all areas of Human Performance.

Objective 4. Develop and propose HP 100 level Jump Rope physical activity course.
• Develop a course where students will be exposed to a different mode of physical
activity, which is one of my areas of research.
• Begin the process of teaching students jump rope so they may be involved in future

Method of Assessment
• Submit course proposal to the Curriculum Design System.

Expected Outcome
• Gain feedback on the course and have it approved for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Objective 4 is in progress. With alterations to the number and type of HP 100 level
classes offered, this course did not move forward as its own individual activity class. It
was adapted into an options for HP 190: Sport Activities. With changes to my course load
for the upcoming year, and faculty completing course loads with activity classes, I have
proposed that HP 190: Sport Activities- Jump Rope, be a part of my Spring 2017

Additional Evidence for Criterion I

A textbook was not being used for HP414 because the texts are very costly and all
chapters are not used in the course, as they are covered in nutrition and exercise
prescription. However, students were having trouble following the material during lecture
and reviewing for exams. I used the McGraw Hill “Create” option and selected chapters
from two texts to create a text for the course.
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Caroline McGowan from the Students Consulting on Teaching (SCOT) program

evaluated my HP 477/577 Foundations of Behavior Change course in the Fall. I received
good feedback on my teaching style, class activities, and ways I could improve the
outline of the course.

Criterion II: Scholarly or creative achievement or research.

Objective 1. Submit one research manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal as the
lead author.

Methods of Assessment
• Completed manuscript.
• Electronic notice of submission from the journal.

Expected Outcome
• Further the body of knowledge in Exercise Science.

Objective 1 was achieved. I submitted a manuscript entitled “Elementary Afterschool
Jump Rope Programs: Time and Intensity of Physical Activity” as first author with Dr.
Beth Lewis as second author. The manuscript was submitted to Pediatric Exercise
Science and is currently under review.

Objective 2. Identify two possible extensions to current line of research.

Methods of Assessment
• Complete a structured outline of research line extensions.
• Developed proposal for next research project.

Expected Outcome
• Have a long-term plan for research within my field.

Objective 2 was achieved. I have created a plan for research in my personal focus area as
well as collaborative areas. I have submitted an IRB application for a study to examine
heart rate variability during single under and double under jump rope intervals. I have
also been in contact with afterschool programs in the Mankato area to develop
relationships I will use to implement afterschool jump rope programs. Additionally, I
have started collaborative project with faculty here at MSU Mankato as well as other
institutions. These collaborations integrate research across my interests in physiological
and psychological outcomes of physical activity.
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Additional Evidence for Criterion II

My abstract was accepted for a free communication/slide presentation at the National

American College of Sports Medicine meeting in June. I will be presenting “Time and
Intensity of Physical Activity During an After-School Jump Rope Program” as a part of
the session titled “Novel Approaches for Physical Activity Interventions”.

I received a Faculty Improvement Grant ($2,294.00) to travel to South Africa and work
with Nelson Mandel Metropolitan University. I will have the opportunity to discuss my
research on youth physical activity programs as well conduct two jump rope workshops.
One will be at a township elementary school for over 200 3rd and 4th grade students and
the other will be at the completion of a service learning project where student will build a

I received a $500 grant from the Gopher Sports Giving Team to buy jump ropes for the
workshops in South Africa.

Criterion III: Evidence of continuing preparation and study.

Objective 1. Attend the following national and regional academic conferences.

•Northland Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine
October 22nd-23rd (Mankato, MN)
• American College of Sports Medicine
May 31st-June 4th (Boston, MA)
• Society of Health and Physical Education
April 5th-9th (Minneapolis, MN)

Methods of Assessment
• Conference badge.
• Certificate of registration.

Expected Outcome
• Encourage student participation in academic conferences.
• Increase personal body of knowledge and research interests in Exercise Science.

Objective 1 was achieved. I attended the Northland Chapter of ACSM here at MSU
Mankato. I attended the keynote speakers, the undergraduate quiz bowl competition, and
the dinner and high tea discussion with the guest speakers.
The National ACSM meeting is scheduled for May 31st – June 4th and I have registered
and plan to attend and present my research.
I did not attend the Society of Health and Physical Education conference and instead
attended the Spring Northland ACSM meeting. This is because we had many graduate
students involved in the poster presentations and I wanted to show my support for their
work. I also wanted to attend the keynote speaker Dr. Martin Gibala’s presentation on
high intensity interval training.
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Objective 2. Participate in one CETL teaching program, one Tech Tactics, and one Brown Bag

Methods of Assessment
• Proof of registration or attendance at workshops.

Expected Outcome
•Learn from other instructors at the University.
•Develop a more focused teaching philosophy.

Objective 2 was achieved. I participated in the CETL Faculty Teaching Certificate
Program, the D@L Brightspace Communication Tools Tech Tactic, and the 21 Trends
for the 21st Century group discussion

Additional Evidence for Criterion III

To continue my preparation as an instructor in a diverse world, I attended two workshops

aimed at discussing racism, prejudice, and the needs of our domestic students of color on

Criterion IV: Contribution to student growth and development.

Objective 1. Assist in mentoring at least one student in research or future study.

Method of Assessment
• Completed research work from student.

Expected Outcome
• Grow relationships with Exercise Science students to increase research and advising

Objective 1 was achieved. I am the main advisor for Ker Lor, a master’s student in
Exercise Physiology. We are working on her project entitled “Perceived Barriers to
Physical Activity Among Hmong College Students”. It will be submitted to IRB over the
summer and she will begin to collect data in the Fall.
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Objective 2. Contribute to the research of two exercise students, as a secondary mentor.

Method of Assessment
• Letter of acknowledgement from students.

Expected Outcome
• Contribute to the growth of undergraduate and graduate student research within the
Human Performance Department.

Objective 2 was achieved. I was a committee member for two master’s students in Sport
Psychology. Heidi Swanson presented her manuscript entitled “Life-Sport Balance and
Identity of Mother-Runners”. Jordan Hazel presented his alternative plan paper entitled
“Military Resilience: A mental Guide to Basic Military Training”.

Objective 3. Meet with at least one-third of advises individually or in small groups.

Method of Assessment
• Schedule of advise meetings.

Expected Outcome
• Increased knowledge on student degree plans.
• Developed relationships with students in exercise science.

Objective 3 was achieved. In the Spring, I was assigned 69 undergraduate and graduate
advisees. I met with 28 (41%) advisees individually. I have also strived for quick
communication with advisees via email and 134 items in my advising email folder.

Additional Evidence for Criterion IV

For my current research, I am working with two undergraduate students who were
involved in the proposal process and will continue to assist in collecting data and
analysis. Brennen Goodeen and Molly Lutgen will be seniors in Exercise Science next
year. Brennen is interested in working with the URC to complete individual research
during this project.
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Criterion V: Service to the University and community.

Objective 1. Serve Minnesota State University Mankato by serving on the College of Allied
Health and Nursing Diversity Committee.

Methods of Assessment
• Regular attendance at committee meetings.
• Involvement with the data analysis of University Diversity research project.

Expected Outcome
• Obtain a better understand the needs of minority students on campus.

Objective 1 was achieved. I regularly attended meetings for the CAHN Diversity
Committee. I assisted the committee in analyzing and writing the results for the focus
group research project. I am volunteered to serve as co-chair for the committee for the
next academic year.

Objective 2. Serve the Department of Human Performance and serve on one department

Methods of Assessment
• Regular attendance and participation in HP department meetings.
• Serve on the HP Curriculum Committee.

Expected Outcome
• Become a part of the decision making process with in the department.

Objective 2 was achieved. I regularly attended and contributed to the Human
Performance department meetings. I served on the curriculum committee for the
department and reviewed and revised proposals.

Objective 3. Serve the Mankato community by establishing connections with two after-school
youth programs.

Method of Assessment
• Acknowledgment letters from the organizations.

Expected Outcome
• Better understand the after-school program needs within the community.
• Assess where future after-school research could be conducted.
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Objective 3 was achieved. In an effort to explore the afterschool programs in the
community, I reached out to the YMCA and the ACES program. I spoke with the
coordinators and will be able to use this information when building jump rope programs.

Additional Evidence for Criterion V

I served the department by sitting on two search committees within the Human
Performance Department. They were for the Assistant Professor in Pedagogy and
Assistant Professor in Sport Psychology positions.

To server the University, I will have the opportunity to serve on the Undergraduate
Research Council for the 2016-2019 academic calendars.

I served the department by guest lecturing for Steve Siezer’s rhythm and dance class. I
conducted a class on jump rope and taught the students individual, partner, and groups
skills, while focusing on the pedagogy of the skills.

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