English 2 Juga

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I will watch Ghost stories on Metro TV as soon

as I ____ my typing. 12. Could you tell me _____ ?
a. finishing c. am finishing a. what time the movie starts
b. finish d. finished b. what time starts the movie
c. what time does the movie start
2. They will go to Jakarta next week, ____?
d. the movie start what time
a. do they c. won’t they
b. will they d. aren’t they 13. Mr. Ardiyan ____ to his new house since 2 weeks
3. Tell me If I ____ the competition, I would be the
a. has moved c. is moving
b. moves d. moved
a. joined c. had joined
b. joining d. would join 14. when I entered his room, he _____ to leave
4. I’m getting tired of sitting in the car. Do you
a. were preparing c. is preparing
realize that by the time we arrive in Phoenix, we
b. was preparing d. prepares
____ for 22 hours?
a. have driven c. will have driven 15. we don’t have to wait a long time to get these
b. has been driving d. had driven books back, ____?
a. don’t we c. didn’t we
5. I don’t want you to come by my office ____ 9.30
b. couldn’t we d. do we
am tomorrow because I will be having a meeting
with my boss and the financial department. 16. she ____ on airplane many times.
a. at c. in a. flight c. is flying
b. on d. for b. has flown d. flies
6. He ____ breakfast before he left for class at 8 17. don’t try to call him at 11.30 tomorrow because
o’clock. he _____ class at that time.
a. had eaten c. eats a. attends c. has attended
b. ate d. has eaten. b. attending d. will be attending
7. we visited The Monumen Jogja Kembali after we 18. The ship provisions officer ____ his supplies in
_____ in Yogyakarta. large quantity.
a. arrived c. were arriving a. buy c. buys
b. was arriving d. had arrived b. buying d. to buy
8. Right now mr Sulaiman is welcoming a guests 19. She really can’t accept the reason ____
from Singapore. ____ to the guests for thirty a. why he left me c. why left me
minutes. b. why did he leave me d. he left me why
a. He has been talking
20. After he ____ from high school, he continued
b. They have been talking
his study at university.
c. He had been talking
a. had graduated c. graduating
d. He Talks.
b. graduated d. have graduated
9. Next week we ____ our company’s 10th 21. My mother told me ____
anniversary and now everyone ____ some a. to don’t forget to study for the test
required preparations. b. don’t forget to study for the test
a. will have – are doing c. will have – is doing c. not to forget to study for the test
b. are having – will do d. is having – does d. I don’t forget to study for the test.
10. Our football team_____Since the beginning of 22. Mr. Anwar was having dinner with his client
this month. when his colleague ____.
a. have joined c. joins a. was calling c. called
b. has joined d. is joining b. calls d. had called
11. Don’t ask me ____ tomorrow at 11 am, because I 23. My father and I _____ our kitchen when someone
don’t know. called us on the phone.
a. what am I doing c. what will I do a. was painting c. were painting
b. What I am doing d. What I will be doing b. painted d. will paint

24. She keeps asking his son on the phone ____
36. do you know that The house ____ Mr Anwar had
a. When he will come back
just bought was burned down by the big fire last
b. When will he come back
c. when he will to come back
a. which c. what
d. when she will come back
b. where d. whose
25. Mark got an accident last night, she hit by a truck
37. A manager ____ the staff to do a company visit.
while he ____ the street after having dinner with
a. will possibly ask
his friend.
b. will possible ask
a. was crossing c. were crossing
b. is crossing d. are crossing
26. Employers often require that candidates have not
only a degree ____ c. he will possibly ask
a. but two years experience d. possible to ask
b. also two years experience
38. Budi, my friend ____ father is a doctor at the
c. but also two years experience
local hospital was absent this morning.
d. but more two years experience
a. whose c. which
27. If he prepared his lessons well, he ___ the exam. b. whom d. who
a. passed c. would pass
39. I promised him not to tell anyone about _____
b. would have passed d. will be passed
a. What he had told me yesterday
28. We didn’t go to the painting exhibition ___ b. What did he tell me
raining heavily. c. What he was telling me
a. because c. although d. What had he told me
b. because of d. Unless
40. I’m still wondering _____
29. The manager was very worried ____ his a. where is she now c. where she now
production figures were falling off. b. where she is now d. where is she going now
a. although c. however
41. If I had realized that rendra was a bad driver, I
b. therefore d. because
____ my car.
30. If the ozone gases of the atmosphere did not filter a. would not lend him
out the ultraviolet rays of the sun, life as we know b. would not have lended
it ____ on earth c. will not lend him
a. would not evolve c. didn’t evolve d. didn’t lend him
b. will not evolve d. would have evolved
42. I will come if she ____ me
31. he found the frontdoor open _____ it has been a. invited c. will invite
locked before. b. invites d. would invite
a. because c. although
43. If you ___ this map, you will not lose your way.
b. because of d. however
a. use c. used
32. The teacher asked the students to ____ the b. usine d. will use
whiteboard and not to talk to others
44. Miami, Florida, is_____the few cities in United
a. look at c. look out
States the as billingual municipalities in that has
b. look for d. look after
been awarded official status
33. My manager gave a warning to the employees a. among c. parts of
___ had been absent the day before b. between d. become
a. who c. whose
45. Can you ____ me your notebook?
b. whom d. which
a. loan / debt c. lend
34. The Nobel prize winner, accompanied by her b. borrow d. sent
husband and children, ___ staying in Sweden
46. Mr Najar wants to ____ the costs by tonight
Until after the presentation.
a. final c. finally
a. is c. are
b. finalize d. finality
b. be d. been
35. I didn’t realize that the man ____ I met at the 47. A computer is ____ than a typewriter
party last night is my manager. a. more efficient c. the most efficient
a. which c. what b. most efficient d. the more efficient
b. who d. whom

48. The workers were ____ in their demand for better 62. The operator doesn’t remember receiving a fax
conditions. from the Madrid office ____ from the Paris
a. joined c. united office.
b. combined d. attached a. or c. either
b. and d. but
49. the budget analysis is due ____ Friday.
63. have you ever used this type of copy machine
a. at c. until
b. to d. on
a. prior c. advance
50. Mr. Ahmad Saleh is our manager, he always b. previous d. before
comes on time and he keeps the operation of the
64. You should check your messages ____
company running ____
a. rarely c. as soon as
a. smoothness c. smoothed
b. seldom d. twice a day
b. smooth d. smoothly

51. He went to the bank to ____ some money.

a. pay out c. pay for
b. pay with d. pay in
65. the new waiter hasn’t made any ___ mistakes.
52. Please leave your luggage ____ the bus for a. fool c. follishness
loading. b. foolish d. fooled
a. among c. beside
b. between d. from
53. New paint ___ pictures will make the office look
a. but c. as
b. and d. though
54. Mr Dekker was responsible for ____ the data.
a. organization c. organized
b. organizing d. organize
55. The meeting will be held ___ Thursday.
a. at c. on
b. in d. for
56. A record of complaints ____ kept in the purser’s
a. is c. were
b. are d. has
57. The variety of insurance benefits ___ very broad
under this policy.
a. are c. being
b. is d. be
58. Mr. Lazuardi wants to make ____ .
a. a meeting c. an appointment
b. an hour d. a time
59. Ms. franklin directed a very ____ project.
a. successfully c. succeed
b. success d. successful

60. The speaker has ____ his speech by two minutes.

a. short c. shortened
b. shortening d. shortage
61. Budget meetings are held ____ in the conference
a. rarely c. always
b. every week d. sometimes
1. The lower the stock market falls, ____
12. If he had taken the computer course, it would
a. higher the price of gold rises
have been easier for him to get a good job.
b. The price of gold rises high.
it means ____
c. the higher the price of gold rises.
a. It wasn’t easy for him to find a job although he
d. rises high the price of gold.
had taken computer course.
2. Many chemicals react ____ in acid solutions. b. he had taken a computer course so it wasn’t
a. more quick c. more quickly difficult to find a good job.
b. quicker d. quicklier c. it was difficult for him to find a job because he
didn’t take the computer course.
3. This apartment is ____ than ours. I think we
d. It was easy for him o find a good jog because
should look for the other one.
He had taken the computer course
a. more noisy c. the most noisy
b. noisier d. the noisier 13. The television always ___ the information or
news in detail which happened all over the world.
4. Classes will be cancelled tomorrow ____ it is a
a. tells c. is telling
national day.
b. has been told d. told
a. because c. however
b. because of d. although 14. After we ____ the movie we ____ dinner in a
beautiful restaurant near the beach.
5. Learning anything is always difficult but in the
a. had watched – had c. had –watched – having
end everything will be ____.
b. have watched – had d. watched – had had
a. the easiest c. more easy
b. easier d. easily 15. “What did you study at the college?”
“I ____ computer science”
6. Many roads were built in 1880 ____ the industrial
a. studied c. was studying
cities needed many networks to link them with
b. studies d. had studied
sources of supply.
a. because c. therefore 16. ___ you sleep well last night?
b. however d. although a. do c. have
b. did d. are
7. She didn’t buy this bag ____ the price.
a. but c. because of 17. She left her office late.
b. and d. eventhough The negative form of the sentence above is ____
a. She doesn’t leave her office late
8. According to estimates by some botanists, there
b. She wasn’t left her office late
are ____
c. She didn’t leave her office late
a. seven thousand type of plants
d. She didn’t left her office late
b. seven thousand types of plants
c. type of seven thousand 18. What were you thinking about ____ the teacher
d. types of seven thousand asked you question?
a. when c. before
9. The letter was addressed to the lady ____ I met
b. while d. after
on my way to Australia.
a. who c. whose 19. If you listen carefully to the question, you ___
b. whom d. in which them easily.
a. are answering c. would answer
10. If he is admitted to the medicine faculty, his
b. will answer d. have answered
father will have a big party as a gift for him.
the sentence above means ____ 20. My mother told me ____ the door when I leave.
a. His father has had a big party a. don’t forget to close c. to don’t forget to close
b. His father didn’t have a big party. b. not to forget to close d. not forget to close
c. His father doesn’t want to have a big party for
21. She told me _____
a. where had he put the umbrella.
d. His father will probably have a big party for
b. where he had put the umbrella
c. Where did he put the umbrella
11. if he handed in the application he ____ last week. d. where the umbrella he put
a. would be allowed to join the interview test.
22. I don’t really understand What ___
b. was being allowed to join the interview test.
a. is he talking about c. did he talk about
c. would’ve been allowed to join the interview
b. he is talking about d. does he talk about
d. will be allowed to join the interview test.
23. According to historians, If Napoleon had not
do everything they could to improve the bird’s
invaded Rusia, he ____ the rest of Europe.
a. had conquered c. would have conquered
“I think I must have shaken the owners up quite
b. would conquer d. conquered
badly, because the next time I saw them they actually
24. Anne ____ longer if her mother had let her. had booked themselves into one of these anti-
a. has stayed c. will stay smoking clinics and were determined to stop.
b. would stay d. would have stayed They’ve gone for five weeks,” he said.
“J.J,” he said, “is doing very well. It is certainly
25. Excuse me, could you tell me ____?
going to improve his life expectancy.” It may help
a. where is the nearest hotel
the owners too.
b. where the hotel is nearest
c. where the nearest hotel is 33. This text mainly talks about ____
d. where the hotel nearest is a. The british couple who booked themselves
into a clinic to quit smoking.
26. I need to know ____ get a driver’s license.
b. Kevin and Sharon who gave up smoking to
a. how old can a person c. how old does a person
save their parrot.
b. how old a person can d. how old has a person
c. The british couple who qui smoking to create a
27. Somebody please tell me ___ health environment.
a. who is the mayor of this city d. The couple’s beloved parrot which was
b. who the mayor of this city is. seriously ill.
c. the mayor of this city who is
34. “This particular bird presented with very severe
d. who the mayor is this city
respiratory problems.” (par. 3).
28. She made me ____ the job, but it’s OK I can The underlined phrase means ____
bring it home. a. got c. affected
a. do c. done b. retained d. suffered
b. doing d. does
35. “. . . They’ve gone for five weeks,” he said. The
29. I think we should have our car ____ before we go word “they” refers to ____
to Jogja. a. The parrot and the vet
a. fixing c. fixed b. The vet and the owners
b. fixes d. is fixing c. The owners and the parrot
d. the owners
30. Do you know how I can get this project ____ on
time? Please, I really need help. The text for questions 36 to 39
a. finishing c. finished Seven people were killed in a collision between a
b. to finish d. finish bus, a car, and a truck on Jalan Sultan at 10:30 p.m.
31. Did she tell you the man ____ wife is a manager last night. The dead were all passangers of the car.
of this hospital? The police believed the car had been trying to
a. who c. whose overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck
b. whom d. about coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the
car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver
32. Shinta keeps talking about Mr. Ahmad ____ has
said he did not see the car approaching.
given her the opportunity to join this company.
The police said the car should not have tried to
a. whose c. whom
pass the bus since overtaking is not allowed on Jalan
b. who d. with
Sultan. In addition the police reported that the car, a
The text for 33 to 35 small Japanese car, should not have been carrying
LONDON: A British couple booked themselves more than five people. If the passangers had brought
into a clinic to quit smoking the vet said it was only their identity cards, the police would have identified
way to save their beloved sick parrot. the names of the victims easily.
Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood gave up a 50-
36. The text reports that there was/were ____
cigarette-a day habit to save their Amazon Orange-
a. careless drivers
winged parrot J.J, said the Vet, Glenn Cosquer of the
b. a small Japanese car
South Beach Veterinary Surgery in Essex,
c. a car accident
Southeastern England.
d. The function of identity car.
“One of the key things that we need to get right
with parrots generally is air quality.,” he told Reuters. 37. The following statements are correct, EXCEPT__
“This particular bird presented with very severe a. The truck came from the opposite direction.
respiratory problem. The owners were instructed to b. The car carried more than five people.
c. All passangers brought their ID cards.
The agencies are starting to cooperate in what are
d. The car tried to overtake the bus. being called “war-rooms”, state of the art
communication centers that allow police and
38. “…when it was struck by a truck… It refers to __ intellegencies agencies to meet,and share information
a. The car c. The collision
b. the truck d. the bus
39. The last sentence “If the passangers had
brought…” means ___ such as live wiretraps, video or satellite picture.
a. The victims were easy to be identified. The move have been in the works for more than
b. The passangers were all dead. a year but have taken on new urgency since terrorist
c. The police had no difficulty in identifying the attacks in Spain in March and the killing of Dutch
victims. film director, Theo Van Gogh.
d. The victim s’ names were not known. Next month, Germany will open its “terrorism
information and analysis center” according to Jorg
The following text is for number 40-45
Ziercke, the president of the German Federal Police.
JP: Following a midnight dash up, the Rejang
River, a military hovercraft saved the life of an
42. Combatting terrorism more effectively is
elderly woman on Wednesday night. The hovercraft
European countries ___
is normally based at Sibu and has been undergoing
a. intelligence c. Expectation
suitability trials under a variety of conditions. The
b. cooperation d. Rights
first result has been very promising.
The mercy mission began when the hovercraft 43. What is the type of the text above?
unit received an emergency call on Wednesday night, a. Report c. News item
asking if they could evacuate a woman from b. Decsription d. discussion
Kanowit, fifty miles upriver from Sibu. The woman
44. Why does the writer want to write the text above?
was seriously ill and was not expected to live unless
a. Because the writer wants to inform the readers
she was given immadiate hospital attention in Sibu,
about events of the day
she was too ill to make the journey by speedboat,
b. Because the writer wants to amuse and
which would entail a rougher and longer journey.
entertain the readers
The hovercraft reached Kanowit in 45 minutes and
c. Because the writer wants to criticize
was guided to the jetty by flash flight.
somebody’s works
With a nursing team to look after her, the woman
d. Because the writer wants to describe the
was quickly put on board and the hovercraft sped
specific thing.
back to Sibu, where the patient was given a blood
transfusion prior to the further medical treatment. It 45. when does the “war-room” movement become
has since been reported that the woman is out of more urgent?
danger. This was the hovercraft first evacuate. a. Since the European countries hopes to
combate terrorism more effectively.
40. According to the text, we know that____
b. Since the president of German Federal Police
a. The old woman was seriously ill
Announces the opening of “terrorism
b. The speedboat failed to save a woman.
information and analysis center”.
c. The woman was guide by the hovercraft.
c. Since the terrorist attacks Spain and the killing
d. The old woman was saved by The Sibu
of Theo Van Gogh.
d. Since The intelligence and police agencies
41. We know from the text that ____ work together for combatting terrorism.
a. A hovercraft is particularly useful to help
serious ill people.
b. The Rejang River is the name of a speed boat.
c. A hovercraft is a military transport.
d. The woman did not survive eventually.
The following text is for number 42 to 45
Europe Breaks Barrier in Fighting Terror
BERLIN: European countries are starting to
breakdown the barriers between intelegencies and
police agencies, sweeping aside concerns about civil
rights abuses in hopes of combatting terrorism more

CNN – Italy’s MOTO GP star marco Simoncelli was
killed in a crash in the Malaysian Moto GP on
Sunday. The tragic accident was happened when
Simoncelli came of at turn 11 of the Sepang circuit at
the fourth place. His Honda bike swerved across the
track and he was hit by fellow competitors Collin
Edward and Valentino Rossi. Simoncelli, 24, had his
helmet knocked off in the crash and he lay
motionless on the track.
Collin Edward also fell but escaped serious injury,
while former multi-world champion Rossi returned
unhurt to the pits on his Ducati. The race was
abandoned and Simoncelli was given emergency
treatment at track’s medical center, but it was to no
avail. ‘Marco Simoncelli succumbed to injuries
sustained in the malaysian MotoGp,’ read a short
statement on the official Moto Gp website to
confirm the fatality.
According to the news

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