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Summary on Facilitating Learning

I – Introduction to Metacognition
a. Metacognition Theory
 Metacognition knowledge variables
 Metacognition and Development
b. Learner – centered Psychological Principles
 Cognitive and metacognitive factors
 Motivation and affective factors
 Developmental and Social factors
 Individual Differences factors

II – Focus on the Learner

a. Developmental Theories
 Piaget Cognitive Theory of Development
 Erikson Psychosocial Theory of Development
 Freud Psychosexual Theory of Development
 Vygotsky Socio-cultural Theory
 Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development
 Bronfenbrener Bio-ecological Systems Theory
b. Individual Differences Theory
c. Learning/Thinking Skills and Multiple Intelligences
 Learning/Thinking Skills
 Multiple Intelligences Theory
d. Learners with Exceptionalities Theory
 People first language theory

III – Focus on Learning

a. Behaviorism Theories
 Classical Conditioning Theory
 Thorndike Connectionism Theory
 Watson’s Behaviorist Theory
 Skinners’ Operant Conditioning Theory
b. Neo Behaviorism Theories
 Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism Theory
 Bandura’s Social Learning Theory
c. Gestalt Principle
d. Information Processing Theory
e. Gagnes Conditions of Learning Theory
f. Ausubel’s Meaningful verbal learning/subsumption theory
g. Bruner’s Constructivist Theory
h. Constructivism Theory (Knowledge construction/concept learning)
i. Transfer of Learning Principles
j. Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Theory
k. Sternbergs Cognitive Processes Theory
 Successful Intelligence Theory
 The WICS Model
l. Torrance Theory on Problem Solving and Creativity

IV – Focus on Classroom Processes

a. Meaning and Types of Motivation
b. Theories on Factors affecting motivation
 Attribution Theory
 Self-efficacy Theory
 Self-determination and Self-regulation Theories
 Choice Theory
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
 Goal Theory
c. Students’ Diversity in Motivation Principles
d. Human Environmental Factors Affecting Motivation
e. The Classroom Climate
f. The Physical Learning Environment
g. Assessment Strategies that can Increase Motivation

V – Integration
a. Revising the 14 learner-centered Psychological Principles
Partial List of Reporters

1. Metacognition Theory - Lanaban, Charlene

2. Piaget’s Cognitive Theory of Dev’t - Mangopot, Alfie Jay
3. Erikson Psychosocial Theory of Dev’t - Mabayao, Ana Maresin
4. Vygotsky Socio-cultural Theory - Vicentiono, Erica
5. Kohlberg Theory of Moral Dev’t - Camangyan, Julie Ann
6. Individual Differences Theory - Awit, Ana Mae
7. Learning/Thinking Skills - Jael, Esnera
8. Multiple Intelligences Theory - Simo, Gene John
9. People First Language Theory - Toroba, Marykane
10. Classical Conditioning Theory - Tamay, Verboy
11. Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory - Lañohan, Jackyneth
12. Watson’s Behaviorist Theory - Sobrecarey, Kristine Jeck
13. Skinner’s Operal Conditioning - Del Monte, Jules Lymar
14. Tolman’s Purposive Theory - Corumba, Carlo
15. Bandura’s Social Learning Theory - Lascamana, Jelly Mae
16. Gestalt’s Principle - Paidan, Osman
17. Information Processing Theory - Tulipas, Regil Jean

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