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CARD MRI development Institute

A Member of CARD MRI

Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Students’ Barcode Attendance System

By: Pauline Rimas

CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Feature Driven Development

In the traditional waterfall model software approach, the whole project is divided
into a number of stages: gathering user requirements, design and documentation,
development, testing and deployment. In this approach it assumes that each stage is
100% complete before the next stage starts. One of the main weaknesses of this
approach is that design errors are often not discovered until deployment time.

FDD is an agile, highly adaptive development process that is

 Highly and short iterative

 Emphasizes quality at all steps
 Delivers frequent, tangible working results at all steps
 Provides accurate and meaning full progress and status information with the
minimum of the overhead and disruption for the developers.
 Is liked by client, managers and developers
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

A. Develop and Overall Model

The following steps shows how the system will be started.

 Domain and development team members are formed worked together under the
guiding hand of an experienced Programmer.
 Domain members perform an initial high-level walkthrough of the scope of the
system and its context.
 The domain members perform more detailed walkthroughs of each of the problem
 After each walkthrough, the domain and development members work in small
groups to produce object models.
 Each group composes its own model in support of the domain walkthrough and
present its results for peer review and discussion.


It is a well-known fact that virtual all organizations whether commercial or

educational need to maintain a properly record the attendance of its employees or
students for effective functioning, planning, and management of the organization. In most
academic institutions in developing countries, attendance is usually taken manually using
paper sheets and the old file system approach by calling students name. It becomes
troublesome for the management to regularly update the records and manually calculate
the percentage of classes attended for the purpose of examinations and subsequent
results processing. Lack of adequate attendance record keeping has indeed degenerated
to a greater level.

Barcode Identification is one of the automatic identification technologies more

in vogue nowadays. A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation that contain
data relating to the object in which it is attached.
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

The system mentioned will be a big help for CARD MRI Development Institute.
This will ensure the security of the institution and motivate the students of CMDI to bring
their ID regularly. The proposed system will record the time in and time out of every
students coming in and out of the school. Making the attendance record of the CMDI more
efficient and automate the attendance record using barcode. Barcode will be included in
the ID and will scanned using barcode scanner in order to enter the school and check
their attendance at the same time.

Background of the Study

In many institutions and organizations particularly schools, identifying

individuals coming in and out of the school and monitoring students is a very important
factor. Crimes increase everyday as the school is one of the places where most of the
crimes occur. This happens because schools do not put much effort about the security.
Security is at risk because in many cases outsiders who were not students or enrolled in
the school bypasses guards and personnel assigned and manages to make way of going
inside the school. In other cases, even other students don’t follow regulations and policies
like wearing proper uniforms and I.D.’s upon entering and they can also enter the school
without wearing it.

CARD MRI Development Institute (CMDI) is a small private school in Bay,

Laguna. It was established 12 years ago and is utilizing the manual system in almost all
phases of their work despite the rapid growth and development of technology.

CMDI manually monitors the entrance and exit of students as well as staff and
visitors which lead to poor security of the school. There are times when the guard is not
aware if the student has its own ID. The school does not monitor the students’ attendance
which leads the students to cut classes. Because of the current manual system, the users
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

are having a tedious job to maintain the records as well as retrieval of information is not
as easy as the records are maintained in the hand written registers.

Barcode ID system will benefit the school by monitoring the log in and out of
every student in CMDI. As well as reduce the number of students cutting classes and
motivate them to always bring their ID to school. This will make sure the security of every
individual inside the institution.


To implement the Barcode ID System in CARD MRI Development Institute that

is able to generate accurate attendance record as well as ensure the security of the


 Records login and logout of students using ID

 Produce attendance record of specific student
 A system that generates defaulter list
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System


The conceptualized framework is the set of coherent ideas or concepts

organized in the systematic manner in which this system was based on. It is an
organized way of thinking about how the proponents understand its activities using the
Input, Process and Output framework as show below.

Input Process Output

Hardware Requirements
 Barcode Scanner
 Processor –i3
 Hard Disk – 5GB
 Memory – 1GB RAM Students’
Software Requirements
 Windows Xp, Wndows
7 (Ultimate,Enterprise) Attendance
 SQL 2005
 Admin must be
knowledgeable with
the system

The Input frame contains all the necessary information and resources needed
in developing the system. Data was gathered concerning the profile of the students.
Different criteria in determining the level of acceptability were also included like
functionality; reliability; usability; maintainability; portability; and training and
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

The process frame is the activities in which the proponents undergo in

developing the system using Feature Driven Development Methodology.

The output frame, which is the outcome “Students’ Barcode Attendance

System” of CARD MRI Development Institute that contribute and provide useful and
efficient way of generating attendance records.


The proponents are representing this paper for the benefit of the entire school
of CMDI and as reference for future researchers. The system, “Students’ Barcode
Attendance System” will benefit the following:

School Administrator – The administrator will have a full access to the system.

Registrar – They can now view and generate the attendance records without asking for
the attendance sheets from the teachers.

Students – Attendance is now one scan away from the students ID.

CMDI Security Guards – This will serve as a notification for the security guards to know
if there are remaining students inside the school who has not log out yet.

Future Researcher – This system may serve as a reference for the future researchers
for the improvement of the system in the near future.
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Use-case Diagram

The figure above shows which external entity has access to each of the
process of the system. The student can only login and logout using their ID as a ticket.
Registrar can add student in the system which will be necessary for the login and out of
the students. It can also generate attendance record for reference. Security guard can
also generate attendance to notify them if there are remaining students in the school. And
the admin who has access to all the features of the system.
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

B. Building a Feature List

System Features

A team is formed to decompose the domain functionality in this step. The

feature list are as follows:

 Admin login: Admin is provided with a login form where he monitors and
administers all the student’s information and records.
 Barcode Reading: Students have to scan their ID through barcode reader and the
ID thus read by the system is stored for that particular day.
 Defaulter List: The system generates defaulter list in excel sheet for specified
period provided by admin.
 Report Generation: ate the end of attendance process system automatically
generates overall report for the class in excel sheet.
 Search Option: admin can even search for particular student’s attendance details
using option in the system.
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

C. Plan by Feature
Planning is a vital part of a system development. In this process, each team
assigned to a feature will decide on how the system should function to meet the client’s
Task of individuals involved in the project:
Chief Programmer Development Team
 Approves the project, employ  Reviews the project plan and
personnel, and provides resources implements procedures for completing
required for the project the project.
 Reviews project plan to ensure that  Manages all project activities
it accomplishes the business objectives  Helps in resource distribution, project
 Resolves conflicts among the team management, issue resolution, and so
members on.
 Considers risks that may affect the  Understands project objectives and
project so that appropriate measures finds ways to accomplish the objectives
can be taken to avoid them  Devotes appropriate time and effort to
achieve the expected results
 Selects methods and tools for the

Project planning should be effective so that the project begins with well-
defined tasks. Effective project planning helps to minimize the additional costs incurred
on the project while it is in progress. For this project to be effective, some principles are
followed by the proponents:
 Planning
 Risk Analysis
 Tracking of project plan
 Meet quality standards and produce quality deliverables
 Description of flexibility to accommodate changes
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Domain Walkthrough
Design Inspection
Code Inspection
Promote to Build

D. Design by Feature

Data Flow Diagram

The figure above shows the flow of data from entities to processes and to the
Student’s Barcode Attendance System. Each entity is connected to a process which it
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

can access. The system has five (5) processes; Login/Logout, add student, delete
student, generate attendance record and search student.


Flowchart represents an algorithm, workflow or process. It shows the step by

step process of how the program works. The following figures shows how the Student
Barcode Attendance System executes every module.
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Flowchart (cont.)
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

E. Build by Feature

The system is created using java programming language and SQL

programming language for the database.


Java is the most used runtime platform for any enterprise systems that
include 97% of desktops. This is because of the following.

1. Portability – It is the most important feature of Java. Java is a cross-platform as

the compiled Java program can be run on all platforms for which there is a Java
virtual machine (JVM).
2. Memory Management – Automatic system to manage the memory. This helps in
managing the effectiveness and speed of the software.
3. Budget Friendly - Java is a budget-friendly language which is universally popular.
4. Multithreading – Java applications can manage their own use by several users at
the same time. This can be done by creating threads for each user within the
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

program itself instead of having to execute multiple copies of the programming on

the same hardware.

Advantages of multithreading

a. Fewer Glitches
b. Multiple Operations
c. Better Performance
d. Low Maintenance Cost


Structured Query Language (SQL) happens to be the more structured, rigid

way of storing data, like a phone book. For a relational database to be effective, you’ll
have to store your data in a very organized fashion. SQL databases fill naturally into many
venerable software stacks, including LAMP and Ruby-based stacks.


1. ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) compliance reduces anomalies

and protects the integrity of database.
2. Data remains unchanging and structured.

F. Test by Feature

Testing Process

 Understanding Requirements
 Preparing Test Cases
 Preparing Test Matrix
 Reviewing test cases and matrix
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

 Creating Test Data

 Executing Test Cases
 Defect Logging Reporting
 Retesting and Regression testing
 Deployment/Delivery

Testing Strategy

 Black box testing

 GUI Testing
 Integration Testing:
 Functional Testing:
 System Testing
 Stress testing
 Performance Testing
 Acceptance Testing
 Regression Testing
 Beta Testing
 Software testing
 Verification
 Validation

Test Cases


TITLE Login/Logout


1. Start the application

2. Swipe ID
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

EXPECTED It checks whether the system can read and record

RESULT attendance or else it will display an error dialog


TITLE Add Student

Student Name, ID Number, Serial Number, Course,
1. Start the application
2. Login to admin/registrar account
TEST ACTION 3. Click Add button
4. Fill registration form
5. Click confirm button
System checks the inputted form of data is correct,
to which on clicking the confirm button it provides
EXPECTED access to another phase of registration and an
RESULT entry of the student' information is generated in an
excel sheet else error dialog will be shown in case
of incorrect or redundant data.


TITLE Delete Student

PREREQUISITE Student Name, ID Number, Serial Number

1. Start the application

TEST ACTION 2. Login to admin module
2. Click Delete button
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

3. Fill prerequisite
4. Click confirm button

System checks the inputted form of data is correct,

EXPECTED to which on clicking the confirm button deletes the
RESULT student from the system else error dialog will be
shown in case of invalid data input.


TITLE Search

PREREQUISITE Student Name, ID Number, Serial Number

1. Start the application

2. Login to admin/registrar/SG Module
TEST ACTION 2. Click Search button
3. Fill prerequisite 4.
Click confirm button
EXPECTED Output a student profile and attendance record if
RESULT input is correct else error dialog is shown


TITLE Generate Attendance

CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

1. Start the application

2. Login to admin/registrar/SG Module
TEST ACTION 2. Click Attendance button
3. Select Course, Year, Block
4. Click confirm button
EXPECTED Displays the attendance of a whole class in a
RESULT specific date else error dialog is shown.

Software Evaluation: Criteria-based Assessment

Criteria based assessment is a quantitative assessment of the software in terms of

sustainability, maintainability, and usability. This can inform high-level decisions in
specific areas for software improvement.

A Criteria-based assessment gives a measurement of quality in a number of areas

These areas are derived from ISO/EC 9061-1 Software Engineering.

The assessment involves checking whether the software, and the project that develops
it, conforms to various characteristics or exhibits various qualities that are expected of
sustainable software. In performing the evaluation, the proponents considered how
different user classes affect the importance of the criteria. For example, Usability-
Understandability, a small set of well-defined accurate, task-oriented user
documentation may be comprehensive for users but inadequate for developers.

Criteria Sub-criterion Notes – to what extent/does the

CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Usability Understandability Easily understood?

Documentation Comprehensive, appropriate, well-

structured user documentation

Installability Straightforward to install on a supported


Learnability Easy to learn how to use its function?

Sustainability Copyright Easy to see who owns the project?

Accessibility Evidence of current/future ability to

Testability Easy to test correctness of source code?

Portability Usable on multiple platform?

Analyzability Easy to understand at the source level?

CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

Changeability Easy to modify and contribute changes

to developers?

Evolvability Evidence of current/future development?

The rest of the evaluation covers each category in greater depth, with lists of questions
that we use at the Software Sustainability Institute when compiling detailed software
evaluation reports.


Understandability Yes/No, supporting comments if

How straightforward is it to understand:?
 What the software does and its
 The intended users of the software
 The software basic functions?
 The software advance functions?
Looking at the user documentation, what
is its
 Quality?
 Completeness?
 Accuracy?
 Appropriateness?
 Clarity?
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System

How straightforward it is to:
 Meet the pre-requisites for building
the software on a build platform?
 Build the software in a build platform?
How straightforward it is to:
 Meet the pre-requisites for the
software on a target platform?
 Install the software onto a target
 Configure the software following
installation for use?
 Verify the installation for use?
How straightforward it is to test the
software to verify modification?
To what extent can the software be used
on other platform?
To what extent will the product be
developed in the future:
 For future release?
 Within a roadmap for the product?
CARD MRI development Institute
A Member of CARD MRI
Information Communication Technology
Bachelor of Science in Information System


Feature Driven Development Methodology is design for large software

projects with lots of features. Different teams were divided and each of them is assigned
to a specific feature. Each of the team is developing on their own task. Meetings were
held in order to share the development of their assigned features.

Barcode Attendance System is a small project with few modules in it.

Therefore, Feature Driven Development is not fit for the development of the system. In
this kind of project. If there are several teams working on different features, the system
will cost a lot. I recommend to use waterfall model in this system. Waterfall model is fit for
a small project like barcode attendance system.

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