Alphascan Notes

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1. The beginning, a time for starting new things such as love, life, work, and independence.

it appears, it is a good time to shine; related to the Sun. Constructively it is ambitious,
progressive and inventive. Negatively, it is egotistical, selfish and eccentric. Destructively, it is
dominating, foolhardy and ruthless.

2. A combination of positive and negative forces. An emotional vibration. Forces a person to learn
diplomacy and tact. When it appears, it is time to wait and see and to let things come on its
own. Associated with the Moon. Constructively, it is understanding, receptive, and cooperative.
Negatively, it is vacillating, shy, self-effacing, and over-sensitive. Destructively, it is deceitful,
possessive, and pessimistic.

3. Versatility. Combining the assets of 1 and 2 thus opening the door to progress. When it appears,
following through with projects are very important. The message is “go for it!” associated with
Jupiter. Constructively, it is artistic, sociable and enthusiastic. Negatively it is critical, superficial
and careless. Destructively, it is jealous, avaricious and deceitful.

4. The handling of details. When it appears, it is time to slow down and concentrate on hard work.
Connected with routine, creative imagination and inner strength. A vibration of power if
handled properly. Associated with Uranus. Constructively, it is determined, dependable and
organized. Negatively, it is stubborn, self-righteous and apathetic. Destructively, it is dominating,
ruthless and vulgar.

5. Change, communication, and travel. When it appears, it is time for creativity. Expresses an
attraction for the opposite sex, and the necessity of good ideas. Heightened self- esteem.
Associated with Mercury. Constructively, it is adaptable, progressive and resourceful.
Negatively, it is irresponsible, careless and thoughtless. Destructively it is sensual, self-indulgent
and malevolent.

6. Consummation and fulfillment. When it appears, it is time to unite all forces, to protect the
home, to be reunited with loved ones; a time for the marriage of work, love, life, and health.
Diplomacy; radiates the love of mankind. Associated with Venus. Constructively, it is
sympathetic, just and conventional. Negatively, it is proud, worrisome, and opinionated.
Destructively, it is indulgent, malicious and jealous.
7. Self-deception, life is at time accepted as it looks rather than how it really is. Not good for
partnerships; dominated by illusion. Quantity over quality. Associated with Neptune.
Constructively, it is intuitive, poised and spiritual. Negatively, it is critical, melancholy, and
skeptical. Destructively, it is deceitful, faithless, and an escapist.

8. Represents Power. Pushes hard and puts stress on finances, achievement and business affairs.
The best vibration for marriage; rewards are as great as the effort put into them. The only way
to lose with this vibration is to slow down. When it appears, do not think negatively. The key to
power with this vibration is to think positively. Strong, all encompassing. Associated with Saturn.
Constructively, it is an organizer, leader and balancer. Negatively, it is intolerant, ostentatious
and strained. Destructively, it is unjust, unscrupulous and violent.

9. Either the beginning or the end. If one is positive, then it is completion and fulfillment. If one
thinks negatively, it is loss from what was learned from the previous experiences. When it
appears, it is a good time to finish all outstanding projects but hold off on new contracts; avoid
taking on other people’s burdens and responsibilities and throw out whatever is not wanted
until the cycle has passed. A time to think. Associated with Mars. Constructively, it is tolerant,
humane and creative. Negatively, it is dissipating, over-emotional and egocentric. Destructively,
it is morose, bitter and vulgar.


11. Represents intuition. When it appears you should go with your hunches. Has strong influences
for teaching others. Encourages you to express your ideas, no matter how they sound; to show
your silver lining. Associated with Uranus. Constructively, it is intuitive, inspired and inventive.
Negatively, it is aimless, impractical and cold. Destructively, it is fanatical, dishonest and

22. Realization and actualization. When it appears, you have the full power to create for the
attainment of life’s master planes; to build your empire. One should avoid negative people. When
everything is positive, this vibration is at its greatest strength. When negative, the force will turn to
destroy everything around it. This vibration is guided by astral warlords. Associated with Pluto.
Constructively, it is organizing, visionary, and philosophical. Negatively, it is headstrong, dominating
and material. Destructively, it is vengeful, criminal, and vicious.

All circles, the earth, the zodiac and the rotation of the solar system are based upon an orbit of 360
degrees. 360 = 9. LOVE = 9.

All numbers are substantiated by symbols and also are ruled by the planets.

1 = SUN and MARS.

2 = MOON.



5 = MARS.




9 = SUN.

11 = URANUS.

22 = PLUTO

10. The bridge between the first and second cycle of 9. This vibration adds new impetus to “the
second spiral.” It is reduced for practical use.


A 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 G 7 H 8 I 9 = The First Degree.

J 10 K 11 L 12 M 13 N 14 O 15 P 16 Q 17 R 18 = The Second Degree.

S 19 T 20 U 21 V 22 W 23 X 24 Y 25 Z 26 = The Third Degree.

The First-Degree numbers are the most uncomplicated in action. The Second-Degree numbers are more
involved. The Third Degree are the most complicated and most powerful.

The Desire gives one the idea of what is desired in life. Has the quality of the sun, it is the force which
allows you to aspire to whatever heights you wish to attain. The Desire denotes drive throughout life;
ambition and goals; what wants to be done, who one wants to be, what one wish to know.

It is indicated by the vowels of the name (Place the values above the name). The Desire reveals life-
giving and vitalizing aspect of one’s nature.


The Resource acts as a framework to produce a background for the Desire and helps to fulfill the wishes
wanted from life. It works from within helping one to express themselves freely.

Indicated by the consonants of the name (Place the values below the name).


The expression is the face you present to the world. That which is most obvious to others whom you
meet in life. Reveals your actions, behavior, talents and capacity. Includes general appearance,
demeanor and personality. Indicated by total name.


The first letter of the name. Reveals one’s outlook and progress. Shows mental and physical approach.
Helps to understand the type of individuals you must deal with in life.


The addition of the first name. Indicates your potential in relation to your choice in vocation. Formed by
letters of the first name only.

The first vowel that appears in the first name. Represents the life-giving force. Related to the first
spiritual contact with life.


The numbers not in the name. Reveals what one must work through in his or her lifetime. Represents
values and qualities the individual must come to learn in the life.


Represented by the letters that appear most often in the name. An abundance of numbers indicates a
strong tendency toward certain qualities.


Reveals how one acts under stress or when caught off guard. Represented by the missing numbers.
Numbers missing from the name detracts from the ability to fulfill oneself. Subtract the number of
missing numbers from 9.


Reveals abilities at various levels of development. There are four ways to express yourself; these are
personality types. Mental, Physical, Emotional, Intuitive. Each of these also has three divisions denoting
the expression of behavior. Inspired Action, Dual Action, Balanced Action.

The Foundation of Expression is related to the determining factors of your traits, character, and
vocational possibilities.


Shows a person how to use his/her brain power. The level of which the person
Vibration is Sound which attracts quality and quantity and either harmony or discord.

Names vibrate constantly, as they are written, thought, and spoken. Everything we touch has a sound

The birthname indicates one’s abilities. If you change your name it can/will add or detract from the
original name.

The D.O.B reveals talents, possible vocation and what one’s life achievements and demands will be.

(45 lords the first degree) (126 lords the second degree) (180 lords the third degree)

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