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It all started with the ten petals of the ancient lotus.

The earth was founded on his petals

The petals of the ancient lotus..

The ancient lotus is the old king.

The Ancient Lotus was the Solar Plexus.

Throne is a Tower. The Tower is a Flower.

A Tree of Life. The Navel. The Sun. The Soul

The Seat. The Fleet of the Heart which contains the Source.

The Source is the Original Substance.

The World of the Heart Chakra.

How many doors? Doors are points of junctions

Junctions are fixtures of bridges and Bridges are pathways.

Pathways are tunnels. The 26 tunnels of Set are the realms of the English alphabet.


The light is the chi and the chi is the tri is the one is the light is the day is the life.’


22 * 4 = 88



365 / 26 = 14.0384615385 MONTHS

365.2422 / 26 = 14.0477769231 MONTHS


26 pearls.

Invent liquid rubber glue protector for your basketball sculpture to prove your prowess on the court.

Reggae gospel
The man who layeth under the luminous waves facing the seal of unity and the 10 commandments with
her crown mounted on high bundles of time thick spirals of descent her lips adorning the horizon, tears
of abundance carry her desire and love dismount from the depths like sweet rain above his chest, thus
the garden blooms and life grew from the fountain of youth which spring truth waters rise from his
chest and runneth to receive his breath, eyes gather to witness this tone, giving his all for his heart is
hers to hold, loving embrace the two reemerge traveling as one to a land now submerged, in a small
town they arrive in and divide, the people gathered forth to bear witness to the divine, knowledge and
wisdom they received the gift undescribed, peace and unity to link all hearts through one mind,
knowledge conveyed cultivated with the blackened clay used as the encoded scribe which gave birth to
the times, the waves part ways and the earth began to rise, earth sun and moon move to the groove*
of the plan 88 grids to design the first man, and here I am neither man nor a god or a king, chained to
the gates with visions of the supreme,

/ he am I with visions of the supreme,

See when you are asleep you are actually awake or waking up

This can be shown and proved to oneself when you engage in what I call the spirit walk or the sleeping
wake meditation which is something that I kinda done naturally or I should say something i came up
with in my mind and chose to actively participate in, whereas the spirit walk begins the moment you set
your mind upon it and pretty much everything you do every activity you are engaged in is done so with
you being totally involved with yourself this is excellent for those of you who live alone and doing so you
actually become more active as you get the most out of each action the other aspect of this is when you
perform the sleepy wake meditation where its basically you, maintaining a rested state even when
engaged in activity.


Priorities arranged in negation

Prime agreements in negation

Oh yeah well your clothes look cheap you must be one of them scrubs

Yeah something like that.

….. …. ……..

You know.. #$(%%)$#)@($”($)#”)@@)


(Your games of hoe magick tactics girly girl defenses have no affect on me)
Your hoe magick have no affect on me

I fuck who I want when I want, and NO just because you look right doesn’t mean I want to fuck YOU.
Women got they mind f*kd up

Why try? Just be, and DO, U.

Study color placements

Keep things aesthetically pleasing

Beautiful silence (painting of a sistah with curly fro beautiful face and body with no lips)

What is going on? He let me stay with him and he has yet to make a move on me yet he is fucking other
bitches, why hasn’t he pursued me? Why hasn’t he tried to fuck me?

The holy dick

Suck my dick you cockeyed bitch

Master = medium

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