Princess Sumaya University For Technology: King Abdullah II Faculty of Engineering

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Princess Sumaya University for Technology

King Abdullah II Faculty of Engineering

Electrical Engineering Department



Authors: Supervisor:
Student Name Student No. Specialization Dr. N. Name
Student Name Student No. Specialization
Student Name Student No. Specialization
Student Name Student No. Specialization

N o v e mb er 2 1 , 2 0 1 7

The abstract should be written concisely in normal rather than highly abbreviated English. The
author should assume that the reader has some knowledge of the subject but has not read the report.
Thus, the abstract should be intelligible and complete in itself; particularly it should not cite figures,
tables, or sections of the report. In the abstract, indicate the subjects dealt with in the report and state
the main objective of the investigation. The body of the abstract should indicate newly observed facts
and the main conclusions of the experiment. Its optimum length will vary somewhat with the nature
and extent of the conducted experiment, but it should not exceed 100 words.

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Theory .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Equations Guidelines ..................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Procedure and Methods ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Results and Discussions ......................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Figures ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Tables ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Engineering Notation..................................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Guidelines for a Good Schematic............................................................................................................... 5
3.5 In-Lab Questions and Measurements ..................................................................................................... 5
4 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................................. 6
5 References .................................................................................................................................................................... 6


The Introduction section of a laboratory report gives a brief description of the experiment. It
should clearly identify the objectives of the experiment, the importance of the experiment, and the
theoretical background for understanding the experiment.

This section should clearly identify the main outcomes expected after conducting the experiment.
The objectives should reflect on the purpose and usefulness of the experiment. It is important to
include theoretical perdition of what the results of the experiment should be.

Laboratory experiments are designed to implement a theory. Therefore, this section aims to brief
the relevant theory. While writing this section you would probably need to include equations. The
following subsection gives some guidelines on how to write an equation.


To present the equation on a clear way, define all variable used in the equation. Follow these steps
to ensure clear presentation of equations:

1. Write equations using either Mathtype or the equations editor of MS word. Use the proper
superscripts and subscripts.

Here is an example of an equation that define the root mean square (rms) value of some voltage
signal 𝑣(𝑡):

1 T
Vrms = √T ∫0 𝑣 2 (t) dt (1)

Here a subscript “rms” is used to indicate that the calculated value is the root mean square of
the voltage while the superscript is used for the exponent “2”. Proper use of subscripts and
superscripts greatly enhances the readability of the equations

2. Use proper symbols. Symbols like π, δ, ℃, ≠, ≰, ⇉ commonly appear in equations in Electrical

Engineering courses. Both Mathtype and the MS word equation editor allow you to choose
from a wide variety of symbols, Greek letters, mathematical operators, arrows and other
miscellaneous operators that you can use. Make sure proper symbols are used whenever they
are needed.

Example: the propagation constant 𝛾 for a given system is a complex quantity that can be
written as:

𝛾 =𝛼+j𝛽 (2)

𝛼 is the attenuation constant.
𝛽 is the phase constant.

3. Equations must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. For example, when
referring to the previous equation in the text, one can say, “Eq.2 shows the propagation
constant of the transmission line”.

Common Errors

In this section, some of the common writing errors are mentioned. A more comprehensive guide
is found in [1].

 Using a comma before “and” in a series is optional; however, it must be used or not used
consistently throughout the report.
 Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, or, nor, so, but, for, yet) only when
connecting two complete clauses (subject and verb in both).
 Capitalize proper nouns. In headings, capitalize all words except articles (a, an, the),
coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, for, nor), and prepositions.
 Use e.g. and i.e. correctly: e.g. means “for example” while i.e. means “that is”. Set off both by
commas (e.g., xx xxx).
 Leave a space between numerals and units e.g., 5 V, not 5V.


This section discusses how the experiment is conducted. Documenting the procedures of a
laboratory experiment is crucial as it enables others to replicate the work if the need arises. While
writing the laboratory procedure make sure to provide:

1. A list of used equipment explaining how and why it was used.

2. Use sketches, diagrams or photos, to describe the experimental set-up.
3. Provide rating, dimension and other crucial specifications when applicable.
4. List codes or algorithms that will be used.


Place your results and discussion here. This is an important part of the report. Results should be
related to the objectives of the experiment. Results should be presented to the reader in the easiest
way. Therefore, the use graphs and figures is preferred. Spreadsheets are often an ideal tool for
organizing the data, analyzing the data, and generating graphs. Sometimes results are presented

in form of a table. All tables and figures should be discussed and referenced in the text of report
in numerical order. Proper captions for tables and figure should be used. In addition, a numbering
system for identification of each table and figure should be used.

Figure captions should be placed below the figure. For example, Figure 1 shows I-V characteristics
a photovoltaic cell measured at two different isolation levels. When referencing a figure in your
report, use the cross-reference function in MS word. Make sure all figures are referenced in a
numerical order.

Figure 1: Measured I-V characteristic of a photovoltaic cell [2]

The table captions should be placed over the table. When referencing a table in your report, use
the cross-reference function in MS word. All table should be discussed in the report and referenced
properly in a numerical order. In the next section an example of table caption is presented. All table
in the report should have one format. Tables should be placed at the top or bottom of the page
when possible.


Engineers encounter numbers that can be either too big or too small to be written in
decimal format. Another advantage of the engineering notation that it is expresses number
in a format that matches SI prefixes. This facilitates reading and oral communicating such
numbers. For example, a capacitor with a capacitance value of 10x10-12 F can be read as
“ten micro Farads”. TABLE 1 lists most common SI prefixes.

TABLE 1: SI prefixes with their symbols and names.
Representation Prefix
Value Base 10 Symbol Name
1000000000 109 G giga
1000000 106 M mega
1000 103 k kilo
1 100
0.001 10-3 m milli
0.000001 10-6 𝜇 micro
0.000000001 10-9 n Nano
0.000000000001 10-12 p Pico


A schematic is a visual representation of a circuit. It is an effective way to communicate a circuit
to the reader and accurately archive how the connections were done during the experiment. To
draw a schematic properly, use computer program that enables a neat and clear schematic. MS
Visio can be used to draw a clear schematic with proper components and node labeling. Figure
2 for example is a schematic drawing of a common emitter amplifier created using Visio. Use
of tools like Electronics Workbench or web-based tools such as Scheme-it [3] are also

Figure 2: A common emitter amplifier.


Questions might be raised by the lab instructor during the experiment or in the lab manual. Give
an answer to these questions here. Figures and tables could be used for this purpose. Make sure to
use them properly.
If you are asked by the lab instructor to include your measurements in the report, you can attach
them to end of this report. Use an appendix at the end whenever you need to include extra material
to your report.

Conclusions indicate the significance of the finding. General comments on the results and possible
limitations are listed here. The author can make recommendations for further study and possible
improvements. Potential applications of the results may also be presented. If results do not agree
with theory or simulation, an analysis of reason can be presented.


[1] "IEEE Editorial Style Manual," 2017. [Online]. Available:

[2] G. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2013.

[3] "," [Online]. Available:

[Accessed 23 November 2017].

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