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Tri-County Herald

Legislative breakfast
Wallace, Smalley applaud state reform
By Mike McCormick He said the reform package brings The governor would like to save $200- schools.
Herald Staff what he termed “a top down approach” $250 million of that. We’re probably Smalley mentioned that EPIC, the
Two Lincoln County lawmakers indi- and allows the governor more authority going to have some type of saving, but largest provider of virtual online educa-
cated last week that Gov. Kevin Stitt’s to directing agency heads. probably not that much,” they predicted. tion in the state, is under investigation by
pledge of creating more accountability ³,¶PH[FLWHGWRVHHLWSHRSOHEHLQJDF Lawmakers answered questions on the FBI. He believes that probe is being
in state government is moving through counted for,” Smalley stated. COLA’s efforts to increase economic de- H[SDQGHG
the Legislature. Wallace also touched on the gover- velopment in the state and the abortion Both lawmakers believe the charter
State Sen. Jason Smalley and State nor’s pledge, mentioning, “There are issue. One attendee asked about pulling schools should be held to the same stan-
Rep. Kevin Wallace spoke to constituents ¿YHDFFRXQWDELOLW\ELOOVZLWK¿YHGLIIHU doctors’ licenses that perform abortions. dards as public schools are today.
during last Friday’s legislative breakfast. ent agencies. These are the start. The di- The lawmakers pointed out that has Wallace noted, “It’s at a turning point.”
“The governor promoted and prom- rectors haven’t really reported to anyone been attempted before, but overturned Smalley stated, “It’s the virtual charter
ised reforming state government, mak- H[FHSWWKHLUERDUGV´ in court challenges. They said until Roe aspect that is the problem.”
ing people more accountable and stream- Wallace added, “The governor will versus Wade is overturned or Article 5 of The two legislators predicted there is
lining operations,” Smalley said. KDYH KLULQJ DQG ¿ULQJ DXWKRULW\ 7KHVH the Constitution is changed, it isn’t going QRPDQGDWHRQWKH¿YHGD\VFKRROZHHN
“It’s a system of checks and balances are checks and balances. We’re going to happen. coming. Wallace stressed, “It won’t
and was a big highlight of his campaign. to have transparency that everyone has There was considerable discussion come from the House.” Smalley empha-
“The product is on the table and is been looking forward to having.” about charter schools taking funds from sized, “I don’t see it going anywhere,”
DERXW WKH EHVW LW FDQ EH ,¶P H[FLWHG WR The two lawmakers said, “There is go- public schools and the growth of char- noting he supports local control of public
see it.” ing to be about a $575 million surplus. ter schools, especially virtual charter schools.

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