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An Unforgettable Experience

I woke up with a start from my nightmare.(噩梦) I searched for him. To my horror, the
bed was empty. Suddenly I heard a gentle gurgle (潺潺地流)of the water from the bathroom. I
heaved a sigh of relief. (松了一口气)

Far across the room, the windows allowed the moonlight to flood into. It was a gentle summer
night. Silently I stood up and headed for the kitchen. From the top of the staircase(楼梯), I saw a
newly furnished(已装修的) nursery room.(育儿室) My eyes began to fill with tears. I hurried
down the steps.

Once down, I got hold of my emotions. God, my baby… I hated myself for the terrible,
horrible and disgusting(作呕的) mistake. I held back my tears. I did not want Joshua to see me
crying. I stared into(凝视着) the murky (黑的)coffee in my hand. Slowly, I decided to take a
fresh breath of air outside. I sat at the patio (露台)staring at the velvety (羽绒的) sky, twinkling
with diamonds of the night.

Memories came rushing(急冲的) to my mind. We had met at the library while we were
both studying. I was attracted to him almost immediately. Who would not? He was tanned(被晒成棕
褐色的), muscular(肌肉发达的) and towered(高耸入云) above his friends at six feet five.
Not to mention his handsome look. He was such a striking(耀眼的) man. He was square-jawed,
(方下巴的) had those sexy, romantic eyes, a stubborn (顽固的)chin and his eyes… he had the
eyes that seemed to pierce(刺穿) right into your soul. His soft, flowing, blue black looks were
such a contrast(对比) to his eyes. No wonder, he was the idol in the university.

He made his first move a week after first encounter.(遭遇) I was shocked. It was a Saturday
morning and the library was deserted.(无人的) I was thumbing(笨拙地摆弄) through the dusty
volumes on Egyptian Civilization when a deep baritone(男中音) startled(受惊吓的) me. I
looked up there he stood in his brown khaki(卡其色的) pants and black shirt. I was speechless.
(无言以对的) He flashed a smile (亮出个笑容)and said , “I have been staring at you for days
but you just brushed me off.” (不理睬我)

I had no answer for that. “Err… I thought you were interested in the plants,” I said, pointing to
the potted plants above my head. He laughed and asked me for dinner and he had the audacity(无畏
的) to give me his first kiss that very evening. Needless to say(不用说), we went steady(镇定的)
and later married style at his parent’s mansion (公寓)in Long Island.

That was three years ago. Joshua is now carving out (刻画出) his own engineering empire.
(帝国) I, on the other hand, am doing research work with the National Geographic.

I stared at the moon. I should have never made that rash(轻率地) judgement. I was pregnant
(怀孕)for two months. Joshua did not know and I wanted to surprise him. He was emphatic(强调
的地) that he did not want one. I was devastated. (身心交瘁的)After all,(毕竟) he always said
that he loved children. We had a heated argument(激烈的争吵) and I did not speak to him for days.
One week later, I came home earlier than expected. I opened the door and saw Joshua
embracing(拥抱着) young blonde(金发碧眼的) woman, his secretary. I stopped dead in my
tracks.(思路) Humiliation,(羞辱的) fury ,(狂怒) anger and sadness poured into my heart.
Yet I was calm, “Josh, I am pregnant. I see the picture now. I’ll file for a divorce.”(离婚) With that, I
slammed(猛地关上) the door quickly took my Porsche to my Rhode Island apartment.

I called Patrick, Joshua’s father and told him about getting divorced(离婚的). He was
shocked and begged me to tell him what was wrong but I kept quiet. I cried my heart out. I trusted
(信任)Joshua, loved him with all my heart and this was how he treated(对待) me. I slept alone
that night, wishing that he was beside me, remembering all those passion-filled (充满热情的)
nights we spent together. His caresses(爱抚), his voice, his touch… I could not live without him.

The next morning he rushed into my apartment demanding(苛求的) to talk to me. I refused
and he lunged at me. Frantically(疯狂地), I stepped out of his reach and he toppled down the
stairs. Horrified, I grabbed him but lost my footing. I stumbled (绊倒)down the stairs. My last
thoughts were I still loved him to save him from falling down the stairs. Then, everything went dark.

I woke up in a hospital. Joshua was unshaven (不剃须的)and his eyes bloodshot(充血).

I was in a coma (昏迷)for three days and he never left my side. I had lost the baby and I cried and
Joshua cradled me in his arms. He told me that Phyllis, his secretary had just discovered that her
husband had cheated(欺骗) her and asked for his help. There was nothing more than that. I was so
ashamed(惭愧) for doubting(怀疑) him. It was a terrible mistake that took away the baby.

“Honey, what are you doing here?” It was Joshua who had come out from the bathroom. I turned
and gasped(喘息). “ I’m thinking of our baby, I said and wept(哭泣). He held me and cooed
(柔情的低声说话). “Come on, sweetheart, don’t cry. It’s not your fault(错误).” But I still could
not stop crying. He pushed me slightly and tilted my chin(使下巴倾斜). He smiled softly and his
eyes glittered 闪烁. “ I tell you what. Why don’t we make a baby
tonight? I promise you’ll like it, honey. We’ll have dozens(一打)
of kids,”

I smiled at him telling myself how lucky I was to have him.

Slowly he brought his lips to mine and kissed me passionately(热
情地). Slowly, he lifted me into his arms and carried me inside,
leaving the undisturbed(宁静的) scenery of the night.

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