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Covered Insecurity

and protection. Their social media accounts covered the

problems they had with themselves. Sophia seemed to be

one of the best at using her social media accounts to her

The realization of the negatives that social media brings
By Joaquin Moreno
As I looked around the room I noticed many of my
organism, they completed each other. Always in her hand
friends looking down at their phones. Most of them doing
and reflecting in her eyes.
the same motion with their thumbs. Scrolling slowly and
After our extremely awkward conversation,
consistently. Looking at photographs of their friends. As
talking to Sophia wasn’t what I had anticipated. I came to
they scrolled, none of them had a smile on their face. Bland
this party event expecting her to be selfless, outgoing, and
facial expressions and laziness in their eye movement. I too
carefree. I was wrong, but that is exactly what she wanted SOCIAL MEDIA PILLS
Two hand holding pills with the logos of social had my phone in hand and would do the same thing all
me to think of her. Sophia’s trick: Her Instagram profile. media applications. The picture shows that these
apps can be addicting but at the same time, the time, but it was this night that I opened my eyes and
supposedly, helping. The user may not know
Photograph after photograph of such a happy girl with whether it is helping them or hurting them. Photo by
actually looked at other people’s behavior and it frightened
Rudy de Waele

such a happy life. From her profile she seemed like a very
Despite always posting happy/carefree me. My dearest friend Liam who was also attending the
popular girl but who looked approachable and
ur conversation grew stale, Sophia had pictures on her Instagram account, Sophia party was taking pictures with people in the backyard. They
A Phone Screen sympathetic. In our conversation, I could see the
lost her interest. Eye contact became sparse and full of social media didn't match her online personality. I watched her behavior wanted to get a good picture to post on instagram. Possibly
applications, most reluctance in her eyes. Feeling as though I had a sixth
her effort in talking was gone. The conversation likely a high after she had walked away, and it was clear. To caption the photograph, “Best night ever” or
schoolers phone.
This home page sense, I could somehow tell she didn’t want to be seen
died. Gazing, I waited for her to maybe say goes to show how me, this girl was extremely anxious around maybe, “Funnest party ever”. Something
much social media talking with me, but I wished I was wrong. When she
something else, possibly try and give me can take up one’s other people and insecure about how she that would make the audience that sees the
phone and time. said, “Thats hilarious” but didn’t let out a single giggle, it
Photo by Defender photograph on Instagram feel forgotten or
reassurance that she did want to talk with me; looked. I asked myself, am I the only one who
News Service
was obvious. She wanted to end the conversation as soon
my hopes were too high. I watched as she sees this Sophia? Do others see her as her online like they missed out. An almost undetectable
as possible. Sophia’s eyes were more on her phone and
walked away with her head down, and her face persona? I couldn’t quite tell if others were aware of this way of bragging through social media.
the people around us than my actual eyes. It was very
glowing. Her phone screen interested her far transparent girl. I found it strange how even my closest friend was
apparent she worried about the other people in the room.
more than our conversation. If only I could I noticed that when Sophia walked away to her other accustomed to this negative use of social media, but I am a
Possibly about them staring or talking poorly about her.
keep her eye contact like her phone screen was friends after our conversation, she started recording a girl hypocrite for thinking such things. I too constantly had my
Nevertheless, she cared more about what the people in
able to. I stood there alone, feeling rejected. that had spilled soda all over herself. Many other friends did eyes locked to my phone and used Instagram, Snapchat, and
the room were thinking than caring about me.
Sophia and her phone appeared to be one single too. I guessed most of them posted the video to their all the other popular social media applications. Insecurity

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