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Curriculum Vitae


1995-1999, BA, Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University
1999-2000, MA, French Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University
2000-2005, Mphil, Philosophy, The Central European Universiy, Budapest
2005-2008, PhD, Political Philosophy, Babeş-Bolyai University
Other research activities (except those listed under B3)
Founder and member of the research group “Political Philosophy of
Cosmopolitanism”, at New Europe College, Bucharest –2009 –2013
Research team member: Critical foundations of contemorary cosmopolitanism, This
project is supported by a grant of CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number:
PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0218, contract number: 98/05.10.2011 –octombrie 2013
Volunteer researcher 2015-2017, Confronting difference through the practices of
transnational families Project funded by UEFISCDI, project number, PROJECT
CODE: PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-2087 CONTRACT NUMBER: 246/1.10.2015, project
manager Viorela Ducu
Organizer– International Workshop : The Kantian Foundations of Contemporary
Cosmopolitanism - 14th of December, 2010, New Europe College, Bucharest ,

2018 co-editor with Garrett W. Brown: Kant’s Cosmopolitics, Contemporary
Issues and Global Debates, Edinburgh University Press
2016 co-editor with Ducu, Viorela: Managing Difference in East-European
Transnational Families, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main
2016 editor, edited section Politics and Critique of Cosmopolitanism and Ethnicity,
in Supplement no. 2. Transylvanian Review (accepted for publication, 14th of
November 2016)
2014 editor, Problematizing Cosmopolitanism, Argonaut, Cluj Napoca
2012 principal editor with Viorela Ducu Cosmopolitanism and philosophy in a
cosmopolitan sense : proceedings of the international workshop, organized at the
New Europe College, Bucharest on 21 - 22 october, 2011
Selected publication:
2016 Kant’s World-State Ideal and its Provisional Surrogates, in Supplement no.
2. Transylvanian Review (accepted for publication, 14th of November 2016)
2004 Kant’s Doctrine of Time, in Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, Ed. Académie
Roumaine, Volume 48, Nrs. 1-2
2013 Cosmopolitanism and deliberative democracy: lessons from Kant to
deliberation and back again, in Analele Universității din Craiova, Seria Filosofie, nr
32 (2), 130-148
2012 Kantian Politics and Methodological Cosmopolitanism in 'Contemporary
Transformations: Culture, Politics, Society’,' Politeja - Jagiellonian Cultural Studies,
nr 2/2 (20/3), Ed. by Monika Banaś –, 75-89
2012 Cosmopolitism şi folosirea publică a raţiunii, Analele Universității din
Craiova, Seria Filosofie, nr 30 (2), 63-77
2011 Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and the Idea of Culture: in the International Journal
of Arts and Sciences, 4(1) pp. 192-197

Books/ chapters (including monographs):

2016 main author with Viorela Ducu: Transnational difference – cosmopolitan
meaning In: Ducu, Viorela and Telegdi-Csetri, Aron (eds.) Managing Difference in
East-European Transnational Families, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 13-27
2014 co-author with Viorela Ducu: The Cosmopolitanism of Transnational
Families in Luminița Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza and Marius Eppel (eds),
Intermarriage throughout history, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 488
– 304
2014 Cosmopolitanism in The Social Sciences and the Return to Kant, in Global
Society, Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights, Cotesta, Vittorio, Cicchelli, Vincenzo,
Nocenzi, Mariella, (eds) pp 23-39 Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK, 2014
2014 Filosofia politică a lui Immanuel Kant, Argonaut, Cluj Napoca
2014 Confronting cosmopolitanism: histories and alternatives, in
Problematizing Cosmopolitanism, Argonaut 2014, Cluj Napoca
2011 Temporality and politics in Kant, in: The Odobleja New Europe College
Yearbook, Bucharest
2011 Cosmopolitanism and cultural practice, in Editors:Fredriksson, Martin (ed.)
Current Issues in European Cultural Studies, Conference proceedings Issue: 62, pag
579-590, Linkoping UEP
2010 Viaţa la Kant- Kant in Viaţă (Life in Kant – Kant in Life), in Studii şi
Cercetări din domeniul ştiinţelor socio-umane, Vol 19, Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca
2009 Kant şi rosacrucianismul de stat (Kant and State Rosacrucianism), in Studii de
Istoria Filosofiei dedicate profesorului Vasile Muscă, eds. Alexander Baumgarten,
Adela Cîmpean, Eikon, Cluj-Napoca
2008 Kant, avocatul lui Platon: problema ideologiei (Kant, Plato’s Advocate: the
Problem of Ideology), in Ipostaze ale politicului: paradigme filosofice clasice si
moderne (Hyposthases of the Political: Classical and Modern Philosophical
Paradigms) eds. Adela Cîmpean, Laura Ilinescu, Eikon, Cluj

Participation at international conferences

Cosmos and Critique at Critical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism,
International Conference , November 1-2, Nec Bucuresti, 2013
Lessons from Deliberation to Kant and Back Again at Cosmopolitanism and
Deliberative Democracy: Norms and Justifications December 7-8, 2012, Nec,
Cosmopolitan politics and the public use of reason at European Union as
Democatizin Actor in Western Balkans and Black Sea Region Workshop,
Universitatea de Vest și NEC, Timisoara, 4 decembrie 2011
Cosmopolitanism in the Social Sciences and the Return to Kant at Global Society,
Cosmopolitanism and Human Rights, Rome, University of Rome Tre, 7 – 8 June,
Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Practice: Towards a Systematic Place of Kant’s
Religion at Conference “Current Issues in European Cultural Studies”, organised by
the Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden (ACSIS) in Norrköping 15-17
June 2011
Kantian Politics and Methodological Cosmopolitanism at Global Transformations:
Culture, Politics & Economy, Facultatea de Studii Internaționale și Politice, Cracovia,
Polonia17 decembrie 2010
Cosmopolitanismul Kantian at The Kantian Foundations of Contemporary
Cosmopolitanism Workshop, Nec, Bucuresti, 14 decembrie 2010
Kant's Cosmopolitanism and the Idea of Culture at Conference of the
International Journal of Arts andScienses, The Universty of Wasinghton Rome Centre,
Rome, Italy, 22-25 noiembrie 2010 Roma Italia
Transnational difference – cosmopolitan meaning, Panel New Families, Old
Societies – New Challenges of Migration for Families in their Countries of Origin,
at The 4th International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society – Sibiu,
29th of September – 1st of October 2016

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