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A variety of standard and more complex ICT tools were selected in order to facilitate
learning about persuasive texts in a year 8 English classroom.
PlayPosit is a great way to integrate viewing with class discussions and polling in real time. It
is used in a lesson to gauge student reactions and opinions of a video during viewing, as well
as to compare and contrast two videos of advertisements on the same screen as the video
itself. This is an effective way to gel technology with class discussions rather than allowing
interim opportunities before and after viewing for the class to divulge into off-task
discussions and to keep the content fresh and the lesson momentum moving.
AllSides is used specifically in the context of explaining news media. The students can be
involved in the learning process through self-discovery by being able to view side-by-side
the differences between news written from various outlets of opposing bias. Allowing
students to explore this site gives them a hands on and visual understanding of how news
media employs language of persuasion to push certain agendas. Wordclouds were also used
as a way to link the two together and extract the information-dense news site into a more
visually accessible medium for year 8 students to digest.
ExplainEverything is used as an interactive whiteboard tool for class collaboration.
Specifically in the context of annotating advertisements in real time on a live platform
allows students to see and instantly interactive with their own and peer learning.
Adobe Spark and Pinterest are key tools for the final project in order for students to discover
and create an ad of their own putting visual codes and conventions into practice. Adobe has
great templates as a starting point for students and with tools to facilitate learning and
applying their knowledge.

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