Confined Compression Tests: Outlining The Failure Envelope of Columnar Sea Ice G.W. Timco and R.M.W. Frederking

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Cold Regions Science and Technology, 12 (1986) 1 3 - 2 8 13

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., A m s t e r d a m - Printed in The Netherlands



G.W. Timco and R.M.W. Frederking

National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K IA OR6 (Canada)

(Received March 14, 1985; accepted in revised form June 19, 1985)

ABSTRACT able to understand the interaction process, it is neces-

sary to study the mechanical properties of ice for a
A series o f confined compression tests has been wide range of conditions. Because of its importance,
performed on columnar sea ice over a range o f nomi- there have been several investigations of the mechan-
nal strain rates o f 10 -s to 10 -3 s -x at a temperature ical properties of ice. These are usually performed by
o f -2°C. Both the applied load and side confining taking a sample of ice and, under a well-defined load-
load were measured. These are used to outline the full ing arrangement, subjecting it to an increasing load
3-dimensional failure envelope o f the ice. The results until it fails. For simplicity in testing and analysis,
are discussed in terms o f loading rate effects, tem- the stress field is usually applied only in one direc-
perature, brine volume and air porosity. A strength tion, for example, in uni-axial testing of the compres-
index is introduced which correlates the present sive strength of ice (Peyton, 1966; Schwarz, 1970,
results in terms o f these parameters. This leads to an 1983; Wang, 1979; Sinha, 1983a, 1983b, 1984;
empirical relationship which gives the functional Frederking and Timco, 1980, 1983, 1984a).
dependence o f the uni-axial compressive strength in In nature, however, the stress field in the ice can
terms o f strain rate, loading direction, salinity, tem- be very complex and the response of the ice cannot,
perature and ice density. A mathematical description therefore, be described uniquely by the uni-axial
o f the failure envelope is presented using a modified stress properties of the ice. Because of this, informa-
n-type yieM function. tion is required on the behaviour of ice under com-
plex stress states. This behaviour is usually described
in terms of the failure envelope for the material (Paul,
INTRODUCTION 1968). This is a description of the stress levels at
which the ice yields for any combination of compres-
When an icebreaker travels through a floating ice sive or tensile stress states. One technique for inves-
sheet, or when a moving ice sheet interacts with a tigating the failure envelope of a material is through
stationary structure, the breaking of the ice is an im- the use of confined compression tests. In these tests,
portant part of the interaction process. The stress the material is loaded in one direction while confined
levels at which the ice fails can influence both the in a second direction. This allows deformation of the
global loads and local pressures on the structure. This material in only one direction. By measuring both the
failure stress is controlled by the mechanical proper- applied and confining loads, and knowing the orienta-
ties of the ice. Ice, however, can exhibit a variety of tion of the ice in the confinement apparatus, the
behaviour such as elasticity, brittle fracture, visco- failure stresses for the ice can be determined for
elasticity, plasticity, etc. Moreover, for sea ice, the various combinations of stress states. These define the
mechanical properties are influenced by the loading failure envelope for the ice in the 3-dimensional com-
strain rate, loading stress rate, ice salinity, ice tem- pression-compression-compression octant. A knowl-
perature, grain structure, grain size, grain orientation, edge of the failure envelope for ice is important since
brine porosity and air content. Thus, in order to be it indicates the maximum stress which the ice can

sustain before failure. In addition, if it is described in ration. To get specimens o f ice, a large block 1.2 m ×
a convenient mathematical form in terms of the prin- 1.2 m × 1.0 m (ice thickness) was cut from the ice
cipal and shear stresses, it can be used to predict cover with a chain saw, and brought on board using
analytically the ice loads for various i c e - s t r u c t u r e the crane o f the vessel. There, the bottom half was
interaction scenarios. The failure envelope for colum- immediately cut into smaller pieces, 30 cm × 50 cm
nar sea ice is particularly important since columnar- X 30 cm, labelled and put in an onboard cold cham-
structured ice is predominant in many areas of the ber at a temperature of -15°C. These blocks were
Arctic. then cut into 19 cm × 8 cm × 5 cm samples using a
To date, there has been only a handful of confined band saw. The large faces of each sample were smooth-
compression tests on sea ice. These include tests by ed using a power planer. Once cut to sample dimen-
Timco and Frederking (1983) and Blanchet and sions, the ice was transferred to a second cold room
Hamza (1983) who measured the confined compres- and allowed to sit overnight at the ambient tempera-
sive strength of ice with horizontal loading at one ture of the test. All samples tested consisted of strict-
temperature and over a very limited range o f strain ly columnar $2 ice with random orientation of the
rates. A more thorough investigation was carried out c-axis in the horizontal plane (see Fig. 1). For this
by Timco and Frederking (1984a) who measured the test series, the majority of tests were performed at
full failure envelope using both vertical and hori- -2°C, although a small number of samples were
zontal loading arrangements for granular/discontin- tested in uni-axial compression at -4°C and -12°C.
uous columnar sea ice at one temperature over a
range of loading rates. Their tests were analysed using
plasticity theory and fitted successfully to an n-type
yield function. The present tests are concerned with
the failure envelope of columnar sea ice. The tests
were performed in the field on warm (T = -2°C)
columnar sea ice from Northern Labrador along the
east coast of Canada. In this paper, the techniques
used for measuring the strength are described and the
results for five different confinement conditions are
given in relation to loading rate at constant tempera-
ture. In addition, a series o f uni-axial tests were per-
formed at different temperatures, and the results are
presented in terms of temperature, loading rate, brine
volume and total porosity of the ice. The results from
all of the tests are used to outline the 3-dimensional
failure envelope for warm columnar sea ice, and the
corresponding envelope at -10°C is inferred. Finally,
the results are analysed to fit a modified n-type yield
function for the ice at b o t h temperatures.


The tests described here were carried out in late

May, 1984 in northern Labrador, Canada during the
icebreaker trials of the German icebreaking research
vessel Polarstern. Since the tests were carried out late Fig. 1. Thin section of ice through crossed polaroids showing
in the spring, the air temperature was relatively high the columnar structure of the ice. The width of the sample is
( - 5 to +5°C) and the ice had undergone some deterio- approximately 10 cm.

The temperature of -2°C was chosen to correspond 30

n=60 T = -2°C
to the average temperature of the ice in the Labrador
Sea at that time. For all ice specimens, the salinity 20

and density were determined. The average salinities

were 1.6 -+ 0.4%0 and 1.7 + 0.4%0, and the average 10

densities were 0.847 -+ 0.036 gcm -3 and 0.829 -+

0.031 gcm -3 at -12°C and -2°C respectively. Salinity O
I I I I I i I I ] I I I I I
and density histograms are shown for both tempera- 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90
tures in Figs. 2 and 3 respectively. There were several
D E N S I T Y [ g - c m -3 ]
brine drainage channels and large voids evident
throughout the ice. The relatively low values for both
n=12 T = -12°C
salinity and density, as well as the general appearance p =0,847
of the ice, confirm that it had undergone considerable >.- 20
deterioration. All prepared samples were tested, even LU
O 10 m
if they contained large drainage channels, voids, etc. U.I
In total 93 samples were tested. U-

The tests were performed using a 0.05 MN capac- 0

I I i I I I I I l I l I I I
ity Soiltest CT-405 compression tester which has a 0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90
screw-driven actuator powered by a 1/4 H.P. motor.
D E N S I T Y ( g - c m -3)
With this motor drive, actuator speeds 0() of 3 X
10 -3 tO 7 X 10 -2 mms -1 are obtainable. During this Fig. 3. Density histogram for all ice samples at T = -12°C and
test series, intermittent problems with the motor T = -2°C.
necessitated conversion of the press to a hand-driven
machine. This modification worked very well and it mms -1. With samples of length L = 19 cm, this gives
allowed higher cross-head speeds up to 1.9 X 10-1 a range of nominal strain rates (en = x/L) of 1 × 10-s
to 1 × 10 -a s-1. The testing frame stiffness and load-
20 ing system stiffness were measured using the ap-
-- n = 46 [~ T = -2°C -
proach described by Frederking and Timco ( 1 9 8 3 ) t o
>" 15
be 200 and 100 MNm -1, respectively. In order to
::D 10 create the confined conditions for the ice, a specially
# built aluminum sub-press was used (see Fig. 4). In con-
u_ 5
finement, the ice specimen was put between the two
confining walls of the sub-press which were firmly
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1,6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
retained with an initial pressure of 0.1 MPa using four
large threaded rods with nuts. This restraining system
SALINITY [ °/°-3
is stiffer than the system of C-clamps used by the
2O authors in earlier tests (Timco and Frederking, 1983,
n=12 T=-12oC
1984a). Both the applied load and side confining load
were measured using two different load cells. The
~ 10 output from the load cells was fed into a strip-chart
recorder. From the load-time curves, the stresses and
u. 5
strengths were determined as the load divided by the
initial cross-sectional area of the sample. The average
I I I I I I I I 1
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
stress-rate (6a) which is defined as the stress at yield
2.4 2.6 2.8
divided by the time to failure was also determined
SALINITY [*/* o)
from the curves.
Fig. 2. Salinity histogram for all ice samples at T = -12°C and For this columnar-structured ice, there is a high
T = -2°C. degree of anisotropy. In the plane of the ice cover,

the ice can be considered to be isotropic since there

was random orientation of the c-axis of the ice grains
in this plane. Because of the vertical columnar struc-
ture, there is a unique direction which is in the long
direction o f the grains (i.e. in the direction of growth
of the ice cover). With this ice structure, there are five
different test configurations that can be used. These
are shown in Fig. 5 as:
Type A: Both loading and confinement in the
plane of the ice cover. This measures the confined
strength in the x-direction and side-loading in the y-
direction, or, since the ice is isotropic in this plane,
the strength in the y-direction and the side-loading in
the x-direction.
Type B: Loading in the plane of the ice cover with
confinement in the vertical direction. This measures
the strength in either the x or y direction, and the
side loading in the z-direction.
Type C: Loading in the plane of the ice cover with
no confinement. This test measures the uni-axial com-
pressive strength for horizontal loading (i.e. perpen-
dicular to the long direction of the grains).
Type D: Loading parallel to the growth of the ice
cover with confinement in the plane of the ice cover.
This measures the confined strength in the z-direction
and the side loading in either the x or y direction.
Type E: Loading in the direction o f growth o f the
Fig. 4. Photograph of an ice piece sandwiched between the ice with no confinement. This measures the uni-axial
confining plates in the sub-press. Note the two load cells
compressive strength for vertical loading (i.e. parallel
which measure the applied and confining loads. The cloth at
the bottom was used to absorb the large amount of liquid to the long direction o f the grains).
brine squeezed from the sample in the A-type tests. Using these five different loading arrangements,

LOAD PLA1. E ~ ~. BLOOK X~---y~1

Fig. 5. Geometry for confined compression tests showing the five confinement arrangements.

the size and general shape of the failure envelope can columnar ice, this type of deformation by elongation
be determined for columnar ice for the x - y , x - z and of the columns requires some type of non basal-plane
y - z planes in the compression-compression quad- glide. The stress for this is much greater than that
rants. When combined, they outline the failure en- associated with basal-plane glide (Higashi, 1967).
velope of the ice in 3-dimensional stress space.


-- J // STRESS
Effects of confinement

Figure 6 shows typical stress-time curves for each VI I I I 1 I I I I I I

of the five types of confinement at a nominal strain 0 200 400 600 800 1000
rate of 2 X 10-4 s-1 and temperature of -2°C. For
confined conditions, both the applied stress and side- 4
confining stress are shown. A comparison of their
values at yield for all investigated loading rates is
shown in Fig. 7 for A, B and D type confinement.
From these figures, there are several things to note.
For C-type confinement, which is the conventional
~ 200



uni-axial loading in the horizontal direction, the 5

stress-time curve illustrates typical ductile failure at ~ 4
this strain rate and temperature. For B-type confine- 3
ment, the loading characteristics are similar with only
iii 2
very small (<0.2 MPa) side confining stress, even at
yield. A-type confinement, on the other hand, pro- O3
duces strain-hardening and appreciably higher stresses
0 200 400 600 800 1000
at yield for both the applied and side-loading direc- 5
tions. In addition, the time to failure is considerably / APPLIED STRESS
longer than for either the B-type or C-type confine-
ment. For this columnar ice, A-type confinement
produces yield stresses which are 4 - 5 times higher
than the stress necessary for ice failure in unconfined
conditions. In addition, the confinement stress is 0 I I I I I I I I I
0 200 400 600 800 1000
typically 50% of the applied stress. 5
$2 columnar ice is characterized by a preferred 4
basal-plane orientation and grain boundary direction
such that the "easy-fail" direction is in the plane of
the ice cover. In A-type confinement, the confining 2

plates and loading platens are oriented in such a way 1 E-TYPE

that they prevent deformation in this plane. As such, 0 I I I I I I I I I I I

this deformation is restricted, and the ice must de- 0 200 400 600 800 1000
form in the long direction of the grains. This is ob-
served after a test by examining the ice surface in the LOADING TIME ( s e c o n d s )

unconfined direction. In many cases, the ice deform-

ed to give a "mottled" appearance in which individual Fig. 6. S t r e s s - t i m e curves for each of the five c onfi ne me nt
grains were clearly evident. Because of the orientation conditions showing bot h the applied and confining stress in
of the grain boundaries and basal planes for $2 each case at i n = 2 X 10 -4 s-1 and T = --2°C.

I I I I I I 10
I I I I II111 I I I i11111 -
30 AA D D A
-- B = B-TYPE A A A D o _
~- 2.5 A A D A
~A B

w 2.0
£12 C cC C ~,,~ '"~
LU 1 . 0
B ~ "~" -
1.5 GO .c , :_
z C~ C 026
ta_ U B c~= 8.9(E n) --
0 1.0 >- FOR C - T Y P E

a~ B IBB D i~ D D D
ff B~b I I 0.1 I I I I I IIII I I I I IIIII
10 -5 10 10 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 7. Applied stress versus side-confining stress at yield for Fig. 8. Strength versus nominal strain rate for each of the five
A, B and D-type confinement. confinement conditions at T = -2°C.

Therefore, the stresses necessary for yield of the evidence of any loading rate effects for this ice. The
columnar ice with A-type confinement are significant- strength values for A, D or E-type confinement are
ly higher than for unconfined or B-type confinement very similar for all strain rates. Figure 8 shows that
where deformation with basal glide is allowed. This within the range of loading rates investigated, the dif-
also explains the similarity in strength between B and ference between strength values decreases with either
C-type confinement for this columnar ice. For the the type of confinement or loading direction as the
same reasons, loading perpendicular to this direction, loading rate is increased. A similar trend has been
with either D or E-type confinement results in failure noted by Frederking (1977) in his laboratory tests
stresses which are considerably higher than for hori- studying the confined compressive strength of fresh-
zontal C-type loading, but very similar to strengths water ice. Note that at the higher strain rates in this
for A-type loading. With regard to the confining test series, the E-type test produce brittle failure o f
stress, it is relatively small for D-type loading. the ice.
The results have also been interpreted in terms of
Effects of loading rate average stress rate to failure, i.e. d a = o/tf where o is
the stress at yield and tf is the time to failure. This
Figure 8 shows the change in yield stress as a func- was done since a comparison on a stress rate basis
tion of nominal strain rate (en) for a constant tem- largely eliminates the influence of the test machine
perature o f - 2 ° C for each of the five types of confine- stiffness thereby allowing a ready comparison with
ment. For both B and C-type confinement, there is previous tests reported in the literature (Sinha and
a definite increase in strength with increasing loading Frederking, 1979). Figure 9 shows the yield stress as
rate with a functional form a function of average stress rate for all five types of
o = 55(~n) °'46 for B-type (1) confinement for T = -2°C. Note the relatively low
stress-rates for the A-type loading. This is a reflection
and of the very long times-to-failure for this type of con-
o = 8.9@n) O'26 for C-type (2)
finement. In general, the results interpreted in terms
of stress rate show the same tendencies exhibited in
where o is the MPa and ~n is in s~a. For the other Figure 8 in terms of strain rate; viz, dependence of
three types of confinement, however, there is little strength on stress rate for both B and C type confine-

ment with functional forms presented in terms of average stress rate include those
of Sinha (1983a, 1984) and Frederking and Timco
O"= 3.3(Oa) 0"29 for B-type (3)
(1983, 1984a), given in Table I, and plotted in Fig.
and 10. The present tests at -12°C are in reasonable agree-
ment with these curves. Note that for both tempera-
a = 1.9(6a) °'22 for C-type (4)
tures, all C-type failures were ductile in nature. For
where a is in MPa and 6 a is in MPas-1; no stress rate the E-type test, the results can be compared to prev-
effect for any of the other three types of confinement; ious tests of the strength of vertically loaded column-
similar strength values for A, D and E-type confine- nar sea ice by Sinha (1983b) and Frederking and
ment over the whole range of stress rates and a Timco (1984a). The present tests are also in reason-
gradual decrease in the difference of the strength with able agreement with these results. Note that for the
type of confinement or loading direction with in- E-type loading, the failure of the ice was ductile for
creasing stress rate. 6a ~< 0.1 MPas -1 and brittle for stress rates above this
value regardless o f test temperature.
'~A~ A A A DDD E D D~
--A~ A D
I I I1111 t I I I Illll I I I I IIII
B B C-TYPE T: 11°D
03 B C z 4 I'z:'2°c ,F EOERK,NGAND --
LU • T I M C O 1984'
, - T= -10oC •
~ C Z CO (SINHA 1983a} •
,-, _ ,~= '1 9(o-'a~c ~ ~ -
w 2
uJ -- FOR C - T Y P E
>- _ _~
© 1
0.1 I I i IIIIII I I I lillll i I I fllllJ
10 -3 10-2 10 -1 10 0 I I lilt I I I 111111 [ I I I Ill
× 0
;, • n
AVERAGE STRESS RATE [MPa-s -~) 10 10 10

A V E R A G E STRESS RATE ( M P a - s ~)
Fig. 9. Strength versus average stress rate for each of the five
conf'mement conditions at T = -2°C. Fig. 10. Strength versus average stress rate for two different
temperatures for C-type loading.
Effects of temperature
t tllll t I t I IIIII I I I I llll
In addition to the full set of tests for the five dif- T"
• O -12 o
ferent confinement conditions for the warm colum- (.3 10
nar ice at - 2 ° C , a separate series was performed at
-12°C for the u n c o n f i n e d (C and E-type) conditions. ~ 8

This was done primarily for correlation with the ex-

isting information on columnar sea ice at that tem- ~ 6
perature. The results are presented in terms o f average 13.

stress rate in Figs. 10 and 1 1 for C-type and E-type ~

respectively. For both loading directions, the strength
o f the ice is higher for the colder temperatures over ~ 2
the w h o l e range of stress rates, as expected. At the Z
D 0 I LIILi I I I I ]1111 i I I L Jill
colder temperatures, relatively few tests were done,
10 2 10 ~ 10 o
so curve fitting o f the test data is not considered to
be reliable. These data are compared to previously AVERAGE STRESS RATE ( M P a s i)

published results at a similar temperature. For the C- Fig. 11. Strength versus average stress rate for two different
type tests, previous tests in w h i c h the strength is temperatures for E-type loading.


Summary of previous tests

Temperature Ice Average Test Number Results* Investigators

salinity density type of tests
(°C) (700) (Mg m -3)

-26 3-5 (0.90) C 7 J =3.9 at Frederking and

6a = 0.074 Timco (1980)
-10 6-9 0.91 C 30 a = 4.5 Sinha (1983a)
(ha) °'2'
-11 4.5 +-0.5 0.90 C 10 a = 5.2 Frederking and
(ha)°'36 Timco (1983)
-11 3.2-4.5 (0.85) C 18 cr = 4.1 Frederking and
(ha)°'2° Timco (1984a)
-10 4-7 0.91 C 10 cr = 4.6 Sinha (1984)
-26 3 5 (0.90) E 16 ~ = 13 at Frederking and
6a = 0.27 Timco (1980)
-11 3.2-4.5 (0.85) E 13 a = 14 Frederking and
(ha)°'22 Timco (1984a)
-10 3.0 -4.5 0.90 E 20 a = 25 Sinha (1983b)

*o = MPa, 6a = MPas-1

Effects of brine volume and porosity On = O(6a~/aa) ~ (S)

where o is the measured compressive strength, 6a the
Results of strength tests on sea ice are frequently corresponding average stress rate, ba¢ is a reference
presented in terms of the brine volume (or square average stress rate, and b is some exponent. Based on
root of the brine volume fraction) of the ice. This is the tests for the warm sea ice, and considering past
done since sea i c e consists of a complex mixture of tests on sea ice (see Figs. 10 and 11), a value of b =
ice, air, salts and liquid brine such that the relative 0.22 for the exponent seems reasonable. As a refer-
amount of each of these constituents is determined ence stress rate, ba,r = 1 MPas -1 is chosen for simplic-
by the temperature, salinity, density and the cor- ity in comparison, even though it is beyond the range
responding phase diagrams of the various salts in the of actual measurements. Using this approach, the ef-
ice (see e.g. Weeks and Ackley, 1982). With increasing fects of loading rate are largely eliminated, thereby
temperature, the liquid brine inclusions within the ice allowing an evaluation of the influence of brine
increase in size. Since this increases the total porosity volume and total porosity on the strength of the ice.
of the ice, the strength of the ice should exhibit a It should be noted that Peyton (1966) has introduced
functional dependence on brine volume such that it a similar approach to eliminate stress rate effects (as
decreases with increasing brine volume. When inter- discussed by Weeks and Assur (1967), Schwarz and
preting the test results in terms of brine volume, how- Weeks (1977)). His results have been normalized
ever, it is not always possible to do this directly since using a multiple linear regression analysis and they are
the strength of the ice is also a function of the rate of therefore not compatible with the present approach.
loading. As a first approximation to eliminate this ef- The reader is cautioned not to confuse the present
fect, the present test results were normalized with strength number (On) with Peyton's strength index.
respect to average stress rate. This produces a "strength Figure 12 shows the strength number (an) versus
number (On)" which is independent of loading rate the brine volume in the ice for the present tests. In-
and defined as cluded in these results are a few tests which were per-

formed at a temperature of -4°C. In general, there is porosity, the strength number was plotted versus the
a decrease in strength with increasing brine volume, square root o f the total porosity for both C- and E-
with large scatter in the data. For this ice, which had type loading. These are shown in Figs. 13 and 14
undergone some deterioration, it was evident that respectively. For both test types, there appears to
there was a considerable volume of air within the ice.
As such, the total porosity of the ice would be much
8 "~ I I I I 1 I I I
higher than that predicted solely on the basis of brine
volume alone (i.e. liquid inclusions). Recently, Cox
7 __~~EC].~ ~z% C-TYPE _
and Weeks (1983) have derived simple expressions 6 -- -O-R :8 4 14 9 ~ T --
w h i c h can be used to determine the a m o u n t o f both c
b 5 -- E~I o • --
brine and air within the ice, if the temperature, salin- lO

ity and density are known. Using these equations and rr

4 - i"~, ~o -
these measured quantities, the air and brine content
were determined for each sample tested in the present Z

7- • T= 4 ° C (PRESENT STUDY) ~ • I
test series. The results o f the C-type compression tests 2 ~ T-_~6Cc(I~RESENTSNTUDAY)D TIMCO 1 9 8 0 ~ . . q
are shown in Fig. 12 as a function of the total poros- z
LU []]]Z~ T : - 1 0 ° C (SINHA,1983a) &• ~ |
n- T: - 1 l e D (FREDERKtNG AND T~MCO 19831 ~[
ity (air plus brine) in the ice. From this figure, there 1 ~ T : 1 leD (FREDERKING AND TFMCO 1E84a I
o3 T: 1 0 o c (SINHA,1984]
are t w o things to note. Firstly, there is a m u c h better
o I I I I L I I I I J
correlation of the strength data with total porosity
0 0 10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50
than with the brine porosity. Secondly, the amount + -]112
of air porosity for this ice was higher by a factor o f
3 to 4 than the brine porosity. This reflects the re- Fig. 13. Strength number versus the square root of the total
latively low salinities and densities measured (Fig. 2 porosity for the present tests for C-type loading. Included on
and 3). The results o f Fig. 12 emphasize the need to this figure are the envelopes of data from previously pub-
k n o w the total porosity o f the ice in order to be able lished results expressed in terms of the strength number. The
number beside each box represents the number of data points
to interpret properly the strength measurement.
for each of these studies.
Clearly, the density of the ice should be measured
for any strength test on sea ice.
Since there was an apparent strong correlation be- ~,,I I I I I I I I
tween the uni-axial compressive strength and the total
24 ['-]2o
20 -- - °- s = 3 2 6 EI8~-T --

0 50 100 150 200

-- 1"-1
° •
6 I ] ] I I I I IdJ

5 -. ~ . ~ ~, -
,~ ,
= \ !
8 • O T : - 1 2 e C (PRESENT STDDYJQ
b 4 --
-- • ~ Tu-4etJ (PRESENT STUDY)
Z -- • T :-2°G (PRESENT STUDY] &• ~ --
3 ,, . . 4 -- ~ T=-11eC (FREDERKqNG,TIMCO, 1984 a) • ~ - -
__ ~ T :-10eC (SINHA, 1983b)
**t* •
• ell o ] I I I I I I I L
~,~,~ • • ~
I-- •
0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50


0 I I I I L I I I

0 50 100 150 200 Fig. 14. Strength number versus the square root of the total
porosity for the present tests for E-type loading. Included on
this figure are the envelopes of data from previously pub-
Fig. 12. Strength number (On) versus brine volume (asterisks fished results expressed in terms of the strength number. The
- lower axis) and total porosity (circles - upper axis) for the number beside each box represents the number of data points
present tests. for each of these studies.

be a good correlation for all the test data with an for the two loading directions. That is, since an =
apparent linear dependence between On and X/UT. a(6a,r/6a) b and da,r = 1 MPas-1, these equations
The present approach, therefore, seems to provide a become
method of comparison of compressive behaviour of
o = 8.4( Oa)0.22 ( 1 - N/VT/3 20 ) ( 10 )
sea ice in terms of brine volume, air porosity and
loading rate. It is interesting to include in these for C-type, and
figures the results of previous tests which have been
o = 3 2.6(da) °'22 (1 - X/fiT/280 ) (11 )
made on columnar sea ice with different salinities and
densities. For the C-type loading, this includes the for E-type, where o is MPa, Oa is in MPas-1 such that
work of Sinha (1983a, 1984), and Frederking and 10-3 ~ Oa ~ 10° and PT is in parts per thousand.
Timco (1980, 1983, 1984a) as summarized in Table These expressions relate the uni-axial compressive
1. For these, if the functional dependence between strength of columnar sea ice for both horizontal and
the strength and stress rate was given, the strength vertical loading in terms of the total porosity of the
number was taken as the value at 1 MPas-1 using the ice and the average stress-rate for loading. These equa-
regression equation. If this relationship was not given, tions indicate that the ratio of the uni-axial compres-
the strength values were normalized to this stress rate sive strength for vertical and horizontal loading is 3.9
value using eqn. (5) and b = 0.22. The resulting com- independent of both the porosity of the ice and load-
presson strength number is plotted versus the square ing rate. Moreover, extrapolation of both equations
root of the total porosity based on the average salinity to high porosities indicates that the strength of the
and densities for the ice. It should be noted that for ice approaches zero for porosities above -~300%o.
the test series of Frederking and Timco (1980, Extrapolation of the equations to low porosities
1984a), the density of the ice was not measured. suggests that for Vtot = 0, O 8.4 (dra)°'22 and o =

Therefore, for these test series, the density was esti- 32.6(da) °'22 for C-type and E-type loading respective-
mated based on the time of the year and the physical ly. The former is in reasonable agreement with but
description of the ice. The test results for vertically- less than the strength measured on columnar fresh-
loaded (E-type) compressive strength are shown in water ice loaded horizontally at T = -10°C where ac
Fig. 14 with the additional test results from Sinha = 1 1.7 (Oa) °'3° (Sinha, 1981).
(1983b) and Frederking and Timco (1980, 1984a). In many instances, it is more useful to express the
Examination of these figures indicates that there is a uni-axial compressive strength in terms of strain rate
good correlation for all of the test series using this rather than stress rate. This can be done for both
approach. A linear regression analysis of the data, loading directions. For C-type loading, a comparison
with appropriate weighing according to the number of the rate-dependence for both nominal strain rate
of data points from each test series yields, for the C- (eqn. (2)) and average stress-rate (eqn. (4)) gives
type o = 8.9 @n) °'z6 = 1.9 (da) °'22 which, when substituted
On = 8.4 - 14.9 X~T (6) into eqn. (10)yields

and, for the E-type o = 39(gn) °'~ (1 - X/UT/320) (12)

On = 32.6 - 61.8 V~T (7) where o is in MPa, en is in s-a such that 10 -s ~< en ~<
10-3 and VT is in parts per thousand. For the E-type
These equations can be re-arranged as
loading, there was no rate dependence evident. In
On = 8.4(1 - vrffT/320) for C-type (8) comparing Figs. 8 and 9, it would seem that for each
individual test with E-type loading, a typical ratio of
On = 32.6(1 -~/VT/280) for E-type (9)
the loading stress-rate to strain-rate is of the order of
where v T is in parts per thousand in eqns. (8) and (9). 1 × 103 MPa. Thus for E-type loading, eqn. (11) be-
Use can be made of eq. (5) to re-express these comes
strength numbers (eqns. (8) and (9)) in terms of the
uni-axial compressive strength of columnar sea ice o = 150(~n) °'22 (1 - ~ ) (13)

where a is in MPa, en is in s-1 such that 10-s < ~n < figuration may be plotted as yield points in a two-
10-a and PT is in parts per thousand. These equations dimensional plane (the third principal stress is zero).
express the strength of the ice in terms of the nomi- These then define the failure envelope of the material.
nal strain rate and total porosity of the ice. Using the reference system of Fig. 5, the points on
It is known that because conventional test ma- the failure envelope are shown in Fig. 15a for the
chines are not significantly stiffer than the ice sample ax-ay plane (i.e. the plane of the ice cover) and in
under test, the applied strain rate is lower than the Fig. 15b for the Ox-Oz or ay-Oz plane (i.e. perpen-
nominal strain rate (Sinha and Frederking, 1979). dicular to the plane of the ice cover) for a nominal
Recently, Timco and Frederking (1984b) have pro- strain rate of 2 × 10-4 s-1 and a temperature of-2°C.
posed a simple model to account for this effect. They Included on the figure are stress paths which were fol-
found that the results of tests using conventional lowed by hand-tightening the confining plates after
machines were in good agreement with similar tests yield for one test each of B and D-type confinement.
performed on closed-loop machines at truly constant These stress paths follow the failure envelope for
strain rates if the results were interpreted in terms of these cases and illustrate the general shape of the
a sample strain rate (es). This is a function of the surface in the a x - a z or Oy-Oz plane. This figure
nominal strain rate, physical size and strain modulus also includes the results of some shear tests per-
of the ice, and stiffness of the test machine. For the formed on the same ice at the same time using the
uni-axial tests' in this series, es ~0.5 en and es ~0.6 experimental approach recently described by Freder-
en for C and E-type confinement respectively. This king and Timco (1984b). These give points on the
formulation can be used to convert these tests in failure envelope in each of the compression-tension
terms of sample strain rate. Thus eqns. (12) and (13) quadrants at the point where the two are equal. For
become this ice, the average value for the shear strength was
500 kPa at -2°C (Frederking and Timco, to be pub-
a = 47(+s) °'26 ( 1 - X/UT/320) (14)
lished). A general outline of the failure envelope
for C-type, and based on all of the available test data is indicated by
a = 168(~s) 0"22(1 - X/TT/280 ) (15) the heavy dashed lines for each of the Ox-Oy, ax-Oz
and a y - a z planes in Fig. 15. The differences in the
for E-type, where a is in MPa, es is in s-~ such that size and shape for each plane emphasizes the struc-
5 X 10-6 ~< es ~< 5 X 10-4, and vT is in parts per tural and mechanical anisotropy of the ice. When
thousand. These two equations ((14) and (15)) pro- combined, the parts of this figure indicate the general
vide a wealth of information. They relate the uni- shape and extent of the three-dimensional failure en-
axial compressive strength of columnar sea ice ex- velope of columnar sea ice at a nominal strain rate of
plicitly in terms of loading direction, loading strain 2 X 10-4 s-1 and a temperature of-2°C. The shape is
rate and total porosity in the ice, and implicitly in complex, but similar to an inverted, truncated cone
terms of ice salinity, temperature and density. This which is offset from the origin.
approach, therefore, ties together a large number of The results of the tests at different strain rates and
tests performed by different investigations over a temperatures can be used to predict the change in size
range of temperatures at several locations in the Cana- and shape of the envelope with these parameters. For
dian Arctic. example, Fig. 8 which shows the strain rate effect,
indicates that with a decrease in strain rate (at least
for the range investigated in the present test series)
THE FAILURE ENVELOPE OF THE ICE the position of the A-type strengths does not change,
but the C-type decreases and thus moves in along the
Having established the yield stress and confining ax and Oy axes. This results in a more "pointed"
stresses for the ice with different confinement condi- shape of the envelope in the ax-Oy plane. In a similar
tions for varoius loading rates, temperatures and ice manner, decreasing strain rate will result in a more
porosities, it is possible to delineate the failure en- slender envelope in the Ox-O z and Oy-O z planes.
velope of the ice. Both loads for any loading con- With regard to temperature effects, the present tests

(a) o'-x (MPa) --]2 [b) Gx ORGy (MPa} _~ 2

-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 , ~ I '~ 2 -8 "6 -4 -2 ..¢~ -r~ 2

I I , I I I ,/ "~-_~¢ I I I I I I I I ~ s'~ I
VON MISES ~ , " ~ " HAND TIGHTENING ["" I 11 ;
EQUATION (26) { / ~ A -2 OF DONE'N'NGPLA'ES f I 1
EQU:T:;PE(21 )- % . - J"= --~ "'J~ ""] - 4(M;ya) FORDT PE t ;
\ I -6 !
~ 6


- 1 ~ 1 0 EQUATION [22) --I 10

T- 2"C - J T- 2°C J

Fig. 15. Test results showing points on the failure envelope for columnar sea ice in the (a) x - y plane and (b) x - z o r y - z plane
at i n = 2 X 10-4 s-1 and T = -2°C. The solid light line represents the fit of the data to an n-type yield function. The dotted line
represents a fit of a yon Mises criterion to the A-type data in 15(a). The heavy dashed line is a modified n-type function which
gives a good representation of the total failure envelope.

and some previous work on the confined compressive substantially larger at the lower temperature. More-
strength of columnar sea ice can be used to predict over, a comparison of the failure envelope for colum-
the failure envelope at lower temperatures. For exam- nar ice to that for granular/discontinuous columnar
ple, at -10°C, Timco and Frederking (1983) found sea ice illustrates that significantly higher stresses can
that the A-type confined strength is ~ 4 times higher be sustained by columnar ice before it will fail. This
than the unconfined (C-type) strength at the same has important implications with regard to the loads
nominal strain rate. This is in good agreement with which an ice sheet can exert on an icebreaker or an
the present data at the higher ice temperature. Also, Arctic structure. It clearly emphasizes the need to
the C and E-type strengths have been measured and take into account both the uni-axial compressive
these provide points on the failure envelope. For a strength and the grain structure of the ice in evaluat-
nominal strain rate o f 2 X 10 -4 s-1 and a test tempera- ing the results of icebreaker trials, or in estimating the
ture of -10°C, the strength of the ice is ~9.5 MPa, loads that an ice sheet can exert on a structure.
2.5 MPa and 10.5 MPa for A, C and E-type respective-
ly. The results of shear tests on columnar sea ice at
this temperature give values of 625 kPa for shear in APPLICATION OF RESULTS
the Ox-Oz or a y - O z plane, and 750 kPa for shear in
the Ox-Oy plane (Frederking and Timco, to be pub- The results o f these confined compression tests
lished). Assuming that the ratio of the applied to con- provide information on the mechanical behaviour of
fining loads for A-type tests is independent of tem- sea ice which can be used in various analytical ap-
perature, the failure envelope for ice at T = -10°C proaches to predict ice loads on structures. For their
and en = 2 X 10 -4 s-1 can be predicted as shown in use, appropriate representations of the mechanical
Fig. 16. Included on this figure is the outline of the properties are necessary. These are usually presented
failure envelope for granular/discontinuous-columnar in terms of either a mathematical description of the
ice at the same temperature and loading rate (Timco failure envelope or the constitutive relationship o f the
and Frederking, 1984a). Comparing Figs. 15 and 16, ice. The present tests can be used to evaluate the
it is clear that although the overall shape of the types o f yield functions which are most suitable for
failure envelope is the same for columnar ice, it is describing ice strengths and to determine the appro-

COLUMNAR / ---6 - -6
\ I I
\ 4 - I
\ I’
4’ - -8 ,’ ’ I - -8
/ j\ iI
. / \ - /
- -IO (EOUATION [28)) \ -/-10
(EOUATION c281) T=-10°C \ ,’ T=-1O’C

Fig. 16. Outline of the failure envelope based on the present and previous tests on columnar sea ice at in = 2 X 10V4s-’ and T =
-10°C. The solid line represent the extent of the failure envelope for granular/discontinuous-columnar sea ice at the same tem-
perature and strain rate.

priate values of the yield function coefficients. In whereas for f = 0, the material is at yield (i.e. in the
addition, the tests can be used to provide information plastic state). For columnar ice which has transverse
on the constitutive relationships for ice. The general isotropy (i.e. isotropic in the plane of the ice cover),
procedure for using the present test results for the Ralston (1978) has shown that a function of the fol-
former is briefly outlined below. For the latter appli- lowing form can be used to describe the failure
cation, the reader is referred to the review article by envelope in terms of the normal stresses (a) and shear
Sanderson (1984). stresses (7)
Several different formulations have been used to
f(@ =a&, - ozY + (0, - o_#l +as(fJ,- (JyY
mathematically describe the failure envelope for ice
+ a.&$ + Qx2)+agg2 +c.77(ux + uy)
including the von Mises (Michel and Toussaint, 1977)
+agcJ,- 1 (17)
Tresca (Croasdale et al., 1977), n-type (Reinicke and
Ralston, 1977; Ralston, 1978)andmodified Drucker- where a6 = 2(ar t 2~~). The values of the coefficients
Prager (Karr and Das, 1983a, 1983b). Of all of these 6, as, Q, u, and a9 can be determined from the
methods, only the n-type yield function can represent present test results. To represent the failure envelope
the anisotropic nature of the ice. An accurate descrip- in the 2-dimensional uX-uY plane, u, = 0 and eqn.
tion of the failure envelope is important since several (17) issimplified to
problems in ice mechanics can be treated analytically
f(o) = fz1 by2 + ux2] + a3(u, - uy)” + a&g
using plasticity theory if the failure envelope for the
+a7(u, + uy)- 1 (18)
ice is known. Typical examples include the determi-
nation of the ice forces on a flat indentor (Ralston, where it is assumed that rXz = 7vz = 0. In a similar
1978; Reinicke, 1980) or on a conical structure manner, for either the ~,-a, or uY-uz plane, eqn.
(Ralston, 1980). (17) reduces to
In brief, yield functions for elastic-perfectly plastic
f(o) = GJz2 + (a, - ax)“] + aa ox2 + a&*
materials are usually presented in the form
+ a7ux + a9uz - 1 (19)
flati) = 0 (16) and

where f(u~) is some algebraic combination of stress f(0) = ar [uz2 + (uy - uz)2] + aau/ + a4TyZz
components ad. For f<O, the stress state is elastic + a7uy t ago, - 1 (20)

respectively. Using the approach outlined by Ralston present case. From Fig. 15, it is evident that the n-
(1978) and Timco and Frederking (1984a), the values type function gives a good representation of the en-
of the coefficients can be determined. For the O x - velope in the region where the stresses are equal to or
0.y plane, the tests results for the A-type, C-type and less than the A-type strength of the ice. Thus, the
shear tests are substituted into eqn. (18). Similarly failure criterion could be expressed as a modified n-
for the 0.x-0.z and Oy-0. z planes, the results of the type function by combining the n-type failure crite-
E-type and shear tests are substituted into either eqn. rion with another type of failure criterion which
(19) or (20). This gives five equations for the five un- would limit the envelope in the compression-com-
known coefficients. Solving the equations to fit ellip- pression quadrant. To do this, for example, a yon
tical functions yields a~ = 0.1 MPa -2, aa = 1.0 MPa -2, Mises criterion can be used. The generalized yon Mises
a4 = 4.0 MPa -2, a7 = 0.9 MPa-1 and a9 = 1.2 MPa-1. criterion can be expressed as
Substituting these values into eqns. (17) gives the
( 0 x - Oy) 2 + (Oy - Oz) 2 + (O z - Ox) 2 = 6 K 2 (24)
description of the failure envelope in terms of an n-
type yield function. With these coefficients, eqns. where K is a strength parameter constant (Paul,
( 1 8 ) - ( 2 0 ) become 1968). This approach implies that the yield behaviour
can be approximated by assuming that the ice failure
f ( 0.) = O.l(0.x 2 + 0.y2) + ( 0.x - 0.y)2
is influenced by both the normal and shear stresses
+ 0.9 (0.x + Oy) - 1 = 0 (21) under low hydrostatic pressure, but only by the shear
stresses above a critical level of hydrostatic stress. In
f ( 0 . ) = O.l O"z2 + O.I(0.Z -- 0.x) 2 + Ox 2 + 0.9 0.x
order to obtain a continuous function for the failure
+ 1.2 0 . z - 1 = 0 (22) surface, it is necessary that an appropriate value of K
be chosen. This can be done for the plane of the ice
f ( o ) = 0.10z 2 + O.l(oz - Oy) 2 + 0.y2 + 0.9 o3,
cover where Oz = 0 and eqn. (24) becomes
+ 1.2 0.z - 1 = 0 (23)
( 0 x -- Oy) 2 + (IX 2 + Oy 2 = 6 K 2 (25)
for the 0.x-0.y, 0.x-0.z and 0.y-0.z planes respectively.
These curves are shown assuming r = 0 as the light K can be determined by substituting into this equa-
solid lines in Fig. 15 along with the test data used to tion the appropriate values for the applied and con-
determine the coefficients. In examining the shape of fining stresses for the A-type failure for the ice. From
the failure envelope for the columnar sea ice as de- Fig. 15, these would be -5.5 MPa and -3.0 MPa
rived using this approach, it would seem that al- respectively. Thus, from eqn. (25), K = 2.8 MPa and
though the fit is reasonable for the 0.x-0.z and 0.y- eqn. (25) becomes
az planes, the derived function does not adequately
( 0 x -- Oy) 2 + (Ix 2 + 0.y2-- 4 5 . 6 = 0 (26)
describe the shape of the failure envelope in the
0.x-0.y plane. This occurs because the general shape This curve is shown in fig. 15 as the thin dotted line.
of the envelope is not elliptical in this plane. Because The failure envelope in the Ox-Oy plane for warm
of this, using this curve fitting procedure to fit the (T = -2°C) columnar sea ice at en = 2 X 10 -4 s-1 can
test data to an elliptical shape produces a poor fit. be represented as
Clearly, the ellipse described by eqn. (21) extends
fl = 0.1(Ox 2 + Oy2) + ( Ox - Oy ) 2 + 0.9(Ox + Oy ) - 1
much too far into the compression-compression
for ox + Oy >/7
quadrant. As such, it appears that although an n-type
yield function is a suitable description of the failure
f2 = (ox - Oy) 2 + Ox 2 + Oy2 _ 45.6
envelope for granular/discontinuous columnar ice
for Ox + oy < 3' (27)
(Timco and Frederking, 1984a), it does not adequate-
ly represent the failure envelope for columnar ice. where 3' is the sum of the applied and confining load
Recently, Karr and Das (1983a, 1983b) have sug- for A-type compression (= -8.5 MPa in this case).
gested that a more accurate description of the failure This expression which represents the case of plane
envelope for ice may be obtained by combining two stress is shown in Fig. 15a as the heavy dashed line.
different yield functions. This can be done in the This modified n-type function appears to be a reason-

able representation of the failure envelope for plane (7) The three-dimensional yield surface for colum-
stress conditions. In a similar manner, the full failure nar ice changes both size and shape with changes in
envelope for colder (T = -10°C) columnar sea ice can loading rate.
be determined as (8) With changes in temperature, the failure en-
velope remains similar in shape, but becomes appreci-
fl = 0.04 [(Oy - Oz) 2 + (Oz - Ox) 21 + 0.43(0x - Oy)2
ably larger as the temperature decreases.
+ 2.52(ryz 2 + rxz:) + 1.78rxy 2 + 0.78(o x + ay)
(9) The results of confined compression tests can
+ 0.74Oz - 1 for Ox + Oy >1 3"
be used to evaluate the general applicability of vari-
f2 = (Ox - Oy) 2 + Ox 2 + Oy 2 - 136
ous formulations describing the failure envelope of
the ice. Moreover, the results can be used to evaluate
for Ox + o3, < 3' (28)
the coefficients which give the best description of the
where 3' = -14.7 MPa in this case. This is shown in yield surface.
Fig. 16. (10) The results of the present tests have been
analyzed and fit to a modified n-type yield function
CONCLUSIONS for temperatures of - 2 and -10°C at en = 2 X 10r4
s -1. These expressions, together with an appropriate
The results of the present tests indicate the general representation of the rheological behaviour of the ice
behaviour and strength of columnar sea ice under should provide a solid basis for the use of plasticity
confined conditions. The test results indicate: theory to analyze various problems in ice mechanics
(1) Confinement conditions do not appreciably and Arctic engineering.
affect the strength of the ice if the confinement is of
either B or D-type. For A-type confinement, how-
ever, the stress level in the ice can be over four times ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
higher than the strength of the ice with no confine-
ment. The authors would like to thank Joachim Schwarz
(2) A-type confinement on columnar sea ice pro- for the invitation to participate in these trials of the
duces strain-hardening with correspondingly longer "Polarstern". Appreciation is also extended to Tony
times to failure. Gow for the use of some of his equipment, and to
(3) The ratio of the confinement stress to applied Guenther Hackbarth for technical assistance. The
stress at yield for the test apparatus used is of the voyage was funded by the German Ministry for Re-
order of 58%, 10% and 4% for A-type, B-type and D- search and Technology. The Polarstern was provided
type confinement, respectively. for this mission of icebreaking research by the Alfred-
(4) Comparison of unconfined tests indicates that Wegener-lnstitute ffir Polarforschung. This paper is a
the strength of columnar ice loaded vertically is ap- contribution of the Divisions of Mechanical Engineer-
proximately four times higher than the strength of ing and Building Research, and it is published with
the ice loaded horizontally. the approval of the Directors of the Divisions.
(5) A "strength number" has been introduced
which ties together the results of the present tests and
a number of previous tests for uni-axial loading. This REFERENCES
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