The Failure of Fresh-Water Granular ICE Under Multiaxial Compressive Loading

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Acra metall. mater. Vol. 43, No. 6, pp.

2303-2315, 1995
Copyright 0 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
0956-7151(94)00421-8 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0956-7151/95 $9.50+0.00


Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755, U.S.A.

(Received 18 March 1994; in revised form 20 September 1994)

Abstract-The failure of fresh-water granular ice under multiaxial compressive loading was investigated
at - 10, -20 and -40°C at 10 -3 s-‘, using a true multiaxial servo-hydraulic testing system. The tests
were carried out on cubic samples proportionately loaded under different confinement ratios
R = a,/~, = ~~/a,. Two regimes were revealed at all three temperatures. Under lower confinement the
failure stress, cr,(, increases sharply with R, whereas at higher confinement ollf is roughly constant. Both
brittle and pseudo-ductile behavior were observed under lower confinement. depending upon the confining
stress and the temperature, while the behavior was brittle under higher confinement. An analysis of the
brittle to pseudo-ductile transition within the lower confinement regime was performed in terms of the
frictional crack sliding/wing-crack mechanism. The high-confinement regime is characterized by intense
intergranular damage. The final failure, however, is caused not by the linking of the uniformly distributed
microcracking, but by damage localized at the ice/platen interface. The saturation in the failure stress with
increasing confinement is attributed to a mechanism specific to the boundary conditions and not to the
ice per se.

1. INTRODUCTION stress with increasing temperature, increasing strain

rate and increasing grain size [20] as well as for the
The compressive failure of brittle materials under increase in the failure stress with increasing confining
moderate confinement is generally characterized by a stress [14]. Frictional sliding/wing cracking has been
failure stress which increases sharply with increasing shown to account also for the transition from brittle
confinement and by a macroscopic failure mode to ductile behavior, which occurs upon lowering the
which changes from axial splitting to shear faulting as strain rate, by incorporating crack-tip creep [20,23].
the confining stress increases. Rock, for instance, Under high confining pressures the growth and
illustrates these effects (see, e.g. [l, 21). Such behavior interaction of cracks is suppressed, although crack
is usually described as Coulombic in character, owing nucleation may continue. The failure process thus
to the expansion of the failure surface with increasing changes, either to cataclastic flow (i.e. pseudo-ductile
hydrostatic stress, and is interpreted in terms of the deformation) characterized by uniformly distributed
nucleation, growth and interaction of cracks (see, e.g. microcracking or to true plastic flow based upon
[3-71). Frictional sliding across the faces ‘of cracks dislocation mechanics [6,7]. Both mechanisms have
inclined to the direction of greatest compression and been identified in rocks and minerals. In ice, however,
the attendant formation of crack extensions or wings they have only begun to be explored.
along this direction are important elements in several This paper is a contribution to this development. It
models [7-l l] and account for the failure modes and considers the effect of a confining stress on brittle
for the dependence of the failure stress on the hydro- compressive failure of ice Ih and addresses the tran-
static component of the stress tensor. sition from one kind of deformation to another as the
Ice exhibits similar characteristics. When rapidly confining stress increases.
compressed, it fails in a brittle manner under an axial
stress which increases sharply with increasing 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
confinement [ 12-151. Cracks nucleate continuously
during loading [ 16-181 and then grow and link up to 2.1. Specimen preparation
form either a macroscopic split (unconfined loading) Test specimens of fresh-water ice with equiaxed,
or a fault (moderately confined loading). Wing crack- randomly oriented grains (so-called granular ice)
ing has been clearly documented [19-221, and has were prepared in the Ice Research Laboratory of
been shown to account for the decrease in the failure Thayer School of Engineering. The ice was made
from presieved seeds and distilled, deionized and
tNow at Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Gtophysique de
I’Environnement (Grenoble), BP96, Saint-Martin
degassed water, using a variation on the method
d’Heres, Cedex, France. described by Cole [24]. An aluminium rectangular
fTo whom all correspondence should be addressed. mold was filled with fragments of one size of ice in


detail by Gies [26]. The platens were designed to be

longitudinally stiff and transversely compliant and,
therefore, to exert little constraint on the ice at the
interface. Gerstle et al. [27] used similar kinds of
platens for triaxial compressive tests of concrete and
Haiisler [28] used them on ice. To measure displace-
ments, three pairs of MTS displacement gauges were
mounted diagonally across opposing sets of bristles.
The testing system is installed within a cold-room
which can reach below -40°C and hold the tempera-
ture to within f0.2”C. Experiments were carried out
at - 10, -20 and -40°C.
Testing conditions
The loading was performed under displacement
I. (T2=03=bI
control which was calculated to impart a strain-rate
2. a3=0 ; o2=Ra1
of lO-3 SK’ (unless otherwise noted) along the direc-
3. CY~=(TI ; oj=Ro~=Raz
tion of highest load; the loads giving Q*and o3 were
Fig. 1. Schematic sketch of the multiaxial testing system. To
slaved to the load giving u, . In the following discus-
avoid collision of the brush platens during testing, the cube
was slightly larger than the length of the platens. The sion, the principal stresses 6,) o2 and u3 are taken to
applied stress ratios are noted. be positive and cr,, to be the largest (compressive)
stress. The failure stress, crlfwas defined as the highest
stress registered during the test. Most of the tests were
order to control the grain size, and then evacuated at
carried out with a degree of confinement, R, main-
0°C over 3 h. Afterwards, the water was passed slowly
tained constant throughout the test and defined as
through the mold and the ice-water mixture was
frozen radially inward using cooling plates at - 5°C 02=03=Rc,. (1)
attached to the sides of the mold. Air bubbles,
generally concentrated along grain boundaries, could Some experiments were also performed with o2 # o3
not be avoided. However, the porosity was low in order to specify the role of the intermediate
(<0.2%), as evidenced from measured densities at principal stress; biaxial loading with o3 = 0 is a
- 10°C [25] between 917.0 and 918.2 kg/m3 compared particular case and was also investigated.
with a theoretical density of 918.7 kg/m3 at this For reasons which will become apparent, ad-
temperature. Using a milling machine situated in a ditional tests, interrupted before final failure, were
cold room at - lO”C, the ingots were machined into carried out to follow step-by-step the failure process
cubes 155 mm on edges (fO.l mm); the faces were under high confinement. Table 1 summarizes the
orthogonal to within 4.5 x 10e4 radians. The grain loading histories. As discussed by Couture and Schul-
size, d, as measured using the method of linear son [29], an important point of procedure is the
intercepts, was 7 mm, unless otherwise noted. unloading rate: if too high, cracks nucleate while the
load drops. To avoid this complication, the ice was
2.2. Experiments slowly unloaded at a strain rate of 10-6s-1.
Experiments were performed using a true multiax-
ial MTS testing system (MATS) equipped with a 2.3. Observation of damage
multi-channel data acquisition system. MATS is a Examinations were made of all the specimens and
servo-hydraulic testing system comprised of three, of thin (N 1 mm) sections prepared from the speci-
mutually perpendicular pairs of opposing actuators mens to determine the modes of failure and to
(Fig. 1). In the present work the loads were transmit- characterize internal microcracking. The thin sections
ted through brush-type brass platens described in were obtained from the bulk of the specimens and

Table 1. Interrupted tests. General conditions: T = -40°C; d = 7 mm; hydrostatic loading (0, = oz = 0,)
Strain-rate Strain-rate Maximum Damage
(loading) (unloading) stress Internal Large along Surface
Test No. (s-l) (SKI) (MPa) crackina? faultine? edges? damage?
Sudden 29 Yes, Yes Yes Yes
(failure) dense
10-l 20 Yes, No Yes Yes,
dense few
10-e 1.7 No No Yes, No
10-e 11.5 Yes No Yes No
10-G 14 Yes, No Yes No
10-l 28 Yes Yes Yes Yes
10-e 25 Yes, No Yes Yes

were made and examined within 48 h after testing.

The time allowed the cracked ice to slowly warm from
-40 to - 10°C (at which temperature it was sec-
tioned and examined) but not to heal.

3.1. Brittle-ductile transition
Three kinds of deformation behavior were ob-
served, depending upon temperature and confine-
ment. At - 10 and -20°C under very low

confinement the ice was macroscopically brittle: the
load-time strain curve was nearly linear and was
terminated by a sudden drop in load when the ice
collapsed through either axial splitting (R = 0) or
shear faulting (R > 0). As R increased, the ice became E3
40 ’ \o
8\80000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

macroscopically ductile: the load-time curve revealed d=lmm

hardening and softening stages, and the material did
not collapse. Instead, homogeneous and intense dam-
age developed (see Section 3.3.1. for more details).
Under still higher confinement, the behavior was Confinement R
again macroscopically brittle. However, upon exam- Fig. 2. Macroscopic behavior of fresh-water granular ice in
ining the specimens after testing, it was clear that this step with temperature and confinement ratio (g = 10e3 SK’;
brittle regime, denoted B,, was different from the d = 7 mm). The branch AB of the full curve represents the
low-confinement brittle regime (denoted B,) de- B,/D transition, the branch CD the D/B, transition. The
scribed above. Under the higher confinement, the dashed curve A’B’ represents the evolution of the B,/D
transition for smalle; grain-sizes (d x I mm). The &a
edges and the faces of the samples were crushed, a plotted at T = -42°C were actually obtained at -40°C
feature not seen under lower confinement (see Section from more finely grained (d x 1 mm) ice. Solid symbols:
3.3.2 for more details). Figure 2 summarizes this brittle behavior B, Open symbols: ductile behavior. Pointed
behavior on a temperature-confinement (T-R) dia- symbols: transitional behavior. Shaded symbols: brittle
behavior B,.
gram on which the two successive transitions, brittle-
to-ductile (B, /D) and ductile-brittle (D/B,) are
represented by branches AB and CD, respectively. At reported by Rist and Murrel [15] for finely grained
-40°C the ice was brittle under all confinements, (d = 1.7 mm) fresh-water ice at -40°C confined in a
although a transition from the B, mode to the B, pressure cell. In the latter case the B,/D transition
mode (as evident from the onset of surface damage) occurred at R x 0.1, in good agreement with the
was observed at R = 0.15. present observations for d x 1 mm. The second duc-
The transitions are affected by the grain size in a tile-to-brittle transition (D/B,), however, was not
manner similar to that reported by Batto and Schul- observed by Rist and Murrel, even though they
son [23]. They studied the brittle-to-ductile transition applied larger confining pressures (up to 46 MPa)
in anisotropic fresh-water columnar ice under uniax- than applied here (up to 30 MPa). This difference
ial compression across the columns, and found that suggests that the D/B, transition is related to the
the transition strain-rate increases with decreasing different method of confining the ice (solid vs fluid)
grain size, thereby increasing the domain over which and, thus, to the boundary conditions.
the ice is ductile. Similarly, in the present case branch Nickolayev and Schulson [30] also observed two
AB on the T-R plot shifts to the left upon decreasing successive transitions, B/D and D/B, in anisotropic
grain size, again increasing the ductile domain. This columnar, saline ice biaxially loaded across the
point was evident from experiments at -40°C on columns at - 10°C at 1 to 3 x 10e3 SK’. In that case,
samples of different grain sizes, ranging from 1 to however, the second (D/B) transition is related not to
7 mm. For the most finely grained (d x 1 mm) ice the the boundary conditions, but to a change from
B, /D transition occurred at R x 0.1, Fig. 2. Upon cracking along the columnar grains to cracking
increasing the confinement to R = 0.5, the most finely across the columns.
grained ice was once again brittle (B2). The dashed
line on Fig. 2 indicates the expected evolution of the 3.2. Failure stress
ductile domain with decreasing grain size, although 3.2.1. The effect of confinement. Figure 3 shows the
more data are needed to specify the evolution more largest principal stresses at failure, o,~, under a
precisely. symmetric confining stress, q = Q~. Two regimes are
The first transition, B,/D, is similar to that ob- apparent. At lower confinement (R <R,,), which
served in many rocks upon increasing the confining includes both the first brittle and the ductile regimes
pressure (see, e.g. [2]). It is similar also to that recently at the higher temperatures, blf increases sharply with

AM 43/C-L




IL 10

0 I 3 I

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Confinement: R

35 35, I
Lb) I

0 0




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Confinement: R Confinement: R

Fig. 3. Failure stress vs confining ratio. The curve shows the comparison between experimental results
and model predictions [equation (3)]. Solid symbols: brittle behavior B, . Open symbols: ductile behavior.
Pointed symbols: transitional behavior. Shaded symbols: brittle behavior B,. (a) At T = - 10°C; (b) at
T = -20°C; and (c) at T = -40°C.

increasing R,whereas at higher confinement (R > R,)

oIris essentially constant (uir= uc). These two
Table 2. Experimental values of o,, m, and R, at different tempera-
tures. Comparison between experimental threshold confinement, Ro,
regimes characterize the behavior at all three tem-
and calculated values, R,, from equation (4) peratures. The saturation stress, cc, and the sensi-
Temperature tivity of the failure stress to confinement, m, under
lower confinement increase with decreasing tempera-
Parameters -10°C - 20°C -40°C
ture, whereas the critical ratio, &, decreases, Table
s(MW 21 25 29
2. The transition from the lower to the higher confine-
m(MPa) 65 80 140
&I 0.3 0.25 0.15 ment regime corresponds to the onset of surface
Z 1.89 1.65 0.91 damage, implying that the transition corresponds to
R,. 0.33 0.29 0.14
the transition to the second brittle (B2) failure mode



25 8
e! 15
T IL" T=-W'C;;40-3 s-1

? ?
10 0 R=O

m R=O.M

n A Ra.1


01 : ~ I ) I / ~ I : 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Confinement: R
Fig. 4. Failure stress vs confining ratio at -40°C for tests d(-l/2) (mm-W)
with cr2# (r3. Comparison with g2 = rr) test data (solid and Fig. 5. Failure stress vs (grain-size))“* for different confi-
shaded squares) from Fig. 3(c). For biaxial tests, R corre- ning ratios at -40°C. Again the solid and open symbols,
sponds to U&T, (oj = 0). For o2 = 6, tests, R corresponds to respectively, denote brittle and ductile behavior: the solid
symbols denote B, and the shaded, B,.

from either the ductile mode (D/B, at - 10 and principal stress, accounting for the absence of a
-20°C d = 7 mm) or the first brittle mode (B,/B, at significant effect of the intermediate principal stress
-40°C d = 7 mm), i.e. either R0 = RDIB2 or 02.
& = &, /B> . 3.2.3. The &Sect of grain size. Experiments at
3.2.2. The role of the intermediate principal stress. - 40°C on samples whose grain sizes ranged between
The intermediate principal stress, cr2, appears to have 1 and 7 mm showed that in both the low- and
no significant effect on the compressive strength in high-confinement regimes elf increased with decreas-
either the low- or high-confinement regime. This ing grain size. Although scattered, the data with one
point was evident from experiments at -40°C under exception can be reasonably well described in terms
triaxial (fr2 = 0, ; o3 = Ra, ) and under biaxial of de”* Fig. 5, and thus by the relationship used
(or = Ra, ; u3 = 0) loading, Fig. 4. Within the scatter [20]t to describe the dependence of the uniaxial brittle
in the data, ~,t for this triaxial stress state is the same compressive strength on grain size, viz.
as that for the triaxial stress state a2 = cr3= Ra,; and
o,l=a,+kd-“2 (2)
~,r for the biaxial stress state is essentially indepen-
dent of R and is about equal to the uniaxial failure where oD and k are constants, Table 3. The exception
stress. That o2 appears not to affect olr is reminiscent to this dependence are the data obtained under very
of the behavior of fresh-water columnar ice [22] low confinement (R = 0.05): these are too scattered to
biaxially loaded across (major stress) and along allow any good description. Under zero confinement
(minor stress) the columns. As will become apparent, and possibly under very low confinement (R = 0.05)
the triaxial compressive failure of granular ice with B,, = 0, while under higher confinement (R = 0.1 and
randomly oriented grains under low confinement is 0.5) o0 # 0 and increases as R increases. This differ-
similar to that of the columnar ice loaded and ence again suggests the operation of one kind of
moderately confined, as noted. In both cases the failure mechanism under lower confinement (B,, = 0
failure is controlled by the growth of cracks along when R < R,) and another kind under higher
planes perpendicular to the direction of the smallest confinement (a, > 0 when R > R,,), in keeping with
the two brittle failure modes already noted.

tit should be noted that Schulson [20] reported a value for Table 3. Values for the parameters in
k at -30°C at IOF SK’ which is about 30% higher than equation (2), obtained at -4o’C at
that noted above at -40°C under zero confinement. The 10m’s-’
difference probably reflects the use of bonded platens in
the earlier experiments and the attendant development
of radial confinement during loading, for, as suggested 0 0.57 0
0.1 0.44 19
[20] and now confirmed in the present tests, on, is very
0.5 0.47 21
sensitive to small degrees of confinement.

3.2.4. Comparisons. Returning to the effect of at - 1 1 + I°C at 10-3s - l ) and Fig. 6(b) shows Rist
confinement on the failure stress, it is instructive to and Murrel's data (obtained at - 2 0 ° C at 10 -3 s-l).
compare the present observations with those of Jones Aside from slightly lower failure stresses at low
[12] and of Rist and Murrel [15] who both used a confinements, owing to the coarser grain size, the
pressure cell to study the compressive failure of present data are in reasonably good agreement with
fresh-water granular ice of fine grain size. For this those generated using the pressure cells. In both cases
purpose the differential stress at failure, (tr:-a3)r, is of the differential stress increases with increasing
interest. Thus, Fig. 6(a) shows Jones' data (obtained confinement, implying that frictional crack sliding is
an important factor. Under higher confinement, how-
ever, the differential failure stresses differ. Those
(a) measured in the cell remain constant with increasing
confinement, while those measured in the MATS
decrease. In other words, the highest stress at failure,
g~f, continues to rise with confinement when
A ×
15 X
measured in the cell, but saturates when measured in
II. A k .X the MATS. This is further evidence that under the
X higher confining stresses imposed by the platens the
X T= qO*C
failure is affected by the boundary conditions.
A ~ • A & This work

X ref. 12
That the differential stress at failure levels off when
measured in the pressure cell means that under high
confinement in the absence of a major influence of
boundary conditions a plastic process governs the
deformation of granular ice. Confinement per se thus
effects a transition to ductile behavior governed by
& dislocation mechanics, as noted by Rist and Murrel
A 3.3. Failure modes and internal cracking
0 i I q L I I i I 3.3. I. Low-confinement regime (R < Ro). Examin-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ations of thin-sections from specimens loaded either
Confinement: R uniaxially, biaxially or triaxially under low confine-
ment (R < R0) revealed transgranular microcracks
25 parallel to ¢rI . Occasionally these cracks appeared as
(b) out-of-plane extensions of a parent, intergranular
microcrack inclined at about 45 ° to a, (Fig. 7).
X ×
(Another example is given on Fig. 3 [14]). These
extensions, or wings, are significant because they
0 @
X¢) T= -20at
provide direct evidence of the occurrence of the
D. ®
0 @
frictional crack sliding/wing-crack mechanism (see
• 'This work
Section 4.1). That wings are not seen more frequently
rift. 15
means that they either form infrequently or, as
-I discussed by Cannon et al. [19] and by Schulson [20],
that it is difficult to capture the parent crack in a
thin-section from granular ice owing to the fact that
in this material, unlike columnar ice, the inclined
a cracks are restricted by the grain boundaries from
penetrating the aggregate.
The evolution of these microcracks depends on the
0 confinement and leads to different failure modes.
Under uniaxial compression [20], and under triaxial
loading at very small confinement (R = 0.02) the
I ' I J I ~ I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1 wings lengthen as tx, increases until they link up to
Confinement: R form axial shards or column-like faults parallel to ~,,
Fig. 6. Comparison between the differential failure stress Fig. 8(a). Under biaxial loading for all confinements,
obtained from the MATS (this work; d = 7mm; solid similar axial faults form, but as slabs along planes
symbols: brittle behavior Bt; open symbols: ductile behav- perpendicular to the direction of zero stress, Fig. 8(b).
ior; pointed symbols: intermediate behavior; shaded sym- In all cases the axial faults resulted from the propa-
bols: brittle behavior B2) and from a pressure cell device: (a)
comparison at - 10°C with the Jones [12] data (d ~ 1 mm; gation of few cracks through the specimen. Under
= 1.410 as-t) and (b) comparison at -20°C with the triaxial loading at slightly higher confinement
Rist and Murrel [15] data (d ~ 1.7 mm; ~ = 10-3 s-~). (R = 0.05), wing-crack growth is impeded so that

Fig. 7. Low-confinement regime. Thin section showing an

intergranular crack (S) and wing-cracks extensions (W)
(T = -40°C; R = 0.06).

large splits do not form. Instead, macroscopic shear

faults develop, Fig. 8(c), although the mechanical
behavior remained brittle. The shear faults are highly
damaged zones comprised of fine and powdery ice
granules (<< 1 mm), inclined by about 30” to the 0,
axis. A similar transition from axial splitting to shear
faulting is well known in rock mechanics (see, e.g.
Janach [31] for granite) and, as pointed out by Ashby
and Hallam [7] and by Horii and Nemat-Nasser [6],
can be accounted for by the linking up of an echelon
of microcracks.
Shear faulting was not observed above the B,/D
transition. Instead, the ice was extensively damaged
by uniform distribution of intergranular and trans-
granular microcracks generally shorter than the grain
size, Fig. 8(d). Damage of this kind, as suggested by
Ashby and Hallam [7j and by Horii and Nemat-
Nasser [6], can lead to cataclastic flow which is a kind
of pseudo-plastic deformation (more later).
3.3.2. High-con$nernent regime (R > R,). The
transition from the low-confinement to high-confine-
ment regimes, noted by R = R, on the a,,-R curves
(Fig. 3) or by the D/B, and D,/B, transition on the

Fig. 8. Low-confinement regime: (a) axial

splitting under uniaxial compression (T = -40°C). (b) Thin
section observation of axial faulting (biaxial loading,
T = -40°C; the s, axis is vertical). The arrows indicate
inchned sliding cracks. (c) Shear faulting (R = 0.05,
T = -20°C:showing the cube after testine). (d) Ductile
behavior: thin sectionshowing uniformly di&b&d micro-
cracking (R = 0.2, T = -20°C). Fig. 8. (a-d).


To summarize, the experiments have shown that

when granular fresh-water ice is triaxially compressed
at a relatively high strain rate between solid loading
platens, its strength initially rises rather quickly with
increasing confinement and then remains more or less
constant as the confinement increases further. In both
the low-confinement and the high-confinement
regimes, the largest principal stress at failure increases
with decreasing temperature and with decreasing
grain size, but is independent of the intermediate
principal stress.

4.1. Low-confinement regime (R CR,)

More specifically, under lower confinement the
compressive strength depends upon (grain size)-“2
and failure occurs in a brittle manner through axial
splitting under uniaxial and biaxial loading, through
shear faulting under moderate triaxial confinement
and, if the ice is warm enough, through cataclastic
flow under somewhat higher confinement. Also, the
deformation under low confinement is accompanied
by the formation of transgranular wing-cracks paral-
lel to the u, axis which are sometimes observed in
association with intergranular parent cracks inclined
at about 45” to the 6, axis. These features are
important because they suggested that the compres-
sive failure of granular ice under low triaxial confine-
ment may be controlled by the frictional crack-sliding
wing-crack mechanism as developed by Horii and
Nemat-Nasser [6] and by Ashby and Hallam [7].
The principal features of this model are the follow-
ing: owing to parent crack-face sliding under the
resolved shear stress induced by the remote stress
field, local tensile stresses develop at the tips of the
Fig. 9. High-confinement regime: (a) thin section showing inclined crack. When the mode I stress intensity
intergranular damage and large faulting (T = -40°C; factor, K,, associated with the local tension reaches
R = 0.5); and (b) edges and surfaces damage (T = -40°C; the fracture toughness of the material, K,C, wing
R = 1; showing the cube after testing).
extensions form and then lengthen in a macroscopi-
tally stable manner as further sliding occurs under an
T-R diagram (Fig. 2), is marked by new deformation increasing far-field stress. Sliding on the faces of the
features. At the scale of the grain size, transgranular closed parent-crack is a frictional process and, there-
crack extensions (i.e. wings) were not observed. In- fore, is confinement dependent. Under uniaxial and
stead, intergranular damage formed throughout the biaxial compression wing-crack growth along planes
whole volume of the material, Fig. 9(a) and, as parallel to Q, or parallel to c, and a2 is not restrained
already noted, localized crushing developed at the by the remote compressive stress. In these cases, final
ice/platen interfaces, Fig. 9(b). Final failure was failure occurs under essentially the same stress, o,r, by
accompanied by faulting [Fig. 9(a)], although the the propagation and interaction of a few axial cracks
plane of the fault appeared not to be related to any [see Fig. 8(a, b)]. Under triaxial loading, however, the
of the principal directions. far-field stress impedes wing-crack growth. In this
Interface crushing under high confinement was also case, larger values of Q, are required to lengthen the
reported by Gratz and Schulson [32] who used the wings, leading to shorter cracks, to greater crack
same multiaxial testing system to study columnar interaction (as manifested by shear faulting) and to
saline ice. In that case the phenomenon was observed greater strengths.
using both the brush platens and solid platens, and More quantitatively, Schulson et al. [14] proposed
the failure stress was the same for both kinds of a derivative of the Ashby-Hallam analysis to explain
platen. This implies that localized contact failure preliminary data on the brittle compressive failure of
beneath the bristles, should it occur, is not the cause granular ice under triaxial loading. Accordingly, by
of the failure. assuming that the parent crack is inclined by 45” to

Table 4. Values of different material parameters used in the frictional crack sliding/wing-
crack mechanism analysis, at different temperatures. Since p is a function of temperature
and sliding velocity, the appropriate value was obtained following Schulson [20]

Parameters -10°C - 20°C - 40°C Reference

Kc (MPaJm) 0.09 0.1 0.11 [391
P 0.5 0.55 0.75 t331
B (MPa~‘s~‘) 1.58 x IO-’ 4.12 x lo-* 1.98 x 10m9 1381

g’I and that the length of the parent crack equals the The above analysis is limited to the range
grain size, d, they showed that 0 < R < R,,c where &c is the confinement ratio at
which the net shear stress on the sliding crack is
22’3Z xK reduced to zero. From Schulson et al. [14] R,,, is
b1f = [(7cd)“2{(l - R)(l -5, - 2&}] given by

where p is the friction coefficient of ice on ice, Z a R =(1-P)

dimensionless parameter of order unity and the Oc (1 +P)’
confinement ratio, R, is as defined in equation (1). Threshold ratios calculated from this expression,
The relationship implies no influence of the inter- using measured values of p, are in fair agreement with
mediate principal stress, as observed (Fig. 4), but the experimental (&) data, Table 2. That the agree-
direct dependence of the low-confinement strength on ment on this point is as good as it reflects to some
(grain size)-“2, also in agreement with the obser- extent the fact that R,, represents an asymptotic limit
vations (Fig. 5). Equation (3) implies further that ulf of equation (3), where glf tends to infinity, Fig. 10.
increases with decreasing temperature, owing mainly The actual limit occurs for R slightly less than Rot,
to the increase in p [33], and that the strength is quite for it is at this slightly lower level of confinement that
sensitive to confinement, in qualitative agreement the high-confinement failure mechanism is activated.
with the observations. The model is also in fair
quantitative agreement on these two points, as shown 4.2. Brittle-ductile transition (B,/D)
in Fig. 3. [The theoretical curves in Fig. 3 were Consider next the brittle-ductile transition which
calculated using the separately measured values of occurs upon increasing the confinement while still
K,, and p listed in Table 4. Z,t listed in Table 2, was within the regime of low confinements (R < R,). As
obtained from the K,, and p values, from the grain already noted, the “ductility” may be primarily the
size and from setting equation (3) to the uniaxial result of cataclastic flow, not the result of extensive
failure strength at the three test temperatures.] Thus, plastic flow or creep deformation. As R increases and
the frictional sliding/wing-crack mechanism accounts the confinement further impedes the growth of
reasonably well for the observed behavior under low cracks, new cracks continue to nucleate, leading to a
confinement. level of uniformly distributed damage [Fig. 8(d)]
This model seems to account for the low-confine- sufficient to permit this kind of flow, as already noted.
ment failure stress whether the behavior is macro- One might then suppose that the B,/D transition
scopically brittle or ductile. This suggests that occurs when the confinement is high enough to
microcracking is the primary deformation mode, even prevent the wing-cracks from exceeding a critical
when the material shows macroscopic ductile behav- length, in which case the transition ratio, R,,,,,,
ior. In other words, the so-called “ductility” may not
really be plastic deformation. Instead, it may be
cataclastic flow. One point supporting this possibility
is the uniformly distributed microcracking (Section
3.3.1). The other point is the fact that the differential
“ductile” failure stress [open symbols, Fig. 3(a, b)]
appears not to be constant, as would be expected if
dislocation slip were dominant, but to increase as the
confining stress increases. The only caveat on the
latter point is the rather small number of measure-
ments and the possibility that the apparent trend in
the data is just scatter. i
Rot R
Fig. 10. Schematic graph of brittle compressive failure stress
?A value Z = 0.8 at -4O”C, similar to that listed in Table of granular ice vs confinement. Note the competition be-
2, was obtained by setting the constant, k, in equation tween a frictional mechanism (denoted 1) and a confinement
(2), to the coefficient of &“* in equation (3) for R = 0 independent mechanism (denoted 2). R, is the theoretical
and using again the measured values of K,= and p. stress ratio where frictional sliding is completely suppressed.

would be expected to be equal to a fraction of R,. observed. For d = 1 mm the predicted transition ratio
Consequently, RBlio would be expected to increase is 0.1, in agreement with experiment. It should also
with increasing temperature (see Table 2). However, be noted that at -20°C and d = 7 mm, the predicted
the opposite effect is observed: RB,,D decreases with ratio is larger than the experimental ratio (Table 5)
increasing temperature (see Fig. 2). Thus, it would reflecting perhaps uncertainties in p, B and K,,-, and
not be correct to simply apply the model presented hence in the calculation, as well as imprecision in
above, which is essentially an elastic model, to de- specifying the transition point from the data.
scribe the B,/D transition, even though the model That this model seems to work should not be taken
describes the B,/B2 and the D/B2 transitions which as proof that it is correct. Like its predecessor [20], it
occur around R = &. Something else must be contains a number of assumptions not all of which
added. are justified. For instance, the transition criterion [see
The new element is creep deformation localized at Appendix, equation (Al)] was chosen somewhat arbi-
the tips of the cracks. This process relaxes the local- trarily and the physical significance of f remains
ized tensile stresses and, thus, like the far-field confi- partly obscure. Also, in applying the model of Riedel
ning stress, helps to impede wing-crack growth. A and Rice [34] to calculate the creep zone size, it was
first model in which localized creep competes with assumed that crack interactions are not important.
crack growth was proposed by Schulson [20] to Moreover, only secondary creep is invoked in calcu-
describe the ductile-brittle transition which occurs lating the creep zone [see Appendix, equation (A2)].
under uniaxial compression as the strain rate in- Nevertheless, the model is simple enough to be useful
creases. A modification of this model for triaxial and to provide at least an estimate of the transition
compression is given in the Appendix. Accordingly, ratio.
the transition ratio, R,,,,, may be expressed by the
relationship 4.3. High-confidence regime (R > R,)
Consider now the high-confinement regime where
the compressive strength is roughly independent of
confinement, where cracking within the bulk of the
R B,/D = (5)
ice, even under hydrostatic loading, occurs intergran-
ularly without wing extensions, and where intensive
where B is a constant in the power law for the damage on the faces of the samples precedes collapse
secondary creep rate, ic = Bu”, and f is the ratio of of the ice.
the radius, rC, of the creep zone (see Appendix) to the Some of these characteristics are surprising. For
half-length, a, of the sliding crack. instance, cracks theoretically can not nucleate in an
This relationship predicts that RBI,Ddecreases with isotropic body loaded under hydrostatic pressure, yet
decreasing grain size, in qualitative agreement with they form here, suggesting that the elastic anisotropy
the observations at -40°C (Section 3.1). Its depen- on the scale of the grains is an important factor. Also,
dence on temperature is less direct because K,, , p and a maximum on the stress-strain curve registered
B all depend upon temperature. However, for the under hydrostatic loading is rather unusual, yet one
measured values of those parameters listed in Table is observed here. In this instance internal collapse, as
4, and using f = 3 x 10m4 [obtained by setting described by Wong et al. [35] for porous (8-20%)
equation (5) equal to the observed value of sandstone, is an unlikely explanation because the
R B,,D= 0.05 at - 10°C for d = 7 mm] the predicted porosity of the ice was below 0.2%. But even if
and measured changes in the transition ratio with internal collapse did occur, under strain-controlled
decreasing temperature are in fair agreement, Table deformation the stress should have increased after the
5. Thus, by including crack tip creep as well as collapse and risen beyond the former “peak stress”,
confinement, the wing-crack mechanism appears to and this was not observed. To what extent these
account for the increase in the transition ratio R,,,, characteristics are related to true mechanisms and to
with decreasing temperature. the microstructure of the material, and to what extent
It should be noted (from Table 5) that at -40°C they are related to the boundary conditions are the
and d > 1 mm R,,,, is calculated to be larger than issues now to be considered. It was to this end that
R, implying that the high-confinement regime is the interrupted tests under hydrostatic loading at
expected to occur before the B,/D transition, as -40°C were carried out, see Table 1.

Table 5. Comparison of experimental and calculated [from equation (5)] values of the
brittltiuctile transition confinement ratio, R..,,,
Experimental conditions

-10°C - 20°C - 40°C -40°C

Parameters (d=7mm) (d=7mm) (d=7mm) (d= 1 mm)
Experiment 0.05 0.1 Always brittle 0.1
Model 0.05 0.2 R 0,/D % 0.1
*always brittle

The tests showed that under high-rate loading

(i = lO-3 s-‘) internal, intergranular cracks form
within the bulk of the material rather early in the
loading history, and then increase in number density
as the load rises. Specifically they nucleate by the time
the stress reaches 11.5 MPa or about 40% of the
failure stress of ice of 7 mm grain size, Fig. 11, and
then continue to nucleate, but not propagate, as the
loading continues. In the coarsely grained ice, these
cracks can be seen directly by the unaided eye owing
to the reflection of light from their faces. That they
formed intergranularly was seen in thin-sections pre-
pared from the unloaded specimens, and that they
formed upon loading, and not upon unloading, was
Fig. 12. Schematic sketch of the evolution of failure under
ensured by unloading slowly, as discussed in Section high-confinement: (a) edge damage; (b) surface damage; (c)
2.2. To our knowledge, this is the first time internal expulsion of crushed ice particles leading to a load imbal-
microcracking under hydrostatic loading has been ance; and (d) faulting owing to load imbalance.
reported for any non-porous material. While interest-
ing, the phenomenon does not account for the
collapse of the ice and so will not be considered performed and suggests that the cracks originate
further in this paper. An analysis, however, has been from shear deformation (i.e. grain boundary sliding)
resulting from the elastic anisotropy of the material
[36]; this will be published separately.
The interrupted tests showed also that the edges of
the specimens became damaged, even earlier in the
loading history (i.e. around 5% of the failure stress)
than the internal cracks first nucleated. This damage
increased and then, as the load increased to about
70% of the failure stress, spread lightly across the
faces of the specimens. Upon raising the load further
the surface damage intensified to the point that the
faces were pulverized. At this stage fragments of ice
were ejected from one of the interfaces and the load
dropped. Figure 12 sketches this progression.
The large axial faults or splits which characterize
the specimen which failed under high confinement
[Fig. 9(a)] form not under load as it reaches its limit,
but as the load falls. This process is not easy to
observe because all faces of the specimen are covered
by the platens, and so there are not direct obser-
vations to support this view. What does support it is
the observation that as the finely crushed ice is ejected
from one of the interfaces, the load acting on that
interface momentarily drops. (This drop is registered
on the data acquisition system as a force imbalance
along that loading direction.) The cube is then under
transient biaxial loading (i.e. until the actuator can
advance to take up the space created by the ejected
particles) with Q, = e2 as high as about 30 MPa (at
-40°C). Under this stress state, axial splitting occurs,
just as it does under biaxial loading, leading to a fault
whose plane was observed to be roughly perpendicu-
lar to the direction of the load imbalance.
Although interrupted tests were not performed
under other loading paths within the high-confine-
ment regime, it is likely that a similar scenario occurs,
Fig. 1I. Photographs of microcracks in a test specimen after judging from the crushed faces and the axial faults
interrupted test I, (Table 1, R = 1, T = -4O”C, slow un-
loading). (a) Shows internal microcracks visible by the
of the failed specimens. Thus, it seems that as the
reflection of light from their faces. (b) Shows internal cracks confinement becomes large enough to suppress wing-
in a thin-section (scale is in mm). crack growth, ice-platen interface crushing is

triggered through the propagation across the inter- Eric T. Gratz for advice and assistance in performing other
measurements. One of us (J. Weiss) would also like to
face of damage which first formed at the free edge of
acknowledge the support of the gouvernement de France for
the specimen. The details of this process are not clear, a post-doctural fellowship. The work was sponsored by the
although finite element modeling indicates significant Office of Naval Research, grant No. N00014-92-J-1270 and
tensile stresses at the edges [37]. What is clear is that by the Army Research Office, grant No. DAAL03-90-G-
the saturation in the compressive strength under 0141. The experiments were performed at Thayer School of
Engineering, Dartmouth College in the Ice Research Lab-
high-confinement is not a characteristic of ice per se. oratory, which is operated through the additional support
It is a characteristic of the boundary conditions or, of Mobil, Exxon, U.S. Coast Guard and Minerals Manage-
more specifically, of the free edges of the specimens ment Service.
and the attendant stress gradients.

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ate at the tips of the parent, sliding cracks. Localized
17. P. Kalifa, P. Duval and M. Ricard, Proc. 8th Znr. Conf:
plastic deformation stops the growth of cracks, OMAE, p. 13, The Hague (1989).
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crease to the point that cataclastic flow is possible. Springer, St John’s (1991).
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suppress the frictional mechanism and a level of stress 20. E. M. Schulson. Acta metoll. mater. 38. 1963 (1990).
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consequence of the boundary conditions inherent in Zhang, TAIME-J.O.M.A.E. 115, 142 (1993).
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the true triaxial testing system used. At a certain Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH (1988).
critical stress, bcr dense damage occurs on the surface 27. K. H. Gerstle, H. Aschl, R. Bellotti, P. Bertacchi, M.
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Acknowledgements-We would like to acknowledge Dou- Ice Mech. 163, 61 (1993).
glas E. Jones and Gary A. Kuehn who, over the years, made 31. W. Janach, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech.
many of the measurements on which the paper is based, and Absrr. 14, 209 (1977).

32. E. T. Gratz and E. M. Schulson, Ann. Glac. 19, 33 where E is the Young’s modulus, F and a parameters of
(1994). the order of unity, t is time and B and n the constants of the
33. D. E. Jones, F. E. Kennedy and E. M. Schulson, Ann. power law for the secondary creep rate, i, = Bu”; on
Glac. 15, 242 (1991). the verge of nucleation and growth of wing-cracks,
34. H. Riedel and J. R. Rice, ASTM STP, 112 (1980). K, = K,c, for the reasons described earlier [20]. Assuming
35. T. F. Wong, H. Szeto and J. Zhang, Appl. Mech. Rev. that the stress-strain relationship is almost linear before the
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36. J. Weiss and E. M. Schulson, to be submitted. t x K,/$, it follows that [20]
37. E. T. Gratz, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH. Pers. commun. (1994). &=(~)(;)($)=(~)E& (A3)
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39. W. A. Nixon and E. M. Schulson, J. Phys. 48, 313 Thin-section examinations revealed extensive intergranular
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sions larger than the grain size [Fig. 8(d)]. Therefore, where
wing-cracks nucleate, the ratio, L, between their length, I,
and the parent crack half-length, a, is always less than unity.
The ratio L being small, the mode I stress intensity factor
APPENDIX at the tip of the emerging wing extensions is determined by
the shear of the parent crack. Accordingly [7]
Brittle-Ductile Transition (B,/D) _/;;;;
Following Schulson [20], we assume that the B, /D transition K ==[(l - R)m--(1 +R)p] (A4)
occurs when the radius, r,, of the creep zone (within which ’ JJ
the creep strain exceeds the elastic strain) equals a certain and
fraction, f, of the half-length, a, of the parent crack i.e.
aK, Jza
r, =f x a. (Al) z =$(l -R)&&(l + R)p]. (A5)

This kind of model was successfully applied to predict Taking F and a as unity and n = 3 [38], we obtain
transition strain-rates vs grain size of columnar fresh-water
ice under uniaxial compression across the columns [23]. 4BK;,
Here we modify the model to describe the transition confine- (A6)
” = .3’2&&[(l - R)m - (1 + R)p]’
ment ratio, R,,,,.
The creep zone size, r,, is evaluated from the model of Taking 2a = d, the grain size, (A6) becomes
Riedel and Rice [34]


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