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Cold Regions Science and Technology, 17 ( 1990 ) 227-240 227

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands


G.W. Timco and R.M.W. Frederking

National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. K 1A OR6 (Canada)

(Received April 12, 1989; revised and accepted July 5, 1989)

ABSTRACT Many investigators (Wang, 1979; Frederking and

Timco, 1980, 1983, 1984; Sinha, 1981, 1983a,
A model has been developed for predicting the 1983b, 1984; Timco and Frederking, 1983a, 1984,
large-scale compressive strength of sea ice sheets. The 1986; Urabe and Inoue, 1986) have measured the
only inputs which are required to calculate the compressive strength of small samples of sea ice. It
strength are the air temperature, the ice thickness and has been found that a number of factors influence
the strain rate. The model makes use of the results of the measured strength value. These factors can
283 small-scale strength tests and the relationships either be intrinsic (temperature, salinity, density,
between the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the ice type, crystal size and orientation) or test condi-
ice sheet. A comparison of the results of the model to tion (rate of loading, confinement conditions, load-
large-scale measured compressive strengths shows ing direction, sample size, stiffness of the test ma-
excellent agreement. A parametric variation is per- chine and sample preparation techniques). For a
formed on all of the factors affecting the compressive material scientist, all of these factors have to be in-
strength. In addition, using available meteorological cluded in order to characterize fully the strength of
information for the Arctic, the compressive strength the ice. In most instances, a detailed knowledge of
of a typical sea ice sheet is predicted throughout a these parameters is not known and defining a com-
winter's season. pressive strength may appear to be a formidable (or
impossible) task.
Exxon (Chen and Lee, 1986; Lee et al., 1986; Pet-
INTRODUCTION rie and Poplin, 1986; Wang and Poplin, 1986) has
reported on two multi-million dollar test programs
Ice load is usually the predominant design crite- in which the compressive strength of very large
rion for offshore structures used in cold regions. beams of sea ice (on the order of 6 × 3 × 1.5 m thick)
Therefore, it is important to be able to predict ac- were measured. In the same test program, the
curately the ice load in order to have safe and effi- strength of a number of smaller test specimens of
cient designs. During an ice loading event, the sea ice were also measured. The test condition for
strength of the ice sheet plays a key role in deter- each of the smaller specimens was set to be the same
mining the ultimate load on the structure. The ice as if it was in-situ; i.e. at the same temperature and
sheet may fail by crushing, bending, shearing or salinity that it would be in the ice sheet. The strength
some combination of these failure modes. When the of a large beam was compared to the average of a
ice sheet fails by a crushing process, the ice load is number of smaller (laboratory size) specimens
assumed to be related to the uni-axial compressive which represented the appropriate profile in the ice
strength of the ice sheet. To aid design engineers it sheet. Exxon found that for ice from the same site
would be desirable to be able to predict the in-plane, and at the same environmental conditions, there was
uni-axial compressive strength of ice sheets for var- no difference in the strength of the ice. Thus, in
ious circumstances. compression, there does not appear to be a "size ef-

Ta = Air Temperature

S u r f a c e Temperature
~~SE =

o c = o c (Si,Ti,O,i)
Vr = t o t a l p o r o s i t y = vT(Si,T i,p) Tt.Si,P ~vT(layer 1)
.', O c =O C (PT, (~)
T2.Si,P ~vT(layer 2)
S i = ice salinity = Si(hi)
T i = ice t e m p e r a t u r e = Ti(Ts,Te )
= Ti(Ta)
P = bulk density --- c o n s t a n t through hi Tn.Si,P ~ VT(layer n)
winter m o n t h s

.', oc =Oc (hi,Ta,(P),~)

Oc(iCe sheet) = -~- Y O c ( l a y e r n)

[ REQUIRED INPUTS = T a , h i ] T9,Si,p ~ Vr(layer 9)


~T B = Bottom Temperature

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration showing the model for the sea ice sheet and the process for the development of the model.

fect" in ice. Equivalent full-thickness strengths of density (or total ice porosity ) for different ice-grain
ice sheets can be directly inferred from small-scale types and loading directions.
laboratory tests. This suggests that it should be pos- Having established the small-scale behaviour of
sible to develop a model which is based on numer- the ice in terms of the ice test conditions, it is nec-
ous small-scale tests and which will give good rep- essary to re-formulate these ice test conditions in
resentative large-scale strengths for sea ice sheets. terms of extrinsic parameters appropriate for the
Such a model is developed in this paper. whole ice sheet. For this, the salinity of the ice was
directly related to the thickness of the ice sheet, and
the local ice temperature was related to the ambient
air temperature. Since the temperature and hence
A MODEL FOR THE COMPRESSIVE the porosity of the ice sheet can vary significantly
STRENGTH with depth, the ice sheet was separated into a num-
ber of individual layers. The porosity for each layer
The model for predicting the compressive strength was calculated based on the local temperature, sal-
of sea ice sheets is based on two assumptions. Firstly, inity and density. Then, using the defining equa-
there is no size-effect in compression for sea ice; and tions from the small-scale tests, the ice strength was
secondly, the strength of the ice can be related to the determined for each layer. The average of these cal-
environmental conditions of the ice. These assump- culated compressive strengths was used to give the
tions appear to be reasonable for sea ice. large-scale compressive strength for the full ice sheet.
The first step in developing this procedure was to A schematic illustrating the procedure is shown in
compile the existing data on small-scale strength Fig. 1. With this approach it is possible to define
tests. These were then analyzed and formulated to equations which give the compressive strength of a
give the uni-axial compressive strength of first-year sea ice sheet with the air temperature and ice thick-
sea ice in terms of the strain rate, and the intrinsic ness as the only two environmental parameters nec-
parameters of ice salinity, ice temperature, and ice essary to define the strength.

There are two things which should be noted about this task is not easy. In m a n y cases (especially the
the present work. First, it is important to realize that early investigations) all of the necessary informa-
this model calculates the strength of the ice sheet, a tion was not measured. In the following, these as-
material property. This calculated strength value sumptions have been made:
does not necessarily imply that this stress level will ( 1 ) The results have been selected for two pri-
be exerted on an offshore structure subjected to a mary structural types of ice: (a) horizontally iso-
moving ice sheet. Other factors come into play in tropic columnar-grained ice with a random c-axis
its application to the ice force problem. Second, the orientation in the plane of the ice cover (also termed
present model gives a strength value which is ap- transversely isotropic); and (b) granular ice with
propriate for the full ice sheet. This is the first time equi-axed grains with random c-axis orientation
that this has been done. The work, however, builds (isotropic).
on earlier work into the small-scale compressive (2) The reported compressive-strength values are
strength of sea ice through compilations by Weeks assumed to be correct. No account is taken to elim-
and Ackley (1982), Mellor (1983), Sanderson inate inaccuracies due to the machine stiffness, in-
(1984), T i m c o and Frederking (1986), and the in- adequate sample preparation, etc. This assumption
sightful information on the profile properties of sea is necessary since details regarding test procedures
ice sheets by Cox and Weeks ( 1988 ). are often not included in the reports of compressive
strength tests. Thus, the tests are considered to be
COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH EQUATIONS m reported in terms of a nominal loading rate on the
( 3 ) Although due consideration is given to the ice
In all of the investigations on the compressive type, no consideration is given to the grain size. This
strength of sea ice, the results have been related to simplification is necessary since the required infor-
one or more of the intrinsic parameters of the ice: mation is not usually available for each test series.
salinity, ice temperature, brine volume, ice poros- However, the grain size variations are not great.
ity, etc. This is usually done for a particular ice type (4) The results reported represent only the case
(granular or columnar) and loading direction. In of uni-axial loading conditions. Multi-axial loading
order to combine all o f the available test results, it and confinement are not considered.
is necessary to gather all the information from each A compilation of 283 compressive-strength test
test series and present the results in a coherent fash- results on first-year sea ice are presented in Tables
ion. This is done in this section. 1, 2 and 3. The test information includes the tem-
Because o f the complexity of sea ice behaviour, perature, ice salinity, bulk ice density, grain struc-


Columnar ice horizontal loading

Temperature Ice Bulk Number Results Investigators Strength (V~r)°5 Graph

(°C) salinity density of tests number symbol
(ppt) (Mgm -3 ) (MPa)

-26 3-5 (0.90) 7 a=3.9 at b=0.074 Frederking and Timco, 1980 6.9 0.17 A
-10 6-9 0.91 30 0-=4.5(b) °-2a Sinha, 1983a 4.5 0.24 B
- 11 4-5 0.90 10 0-=5.2(0-) 0.36 Frederking and Timco, 1983 5.2 0.22 C
-11 3.2-4.5 (0.88) 18 0-=4.1 (0-)0.20 FrederkingandTimco, 1984 4.1 0.26 D
-10 4-7 0.91 10 0-=4.6(0-) 0.29 Sinha, 1984 4.6 0.21 E
- 12 I-2.1 0.85 21 0-= 1.8 at 0-=0.3 Urabe and Inoue, 1986 2.35 0.29 F
- 12 0.8-2.2 0.85 7 0-=2.7 at 0-=0.089 Timcoand Frederking, 1986 4.6 0.29 G
-4 1.1-2.3 0.85 5 tr= 1.6 at 6=0.046 Timcoand Frederking, 1986 3.2 0.31 H
-2 1.2-2.7 0.78 14 0-= 1.9(0-)°.2-" Timco and Frederking, 1986 1.9 0.44 I


Columnar ice vertical loading

Temperature Ice Bulk Number Results Investigators Strength (U~r)°5 Graph

(°C) salinity density of tests number symbol
(ppt) (Mg m -3) (MPa)

-26 3-5 (0.90) 16 a = 13 at #=0.27 Frederking and Timco, 1980 17.3 0.17 J
-10 6-9 0.91 21 a=6.3 at #=0.06 Sinha, 1983a 11.7 0.24 K
- 10 3-4.5 0.90 20 0-=24.9(#) T M Sinha, 1983b 25 0.21 L
- I 1 3.2-4.5 (0.88) 13 a = 13.9(#) 0.22 FrederkingandTimco, 1984 14 0.26 M
-12 1.1-2.0 0.85 5 a=9.7 at #=0.131 Timco and Frederking, 1986 15.2 0.29 N
-4 1.1-2.3 0.85 7 a=6.1 at #=0.11 Timco and Frederking, 1986 9.9 0.31 O
-2 1.4-2.0 0.85 6 a=4.3 at #=0.16 Timco and Frederking, 1986 6.4 0.35 P


Granular ice

Temperature Ice Bulk Number Results Investigators Strength (v%)°5 Graph

(°C) salinity density of tests number symbol
(ppt) (Mgm -3) (MPa)

-11 4-5 0.90 17 0"= 5.8 ( # ) 0A6 FrederkingandTimco, 1983 5.8 0.22 Q
- 10 4-8 0.90 7 a=6.7(#) °'3° Sinha, 1984 6.7 0.24 R
- 11 3.2-4.5 (0.88) 8 a=5.8(#) °'13 FrederkingandTimco, 1984 5.8 0.26 S
-13 3.7-4.7 (0.88) 17 a=5.8(#) °'22 Timco and Frederking, 1984 5.8 0.25 T
- 10 4-7 0.905 7 a=7.0(#) °'3° Sinha, 1986 7.0 0.23 U
-10 4-7 0.905 4 a=5.1(#) °'26 Sinha, 1986 5.1 0.23 V
- 18 4-7 0.905 4 a=6.8(#) °'19 Sinha, 1986 6.8 0.20 W
- 10 2 0.75 6 a = 1.2 at 6=0.3 Urabe and Inoue, 1986 1.6 0.44 X
- 12 2.1 0.896 3 a=3.7 at #=0.089 Timco and Frederking, 6.3 0.19 Y

ture, l o a d i n g d i r e c t i o n , n u m b e r o f tests, test results where a is the m e a s u r e d c o m p r e s s i v e strength, &a is

a n d the investigators. N o t e t h a t the results o f the the c o r r e s p o n d i n g average stress rate, ba.r is a ref-
strength tests on sea ice are f r e q u e n t l y p r e s e n t e d in e r e n c e - a v e r a g e stress rate, a n d b is s o m e e x p o n e n t .
terms o f either a test variable, the average stress rate Based on average m e a s u r e d v a l u e s r e p o r t e d in Ta-
(&) or strain rate (~); o r a m a t e r i a l v a r i a b l e , the bles I, 2 a n d 3, a v a l u e o f b = 0 . 2 2 was chosen. As a
b r i n e v o l u m e ( o r with the a i r c o n t e n t , the total po- reference stress rate &a,r = 1 M P a s - ' was c h o s e n for
r o s i t y ) o f the ice. s i m p l i c i t y in c o m p a r i s o n . U s i n g this a p p r o a c h , the
It is a s s u m e d that the c o m p r e s s i v e strength is re- effects o f l o a d i n g rate are largely e l i m i n a t e d .
lated only to the l o a d i n g rate a n d the total p o r o s i t y T h i s allows an e v a l u a t i o n o f the strength tests
o f the ice. An a p p r o a c h for d e v e l o p i n g this relation, solely in t e r m s o f the total p o r o s i t y o f the ice. T h i s
in which the test results are n o r m a l i z e d with respect is necessary since sea ice consists o f a c o m p l e x mix-
to the average stress rate has been o u t l i n e d by T i m c o t u r e o f ice, air, salts a n d l i q u i d brine. T h e r e l a t i v e
and Frederking (1986). This produces a "strength a m o u n t o f each o f these c o n s t i t u e n t s is d e t e r m i n e d
n u m b e r " which is i n d e p e n d e n t o f l o a d i n g rate. T h e by the ice t e m p e r a t u r e , s a l i n i t y a n d d e n s i t y in ac-
strength n u m b e r ( a , ) is d e f i n e d as: c o r d a n c e to the p h a s e d i a g r a m s o f the v a r i o u s salts
in the ice (see e.g. W e e k s a n d Ackley, 1982). W i t h
,~,, = o-(a~.Ja~) '~ ( 1) changes in t e m p e r a t u r e , the size o f the l i q u i d inclu-

sions within the ice changes. This affects directly the
strength of the ice.

~ 10
g. N = 10.8 - 20.3 (V'T)0"5
Figures 2 - 4 show the strength n u m b e r (an) ver-
sus the square root of the total porosity fraction ~.
ul 8

(v~-) °'5 for tests on columnar sea ice (horizontal II1

loading, see Fig. 2; and vertical loading, see Fig. 3) ~ 6
and on granular (frazil) ice (Fig. 4). In all three
figures, there appears to be a good correlation for w
all the test data with an apparent linear dependence
between an and (g~)o.5. A linear regression of the
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

10 Fig. 4. Relationship between the strength number and the to-

tal porosity for compressive strength tests on granular ice (see
Table 3 for an explanation of the symbols).
data, with weighting according to the number of data
cfl points from each test series yields:
"1" ~ B ( an = 8 . 2 - 15.8 (~-) °'5 (2)
z for horizontally-loaded columnar ice, and:
"/N = 8.2 - 15.8 (V'T)05 F H ~
a, = 34.1 - 76.6 (uq-) °s (3)
for vertically-loaded columnar ice, and:
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 an = 1 0 . 8 - 20.3 (V~r)°5 (4)
for granular ice. Note that these equations apply to
Fig. 2. Relationship between the strength number and the to- first-year sea ice for which 0.1 < (~q-)°5<0.45.
tal porosity for compressive strength tests on horizontally- They should not be applied to second-year or multi-
loaded columnar-grained ice (see Table 1 for an explanation
of the symbols). year ice. By re-introducing Eq. 1 it is possible to put
each of these equations in terms of the total poros-
ity UT (where V-r= 1000 U-'r) and the average stress-
loading rate.
1 - 76.6 (VT) 05
o- 30 Since compressive strength tests are more often
discussed in terms of strain rate rather than stress
rate, it is more convenient to express these equa-
~ 20 tions in terms of this parameter. A typical ratio of
N the loading stress rate to strain rate is of the order
O o f 10 3 MPa for sea ice (Timco and Frederking,
1986). Thus, the equations for the compressive
strength for sea ice in terms of its intrinsic parame-
0 I I I ters are:
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
[TOTAL POROSITY FRACTION] 0.5 ac = 37(~)°22[ 1 - (ua-/270) °'5 ] (5)
Fig. 3. Relationship between the strength number and the to-
for horizontally-loaded columnar ice:
tal porosity for compressive strength tests on vertically-loaded
columnar-grained ice (see Table 2 for an explanation of the ac = 160(~)°22[ 1 - (VT/200) °'5 ] (6)
symbols ).

for vertically-loaded columnar ice, and:

ac =49(~)°22[ 1 - ( / - ' T / 2 8 0 ) °'5 ] (7)
F2(T~) =8.903 X 10 - 2 - 1.763 x 1 0 - 2 T i - 5.33
for granular ice, where Vv is in parts per thousand X 10-4T~--8.801X 10-6Ti3
(ppt). The strain rate range for these equations is for - - 2 > Ti > - 2 2 . 9 ; and
from 10 -7 s -~ to 10 -4 s -~. Above this strain rate, F2(T~) = 8.547+ 1.089T~+4.518X 10-2T~
premature (brittle) failure of the ice can occur in +5.819X 10-4T 3
some, but not all instances. In this paper the strain for - 2 2 . 9 > T~> - 3 0
rate range will be extended to 10 -3 s -t, keeping in
mind that the ice may fail at lower stresses than that and, the pure ice density pi is given as:
predicted for this higher strain-rate range. Equa-
p~(T~) = 0 . 9 1 7 - 1.403 X 10-4T~ (13)
tions 5-7 relate the uni-axial compressive strength
of sea ice explicitly to grain type, loading direction, where Ti is in °C andpi is in Mg m -3. Thus the total
loading strain rate and total porosity, and implicitly porosity is:
to ice salinity, temperature and density.
VT=I-[p/p~(T~)]+[pS,/Ft(T~ ] [ I + F 2 ( T ~ ) ]
UNI-AXlAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -- In this equation, the total porosity is expressed in
EXTRINSIC PARAMETERS terms of bulk ice density, salinity and temperature.
Each of these will be treated in turn.
In this section the equations for the compressive
strength will be reformatted and expressed in terms Bulk ice density
of the extrinsic parameters of ice thickness and air
temperature. For this, the total porosity VT of the Little information is available on the seasonal
ice is expressed as: variation of the bulk ice density in many areas of
the Arctic. A number of the measured density val-
V-r = vb + va (8)
ues for sea ice are listed in Table 4. Examining the
where vu is the relative brine volume and G is the data initially suggests that there is considerable
relative air volume. scatter in the measured value. However, if the data
Cox and Weeks (1982) have shown that the rel- are plotted in terms of the place and the time of year
ative brine volume vb can be expressed in terms of it was measured, a trend emerges (see Fig. 5). It
the bulk ice density (p), the ice salinity (Si) and the appears that the bulk ice density of polar sea ice is
ice temperature ( T~) by: relatively constant throughout the autumn and win-
ter months. The measured values for this time pe-
vb =pSi/Ft( Ti) (9)
riod show good consistency. Measured densities for
whereS~ is in ppt, T~ is in °C, pis in Mg m -3 and: ice from the Beaufort Sea area are 0.905, 0.91,0.91
(October), 0.904, 0.90 (January) and 0.91 (April)
F,( T~) = - 4 . 7 3 2 - 22.45 T~- 0.6397T~
with an average value of 0.907 Mg m -3. In the spring
-0.01074T 3
during the melt season, however, the density of the
for - 2 > T~ > - 22.9; and ice decreases. Depending upon the location, there
F, (T,) = 9899 + 1309 T, + 55.27 T~ can be considerable differences in the density of the
+0.716T 3 ice in the spring. From the table, a density of 0.90
for - 2 2 . 9 > T~ > - 3 0 (10) Mg m -3 was measured in June at Mould Bay in the
Arctic Islands, whereas a density of 0.85 Mg m -3
The relative air volume va can be expressed in terms
was measured in May in Labrador. The data by
of the pure ice density (p~), the bulk ice density (p),
Weeks and Lee (1958)and Timco and Frederking
the salinity (S,) and ice temperature (Ti) as:
(1986) illustrates the general trend of decreasing
Va=I-[p/p~(T~)]+[pSiF2(T,)/F,(T~)] (11) density during the spring season. Note that these


Measured density values for sea ice

Month Place Density value Investigators Graph

Mg m -3 symbol

Polar locations
May Barrow, Alaska 0.94 Langleben and Pounder, 1962 1
Apr/May EllefRingnesis Island 0.91 Langleben and Pounder, 1962 2
May Pond Inlet 0.907 Kohnen, 1972 3
Apr Mould Bay 0.91 Sinha, 1983a 4
June Mould Bay 0.90 Sinha, 1983b 5
Jan Beaufort Sea 0.90 Frederking and Timco, 1983 6
Jan Beaufort Sea 0.904 Timco and Frederking, 1983b 7
Oct Mould Bay 0.91 Sinha, 1984 8
Oct Mould Bay 0.905 Sinha, 1986 9

Temperate locations (Labrador)

Feb Hopedale 0.916 Weeks and Lee, 1958 *
Mar Hopedale 0.894 Weeks and Lee, 1958 *
Apr Hopedale 0.874 Weeks and Lee, 1958 *
Apr/May Hopedale 0.892 Weeks and Lee, 1958 *
May Labrador 0.847 Timco and Frederking, 1986 *
May Labrador 0.829 Timco and Frederking, 1986 *

lee salinity

? 0.95 In collating i n f o r m a t i o n on sea ice from a wide

E, n u m b e r o f sources, Cox and Weeks ( 1 9 7 4 ) f o u n d
@ 4 2 3 5 that the average salinity o f an ice sheet can be re-
>. 0 . 9 0

¢n lated to the thickness o f the ice (h~). Figure 6 shows

a plot o f the average ice salinity versus ice thickness
0 0.85 ~e
# POLAR REGIONS ~r for a large n u m b e r o f m e a s u r e m e n t s on sea ice sam-
pled during the growth season. The graph gives the
0.80 I I I I I I I I I I
original data o f Cox and Weeks along with some
m o r e recent data from Frederking and T i m c o
( 1 9 8 0 ) , Sinha and N a k a w o ( 1981 ) and Frederking
Fig. 5. Variation of the measured bulk density of sea ice mea- ( u n p u b l i s h e d ) . The data were collected from cores
sured at different times of the year and different locations
(see Table 4 for an explanation of the symbols). f r o m all parts o f the Arctic including the Beaufort
Sea, Bering Sea, Labrador, Eclipse Sound and
data sets represent the density variation in Labra- Strathcona Sound. F r o m Fig. 6 it appears that a rea-
dor, which must be considered a more temperate sonable representation o f the ice salinity for a given
climate than the higher polar regions. ice thickness hi can be expressed as:
In using the present model to predict the c o m - S i = 1 3 . 4 - 17.4 hi
pressive strength o f a sea ice sheet, an average den- for hi_< 0.34 m; and
sity o f 0.907 Mg m -3 will be used for the a u t u m n
S i = 8 . 0 - 1.62 h i
and winter months. During the spring melt season,
for h~>0.34 m (15)
the bulk density can vary d e p e n d i n g upon the loca-
tion, and care must be taken to ensure that the cor- or, more generally as S~ = F3 (hi). This approach im-
rect bulk density is used. plies that there is no salinity variation with depth

, O Cox and Weeks (1974)
[] Frederking and Timco (1980)
o • Frederking (unpublished)
>- :~ , O Sinha and Nakawo (1981)
zI 10 ~ Si=13.4 - 17.4h i
_.1 (' []
uJ ~ ~ : ~ ' _ ~ S =8.0 - 1.62h i
_o 5

0 q~',~C~,~ k-~2,,,
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 6. Variation of the ice salinity with ice thickness for sea ice.

through the ice sheet, a reasonable first approxi- air temperature. This is a result of the thermal influ-
mation for sea ice. A modification to this approach ence of the snow cover on the ice and a thin bound-
would be to use a C-shaped salinity profile (see ary layer of air above the surface of the snow. Snow
Weeks and Ackley, 1982; Cox and Weeks, 1988) acts as a thermal insulation that attenuates the ef-
with the shape of the C-profile a function of the ice fect of the air temperature on the upper surface
thickness. Although the use of this type of salinity temperature. Moreover, temperature changes in the
profile is possible, it involves further assumptions air are not immediately followed by changes in the
and complicates the equations while adding rela- ice temperature; a phase lag exists. For the purpose
tively little to the accuracy of the results. Thus, the of this paper, all of these factors will not be incor-
salinity of the ice will be assumed to be independent porated into a rigorous model. Instead, the ice tem-
of depth in the ice sheet. By using Eq. 15 to relate perature will be related to the ambient air temper-
the average salinity to the ice sheet thickness, Eq. 8 ature through empirical data. Figure 7 shows the
now becomes a function of bulk ice density, ice sheet mean air temperature related to the average ice-sur-
thickness and ice temperature. face temperature measured at two locations in the
Canadian Arctic. Each set o f data span a full winter
Ice temperature with values averaged over two week intervals. Al-
though there is scatter in the data, it will be as-
At this stage it becomes necessary to express the
ice temperature (T~) in terms of a more easily
* 0
measurable quantity, the air temperature ( T a). This O SlralhconaSound
is not straightforward for several reasons. First, there -s
• CanadaPoinl o O
is a temperature gradient through the ice sheet. The -10
bottom of the ice is at a temperature of about - 2 ° C ~eo ~ 00 =0 -• Ts Ta

while the top of the ice may be colder or warmer

than this, depending upon the time o f the year. In
general, if the air temperature is lower, there is a if)
w -30 I I I I I I I
linear temperature gradient in the ice. If the air is -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5
warmer, there is a parabolic-shaped temperature AVERAGEAIR TEMPERATURE[ °C}
profile (Weeks and Ackley, 1982). The tempera-
Fig. 7. Variation of the average ice-surface temperature with
ture of the top ice surface, although related to the the average air temperature for two locations in the Canadian
air temperature, is not necessarily the same as the Arctic.

sumed that the air temperature and surface temper- Eqs. 5-7, taking into account the ice structure. The
ature are related as: compressive strength of the full ice sheet is calcu-
lated by averaging the strength values of the nine
T,=Ta f o r - 2 > Ta> - 10 ] individual layers.
Ts--0.6Ta - 4 for T ~ < - 10 (16)

The curves representing these equations are shown

in Fig. 7. Note that the correspondence between the COMPARISON WITH EXXON DATA
two temperatures close to the freezing point reflects
either early winter conditions when the snow cover In order to check the accuracy of this model, a
is thin, or late spring when the ice temperature ap- comparison can be made to the large-scale tests per-
proaches an isothermal temperature close to the formed by Exxon. Table 5 lists the test information
melting point. given by Exxon for the two test series in 1979-80
Throughout most of the growth season in the Arc- and 1980-81. In all of these tests large ice beams
tic, the ice maintains a linear temperature profile were loaded in the horizontal direction. In using the
ranging from T, at the surface to Ta at the bottom present model, the only values which are required
of the ice. Since there can be a significant change in are the ice thickness, the strain rate, the bulk den-
sity and the air temperature. The first two factors
temperature with depth, it is necessary to account
are given by Exxon. The bulk density of this ice is
for this. This can be approximated by slicing the ice
not given, but based on the density values in Table
into layers and assigning to each layer a tempera-
4 for Beaufort Sea ice, a value of 0.907 Mg m -3
ture equal to the average temperature of the layer.
would be appropriate. The Exxon results give the
It was found that subdividing the ice sheet into nine
average ice temperature instead of the air tempera-
(9) layers gave good accuracy and convergence for
ture. This average ice temperature was assumed to
calculating the compressive strength. For the pres-
be at the mid-point of the ice sheet. Since the ice
ent model, the average temperature o f each of these
tested by Exxon was mostly columnar in structure,
layers was determined assuming a linear profile be-
a model for the ice of a predominantly columnar ice
tween the ice surface temperature and the bottom
structure was used. Using these values for the input
ice temperature. The temperature (Tn) for layer n
parameters, the full sheet compressive strength was
(with n = 1 being the top layer) is given by:
calculated for all of the Exxon test conditions. A
T,,=Ts-[(Ts-TB)/18]--(n-1)[(T~-TB)/9] comparison of the results is shown in Fig. 8. There
(17) is excellent agreement between the calculated val-
ues and those measured by Exxon in the large-scale
This temperature value is calculated for each layer
and used to determine the total porosity of the layer.
The strength of each layer is then determined from
the average porosity of the layer. Since the defining
equation for the ice strength is dependent upon the w
_o _
ice structure, the model can incorporate either a
granular or columnar ice structure in each layer. (,9

By using Eqs. 8-17 it is now possible to express LIJ

the total porosity of the ice in terms of the air tem-
perature (Ta), ice thickness (hi) and bulk ice den- q,-
sity (p) as: O

VT= 1 + 0.---~-- 1.403)< 10-4Ti

I [ t I
1 2 3 4
+P[F,(T~) ]]/[1 +F2(T~)] (18) LARGE - SCALE MEASURED

where the average ice temperature ( Ti ) is related to Fig. 8. Comparison of the calculated sea-ice sheet strength with
the air temperature through Eqs. 16 and 17. The uni- that measured by Exxon in large-scale field tests. Note the
axial compressive strength can be calculated using good predictive capabilities of the present model.


Exxon test data

Exxon test Ice T~¢, Strain Measured compressive Calculated

number thickness (°C) rate strength compressive strength
(m) (s) (MPa) (MPa)

1 1.20 - 12.9 1.27E-06 0.66 1.07
7 1.52 - 10.5 1.43E- 05 1.30 1.81
8 1.54 - 10.5 1.10E-06 0.49 1.03
9 1.56 --10.6 7.90E-07 0.81 0.96

UC1 1.29 -10.7 9.20E-06 1.00 1.62
UC3 1.46 - 11.8 1.56E-04 2.86 3.11
UC5 1.61 -7.3 3.40E-04 3.53 3.41
UC6 1.47 - 5.9 9.10E-05 1.86 2.36
UC7 1.54 -4.3 1.33E-04 2.10 2.32
UC8 1.66 -4.2 9.00E- 05 1.82 2.15
WI 1.30 -5.1 2.16E-04 1.88 2.66
W2 1.29 - 3.4 7.50E-04 2.62 2.86

field tests. This comparison provides a basis for mine the influence of the ice type on the uni-axial
considerable confidence in the present model. compressive strength. Figure 9 shows a comparison
of the horizontal compressive strength of sea ice for
three different cases: all columnar, one-third gran-
ular/two-thirds columnar mix (with the granular ice
on top), and all granular. For this example an ice
Having established the defining equations for sea-
thickness of 1.0 m, an air temperature of - 2 0 ° C ,
ice compressive strength, it is possible to do a par-
and a bulk ice density of 0.907 Mg m -3 were used.
ametric variation of each of the important variables
In general, there is very little difference between
to examine the relative influence of each one. This
these mixes of ice types. This reflects the similarity
is done for the horizontal loading direction by vary-
of the compressive strength of columnar and gran-
ing one parameter while maintaining all others
ular ice with horizontal loading (compare Figs. 2
and 4 ). For the rest of the paper, the grain structure
will be taken as one (top) layer of granular ice with
Grain structure
the remainder columnar ice.
Sea ice is a mix of grain structures including $2
columnar, granular, frazil and discontinuous col-
umnar. The classic picture for sea ice structure (see 10
Weeks and Ackley, 1982) shows an upper granular (.9 ALL GRANULAR .... : ::_ ~
structure overlying a $2 columnar structure. Al- w
though this type of composite structure is prevalent
in land-fast ice in Arctic regions, it is certainly not
unique. In many cases, especially in pack ice, there

~:_\j:>l ALL COLUM~O C
can be considerable "banding" of alternating layers W 33% GRANULAR P = 0 . 9 0 7 Mg-m -3

of columnar and granular ice, often with discontin- 0.1

O 10 .7 10 .6 10 "s 10 .4 10 .3
uous columnar ice. Moreover, in certain areas, con- O
S T R A I N RATE [s "1]
siderable frazil ice has been observed on the bottom
of an ice sheet. Thus the overall structure of the ice Fig. 9. Parametric variation showing the influence of the grain
can be quite variable and it is important to deter- structure on the strength of an ice sheet.
C O M P R E S S I V E S T R E N G T H O F SEA I C E S H E E T S 237

Ice thickness Bulk ice density

Figure 10 shows the variation of the strength with Figure 12 shows the influence of the bulk ice den-
ice thickness. For this figure, an air temperature of sity on the compressive strength. For this figure, an
- 2 0 ° C and an ice density of 0.907 Mg m -3 were ice thickness of 1 m and an air temperature of
chosen. For any given strain rate, the strength of the - 2 0 ° C were chosen. The figure illustrates the sig-
ice generally increases as the ice thickens. This trend nificant influence which the density can have on the
simply reflects the fact that the average ice salinity strength of the ice. Usually, however, the bulk ice
decreases with increasing ice thickness (see Fig. 6). density is relatively constant throughout the year.
As previously discussed, the bulk ice density de-
creases in the spring as the ice warms and starts to
o_ 10 melt.
= 1 0 - 3 s -1
I-. J ~ = 10-4S -1 n 10
Z ~ = 10-5S-1
LU "r
I-- =10"Ss -1 I-. b. = I 0"a s'~
CO 1 (5
~ =10-7s-1 z
ILl uJ
> nr
UJ Ta = - 2 0 oC = 10 "~ S "~
n- UJ
(3- P =0.907 Mg-m 3 ~ ~ | 0-~ s -~
O 0.1 i i Or)
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 rr" hi= lm
Ta = - 2 0 ° C
ICE S H E E T T H I C K N E S S [ m ] 0.1 i r i
0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90
Fig. 10. Parametric variation showing the influence of the ice
sheet thickness on the strength of an ice sheet. B U L K ICE D E N S I T Y [ M g - m -3]

Fig. 12. Parametric variation showing the influence of the bulk

ice density on the strength of an ice sheet.
Air temperature

Figure 11 shows the influence of the air tempera-

ture on the compressive strength of sea ice. For this SEASONAL VARIATIONS
figure, an ice thickness of 1 m and a density of 0.907
Mg m -3 were chosen. As expected, the ice gets A procedure has been established for determin-
stronger with lower air temperature. ing the seasonal strength of sea ice from a knowl-
edge of air temperatures and ice thicknesses. These
data are readily available from various meteorolog-
~E 1o ical stations in the Arctic. It only remains to make
"1- E =10-3s-I
some judgements as to the grain structure and den-
(.9 ~== 1 0 " 4 S - I
Z sity of the ice cover and the full sheet-ice strength
ri- can be calculated. To illustrate this approach, an ex-
~= 10.6S.1 .... ~
CO 1 ample for the Canadian Beaufort Sea will be devel-
LU E= 10-7S-1
> oped and then an indication of regional variations
CO in the Arctic will be provided.
LU h i = 1.0m
(3- P = 0 . 9 0 7 M g - m "3
Average strength values in the Beaufort Sea
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10
The landfast and transition zone ice of the south-
AIR T E M P E R A T U R E [oc]
ern Beaufort Sea has been an area of considerable
Fig. 11. Parametric variation showing the influence of the air offshore petroleum exploration activity. To illus-
temperature on the strength of an ice sheet. trate the prediction methodology, meterological and

ice thickness data from Tuktoyaktuk, N W T will be is the subsequent reduction in the spring. The curves
used (Beaufort Sea - - Mackenzie Delta Environ- for the May and June period are shown as dashed
mental Impact Statement, 1982 ). These data, which lines since ice strength deterioration in this period
represent average values for this region are pre- is still not well defined (because of uncertainties of
sented by month in Table 6. It is assumed that the the value of the bulk ice density).
ice cover is made up of a surface layer of granular Figure 13 shows the strength variations through
ice underlain by eight layers of columnar ice. Fur- one "average" winter in the Beaufort Sea region in
ther, the bulk density for all months is assumed to Canada. However, for purposes of design, it is nec-
be 0.907 Mg m -3, even though it undoubtedly de- essary to know extreme ice strengths as well as av-
creases slightly in May and June. Taking these val- erage ice strengths. Since the probabilities of ex-
ues as inputs for the model, ice cover strengths for treme air temperatures and ice thicknesses are
various strain rates were calculated from October 1 known from the meteorological data, extreme ice
to July 1. These are plotted in Fig. 13. The increase strengths can also be established. This will be inves-
in strength to a maximum in February is evident as tigated in a future paper (Timco and Frederking,

Average strength variations in the Canadian
Tuktoyaktuk data Arctic

Date Ice Air To explore the regional variation in seasonal

thickness temperature
strength, air temperatures and ice thicknesses at six
(m) (°C)
stations (AES, 1982) in the Canadian Arctic were
mid-Oct 0.15 -7 examined. Using similar assumptions to those above
mid-Nov 0.45 - 19 for grain structure and density, seasonal variations
mid-Dec 0.80 -25 in compressive strength have been calculated. A
mid-Jan 1.15 -27
compilation of the results is presented in Fig. 14.
mid-Feb 1.40 -29
mid-Mar 1.65 -24 These curves indicate both the length of the ice sea-
mid-Apt 1.80 - 17 son and the influence of the local climate and ice
mid-May 1.85 -5 thickness on ice sheet strength.
mid-Jun 1.80 - 3

10 This paper has developed equations relating the
= 10"3S "t
uni-axial compressive strength of a sea ice sheet
(~ = 1 0 - 4 S "1 - ~
solely to the environmental conditions. During the
LU development of the equations a number of approx-
imations and decisions were necessarily made. In
. . . . . (~ = 1 0 " 7 S "1 ~ -~ ~
_ ~

all cases the approximation arose either because of

~ . incomplete knowledge of ice behaviour, or simply
due to the complex and diverse nature of the ice it-
0.. self. More information is required on the relation-
O 0.1 ship between the air temperature and the ice tem-
o O N D J F M A M J
perature, and on the seasonal variations of the bulk
density of the ice in the Arctic regions. In spite of
Fig. 13. Ice sheet strengths through an average winter at Tuk- the approximations, there was excellent agreement
toyaktuk in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. between the calculated sea ice strengths with those


/ / ~ ~

~ I I I I I I ~ \ ,-.., j \ w I r-I ~ I I
\ ~ ~ °° \ _~ P "81 ,,/ ,,I -t

t_.-'/ _ J ° 45_)4~"~ .J'~'> I,~ °.


.y-~--~~2 h ?) ,,,I / / 4




I 1 I I I I I ~
~ 1 / / .- ........ ----- . - . .



",.i,°o- °

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