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Beginner Student's Book Headway English Course Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS eee a amlareis e 1 Hello! .. Tas My naone's Hiro What's your name? p> This is Thie How are yo ‘amfaresis Tee, tate > 2 Your world..: ey ae | » 3 Personal information. 9 “eects! Tim not from Engler. p20 Wearen? married. p22 fe you fron the United States? p20 Yes she i/No, she isn't. pl9 : . aon {p> 4 Family and friends ... nee ett aa naan ieaaeiiala Questions and answers Uyouithey like renvis. ~33 {don't spenk Spanish. p34 Where do you live? 35 and an ‘oflct fan actor p34 Thetime Irs mine o'clock Irs wu tier. pao Present Simple hhelsheht He gets up at six. pa She tives tthe country. p44 cons and negatives hat te does he get up? pad ‘She doesn't work in at office. pat : Obj pronouns 7 Places I teem = ae ae a ae a ‘i ai haranctewhe io ees Pe ‘What this in English? esa took. very thing book, cme, car p10 SS GRE Numbers 1-10 Plural noune ‘ars, books, howses p11 Countries ‘Australia, Prance pl2 ‘Mile, Tokyo pl ‘Reading and listening Where are they from? p16 ‘Numbers 11-30 pl7 Jobs police officer, doctor p18 Personal nfo adress, age, cried pl9 Reading and speaking ‘A pop group Social expressions Good afterioen, Goodlye Pardon? Thank you. p23 The family ughter, parents p25 Adjective snow a small farm 2 good job p27 nese friend est fina realy funy Fis favourite music p28 ‘Sports, food, drinks ‘hamburgers tea p32 1, live, work, ent, speak p34 Languages and nationalities Topanese, French p36 Reading and writing My bestfriend p28 Listening and speaking, Ata party p38 ‘The alphabet How do you spel... ? p (On the phone {Good morning. The Grand Hotel, Thank you for telephoning. p31 Numbers and prices ‘one pound six Vabs ‘et ups goto work, have lunch pA Adverbs of frequency sual. sometimes, never pA2 ‘Words that go together watch TV listen to mouse pa Vocabulary and speaking ‘Words that go together getup early havea shower pAS Lifestyle questionnaire pas Days ofthe week Monday, Teesday pA7 Prepositions of time ot rine Oo ‘on Monday fn the morning. pa? Opposite adjectives "hew-old expense cheap p52 ‘dectve + noun Td muse old blige p53 Adjectives nice, old comfortable pS3 Reading and writing ‘postcard from Dublin p53 Cant ‘Can i have a sandwich his jumper pleese? p54

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