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Shows and Snacks

1776 George III Rd♬London, England Sw28 7PU

(020)- 879-204-7735 

For Immediate Release

The show is starting at Shows and Snacks

London, England February 12, 2019​ Shows and Snack is have it grand
opening. We are located​ ​1776 George III Rd​, ​London, England SW28 7PU. You 
should buy you tickets ahead of time. The show we’re doing is Mamma Mia. We 
will be opening April 14, 2019. 
A few lucky people will have a chance to meet the cast have a free meal and win 
one of five gift baskets. This is again April 14, 2019. 

Everyone is welcome to come.I started this because I love theater and I went to a
dinner theater and it was one of the best experiences. I think the dinner part adds
to the experience. In this dinner theater we change the diner theme with what
show we’re doing. We also include special dishes with what we are showing.


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