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1: Luis calls his parents (sometimes) (boring – bored)

(Luis sometimes calls his parents) 18: Really? I was really … in the story
2: Pablito does his homework (never) (interest)

(Pablito never does his homework) (interested)

3: I …….. an e-mail Please don´t disturb me! 19: (Martin began paying rent last week)

I am writing an e-mail Plase don´t disturb me! 20: (Kevin regrets buying his house)
4: Ben…….photos 21: Coffee beans …. first …. (export) from
esmlopia to Yemen.
(Ben loves taking photos)

5: My lister tells…….to eat more fish. (were exported)

(My sister tells herself to eat more fish) 22: The first coffea house – (open) in
(were open)
6: We get…..= (married)
Dr. Berridge
23: Who did Dr. Berridge visit
24: What did Susie take for her backache
25: When I came I…..(eat) dinner
26: When I arrived at 10 am. I…(see) the dog
12: If we … (burn) fossil fuels, global
warming … (get) worse (saw)

(burn – gets) 27: (Maria said that she (worked in a bank)

13: It there … more rain, there… more floods 28: “Nobody was hurt”
She said that (nobody had been hurt)
(is – will be)
29: Went to school in Mexico City?
14: If i wrote a novel I would write a horror
Where did you go to school?

15: :Are mosquitos smaller than a lot cows

(mosquitos are a lot smaller than cows)

16: Bigger whales are lot than dolphins

(whales are a lot bigger than dolphins)

17: The movie was really… I fell asleep I was

so … (bore)

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