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 C language supports different types of operators, which can be used with variables and constants
 To form expressions. These operators can be categorized into the following major groups:
 Σ Arithmetic operators Σ Relational operators
 Σ Equality operators Σ Logical operators
 Σ Unary operators Σ Conditional operator
 Σ Bitwise operators Σ Assignment operators
 Σ Comma operator Σ Size of operator
 We will now discuss all these

Arithmetic Operators
Consider three variables declared as,
int a=9, b=3, result;
We will use these variables to explain arithmetic operators. Table 1.7 shows the arithmetic operators,
Their syntax, and usage in C language.

Relational Operators
A relational operator, also known as a comparison operator, is an operator that compares two
Values or expressions. Relational operators return true or false value, depending on whether the
Conditional relationship between the two
Operands holds or not.

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