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Uncover the Black Box of Machine Learning Applied to Quantum Problem by an

Introspective Learning Architecture

Ce Wang,1 Hui Zhai,1, ∗ and Yi-Zhuang You2, †

Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing 10084, China
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, CA 92093, USA
(Dated: February 5, 2019)
Recently there is an increasing interest in applying machine learning algorithm to physics prob-
lems. These applications provide new platforms to challenge the critical issue of how to uncover the
black box of machine learning because there always exists well-defined rules under physics problems.
The success of such efforts can offer great promise of discovering new physics from experimental data
arXiv:1901.11103v2 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 2 Feb 2019

by artificial intelligence. As a benchmark and a proof-of-principle study that this approach is indeed
possible, in this work we design an introspective learning architecture that can automatically develop
the concept of the quantum wave function and discover the Schrödinger equation from simulated
experimental data of the potential-to-density mappings of a quantum particle. This introspective
learning architecture contains a translator and a knowledge distiller. The translator employs a re-
current neural network to learn the potential to density mapping, and the knowledge distiller applies
the auto-encoder to extract the essential information and its update law from the hidden layer of
the translator, which turns out to be the quantum wave function and the Schrödinger equation. We
envision that our introspective learning architecture can enable machine learning to discover new
physics in the future.

The ongoing third wave of artificial intelligence has potential

made great achievements in employing neural-network-

based machine learning for industry and social appli-

cations. Inspired by this great success, machine learn-
ing algorithms have also been rapidly applied to vari- wave function
ous branches physics research, ranging from high-energy
and string theory to condensed matter, atomic, molecu- } reconstruction
loss ℒRAE
lar and optical physics.[1–18] However, a major challenge

is still to uncover the black box of the neural network density (output)
to understand what kinds of rules has been developed.

We consider the machine learning application to physics

problems as a better platform to tackle this important … … } translation
loss ℒRNN
challenge. For instance, among different kinds of appli-
cations, one type of supervised learning algorithms is to ( , )
first train the neural network based on labeled experi- potential density (target)
mental data, and then ask the neural network to make training data
predictions. In contrast to the industry and social prob-
lems, here both the input and the output data have FIG. 1: The architecture of an introspective recurrent neu-
ral network, called “the Schrödinger machine”. It contains
well-defined physical meaning, and there always exists
a translator (lower panel) and a knowledge distiller (upper
a clear rule behind the experimental data. The ques- panel). The translator is implemented as a recurrent neural
tion is whether one can read out the rule by opening up network to perform the task of the potential-to-density map-
the black box of the neural network, and furthermore, ping. The knowledge distiller compresses the hidden states
whether the task of reading out the rule can also be car- generated by the translator using a recurrent auto-encoder
ried out by the machine itself. Hence, the most ambitious and extracts the most essential variables in the hidden layer
goal of machine learning physics is not just to perform together with its update rule.
designated tasks with high accuracy but also to develop
novel architectures that allow machine itself to distill the
underlying rules from the experimental data.[19, 20]
the target, and challenge the machine to discover the un-
As a proof-of-concept study that this goal can indeed derlying rule governing the potential-to-density mapping.
be achieved, here we consider a single quantum particle To this purpose, we develop an introspective learning
moving in a one-dimensional space with certain poten- architecture as shown in Fig. 1 that contains a transla-
tial. Suppose we can measure the particle density for tor to perform the task of potential-to-density mapping
each given potential, we supply the machine with the and a knowledge distiller to extract the knowledge be-
potential profile as the input and the density profile as hind the mapping. We treat both the potential and den-

sity profiles as sequential data (discretely sampled along (a) density sequence (b) ρ′i
the one-dimensional space), then the problem belongs
… ρ′i-1 ρ′i ρ′i+1 … 1
to a broader class of sequence-to-sequence mapping,[21– P
24] which can be handled by the recurrent neural net- hi-1 hi hi+1 h d hi
work (RNN).[25] The RNN has been widely used in nat- i -1 d
ural language processing to translate a sequence of words d d
d ×d
from the source language to another sequence of words W
in the target language.[26] Here we construct a novel … V Vi Vi+1 …
i -1 1
RNN structure, named “the Taylor RNN”, to perform
potential sequence Vi
the potential-to-density mapping as a translation task.
After training, the RNN can predict the density accu-
FIG. 2: Architecture of the translator RNN for the potential-
rately for any given new potential. As the RNN per- to-density mapping. (a) is the global structure and (b) is
forms the task, its hidden layer generates a “big data” the network structure within each block. Arrows indicate
that should contain the information about the underlying the direction of information flow. The tensor dimensions are
rule governing the potential-to-density mapping, mixed marked out in gray. W and P can be generic functions, al-
with redundant information. though they are modeled by the Taylor expansions in our
To extract the essential variables in the hidden layer, implementation. The symbol denotes matrix-vector multi-
we pass the hidden states to a second machine, dubbed
as the knowledge distiller. It works on the hidden states
of the first machine to compress the information and to
extract the underlying rule. The auto-encoder architec- the following update equations
ture is widely used for information compression.[27, 28]
Here we invent an auto-encoder incorporated in a recur- hi = W (Vi ) · hi−1 , ρ0i = P (hi ). (2)
rent structure, which we named as the recurrent auto-
encoder (RAE). Eventually, we can show that the RAE where both the input Vi ∈ R and the output ρ0i ∈ R are
extracts out that the essential variables in the hidden scalars and the hidden state hi ∈ Rd is a d-dimensional
layers are two real numbers and they can be interpreted vector. The hidden state hi is updated by an input-
as the quantum wave function and its first order deriva- dependent linear transformation, represented by a d ×
tive. The equation they obeyed is consistent with the d matrix W (Vi ) ∈ Rd×d multiplied to hi . The output
Schrödinger equation. In this way, we can conclude that, ρ0i is generated from the hidden state by a projection
without any prior knowledge of quantum mechanics, this map P (hi ). The tensor flow is graphically represented in
learning architecture itself can develop the concept of Fig. 2(b). The output sequence ρ0i is then compared with
the quantum wave function and discover the Schrödinger the target sequence ρi over a window of steps to evaluate
equation when it is only provided with experimental data the loss function
of potential and density pairs. As a consistency check, X
LRNN = (ρ0i − ρi )2 . (3)
we also show that if the particle follows classical statis-
tical mechanics, with the same kind of data and similar
learning architecture, the Schrödinger equation does not How the RNN updates its hidden state and generates
emerge. output is determined by the functions W and P . In gen-
The Translator. We discretize the potential V (x) eral, W and P could be non-linear functions modeled by
and density profiles ρ(x) along the one-dimensional space feedforward neural networks for instance. However, for
and treat them as sequences of real numbers, our problem, we find it sufficient to model W by a Taylor
expansion (to the nW th order in Vi ) and P by a linear
Vi = V (xi ), ρi = ρ(xi ), (1)
where xi = ai are the discrete coordinates for i = nW
0, 1, 2, · · · , which are evenly distributed along the one-
W (Vi ) = W (n) Vin , P (hi ) = p| · hi , (4)
dimensional space with a fixed separation a = 0.1. We n=0
assume that the potential is always measured with re-
spect to the energy of the particle, such that the particle where W (n) is the nth order Taylor expansion coeffi-
energy is effectly fixed at zero. We will only consider cient matrix (each one is of the dimension d × d) and
the case of Vi < 0, such that the particle remains in ex- p is a d-dimensional vector. The elements in W (n) and
tended states. We apply the RNN architecture to build p are model parameters to be trained to minimize the
the translator. In each step, the RNN takes an input loss function LRNN . The training dataset contains pairs
Vi from the source sequence, modifies its internal hidden of potential and density sequences that serve as paral-
state hi accordingly, and generates the output ρ0i based lel corpora to train the RNN translator. They are cur-
on the hidden state, as illustrated in Fig. 2(a). We adopt rently obtained from numerical simulation, but can be

4 (a) h′ (b)
target output i0 hi′0 +1 hi′0 +2 hi′0 +3
…  
gi-1 d   d gi
0 d ×d
(a) 

4 Vi
gi0 gi0 +1 gi0 +2 gi0 +3 …
2 (c) 100

d 
0 (b) E Vi0 +1 Vi0 +2 Vi0 +3 … d

-4 hi0

FIG. 4: Architecture of the recurrent auto-encoder. (a) The

0 (c) global structure. (b) The network structure within each re-

current block. (c) The feedforward network of the encoder

-4 E. Arrows indicate the direction of information flow. Ten-
0 100 200 300 400 sor dimensions are marked out in gray. In (b), W̃ can be a
i generic function. The symbol denotes matrix-vector mul-
tiplication. In (c), we use one hidden layer of 100 dimension,
FIG. 3: Typical samples of the RNN output density profiles with the ReLU activation. The decoder D has a similar feed-
in comparison with the target density profiles. Three different forward network in a revered structure as (c).
types of potential profiles are used: (a) a shallow and smooth
potential, (b) a deep but smooth potential, (c) a shallow but
rough potential. The model is only trained on a small window
indicated by the yellow shaded region. The trained RNN can
perform the potential-to-density mapping over a much larger physics are often marked by formulating physical phe-
range. nomena in term of differential equations, such as New-
ton’s law of motion, Maxwell’s equation of electromag-
netism, and the Schrödinger equation of quantum me-
chanics. The RNN provides a universal representation
collected from experiments in future applications, from of recurrent equations as discretized versions of the dif-
instance, the quantum gas microscope can detect density ferential equations, and therefore the update rules of its
of ultracold atoms nearly in their ground state in-situ in hidden state can be interpreted as machine’s understand-
the presence of different kind of potentials generated by ing of the physical laws.[30, 31] Hence, we not only need
optical speckles.[29] After minimizing the translator loss to find out the essential variables in the hidden states but
LRNN , the RNN can predict the density profile based on also need to determine the update rules of these essential
the potential profile. variables. Thus, we have to integrate the auto-encoder
We build the RNN with the Taylor expansion order into the RNN structure, which we called the RAE archi-
nW = 2 and the hidden state dimension up to d = 6. tecture.
We observe that the loss LRNN will drop significantly as The architecture of the RAE knowledge distiller is il-
long as d ≥ 3. Using the RNN model for the potential- lustrated in Fig. 4. The RAE distiller first encodes the
to-density mapping is physically grounded because it re- hidden state hi0 of the RNN translator at a given step i0
spects the translational symmetry of the physical law to the latent variable gi , and then tries to reconstruct the
that governs this mapping. As a result, an immediate ad- hidden states hi for subsequent steps (i ≥ i0 ) by evolving
vantage of the RNN is to gain spatial scalability, that is, and decoding the latent variable. The update equations
what has been learned over a small system can be readily are given by
generalized and applied to larger systems. For instance,
as shown in Fig. 3, the RNN is trained over a small win- gi0 = E(hi0 ),
dow from i = 5 to i = 55 (the initial 5 outputs are
gi = W̃ (Vi ) · gi−1 , (i = i0 + 1, i0 + 2, · · · ) (5)
excluded to reduce the sensitivity to initial conditions).
After training, the RNN can perform the potential-to- h0i = D(gi ), (i = i0 , i0 + 1, i0 + 2, · · · )
density mapping for a much larger system, from i = 0
to i = 400. Fig. 3 shows that the RNN output matches where E and D represent the encoder and decoder maps
nicely with the target density profile on the validation respectively. Here the RAE hidden state gi ∈ Rd is up-
set for different classes of potential profiles, either shal- dated by an linear transformation W̃ (Vi ) that will still
low or deep, and either smooth or rough. This result depend on the input potential sequence Vi , as illustrated
demonstrates the prediction power of the RNN model. in Fig. 4(b). The encoder and the decoder are imple-
The Knowledge Distiller. Historically, advances in mented by feedforward networks as shown in Fig. 4(c).

4  4 (b) 

(arbitary unit)
(a) d= d= 2
1 1 1
3 2 3 2 0
3 3

2 4 2 -1
-2 ρi gi,1 gi,2
1 1
0 100 200 300 400
0 0 i
0 100 200 300 400 0 50 100
steps steps FIG. 6: The RNN output density profile ρi and the RAE
hidden state gi = (gi,1 , gi,2 ) for a constant potential Vi = 1.
FIG. 5: (a) The RAE reconstruction loss LRAE v.s. the train- It shows that the periodicity of gi is twice of ρi .
ing steps for the quantum case. Different curves are for dif-
ferent RAE hidden state dimensions d. ˜ d˜ = 2 turns out to be
the minimal d˜ without sacrificing the reconstruction loss. (b)
The AE reconstruction loss LAE v.s. training steps for the the periodicity doubling and the relative phase shift.
classical thermal gas. The vanishing LAE implies that there Second, we open up the recurrent block of the RAE to
is no need to pass any variable along the sequence in this case. extract the update rules for gi , which is machine’s formu-
lation of the physical rules. The update rules
PnWare encoded
(n) n
in the transformation matrix W̃ (Vi ) = n=0 W̃ Vi ,
The RAE is trained to minimize the reconstruction loss which are parameterized by the Taylor expansion coeffi-
X cient matrices W̃ (n) . To connect this formulation to the
LRAE = (h0i − hi )2 . (6) Schrödinger equation we familiar with, we notice that
i∈window this mapping is invariant under a linear transformation
M ∈ GL(2, R) applied to all W̃ (n) . We find that it is al-
It is important that the RAE (knowledge distiller) hid-
ways possible to find a proper linear transformation that
den state gi has a smaller dimension d˜ compared to the
can simultaneously bring all W̃ (n) to the following form
dimension d of the RNN (translator) hidden state hi ,
therefore it can enforce an information bottleneck that
0.9993 0.1007 1 a
only allows the vital information to be passed down in M −1 W̃ (0) M = ≈ ,
0.0013 0.9987 0 1
gi . Furthermore, instead of using a single auto-encoder     (7)
0.0067 0.0004 0 0
to compress the hidden state at each step independently, M −1 W̃ (1) M = ≈ .
0.1001 0.0024 a 0
the RAE connects a series of decoders together by a re-
current neural network. This design is to ensure that the Here the numerical matrix elements are what we obtained
latent representation gi remains coherent among a series from a particular instance of the trained RAE. They can
of steps and contains the key variables that should be be associated to the lattice constant a to the leading order
passed down along the sequence. A similar RAE archi- given that a = 0.1, and we have also verified that they
tecture was proposed in Ref. 32 and recently redesigned scale correctly with a as proposed. The result in Eq. (7)
in Ref. 19 to enable AI scientific discovery on sequential points to the following difference equation
data. In this way, the RAE compresses the original RNN
to a more compact RNN capturing the most essential
gi+1,1 1 a gi,1
information and its induced update rules. = . (8)
gi+1,2 aV (x) 1 gi,2
As shown in Fig. 5(a), we find that the reconstruction
loss LRAE of the RAE increases dramatically only when If we interpret gi,1 as the quantum wave function ψ(xi )
its hidden state dimension d˜ is squeezed below two (i.e. and gi,2 as its first order derivative ∂x ψ(xi ), Eq. (8) corre-
d˜ < 2), implying that the key feature can be stored in sponds to a discrete version of the Schrödinger equation
a two-component real vector (i.e. d˜ = 2) in the most ∂x2 ψ(x) = V (x)ψ(x) as the particle energy was taken to
parsimonious manner, as gi = (gi,1 , gi,2 ). Here we show be zero.
that gi in fact represent the quantum wave function and Finally, as a consistency check, we train the same in-
its first order derivation. The evidences are two fold: trospective recurrent neural network on the potential and
First, we try to use the trained RNN to predict the density data of the high-temperature thermal gas follow-
density with a constant potential√ V , the result of which ing ρi ∝ e−βVi at a fixed inverse temperature β. In this
should be cos2 (kxi ) with k = −V being the momen- case, we can even reduce the RAE to an auto-encoder
tum. Indeed it is the case as shown in Fig. 6. If gi,1 and (AE) without sacrificing the reconstruction loss LAE . As
gi,2 are the wave function and its derivative, it should shown in Fig. 5(b), the LAE remains vanishing for any d, ˜
be cos(kxi ) and sin(kxi ), respectively, whose periods are implying that there is no need to pass any variable along
twice of the period of ρi with phases shifted by π/2 rela- the sequence and hence the Schödinger equation will not
tive to each other. As shown in Fig. 6, gi indeed displays emerge for thermal gas.

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Trackable Limit of RNN Translator However, what is the minimum hidden state dimension
d (in terms of real variables) for the RNN to function well
The RNN translator may not be able to formulate in the potential-to-density mapping? Can the RNN dis-
physical laws in the most parsimonious language. The cover that the quantum wave function ψ(x) could provide
hidden state of the RNN may contain redundant infor- a more parsimonious description, which only requires two
mation. In fact, there is an analytically tractable limit real variables Re ψ(x) and Im ψ(x) to parameterize? To
where we can explicitly demonstrate this possibility. For answer these questions, we train the RNN translator un-
example, the RNN may tried to capture the differen- der different hidden state dimensions d. As shown in
tial equation for the density profile directly, instead of Fig. 7, we observe that the loss LRNN only drop signifi-
that for the quantum wave function. To simplify the cantly if d ≥ 3, implying that the RNN was unable to
analysis, let us take ~2 /(2ma2 ) as our energy unit and realize the more efficient (d = 2) wave function descrip-
define the potential energy with respect to the single- tion. For the d = 3 case, as we read out the hidden
particle energy level, then the Schrödinger equation for states hi at each step, we found that they indeed cor-
the BEC wave function ψ(x) takes a rather simple form respond to the vector [ρ(xi ), η(xi ), ξ(xi )]| up to specific
of ∂x2 ψ(x) = V (x)ψ(x). However, in terms of the density linear transformation (depending on the random initial-
profile ρ(x) = |ψ(x)|2 , the Schrödinger equation implies ization of the model parameters), confirming that the
     RNN indeed works like the base model Eq. (10). From
ρ(x) 0 2 0 ρ(x) this example, we see that the RNN could develop legiti-
∂x η(x) = V (x) 0 1 η(x) , (9) mate and predictive rules of physics, such as Eq. (9), from
ξ(x) 0 2V (x) 0 ξ(x) the observation data. It tends to work directly with the
variables present in the observation data to get the job
where η(x) = Re ψ ∗ (x)∂x ψ(x) and ξ(x) = |∂x ψ(x)|2 are done. Sometimes the rules it found can work well enough
two other real profiles that combine with ρ(x) to form that the RNN may not have the motivation to develop
a system of linear differential equations. The recurrent higher-level concepts like quantum wave functions.
rule for such a system lies within the description power
of our RNN architecture. If the RNN choose to identify
its hidden state as hi = [ρ(xi ), η(xi ), ξ(xi )]| , the follow- Method
ing parameters will allow it to model Eq. (9) with good
accuracy to the first order in a: In this section, we elaborate on the details of our train-
      ing process. For the RNN based on Taylor expansion, we
1 2a 0 0 0 0 1 cut off the expansion at power nW = 2, and consider the
W (0) = 0 1 a , W (1) = a 0 0 , p = 0 . (10) hidden space dimension d from 1 to 6. Taking d = 6
0 0 1 0 2a 0 0 as an example, the initial h0 = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) and the
vector p = (p1 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) without loss of generality, the
This theoretical construction at least provides us a base
parameter p1 is set to be 1 initially. We initialize the
RNN that demonstrates why the proposed architecture
coefficient matrices W (n) to
in Eq. (2) could work in principle. The performance can 1
be further improved by relaxing the parameters from this 0.01
W (0) = 1d×d + randnd×d , (for n = 0)
idea limit or by enlarging the hidden state dimension d. d (11)
0.5 W (n) = randnd×d , (for n > 0)
0.4 d=
1 where 1d×d stands for the d × d dimensional identity ma-

2 trix and randnd×d stands for the d×d dimensional random

0.2 3 matrix whose elements follow independent Gaussian dis-
0.1 5 tributions (with unit variance and zero mean). The train-
6 ing method we use is ADAM method with learning rate
0.0 0.0002, the mini-batch size is 5. The training window is
0 100 200 300 400 500
steps from i = 5 to i = 55.
For the RAE network, the encoder is a feedforward
FIG. 7: The RNN translator loss LRNN (on the test data set) network of d = 6 → 100 → ramp → d˜ structure and
v.s. the training steps, for different hidden state dimensions the decoder is also a feedforward network of d˜ → 100 →
d = 1, 2, · · · , 6. The RNN is only able to master the potential- ramp → d = 6 structure. The training method we use is
to-density mapping for d ≥ 3. ADAM method with learning rate 0.001, the mini-batch
size is 5. The training window is from i = 5 to i = 60.

Data Acquisition In summary, each data is generated in following steps:

The data for training RNN are generated by solving

the “simplified” Schrödinger equation in 1d 1. Set V1 = −1 and the rest Vi = −2 ∗ rand − R.
Where rand is a random number uniformly dis-
V (x)ψ(x) = ∂x2 ψ(x). (12) tributed in [0, 1] for each Vi , and R is a random
number uniformly distributed in [0, 1] which is the
x labels the position in 1D. The potential begins at x = 0 same for each sequence. We use R to randomly
and V (xi ) = Vi for xi ≡ ia√where a = 0.1 is a short range shift the energy scale for each data.
cut-off. We define ki = −Vi , then the wave function
should take the form of ψ(x) = Ai sin(ki x) + Bi cos(ki x)
for xi ≤ x < xi+1 . Matching the wave function and its
derivative will give the relations, 2. Make the potential Vi more smooth by performing
a flatten operation, Vi+1 = 0.5 ∗ (Vi + Vi+1 ), for q
ki+1 Ai+1 =Ai (ki+1 sin(ki xi ) sin(ki+1 xi )
times, where q is a random integer between 1 and
+ ki cos(ki xi ) cos(ki+1 xi )) 20.
+ Bi (ki+1 cos(ki xi ) sin(ki+1 xi )
− ki sin(ki xi ) cos(ki+1 xi ))

3. Get the density sequence ρi for this potential by

ki+1 Bi+1 =Bi (ki sin(ki xi ) sin(ki+1 xi ) solving Eq.13, Eq.14 and using Eq.15.
+ ki+1 cos(ki xi ) cos(ki+1 xi ))
+ Ai (ki+1 sin(ki xi ) cos(ki+1 xi )
− ki cos(ki xi ) sin(ki+1 xi )) In practice, we collect 15000 data, 10000 of them used
for training and 5000 of them are used for validation.
With these relations, we can solve all the Ai , Bi starting
from a fixed initial condition A0 = 1, B0 = 1, hence we While the potential data for RAE are generated in the
can construct the wave function ψ(x). Finally the density same way as for RNN, and the hidden state hi are col-
at xi is given by lected by evolving the trained RNN. We collect 15000
data, 10000 of them are used for training and 5000 of
ρi = ψ(xi )2 . (15) them are used for the validation.

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