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Into town

 Il y a – Hay...

Affirmative Negative Interrogative + object Translation

There is There isn’t Is there…? + singular
Eg: There is a Il y a
Il n’y a pas
There are There aren’t Are there…? + plural Y a-t-il ?
Eg: There are

 Some/any
 Affirmative
There are some shops in the city centre. Il y a quelques magasins dans le
centre ville.

X Negative
There aren’t any shops in the suburb. Il n’y a aucun magasin dans la
Il n’y a pas de magasin dans la banlieue.
? Interrogative
Are there some shops in the city centre ? Y a-t-il des magasins dans le
centre ville ?
Are there any shops in the city centre ?

 Articles : a / an : un/une

Un - une Des
a + consonant : a building ___ buildings.
There is a building. There are buildings.
an + vowell : an office Some buildings.
There is an office. There are some buildings
Rappellez-vous il n’y a pas de genre (masculin-
féminin en anglais)

- VERY (très)
This is a very modern building.
- MANY , A LOT OF (beaucoup de)
There are many buildings here. There are a lot of buildings.
Adjectives :
Amazing Modern
Clean Noisy
Dangerous Old
Dirty Pretty
Enormous Quiet
Exciting Safe
Fantastic Town
Friendly Train
Incredible Train station
Large Transport

Places in town :
Art gallery Library
Building Lift
Bus Office
Bus station Park
Café Restaurant
Car park River
Cinema School
City Shopping centre
City centre Shop
Factory Skyscraper
Flat Stairs
Floor Supermarket
Gym Tiny
Hospital Ugly
Hotel Unfriendly

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