Patrick Ogiony Plea Agreement

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The defentlant, PATRICK OGIONY, and the Uoited States Attomey for the Westem

District of New York (hereinafter 'the govemment") hereby eater into a plea agreement with

the terrns and conditions as set out below.


1. The defendant agrees to waive indictment and plead guilty to a one count

Superseding Information which charges a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sectioo

371 [Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud] for which the maximum possible sentence is a term

of imprisonment of5 years, a fine of$250,000, a mandatory $100 special assessment, and a

term of supervised release ofup to 3 years. The defendant understands that the penalties set

forth in this paragraph are the maximum penalties that can be imposed by the Court at

2. The defendant undentands that, if it is determined that the defendant has

violated any ofthe temrs or conditions of supervised release, the defendant may be required

to serve in prison all or part ofthe term ofsupervised release, up to 2 yea$, $'ithout credit for

time previously served on supervised release. As a consequence, in the event the defendant

is sentenced to the maximum term of incarceration, a prison term imposed for a violation of

supervised release may result in the defendant serving a sentence of imprisonment longer than

the statutory maximum set forth in !r 1 of this agleement.


3. The defendant understands the nature of the offense set forth in t I of this
agreement and understands that if this case proceeded to trial, the Sovernment would be

required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the following elements of the crime:

a. First, that two or moie persolB, in some way or manner, entered into
an unlawful agreement to commit an offense against the United States,
as charged in the Superseding Indictrnent, to wit: knowingly executing
a scheme or arti.Ece to deftaud a financial institution;

b. Second, that the defendant was a party to or a member of that


c. Third, that the defendant joined the agreement or conspirary knowing

of its objective to commit an offense against the United States and
intending to join together with at least one other alleged conspirator to
achieve that objective; that is, that defendant the defendant and at least
one other alleged coconspirator shared a unity ofpurpose and intent to
achieve a common goal or objective to commit an offense against the
United States;

d. Fourth, that at some time during the existence of the agreement or

conspirary, at least one of the members of the conspiracy committed at
least one overt act in order to further the objective ofthe agreement.

e That the ovet act was committed to further some object of the


4. The defendant and the govemment agree to the followinS facts, which form the

basis for the entry ofthe plea ofguilty including relevant conduct:

a Beginning in or before March 20l l and continuing to in or about June

2017, trc defendant, PATRICK OGIONY, FRANK GIACOBBE,
KEVIN MORGAN, TODD MORGAN, and others, in the Westem
Distrie of New York and elsewhere, conspired to defraud financial
institutions, to include Evans Bank, N.A., IJBS Securities LLC, M&T
Bank, Arbor Conrmercial Mortgage LLC, SteepRock Capital, LLC, and
Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC, and to obtain money from
financial institutions by means of false and fraudulent pretenses aod
representations by means including the use of wire communications in
interstate in violation of Titlel S. United States Code, Section l3zl4.
c#e-Qffist7 p-*
b During the relevant ffiod, PATRICK OGIONY was employed by
Aurora Capital Advisors, LLC ("Aurora"), a mortgaSe brokerage
company owned and opqated by FRANK GIACOBBE. Through
Aurora, PATRICK OGIONY brokered mortgage loans on behalf of
Morgan Management, LLC ("Morgan Management"), a real estate
rnanagement company that managed over 100 multi-family properties.
During the relevant period, IGYIN MORGAN was employed as a Vice
President at Molgan Management and TODD MORGAN was
employed as a Project Manager

c PATRICK OGIONY, the co-conspiators, and others provided false

information to financial institutions and government sponsored
enterprises that ove$tated incomes of properties managed by Morgan
Management or ce ain principals of Morgan Management. The false
information induced financial institutions to issue loans: (1) for greater
values than the financial ilstirutions would have authorized had they
been provided with truthful information; and (2) that the financial
institutions would not have issued at the time ofissuance had they beea
provided with ruthful information.

d. PATRICK OGIONY, the co-conspirators, and othem employed

various mechanisms to mislead 6nancial institutions regarding the
properties' occupancy, an important metric that app,raisen and financial
institutions use to value multi-family propedies. For example,
OGIONY: (1) provided false reat rolls to lenden and appraisers on a
variety of dates, overstating either the number of renters in a property,
the rent paid by occupants; (2) provided or conspired to provi& false
and inflated income statements for the properties; and (3) worked with
others to deceive inspectors into believing that unoccupied apartments

were, in fact, occupied. ln one such instance, OGIONY and the co-
conspirators provided false information to Berkadia Commercial
Mortgage, LLC, in conaection with The Rochester Village Apartuents
at Park Place ("Rochester Village"), a multi-family residential
apartrnent owned by Morgan Management principals. The information
included falsely inflated income from storage unit rentals, false repots
of rental income, and falsely reporting apartment units as occupied
before certificates of occupancy were obtained for those units.

PATRICK OGIONY, the co<onsptators, and others made

misrepresentations and engaged in condud desigred to conceal from
the lending financial irstitutions that the defendant and otherco-
conspirators were obtaining cash ftom the loan proceeds which cash
was not used to purchase or maintain the premises. PATRICK
OGIONY, the co-conspirators, and others did so by, at times, providing
false documentation of obligations purportedly associated with the
Eoperties, and by misrepresenting the actual purchase prices of

f. The above facts are set forth for the limited purpose of complying with
Rule l1(bX3) and are not intended to sewe rui a complete statement of
the defendant's criminal condua.


5. The defendant undentands that the Court must consider but is uot bound by

the Sentencing Guidelines (Sentencing Reform Act of 1984).


6. The govemment and the defendant agree that Guidelines $$ 2X1.1(a) and

281.1(a)(2) apply to the offense of conviction and provide for a base offense level of6.


7. The govemment and the defendant agree that the following specific offense

draracteristics do apply:

a. the 2 level increase pursuant to Guidelines $ 2Bl.l(b)(2) (offense

involved morc than 10 victims); and

b. the 2 level increase pursuant to Guidelines $ 2B1.1(b)(10) (otrense I

involved sophisticated means). I

8. The goveflrment maintaias that the followhg specific offense c]raracteristic

does apply:

a. 0 2Bl.lO[l[K): the total loss (induding relevant conduct) was in

excess of$9,500,000, and thus there is a 20 ofense levet increase;

The defendant specifically reserves the right to argue at the time of sentencing that a lower

loss amount applies.


9. The govemment and the defendant agree that the following adjustrnent to the

base offeose level does apply:

a. The 2 level downward adjustrnent of Guidelines $ 3Bl .2(b) (minor role

in offense).


10. Based on the foregoing, it is the understanding of the govemment and the
defetrdant that ifthe Court dete'rmines that Guidelines Section 2Bl.l(b{l{K) does appty, the

adjusted offense level for the offense of conviction is 28.


1 1. At sentencing, the govemneot agtees not to oppose the recoflrmendation that

the Court apply the two (2) level downward adjustment of Guidelines $ 3El'1(a) (acceptance

of responsibility) and further agrees to move the Court to apply the additional one (1) level

downward adjustrnent of Guidelines $ 3E I . I (b), which would result in a total offense level of

25 if Guidelines Section 2Bl.l@)(l[K) does apply.


12. It is the undetstanding of the govemment and the defendant that the
defendant's criminal history category is I. The defendant understands that ifthe defendant is

sentenccd for, or convicted of, any other charges prior to sentencing in this action the

defendant's criminal history category may incease. The defendant undertands that the

defendant has no right to withdraw the plea of guilty based on the Court's determination of

the defendant's criminal history category.


13. It is the understanding of the govemment and the defendant that, if the Court

determines that Guidelines Seaion 2B1.l(b)(l[K) does apply, with a total offense level of 25

and a criminal history category of I, and taking into account the statutory maximum penalties,

the defendant's sentencing range would be a term of imprisonment of57 to 71 months, a fine

of $20,000 to $200,000, and a period of supervised release of I to 3 yea$. Notwithstanding I

this, the defendant undenta[ds that at sentencing the defendant is subjed to the maximum

penalties set forth in J I of this agreement. I


14. (a) The govemment and the defendant agtree to the correctness of the

calculations of the Sentencing Guidelines range set forth above. The defendant, however,

reserves the right to recommend a sentence outside the Sentencing Guidelines range. This

paragraph resewes the right to the defendant to bring to the attention of the Court all

information deemed relevant to a determination of the proper sentence in this action.

(b) The defendant further reserves the right to contest the loss amount at

sentencing which, should the defendant be successful, would potentially reduce the

defendant's sentencing range.

15. The defendant understan& that the Court is not bound to accept any

Sentencing Guidelines calculations recommended by either party and the defendant will not

be entitted to withdraw the plea of guilty based on the sentence imposed by the Coun.


16. In the event the defendant's plea ofgpilty is withdrawn, or conviction vacated,

either pre- or post-seltence, by way of appeal, motion, post{onviction proceeding, collateral

attack or otherwise, the defendant agrces that any charges dismissed pursuant to this

agreement shall be automatically reinstated upon motion of the govemment and further

agrees not to assert the statute oflimitations as a defense to any federal criminal offense which

is not time barred as of the date of this agleement. This waiver shall be effective for a period

of six months following the date upon which the withdrawal of the guilty plea or vacating of

the conviction becomes final.


17. The defendant undestands that the Bovemment has resewed the right to:

a provide to the Probation Office and the Court all the information and
evidence in is possession that the government deems relevant
concerning the defeadant's background, character and involvement in
the offense charged, the circumstances surrounding the charge and the
defendant's criminal history;

b. respond at sentencing to any statements made by the defendant or on

the defendant's behalf that are inconsistent with the infomntion and
evideace available to the govemment;

c advocate for a specific senteoce consistent with the terms of this

agreement including the amount of a fine and the method of payment;

d. modiS its position with rcsp€ct to any sentencing recommendation or

seutencing factor under the Gui&lines including criminal history
category, in the evetrt that subsequent to this agreement the govemment
receives previously unlcnown information, induding conduct and
$atements by the defendant subsequent to this agreement, regarding the
recommendation or factor; and

e oppose any application for a downward departure and/or sentence

oubide the Guidelines range made by the defendant.

18. At sentencing, the govemment will move to dismiss the Indictrnent in this

action as against the defendant.


19. The defendant undentands, and the parties agree, that the Court must requte

restitution to the victim financial instiotions referenced in'll 4, in the amounts of the loans

issued as a result of the scheme to defraud described m patagrapb 4, less any amount the

financial institutions recovered from the sale of the propenies that served as collateral for the

subject loans or, if the property has not been sold at the time of sentencing, the market value

of the propelty at the rime of the defendant's guilty plea, as part of the sentence pursuant to

Sentencing Guidelines $ 581.1 and Titte 18, United States Code, Section 3663A. The

defendant understands that defendant will not b€ entitled to with&aw the plea ofguilty based

upon any restitution amount ordered by the Court.

20. The defendant agrees to disclose fully and completely all assets in which the

defendant either has any property interest or over which the defendant exercises control,

directly or indnectly, including those held by a spouse, nominee or other third party. The

defendant agrees to make complete financial disclosure to the United States by truthfufly

executing a swom financial statement by the &adline set by the United States, or if no

deadline is set, no later than two weeks prior to the date of serrtencing. The defendant agrees

to authorize the release ofall financial information requested by the United States, including,

but not limited to, executing authorization forms for the United States to obtain tax

information, bank account records, credit history, and social security information. The

defen&nt agrees to discuss or answa any questions by the United States relating to the

defendant's complete financial disclosure. The defendant will submit to an examination

under oath andlor a polygraph examination conducted by an examiner selected by the U.S.

Attomey's Office on the issue of the defendant's fuanciat disclosures and asseB, if deemed

necessary by the U.S. Attomey's Office. The defendant certifies that the defendant has made

no transfer of asses in coaternplation of this prosecution for the purpose of evading or

defeating financial obligations that are created by the agreement andlor that may be imposed

upon the defendant by the Court. In addition, the defendant promises that the &fendant will

make no such transfers in the future.

21. The defendant agrees that any financial records and information provided by

the defendant to the Probation Ofhce, before or after sentencing, may be dirclosed to the

United States Attomey's Office for use in the collection of any unpaid finaocial obligation.

22. The defendant undersands and agrees that the Court, at the time ofsenteacing,

will order that all monetary penalties imposed at that time (induding any fine, restitution, or

special assessment imposed in accordane with the temrs and conditions of this plea

agreemefi) are to be due aud payable in full immediately and subject to immediate

enforcement by the United States. The dffendant understands and acknowledges that any

schedule of paymena imposed by the Court at the time of sentencing is merely a minimum

schedule of paymenb and does not, in any way, Iimit those methods available to the United

States to enforce the judgment.

23. The defendant agrees that any funds and asses in u'hich the defeldant has an

interest, which have been seized or restrained by the govemment or law enforcement iut part

ofthe investigation underlying this plea agreernent, and uot subject to forfeiture, will be used

to offset any judgment of restitution and fine imposed pursuart to this plea agrcemeot, or to

satisry any debts owed by the defendant to the United States andlor agencies thereof.

24. To the extent that the defendant has an interest, the defendant authorizes the

District Court Clerk to release any funds posted as security for the defendant's app€arance

bond in this case, which funds shall be applied to satisry the financial obligation(s) of the

defendant pursuant to the judgrnent of the Court.


25. The defeadant understands that Title 18, United States Code, Section 3742

affords a defendant a limited right to app€al the sentence imposed. The defendant, however,

knowingly waives the right to appeal and collaterally attack any component of a sentence

imposed by the Court which falls within or is less than the sentencing range for imprisonment,

a fine and supervised rclease set forth in Section Itr, tl 13, above, nonrithstanditrg the manner

in which the Court d€temines the sentence. In the event of an appeal of the defendant's

sentence by the govenulent, the defeadant reserres the right to argue the correctness of the

defendands sentence.

26. The defendant understands that by agreeing not to collaterally attack the

sentenc€, the defendant is waiving the right to challenge the sentence in the event that in the

future the defendant becomes aware ofpreviously unknown facts or a change in the law which

the defendant believes would justift a decrease in the defendant's sentence.

27. The government waives its right to appeal any component of a sentence

imposed by the Court which falls within or is gleater than the sentencing range for
imprisonment, a fine and supervised release set fortb in Section III, J 13, above,

notwithstanding the manner in which the Court determines the sentencre. However, in the

event ofan appeal from the defendant's sentence by the defendant, the govemment reserves

its right to argue the correctness ofthe defendant's sentence.



28. The defendant will cooperate with the govemment by providing complete and

truthful information regarding the defendant's knowledge of any and dl criminal activity,

whether undertakea by the defendant or others, in any way involving or related to bank fraud,

mail fraud, or wire fraud. The defendant's cooperation shall also include submitting to

interviews by govemment attomeys and agents, as well as testifuing truthfully and completely

before grand juries and at such other proctedings as the govemment shdl deem necessary,

including, but not limited to pre-trial hearings, trials, sentencing hearings and forfeiture


29. The defendant's cooperation shall also be provided to any local, state or federal

authorities designated by the government and who have agreed to abide by the terms of the

"Cooperation" section of this agreement. The &fendant's obligation to testi$ truthfully and

completely shall extend to proceedings in local, state and federal courts in jurisdictions which

have agreed to abide by this agreement.

30. In exchange for the defendant's plea of guilty and cooperation as set forth in

this agreement, the defen&nt will not be prosecuted by the Office of the United States

Attomey for the Westem District of New York for any other federal criminal offenses

committed in the Westem Disuict of New York in any way involving or related to bank fraud,

mail fraud, or wire fraud, committed up to the date of this agreement and about which the

defendant provides complete and truthful information.

3 I . Further, no testimony, statemenB or tangible objects provided by the defendant

in compliance with this agreement (or any information directly or indirectly derived

therefrom) will be used against the defendant in any criminal case' except a prcsecution for

perjury or making false statements.

32. Upon condition that the defendant has fully complied with all terms and

co4ditions of this agreement, should the govemmelt d€termine that the defendant has

provided substantial assistanc€ in the investigation or proseotion ofother persons who have

committed ofenses, the govetnment will move the Coult at seltencing to d€Palt downward

from the Guidelines at least 7 levels from Otal offense 25 as provfuled for in Guidelines

$ 5K1.1, whid if granted by the Court, would result in a total offense level of 18 and

sentencing range for imprisonment of 27 to 33 months . The defendant undentands that the

decision to make such a motion is within the sole discretion of the govemment and that the

decision to gfant such a motion, and the extent ofany downward departgre, arc matters solely

within the discretion of the Court.

33. This agreement does not preclude the prosecution ofthe defendant for perjury

or 6aking false statements in the event the defendant testifies falsely or provides false

information to the govemment. This agreement is not contingent upon the filing of charges

against, the retum ofan Indictrnent against, or the successful prosecution of, any person or


34. It is a condition of this agreement that, up through the date of the tlefendant's

sentencing, the defendant shall commit no funher crimes. It is also a condition of thiq

agreement that the defendant must, at all times, give complete, truthful and accurate

information and testimony and not withhold information ftom the govemment or refuse to

testi& truthflrlly and completely. Should the defeadant be sentenced prior to the completion

of the defendant's cooperation with the government, the defendart's obligation to comply

with the cooperatiou provisions of this ag€ement extends past sentencing.

35. In the event tle government believes the defendant has violated any of the

conditions of the "Cooperation" section of this agreement, the govemment, in addition to its

other rigbts as set forth in the "Cooperation" section ofthis agreement, reserves the righc (a)

to modiry any tecommendation the govemment agreed to make in a motion pursuant to

Guidelines ! 5K1.1 andlor Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(e); and (b) to petition

the Court, before or after sentencing, for an order declaring that the defendant has breached

the "Cooperation" section and relieving the govemment of its obligations under this section.

36. In the event the goveflrmert petitions the Court to declare that the defendant

has breached the "Cooperation" section ofthis agreement, whether the defendant has violated

any of the conditions ofthe "Cooperation" section shall be determined by the Court in an

appropriate proceeding at which any disclosures and documents provided by the defendant

shall be admissible and at which the government shall be required to establish any violation

by a preponderance ofthe evidence. ln order to establish any violation by the defendant, the

govemment is entitled to rely ou statements and inforrnation given by the defendant Pusuant

to this agreement

37. If the "Cooperation" section of this agreement is dedared breached by the


a the defendant shall thereafter be subject to prosecution for any federal

criminal violations of which the govemment has lnowledge' induding
but not Iimited to, perjury and obsuuction ofjustice;

b the govemment may wirhdraw any motion filed pu$uant to S€ntencing

Guidetines 05K1.1, Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(e)
andlor Rule 35(b);

c the defendant has no right to withdraw the plea ofguilty;

d. the defendant shall waive all rights under Fed. R. Crim. P. ll(D' Fed.
R. Evid. 410 and Sentencing Guidelines $ 181.8 and the defeadant
expressly agrees that all statemenB, testimony and tangible objects
provided by the defendant (with the exception of statements ma& ir
open court during guilty plea proceedings), whether prior or subsequent
to this agreement, can be used directly and indtectly in any and all
criminal proceedings against the defendant; and

e. the defendant agrees that any charges that were dismissed pursuant to
this agreement shall be automatically reinstated upon motion of the
government. Furthermore, the defen&nt agrees not to asseat the statute
of limitations as a defense to any federal criminal offense which is not
time barred as of the date of this agreement. This waiver shall be
effective for a period of six months following the date upon which the
Coun's order declaring the agteement breached by the defendant
becomes final.

38. At the time of sentencing, the govemment will make the nature and extent of

the defendant's compliance q,ith this agreement known to the Court. The govemment and
the defendant will rcquest that sentencing be adjourned until full satisfaction by the defendant I

ofthe terrns ofthis agreement. In the event the defendant is sentenced prior to the completion

of the defendant's cooperation with the govemment, the government resenres the right to

modiff any recommeadation to be mad€ by the government at sentencing Pu$uant to

Guidelines ! 5Kl.l andlor Title 18, United States Code, Sectior 3553(e).

39. The defendant's attomey is permitted to be presetrt at any time the defen&ot is

questioned or interviewed by govemment agens regarding the matters set forth in this



40. Thb plea agreement represents the total agreement between the deftndant,

PATRICK OGIONY, and the govemment. There are no promises made by anyone other

than those contained in this agreement. This agreement supersedes any other psior

agreements, written or oral, entered into between the govemment and the defendant.


United States Attomey
Western Distrio of New York

BY 0ua:ku
Assistant United States AEomey

Dated: March/5 ,2019

I have read this agreement, which consists of 17 pages. I have had a full opportunlty

to discuss this agreement with my attomey, JOSEPH M. LATONA, Esq. I agree that it

represents the total agreement reached between myself and the govemment. No promises or

representations have been made to me other than what is contained in this agtement. I
understand all ofthe consequeaces ofmy plea ofguilty. I fully agree with the contents ofthis

I am sigring this agreement voluntarily and of my own free will.

I ',l
; / (. (-,.' 2
Defeildant I Attorney for the Defendant

Dated: March lr 2019 D"t d, M*.hfi2o19


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